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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Having armed herself with a more commonplace sword than her usual blade was, Nina sneaked about the courtyard, investigating the source of the sloppy sounds. Creeping closer towards the stage with weapon at ready, she found no visible indication about the origin of the barely audible noise. It was as if it came from the stage. Circling around the stage confirmed this, as the direction of the sound was always coming from the direction of the stage. As a final act of investigation, the green-haired girl clambered onto the stage herself, easily scaling the small height increase. On the center, she could determine the origin point being under her. Upon examination, the maid-knight could make out the outlines of a detachable part in the wooden stage, a trapdoor right in the middle.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Angling the point of her sword downwards, poised in a position to stab forward if necessary, Nina reached for the trapdoor, crooking her finger through the small hole in the floorboards and lifting the wooden door to reveal the space below. The maid-knight didn't know what to expect, but she was determined to get to the bottom of this strange noise.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With determination guiding her, Nina poked her finger into the small outlet and pried the wooden trapdoor. Underneath, the stage was much deeper than she had initially thought, with enough height to allow an average-sized person to stand in without their head bumping to the bottom of the stage. Still, there was no source of the sound to be seen. But there was another trapdoor, almost directly underneath the one she had opened. The sound seemed to come from there.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina frowned, paused and took a look about her. It was the middle of the night. Alrik and Yura would be sleeping. It wouldn't make sense to disturb them with something like this. Surely there was an explanation for what was going on here.

Turning back to the trap door, Nina shifter around and backed into the drop feet first, sliding in slowly and carefully, then dropping daintily down to the next level. She looked around under the stage, letting her eyes adjust to the dim light before crouching down and examining the lower trap door.

Eventually, once she felt ready, she would attempt to open it in a similar fashion to the one she'd opened above, her sword ready to protect her if it was something dangerous.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With a smooth sliding maneuver, Nina went down underneath the stage, taking a brief moment to allow her vision to adjust for the dimmer lightning in the new space. Once she was confident in her sight, the girl moved onto the new trapdoor. It was a fully metallic one, but she could get it open with the help of the metallic ring attached to one side. Once the hatch was opened fully, the maid took a look inside, still prepared for a possible attack.

Underneath the heavy metal door, there was a huge dark cave that seemed to go down quite a ways, pretty much into unreachable levels if one dropped themselves in. At the bottom, there was a gigantic mass of glistening black slime that wriggled and squirmed like no tomorrow, which Nina could identify as the source of the sounds she had heard. A web of paper-decorated ropes hung over the thing, a faint shimmer lighting them up, perhaps acting as some sort of magical prison. The only thing that might help someone go closer to the monster was a hanging rope ladder that went down to a small ledge some distance downwards.

As she had comprehended the layout of the area behind her, Nina found herself facing a huge glowing red eye that had formed onto the black ooze underneath. For a while, it looked at her with an unblinking gaze, minor fear creeping up from the back of her mind as it kept looking. Falling in there would not end well, if the impact didn't do it, then the massive creature would. A sudden wobble from the creature gave the maid-knight a sound enough warning to back away from the door before a blob of the creature shot up at her through the rope web. Splattering against the bottom of the stage, the blob fell down to the other side of the trapdoor, slowly forming into a standing blob the size of a large human. Near the top, a horned mask of bone leered at Nina while random bony limbs emerged from different spots in the body, accompanied by strange little alien creatures the size of large bugs all over the glistening black goop pile. It looked like the thing was still gathering it's mind into proper order, but the empty eyespots seemed to trail Nina's movements as it stood there.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina took an large inhale of breath and the let out a pitched scream, part fear and part battle cry. Swiftly she kicked the metal trap door latch down into its closed position to prevent the monstrous, formless spawn from reinforcing its minion with more of it's shadowy mass.

Then in the same motion, she flung herself towards the monster, her blade criss crossing in a flurry of slashes, wanting to hack the goopy thing into pieces before it could adjust itself fully. Nina didn't want to think about what she was facing, she just wanted to hit it with her sword until it stopped moving.

