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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki found the glass didn't seem to be super strong in this spot, and actually already had a small crack in it. Enough force, and it fell away, turning out to be more plastic than actual glass. There was now nothing in her path to Ashley, save the few feet to actually get by her side. By now though, Ashley had gone limp, not moving at all.

Henry half shrugged.

"That's why we're here. We do what we can to protect both humans and abnormals from each other. Maybe some day the world will find out, but right now ... Probably not such a hot idea. So um ... to the shoe next?"

Will's expression changed to shock at the mention of Stallers.

"What? Stallers was ... never mind, Biggie get a ..."

Before he even finished his sentence, the Yeti returned with a gurney, and gently took Miranda's prone form from Abby's arms. He then gently placed her down on the gurney, pausing to sniff the air twice. When he spoke, the words might startle Abby.

"She's lost a lot of blood, scent is still strong though so she should live. Bullet is still inside of her though, needs to be removed. I'll handle it."

He wheeled her out quickly, vanishing and leaving Abby alone with Will.

Will just shrugged at Abby and then spoke.

"Alright, what the hell happened out there?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Alright. Well, I went off with Mikki and Miranda and we met up with Snarly. They mentioned a woman named Stallers with the Cabal who Miranda seemed to really hate and said we should kill if we got the chance. We got into the facility but ran into a chopper, which I think this Stallers woman was on. Then Miranda got shot, the chopper got away, Mikki and Snarls went after Ashley while I brought Miranda here, and here I am. Oh and everyone crushed their phones to avoid being detected, so we might not be able to contact them."

"Sure, lead on."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Soon enough Henry had taken Alec to a large area overlooking an even larger 'ring' of abnormal living arrangements.

"Not sure why doc decided to call the place the shoe but yeah uh ... any abnormal that is known to be a serious danger to humans or other abnormals gets kept here. There are definitely a few including ..."

He was cut off by a bird like screech, and as Alec looked down he saw that in one of the 'pens' was a winged creature that looked a lot like a Pteranodon.

"him," Henry finished.

Will tried hard not to laugh at Abby's nickname for their resident ghoul, and decided he had to remember that one. His tone took a more serious note at the mention of Stallers, and the series of events leading up to now.

"So they still haven't found Ashley? Damn, though with Stallers here it suggests they KNEW she was going to be in the area. She doesn't leave Cabal Central unless she absolutely has to. I don't like where this is going, not one bit. I also don't like the fact she got here under our noses without us knowing, or the fact the base sounds a lot bigger than what we first heard about. If you could have killed Stallers though ... damn."

He trailed off for a bit, digesting the information she had given him.

"We have no way of knowing if they are still there or on the way back now then either. Damn."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki hit the same spot a few more times until she broke through, then gripped the rough edges and simply tore herself a hole, gathering a few minor cuts in the process, which were already sealing over as she stepped through and reached for Ashley.

"Ashlee, can you 'ear 'ee? S'okay, you're ssa'e..." She reassured the unconscious woman in her most soothing voice, working the straps gingerly to avoid catching the woman they held on one of her own sharp nails.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As Mikki carefully cut the straps, she noticed bruising on a good portion of Ashley's body, particularly around her wrists where perhaps she had struggled to get free?

Ashley seemed to be out cold, and didn't respond at all to Mikki's presence. However she was still alive, her breathing clearly indicated that.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki made a low grumbling sound as she continued to treat Ashley with care, drawing the bruised and battered woman close the herself and curling around her slightly, protecting her. Once Ashley was secure, she turned around again and looked at the mess Przemek had made of the man. She was going to ask for him to take his shirt for Ashley, but that seemed like a bad idea. Still...

"Gingie your sshirt, Ashlee needs it." She told the ghoul, her need to defend the woman overriding her fear of the predator, as she stood firm once his attention drifted over to them.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul ignored Mikki's call. Simply cutting the man didn't help him calm down that much, and the laughter only made things worse. Snarling and cursing, he viciously clawed at his victim, tearing flash, slamming him against the ground, pounding his face with fists. He continued like that for a few minutes until he was absolutely sure the guy was reduced to nothing more than ground meat. Afterwards he stood up, covered in blood, breathing heavily, with a haunted look in his eyes, gathering his bearings as sanity slowly returned. Once he realized that all hostile life in the area had been destroyed, Przemek slowly turned to face the other abnormal and Ashley, still a little out of it, but no longer homicidally unstable. "Huh?" His eyes locked on the naked girl, and he realized what the problem was. Wordlessly, he took off his jacket, stained with blood as it was, and threw it at the pair.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki had sat back and waited when he didn't respond, the only answer to his question was dropping her gaze to the unconscious woman and back to him again. She was unprepared to catch the thrown jacket, but scooped it off the ground and wrapped it around Ashley, still holding her protectively. "I need to take her 'ack. Sshe needss 'elp." She said slowly, and very decisively.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Glancing one last time at the mauled corpse, the ghoul nodded. "Right. Back to base." He seemed to be slowly going back to his usual self, though it also meant that his bad mood was returning as well if the scowl on his face was any indication. "Follow me." Przemek peeked out of the room, checking the corridor for any enemies before moving out. Taking point, he carefully scanned the area for any signs of hostile activity, retracing his steps back to the entrance to the facility.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

