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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Her first spell allowed Nala to view Amanda's injuries, both within and without, but what she found within was.... Not refreshing, perhaps, but also not as bad as it could be. She learned more about her injuries, and added another piece to the puzzle. There was little internal damage, save where a few of the punctures had scratched against the bone of the girls ribs. None of her organs had been damaged by the beating she had taken. Save one. And that one was fairly obvious, even from the outside, so Nala set about repairing the physical damage.

It took two castings of the spell beyond the first, but eventually, all of her physical injuries had healed. Her bruises were faded, her cuts and punctures closed without a scar, and her swollen eye was closed. No more blood ran from her healed nethers. She was still sobbing, all the same, and her glassy eyes were unchanged from how they had been before. And Amanda did not answer her question. It was Charlotte that did that, the other girls voice strained but still steady; "It was the man, the one who stood on the wall when we came in here. I think he was one of the officers. He came in while.... While we were in here with another of the officers... He told him to get out, and he left without even questioning why.... Then he... I...." Charlotte trailed off, tears rolling down her cheeks, and it was clear that she wasn't going to speak again after a moment of silence.

Charlotte nodded wordlessly to Nala's orders, and replied; "Right... Stay here, keep all of them inside... If... Things go bad, I wait for you.. Or Violet, and try to escape." She paused a moment, a questioning look at Violet, who's face was set in a grim scowl, and then said; "If I think that you or Violet can't come, I'll try to get them all out on my own... But I don't want to leave either of you here. So I guess... I'll do what I can, when the time comes." She finished, looking Nala in the eyes. She hadn't questioned Violet's sudden change, or anything Nala had said about what had happened, or about what she said would happen.

The Captain had been the one to brutalize Amanda. But Nala knew that they all stood a much better chance of surviving the coming attack with him alive and fighting, and that an attack on him would not be good for Demetrius trust in her. Division now would kill them all.

Whatever preparations could be made for the attack were already done, or at least well on their way. Plans had been laid. All that was left now, was to see to any "details." What those details were, was entirely up to Nala to decide. Violet stood by her side, grim but steady in her new-found (or perhaps regain?) power. Charlotte remained in the cabin, looking after Amanda and all of the other girls as best she could given the circumstances.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Once Amanda's wounds were healed and she had her answer from Charlotte, Nala nodded in acceptance. The night elf pressed her lips gently against Amanda's forehead. Despite what those at the Ch'Hiesol temple had thought, Nala was not without empathy. Something like this, happening to an innocent girl, it just wasn't right. Sex was meant to be a beautiful and loving act, or at the very least, a fun and potent source of recreation and intimate power. This was just anger and hatred.

The captain was clearly a creature aptly fit for the jungle. He was a predator, dangerous and skilled. An animal mind. She wondered if he understood that he faced a much more dangerous predator than he?

Nala let her lips fall away from Amanda's brow. "You will know comfort, Amanda. You will have love. This will be nothing more than a bad dream." With a final brush of Amanda's sweaty and matted hair, Nala stood up again, and addressed Charlotte.

"Keep yourself as safe as possible. We will find you after this is over."

Nala motioned for Violet to follow her out, closing the door to the room behind her so that Amanda would not be disturbed. Nala had to assume that the captain knew she had seen this. After all, he had been there when she had asked to see the other girls.

In preparation, Nala found Grabbik and told him to stay with her at all times. He was her 'daggerman' as she called him, and that meant he stayed near her with his blade at the ready. Nala used this lull in the action to calm herself and try to restore her sorcerous energies. The Greater Daemon with the mask for a face had been correct - the air was full of death here. She could easily draw in the entropic forces if she needed to, which helped with her recovery.

Nala went back to Demetrius, idly running a hand over his bald scalp and placing her other hand on his chest. "The girls were all right, except for one, who was brutalized. The victim's sister has indicated your second in command as the culprit. Were you aware that he enjoys hurting young girls to the point of near death?"

Her words were casually inquisitorial, rolling off her tongue as easily if she had asked him if he knew that the diameter of the moon was roughly 3,500 leagues.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to bring him any immediate harm or upset the morale of the men before battle. Certainly we'll need the captain's abilities momentarily. But I wanted you to know that you could do with a better caliber of officer. Even these goblins hadn't touched any of the girls as bad as that. I spent quite a few painful moments healing the poor thing, and when all of this is over, I will want him to answer for what he did. You are the law in this compound. What is your opinion on the matter?"

She stroked Demetrius again, leaning closer to him. "Afterall, if I choose to stay here after the battle, I'd want to know that the man in charge had a firm grip over his underlings, and knows how to keep proper order. You're a good man, Demetrius, I know you'll do the right thing."

Nala knew that Demetrius had already had a taste of what she could offer him. Certainly more than that captain of his could. If she could get justice and access to the captain with Demetrius' assent, so much the better. It would happen either way, but she sensed a decent soul in Demetrius, perhaps he would show it if given the chance and the right... encouragement.
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Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Nala couldn't tell if her words actually registered with Amanda, but the girl shivered slightly and whimpered as she pressed her lips to her forehead. Charlotte nodded absently at her words, too busy staring down at her sister. The physical wounds had healed, leaving only stains that could be easily washed away, but the damage to the poor girl's mind and spirit would take a little bit more time, it seemed.

Violet followed her from the room silently, but something had changed about her, which Nala only noticed as the two of them exited the cabin completely. Before, she had been distant, stoic, and professional. Now, she was still as a statue, every movement so visibly controlled, that Nala wondered if she might shake visibly from the tension in her body if made to stand still for too long. "When you corner the man who did that to her.... I want ten minutes alone with him. He will still live when I am finished with him." She said quietly, and then followed her without saying another word, even if asked.

They picked up Grabbik, who actually seemed hesitant to leave his fellow goblins. They had constructed a barricade at the door to the mine, and were using their simple weapons to dig troughs in the ground just past the door. Then, she went to find Demetrius, eventually finding the lieutenant colonel along the wall, speaking to a pair of men who saluted and left just before Nala arrived. He turned toward her and greeted her and Violet with a nod, and Grabbik with a wary glance, before quickly saying; "No other unusual activity has been spotted. My men are all in place along the wall, with extra ammunition at hand."

He seemed slightly discomforted by Nala's affectionate touches, his expression unsure, but he paled and frowned darkly as Nala mentioned how Amanda had been beaten. He sighed, and said; "I was afraid something like this would happen... Or had happened, after, well.... You know." His tone, unlike Nala's was serious, but also resigned. It seemed like Demetrius had some guesses as to where this conversation was going. He did not look relieved even when Nala promised not to risk upsetting the morale of the soldiers by pushing the resolution of this issue further at the moment.

The commander sighed again, his stance rigid despite her familiar touches, and Violet suddenly coughed quietly. It was then that Nala felt a great many eyes on her, and a quick glance up revealed that every soldier on the walls was staring at her, either directly or by casting covert glances at her, and she realized that manipulating Demetrius in front of his own men like this might not be such a good idea. When he spoke, Demetrius' words were delivered quickly and sharply, but also very quietly so that no one could overhear him; "I don't like how he does things. Not a god damn bit, if you'll pardon my language. But... There's not much I can do about him at this point. Almost half of the men we have here are part of his company, and are directly loyal to him. Most of the other half are loyal to him anyway, save for a few of the other officers who came with me to oversee this operation. The lower ranks practically idolize the damned sociopath, and to be honest, I'm half relieved that some of them haven't picked up on his 'habits' with women. That's why we can't take any female soldiers on here, even if they're mercenaries.