She also hoped that someone had heard her scream. She had the icky feeling that she'd managed to uncover something that wasn't meant to be uncovered. But what was wrong with Yura? Keeping something like that in a place without a lock!

But really, that was just an excuse. Nina shouldn't have been so darned nosy. Now she'd have to solve the problem herself if she could.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

21 vs 17 hit | 7 vs 11 miss
20 vs 4 crit | 21 vs 21 miss
3 vs 19 counter | 14 vs 10

With a slight panic settling in, Nina kicked at the opened trapdoor with all the strenght she could muster, managing to shut it down before any further monsters leaked out. Her initial charge was a success, the still unstable creature losing part of it's mass as she cut at it with her guard-issue blade. A spike of bone darted out from the ever-shifting black form, missing her by a long shot and allowing the maid girl to bring her sword in with a more severe strike, sending more of the dark goop and the offending limb flying away. A wild limb trashed at Nina but she blocked it with a casual parry of her blade, unwittingly leaving herself open. Another bony spike sprung from the formless mass, spiking her in the midsection. It was not a deep puncture, but the green-haired girl started to feel a slight weakness as soon as the spike retreated. Looked like there was a poison of some sort inside those spikes, and she had just been injected with a bit of the stuff. Before Nina could properly recover from the spiking, another one of the many limbs came from her shield-arm side, grabbing her by the midsection and squeezing hard enough to cause pain as it gripped her.

If someone heard her earlier noise, it was yet unsure to the girl.

Nina 4/6 FP 0/10 AP (weakened, grappled -2 attack, -1 defense)
Bonespike Slime 5/8 HP 0/10 AP (grappling)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina's body heaved with exertion as the slimy mass gripped her tighter and tigher, meanwhile she could feel her strength beginning to wane in the passing moments, as the dark poison spread from her mid-section further along her body. Damn! It'd felt so long since she'd faced a dangerous enemy, and now she was fully in its grip. She had to break free at all costs.

"Help! Yura! Alrik!" Nina yelled as loudly as she could, hoping her voice would carry out of the trap door and throughout the stage room. She wasn't sure how far the sound would carry, if there was any hope of attracting the attentions of an ally, but it was worth a shot. Nina wasn't above calling for aid - she wasn't a trained warrior yet after all, and this was certainly not an average monster she was facing.

Nina wrenched and pulled at the mass, trying to slip free from the grapple. If successful in freeing herself, she'd attack again, warding the creature off and striking it as best she could.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

6 vs 7 miss | 16 vs 20 miss
3 vs 22 counter | 11 vs 15 miss
6 vs 16 miss | 15 vs 16 miss
16 vs 15 hit | 14 vs 5 hit

The two very different combatants strggled against each other for a while, Nina failing to cause further harm against the glistening blob of blackness, but still holding further bony arms away from her and preventing further crushing of her body with careful and well-timed wiggles. After preventing a few bony grabs, the maid-knight was spiked again, this time into her shoulder. As the sharp bone retreated, her limbs began to feel heavier than before, the weakening poison gaining a further hold on her frame. But still, a slight desperation boosted her efforts, a frantic slice cutting off the arm grabbing her and causing further damage against the masked slime. But it was having none of her resistance, the brief freedom taken away by another sprouting limb, this time clubbing at her shoulder before estabilishing a tight grip as it tried to hobble down the weakened student. With all that bone and strange little buggy aliens going around it's form, Nina could only imagine how unpleasant it might become for her if the creature managed to take her down....

Nina 2/6 FP 0/10 AP (weakened x2, grappled -3 attack, -2 defense)
Bonespike Slime 4/8 HP 0/10 AP (grappling)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina fought down a growing sense of panic and looked around her for any sort of advantage she might be able to use against the creature. She knew she couldn't hurl her weight into it, as the bone spikes dwelling inside it would certainly stick her and she'd succumb for sure. But if she could brush it against something....

