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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: The World Will Know (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Pregnant

Firstly, some OOC stuff:
Nala gains 30 experience from all of her assorted adventures. She's fought off the monsters attacking the camp, and gone through the underworld (in this case, the daemon she summoned earlier) to return Charlotte to life, in doing so bringing three beings out of imprisonment.

She has also permanently gained a +10 bonus to her Spirit stat, and has gained the Demonologist Talent. She has also gained 2 mutations of her choice, and her corruption gets reset to 0.
The logs of how she made it out are in the spoiler below this one, both for reference and for all you readers out there. We did the rolls in another thread, so they won't be in there

The three fallen goddesses did not respond verbally to Nala's words, but as she currently housed all that remained of their souls, she couldn't help but feel a swell of emotion within each of them. >>
Tassadar003 They passed the rest of the way in silence, until finally Nala stood in front of the gateway into the golden glowing fortress. The three drifted back into her silently, leaving her alone outwardly. She could still feel the three inside of her, however. >>
Tassadar003 The netherworld around her remained in shadow, and the stone gateway stood high above her, as large as any structure that she had ever seen in her ancient jungle homeland. Movement caught her eye, and a trio of squat, red skinned creatures loped into view from around the corners of the gate, two on her left and one on her right. >>
Tassadar003 They were all headless, and had arms that were longer than their bodies. The three all advanced on Nala as one, but they weren't the quickest of beings, and she had a good twenty feet between herself and the advancing creatures.
BlueSlime Nala sized up the creatures loping their way towards her. She didn't like the idea of having to deal with these road blocks, there was little else to do but fight. There was a reason for these creatures being thrown at her. Perhaps a test of some sort? Now, what to do about them... >>
BlueSlime The witch elf decided to draw on the power of Shadow, drawing in an swirling vortex of darkness from the the gloomy memory world around her and forming it into sharp knives and barbs before flinging it in a single motion against the three red attackers...>>
BlueSlime Funneling what she thought to be a judicious amount of spiritual energy into her strike, Nala hoped it would be enough to dispatch her enemies in one swift blow.
Tassadar003 All three were pierced in the chest, and the power of the blow tore the three crimson creatures apart. They dissolved into a fine red mist that then collected into a trio of red orbs, which floated about like all of the other energy that Nala had seen.
BlueSlime "I don't think I wish to draw upon too much of that soul energy," Nala said aloud, wondering if one of her three riding spirits had an opinion on the matter of soul harvesting.
Tassadar003 "The energies here can twist your soul, and if you take too much of them too quickly they may begin to take control of you. We will take our influence when we leave, but the absorbed essences will remain with you even after you leave this place." The succubus spoke clearly into Nala's mind. >>
Tassadar003 "But more strength will be of great benefit to you while you are here. I doubt that all of the challenges ahead of you will be so easy to deal with."
BlueSlime "I already have taken a portion of shadow essence within me, I suppose taking a portion of demonic essence might be worth it - but not too much. I must remain myself."
Tassadar003 "Very good. If you absorb it more slowly, it will increase your strength without affecting you. You might even retain some of the abilities that you gained here, if you take enough of it."
BlueSlime "It would be nice to have something to remember you all by when this over, at least til we four of us meet again."
Tassadar003 "None of us can leave any of our essence with you, sadly. We are already very weak as it is. But, if you absorb a small amount more of the demonic essence around you, I can teach you to control it. You would gain powers of the spirit in the mortal realm, but it would corrupt you slightly."
BlueSlime "How much more, Corini?"
BlueSlime Nala took the amount that the former Queen of Hell indicated.
Tassadar003 Nala felt a part of her soul distorting as she absorbed more of the essence around her.
Tassadar003 She couldn't quite discern how she had changed, but she knew that she had been changed by it.
Tassadar003 "You will retain a few of the abilities that you had here when you have returned to the mortal realm. You will be able to draw upon them instinctively, almost like a reflex."
BlueSlime "That will be helpful, I should imagine. Thank you, Corini."
Tassadar003 "You are welcome, Nala."
BlueSlime Having grasped all the demonic spirit that she wanted and put it inside of her own soul, Nala focused on the gateway standing before her. Would it open to traditional means? Pushing? Pulling? or was there another mechanism?
Tassadar003 "Push upon it, and it will open." The voice of the shadow demon spoke to Nala, and she found the assassin god's words to be true. The gateway opened, allowing Nala to see the gigantic pyramid up close for the first time. >>
Tassadar003 A doorway stood at the base of it, and the succubus spoke suddenly into Nala's mind; "That door will take you up a wide corridor, lined in stone guards. I do not know what will lie in this version of it, but the guards were inanimate when I passed through here in life. The passage will take you up to a chamber. That... was where I died."
BlueSlime Nala nodded to indicate that she understood, and opened the doorway into the great pyramid. She would be wary of the stone guardians, but not delay in her passage. "I too know what it is like to die, Coroni. You do not anticipate this chamber being... difficult for you?"
Tassadar003 "Difficult? No.... But I expect that you will see the scenario of my death while you were here. It was an important moment for the one whom we are within." Corini replied into Nala's mind as she ascended into the pyramid. The statues of soldiers glimmered with energy as she passed them, but they did not attempt to stop her passage up into the chamber. >>
Tassadar003 She reached another door, but this one opened as she approached it, revealing a large chamber just as Corini had said. Another memory began to form in front of Nala, forming from the mists just as it had when she had met captain Antioch. >>
Tassadar003 The captain was the first to fully form. The man looked far more haggard than when she had first seen him, and he stood in a defensive position alongside a dozen other men in similar garbs. A woman in rich robes stood just behind the line, a scowl upon her face, and a small crowd of women and children stood well behind the line. That group was the one facing>
Tassadar003 her and the entrance she had come through. On her side, their backs to her, twenty figures holding greatswords, and dressed in black plate armor stood in front of a circle of seven men and women in crimson robes, facing Antioch and his fellows. In the center of the circle of seven, Corini stood, though in memory form. >>
Tassadar003 The woman in robes behind Antioch was speaking, and Corini seemed to be replying in kind, but Nala could hear nothing coming from their lips from where she stood outside of the chamber.
BlueSlime "No doubt you expected to win this contest. You had these humans cornered, outnumbered... who were they?" Nala said, addressing Corini.
Tassadar003 "The woman I am speaking to is the Queen of this land... And we did win this contest." Corini replied, and she watched as those in black armor suddenly leapt forward, cutting apart the defenders like so much wheat, including captain Antioch himself and the woman behind him. They moved in toward the refugees, who trembled in terror. Corini's memory >.
Tassadar003 started forward, and stepped in front of a woman holding a crying baby, who clutched the child to her chest defensively. Something more was said, the words lost in echoes, but Corini spoke into Nala's mind; "She will be made one of my kind, that child. I found out when I consumed her soul that she had been that man's wife."
BlueSlime "I see," Nala said, but reserved her judgement and merely watched the memory play out.
Tassadar003 The baby was torn from the woman's arms, and the memory faded only to be replaced by another one. The chamber had been a throne room, Nala realized, as she saw Corini sitting upon a throne of gold. Color had entered the room, and she could see that in this time, the demoness had lacked her blood red skin, instead being pale as moonlight.