"The last woman to be stationed here was a monk of some sort, hired on after she left her monastery or whatever. She could tear a tree from the roots with her mind, and then set it to doing a jig in the middle of the camp. Two days after she got here, he had her so terrified that she wouldn't even come out of the officers cabin except when she was on shift. One day, he went in after her, and dragged her out two hours later. We only recognized her because he'd carved the insignia of her order into her stomach with a bayonet. We could tell, because he hung her in the middle of the damn camp, so that all the men and all the slaves could see what he'd done to her.

"You know what he got for it? A reprimand from command, a dock to his wage of what they'd payed the woman, and a black mark on his record back in the Empire. You know why that's all that animal got? Because the only thing keeping that man from murdering me and the few who are loyal to me and taking this operation rogue, is that I let him get away with that kind of crap from time to time. Keeping me alive makes him a little bit more money, and means that he has to do a little bit less in order to make it, so he puts up with me and my orders. So, in order to keep order, I let our superiors handle all of the discipline for that psychotic bastard's actions, and keep my head down. So long as I do that, the men are happy, as few of the slaves die as can be expected, and I get to live to try and keep that order going. It's as brittle as glass. He knows it, and I know it. If it comes to a confrontation between the two of us, particularly given how things have been devolving today, and I can't guarantee that even half of the men will side with me. Hell, after letting those goblins in, I can't even guarantee a quarter of them."

He paused again and sighed. Every word had been delivered in a completely frank manner, and the same could be said when he continued; "So. Will I back you, if a public confrontation occurs? Yes, I will. But I doubt that it would go well. It might be best to find some other way of resolving this particular issue, if you catch my meaning." He smiled wryly, and his voice was only a whisper as he said; "After all... His savage tactics in the heat of battle are well known around here. He likes to get in close. And, well.... Accidents do happen, from time to time."

(I swear, I never intended to make the captain of the guard quite this much of an asshole. But the ideas just keep on coming.)
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Violet's desire to teach her own lesson to the monster produced an amused smile at the corner of Nala's lips. So, Violet was willing to go to extremes as well? That was telling.

"You'll get your ten minutes, but I'll be watching," Nala said as the pair of them strode away from the scene of trauma. She was curious as to what sort of punishment Violet with her unquantified power would mete out to the captain. Would it be physical? mental? would she sear his soul? What changes would she evoke in him? Nala had to know. Violet was a depth that had yet to be plumbed, though the night elf felt a strong kinship building within her for the quasi human.

Nala's affectionate hands were not meant to be terribly overt, merely a reminder to Demetrius of his sexual encounter with her before and a strengthening of those arcane hooks that she had seeded into his soul. Apparently though, by the way Violet quickly cleared her throat, there were too many eyes on her already, so she let the hands fall away. And soon enough, the story that Demetrius told put her out of the mood for any sort of playfulness. After hearing his tale, Nala paused for a brief collection of her thoughts before speaking.

"I understand your meaning, Demetrius, and if that is the only way to resolve this matter, then we can see to it. But I think that you and your command have a lot to answer for, spoiling a rabid dog like that instead of putting him down early as an example to the others. An example is what is needed, not a martyrdom in the heat of battle. It must be known that such things cannot be tolerated, and that there is power now to make bad things happen to those who would commit such horrid acts. A punishment must fit the crime. Or crimes, as you inform me. Why do the lower ranks idolize this man? Do none of your soldiers here have mothers, sisters, or daughters? Do none of them have feelings of romance for women? You humans must be a strange breed to have such evidence thrown in your faces and not feel repulsion and the need to desist. By the end of this night, things are going to change around here, Demetrius. And if you intend to stay in charge, you had better start enforcing your own style of command. Ignoring an evil is tantamount to supporting it."

Nala's eyes were angry by the end of her little speech and her jawline was tightened. Curse this Demetrius for a fool and a coward! And curse the humans he worked for as well! Nala would not let this stand. When this battle was over and done with, she would bring the surviving humans to task for these outrages. She would challenge this captain in front of his men. She would pick a fight and she would win. She would want all the humans to know that it was her who had brought this man to his end.

And yet how to accomplish that? Nala knew she didn't have much time to come up with a foolproof solution, and there really were bigger things to worry about, quite literally. If all she could do in the end was help this man to die in battle, then perhaps that was all she could do. She quickly thought of what she would do in that outcome - the men would have to be addressed before they could plot and hatch their own plans. There would always be someone who would see what she did. Yes accidents happened, but you couldn't eliminate the possibility of witnesses. It would take only one. And even if there were none, suspicion would rise. She would have obvious motive, they would say. Nala nodded to herself. Yes, good, that might work. Still - it would be a shame to simply kill the monster. Violet at least should get her ten minutes.

"Demetrius, I want you to surround yourself with the officers who were stationed here with you. And find lower ranked soldiers who seem quiet about their praise for your captain. It's for your own safety, just in case he's already decided that my coming here has caused the balances to shift too much."

Nala then walked away from him and rejoined her loyal goblin minions.

"These humans are without a true leader," she told them once she was certain that they were out of ear shot of any human guards. "I think I shall have to rule them once this battle is over. I want you all to watch your backs, my lovely creatures... Don't let the humans sneak up on you in the middle of battle. I think one of the puny mortal warriors intends to make a bid for dominance, and if he gets the chance, he'll kill you all. You saw the one I mean... the human officer with the gun. If any of you notice him coming toward you, call out. He will have murder on his mind, and your mistress will not allow him to harm her tools."

Having warned her brood of demons about possible human treachery, Nala decided that she could not simply ignore the prisoners without first having made her own judgements about them. "Violet, I have a task for you," Nala whispered. "I need you to sneak away and find out what sort of prisoners are in this camp. I can't imagine that they're any worse than their jailors, but you should speak to them and make your own judgment. If you think that they could possibly be trusted to fight FOR us, then make a deal with them. They can join me and get revenge on their jailers after dealing with this new threat. But Violet, if you don't trust them, then just leave them. I don't want more problems than I can handle."
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Demetrius frowned at Nala's reproachful response, his mouth a narrow line on his face, but in response, he simply shrugged, and said; "I don't make the rules, I only enforce them. He gets results, and that's all that my superiors give a damn about from a camp this far from the body of the empire. The men here idolize him because he can do damn near whatever he wants, and face little to no repercussions for it. Most of them are throw-away troops, too unruly or stupid to be put into line and thrown at the organ grinder that is the war in the North. Half of them would have been in slave irons instead of on the walls, if they'd been to a less kindly judge at one point or another. He's done worse than all of them put together, and has never seen a bit of punishment for it.

"Now, do I like that it works that way? No. But I also don't have the authority to change it. I do anything that my superiors don't like, and I'll get removed from power and sent back home to face a courtmarshal. I do anything that that animal doesn't like, and he's liable to creep into my quarters in the middle of the night, and slit my throat. I try to start a direct confrontation that he knows he's going to come away from the worse for wear, and he or one of the men he brought here shoots me, kills the few men here that have a decent bone in their bodies, and then frees all of the slaves, to take them to do I can't even imagine what. Which of those options sounds better than what I've got going here, exactly? I understand that this isn't good. But it's the best I'm able to maintain, Nala!" He sounded highly frustrated and tense, and Nala had the inkling that he probably didn't much like he situation he was.

At her request that he stay near the men that he trusted, he simply nodded. "I'll send a runner to you, in the event that something occurs that you would need to hear about."

Later, her goblins all nodded to her warning. The demons likely hadn't had any different intentions, as they stood well away from the group of men who had been sent to guard the mine with them, and eyed them cautiously. A gesture that Nala noticed was being returned by the armed humans.

