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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

It was true, Iliana looked terrible after the previous night's events, having been handled quite roughly. To one not in the know about these two women's activities, one could mistake her for a rape victim. Having removed the still-sleeping Lady's bedsheet, Nina checked it for possible movements, which she could not detect with a brief palm-probing. On the girl herself, there was no sign of extension, her belly was as flat as before. With the kiss landing on her brow, the tan woman woke up, seemingly a bit achy still. "Ah, alright...." she replied, letting Nina go her merry way.

After a quick wash-up and dress-up into her work uniform, Nina went to look for Lily, finding the small maid in the kitchen as expected. "Again? I'll get to it then. Don't worry about the breakfast, I can manage it." the blonde girl replied, keeping up with the foodmaking as the senior maid left to take care of the mistress lying in bed. Fetching a portable bathtub along the way, Nina made quick progress back into Iliana's room.

Laying the tub down and filling it, the green-haired maid eventually picked up the mistress from her bed. The woman seemed to have trouble walking, it seemed the aching was quite serious. But with a helping hand, she got into the tub to get the washed. The warm water did it's job on the Lady's bloated form, and as the maid kept scrubbing the tall beauty, her womanhood began to expel the contents of her belly into the tub. It was only cum, nothing else came out as the water started to change color with the new liquid coming in. "I'll manage.... just have to take it easy today, no need to bother Elise..." the woman gave her reply to Nina's concern, possibly assuring her somewhat. The slip from Nina's mouth didn't get any reaction from the Lady, but she took a brief look over her shoulder as the scrubbing continued. With the splashing of water the only sound in the room for a while, Nina could see the red ball peering at them from the desk. Not too long after, a morning-robed Iris entered the room, armed despite having just woken up. The girl sat down on Iliana's bed, silently observing what was happening.


Tentacle God
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Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina's stomach started to churn with regret. Had she gone too far? Yes... she must have... she had gotten caught up in everything, too many ideas, too little patience, and not enough care for what Iliana could take. When Iris entered the room and observed what was going on, Nina got even more anxious. Iris' spirit sight would see what had occurred, she'd notice Iliana hurting, and she'd know it was Nina's fault, she just would!

Nina bit her lip and put a final bit of salve on before running to get the lady a pair of towels, one to dab her dry while the other was used to wrap her body up with. Nina knew that a true mistress or taskmaster would not show regret, but seeing the way the lady ached, Nina still felt bad and was slowly feeling more and more awful.

I must make it up to her. I must! Nina thought frantically. Oh, Iliana, why did you put an airhead girl like me in charge? I don't know when to stop... Iris is going to be so mad at me. You must resent me too.

Nina was suddenly aware that she was in danger of showing her emotion as she opened the wardrobe and waited to the side for the lady to choose her outfit. Nina kept her eyes downcast and tried not to show her mental fears to the red headed beauty - a beauty that Nina had foolishly marred with her irreverence and wanton attitude.

She shooed the red orb back to its resting spot in one of the drawers, then she helped Iliana put on her selection. She certainly did not feel up to giving her mistress any schedule to keep today.

"Iris... Good morning," Nina said quietly, and bowed her head respectfully. She did not know what else to say, at least not until she saw what Iliana wanted to do this morning. It was dawning upon Nina that she had acted very childishly and perhaps selfishly yesterday. She felt obligated to atone for it today, the way Iliana would do if it had been her.

Her thoughts abruptly became actions as she produced the key to the padlock on Iliana's collar from her uniform pocket. "My lady, I think, given everything that happened, it may be best that I take this off you... I feel I have not been worthy of it. You should not be like this and it is my fault that you are."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Despite Nina's doubting thoughts, Iris didn't seem too much out of her normal self, the blind girl casually swaying from side to side on the bed. She even smiled at the maid when she was looked at.