They encountered no signs of hostile life on the way back, in fact the place seemed completely deserted. Though the nagging question was, if the place was set to blow up, why the hell weren't there any internal alarms? From the intel they had, all Cabal facilities had them, but this one's alarms weren't on.

Regardless, they had made it to the underground tunnel system when Ashley decided her nap time was over. With a sudden move, she flipped out of Mikki's carry, landed on her feet and was in mid motion to connect a viscious kick into Przemek's head when it suddenly dawned on her who she was about to attack. The kick never landed, rather she moved it to avoid him, albeit by only a few inches. A look of surprise came over her face as she stared at them, blinking.

"Przemek, Mikki? What the hell ... um ... where the fuck are my clothes?"

The last part coming as she registered the fact she was wearing nothing but the ghoul's jacket. While she still didn't seem at a hundred percent, the 'spunk' and fire the ghoul was used to seeing from her was definitely on the way back in.

((Going on they'd go for the tunnels rather than try to take her home on the surface with her basically nude. Also speeding it up a bit :p))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

By then, Przemek was back to his usual grumpy self, still itching for a fight. Considering who Ashley was left with and the fact that she was naked, he had every reason to suspect that something bad had happened. The lack of alarm was also troubling, along with the total silence and lack of life. Had they taken literally everything with them? Or was it something else? These questions bothered him even in the tunnels leading to the Sanctuary. His musings, however, were interrupted when Ashley woke up, and in a dramatic fashion no less. Moving to dodge the kick and instinctively preparing himself to retaliate, he turned to face the suddenly active girl, stopping only when he noticed that she seemed to realize what kind of situation she was in. "Long story short. Cabal got you, Mikki, Miranda, a newbie and I went to get you back. Found out that Stallers was here, Miranda got shot and sent back to Sanctuary. The two of us continued looking and found you being tortured by some sicko. I pulped the bastard while Mikki pulled you out. Right now we're going home. Cabal seems to have bailed out of the area - their base is completely empty."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Okay. Here is a dinosaur." Alec looked around in awe at the many abnormals in the shoe.

"I could run back and find out what's going on. I'll be faster now that I'm not carrying anyone, and I don't think there's much else I can be doing."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

About the time Abby finished her sentence, a male voice cut in.

"Carrying what now? Care to fill me in?"

The voice belonged to John, who had just walked in with a rather depressed looking Helen, Tesla who was ... well, Tesla, and an equally shocked looking Clara. There was no sign of Watson at all.

Will quickly filled the others in on things, and both Helen and John looked about ready to break something. When he brought up Abby's suggestion about going back as a backup, John nodded.

"What's near it that I might recognize? School, busyard, trainyard, anything I can use as a point of reference.

While that was being asked of Abby, Will turned to Helen and Clara and asked the question he half knew the answer to already.

"Where's Sherlock?"

It was Helen who replied to him, with a tone of saddness in her voice.

"His suit ... he knew it wasn't going to last much longer. He came even though he knew he might not survive it in order to help us one last time. He's gone Will, the suit was the only thing keeping him alive all these years."

Clara said nothing, however she did come up and stand next to Will, semi clinging to him.

Henry nodded.

"Yeah, there's quite a few of them around actually. Pretty rare to see one though surprisingly. They prefer to be left alone but man, you step into territory they own, they're really protective of it. Bulletproof too, haven't found any bullet based weapon that can pierce their hide either. Watched one rip apart a contingent of Cabal soldiers in mere minutes, that's how we got this guy actually."

He stopped as a sudden beep alerted him to someone trying to access the door they had just come in through a few minutes ago. Panning the security camera, he blinked a couple of times and then spoke to Alec again.

"Uh, hey dude? I think your uh .. friend is looking for you."

If Alec looked at the camera, he could see Melissa trying futilely to open the door, moving about as if she were looking for him, and very clearly lost.

Ashley was silent for a very long time as she took in what Przemek told her. When she finally did speak, it was with a tone he didn't ever hear from her, she sounded ... worried.

"Look, I don't remember a lot of what went on past a certain stage. I remember getting jumped by a few Cabal soldiers, killed two of them and then I think I got blasted with a taser from behind. That's the last thing I remember until I woke up in that chair. Stallers ... she was there. Said something about they had a plan to really hit the Sanctuary hard, told me I was going to help them or some bullshit. I told her to piss off I'd die before I helped her bitch ass. She told me she figured I'd say that, then had some tech guy stab me with a needle, put something in me. I felt really ... well, I felt like I was going to be sick and pass out, I remember Stallers telling me I was going to die today, and then ..."