Tassadar003 >>
Tassadar003 A dozen knights stood before her, facing a lone figure dressed in a long black coat, and the demoness seemed amused by the lone figure's presence. She spoke, and this time, Nala heard her voice clearly; "You think that you can do anything, ghost? I was beyond you in life, and I have only grown more powerful from the souls of those you failed to protect." >>
Tassadar003 The figure replied evenly, its voice hoarse and croaking, as if its throat didn't quite work properly; "You are not the only one.... Who has been growing stronger since then... Demon." Two of the knights started forward at once, swords raised high as blood red light began to glow from them. Both exploded into showers of blood and scraps of metal before they >>
Tassadar003 had crossed half the distance between them. The figure had not moved.
BlueSlime Nala regarded the image with a touch of the oracle in her eyes. "I sense you underestimated the ghost... I wonder how he came to return in such a state? Aravel?"
Tassadar003 "He never passed to me. In life, he offered no service to the gods, so none had claim to him. He was left to the lesser daemons to fight over, but he was not so easily consumed." The ghostly voice replied in answer
BlueSlime "I see. So his rage was such that he managed to defeat the lesser daemons who came to devour him after death. The strength it would have taken to overcome such odds... and if he had learned to harness the energies of the spirit world..." Nala's musings were cut short as the scene continued to play out to its crescendo.
Tassadar003 The knights surged forward, and three more died that way. Two more burned to ash with a single touch. Those were the lucky ones. Blades sunk into the figure's flesh, but he didn't seem to notice them. He grabbed the remaining knights one by one, and bodily tore them limb from limb, drenching himself in gore. Corini was not smiling any more as he turned back >
Tassadar003 her, the severed head of one of her knights clenched in one hand. "Your turn... Now." He croaked, and time slowed suddenly as he started forward, moving in one smooth motion. Corini began to rise from her chair, moving at a snail pace, and long before the demoness had gained her feet, the daemon was upon her. Its hand shot through her chest like so much >>
Tassadar003 paper, and time resumed its normal pace as she adopted a shocked expression. Then, the memory crumbled, and the room went black. >>
Tassadar003 Shadows formed, and coalesced throughout the room as motes of red and black and white light formed into a formless glob in the center of the room. It began to adopt a shape, but Nala had time to act if she so chose. There was far more energy there than she had seen anywhere else before, but as she watched, a single golden orb, the last piece of Charlotte's >>
Tassadar003 soul joined the mass forming there.
BlueSlime "The last soul shard!" Nala exlaimed, and jumped towards the formless mass quickly, trying to snatch at the golden soul piece before it could be hidden away within the glob.
Tassadar003 A whip of blackness suddenly lashed out at Nala, and she barely pulled back in time to avoid being bisected by it. The figure began to form into a mass of limbs, the last piece of Charlotte's soul being sucked into that mass and hidden away.
BlueSlime "Bastard isn't giving it up that easy, whatever it is..." >>
BlueSlime Nala had little doubt that what she was about to face had more energy within it than any of the previous minions she had faced. She was uncertain exactly what powers it was capable of, and wondered if her allies had any advice. "What is this thing?"
Tassadar003 "A collection of souls cobbled together. Attacking it with certain powers will weaken those souls more than others." Corini replied quickly. Issir: "Shadow strikes true, even against demons." Avadel: "The life can be leeched from a shadow with ease." Corini: "Demons are adept at taking the energies of those close to death."
BlueSlime "Okay, I get the general premise... so let's start by taking out its shadow..."
BlueSlime >>
BlueSlime Summoning the gifted necromantic powers of Avadel, Nala felt a ghostly nimbus surround her like a white mist. The mist continued to pulse and grow until it contained the entirety of the orb within it. Then with a spiritually concussive blast, the energies within the ghostly sphere began to implode back in on Nala as the point of origin >>
BlueSlime , drawing with it the shadowy essences from the orb, ripping them violently from the orb and draining them back into Nala's spiritual energy pool.
Tassadar003 Chunks of blackness were sucked violently from the mass of souls, which began to writhe in pain and fury as parts of it were torn out. Red and white became more pronounced, though some shadow remained. Both the red and white began to strike out at Nala at once. >>
Tassadar003 A lash of shadow writhed weakly at Nala, but far more dangerous was the line of black lightning that suddenly shot toward her. h
Tassadar003 Her reflexes enhanced by the goddess of assassins, Nala hurled herself out of the way. A wave of white suddenly rushed toward her from the thing as well, but a dome of red light formed in front of her, blocking the attack, and pushing it back into the blob, giving Nala another opportunity to strike.
BlueSlime "Got your attention did I?" She shot out a remark at the powerful orb. Then deciding to continue with her assault, let the familiar (albeit differently fueled) sight of black lightning course around her body. She decided to harm the ghostly energies within the creature next, saving the demonic essence for last. >>
BlueSlime Coiling the writhing, electric serpents of Devil's lightning about her wrists, she then funneled the energy through her fingers, driving it home against the orb, hoping to weaken the ghostly, leeching energies from within the creature.
Tassadar003 The black lightning swept across the entity, blowing sizable portions of the white from out of it, but her strike hadn't been as effective as her earlier one had been. The monstrosity twisted about, and black lightning swept toward Nala once more... and this time, she couldn't avoid it. Agony lanced though her being, and the voice and presence of Avadel >>
Tassadar003 suddenly went silent as motes of white energy were torn from Nala's being, and absorbed by the thing, restoring some of its energies. The sudden loss of the death god was accompanied by the loss of access to her powers, and unless she retrieved the godess quickly, she might not be able to recover her. >>
Tassadar003 "Strike at the deathly portion again!" Corini said desperately,
BlueSlime "Right!" Nala said, heeding the advice and pouring an intense amount of energy, desperate to reclaim Avadel before the Death God was lost entirely... >>
BlueSlime Funneling as much energy as she could to make it count, Nala wracked the orb with an incredible amount of lightning, hoping it would be enough.
Tassadar003 Her black lightning hammered into the behemoth of souls, and all of the white was torn from it in a single lash of her power. Some of it floated over to Nala, and Avadel's presence returned to Nala quickly. The thing suddenly toppled forward, unable to support itself fully now that over a third of it was gone, and Nala could see the portion of Charlotte's >>
Tassadar003 soul within. Taking it now would be a risk, but if she did, this contest might over without further risk.
BlueSlime Nala toyed with the idea for a moment, but decided against taking the easy path. She intended to finish this thing off while it was weakened. >>
BlueSlime With Avadel's powers returning to her, she once again decided to leech the rest of the shadowy life from the creature and hoped to regain a portion of what she'd lost from the lightning strike.
BlueSlime Again, the ghostly leeching ripped more of the creature's soul towards her, and hopefully all that would be left would be the demonic souls left to deal with.
Tassadar003 The mass writhed about on the ground as Nala used the dark gift of the shepherd of the dead to leach the last of the blackness from the fallen abomination. Charlotte's soul was even more visibler now, but bathed purely in a red glow... >>
Tassadar003 Suddenly, the thing coalesced, and a figure rose up.... Corini, only with empty eyes, and a golden glow in her heart. Black lightning lanced out at Nala, but she narrowldy avoided the blast.
BlueSlime Wrapping the shadows around her, Nala let out a murmur: "You're time to shine, Issir... or...whatever the opposite of shine is."
BlueSlime With a rush of power, a large piercing tendril of shadow lanced against the red Corini figure surrounding Charlotte's soul.
Tassadar003 The tendril of shadow tore into the being, and scattered the red energies aside, revealing the last piece of Charlotte's soul to her.