Nina began to spin trying to use the thing's desire to hang on to her against it. She circled around and around it, forcing the spawn to move from its base, keeping it off balance. Again Nina shouted for help, hoping against hope that someone had already heard and just needed to zero in on her voice to find her.

With the spawn off balance, Nina hoped she could then get a strike in that would free her from the creature, giving her enough time to make a scramble for the trapdoor above her. She needed to get up onto the stage... maybe then she could seek help, or get in a free shot as the thing followed her up. It was a desperate move, but she could feel herself weakening and knew she had to change the dynamic of this confrontation now.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

5 vs 21 miss | 13 vs -1 hit and further grappled
8 vs 21 miss | 17 vs 10 hit.

Despite her plan to try and unbalance the creature in an attempt to get herself an escape window, the poison weighting her down was too much of a hinderance for the maid-knight, and her struggles accounted for nothing as the slime's bony appendage held her in place. Another one joined in the grapple after a botched slash merely scraped at the thin but feverishly strong limb holding her, taking a hold at Nina's leg and preventing her from moving properly. At this point, it seemed like the standing pile of good was laughing at her attempts the fend it off, smacking the sword away from her hand before a further two hand joined into the fray and lifted the severely weak girl off the ground. Held up by the creature, the student could only look as she saw another spike emerge, this one stabbing her to the arm, staying there for a while to inject her into helplessness with the paralyzing toxin. Once it was satisfied with the girl's non-resistance, the slime began to turn her about like a rag doll, as if trying to determine what to do with her limp body. It eventually held her at arm's lenght by the midsection, one of the buggy aliens crawling up it's arm and onto Nina's face. Before the girl could realize it, her mouth had been blocked by the insectoid creature, it's spidery form attaching over the lower part of her face by wrapping all of the six legs it had around her head and hold on on feverishly. Once that was done, the goop started crawling up and onto the stage for some reason, where it once more seemed to consider it's options with her.
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina cried out as her sword was batted away with ease, and winced with pain as she was once again stabbed and injected with a weakening poison, this time leaving her powerless in the creature's grip, only able to whimper inaudibly as the insectoid creature swarming over the goop's body now scuttled up her arm and onto her face, muffling any further expression from the maid-knight, who felt too tired to offer any more resistance.

She could only hang limply at arm's length, held by her midsection with the disgusting alien insect on her face as the living goo brought her up onto the stage, twisting her about and examining her as if unsure what to do with her.

Nina cringed inwardly and tried to remain calm, but she realized she was failing miserably. Only the fact that she was so overcome by the poison prevented her from quaking pathetically in the goo's grip.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

After a minute of inspecting her, the creature seemed to have recalled what it was to do with Nina. Setting the girl against it's gooey body, the bone-infested slime began to suck her in. Eventually, only the body and head of the girl remained over outside, her limbs sucked into the creature's body while it still stood there. It seemed to have the intention of restraining her, even if the victim was too weakened to really move with the potent poison paralyzing the maid-knight's entire form. Once the limbs were inside, Nina could feel the cloth around them dissolving, leaving her immorsed areas exposed to a creepy feeling. It was as if hundreds upon hundred of little ants or such were covering them, moving around and doing what ants do while crawling all over her. The rest of her clothes still remained, but not for long as a bony claw started tearing them apart, managing to cut a few clawmarks into the girl's skin as well. These were nothing serious though, the only effect being purely cosmetic.

Once it had exposed her form to any abusive attentions, the slime set to work upon Nina's naked form. Without any unnecessary pre-sex rituals, a thick pole of glistening black matter speared as deep as it could into the maid girl's unprepared flower straight from the get-go. The brutal pumping went on for a good while, another similar hardened goo member slamming itself into the abused female's rear in a similar manner as the first one. The deep, hard pistoning went on without remorse, the slime clearly having no concern or caring about Nina's pleasure or well-being as it rammed into her depths at almost ridiculous speeds. Yet the fact that she was starting to leak out love juice seemed to draw it's attention, making it alter it's pattern somewhat to draw out more of her liquids. It kept up the act and followed what seemed to draw the most liquids out from the captured female, eventually receiving her leaking climax honey into itself.