Violet nodded at her quietly delivered command, and said; "I will do as you ask. If what Demetrius says is true, then they might do more harm than good, but I'll judge that for myself. If we're attacked while I'm away, I will try to find you as quickly as I can. One way or the other." Violet departed, the white robe she wore swaying around her, drawing the eye to her hips. It was very unlike the way Violet had walked before her sudden transformation, the trigger of which had been Nala's own death. A confident, proud and seductive motion, as opposed to her earlier meek stance.

(At this point, unless you can think of anything else, I'm ready to skip forward to the fight.)
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Nala nodded to Violet and watched the confident young woman slip away with grace and poise and all the other qualities that the goblin demons had dampened. Just how had these goblins managed to get the better of her? It didn't seem possible. Nala ran a few likely scenarios in her mind and came to the quick conclusion that Violet had likely been bested by a powerful foe, most likely demonic, and after having her powers somehow locked away was then sentenced by that foe to be a plaything for the lowliest rank and file demons they could find. It made Nala angry, but also a little turned on.

"Should I really hate what has brought this one to me?" Nala asked herself under her breath. She shook her head. She was pleased to have known Violet, and intended to get to know her a lot more. And if ever she felt like telling her the name of the being that had put her in that lowly position, she'd help Violet find revenge sooner or later. Payback would be a treat.

The witch elf turned her thoughts back to Demetrius then. Yes, very good and well Demetrius. You don't like the position you were in and you didn't think you had the ability to change it. Cowardice or prudence? Either way, Nala would have none of it. Human men were just taller goblins with pinkish skin and the capacity to have bouts of higher thinking. For the most part they could be ruled through fear, power, and a charismatic candor - especially the moral dregs of society such as these ones. If she killed or easily bested the captain in front of them, would the loyalty of such men extend to a man they only followed because they thought he was the baddest creature in the jungle? Nala highly doubted it. They'd be like the goblins and not risk their own skins. Now... there'd probably be dissension based on the fact that she was a woman and a non-human. She'd have to be judicious in her punishments and rewards.

Sighing Nala stood up, and took her place among the goblins. She would wait to meet this new threat head on. She could feel the energy gathering to her from this place. Woe be to any foe who stood against her this night. Taking her black staff from the hands of Grabbik, who had brought it along with him as ordered by her, she began to draw eldritch symbols in the earth. A large circle of power, with an inner and outer ring would form the base of her summoning circle. Then within it she drew the eight pointed star which represented the stages of the Great Cycle, and at each point she drew one of the secret names of Death in the original arcane script. Nala knew that what she was preparing to summon would be the single greatest act of conjuring she had ever attempted, and she dared do it now because she knew she would need to use her greatest strength in this coming battle. Victory here would not be enough. She would need to destroy her foes utterly, without quarter. She knew the powers gathering beyond the veil. She had seen them with her own soul, feeling their hunger. She felt she could still hear it even now, if she listened with all her senses, that hideous wailing and gnashing of ethereal maws. That destructive power - the Call to Oblivion - it was gathering here and she now fully understood its significance. She must not lose. She must harness the greatest and most fearsome properties available to her.

Nala completed the circle and the star and the secret names. She drew a smaller circle, again with two rings, and here the outer ring of this smaller circle made contact with the outer ring of the larger circle. In this circle, Nala drew the five pointed witch's star, and at each point drew the secret names for the qualities that she would emphasize in her right to mastery over the being which she summoned. "Atanye" for Nobility, "Terraso" for Strength, "Imbulc" for the Fire Within, "Selipha" for Undeniable Desire, and "Poriphyl" for Immunity. She drew on these keywords for support, each of them like gripholds on a heavy object that she must lift. She stood in the small circle, facing the larger and waited for the enemy to appear.
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Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Nala's felt the powers that had been swirling around the slave mine swirling stronger and stronger as she prepared herself for the coming onslaught. Her circles had begun to glow softly all on their own, the daemons from beyond the veil of death visible to her once more, but this time only as shadows, unable to touch her but present all the same. Her star and circles completed, the witch had nothing to do but wait for the coming battles, even as death came to wait for her call. Even her goblins stood off from her as Nala readied herself for battle, the demons as familiar with death as any could be, and avoiding it instinctively. The humans cast her frightened glances when they didn't pointedly ignore her completely, though she did notice that many of them held on to necklaces of an assortment of religions and praying quietly to themselves.

An hour or so later, Violet returned, er dress slightly mussed and a scowl on her face. She quietly moved to stand by Nala, offering her arcane glyphs an appreciative glance as she came up, and said; "The prisoners are a wild bunch. They have a trio of competing leaders, and each of them is unwilling to work with the others. I would not recommend trying to free them unless it was absolutely necessary, as controlling them would be..... Difficult. They are, as far as I can tell, about as bad as the goblins, or the other men here. That puts them miles ahead of Demetrius and his captain, but they would come with their own set of problems. I could try to let them out, if you so desired. They are under minimal guard, and the two men who were watching them I am already... Acquainted with."

Whatever her response to Violet's question, Nala and her allies would wait for another two hours, with little to do other than to speak, and prepare her magics further for the coming battle if that were possible.

Then, however, the air tensed, the ghostly daemons suddenly vanished, and the tension in the air around her grew a thousand fold. A massive grey.... Thing suddenly appeared over the camp, and was accompanied by startled shouting from men and goblins alike. It was huge, covering almost half of the camp in its size, and hundreds of tentacles waved out from its body, each at least a hundred feet in length. Openings appeared in the thing, and creatures began to drop from them, falling a hundred feet with no visible harm. First came a dozen massive, humanoid beings, each easily ten feet tall or larger. They had grey skin, and their rounded heads were totally featureless, or at least until they all opened their mouths, toothy maws appearing on their faces, and screamed so loud that Nala was nearly deafened. Then came dozens upon dozens of tentacled creatures, each of them about three feet tall, and had a dozen tentacles around their rounded bodies, as they strolled about on a quartet of spindly limbs.

Ten such creatures started toward Nala and Violet, moving toward them in a loose line that started about twenty feet away. Her goblins moved to aid her, but a sudden crashing sound from the mine alerted them to another quartet of the grey hounds come charging out, completely bypassing the primitive barricade they'd set up. The humans were already firing, peppering the creatures with bullets, but her demons would be battling them for a few moments that Nala and Violet didn't have. Meanwhile, the other creatures began spreading throughout the camp, and began battling the human defenders. The floating thing above had seemingly disgorged all that it had to give, but it remained floating above the enfolding battle.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Nala felt the presence of the ghostly daemons, but hardened her resolve against their shadowy beings, refusing to give in to supernatural terror. As a conjurer skilled in the arts of entropy, she had learned from eldritch tomes that the secret of conquering and controlling death was to show it no fear. The chill of the grave, the deep gaze into the abyssal void, it must not shake you. You must allow that fear to run through you and past you, experiencing it while remaining unchanged. She was Death's Mistress on this night and the goblins and men who shared this camp with her and observed her drawings and recognized in their hearts the dark summons she would soon perform could no doubt sense her power.

Let the fear of these reapers course through them now... When time for battle came, that fear would propel them all into desperate action. They were already dead. Only through victory could they claw their way back to the land of the living and once more draw a free breath.

Nala waited patiently then for Violet's return, and when the young woman stood beside her again, Nala allowed herself a brief smirk at what the girl had no doubt done in order to earn her way into the prisoners' cells.

