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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"Earned herself a name has she?" Divinar remarked with a raised eyebrow, "And here I thought that my weakest daughter wasn't long for this world, given her inability to find a host for her spawn. I suppose another chance at displaying her worth won't hurt us... Too badly. We've had to keep the captive that she brought in poisoned and gagged! He just won't shut up! I don't expect he'll last long at this rate." Having apparently ranted sufficiently about Wiste and her captured faerie, Divinar's expression soured slightly as she responded to Nala's concerns; "They whisper and grumble. They think you and your assassin are treated too well, that you should be bitten and dragged below to be cocooned, and shown your purpose in the world. My kind are the deadliest creatures in the jungle, but for all our predatory ability, we are often very shortsighted when we are young! I remember the days when I would have thought the same as they, but you have opened my eyes to a wide world of opportunities Nala~"

Climbing down a little bit closer, Divinar added; "They will come around when our children rise from the depths and display their true strength. For now, you will be given what comforts I can offer. My daughter's.... Wiste's eggs were already far along, and you'll likely only need to carry them for a few hours at most. She'll see to getting you food and water. Would you care for any alterations to your bedding while I'm here? I'll be heading out to hunt shortly, but I suppose that in your state you'll be staying behind and keeping Violet for company."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Mmm, that's why I gave your daughter a name, Divinar. She's the first one of your children to be as smart as you regarding new possibilities. That and I find the idea of her dying just to bear my eggs is a waste. To think that they would not be carried by me and receive my blessing!" She tutted for emphasis, but smiled to show Divinar she was not terribly upset.

"I find this bedding more than comfortable, and so long as I have Violet here with me I shall not suffer from boredom nor fret for my safety. Good hunting to you, Divinar. Be swift as a gale and as deadly as... well, yourself. Bring back demons to drain and breed with. Choose your targets wisely and keep whatever daughters you bring with you in line. I shall await your return."

When Divinar left them, Nala turned to Violet and stroked and petted her. "Alone again, just you and I.~ Once these eggs are out of me I shall feel very empty. I may need your fingers inside of me just to help me adjust."

A slender purple finger tip brushed the Amazon's lips, playing with her lover in a most affectionate manner. She had nothing to do while she waited for the eggs to incubate, so she was content to while away the time with Violet.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

I suppose that she is~” Divinar admitted airily when Nala pointed out that Wiste alone was supportive of the night elf’s presence in their lair, or at least her presence there with her mind and body left intact. The elder arachne didn’t seem particularly bothered by the idea of her daughter dying, and didn’t seem anything but bemused when Nala tutted at her, though she didn’t offer any further comment on that matter.

Nala’s approval of the bedding drew a smile from Divinar, who gave a slight curtsy from her position on the wall, after which she nodded at Nala’s well wishes and said; “I’ll be sure to bring you back anything interesting… Assuming that I even find anything out of the ordinary. I will see you again upon my return.” And with that, the arachne left Nala alone with Violet, who almost made to move before the elven witch’s playful motions and suggestive words caused her to stop. “Tis how I often prefer it,” she began playfully, “Though sometimes additional parties have proven enjoyable! And I am forever at your disposal, milady!” She gave a motion reminiscent of a bow, “Every part of me, my fingers included, are yours to command!” Violet winked at Nala and giggled before lightly nuzzling against her, returning Nala’s affections fully in the time that they had together.

The other arachne left them entirely to their own devices, and only a few short hours later Wiste returned bearing food and water, and after a meal consisting mostly of fresh fruit Nala felt the familiar pangs of oncoming birth. Wiste quickly spun a silken web similar to the one that Divinar had used to catch her eggs, and following a similar, albeit less public birthing but much longer, Nala’s stomach was flat once more. Wiste quickly ferried the eggs off down into the underworld, and Violet looked on her with brief but light concern and asked; “Are you alright? Would you like anything?
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala was happy to be left alone with Violet, but still wished Divinar well as she scuttled off to go on her hunt. The witch elf chuckled at the playfulness in her bodyguard's tone. It was refreshing to hear it. The recent events had all but spoiled the Amazon's mood and as usual it had been up to Nala to keep morale high in the face of daunting odds. Not that Violet's loyalty and duty had ever been in question, but when she was too serious it made it difficult to really enjoy her fully.

"That is what I like to hear, my pet. Now come closer, your lady requires those soft lips of yours~"

For the next couple of hours, Nala cuddled her human and exchanged long meaningful kisses -- as meaningful as Nala had ever been with another being. The witch elf, by her nature, could never be fully monogamous, but of all the beings in the universe, Violet had the honor of being her favorite emotional partner. The trust that Nala placed in her assassin could not be compared to any other. For straight up sex, no one beat Matthias, but Violet's pure doting nature and loyalty made things so much the sweeter. It was a different sort of sex. The loving kind. Nala had doubted such was for her during her formative forays into deviancy, but now that she had found it, she could see what her mother saw in the ideals of traditional love.