After absorbing the last piece of Charlotte's essence, the world went pure white around Nala, and she had the sensation of falling. Her vision faded to black, and then she found herself stumbling back, warm lips pressed against hers for the briefest moment before she fell back onto her ass. The reaper daemon smiled down at her, and then flipped his hood back over his head, the sounds of gunfire still going on outside signalling that the mop up of the last of the aliens hadn't quite finished. "Are you alright Nala?" Violet's voice sounded as the assassin knelt next to her, concern in her voice. "That must have been quite a kiss, if it knocked you on your ass."

Nala felt something within her mouth, but not with her physical senses. Some power was held between her lips, and if she did not expend it soon, it might be lost. "Kiss her." The daemon said, and pointed to Charlotte's corpse, which was in exactly the same position as it had been when Nala had last seen it. Nothing had changed since she had last been on the mortal plane, it seemed, but it had felt like hours had passed while she was there. The presences of the three goddesses remained within her mind, including the things she had learned from Corini, but at the same time, Nala felt.... Different. Larger was not quite accurate, but it was the closest she could come to describing the change that had occurred within her. Stained would be another word that she would use, but it wasn't really any different from how she had felt when she had had sex with the goblins.
Re: The World Will Know (Blueslime)

Putting her hands underneath her and propping herself back up, Nala nodded dazedly at Violet's concern, holding a hand up as well once she'd steadied herself to further acknowledge that she was indeed, okay.

In truth, she was not sure what she was. That had been one hell of a kiss, and she had more than a few things to say about it, but there was one all-important task that she had to take care of before addressing any other problems.

Scrambling hand over knee across the floor, she made her way to Charlotte's body, which she heaved up against herself with a grunt. Then with a short calming glance at Amanda, she cradled Charlotte's head and tilted it to the side, so that she could angle her lips down to kiss the dead girl. She parted Charlotte's mouth and then sealed her lips across it, breathing gently out and expelling what she believed would be the collected soul back into its old body.

She continued to expel the soul in one long, slow breath of life, feeling with tendrils of nature magic to see if any processes were coming back to normal in the body that she had healed and prepared before going on her odd journey.

When at last she felt that she had deposited the last of Charlotte's soul, she leaned back to give the dead girl her space, still cradling her in her arms and intensely gazing at her with anticipation.

"Wake up now, Charlotte... It's not your time yet. Silly girl, even dividing your soul up into three pieces didn't stop me... wake up now and come back to your sister..."

Holding off on spending the XP until I have time to rest, right? The mutations will be Soft Skin and another Tight.
Re: The World Will Know (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

(Note to self: Amanda used Blue text, Charlotte used purple.)

Nala felt the breath of life that she sent into Charlotte's body, her tendrils of magic feeling it as the girl's body came back to life, piece by piece. Leaning back, Nala watched as Amanda's deadened eyes widened in amazement as her sister suddenly sucked in a breath, the process of her revival having taken but a few seconds. "What... Where am I? What happened?" Charlotte finally said between breaths, and Amanda, who had up until then remained silent and still, gaped in amazement, turning her eyes from Charlotte to Nala several times before emitting a high pitched wail and devolving into sobs. She immediately wrapped her arms around Charlotte so hard that the once dead girl emitted a choking sound, and tried to wrestle free of her sister who simply would not let her go.

Behind Nala, the daemon remained silent and eerily motionless, the hood placed over it making the being seem inhuman once more as it towered over them in the background. Violet, for her part, seemed to take everything in stride, a widening of her eyes the only reaction that the royal assassin gave initially to the resurrection.

Turning her eyes to Nala, Violet quietly said; "You seem to have power over death, Nala. Are you truly just a priestess cast from her temple?" There was a great deal of respect in her words, at this point verging on awe. Charlotte had finally calmed, allowing Amanda to hold her and sob, and simply holding her in return. Craning her neck around, she glanced at Nala and Violet with a look of confusion, asking with her gaze to explain to her what had happened, and Violet in turn glanced at Nala searchingly. The woman had sworn her service to Nala, and Violet likely wanted to know how much she ought to tell the girl based on Nala's judgement. She only had a small part of the story, having not accompanied the night elf witch into the daemon, but she would likely tell Charlotte very indelicately that she had been killed, and that Nala had restored her to life. In probably those exact words, even.
Re: The World Will Know (Blueslime)

Relief washed through Nala as she felt the first signs of life return to Charlotte's body. She could never have been certain that the body would simply accept the soul once it had left, nor could she be certain that the shredding of the soul wouldn't have caused something to go wrong. She had had no real choice but to collect the shards, fuse them together, place them back within Charlotte, and simply pray that it worked. Now that it was clear that it had, she allowed herself to lean back on her knees, resting her butt on her heels and let her muscles relax as the tension left her with a sigh.

The transformation this had on Amanda brought a smile to the witch elf's face. So much trauma had happened to that poor girl, maybe this miracle would be enough of a good thing to bring her spirits back to normal, to realize that just as bad things can happen suddenly, good things can happen too. The girl's faith in life and happiness and hope needed to be sustained. Nala felt that in some small way, she had returned that hope.