"Very well, Violet... I suppose that action will have to wait for now. We simply don't have the time to deal with the complexities of that issue. I hope you haven't done anything too regrettable in carrying out this task for me. If you have, you can remind me to make it up to you later. Am I not, after all, a charitable mistress?" The night elf witch winked at Violet, whilst still kneeling down amongst her summoning circle.

As time went by, the two of them sat apart from the soldiers and demons, waiting for the eventual call to battle. In that time, Nala took the opportunity to speak a bit more with the enigmatic Violet.

"It seems that the powers that be are giving us some time and privacy with one another, Violet dear," Nala said after a short time had passed. "I almost feel at a disadvantage, speaking to you now. After all, you know who I am, but aside from your amazingly succulent lips, eagerness to please, and sexual expertise, I know little about you. And I'm positively dying to know more."

Nala grinned and laid a hand upon Violet's thigh. "If you would rather keep things to yourself, I will understand. We can talk about other things if you would like. For instance, your current state of mind. You've undergone a significant change and it's as if the demonic corruption has lifted from you. Can you tell me more about that? It will be important for my studies, should we survive this upcoming mess."

Later on, after Violet and Nala had shared their conversation together and said what they would say, there was nothing left to do but wait for the battle to come to them. Eventually, it did just that, and not in the way any of them had been expecting. The attack did not come from the woods, or even from the mines as she had half expected, but rather from the air. Some sort of grey monstrosity hovered above them and out of the beast's belly dropped smaller foes, some were humanoid giants and others were tentacled crawlers, but all were quite obviously hideous and dangerous foes. In a manner of seconds the camp had become a battle ground.

"Violet, fend them off while I summon help!" the night elf told her companion, as she stood up and set her feet properly within the summoning circle. She raised her staff in one hand and her upturned palm in the other, invoking the command words of the spell.

"I summon you, fell spirit of the beyond. I bid you step forth from the veil and claim for yourself the souls upon which you would feast. You are the Great Change, the Final Arbiter of the Cycle. Death shall stalk the fields of battle! Serve me, Reaper spirit. Let the power of this place fill you with entropic might, and slay my foes!"

With a crash of arcing black lightning, the glow of the summoning circle brightened eerily with a purple and black phosphorescent glow. Nala's gleaming eyes shown bright in the spectacle of power, and with a great surge of arcane effort, unlike any spell she had ever used before, Nala pushed herself beyond her previous limits. The coalescence of entropic energy surged together like a vortex or maelstrom of mystic power. And in a blinding flash, there stood before her a daemon of fearsome might.

"Welcome to this sacred place of death, oh Great Reaper. Take your payment in souls from these gray foes who seek to harm me and mine. Let all who would dare strike at me feel the touch of your Void!" Nala finished her summoning with an exaltation as she bestowed her command upon the Reaper spirit, just in time for it to begin it's grim work among the grey tentacle beasts who swarmed towards herself and Violet.

"Protect me and this girl!" Nala added, to make sure the message was clear, indicating herself and Violet.

Now partially drained, Nala hoped to target some of these creatures with a volley of entropic blasts before seeing to drain any survivors of their mystical power.

Nala casts Summon Reaper, doubling all its numerical values by using Empower Spell and spending 18 EP
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Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 23/41, Status = Fine

Violet's response
Violet smirked at Nala's offer of repayment, but shook her head and grunted; "It won't be necessary. That sort of work is nothing new to me."

As Nala spoke more she sighed, and looked away from her, staring off into the sky. She didn't react to the hand placed on her thigh. She waited a moment or two before responding, and when she did, her voice was quiet; "The corruption brought on by demons.... It rarely actually effects the mind itself. The repeated, constant rape, is what breaks the victims mind. Being degraded like that, constantly... You lose yourself in it, eventually. When the goblins found me, out in the jungle.... At the time, I was happy to lose my identity, and didn't even try to resist it."

She turned to Nala, and looked her in the eye as she asked; "What studies do you speak of? I cannot imagine that you've had time for anything scholarly, given all that has happened."

Casting: Success.
Violet does something.

Stuff fights!

The creature Nala had called to was all too eager to come to her call, and as it had already been present, merely waiting for her to call upon it, the conjuration took only seconds. As the flash of black lightning cleared, the frail looking figure of an ancient skeleton, garbed in a black robe. Two dots of golden light shined within its skull, held inside of its eye sockets. It did not speak in response to her words, only nodding as she issued her commands to it.

As the tentacled creatures were busy spreading out, and the behemoths were all too busy going toward the men pouring bullets into them, the reaper turned and started strolling toward the mine, where the grey wolves were entangled with her goblins. While they were well armed and outnumbered their foes, the diminutive demons were also quite unhappy to be up against four creatures that seemed ready and able to kill them. They received an object lesson in this, as four of them were picked up by the creatures jaws, and shaken violently while emitting copious amounts of gore. The demons were still fighting, however, and the creatures had scores of wounds on them already as the reaper approached. The soldiers were firing repeatedly into the melee, and though they were clearly at least trying to hit the monsters rather than the goblins, a shot or two did strike her minions.

Elsewhere in the camp, rifles thundered repeatedly, cutting through the lesser creatures with ease, but the weightier monsters were having little trouble in wading through the swarm of bullets. A ball of fire suddenly exploded in the center of one group, scorching two of the grey behemoths severely, but the creatures weren't dealt with so easily. They charged and slammed into the walls, causing several of the men to tumble down from their protective heights. Those who could still stand following the fall did so, but they were now on the ground among their enemies. Those still safely above were busy trying to regain their footing, and couldn't continue the volley of fire, allowing the tentacled creatures to swarm against the walls.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

"Just because it's not new to you doesn't mean you should feel obligated to do anything you don't want to do. Though I admire your attitude."
Nala said as she continued the conversation with Violet in hushed tones. The witch elf listened carefully as Violet hinted at the suffering that she had gone through in the past. Something demonic and powerful had defeated her and put her through a kind of hell that Nala found to be unwholesome. Rape was a crude and traumatizing thing, capable of ruining a person's enjoyment and understanding of sex. It was a blunt instrument with which to beat the victim into submission. After enough blows with such a tool, it was no wonder that Violet had been left delirious and senseless, and all the more a miracle that she had regained her lucidity. What a precious and mysterious girl, this Violet was. Nala knew she must study her more and do what she could to strengthen the girl's mind.

"So... what were you before that? What is your true identity?"

When Violet had finished answering that question and had asked her question about scholarly pursuits, Nala frowned and looked down to peer at the ground, not believing that the girl might understand or appreciate what Nala was about to explain.

"I have always been curious about taboo subjects, specifically those tied to sexual expression and the power inherent within the act of sex itself. I do not talk merely of the psychological and physical power of sex - the darker side of which, I fear, you already know too well. No, I am interested in the mystical nature of the act and study ways to harness that energy and condition it to my own ends. Sexual magic. What energies can sex propagate? Life, Change, Instinct, Control. What is the core element behind demonic mutation? Can it be controlled? How does it drive demons? Can I use it to strengthen my own magics?"

Nala glanced up at Violet with a rueful smile. "My theories are heretical, I know it all too well. I was cast out of my temple home by my own mother. Told to find my own way and that I would only be allowed to re-enter when I had learned to put aside my "debauched" interests. I assume my mother thought I would come crawling back once I was no longer pampered by the walls of her temple complex. She underestimated my stubbornness. I believe in my studies, and would rather trek naked through the jungle than crawl on my belly and beg forgiveness from her and her ignorant, repressive lackeys..."