Having had herself cleaned up, Iliana moved somewhat slowly to ponder her selection of clothing. After a brief moment spent on thinking, she picked up a rather casual set of clothing. A white silk shirt with loose, elbow-lenght sleeves covered up the marks on her upper body, a long black skirt doing the same thing downstairs. It seemed the mistress wanted to dress comfortably today, as both pieces were loose enough. Nina's flailing made the red ball back off, and it vanished back into the drawer.

Iris didn't move away from her mood any as Nina bowed at her, she looked more suprised by the sudden formalities, but still bowed back. With the key in hand, the maid took off the collar from Iliana's neck. "Hmmm, I suppose it's the best, if that's how you feel." she said, taking the collar and putting it into a drawer for possible later use. Just as she closed the drawer, the door opened and Lily walked in, carrying the mistress' breakfast with her. A quick look around later, the diminutive maid sighed. "Had I known you'd all be here, I'd have taken more food..." she said in her slightly squeaky voice as she offered the tray to Iliana


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Brushing her hair back, Nina gave a smile to the young maid and took the tray from her and put it in front of Iliana.

"That's perfectly all right, Lily. I'll fix Miss Iris something later on."

When the maid had gone off, Nina turned to the Lady Einzbern.

"It is how I'd wish it - for now - my lady. Seeing you this morning, I feel I've been too liberal in what I've done. I suppose I can take it, but can't dish it out without feeling a little guilty." Nina clasped her hands in front of her and looked down, embarrassed. She didn't know if Iris would pick up what they were talking about, but it shouldn't be too hard to understand. Iris was a smart cookie, she'd get it.

Taking a deep breath, Nina looked up again, a renewed sense of endearment and relief visible on her face. "I'll still do my best, my lady! Whatever you or Iris need!"

Nina looked from one woman to the other. She was happy that Iliana didn't appear mad or disappointed that she had temporarily given up being a mistress. It simply wasn't an attitude that the young maid could maintain for very long. She simply longed to be the subservient one, the bodyguard, the loyal knight to her lady. People might think it silly, but it was where she felt at peace with herself.

"So. What shall we do today, Lady Iliana?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With a quick bow at them, Lily turned on her heels and left, knowing that Nina would do as she said. There was some other errands to handle, so the miniscule girl went off to handle those.

"It's what we agreed to, so don't worry about it too much. I don't intend to shirk from my promises even if there is some rough treatment" the tan mistress replied to Nina's sentiment, maintaining the conversation as she ate the food. Iris' shifting expressions showed that she was fully aware what was going on, but didn't show any signs of dissaproval or concern. The blind girl was used to all the varied hobbies that Iliana had, so it was not surprising to her.

"Today... I'll be taking it easy and work away these aches. Possibly well need to meet this envoy, and if I feel alright, we'll arrange a transport tomorrow." were Iliana's plans. It looked like they were heading out soon


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded at Iliana's decisions.

"I think then that I'll get started on Iris' breakfast then. And then I'm going to get to tidying anything that Lily hasn't already gotten to. She's an excellent maid that one."

Nina went down to the kitchen with Iris and made something simple for the spirit warrior to eat. She then did exactly has she had said she would do and spent the morning looking for things to clean or chores to get done. She would occassionally check in on Iliana to see if there was anything she required for comfort.

Later on in the morning, Nina found herself walking into Jashi's workshop. She knocked at the door.

"Hi Jashi, are you here?" It was very unlikely that the oni smith would be anywhere besides his workshop, but Nina asked anyway. "Jashi, I've been wondering if I could bother you with a request? The Lady and Iris and myself will be leaving soon to go to a neighboring land. Whenever we've gone away from the Estate, I've always styled myself as the Lady's bodyguard, rather than a maid. I have a good sword, and a sturdy shield, but if I'm going to be the knight I imagine myself to be for my lady, I think I'll need some armor too. Nothing really bulky - not a full suit - but perhaps a breastplate? I know such pieces take time and need to be measured against the intended wearer, so... would you be able to do such a thing?"

She smiled up hopefully at him.

Regardless of whether he could do so or not, Nina would be okay with any decision. Afterall, not every smith could be an armorer, and she would be okay fighting as she was. She did not expect anything to be ready for weeks anyways, she just wanted the request to be put through.