Having just witnessed Nina's orgasm, the thing bent it's neck over her, the emotionless mask of bone looking down at her as she asped for breath but did not receive mercy such as rest. Barely a minute had passed, and the double penetration carried on in full force once more. But the black slime was beginning to add new things into the mix, absorbing the girl deeper inside, leaving only her head and the upper half of her torso outside. The creepy-crawly feeling was now made even more intense as the inner bugs crept around near her intimates, slightly teasing them around the edges but not entering as the entrances were blocked by the violating slime members. A pair of leech-like alien bugs buried themselves to the surface of the glistening body mass, attaching themselves around Nina's nipples by actually biting into her with their teeny-weeny teeth before starting to suck on her. And as a final, nasty addition, the face-hugging creature also began to use the maid girl for it's own pleasure, crawling up to the top of her head and using it's tail to fuck her mouth.

This disgusting teamwork continued for a good while, liquids both exiting and entering the captured and abused Nina as the slime went to town with her, all the while leering down at her with those empty eyesockets. Having taken in several loads of strange alien cum from both the lower and upper holes, the girl was quite sure if her insides would be able to take any more of the hot, tingly stuff that was being forced into her. After having thoroughly abused the girl, the black slime suddenly stopped the act. The bugs retreated away from her body, but only after the face-spider had creamed her face with it's final load, strings of hotness splattering around the green-haired girl's visage and humiliating her. With a slow release, it inched Nina out from it's body, dropping her onto the stage to a pool of strange bug-slime that she had been covered in after all the things had crawled about her form. Despite the cloudiness of her vision, the student could see that she now bore a baby-belly, having been cummed into way too many times. Again testing it's victim for resistance, the thing picked her up by the head once it saw that she was still all too weak. "So... I tHinK YoU WilL gO to SEe tHe mASTeR nOW.." it spoke up all of a sudden, with a gurgly voice, possibly having regained it's composure during the violation act. Having said that, it began to carry Nina towards the trapdoor, intent on taking her to meet the giant mass of blackness underneath them.

But before it could reach the hole, a strange twirling started to sound. The creature stopped, only to get a disc-shaped throwing weapon right into the mask, cleaving it in two. Twisting to come back, the weapon also cut off the arm holding Nina, letting her down onto the stage as the slime fell with her. With the mask shattering near her, the abused girl could hear someone coming for her. Soon, the blurry form of Horned Yura was hovering over her. "HEY! HEY! YOU STILL AROUND THE SANE PEOPLE!? GIVE ME A SIGNAL IF YOU CAN STILL THINK STRAIGHT!" the woman yelled at her, looking into her eyes with serious and concerned look.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina could only wiggle her body feebly as her feet and hands, then her arms and legs were slowly engulfed into the black slime. The feeling of thousands of creepy crawly insects on her skin instantly afflicted her sense of touch, sending a chill up her spine. The feeling was so intense and unnerving that she would have been paralyzed by it alone, even without the need for the slime venom that still proved strong enough to completely disable her. With a whimper she realized that she was completely within the thing's grasp, about to become its play thing. Not since the mummies of the desert tomb had the maid-knight been put in such an uncertain position, and at least then her misery had not been alone. Futhermore, she could just tell that there was something sinister about the eyeless being that leered at her.

Her fears were soon proven well-founded as the beast unceremoniously rammed into her exposed womanhood without preamble. The pain was dulled only by the small mercy of the slime that coated the formed phallus, but not enough to make the entry at all enjoyable. For the first five of six seconds, there was nothing but agony as she cried out, taking the creature's pistoning length inside of her.