Violet was more than a lover, she was also a true friend and companion. Not even Matthias could say that. And certainly not Divinar, since anyone whose loyalty was based on sexual imprinting could never enter into Nala's heart the same way as a willing partner. (Though that was not to say Nala could not come to truly regard the arachne shadowhunter as a proper lover one day - such would just take time and patience.)

Nala greeted Wiste warmly when she showed herself, and both humanoids dined on fruit and water until the pangs of birth came. Nala weathered it well enough this time, though it was a much longer process.

"Why are there so many more eggs in your batch, Wiste?" Nala asked as she was a little over halfway through the birthing.

When it was over, Nala lay back, exhausted physically but not mentally. Curse this weak body, she thought. Without bothering to augment herself with magic, she was quite fragile. Nothing at all like Violet, whose body showed more muscle development down her sleak, toned frame.

"Just more of the same, my pet. Take me in your arms, kiss me, please me, and if you're feeling cheeky, you can even play with me.~ I doubt I'm in any condition or of a mind to resist."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Unsurprisingly, Violet gave no complaint at how they spent the next few hours, as she gave a soft chuckle and nuzzled against Nala for the duration of their time alone. The assassin greeted Wiste only with a glance when the younger arachne interrupted them, and then sat by passively while she birthed her eggs. The elf witch's question caused the arachne to shrug, and she replied; "My mother only had your eggs.... You carried both yours, and all of the one from that other one. We also tend to make more eggs when we're younger, or at least that's what mother used to say."

And then they were alone again, and Violet jumped at the chance for more intimate cuddling. She got to taste the sweet leftovers of their shared meal on her lover's lips, and the assassin got a great deal more adventurous with her hands than she had before. She didn't get into outright foreplay, but she did enough to warm Nala to the point of comfort, and that was how Nala eventually fell asleep. When she awoke, the assassin was up on her own, performing her usual training routine to stay in shape while Wiste watched her from the ceiling, and so didn't notice immediately that Nala had awakened, though she flitted a momentary smile at her when she did.

Divinar returned sometime in the night, returning with her daughters and a number of new demonic captives. She offered news of Kyederon, saying that she'd been in the area and seen that the village was unharmed by the demon's occupation, though as before she hadn't seen any sign of Demtrius, Charlotte, or Amanda.

The next day, Divinar came to Nala and awoke her and Violet gently, and the arachne whispered; "Your children will have cocooned over night, and should rise to the surface some time today. Come with me." If Nala was willing, she and Violet would be led into the depths of the arachne's cavern, to a chamber near the one in which they held their captives, where Nala would briefly glimpse the demons they'd captured all bound in silk such that only their mouths and their genitals were exposed, with many of them sporting rounded bellies much like the one she'd sported from the arachne twice now. "We'll wait here, they should be up any time now!" the elder arachne said as she offered a silk basket filled with more fruit and some cooked meat.

They didn't have to wait long. From the dark tunnel that led down into the depths of the mountain, Nala spotted movement, and soon enough the first of her children crawled into view, soon followed by others. Many others. Each of them was, with slight variation, built along the same basic lines as Nala, and had blueish skin on their elven halves. Their spider halves were all a tiny bit thinner than those of Divinar, but appeared no weaker for their lighter framing. None of Divinar's other daughters were present, which turned out to be a good thing when no less than a dozen young arachne packed themselves into the small chamber, some hanging off of the ceiling and others from the walls. Divinar seemed quite impressed, as once it became apparent that no others were coming up, she said; "Wow.... That's a lot more than any other brood I've had! You weren't kidding about being good stock!" The young arachne, in the meantime, were looking solely to Nala, almost ignoring Divinar as they watched her silently, having not yet spoken since coming up from the underground where they were hatched.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala enjoyed her private time with Violet. It was a joy to return to familiar territory, sharing intimacy with a being that had the same limb count as herself. Violet's hands had lost none of their ability to please the witch elf, and despite her busy day of birthing a double batch of arachne eggs, the assassin managed to satisfy Nala completely before the elf fell into a slumber.

She awoke to the sight of her beautiful human doing her stretching and martial exercises.

"Mmm, always a pretty view.~" The comment came as the assassin had lunged forward that showed off the curvature of her backside. "By all means, don't stop on my account."