Later on, Nina would return to her chores, and would make sure to find Iris and Tiger and suggest that they take the doggy on a walk together, just the three of them. She really had been looking for an activity that she could share with just Iris, so that neither of them felt like a third wheel competing for Iliana's affections. Maybe their shared love for this cute, loyal little creature would help grow their own bond. Ever curious, Nina wanted to know more about Iris, but would settle for just spending time with her and getting to know her habits and preferences.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iliana finished her meal as Nina announced her intentions, giving away the tray for the girl to take away. "Alright, you two do that. I'll take a quick look at the work, if some of it has found it's way on my desk..." the casual mistress said as she left the room with the two of them, but separated for the study as the girl pair went towards the dining hall.

Despite the promise to make food for Iris, Nina found no reason to do it as Lily had left behind enough food for both of them, allowing the girls to eat without too much hassle before. They munched away on bread and other choice articles of food, taking their time with it. After she had eaten enough to satisfy her imminent hunger, Iris got up from her seat and bowed, leaving Nina to clean away the few dishes they used.

Once the dishes were set up to dry, the green-haired girl could move on to other household tasks, which there was not many to do. After hauling about some laundry and making a few beds, Nina went over to see how the wonderful mistress was doing. Iliana had assumed a less serious position to her work, lying on her back in a small couch and holding up a few papers to investigate them. "If it's not too much to ask, I'd like some juice." she asked about the comforts, telling the maid to bring it over outside. There was a door outside in the room, and the mistress went ahead as Nina moved to get the asked-for juice. Once the knight-maid got back, she found that the Lady had a small area for relaxation and sunbathing behind the door. Sunbathing was exactly what was going on, the beauty lying naked in the sun. Accepting her refreshment, Iliana let Nina go back to her other things.

It was not too long a walk from that small outdoor area to the workshop where Jashi was working on some order from the townspeople. Setting down his hammer and tongs for now, the red man turned to Nina as she entered. "Armor you say... I wouldn't mind working on such a commission. Create something wih better quality than all this average stuff that I make in deadlines. Just a little measuring is needed..." the oni said, moving over next to Nina and doing a rather measuring. With his hands, he did a relative distance thing, placing one hand against the girl's neck and the other on her waist to get a quick reference. He did a similar thing from the side as well, measuring midsection and chest areas as well. "And, if this feels awkward, I apologise..." Jashi continued, moving his hands over and under Nina's chest, not touching them but going very close, getting the shape and size in his head. "Right, that's enough measurements. I can make a good plate with this knowledge. It'll be a piece of armor fits your form. It'll take some time to do, with all the work to be done on both it and other projects." the man assured Nina that her request will be eventually completed.

With her request in Jashi's capable hands, Nina went onwards to her next planned action for the day. Finding both Tiger and Iris at the blind girl's room, she asked them out for a walk, which both of them were happy to do. Quickly changing clothing, Iris got herself a loose black robe to go out with, along with the disguised blade she always had. Greeting Anotsu along the way, they headed out around. Nina would need to keep close, with the walls of the estate now behind them, Iris might enter a state of panic similar to the one she felt firsthand on that fateful first encounter. If that happened in town, there could be serious problems.

Going along the streets, the trio happened to pass along a tavern, where a familiar person came across them. The hooded woman from before, Shizuha, just exited the tavern. Upon turning her head towards the three, she picked up on the pace, coming up to them. Without a word, her remaining hand landed square on top of Iris' head, giving the girl a few pets. "Didn't see this coming... I thought I'd never see or hear from you again." the woman said, getting a bow and a smile in return.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was happy to have found Iliana sunbathing when she returned with the juice she had requested. "It's good to see you relaxing, my Lady," Nina said cheerily, placing the glass of citrus sweetness on a small table next to the lady.

After several more chores, Nina had made her way to Jashi's workshop, where the big oni readily agreed to work on her request. His funny way of taking measurements amused her, and she was by no means frightened by the oni at this point.