"Aggh! Please slow do-oown..." she pleaded. The creature not only ignored her, but then repeated the action with her asshole, threatening to rip it with its quick and careless entry.

"AAHHHHH Haaah... haaaanhh haannhh...." Nina wept, tears streaming down her face as the pain ripped through her. After ten more seconds of humiliating agony, her body came to her rescue. She had dealt with pain as a source of pleasure before, and although this experience was not with someone she loved or trusted, her lewd body still had the ability to gain some perverse pleasure from all this.

Even as her mouth hung wide with rushed gasps and tears streaked down her insect covered face, she felt her churned insides beginning to respond to the double penetration with a sudden fervor. Her body heated up and her muscles began to clench involuntarily, and the sex sounds began to squelch louder with the addition of her own love juices. A part of her felt further shamed that she should be finding any pleasure in this completely unfeeling, brutal rape, but there it was. Even in this extreme circumstance, Nina's lewd, well trained body showed off its capacity as an ideal fuck toy.

With a panting moan, Nina's mouth took in the strange phallic tail of the insect clasping to her face, even as the black slime unleashed its first torrent of sludge-like cum into her womb and bowels. There was no respite, only a further pull inside the creature as Nina's entire lower half was swallowed inside, the bug sensations immediately crawling towards her nether regions, tickling and crawling over her most sensitive fleshy bits. Her arms were now embedded up to the top of her shoulders inside the slime, and two sluggish leech creatures slid down them until coming into contact with the tips of her bouncing breasts. Sinking their teeth into the engorged orbs, they began to suckle from her in a manner even more maddening than Nina could have imagined. Her eyes roamed towards the top of her skull as another thrusting double load unleashed itself in a torrent up into her inner tunnels.

"MMMMMFFFffff.... Mmmhammmfff... mmm...haammmmfff..."

Nina's pitiful whimpers were muffled by the continued deep thrusting of the insect tail inside her mouth, keeping her nimble tongue depressed. The fucking continued for what seemed like an age. Nina could feel more and more cum being deposited inside her, so much that she felt beyond full. The creature was not allowing any of its seed to escape once it had been released inside her, and with nowhere to go, Nina felt it pushing outwards, bulging her belly in a disturbing and unnatural fashion. This only furthered her inner shame as she once again reached her climax and came with the creature. Every time she orgasmed, the slime creature seemed arrogantly aware of how it had tamed her. She could almost feel it smiling down at her with derision.

At last it emptied itself one final time with her, and as it did so, the insect hugging her face gifted her with a stream of its own hot seed, some of it alighting on her tongue but most of it splurting out to cover her face. Nina spit out the gunk as her body choked with wracking sobs.

Then the horrible creature spoke, and she had no energy to reply. A light went out in her eyes however as she gave up hope. This abominable creature would take her to that thing in the darkness, and she would have nothing more to look forward to other than more of this treatment, and perhaps far worse.

Another tear streamed its way down her cheek as the only response to the creature's announcement. Then she was picked up and brought to the trap door. A slight whirring sound registered in her mind, but she had no energy to commit to dwelling on it. She was absorbed wholly in contemplating her doomed future. Never to see Iliana again. Nor Iris. Nor the Einzbern estate and the wonderful people associated with it.

The creature stopped abruptly, then it seemed to drop her. Her abused body crashed to the floor, cum leaking from both her lower holes as her belly fought to return to its natural slim size. Nina saw the blurred form of Yura standing over her, shouting at her. Dimly, Nina realized she had been rescued at the last moment by an act of some deity - though not a wholly benevolent one to have let her suffer so much.

Nina closed her eyes and began to sob. Wrenching, horrid shame burned through her, and it was not the kind that she didn't mind showing off to Iliana behind closed basement doors. This was the shame of having been shown to be so very utterly weak in the eyes of a sensei. To have the evidence of disgusting abuse open and bared for this respected weaponmaster to see. How could she train under this woman now? Every time Yura looked at her, Nina would be buried in the shame of this defeat.