Turning her gaze to Violet as the asssassin asked her question, the night elf could only chuckle and shake her head.

"No. I was a failed priestess, cast from a temple that could no longer deal with my studies. I'm not sure what I am Violet. A sorceress? A witch? Perhaps it's better simply to call me Nala, and leave the definitions to the critics."

When Amanda's sobbing had reduced in volume and Charlotte had found a pose wherein she could breath and think while her sister hugged her tightly, at last the resurrected girl asked the simple question with a not-so-simple answer.

"We almost lost you, Charlotte. An attacker tried to make off with your soul. I got it back for you, using my traditional method of dubious undertakings and ill-thought out plans. It's not something I'd care to attempt again anytime soon, so do try to hold onto your soul in the future."

The night elf patted Charlotte on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"Think of it as the mystical equivalent of healing a very grievous wound, my dear. You were unconscious and in danger of death, but now you'll be fine. There's still a few brutes to take care of outside, but I'm feeling confident. Stay here with your sister, rest and try to take things easy for the moment."

With another sigh, Nala pushed herself to her feet and turned around to face the hooded daemon.

"I wish to thank you, Antioch, for what you allowed me to do. However, it hasn't escaped my notice that you wanted me to see certain things on my journey. I now know a small part of your history, your true self, and what drives you. There was a reason for that. Will you tell me now? Is it because you wish me to do something for you?"

As Nala stood before the daemon, she was reminded of the brave and handsome soldier whose memory had spoken with her, and just as she had done then, she now reflexively displayed modesty by covering her private parts with her arms and hands.
Re: The World Will Know (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

"Good enough for me.... Nala." Violet said, and smiled wryly. It was plain to see that her answer had pleased the assassin, but Violet frowned again as she watched Amanda and Charlotte embrace.

Later, when the time came for Nala to explain to Charlotte what had happened, Violet nodded along with the explanation, and smiled again. Charlotte, for her part, was still confused, but finally nodded as well. "So... I was hurt, and you healed me?" She said, but then looked down at Amanda, who was still quietly sobbing into her chest, and simply shrugged, letting the matter drop. It didn't matter if she truly understood what had happened, that much was plain on the young woman's face as she held her battered sister.

As Nala stood to face the daemon, she could feel his eyes on her, and a shudder of fear went through a part of her being that she hadn't possessed not long ago. Avadel, Corini and Issir remembered this figure.

When she moved to cover herself, Nala very suddenly felt cloth covering her body, and looked down to find herself not only clothed in fine silks, but cleaned as well. Inside and out, she felt as if she had been cleansed thoroughly. Violet and Charlotte both gave startled gasps upon seeing Nala suddenly clothed, but neither did more than that, Charlotte gazing in wonder and Violet glancing at the daemon questioningly. Antioch waited a moment to speak in reply to Nala, but finally said; "It was by your own will that you accomplished what you did. I was merely a facilitator."

As he spoke, his voice shifted from the low, gravely sound to the voice that Nala remember from the memory she had seen of Antioch. The daemon seemed startled by that, and lifted his hands to remove his hood once more, revealing his face before he continued; "What you have done already is repayment enough." He paused a moment, considering what to say next.

"I am in possession of memories going back to time untold in the histories of the mortal races. Most of it isn't even mine. Sometimes that much can be.... Difficult to sift through. I needed to remember what I used to be, why I became what I am. Seeing through your more limited perceptions helped me do so." He paused to blink, and then continued; "Do not take offense at that." Violet snickered slightly at that, and the daemon continued; "And if we are to converse, you may call me by my first name. When I was human, it was Matthias."
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Re: The World Will Know (Blueslime)

Nala was as surprised as the others by the sudden clothes that draped around her body in a complimentary and aesthetically pleasing manner, though she managed to not gape her mouth, merely widening her green eyes to take in the bizarre moment. She was thankful that she had managed not to whisper a 'how?' out loud and have a little more dignity in front of this man. If indeed it was even right to think of him as a man. Nala was not so sure, but she couldn't help what she had witnessed -- a handsome and heroic figure, tragic and vengeful and powerful.

"I think we both know that sometimes will alone is not enough," Nala replied to the Godslayer's assertion. "But I thank you for your facilitation, all the same."

She listened to him some more and noted with curiosity the change that had come over his voice, and the way that he reacted to it, as though it were an unexpected development. Something about that gave her hope, though she would be damned if she could explain why it did so.

"I take no offense... Matthias," she said when he had finished, and tried not to fidget while Violet giggled mirthfully in the background. "Having seen to some extent what's inside your memory, I believe you're telling me the truth, from your perspective. I'm... glad that you could see yourself again, through me. I don't know how you became what you were, but if any being were to achieve your powers, I'm very thankful that it would be someone like the man I saw... you were very... well, you know... you seemed a very good man. And I'm sure that on a certain level you still are that man - at least I hope."

Nala became slightly frustrated with herself, she was stumbling over her words in a manner unusual for her and it was starting to become embarrassing. Certainly a blush had begun to sprout across her cheeks, filling them with color. She hurried on...

"Thank you, ah, for the clothes. That is a neat and useful trick -- you'll have to show me how you did that."

Dammit, now she was certain she was smiling like a gushing temple novice watching the monks workout shirtless back a Ch'hiesol. Get a hold of yourself, Nala!

"I am curious though, why did you choose me to um... remind you of yourself?"
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Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Matthias frowned as Nala began to stumble over her words and Violet continued to giggle. "I share in your hopes, Nala. Of late, I have felt... Distant. Disconnected."

At her comment about the clothes, Violet's snickers grew in volume, and Matthias turned toward her to say; "Is something the matter?" She laughed out loud, and even Charlotte and Amanda were now staring at her in confusion. Wiping a tear of mirth from her eye, she explained; "Oh, no... It's just, I never expected to see this. Nala blushing like a maiden with a crush and stumbling over her words, and a daemon apologizing to a mortal for being arrogant! It's priceless really."

The daemon glared at her for a moment, and Violet got herself relatively under control, so he turned back toward Nala and said, "You were.... Are unique. Not many mortals are so strong willed as you, Nala. In a way, you reminded me of myself when I was mortal. Passionate, strong willed and protective of those that you care for.... I cannot even remember what it means to care for another anymore."

He paused, and then sighed, his stance and expression becoming increasingly more human following the tired sound. "It would be good for me to remember more of what it means to be mortal, I think."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala cast an angry scowl towards Violet, her face starting to flush at the same time. She held the gaze with her impudent assassin friend, but at last could no longer do so. The embarrassment did not stem from Violet, it stemmed from Nala knowing that what the Amazonian said was true. She looked away and allowed herself a chuckle at herself and a shake of her head. The self-deprecating act provided her some sense of calm, and when she next spoke, she was more like her old self again.