"Ah, don't worry about it," she smiled when his hands were close to, but not quite cupping her breasts in an effort to measure how much room he'd have to give her on her armor. "You're the most polite smith I know, and I'd rather not have them mashed up against me by incorrect measuring."

She told him that she understood that it would take some time, and indicated that there was no rush. It was a special request from her, and she didn't want it to interfere with his other works. She gave him a quick kiss on his arm, since his head towered above her, to let him know she appreciated his work, then headed out of the workshop.

When the time came for Tiger's walk, Nina grinned at the eagerness showed by both dog and warrior. Nina let out some energetic squeaks and hugged the dog, kissing it on its face and top of its head, scratching behind its ears.

Nina mentally kept in mind Iris' condition once they were out of the Estate and kept close to the swordswoman. She didn't know exactly what would trigger an episode like last time, but hopefully her familiar presence, and that of the dog, would keep Iris from feeling isolated. Nina described the little cute things that Tiger was doing to Iris. She knew the girl could "sense" what the dog was doing, but it was fun to comment on it, and it kept up the light mood that Nina endeavored to keep up during their walk.

When they neared the Tavern, they both soon turned to see a familiar face.

"Shizuha!" Nina exclaimed, one hand on Tiger's head as he sat on his haunches beside her, his big tongue hanging out happily. "So you know Iris, huh? It's a small world I guess. Nice to see you again as well. How has your stay been?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Quite alright. It's not too exciting here, but I still wouldn't want to miss visiting the place. Peace and quiet have their merits." the woman replied, looking over the trio before her. "I do know her. Iris here was the last person to receive the skills and training of a certain fighting style I used to teach. It felt natural to guide her, as we share a common disability that can used as a tool of deceit." Shizuha continued, pulling back her hood to show her face for the first time. She had the look of an easterner about her, and would have been a beautiful one too if it weren't for her eyes. Both visual organs were taken away from this lady, a jagged scar running over each eye. This, combined with the missing arm only further highlighted the skill Shizuka's robed frame held within.

"So, what are you up to these days? I'm curious about where my teachings are utilized nowadays." the scarred woman continued, pulling the hood back over her eyes to conceal the rather grim sight. The question seemed more aimed at Nina, since Shizuka no doubt knew about Iris' inability to speak.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Iris is the Lady Einzbern's super bad-ass bodyguard," Nina said in reply, chuckling as she did so and nudging Iris gently with her elbow. "She's just joining me on a walk with Tiger here. So, you taught Iris as well, hmm? Sir Haku AND Shizahu as masters? Uwaahh... I am envious."

Nina sighed in an exaggerated and silly manner.

"Anyways, Iris, the lady, and I are almost recovered from our tango with a troublesome spirit - it really gave us all quite a scare. Left poor Iris in a coma until that Doctor Faye came in and woke her up with some acupuncture techniques. To top it all off, Iris has some pretty wings now. Well... one and a half wings, I suppose. They're still super cute though, don't worry about it Iris."

She patted the girl's head. "Anyways, Iris is up and back on her feet, and she's been very impressive ever since I first met her. Moves like the wind, deceptive just like you say, and very capable and steadfast. We just need to toughen her up a bit and feed her more so that a wayward ogre strike won't go knocking her into rivers."

Nina poked Iris in her tummy a couple times. "She's got a metabolism like a furnace. Don't know how we'll get more meat on her bones. But there's a terrific cook in the estate now and hopefully you'll get big and strong to match that speed, right Iris?"

The maid grinned, not minding teasing Iris a little bit. Certainly Nina wasn't the best mouthpiece for Iris to get her own story across to Shizuha, but at least it was clear that Nina was a person who cared for the little fighter.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Shizuha paid all due attention to Nina's story, listening at it with patience and interest. After such a time, even a wanderer like her wanted to know how her past protege was doing. Once the maid girl had told all she had to say, the cowled woman broke into a wide grin. "That's interesting to say the least. Though, I never detected this spiritual presence inside you when we trained. It's not a minor spirit if it can hide from my senses. And to provide such a manifestation as well..." she said, going over to Iris' side and brushing her wings a bit. "Hopefully these will develop into a more usable pair, it'll be an exciting experience to fly like a bird in the sky." the woman continued, having thoughts about her former student's future.