Bitterness was evident in Nala's voice but she didn't mind showing it. She was a creature of emotions and did not hide from them. "So that is why I found you and the other girls, and why I did not concoct a plan to simply runaway from the goblins. I wanted to study them and use them to perfect my sexual technique. It is the same reason that I gave of myself so easily to Demetrius... I was on the verge of a breakthrough, my powers of seduction now crossing the threshold of the arcane. My brush with death only further confirmed that I am onto something, and if we should survive this... I intend to continue my experimentation."

Nala met Violet's eyes. "I expect that you must be appalled at me, given your horrible experiences with demons and sexual degradation. I find what was done to you reprehensible, just as what was done to Amanda tonight..." The night elf closed her eyes and shook her head in disgust. "But that sort of thing is an abomination, it's not the sex that I study, and it's part of why I am so focused on developing my techniques... If I can harness sexual power, I could teach that technique to other women... and they in turn could use it to wrest control away from fiends and rapists that would seek to diminish them through sexual dominance. Cretins like that captain could be neutered by their own vile acts."

With a shrug, she placed her hands back into her lap and let silence fill the air for a moment. "So... do you find my interests disturbing?"

Nala was pleased to see her summoned monster lumber eagerly into action, but she was less pleased to see the humans firing so willingly amongst her demon minions. She wanted to make certain that some goblins survived this fight, if possible. She had not forgotten her desire to thin the goblin herd as punishment for their treatment of the girls, but she didn't want to win this battle only to have the captain feel comfortable that he and his men could shoot her again. Nala was highly doubtful of her chances for a second ressurrection and was sure that those Reapers would be waiting hungrily on the other side of the veil for her soul if she fell to the bastard's bullet again.

Still, there was no time to think of that now. She had used up a lot of energy to summon that beast and she would need to regain some of it now. Fortunately for her, the powers of Entropy could feed her with the right channeling. Targeting one of the small grappler beings from a distance, Nala reached out with mystical might and cast a Drain Energy spell to regain part of her energy pool. If she could fill up her reserves, she might be able to blast away with less worry.

Nala casts Drain Energy on a grappler. (Does this count as an evocation, because if so she can gain more EP that way due to her Evoker trait.)
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Violet looked away from Nala at the question, shuddering as if it was something she'd been dreading to hear. She doesn't answer for several moments, but when she did, she first turned her gaze up from the ground she'd been staring at to look Nala in the eyes. "I suppose that it doesn't matter anymore. It's not like I can go back, and they won't care enough if I just tell you to come looking for me.... I was a Shinsengumi before.... Before I went wandering the jungles."

That revelation itself was enough to explain a lot about Violet. The Shinsengumi were the bodyguards and assassins of the nobility in the Amazon. They practiced a number of different skills, but the common skills among all of them as far as Nala knew were the ability to harness the power inherent in their souls, skills in stealth and subterfuge to rival the greatest of thieves, the guile and pride to walk among nobles as one of them, and yet still the grit to walk among the poorest and seediest members of the communities in the amazon, and finally, the will to use their bodies in order to accomplish their goals. All of them were female, at least according to what little Nala had been told of them through rather romanticized stories of their adventures. One other common theme, however, was that one who joined the Shinsengumi only left their service at the time of their death.

"It's behind me now. Not important." Violet continued, and as Nala began to explain her own studies, the woman raised an eyebrow. She seemed to have settled by the time Nala finished, and asked her question and offered a coy smile in return. "Disturbing? No. Not in the slightest. Your "studies" are akin to some of the things that members of my order are required to know how to do."

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 + 11 = 19 * 4 = 76 EP drained.
Nala regains 38 EP. It was, in fact, an evocation. She also gets that much corruption, however.

Attack (Violet) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 * 12 = 36 - 12 = 24 damage.

Attack (Reaper) : Hit.
Damage: 5 + 6 + 121 - 12 = 120 damage.

Attacks: The reaper cannot be hit by mere juggernauts! All 3 miss!

Attacks: All 5 soldiers hit!
Damage: 6 + 4 + 6 + 8 - 12 = 12 * 5 = 60 damage

Attacks: The goblins cannot miss! The puny creatures are slain!
By a dozen goblins apiece!

Casting: Success x 3.
Attacks: They cannot miss the goblins or soldiers, but also cannot hit the reaper.
Damage: 8 + 8 = 16 * 4 = 64 damage.

13 goblins and 20 soldiers are killed.

The battle was on in full then, and Nala could once more see the ghosts of the reapers swirling around them. The air was filled with death, and as she called upon her magics once more, it was almost laughably easy. The tension... The energies practically shaped themselves. The working she performed was a simple one for one of her particular skills in magic, but with the way the power swirled in the air, and via her own skill with magic, it was also incredibly powerful. The tentacled creature, which had, until a moment ago, been trying to get at one of the men on the walls, suddenly shuddered, and then lay still as her magic caught it up. The spell ripped the power from the creatures soul so violently that it simply collapsed, dead. Nala felt a refreshing surge of energy as it was delivered back to her, but it felt..... Unclean, oily even, as she absorbed it into herself.

Violet, meanwhile, turned herself toward the four hounds that were in a melee with her goblins, and sent a lance of glowing white light toward one of them. Unfortunately, she seemed to dislike firing into the wild melee, and her attack was contained so as not to hit any of the goblins. It struck one of the creatures in the side, burning a hole right through it, but the wound was small, and the beast paid it not mind. The reaper, meanwhile, casually advanced into the melee, the goblins who detected it moving out of the way of the daemon with as much haste as they could manage. It reached one of the hounds, who hurled itself at the Reaper savagely, its overlarge mouth wide and filled with teeth. The daemon calmly caught both halves of its jaws, displaying as much effort as one might when picking up a glass.... And then tore the top half of the other creature's head clean from its body. The thing collapsed immediately, and yet, not a drop of blood spilled out of it. The other three grey wolves immediately set upon it, but their teeth and claws rolled off of the Reaper like water, leaving not even a scratch upon the powerful being's robe.

The bullets from the soldiers pinging against the beasts had a comparatively unimpressive effect... However, as they had all concentrated their fire on the same beast that Violet had attacked and the combination of wounds eventually brought another of the creatures down. Her goblins set upon the rest, and a dozen of the diminutive demons to each creature.... They were practically torn apart, swiftly covered in dozens of stabs and slashes all over their soft, grey bestial bodies.

Their corner of the battle having been apparently won, at least for now, Nala could turn her gaze outwards. The men on the walls weren't faring so well, but at the very least, only two of the juggernauts and about two dozen of the lesser creatures were left standing. Most of the men on the walls were still standing and unharmed, but the half dozen who had fallen from their protective perch were all dead, either crushed by the larger creatures or strangled by the smaller ones.

Still, they had the enemy well outnumbered, with still about forty men on the walls, and Demetrius and his captain still alive and fighting on the walls..... Until a pair of explosions along the walls caused not only wide sections of them to crumble completely, but to cause the men upon them to scream in horror. Bodies and wood flew far and wide, and Nala could find no trace of either Demetrius, or his captain anywhere. The men who had remained on the wall now had no way down, and through the smoke from the two explosions, three creatures floated into view. they were vaguely humanoid, and larger even than the 12 foot tall grey things, but were thin, almost skeletal. Their faces were likewise utterly blank, perfectly rounded and expressionless heads, and where their legs should be, a skirt of tentacles hung, waving wildly about.