"I agree, Matthias. It's important to keep perspective. Perhaps you should join us for a short time, as your old self? Put aside your mantle for a moment and walk the earth as a man again. It's not as though you wouldn't be kept busy, here. Evil creatures and even more evil men surround us. I do as much as I can, but as you've seen, I can't guarantee the safety of those I've sworn to protect. You'll be helping me do all the things that you did in your lifetime. I'd say there's no better way to recall who and what you were. And I have more questions that I would like to ask you, once things settled down."

She noticed Violet stifle another snicker.

"About your experience becoming a daemon, is what I mean,"
she said curtly, directing the sentence at her assassin as well as the Godslayer. "I've had a lot of new things thrown at me today, and I think there would be no better person to help me understand what I'm going through than you. Also, I'll need your help binding and gagging that one."

She tossed her head in Violet's direction, and then gave a cheeky smile to Matthias, hoping he would appreciate the humor and not be off-put by her suggestion that he stay. The truth was that despite all her experience today, she was still out on a limb. There were a lot of things that could still go dangerously wrong for her today, and she wouldn't be able to rest her head until she sorted them out. Having a man-daemon like Matthias around would be a godsend and she wasn't about to let the opportunity slip by without at least asking him.

She was touched that a being as powerful as he would compare himself to her. It was a far cry from the usual descriptors that had accompanied her from the time of her banishment. She wondered if she had truly died today, would she have had the internal strength to fight against those overwhelming hordes of lesser daemons? If she were honest with herself, she would say no. Matthias had been a more experienced hero before he had met his end, and his death had been accompanied by far greater emotions and a sense of loss and what she could only imagine must have been an unimaginable amount of rage. Nala was certainly capable of great emotion, but it was usually only in response to being told she couldn't do something. This was not quite as noble an idea as wanting to avenge the deaths of your spouse, your queen, and your people. Corini had certainly had a lot to answer for. As had most of the gods, she supposed.

She gazed up at Matthias, seeing him more and more as a mortal now. Instead of a Godslayer, she saw a tragic figure. A unique individual who had simply kept on going when all the laws and rulers of the universe had told him he had to stop. She laughed silently at the thought. Perhaps she might be just as bitchy about being told to stop as he had.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Matthias considered Nala's words for a moment, and even Violet had stopped snickering to watch the daemon, waiting for his answer. His expression hadn't changed too much when she had suggested binding and gagging Violet, a small upturn of his lips perhaps the most noticeable aspect of it, and the idea had only made the woman giggle all the louder. "It couldn't hurt to remain by your side, I suppose. But I could not promise that I won't be called away if the need is urgent enough, and I cannot fight all of your battles for you."

The sound of booted footsteps on the floor alerted them to someone approaching them, and Demetrius and his captain entered a moment later. They looked between the two girls hugging each other on the floor, to Violet who was once more snickering in the corner, to Nala in her fine silks, to Matthias standing with his arms folded over his chest. Then, they both turned back to Nala, the only person in the room with clothes and whom they knew. "Alright.... What happened in here?" Demetrius said, and then the captain grumbled; "The attackers have been dealt with. I think your goblin wanted to see you outside."

(Short shitty post is short and shitty.)
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala smiled pleasantly when Matthias gave his answer.

"It's settled then. Stay with us for as long as you'd like or until you're called away for a greater purpose. You don't have to fight my battles for me. But maybe you'll help me learn how to better fight the ones that do come my way."

It was at that moment that amongst Violet's giggle fit, Demetrius and the captain entered the room, their eyes scanning the scene, slightly bewildered. Nala hardened her gaze.

"Nothing happened here that need concern you, Demetrius. All the creatures that stood before me have been vanquished, and these women are safe for the time being. I intend to ensure they stay protected... from ALL threats."

Nala did not look at the captain as she emphasized that last bit, but she was certain that he would feel the unspoken threat.

"I will see my servant in a moment. First, Demetrius, your captain can start explaining himself to me, and to Violet and Antioch here as well, about the nature of his habitually poor treatment of women, and perhaps he can provide some reasons as to why I, a sorceress who can command the forces of life and death, shouldn't make him live just long enough to regret the day of his birth?"

Since the battle was apparently over. now was as good a time as any to put things bluntly towards this man, now when he was alone in a room of people who were most certainly not on his side. Demetrius would certainly appreciate this fact as well. If the man tried to run, or made any sudden move, she would make him regret it. He could not outrun lightning.

"Spare us the denials as well. I'm only interested in seeing if there's something in you worth salvaging. Make your case."
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Demetrius looked even more confused by Nala's hard tone, and his gaze shifted to an insulted scowl as Nala issued her proclamation. "Now wait just a second." He grunted, but then fell silent as Nala continued, demanding an explanation from his captain regarding his actions.

The dark skinned soldier didn't even show a hint of shame, and he even adopted a particularly vile looking smile. He worked the lever action on the rifle in his hands smoothly, a series of clicks sounding as a round entered the chamber as she said; "Cute. Think I need to explain anything to you, witch? You think you can work your magic, or that your old ghost can reach me before I blow your brains out?" He didn't move the rifle to point it at her, but his finger was already resting on the trigger. Violet wasn't giggling anymore, the assassin having edged her way toward the wall. To Demetrius and the captain who didn't know what she was, it probably looked like she was trying to get out of the way in case violence started, but Nala could see power forming in the girl's hand. Matthias had started to grin, the expression on the daemon's face telling Nala all too well what he thought of the captain's threat.

Demetrius quickly spoke up, trying to defuse the tension in the room before it got out of hand; "Captain! What in heaven's name are you doing! Priestess Nala is-"

"Be silent, coward." The captain's voice was barely above a growl, and Demetrius stopped speaking. "You talking about what I did to the little whore you came in here with, witch? The one on the floor?" He asked, but he continued before she could respond. "She broke easy. It was like working with moist clay, showing the little slut her place. And I am nothing if not an artist. Why would I deny that? You think you can do anything about it, witch? You go ahead and try. And I'll put you in your place just like I did to your pet over there."

The man said nothing else. He simply stared at Nala, his dark eyes holding more than a hint of madness behind them. Violet and Matthias were both watching the captain carefully in case he should make any sudden moves, while Demetrius, Amanda and Charlotte all looked like they were ready to vomit. It stood on Nala to respond in some way, either to break the tension or to escalate things.