Finished with her musings, the woman regained her composure. "But yes, it's a good thing that you're striking out on your own, Iris. The lessons won't be going to waste this way." she said. "What are you going to do now? I believe I saw those other two females some hours ago, the doctor was having a drink here. But I suppose she left went back to her lodgings elsewhere." Shizuha continued, pointing towards the tavern behind her. "That other woman was walking along the main street with some hairy, soldier-type man, looked like an important person. Wouldn't be surprising though, she was very militant herself."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, well we didn't come out here with any real agenda except to get Tiger some exercise, but that soldier woman serves Lord Grimhorn, who has invited the Lady Einzbern to hold an audience with him. And of course, where Lady Iliana goes, so too does Iris, and more recently, me as well. We should be leaving in a day or two. Hey, Iris, maybe we should go see if that woman will want to accompany us back to her Lord's lands? Sounds like she was walking with the captain of the guard. We might find her over at the barracks."

Nina waited to see if Iris thought that was a good or bad idea.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh, yes. Should have thought about that angle, silly me." Shizuha replied. After giving a further petting to Iris' head, she turned to leave. "This was a pleasant occurence, to see a student I thought I'd never see again. I'll be in town for a few days more, if you want to visit me in some empty moment, my lodgings are in the cheapest inn down the main street" the cowled woman gave her goodbyes as she walked down the street in a steady, sure pace.

As she was asked, Iris' didn't give any gesture towards refusing. She understood well enough, having just heard about their possible departure earlier. The blind girl wouldn't have anything against visiting the barracks of the common soldiery and city guards.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Well, since you've no objection, let's go visit the barracks." Nina made a little sound out the side of her mouth and called Tiger to follow her.

"Say can you flap these wings?" she asked as they trotted along towards the barracks.

Once they got to the barracks, Nina inquired after the captain, hoping to know if he was around and if the soldier lady from the neighboring lands was still around.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris followed after Nina, seeing it a good idea to see that the envoy was welcomed in the proper manner. Once the maid asked her question, the girl showed that she indeed had control over her newly-gained wings, though it was a little difficult for her to move the things so soon after gaining them. But surely she could move them effortlessly, given enough time to get used to them.

The group of two girls and a dog reached the barracks with relative quickness. The soldier on duty greeted the two girls, asking for their business at the barracks, which Nina duly told him. "Captain and that red-haired woman? They should be at the captain's room, go right from where your facing and down the entirety of the corridor. The room will be at the end." he said, not seeing it necessary to escort the trio.

At the end of the corridor, there was a wooden door that had some carvings on it, possibly to indicate a more higher-ranked occupant. Nina knocked on the door, getting a quick "Enter" in reply from the room. It was indeed Ridley's voice. Upon entering, Nina found both the captain and envoy there. The room was relatively plain for a captain's office, only a desk, bookcases and some chairs being there. "Hoo, it's little Iliana's maid girl. And looks like Iris is there as well. Sit down, you two." the bearish captain called to them from behind his desk upon seeing the trio enter. The soldier woman from before, Karin, was sitting opposite of him on the other side. There was a spread of papers on the desk, which the two had possibly been looking at before Nina's entry. "So, what does our household servant have to ask?"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina nodded her thanks to the soldier for directing them and was soon offering a smile to Captain Ridley in his quarters. She took the seat she was offered.

"Oh we were in the neighborhood and heard that you were entertaining Karin as a guest here at the barracks. I thought it might be a good idea to find Lord Grimhorn's representative and invite her to the Lady Einzbern's estate for tea and a light meal. Afterall, the Lady is considering accepting Lord Grimhorn's invitation to visit his lands, and my lady would probably wish to hear some news from Karin herself about the details such a visit would entail. What do you say Karin?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"So that's what it's about. Should be a good idea to do that, get that part of the good Miss' visit going." the captain remarked before letting Karin and Nina do the rest of the talking between themselves.

