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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

It seemed that Galeon understood the situation perfectly well, given his wry smile back at Nina. Much to the relief of both of them, it took only a little effort to stop the snoring from the usually quietly-sleeping mistress.

When she did get downstairs, the maid-knight found the innkeeper there already, fresh as the morning itself. She was quickly assured that there would be no need to worry, for a good breakfast would be set up for all of them, though she could get some drinks right into the room if she wanted it. There was also a bath in a separate room on the main floor, so they could have a few people in at a time.

Back at the room, there was a good deal of increased activity as both Iris and Isane had gotten themselves up. Galeon was getting his armor on, just getting it on properly as the last one to wake up, Iliana, groaned herself awake. Probably a mighty headache...
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Prepared for the eventuality of Iliana's throbbing headache, Nina had taken a glass of clean water and a nice damp cloth with her back to the room, along with a jug of extra water for the others. She quietly proffered Iliana the glass of water and when the red headed woman was done drinking it she placed the moist cloth upon Iliana's brow and slowly caressed her forehead with it, before leaving it there upon her and moving beside and slight behind the lady. She then began to massage Iliana's temples on either side, using soft motions to take away the pain as much as possible. Knowing a nerve technique as well, Nina guided Iliana to place the nail of her thumb underneath the nail of her little finger and push. It would take her mind off the pounding in her head.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hnng, serves me a good remainder why I don't do this more often..." the mistress remarked at her current state, taking in all the treatment that Nina had in store. Soon she was up, but still looking pretty wobbly and disoriented from yesterday. Getting into a decent robe, Iliana held out until Nina decided to take her into the bath.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

The green-haired girl was in total maid-mode now and after having done what she could for Iliana in the bed area, she then guided the beloved woman down the hall where the innkeeper had mentioned that the baths had been drawn. Nina checked the water temperature and then slipped Iliana out of her robe and helped the lady enter the tub. Then with a sponge and clothe, Nina cleaned and prepared Iliana for the day ahead of her.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

It was an easy enough task for Nina to get the mistress along, who was quite willing to have a dip in the refreshing bath. They didn't have to spend too long a time in there, for Iliana was ready pretty quickly. "Hmm, alright. Feeling a bit better. Eating might help this along too." she spoke up as the two finished, eventually finding Iris and Isane in the room as well. Looked like those two wanted to wash up too.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina nodded. "The breakfast should be ready soon, I'll go and see if I can bring it up."

She turned to Iris and Isane. "The other tubs have hot water in them, please use the baths, while I see to the food."

Leaving them all to their own morning routine, the ever faithful servant shuffled down the steps and went to find the tavern owner again. Once the meals were brought up and everyone else was eating, Nina would quietly move off to get a quick wash for herself before returning and eating her own food.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

It was not all that long an ordeal for Nina to arrange the mealtime, with the helpful and service-eager owner to go along with her requests. The group were soon set for food time, allowing the maid-knight to have her own break and washtime before returning to the table. Maybe as a small surprise, the others had held back on eating to allow her joining them. Then, when they had all gathered, the morning meal started in earnest.

But almost as soon as it had started, the pleasurable food time passed. Then it was back to setting up for the eventual departure that would take the crew back to their own lands.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina was touched that the others had waited for her, but she fussed and told them that they needn't have done so. She plopped into her seat and munched on the breakfast, enjoying the food and the company. But it was not a long meal and soon she was packing up with the others preparing for the long road ahead of them, back into the desert.

"It will be nice to get back to the Estate, and to see the others. Oh! I nearly forgot to ask, but did you hear any word about Lynette and Isaku from Lord Rao?"