A fireball suddenly appear directly in front of the head of one of the creatures, and Violet suddenly hurled herself against Nala, taking them both out of the way just as it sailed over towards them. It exploded amidst her goblins, which were still busy chopping up the corpses of the grey wolves, and almost half of the remaining demons were killed instantly in the explosion. Violet pulled her quickly up off of the ground and set Nala back onto her feet, but her eyes were staring murderously toward the floating creatures.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Violet and Nala:
The revelation of Violet as a Shinsengumi granted the witch elf a clue to some of the actions she had seen so far from the strange girl. Nala had read about this order of women in her youth at the temple. She admired what the stories had to say of their prowess both in battle and in intrigue. But her answer begot more questions. Shinsengumi were supposedly never let out of the order alive, and for such a rumor to be true it would suggest Violet's disappearance should be drawing some wrath from her former sisters, yet here this girl was suggesting that they would not care. And additionally, nothing that had been revealed so far would explain what that Daemon had told Nala about Violet. There was a hidden power in her that went beyond being a member of an elite female assassin organization. Nala said nothing though of these thoughts, and merely nodded in understanding as the brief recounting reached its conclusion.

Violet's receptiveness about Nala's studies was a relief. Few people had ever understood without having to be convinced of what Nala was trying to teach herself. Perhaps she could share notes about technique with Violet when this was all over and they had some time and a bed to themselves, with perhaps a pleasant looking soldier or two to try things out on.

"I'm happy to hear that,"
Nala said. "No one has ever shown me as much understanding as you have. At best I would received blushed stammering from men and women who were too uptight to admit their inner instinct. Given time I could coax them out of their shells, even teach them to openly enjoy themselves in my presence... but where I grew up, amongst priestesses, hierophants, and acolytes of Nature, such things were forbidden outside the 'blessed union.'" Nala rolled her eyes as she said this.

"Now that I've found someone like you, I shan't be letting you get away... not before you show me all of what you know. I'm determined to leave no stone unturned in my studies, and you could be invaluable as a source of knowledge... and fun too, no doubt." Nala gave Violet a wink. "But there's another reason I'll be keeping you close. It's because you're special. Moreso than what you've already told me. Maybe you know it. Maybe you don't recall. Regardless, I intend to keep you safe out there. Maybe you'll do the same for me?"

The oily, corrupt spread of the creature's soul merging with her own left Nala feeling unwholesome and dirty. Still, power was power, and there was precious little time to worry about where it came from in the midst of a life and death struggle. The battle was swirling about her, and though her side was fighting tremendously to thwart these powerful foes, they were still taking casualties at an alarming rate.

Then the wall exploded, stone, wood, and bodies landing in scattered bits across the camp's inner courtyard. Floating into view were three of the most bizarre monstrosities Nala had ever laid eyes on. She was so struck by their irregularity and nightmarish visage that she failed to register the casting of a fire spell. If not for Violet's quick thinking, the sorceress would have been caught alight in the fiery inferno as it melted the air just above them.

"I owe you one," Nala said to Violet as she was helped up off of the ground by the Amazonian femme fatale. With a simple twist of her her wrists and a tug at the abundant entropic energies swirling about her, Nala collected a surge of black energy within her hands, crackling down her forearms as she took three steps towards the alien spellcasters. "Let me start by doing this."

Nala knew that the battle and the presence of myriad reaper daemons just beyond the veil of death was causing this place to be a vortex of raw entropic power. She channeled that energy into her own spell, and formed in front of her a blade of pure entropy, forged from the void itself, it glowed with the flames of oblivion. Into this mystical conjuration she poured and focused and concentrated the swirling vortex of death. Yes, she thought mildly as she levitated the abhorrent weapon in front of her body, her summoned Reaper demon was impressive, but even it could not measure up to the power of her Blackfire Blade.

With an unleashed aggression, she hurled the blade that cut down life at the three casters, determined to maintain the deadly weapon until their abominable souls lay shredded at her feet.

Nala casts Blackfire Blade using Empowered Spell to double numeric values. Cost 16 EP. Damage dealt: 4*(4d12 + 27), per round, with a 3EP upkeep. It's an entropy spell if that has any bearing on environmental bonuses. She'll target the lead spell caster this first round.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 25/41, Status = Bound

"Oh, trust me Nala.... It will be quite a thing that you'll have to do in order to make me blush and stammer!" She replied jokingly, but then turned serious again, and faced Nala squarely. "Yes, I will protect you, Nala.... It's all I have left to do, I think. One way or another, I believe that the rest of my life will be spent in your service... And to that service do I swear! I will do everything within my power to help you win this battle. You, I believe, will be a very important person, in the future. More so than the protector of this paltry slaver camp.... You will change the world. I want to make sure that that happens, because we're long overdue for some changes if you ask me!"

Blackflame Blade is only 2d12 according to the entry in the spell thread, but I'm guessing that you just doubled the Mind/4 as well now that I look at it. I tend to just multiply at the end, but it was still helpful.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 + 11 + 14 = 32 * 4 = 64 * 2 = 128 damage. Disintegration!

Attack (Violet) : Miss.

Casting: Success
Attack (Enemy) : Hit.
Resistance: Enemy wins (barely)
Damage: 2 + 4 + 12 = 18 * 3 = 54 damage.
Violet has been knocked unconscious.

Casting: Success.
Nala has been bound.

Nala's blade of black fire appeared in the air just in front of her, the dark magic drawn from the vortex of dark power around her coalescing and forming a scythe of pitch black fire, sucking in light rather than giving it off. Her reaper turned its head to view the spectacle as her second impressive spell took form, though it didn't halt in its progress toward the desperate melee going on where the new arrivals had blown through the wall. The humans were now outnumbered and cut off into small groups, and were being picked off one by one. Another of the giants fell under a hail of gunfire, but four men were simply plucked from the walls by a dozen of the tentacled creatures.

Regardless of how the battle fared elsewhere, Nala's black blade hurled through the air and struck one of the lead creatures directly in the chest. The scythe of black fire burned through the seemingly powerful being in seconds, a hole appearing where it struck, and the flames swiftly spreading across its entire body. In less than three seconds, one of the floating monstrosities was destroyed. Nala could even watch, her connection with the deathly aura of this place so complete that she could see the swarm of daemons descending on it like a school of piranha as the powerful creature's soul lost the protection of its body. Apparently, even these creatures were not immune to the horrid fate that awaited all who died in this place.

The side effect of her instantly lethal spell, however, was that Nala immediately became the center of attention. She felt two consciousnesses bring her to their attention, that concentration like a weight on Nala's heart that threatened to make her freeze in panic. Violet clearly recognized it as well, as the assassin suddenly dove in front of Nala, her expression set in determination and her hand glowing brightly. Just as she unleashed whatever blast she'd been preparing, however, a fist of will suddenly gathered itself and slammed directly into the amazonian woman's chest. Violet was sent flying, hitting Nala and almost knocking her from her feet as well, only to come to a skidding halt several yards away, utterly still. Her blast had gone wide and off into the air, missing its target completely and having no effect whatsoever.

As she recovered from the human projectile, however, Nala felt something slithering its way up her legs, and looked down to find the earth itself slowly crawling along her lower body! She couldn't move her legs, and before she could attempt to move aside and break the connection that the dirt binding her had to the ground, or cast another spell, her arms were grabbed, and her earth prison solidified. She was trapped from just below her breasts, down. Her goblins, about ten of which remained at this point, were just getting back together after the fireball that had torn through their ranks. She couldn't tell if Grabbik was among the survivors or not, but they didn't seem to be organizing quickly. The handful of humans that had been left to her were nearly panicked, the three of them only mildly singed by the fireball but looking down on the dessicated corpses of their comrades. Some of the men who had been downed by the wall were being dragged away now, toward the larger thing that still floated high above them.