The green-haired girl used whatever strength she had left in her to curl up into a fetal ball and sob at Yura's feet.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Seeing Nina's sobbing reaction, a minor relief could be heard from Yura's voice. In her current spot, the abused girl could only see the master's feet and the dissolving blackness along with the split-up bone mask that was still looking at her with it's dead visage. "Right, still here among the rest of us.... That's a relief..." she said, picking up the girl from her pitiful position and into her arms, ignoring all the spunk and slime on her. With relative quickness, the weapon master moved them both into the garden pond, which actually seemed like it was to be used as a bathtub. Sitting down onto the smooth rock slabs at the bottom, Yura seated Nina onto her lap, whispering into her ear with words that aimed to calm her down from the crying fit. "It's going to be alright, this is nothing to worry about... now, we'll need to get that slime goop out from you or there will be a swarm of insects inhabiting your belly soon. When I squeeze, you push with all strenght you can muster, understand?" the maid girl was instructed as the horned woman wrapped her arms around the inflato-belly, squeezing at it hard in an effort to force the slime cum out. Soon enough, a spurt of the stuff exited Nina, flowing out into a nearby drainage grate.

With enough squeezing and pushing, Nina had been reverted into her normal slim bodyshape. As the last bits of the cum flowed away, Yura turned Nina to face her. With an almost knowing look, she took the girl into her strong, warm embrace. "I'm sure that was horrible. But it's over now. If you still need to cry, do it as much as you need to." the weapon master said, hugging the maid-knight tightly as they sat in the warm pool. In the current situation, Nina's nakedness and her own underweared status did not bother Yura. She was willing to wait until her student had gathered herself again.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina thought that she would be too emotionally drained to register what Yura was saying, but discovered grudgingly that this was not so. All that the young maid would like to do was to succumb to her distraught feelings and sink into that sad, lonely, murk of self-pity. This was not to be. She heard Yura, and responded with mild alarm when she spoke of those creepy crawly bugs hatching inside of her.

"Anh... get them out... get them out of me..." the maid groaned, her own inflated tummy making it difficult for her to move herself. She had to be carried like an infirm child to the water where she was laid down and gently squeezed. She followed Yura's directions and gritted her teeth as she contracted her own muscles and pushed the horrid gunk out of herself. The pushing let her forget for a moment how pathetic she must look during all of this, but after the last bits of ichor had been expelled from her body, those thoughts immediately rushed back to her.

Anger mixed with her sadness and she tightened her hands into balled fists.

"It's stupid! I-I don't want to cry but I j-just can't help it!" Nina said, scrunching her face and burying it into Yura's strong shoulders. As she cried, more emotion poured out of her in a flow of words. "I'm a foolish, horrible, weak excuse for a fighter! I can't even protect myself! How can I protect others? You could probably take down an army of those things and I can't even beat one. And my god! the feeling... those things... those horrible things moving over me. I-inside me..."

Nina's body shook and she sobbed herself dry over the course of the next minute or so. When she stopped she couldn't even raise her eyes to look at her savior. The normally unflappably happy girl was too scared to look this woman in the eyes. She felt as though she had been a failure to Yura without ever having received a single lesson, and now was at a complete loss for what to do.

So eventually, sniffling, Nina just came to kneel there against Yura in silence, waiting for the older woman to snap her out of her reverie.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Listening to her student's outburst of self-doubt, Yura stayed quiet for the entirety of the torrent. Moving a hand against the back of Nina's head, she spoke up herself. "Don't think that way now. From what I can gather, you've hardly gotten used to fighting with your experience. I mean, how much have you actually battled? Half a year? It takes considerable amounts of time for anyone to develop the strenght of battle." she explained, taking a brief pause. "I've been training with all forms of weapons since I was a child, and have tens of years in battle experience behind me, with the addition of having had a group of equally powerful companions to train and compete with. You comparing us like that is not a good thinking pattern, the differences are as clear as day and night. And it's exactly the reason I'm going to train you, hmm?"