I apologize for how much of a despicable person this NPC has become.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

"Ah yes. Shooting me. That seemed to work the first time, didn't it? Even when I wasn't aware of you? And now you're thinking that your reflexes are faster than say, lightning? And oh what else, you think that if you put up a fight right now that you'll actually live? Did you know that Demetrius secretly relishes the thought of your disappearance? Wouldn't it be just awful for you to have come into this room only to be caught off guard by one straggling beast and killed tragically? Of course Demetrius and I would avenge you. The men who hero-worship you would be sad of course, but like any group of easily swayed fools, I'm sure given time they'd come to realize what a competent commander Demetrius truly is and you'd be forgotten."

Nala made certain not to move physically just yet, delaying with her words to give Violet more time to get into position. She was also giving Demetrius food for thought. The captain was completely alone here, cut off from any of his supporters. Now would be the time for Demetrius to take a stand and solve this problem in his chain of command once and for all. She would give him a bit of time to think it over as well, and maybe the captain too would start to reconsider his ill-chosen words, such as calling Demetrius a coward.

"As for your misdeeds, I must say that I'm intrigued by your claim. An artist. Really? Now that is interesting. I admit that when I discovered the extent of your depravity I thought that I would simply have to destroy you, utterly. Not only for myself, but for Amanda, for all my charges, and for those in the past, like that monk girl Demetrius told me about, who have suffered under you. But now that I realize how deliciously insane you are, there's this side of me that realizes what a perfect test subject you would be. Only an 'artist' like yourself would truly be able to appreciate what I would be doing to you. And the poetic justice of it all is too good to pass up. So..."

She tilted her head to the side, staring at the captain with a sidelong glance. Violet was in place now, and Demetrius' eyes had begun to shift. Even with the hint of madness in his eyes, Nala knew that her words had made an impact on the captain. The tension in the air was thick.

Then Nala made her move.

Hex of Paralysis targeting the Captain. Hoping for some nice support from Violet and possibly Demetrius, if the mage realizes what an opportunity this is for him.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 35/41, Status = Fine

Attack (Violet) : Hit!
Damage: 1 + 1 = 2 * 10 = 20 + 13 = 33 damage.

Casting (Nala) : Success!
Resistance: Nala wins!
The captain is paralyzed.

Casting (Demetrius) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 + 2 = 9 * 4 = 36 damage.
Resistance: Demetrius wins.

"Don't need to be faster than lightning. I just need to be faster than you. How likely you think it is that you'll get a spell off before I can take aim and squeeze the trigger, witch? You gonna bet your life on it? I'd like to see you piece yourself back together with your brains on the ceiling." The captain replied, still grinning. He didn't even look at Demetrius, likely trusting to the other man's fear of him to keep the mage in check, but a look of realization came upon the commander's face. He slowly turned toward the captain and scowled, the realization that Nala's words were true, and the possibility of freedom from this man obviously to Demetrius's liking.

The captain didn't even seem to notice, the same sadistic smirk on his face even though he was now alone in a room filled with enemies. A reminiscing look came across his face as Nala mentioned the monk, and he sighed, his smile broadening. "That one was fun to break. Almost as much pride as you. I wonder how you'd respond to the same treatment that I gave to her.... It's much more fun when I get to take my time, you see, and she was definitely my masterpiece." He seemed distracted, and Demetrius was obviously preparing something of his own just as Violet began to call up her own power. Matthias still hadn't moved at all from the stance he had taken when the captain had begun to threaten Nala, as still as a statue and a small knowing smile on his face.

Nala began to call upon her magic, preparing to cripple the lunatic before her before he could do any harm... And so that he could suffer for his crimes, but it turned out that what the man had said was true. He didn't have to react faster than lightning. She was staring down the barrel of his rifle before she had even completed the basic structure of her spell, and the weapon went off well before she could have hoped to complete her working or move out of the path of the bullet.

Blackness suddenly clouded her vision, but there was no pain. Nala could still feel herself, could still move, and could still cast her spell as before.

A sudden roar of pain came from beyond the wall in front of her eyes, and Matthias voice suddenly sounded from much closer than before; "Hrm. I forgot what pain was like. Interesting." The daemon stepped aside, and Nala saw the captain recoiling away from Violet, who now had a blade of ghostly white light extended out from one of her hands. His rifle was in pieces on the floor, along with a good amount of blood... And one of his hands. Demetrius raised a hand toward the man, and the captain was flung against the wall with an audible crunch as a gust of wind tore through the room and picked him up. The captain crumpled to the ground in a heap, but he still seemingly had the strength to try and force himself back to his feet, using his one remaining hand to pick himself up.

He contracted in pain as Nala unleashed her spell upon him, his muscles seizing up as he laid back down and entered into spasms. His face was set in an enraged grimace as he continued to attempt to right himself, but Violet and Demetrius were standing over him already, Violet already raising her energy blade for another strike. She didn't deliver the death blow yet, however, instead turning to look at Nala, letting her choose if the man was to die. Matthias casually picked the bullet out of his throat and tossed it aside, the wound sealing itself instantly and leaving no trace that it had ever existed in the first place.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

The man had been too fast for her. By all rights she should have been dead. Again. But she wasn't, and by the miracle of having Matthias on her side willing to take a bullet for her, she was still breathing. These little run-ins with death were beginning to pile up.

She finished weaving her spell and locked the man's joints into place, ensuring that he couldn't defend himself. Violet's spirit blade and Demetrius' spell went off without a hitch, leaving the captain bruised and down one hand. Unable to stanch the blood from his injured limb, the man would probably bleed out soon enough.

She held up a hand to Violet, indicating for her to wait, and then approached the defeated captain, bending down to cradle his head and turn his eyes towards her.

"You were very fast, captain. Too fast for me. Physically, you would have made an excellent plaything. But now you're broken." As she said this she took his bloody stump and pulled it in front of his eyes so he could see it properly. "And I don't collect broken toys."

She put her hand over his eyes and gave a nod to Violet. "Goodbye, captain. Give my regards to the daemons."

The only thing that had spared this man a more painful and torturous end was the thought of having to do this all in front of Amanda and Charlotte. The two girls were traumatized enough.

In listening to this man spout his hate and depravity, she had grown very tired. He was a lost cause and not worth her trouble. Sometimes, evil could not be reasoned with, nor be saved from itself.

She let Violet end him in whatever method she saw fit. Keeping him paralyzed and covering his eyes so he did not see the death blow strike him. When it was done, she stood up and turned to Demetrius.

"It's done, and he fell in battle. Your men will grumble, but you can take the initiative and rally them around you. If they plan any sort of rebellion, you'll have our support."

Nala took a deep breath, weariness was setting in. She simply wanted a place to rest, but there were still things to do.