"Sure, I'll come over to your place. Of Lord Grimhorn's reasons I have no idea about, my superior assigned me as an escort in the Lord's behalf. That's all the reason for me to be here." the flame-haired woman replied, getting up from her chair. "Even if Lady Einzbern declines the offer, I have to wait for my ride back home. So there's some time for me to kill yet. Lead on." she continued after bidding farewell to Ridley.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was surprised to have sat and risen from her chair within a matter of moments but did not argue about the abruptness of the visit.

"Excellent. Captain, it was nice to see you again. I understand it's been quite some time since I've been around, even though it's only felt like a few days from my perspective. We'll have to catch up some other time then."

Waving to the captain, Nina led Karin from the room and back out onto the streets, Tiger and Iris in tow.

"So do you know Ridley? Is that why you were visiting with him at the barracks? I suppose if it's official military business you don't need to tell me. I was just curious. This is Iris by the way. She'll be accompanying us on our trip to your lands, if the Lady indeed accepts the invitation. Iris doesn't speak, but she's one of the most capable people I know. And of course, you've already met Tiger."

The dog barked happily and sniffed Karin's boots briefly before bounding back to Iris' side.

The four of them soon arrived back at the gates to the estate. Nina walked up to the handsome Anotsu and introduced Karin so that the gate guard did not feel like he was not doing his job by inspecting all newcomers to the mansion. Before leaving him, Nina paused to speak a bit longer to the new guardian.

"How have things been for you in your new post Anotsu? You're not feeling lonely out here are you? Have you eaten?" Nina tried to show some interest and concern for the young man, since she hadn't really put enough effort into it as she should have prior to this. Too much distraction with Iliana and Iris, but she didn't feel entirely bad about that. It was understandable, given what had happened.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Thank you, I'll be looking forward to it." the bearish captain called to them as the women left him alone in the office.

Once out on the street, the conversation started to get more earnest. "Not really, though we've met once on a co-operative action to smoke out a bandit nest once. It was on the borders of our two lands, so both areas took part in equal effort." Karin shared, but didn't let Nina in on further issues, identifying them as classified information. Upons being introduced to Iris, the red-haired lieutenant shook her hand in a rather professional manner. "Nice to meet you... I'm curious about your appearance, but I don't doubt your ability any despite that." she gave a quick estimation and personal remark about the blind girl as they went.

When they reached the gate, the beautiful man was waiting for them. "So this is who I was to expect. Valkenhayn already informed me that an envoy might come to our gates today, so I was prepared. Good that there's a suitable confirmation to her identity." Anotsu replied to Nina's introduction, resting a hand on the shaft of his strange axe. To the more personal inquiries, he warmed up a friendly smile. "Well, it's a lonely job, I can't deny that. That small maid keeps bringing me foodstuffs though, so I don't get hungry or thirsty. Don't worry about me, I can get along just fine. If you see the need to give me company sometime, feel free to, it's a welcome thing in all this standing around."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The gate guard was friendly enough. Nina decided that she liked him, and may well come to give him company some time, but she doubted that it would be very soon. "We'll see. Anyways, we must go see the lady now. It was nice to talk to you Anotsu."

Nina nodded and then led the others through the gate and up to the front doors of the large estate. She asked Karin to wait with Iris in the main halllway while she led Tiger off to the kitchen where she gave him a bit of food and told him to stay. He was a good boy, and she doubted he would get up to mischief.

Coming back to them, Nina recalled that Iliana had been sunbathing in the nude when last she left her. Though she doubted she would still be tanning, she could be doing something equally private, so Nina said that she would go ahead and make sure the lady was ready to receive them.

She swiftly walked to Iliana's office and knocked, then entered to look around for the lady. If no one was there, she'd search all the usual places until she found her and then she would announce that the envoy from Lord Grimhorn had been found in town and had come back with them, and would be ready to be received.