The reaper was casually strolling toward the creatures that were hauling unconscious men, and her goblins and the humans were in complete disarray. Both of the floating creatures that had so suddenly turned the tide of battle were floating in her direction. Nala was bound to the earth, unable to move, and it would take precious seconds and strength that she didn't possess to free herself before those monsters reached her. All she had left, for the moment, was the power of her voice.....
Last edited:
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Nala and Violet
"Then I will consider it my solemn duty to make you blush and stammer," Nala said with a grin at Violet, enjoying the refreshing ease at which she could discuss things with this Amazonian. With no one else had she felt this at ease. But when Violet became serious again and pledged loyalty and belief in her, Nala was surprised. Not about the bit that she could change the world - Nala had always knowingly tried to act as a force of nature - but that Violet would genuinely want to be with her on that journey was stunning.

"I will not refuse your service, Violet. I will welcome and cherish it. And I pledge to reward your faith in me. Thus do I swear."


Seeing the spirit warrior fling herself so selflessly in the way of the force projectile, only to be tossed to the earth like a ragdoll made Nala want to scream out a litany of curses and oaths against the spell-slinging creatures and whatever infernal mother it was that spawned them.

Instead, having been immoblized by the earth, she did the next best thing and resolved to send their rotten souls to oblivion. They were the leadership nexus of this enemy force, perhaps if they went down, the underlings would lose morale or combat effectiveness. At the very least, these incredibly dangerous foes needed to be dealt with immediately.

"Reaper Daemon! Feast upon these grey monstrosities who caste spells, let them feel your scythe!" she said, directing her summoned aide to charge these chilling foes.

With her limbs held in place, her best course was then to maintain her blackfire blade and wield it against the other spellcaster, the one furthest from the Reaper. Her blade lashed out once again through the air spiraling the dark scythe of oblivion straight through the middle of the creature's body.

Maintain Blackfire Blade for 3EP and send it through a second spellcaster. Meanwhile, verbally direct the Reaper to the other remaining spellcaster.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 22/41, Status = Bound

Attack (Nala) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 10 + 14 = 25 * 4 = 100 * 2 = 200 damage.
I had the damage way off last time. Woops.
Attack (Reaper) : Hit.
Damage: 8 + 1 + 151 = 160 damage.

Nala's blackflame blade swept forth toward another of the creatures, and it disintegrated just as the other monster had even as it floated toward her. Black fire wrapped around it and burned away its grey flesh, and once more she watched as its soul was torn apart by the daemons who were waiting to consume the souls of the fallen. Oblivion greeted it as it fell, but its end was quick, at least. Such was not the case for the other being that Nala had sent the reaper toward.

The daemon strolled toward it, as though it were bored, but as it got closer to the floating creature, it suddenly leaped upwards toward it. The reaper was dwarfed by the floating monstrosity, but that didn't seem to prevent it from enacting its rage upon its foe. The daemon's hands tore deeply into the monster's chest, and then rent outwards, ripping away sizable chunks of the monster and throwing them aside only to continue digging. The alien monsters path wobbled, and it dipped down while its hands and tentacles reached for the daemon that was tearing it apart, but the reaper didn't seem to notice. The thing took almost ten seconds to die, but in that time, the reaper tore it almost completely apart. Chunks of slimy grey flesh were hurled in every direction, utterly bloodless, and still squirming. The very last piece of it to be torn from the creature was its head, ripped savagely from its mauled torso, and then crushed between the daemon's hands. It stopped squirming then.

Elsewhere in the battle, another explosion appeared, but this time, it was amongst the creatures battling at the wall. A dozen of the tentacled creatures and the last of the juggernauts fell before the blast, and as the humans were once more organizing themselves more and more of the invaders began to fall underneath a hail of gunfire. Nala was still bound in stone, unable to move either to aid in the defense of the camp or to go check on Violet. Her goblins had organized themselves with the fall of the last of the floating aliens, but were hesitant to enter the fray. More than half of both the humans and her goblins had been killed, mostly by the explosion that had blown up part of the wall. Victory seemed imminent, however, right up until Nala heard a scream from the cabin where she had left the girls.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Nala sent the blade hurling back towards her bonds, directing the mystical scythe to sheer her free of the earth bonds that held her in place. As the blade kept up its delicate work, she directed the reaper.

"Continue to slay the grey creatures that walk within the camp walls," she said as the last of the earth destabilized and sloughed away from her limbs.

She then ran to Violet and quickly cast an Improved Nature's Breath spell upon her. She did not consider that Violet might have been killed in that blast. It simply didn't register. All that Nala knew was that she had to stop any hemorrhaging and restore the Amazon's natural life harmonies.

"I cannot lose this one. She has too much potential!" Nala said as she stood over Violet's prone body. Yet at the same time, she knew she must quickly check on the women at the cabin as well. Amanda, Charlotte, and the others, they were all her charges, she could not abandon them either.

As soon as she knew that Violet was stabilized, Nala would dash off towards the cabin where the screams had emanated from. She only hoped that she was not too late.

Upkeep Blackfire Blade to free herself (3EP), cast Improved Nature's Breath on Violet (6EP) Then run to the cabin to help the girls.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 13/41, Status = Grappled

Casting: Success.
Healing: 8 + 11 = 19 * 3 = 57 HP restored.
Perception: Enemy wins.
Attack: Hit. Nala has been grappled!
Aphrodisiac: Nala is at 21/27 Resistance.

Nala's reaper didn't seem to need her orders, at this point. It didn't seem content to stroll forward anymore either, as it rushed into the melee around the wall with relentless savagery, and started tearing the grey creatures apart. The humans took advantage of this to recover some of their organization, as a burned Demetrius appeared from out of the the woods. He shouted orders to his scattered men, and send an orb of flame into the midst of the creatures that reduced a half a dozen of them to charred masses of flesh. It looked like now all that was left to do was to mop things up, at least on that end.

Nala, meanwhile, used her blade of black flame to cut herself free of the stone that was holding her in place. The magical fire cut through the earth with ease, and Nala was quickly freed without so much as a scratch on her body. The flame blade winked out as Nala rushed over to aid the fallen Violet. As she approached, the girl was completely still and had a trail of blood running down from her mouth. Pulling upon the magic of nature proved more difficult than it normally might have as Nala attempted to heal Violet, requiring more of her energy than normal and being more difficult to control. When she tried to call upon the magic that gave life, the aura of death that still suffused the camp resisted her, and Nala could sense the daemons hovering around Violet, waiting to consume her soul if they hadn't already done so. The thought that she might have already died never crossed into Nala's thoughts, however, and that confidence allowed her to complete the spell perfectly despite the distractions.

Violet groaned, and the daemons that awaited those beyond death fled from around her. She opened her eyes to look up at Nala and smiled, only to cough up a small amount of blood. Just then, another scream issued from the cabin only to be suddenly cut off in the middle, and Violet's eyes widened. "Go... I'll catch up in a minute.... Now!" She said, and Nala knew that there was no time to argue.

She ran to the cabin where the girls had been left, seemingly undisturbed in the corner of the camp. The door was open, and Nala entered it immediately only to find a half dozen of the tentacled things stationed throughout the room. Each of them had a girl held in its appendages, and had tendrils pounding wetly into all three of their holes. Not a one of them were doing anything to try and escape, and even seemed to be moaning around the tendrils embedded in their mouths. There was no sign of Amanda or Charlotte, at least not in the opening room, but the door into the officer's quarters were also open. As she prepared to do something, however, Nala was suddenly grabbed around her ankles and thighs, her dress offering her legs little protection from the slime that covered the tentacles that had ensnared her.