Nina had been so concerned with recent events and her training that the one eyed assassin and the gentle giant gatekeeper had slipped from her mind. She mentally chastised herself for this, because after all, those two were on a journey to look for her, and she wasn't even lost anymore. She wondered how the two of them were and if perhaps by journeying together, that the two of them had been able to find comfort in each other. She knew that the big Isaku had had a bad past, but had been making up for it for years, and she knew he had deep feelings for the amazing, yet dour assassin. Suddenly realizing their missing presence, Nina felt as though there were still parts of her extended family that needed to be found and brought back. She turned to Iliana to see if perhaps there was some good news on this front.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hmm, no real news about them. Would imagine it easy to notice them, what with Isaku being so tall. But I don't think nothing is wrong with them, they are tough nuts to crack. we'll most likely just have to wait..." the mistress gave her reply, not having any idea about the two missing employees. "You think we should look for them? We can keep our eyes out on the road, or it could be a extended to a larger search. Though I am still concerned about the possibility of the creatures as well..." Iliana paused, sitting down a bit to have a ponder at what they should be doing. There was not all that much material to pack, so the process didn't really slow down with her not doing anything.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Oh I don't doubt that the two of them could handle themselves. Certainly together they were more of a force than you and Iris and I were, though I think we've all improved a little since then." She added the last bit with a smile before continuing. "I was just mentioning them because they crossed my mind and I was a bit dissappointed with myself for having let them slip away into the backwaters of my memory. They're out hunting for me somewhere right now, and House Einzbern just won't be back to its full glory without having them around, ya know? They're part of the family. And Lynette still has so much to teach me about being a bodyguard and being a good servant around the household." The green haired girl smiled and put up a V sign with her hand.

"And Isaku is just a really nice guy. Nothing against our current gate guard, but really, Isaku with his presence alone can make a situation calmer. And he's such a cuddly softy too, I miss having him around. And besides, with those dangerous creatures roaming the desert, having the two of them back wouldn't be a bad idea either. I mean, if we end up having to fight those tyrants, we'd be better off doing so with our fantabulous duo than without them."
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Maybe we should look for them in some of the areas we pass then, there was a few villages along the way." the mistress agreed about the good idea that was having the two back in case of tyrant attack. Having finished the conversation, the group continued with the small bit of packing they had left, with Iliana taking part once more.

Once everything was gathered and checked over twice, they left the room and inn behind. At the station of the wagons, it looked like it was time for them to part with Galeon. "If you people are leaving, my presence is most likely not required anymore. There seem to be a few things I'm needed for, that event from last night included." the knight told them, starting to depart and leaving the all-female group behind.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Good bye, Sir Galeon, and thank you for all that you've done for us. You were of great help to us getting Isane safely out of that mountain, and your bout with my sensei was something quite amazing to watch. I had not seen Yura pushed to that extent before. I'm sure she was quite pleased to have had to go to that level. You're a great warrior. Good luck with your rooftop vigil situation, and with all else. I look forward to seeing you again sometime in the future."

Nina bowed respectfully to the elder warrior, meaning every word of praise that she'd given him.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"It was my pleasure, as both the representive of the lands and as a person. I wish things go your way and fate is not cruel in your future endeavors. Have a safe trip, and come see me if you come to the city again." were Galeon's last words to the group as he departed.

Now, it was all ladies. The group didn't dally any further, getting into the carriage after packing up what they had in there. Soon, they took off, the city of Blackwall starting to slowly move away from them. Still in a normal, average wagon, they would probably have to spend the night at some place before the desert was near. Rao's super-horse had made the journey so much faster and easier when they arrived, but this time it wasn't to be that comfortable. Still, the driver was accompanied by two other men, most likely mercenaries of some stripe. If something came up, they wouldn't be all by themselves in the hassle, these two would be there to help.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Without much to do along the ride back, Nina kept her activities to simple observational chatter with Iliana and possibly Isane if she were in the mood to talk. Occassionally Nina would throw in an effort at humor to bring some levity to the ride home, but other than that, she was not going out of her way to look for adventure. She'd had plenty of it come to her already and right now she was interested in getting back to the estate as fast as possible so that the effort to uncover Isane's potential and pierce the mystery surrounding Iris and Patch could get underway.