"I'll go see what's left of the goblins now. And we'll need to start getting everyone who needs it some medical attention. Have some officers bring the captain's body outside. His men need to see it. Call for a proper military burial, highest honors and all that. It'll delay questions for a time, and you'll use that opportunity to step up as the true leader of this camp."

She turned to Matthias and Violet.

"Thank you both for that. Hopefully we'll have some time to rest soon, but before I do that, I need to make sure that we'll be safe to do so here."

If there were no other emergencies, Nala would have Demetrius lead her to the goblin survivors so that she could have her necessary chat with them. Then she would see about earning some trust with the humans. After a battle there would be many wounded. She would do her best to heal the ones who could be saved, and perhaps this age old trick of healing wounds might win her some gratitude from the captain's former hero worshipers.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 35/41, Status = Fine

At her upraised hand, Violet nodded and lowered her blade to her side, though the crackling energy sword remained in place. Matthias dug the bullet out of his throat with his fingers as Nala The paralyzed man still managed to scowl in rage up at Nala as she took his head into her arms, and his arms spasmed violently as he attempted to to strike at her, but her spell and his numerous wounds had left him too weak to do mcuh of anything. The helpless rage in the captain's eyes only rose as she lifted the stump of his severed hand up to his face, and he gurgled and thrashed weakly in her grasp as she covered his eyes with her hands.

Violet nodded, raised her energy blade once more, and quickly and cleanly stabbed the captain through the heart. His motions stopped instantly, and Matthias let out a quiet thoughtful sound. Violet's glowing blade vanished shortly thereafter, and she sighed as she stared down at the dead man. When Nala rose and turned to him, Demetrius was scowling down at the corpse of the man who had been his tormentor for who knows how long, and he blinked in surprise as she began to speak to him.

"I suppose.... I just wish it could gone.... I don't know. Differently. Better. Still, maybe I can make this operation a little more sanitary now, thanks to you." He replied, turning his gaze back down to the captain. "Your advice is good, Nala. That's more or less exactly what I'd intended to do. I'll see to it now, no sense in waiting." He turned from the room, but before he left he stopped and walked to Amanda and Charlotte. His voice was soft and gentle when he said to the two; "Come on, you don't need to stay in here any longer. I think the two of you have been through enough for one day."

They looked surprised, and Amanda especially still looked a little frightened, but they rose to leave with him. Violet simply nodded in response to Nala's thanks, and then moved to follow the other three from the room, while Matthias shrugged. "I raised you from the dead once. I would have done it again, I just thought I'd save myself the trouble and you the pain. This place is as safe as anywhere is in this jungle, for now."

Demetrius, followed by Amanda and Charlotte who continued to clutch at one another, and Violet who watched the commander of the slave mine carefully, preceded the two of them out of the cabin proceeding through the throng of naked women who still smelled of sex. Some were still resting, but most had roused when they'd heard the shot from the other room, and stared in confusion and fear as Nala, now inexplicably clean and garbed in fine silks, was followed by the tall, imposing daemon now sans the hood that had covered his face.

Outside, Grabik was waiting for her, and Demetrius turned and started off in a different direction, leaving the goblin to Nala... And Matthias. The little demon didn't seem particularly intimidated at the time, but judging by the look on his face, he was probably in too much pain to be afraid of much. His arm looked like it had been broken, and a jagged edge of bone was sticking out from between his fingers where he was holding it. "Mistress Nala.... " He began, and despite the pain their was still a healthy amount of respect in his voice.

"We are broken... There are only six of us left... And Kibble is dead! The humans look at us with rage in their eyes.... What shall we do? We cannot fight them, many more of them have survived... We need to replenish our numbers!" He said, the last words spoken in a pleading tone.

The soldiers, meanwhile, were busying about, some carrying injured men on stretchers to a place on the edge of the camp, opposite the hole that the floating monstrosity had blasted into the wall. Demetrius was rapidly restoring them to order, it seemed, and four men filed past them and into the cabin, rapidly organizing and pushing the women that Nala had brought out and into the warm wet jungle air. They were frightened and tired, men and women both, but the days violence was seemingly at an end. After they were led away, the captain's shrouded body was carried out on a stretcher and taken away as well, the whole process not taking more than five minutes.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala followed the others out into the humid jungle air, walking alongside Matthias. So it had been him behind the mask that first time. It figured. He'd been watching her for a while now. She supposed she should be flattered, and in the end decided that she was. She pulled up short as Grabik approached her, looking like a pitiful figure.

"I understand, Grabik. You have fought bravely. Moreso perhaps that I could have expected of you. Let me see your arm."

Nala took the arm gently and used her magics to sense all the broken cracks and torn tissue and knew at once where they were supposed to go. Reversing the flow of entropy with her nature's healing, she reset the wound.

"Lead me to the others, the six of you will stay near my quarters tonight and no other harm will come to you. Your numbers will be replenished when the time is right, but for now everyone needs time to recover from the battle."

After healing the goblin she would allow Grabik to lead her to the few remaining lesser demons, whom she would heal as well. After that she would point them towards the building where the other girls had been located and order them to stay there and rest, waiting for their mistress to come back. She would then head towards the place where human injured were stationed and walk amongst the soldiers, healing as much as she could. When she dropped low in energy, she would drain small bits of it from soldiers who needed time to rest from their wounds, though she would ask them before hand for permission - telling them that their temporary discomfort would allow her to save the lives of their comrades still close to death.

Doing this, Nala stayed up well into the early hours of the morning, healing while Matthias stood back and watched. She knew the humans would fear and distrust her, obviously poisoned by what their captain had said, but by going to the most damaged individuals first - those who had nothing more to lose by trusting her - she would quell all the complaints. It was time to start righting this ship and hopefully she could trust in enough of these men to recognize a good thing when they saw it.

Throughout all of this, Nala did her best to steel herself and show as little weariness as possible, but she knew that her eyes were growing heavy, and her body, having experienced so much above and beyond what it was used to in the past couple of days, was in dire need of rest.

She spared a glance to Matthias as the final soldier's wounds were knitted and made a signal to say that they should go. She sighed and wished she still had her staff to lean on, but it had disappeared in all the melee. So instead she used Matthias, leaning against the daemon's sturdy body.

"Need to sleep," she murmured to him, hoping he would lead her somewhere safe where she could do so.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 1/41, Status = Dead Tired

(Nala gains an additional 8 experience for how she handled the aftermath of the battle, and may spend exp now.)

The goblin was put at ease by Nala's words, and especially at ease as she mended his arm good as new. "Thank you mistress.... They are this way!" Grabik said after briefly flexing the healed limb. The goblin led her to his much reduced kin, all of whom were wounded in some way, but Grabik had been the worst harmed among the diminutive demons. After that, she moved them deeper into the camp until she found where the girls had been moved to, and then left them there to continue on among her assorted tasks.