She paused, a long pause, but then finally finished.

"Fuck ... that's the last thing I can remember up until I nearly slammed your head into the wall. Sorry about that ..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"There was a power station. And... a train yard."

"What? Oh man... we should probably go get her before she presses the wrong button or something."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

There was a brief pause while John seemed to be recalling something in his brain, and then a small smirk reached his lips.

"Perfect. You can show me the way from there then."

Before Abby could reply, he had a hand on her shoulder, and she felt a slight tingling sensation as the world blacked out, only to be replaced with the familiar scene of the power yard. John gestured his arm to her even as he took it off her shoulder in a motion to lead on. From inside his long trenchcoat he withdrew a small switchblade. It didn't seem like much, but given the way he held it would leave no doubt in Abby's mind that he was quite deadly with it.

Henry nodded, leading him back to the door, and carefully opening it. When Melissa saw them, she stopped and smiled, although it was with a shy tone to it.

"Oh there you are and um ... Hi Mister ...?"

It took a moment for Henry to realize she was speaking to him, and he finally answered her.

"Oh, Henry. Henry Foss."

Melissa smiled at him before replying.

"Henry then. Good to meet you, and wow this place is huge. Um, I don't mean to be rude but um ... could I have a few minutes to talk with Alec?"

Again Henry paused before he suddenly realized she meant alone, and he nodded.

"Oh uh right. Uh, Alec, if you take that hall down there it'll lead you back to Sally's tank. From there if you get lost, you can pretty much tap on her tank until she answers you or something. I really ought to get doc to put maps up for visitors and new residents."

He took off, and when she was sure he was gone, Melissa turned to Alec.

"Alec ... I just wanted to apologize to you for getting you dragged into whatever hell is going on. I gather it's big, I just saw them bring in a woman with snakes for hair, she looked like she'd been shot badly. I ... well, I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I've totally screwed up your life with what happened back at the dorms."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki had started when Ashley had woken up, pulling back when the woman jumped out of her grasp without warning. She calmed down and listened intently as she explained what she remembered, speaking up after. "'Ut you're 'ack 'with uss, all s'okay noww, right?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek let out an angry growl as he considered the implications of Ashley's story. "No. Things are not ok." Perhaps not the best thing to say, but the ghoul was always this blunt. "They've injected Ashley with something, and we don't know what it is. Considering that it was something made by Cabal, it can't be anything good. We have to get to the Sanctuary as soon as possible and have someone run tests to find out what that was. Unless..." He paused, frowning. "Unless that's what Stallers wanted, and chose something that would cause you to infect people you come in contact with... Shit." He bared his teeth. "What should we do?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Ashley was silent for a few moments before replying.

"Well ... I'm not sure we have much choice. Without the medical equipment there we can't know what they put into me. If I had to guess, maybe Lazarus but by now they have to know we're close to a cure. I find it odd though she told me I was going to die as they injected me but that I'm still alive. Oh ... maybe ... maybe they injected me with something that doesn't have a known cure and that will slowly kill me in front of you all, fits that bitch's style. Honestly Przemek, I don't know. Without the medical equipment we can't know, and unfortunately since most of what we need couldn't possibly be moved down here, my staying here while you go get mom isn't going to work either."

It might occur to the ghoul that Ashley was starting to get irritated, and a bit upset. This wasn't a position she normally found herself in, being vulnerable, and it clearly was bothering her big time.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Abby is a little shocked by the sudden teleportation.

"Is that going to be a thing that happens often? I guess I should get used to it. This is the place, but I don't see them around. They're probably either still inside or on their way back. Hmm... follow me, I'll bark if I smell something."

Abby shifts into her wolf form and sniffs around the area before heading off towards the facility and where she'd seen the others last, still sniffing for their scents as she goes.

"Don't worry about it. This isn't really what I'd planned, but based on what I've learned since I've arrived it was probably only a matter of time before I ended up here anyway. At least if I'm here I might be able to do some good, and put this... thing of mine to some use. If anything, I'm the one who should be apologising for getting you involved."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Hmm." Przemek mulled the reply over. "You have a point. Let's get moving, then. The sooner we get home, the sooner we can find out what's wrong. Dear gods, if I ever get a chance to kill that bitch again, I'm taking it, consequences be damned." The ghoul ranted as he started moving again, heading towards the Sanctuary. "Seriously... What a f***ed up day. First a runaway snake, then a giant bug, and now this shit. There better be some good news when we get back." 'Though considering what's going on in other places, that's kinda unlikely.'
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