Wiste earned a wave from the night elf as well, and then Nala did her own mental training in the meantime, exploring her newly acquired knowledge of succubus magic until Divinar appeared with news of Kyederon and of her new children.

"They are out of their cocoons? Then yes, let us await them. I am eager to see how they turned out."

She followed Divinar down into the tunnel system, beckoning Violet to follow her. The sight of the captive demons made the witch elf smile. Serves them right, she thought. If anyone could appreciate what was being done to them, the demons could.

Later, as her first daughter scuttled silently into view, Nala held her breath. They looked like her... at least their upper halves did. An odd feeling tugged at her as they took their places, one by one, in the small chamber around her. Was it pride? The way they all looked at her, it was as if they instinctively knew her. The bond she had created with them while still in her belly appeared to be holding.

Nala barely heard Divinar's comment as she regarded each of her twelve daughters, committing their faces to her memory. She approached the one closest to her and put a hand on her cheek, brushing her softly with her thumb.

"Do you all understand me? Do you know me? I am Nala. I am the mother who bore you, and gave you your arcane heritage. Beside me is Divinar, she is your mother as well, she who provided your eggs and your arachne form. You are all my daughters, my first daughters. You are beautiful."

Nala's words were solemn, containing a genuine awe for what she had wrought with Divinar's help. She wondered if she would gain a reply, for it was quite possible that language was something acquired with arachne, just as it was for humans and elves. Even so, Nala felt confident that she could communicate basic things simply through her body language and the tone of her voice. There could be no doubt that she cared for these arachne.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"Your wish is my command, mistress~" Violet quipped back softly, and though the motions of her exercises showed off her physique wonderfully already, the assassin changed the workout just a little to improve the show for Nala. It wasn't the first time that she'd done such, and Violet had explained at one point that manipulating lust had been one of the key aspects of the training of her order, and one that she'd relied on many times before even meeting Nala and displayed often enough when dealing with those that caused trouble in or for Kyederon. Much like Nala herself, Violet was one who used every part of herself as a weapon, and that most certainly included her sexuality.


Nala's offspring gently pushed her cheek against her hand while gazing at her with wide, emerald eyes, regarding her in silence for a moment after she'd spoken before glancing back to her comrades, who began to cluster nearer. "You are our mother... The mother of our souls," the arachne said, her words delivered slowly and solemnly just as Nala's own had been. She looked to Divinar, who's face was fidgeting oddly, and continued; "You... Are the mother of our bodies, of our blood." Smirking slightly then, Divinar supplied; "Oh, Nala helped with that plenty too~" Violet was staring at the creatures with a mix of appreciation and apprehension, but remain silent as the arachne that Nala had approached slowly began to walk around her in a circle, examining her. "You are from whom we were created.... The one who shaped us...." she said as she slowly scuttled in her examination of Nala's body, the sharp points of her legs clicking against the ground with every carefully delivered step.

"We.... Understand you," the arachne said a few moments after Nala's question, and Divinar quickly supplied; "We have genetic memory. A lot of basic things, like language, how to hunt and to breed, and loyalty to our queen, are passed down from generation to generation without needing to be taught. Every one of us is a predator born~ We don't possess the ability to speak until after we come out of our cocoons though! It's likely that these are our daughter's first spoken words!" Nala's daughter completed her circle and glanced back at all of the others to say; "She is the one. She could be no other." The other arachne clambered in closer, crowding Nala slightly in a manner that made Violet very visibly nervous, as if they wanted to they could likely tear her apart with their claws well before the assassin could attempt any sort of intervention.

No sense of threat came from her daughters, however, and after each of them had touched her, even so much as a light brush of one of their bladelike fingers against her skin, they backed away and gave her back her space. "We are prepared to hunt.... Where is our prey?" the speaking daughter said softly, looking solely at Nala.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

As each of her children stepped forward and crowded around to touch her, Nala instinctively knew that they would prove to not be a threat to her. She raised her hands to caress each of them as they came close to her, doing her best to make eye contact with all twelve of her daughters. She didn't want any of them to feel as if they were not recognized personally by her. This was an important moment for all of them, and for herself. It bore the air of sacredness, and needed to be treated as such.

When the last of them had shared her gaze and touch and then withdrawn to give her space, Nala listened once again to the speaker. An interesting question. Were they so eager to begin the hunt?

"Patience, my daughters. You will hunt soon. And when you do, you shall be hunting a dangerous prey. You hunt demons - magic made flesh. In their arrogance, demons think that they will inherit this world. They do not yet appreciate the strength and cunning that will oppose them. Strength and cunning made flesh in you, my daughters. You have been bred to bring about an end to the reign of demons in this land. The jungle and the tunnels beneath it are your inheritance, but moreso than that, you are sorceresses. Magic is in your blood, and through me, you will learn the arts of life and death."