Those wounded among the human soldiers proved to be much the worse for wear in comparison, many of them near death from the flames that had destroyed a section of the wall. A quarter of the men had been killed, and that left the guard around the walls thin, leaving the encampment endangered by the creatures of the jungle. Still, there was little that could be done for it, and Nala set about healing the men as she could. Demetrius had been among them when she had entered, working his own magics to knit flesh and bone back together, and Nala was surprised at how skilled the man was at the task. He eventually ran out of strength, and retired back to the task of organizing the repairs of the mining camp without saying much to Nala.

They were, unsurprisingly, distrusting of her at first, and a couple of dark glowers were sent her way from some whom she had at one point seen speaking to the captain, but as she saved a few from death, they came around. A few volunteered their energy for her to use in healing once she had saved one of their comrades whom they had been prepared to mercy kill, and her task became increasingly easier from there.

Violet walked in at one point, and approached her immediately, kneeling beside her and aiding her in holding down a particularly troublesome man who was thrashing from a grievous tear in his chest, which was in danger of widening if he continued his violent motions. "Demetrius has the other women under guard, but he claims it is only for their protection. We can move about freely so long as we don't go off alone. The goblins are held in a separate room, and they are granted no such freedom. We're all alright, none save Charlotte were hurt.... During the attack. Amanda is doing well. They were both laughing earlier."

The assassin paused, and then offered a slightly shaky smile as the man went still, his wound largely healed. "I just wanted to let you know. I... Am not well suited to this work. I'll get back to looking after everything, if that's alright with you." Violet left the place where the injured were being kept as soon as she possibly could.

When her healing work was finally finished, Nala found Matthias where he had been most of the time that he had been about, standing in the background. He came to support her immediately at her beckoning, an arm folding around her back as he half carried her exhausted frame back out into the camp. "Then sleep you shall." He quietly murmured in reply, and then moved as if to lift her off her feet. The daemon stopped himself, a look of surprise on his face, and then smiled as he returned to simply supporting Nala as they returned to the place where the girls and the goblins were being kept. The guards nodded curtly to them, and the corrupted girls within seemed as happy as could be, almost as if nothing had ever happened. Matthias led her past the entrance room and into the officers quarters, this cabin built just like the other one with a bunkhouse in the front and more spacious quarters in back, and Nala found Violet, Charlotte, Amanda and the goblins there.

The two human girls still regarded the demons with open distrust, and Violet sat cross legged on the floor between them, likely just a move to keep the two feeling secure more than any real defensive measure. Grabik, Violet, Amanda and Charlotte all started speaking at once, but Matthias' voice was heard over all of them even though the daemon hadn't risen the volume of it any; "Be quiet. Your concerns can wait until tomorrow. For now, let her rest."

He did lift her up at that point, and shooed Amanda and Charlotte off of the bed that they were sitting on. Nala was asleep almost as soon as her back hit the bed, her last sight of the man straightening after laying her down.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

During her rest, nala adds 6 to Mind, gains Undistractable, Climactic Casting, Sexual Addiction, and Natural Spirit User (Massive Energy Pool). Also due to roleplay, she gets +10 Spirit and the Demonologist talent with Devil's Lightning, Vampiric Futanari, and Form of the Swarm powers). Her primary and secondary stats have been recalculated on her character sheet.

Nala: HP 51/51; PP 75/75; EP 84/84

Nala nodded her understanding when Violet had informed her of how Demetrius had arranged their quarters and the conditions imposed upon the women and the goblins. They were fair, and probably would be good for everyone's protection. A goblin wandering the camp alone would probably wind up dead at this point and the girls shouldn't be moving around too much at this point, at least not until Nala could rule out the danger of more rapists still bothering them.

Nala was at something of a loss about what to do with her goblins. They were few enough in number now that they were not a terrible threat, but she didn't want them to replenish their numbers all that quickly, if at all. Right now they were best used as a buffer against any dangerous humans with murder on their mind.

"That's fine Violet. Go back to the girls and rest. I'll be back as soon as I'm done here."

The work was grueling and painstaking, but at last after several hours she was finished and well spent. Matthias was thankfully there to help her walk back to the rooms where the rest of the girls were staying. She was then scooped up and placed on the bed and sleep came quickly.

Her dreams were filled with recurring memories of the day's trials. Many thoughts of Matthias, and of Violet, and of the three goddesses still dwelling within her passed by in the dreams, filling her with visions of violence and sex and power games.

When she woke, sometime mid morning on the following day, she felt better and more alive than she had ever felt before, despite the soreness and aching muscles. She knew that the lessons of her spiritual journey had empowered her, and her own magics, tested upon the crucible of battle, had grown in their potency.

She looked around her to see if Matthias or Violet were around and awake.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP 75, EP 84, Status = Fine

When she awoke, Nala found the room completely empty save for herself and Matthias. The daemon had gotten rid of the robes he had worn when he had taken the form of the reaper, exchanging them for a shirt and trousers, both also black and unadorned. He had been sitting against the wall next to the door in a meditative pose similar to the one that she had seen Violet in before, and glanced toward her as she stirred, his face lightening slightly as her saw her awaken, "Good morning, Nala. Violet, Amanda and Charlotte are with the other women looking after chores for the slavers. The goblins have been set to work aiding in the restoration of the camp at Violet's insistence." He spoke crisply and cleanly, the rumble in his voice that had been present before gone almost completely. At this point, he both sounded and looked almost completely like the man whom he had once been, Captain Antioch.
Re: Undeniable (Blueslime)

Nala stretched and yawned and shifted the sheets of the bed aside so that she could sit up. The blood rushed to her head so she paused, sitting at the edge of the bed until the feeling passed. She rubbed her eyes and then fidgeted with her long ears as elves sometimes do before looking up at the far more mundane and friendlier looking Matthias.

"Your new attire suits you, Matthias. You remind me of a dashing captain I once had a word with. Hopefully by the end of this conversation I won't literally blow you away."

Nala smirked at her own joke and then leaned forward and stood up.

"So. Have you been awake all this time?"

She walked over to him and smiled as she adjusted her clothes and smoothed them out.

"I suppose we have a little time by ourselves before I go and try to sort all of yesterday's mess out. Violet can handle herself and Demetrius should have decent control over the men by this point. The goblins can't get in any immediate trouble and the girls should be getting time to recover. What sort of chores do they have them doing anyway? Nothing dirty I hope? I'm hoping that some of those warped girls will have the chance to regain their senses... Is there a way that you know of to help girls in that state? They can't be expected to take care of themselves if their sex addicts."