After another, slightly longer period of silence, Yura spoke up again. "If you are unsure about wanting to train under my tutelage, I won't force you into it. But that is up to you, give it some though. Once you feel good enough to move about, tell me and we'll go on to sleeping after closing the stage door again." the teacher stated, waiting for Nina's willingness to act again return to her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"N-no... of course I want to train under you. If you'll have me. I just..." Nina's face burned. "I just wish you'd never seen me like this."

Eventually Nina nodded, and moved her arm around Yura's shoulder. Together, they stood up from the pool and shakily moved out of it, towards wherever Yura was going to take her. Nina needed some sleep, if it could ever come.

Thought the weapons master was being kind in her own stoic sort of way, Nina did miss the comforting touch of her mistress. Even feeling as low as she was right now, the thought of crawling into Iliana's arms made her feel slightly better. And then in that comforting image, Iris would wrap herself around Nina too, and the green haired girl would feel safe again.

But didn't Nina want to be a protector? She remembered when Iris had been distraught after ill-treatment at the hands of that plant monster after falling into the river. Iliana had taken such good care of Iris. And Nina had wanted to caress the girl too back then.

Iris was still a great fighter even after that experience. It helped Nina to realize this fact and to further note that Nina had never thought any worse of Iris for having gone through that treatment. If anything, having fought so hard to save her only built up a stronger bond with the girl.

Having pondered this, Nina no longer felt the urge to cry or pity herself beyond the temporary physical pain she was feeling. She'd recover from this and be stronger. And if she trained hard, eventually there'd be precious few people that could make her feel that vulnerable again.

"I think I'm feeling a bit better now," Nina said quietly as the pair of them neared the bedroom door. "Thanks. For saving me and for letting me bawl a bit afterward. I know I was being foolish comparing myself to you."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"I have promised that to Rao in my return letter, plus it'll be a break from the monotone to have someone here. Of course I'll have you." the weapon master was quick to reply.

After Nina had pondered a brief moment, she spoke up again, to which Yura had a her words to share as well. "Even though it's not the best thing to do, making those kinds of comparisons seems to be a part of human nature, we just can't go on without having to see which ones are better or whatnot. So don't feel too bad about it." was the woman's reply as she supported the maid-knight along. Briefly letting the student stand on her own, the horned lady went up to the stage, kicking the hatch shut before coming back. "I should've listened to Haku back in the day, and gotten a sealing rock on that hole instead..." she muttered under her breath, taking the pair towards the room where Nina had decided to live. After wiping both herself and the green-haired girl dry, Yura came into her student's bed with a pretty straightforward attitude. "You'll likely want someone to hold you after that experience.... and we can't leave that silly knight unattended, so I'll have to stay here for the night, I don't mind." she said, taking Nina into her embrace once again. It seemed like the horned woman was quite caring underneath her usual persona.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh... okay." Nina said when she realized that Yura would be staying with her for the night. Though it was obvious that the horned woman had only the purest and most caring of attentions, that in itself had surprised Nina. From all her previous posturing and laissez-faire attitude in all things except dueling, it was unusual to think that this warrior woman was capable of having a soft and caring touch.

"Yes. I suppose I would appreciate that... Sensei."

Nina tried her best to smile as she said the honorific title, and for the most part succeeded. She did not put on any clothes as she slept, preferring not to think about the need to cover herself up. She lay on her mat and let Yura lie down next to her, wrapping strong arms about her from behind. The maid-knight snuggled into the embrace and focused her weary mind on the warmth and comfort of Yura's touch.

"I will... be better... tomorrow. I'll do my best, Sensei Yura." Nina mumbled as she attempted to drift off into sleep. Tomorrow would be a new day, a new start.