Nala turned to Divinar. "Is there anything that you would like to tell them, sweet Divinar? It is best they hear from both mothers."

As she let Divinar address them, Nala gestured for Violet to come to her side. She slipped an arm around the assassin's shoulders and stroked her brown hair, wanting her daughters to recognize that Nala had claimed this human, and that for whatever reason, she approved of Violet being able to freely move about in her presence. On a genetic level, the arachne would see Violet as a potential mate to be spun up in a web - but already, the witch elf could teach them that exceptions to this action were to be made. That humans and other bipedal creatures could be viewed, at the very least, as pets if not actual allies, and treated with affection.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine

The description of the prey that they were to set out to hunt didn't seem to dissuade Nala's arachne daughters in the slightest. If anything, the hungry gleam in their eyes became more intense at the description of their prey, and the speaker replied; "We will wait.... Until the time is most opportune." Divinar, when given the chance to speak, quirked an eyebrow at Nala and said; "In front of this crowd? They'll tear me apart!" Despite her joke, the elder arachne turned to the children that she and Nala had made and said; "Well, you've got respect for your elders, I'll give you that! We'll see soon enough if you're up to the task of the hunt! Do well, and you'll share in the spoils just like all of my daughters. Fail.... And you'll be dead anyway, so it won't matter."

Whether the arachne noticed her closeness to Violet or not, Nala couldn't exactly tell. Most of their attention was focused on Divinar as she began to go over the rules of their kind, a task that didn't take long and didn't reveal anything new or particularly useful to Nala. If they were anything like Divinar, it would take at least a bit of work to instill in her children that the bipedal mortals like Violet were something more than just prey, but if it was possible for their parent then it was certainly viable for her children to learn to respect their humanoid neighbors, at least to a limited degree.

"So, shall we sally forth and go reclaim Kyederon? Or should we have lunch first?" Divinar said, turning to Nala with a wry smile.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I think that we shall begin the trek to Kyederon," Nala said, with a smile at Violet, knowing that her human had been waiting for those words. "The demons have had enough reprieve from my vengeance. Now they will lose any gains they hoped to achieve in this part of the jungle, and strengthen the resolve of my people against them. Oh yes... and they'll also be providing mating material for my daughters."

She walked out of the chamber, beckoning her arachne brood to follow her. "Now, Divinar, your other daughters. They must join in the hunt as well. All must have the chance to earn spoils from the demons holding my home hostage. We will attack at night, when visibility is low and your shadow magic can be at its most effective. I will summon a great mist from the jungle floor to aid our approach. We will use it to enter Kyederon and subdue the defenders. It will be best to avoid outright killing, but if you must kill demons, then so be it. Any humans or demihumans you find must be spared. I am certain they will be grateful enough once we are victorious and the situation clarified."

Nala allowed Divinar to lead her and the other arachne up to the surface again. She hoped that the force of arachne she had gathered would be enough. Certainly it would be fearsome, and they had damaged the demonic forces already with hunting parties. She doubted that the demon king would have had time or would waste the effort of reinforcing such a non-vital position either. Esmerela would be on her own down here, and her forces were dwindling while Nala's were expanding. She could not possibly have expected the witch elf to recruit the arachne to her side. It would be her undoing.

The night elf still wrestled with what she would do to the demon lady once she confronted her again. She had already been lied to and the sanctity of her bed had been spurned. Moreover, Violet had been placed in very real danger, not to mention herself. Only the fact that Esmerela had removed Violet's collar, allowing Nala access to her own magic, now stopped the thought of simply obliviating the demoness. Still, there was much to answer for. And even if Esmerela were to be forgiven, she would not spare demonkind. They would fall, and either swear fealty to her as Grabbik and the other goblins had done, or they would perish, or serve as mating experiments for her arachne daughters and Nala herself.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 82/90, Status = Fine, Binding X = 8 on Amanda

Amanda: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = Bound by Divinar
Charlotte: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = ??

Perception (Nala) : 36
Perception (Violet) : 45
Perception (Divinar) : 48

Stealth (Amanda) : 48

Divinar uses Binding X = 8 on Amanda.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Amanda fails

A soft, cold little smile played across the assassin's lips for a moment after Nala's announcement, but that expression faded back to a calm scowl as Nala went on to name the method of her vengeance, that her daughters would use them for breeding stock. Divinar seemed highly amused by this, however, and their daughters were ecstatic. The elder arachne followed along on the ceiling, keeping pace with Nala and walking beside her as Violet did, while their daughters followed along behind them. Soon enough they emerged again into the wider chamber, where they found Divinar's daughters already gathered and ready. "I expected your wishes on this," she remarked casually to Nala, and then climbed down and addressed her spawn; "My daughters! Our hunts have brought us many new captives, and today's hunt shall bring us many more! We go to Kyederon this very night, to reclaim the home of our allies from the demons of New Abaddon! Our caverns will be filled to bursting with our slaves come the dawn!"