Arousal suddenly began to pulse through Nala's system as the slime began its work upon her body, and she was pulled off of her feet only to hit the ground with a thud. She was dragged closer to one of the creatures, and Nala spotted another of the girls lying on the ground, thick white fluids leaking from her and covering her body. The intentions of the being were fairly clear, and in this position, Nala's spellcasting would be hindered as much by the tentacles that were wrapping around her as the distraction caused by how suddenly horny she was. What's more, simply sending a ball of flame or bolt of lightning into the room would likely kill every one of the girls that she had come here to protect.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Nala hit the floor with a thud on her side, gasping out in surprise at the sudden and unseen attack. She felt slime coating her ankle and from that mere contact recognized the feeling of swelling arousal throughout her body.

"Just like a... shoggoth..." she muttered, reminded of the infamous tentacle demons that she had read about in the contraband texts at Ch'hiesol. The slime mucus that their appendages secreted was a natural aphrodisiac narcotic, universal in its ability to enhance desire and anticipation in its victims through mere contact with the skin. As she was dragged toward the creature, Nala noticed one of the girls she'd rescued from the goblins seemingly fucked unconscious beside her. Eyes glazed over, thick gobs of cum running from her orifices, the girl seemed to have a look of mad exhaustion about her. Nala shivered as she contemplated the levels of ecstasy the young woman must have experienced - what Nala herself was about to experience if she let herself be swayed.

She knew she had to overcome these enemies, owing it to Amanda and Charlotte to save them from this new danger, but at the same time, Nala had a deeper desire to experience this forbidden creature, like the shoggoth, who could inspire such widespread desire throughout her with its many ideally shaped limbs. The contact high she was getting from the slime only further fueled the witch elf's need.

Like a switch going off in her mind, Nala realized that she would neither lash out at this creature with dangerous lightning nor would she truly give into it fully. There was another option, one which would allow her to expand her experience and aid the girls together.

Flipping her body over as she was dragged up to the grappler, Nala let herself be taken into its tendrils, doing her best to show with her receptivity that she wanted to work with the creature. When it entered her, she would fight back immediately with every sexual trick she could muster, intending to wear it down and dominate the creature's mind with her own mystical style. She felt her own burgeoning powers were soon to be realized and there was no other way to test them further than to employ them against her enemies. She must enter into sexual combat with this tentacled monstrosity and subdue it. She would be able to tell soon whether she had a mistake or not with this tactic, but if the beast seemed to be proving too much for her, she had one other hope left to her...

Nala will completely cooperate/engage in sex with the creature, employing her whip-tongue, tight, and "knowledgable" advantages to try and make the creature orgasm before her. She'll be using her sexual manipulation talents to try and make the creature no longer able to attack her.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 54/64, EP = 13/41, Status = Grappled, Triple Penetrated

Grapple: Unopposed! (Sort of)
Nala has been triple penetrated!

Pleasure (Nala) : 1 + 6 + 15 + 8 - 20 = 10 PP.
Pleasure (Enemy) : 10 + 4 + 27 + 2 - 20 = 25 PP = Orgasm.
Pleasure (Nala) : 7 + 4 + 15 + 8 - 20 = 14 PP.
Pleasure (Enemy) : 2 + 2 + 27 + 2 - 20 = 13 PP
Pleasure (Enemy) : 4 + 6 + 14 + 2 = 26 PP = Orgasm.

Nala gains a grand total of 24 + 15 = 39 corruption.

Aphrodisiac: Nala is at 20/27 Resistance.

Casting: 16 + 35 = 51 vs DC 24 = Nala has control of it.

The creature wasted no time in getting the apparently willing Nala out of her clothing, those among her charges who were not being raped watching horror as their protector seemingly gave herself eagerly to one of their attackers. The slime still coursing through Nala's body, it slid tendrils into all three of her holes without a moments hesitation, and began plowing deeply into her. The slime was sickly sweet, but only half-masked the bitter taste of the slimy creature's flesh as it slid along her tongue and down her throat while the other two violated her depths and writhed against her soft inner walls.

The slime's effects upon her body and natural lubrication made sliding into both of her holes easy, and artlessly began humping into her body. Despite the slime, however, Nadia could still easily resist the effects of the aphrodisiacs and the feeling of having her holes pounded into.... For now. The abomination proved to be quite the disappointment in the bedroom, however, as it barely took more than a few moments of humping before her skillful ministrations caused its tendrils to fill all three of her holes with its cum. Streams of thick white goo sprayed deeply into her body, her womb and her bowels filling with its release while it pumped massive amounts of cum down her throat. Her magics worked upon its simple mind with as much ease as its tentacle had in filling her body, and she soon felt its paltry will melt away under her mental intrusions.

Unfortunately, even as its spurting stopped and she took control of it, she felt it pause for a moment... Only to begin moving once more immediately! Pulling back slightly, its tentacles writhed before releasing even more cum into all three of her holes. Having already been filled to capacity, strands of thick white semen leaked out of her body, which immediately began to bloat with all of the fluids that were being pumped into it. The being was a slave to her will now, her sexual conquest of it utter and complete, but she would have to get its tentacles out of her before she could rescue any of those she needed to protect.

Her charges were already being filled up with cum just as she had, white fluids leaking from their helpless bodies while the rest of the girls looked on helplessly. Their rapists showed no signs of stopping, and Nala could see all of them moaning like wanton whores in their attacker's tendrils. The battle outside continued, and there was still no sign of either of the women she had come to find, or Violet for that matter.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

The creature was much what Nala had expected. A rough and completely unenjoyable lover whose only saving grace was the aphrodisiac slime covering its large appendages and doubling as a lubricant. Even with that massive advantage, the thing wasn't even close to overcoming Nala's resistance.

The creature came quickly, powerless to stop Nala's eager ministrations, which to the other girls must have appeared as total, irresponsible surrender. It pained her a bit to shake their faith like this, but she'd show them what was really going on in just a minute.

The volume of the cum took Nala by surprise. Even the goblins didn't spurt this much quantity simultaneously inside her three holes. For the witch elf, it was a novel and not completely unenjoyable experience, though she was certain it could be improved upon by a more intelligent and caring lover, or set of lovers.

Like the human Demetrius, the point of ecstasy proved to be the opening she needed to twist the nature of the beast, breaking down its resistance and building it back up in a way that made her subtly the object of its adoration.

The trick worked like a charm, perhaps far too well. Perceiving her desires to be sex or maybe the acquisition of its own seed, the creature readily began to cum again, filling Nala to the brim and into a situation of discomfort. It was filling her up too much!

She began to struggle actively, pushing away, desisting in causing pleasure and cooperating, and she actively tried to pull the tendril in her mouth out so she could speak to it. The sudden lack of cooperation was likely enough of a clear, animalistic response. She added whimpering and extended looks of pain to add to the effect. It shouldn't be too hard for even this dimwitted creature to notice the complete 180 reversal in Nala's attitude.

Once the creature had slowed down or halted in its sexual assault, Nala would tear herself away for it and command it to stop. She would then spend the next moment coughing up the creature's unpleasant seed, spilling it into a quickly growing pool beneath her feet, where other streams of the goo were flowing from her nether regions down her legs.

When at last she got ahold of herself, she turned her concentration to the nearest enemy grappler and cast a Drain spell upon it, intending to harvest it for the much needed mystical energy. She would grimace at the uncleanliness of it, but she didn't have time to rest and regain her power the relaxing way. She had the feeling that her struggles this night were not nearly quite so over.

Get free of the Grappler, make it apparent that she is now resisting it and appear to be in pain and in direct opposition to its current inclinations. Provided the message gets across, next action is to cast Drain on another (hostile) grappler nearby (one that is attacking another girl).