In the dullest of moments, while Iliana slept, Nina would attempt to meditate, cultivating what she had learned about her spiritual side.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

There was hardly anything for them to do during the trip, the driver pausing only if there was an absolute need to stop. Isane had gotten a bit more active since they left the temple, talking pretty openly about any things she was asked about. When the talks died down and the sitting got boring, which it did a lot, most of the girls could have a nap. Even the usually wary Iris took the opportunity to doze off at one spot, probably seeing that there was enough security in the two men outside and thus she could freely slip into sleep. As for Nina's activities, she could manage a faint connection with Tree-Father during the bumpy ride. It was not too good, but still was a bit of added experience.

In the evening, the wagon settled into the town that Nina had visited during her forest outage, that small trade outlet in the edge of the forest. The driver had their lodgings planned out already, and they soon found themselves on the station where most common necessities were available for them to use. A room had also been reserved for the girls, so they didn't need to be housed with all the visiting drivers, merchants and mercenaries, who were almost exclusively male.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Hey, I recognize this town!" Nina exclaimed as she cheerfully stretched out her legs when the wagon had stopped. "After I was teleported away by the spirit within Patch, I emerged somewhere in these surrounding woodlands. This town was my first stop after I spent a night at the ranger station. Maybe I'll see some of them here."

She was referring to the rangers who she'd fought alongside against the poachers, though it was likely they were all still in the woods at their post. She contented herself with getting settled into their temporary lodgings and making sure that the three other girls were comfortable.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"So this is the place. I think we passed here on the way towards the capital, just didn't need to stop with that superior horse and carriage set-up. I have to be thankful about this town, since it was the one that allowed your return." Iliana told Nina as she got to know the significance of the place, not having anything against meeting one of the plucky three forest guardians either. But it was not to be, for there was no sight of them everywhere. Most likely the trio were still doing their duty and manning that lonely outpost in the deep woods. There was not much to do around the station, so it was a straight to bed evening after the usual eating and little washing.

But once again, the night wouldn't be peaceful. Nina found herself waking to some noises coming from outside, noticing that Iris too had caught them with her sharp ears. Looking at the only window, she could see the intruder girl from the previous night looking right into their room. It was like a ghost in the moonlight was stalking them. For a brief moment, Nina and Ethelinda's gazes met, before the creepy doll girl moved away from the window. Afterwards, nothing happened for a few tense minutes. It looked like it wasn't going to be anything worse.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

"Okay..." Nina kept her sword by her and got dressed. Then walked over to Iris, who had been aware of the the noises outside. "That was our creepy rooftop visitor from last night. She's obviously following us. I don't trust us to go to sleep without someone on watch. I'll take the first and wake you halfway through the night. I'll tell Iliana and Isane about Ethelinda in the morning, okay?" Nina said to Iris.

She then encouraged the blind warrior to sleep again while she stayed awake, dressed in her pajamas, but with sword and shield at the ready in case the doll like creeper came into their room once again. Nina decided midway through her watch that there was no need to wake Iris, since Nina could always sleep on the carriage ride, so she didn't wake the blind warrior unless Iris woke by herself and only then would Nina surrender her spot as guardian.

When the morning came, Nina would relate what she had seen to the other two women, more specifically to Iliana.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

There was little need to tell Iris what to do, and the girl soon laid back down. While she couldn't really tell what was going on in the smaller girl's bed, a small bit of Nina's mind told her that her companion was not sleeping, just pretending to do it.

After about an hour or so spent looking after the rest of them, Nina was once again faced with Ethelinda, who appeared to the window for the second time. This time there was actually something more to be unnerved about, since there were red splatters on her ghost-white face. Additionally, the strange polearm she had on her back was visible over her shoulder, the entire lenght of the edge bearing a crimson coating that dripped a few drops. This time, she didn't go away. No, she remained there and returned the maid-knight's vary gaze in full, hardly blinking at all.
Re: Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Nina gripped her sword's handle and stared right back at the creepy girl. She was a threat. A threat to Iliana, to Iris, and maybe even to Isane. She couldn't be allowed to hurt them.

She took several steps towards the window. "What are you doing here?" She asked in a low tone, but it would be heard easily by anyone who was even slightly awake, or a light sleeper. "Why are you following us?"