The other arachne, about a dozen in all themselves, glanced between one another at Divinar's proclamation, and then skittered out of the chamber and into the daylight as a group. Turning back to Nala, the arachne said; "A good strategy, but we'll arrive before sunset and should try to scout things out before we arrive. Perhaps we'll be able to find your former associates in the process? Also, you should beware that the demons will be no more inhibited by the darkness than me and my kin will. They are beings of the shadows, and will be more dangerous for us attacking at night, but your subjects will more likely be out of the way. I haven't seen any of them on guard save for handfuls of your goblins."

With her take on Nala's strategy given, Divinar turned about and lowered herself to the ground, saying; "On you get! It's high time your daughters get their first view of the sun, and their first taste of immortal blood!" Once Violet and Nala had mounted the arachne's back, they were off with Divinar's other, more experienced daughters. Her own arachne children seemed slightly intimidated by the wide open space offered by the world above the caverns in which they'd been born, but that passed quickly as they spread out and followed Divinar among the trees. As before, the arachne traversed the jungle at impossible speeds, crawling among the branches with frightening efficiency and agility whilst being so quiet that they passed over the nests of birds and hanging beasts without even disturbing them.

They faced no threats along the way, though they traveled for hours despite the speed of the arachne, and eventually the lands through which they traveled became familiar. Nala knew well the lands around Kyederon. The taste of the air, the colors of the trees, the types of plants that grew in their shade... She knew that she was drawing close to the home that she'd built for herself, as instinctively as any beast of the wilds would. Violet could tell the same, that much Nala could feel from the slight changes in her bodyguard's posture, but whether she was joyous or nervous at that was difficult to tell.

As they passed over a river that Nala had been to many times, one that marked the border of the lands controlled by Kyederon, there came a disturbance. Just as Divinar was about to enter the woods and return to the protection offered by the leafy canopy, there was a tiny rustling of the leaves to their right, and the arachne's hand suddenly shot out directly at it. Webs formed of pure magic appeared within the bushes and yanked somebody out of them, a someone that turned out to be a filthy, haggard looking feminine figure who was clutching a bow. "You picked the wrong prey, hunter!" the arachne declared, momentarily changing her path and flexing her deadly claws. The figure struggled, but their mouth had been gagged by the magical web in which they'd been trapped and their wiggling was useless against the powerful magical bindings.

"Wait.... Amanda!?" Violet said suddenly, jumping down from Divinar's back and striding around the arachne, who paused and scowled slightly. "Friend of yours is she?" she asked guardedly, and the figure ceased its struggling to throw a familiar scowl down at Violet as the assassin drew closer. "She had a bow trained on us, and would likely have unseated one of you by way of an arrow through the throat," Divinar reported calmly as Violet stepped closer, and if Nala did the same she'd find that it was indeed Amanda who hung in the grip of the arachne's magic, who turned her fierce glare upon Nala if she drew near enough.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Sorry about the delay, been a little busy so I've avoided longer posts.

The view of the jungle - her jungle - during the daylight pleased Nala. She knew that waiting for night time to strike would not hinder demons, but neither would it hinder her arachne, and as Divinar had figured out, it would mean that the mortals were mostly indoors. The night would also be when the demons were likely busy fiddling around with the mortal populace, so she could potentially catch some of them off guard.

What the darkness would not hide, the weather would. Nala had command over the jungle mists, and that being a natural part of this world, the demons would not fare any better with it than her arachne would. It would allow her strike force to get in close and bypass the natural defenses. Then the demons would lose the advantage of their position.

Happily, Nala climbed onto Divinar's back, smiling to herself. Riding arachne was becoming quite enjoyable to her. She wrapped her arms around the solid frame of Divinar's back and breathed pleasantly against the back of her neck.

"A pleasure, as always Divinar," she said to her eight legged lover, even as Violet clambered on behind her."Truly, this is the best way to see the jungle."

Looking back at her daughters, she laughed lightly at their initial intimidation, and felt pride as it quickly gave way to instinctive daring. "Good, my daughters," she said as they took their first steps into the sun. "You have nothing to fear... you are the mistresses of this jungle!"

After traveling silently and amazing speeds through the jungle for quite some time, they reached the portion of the jungle that Nala recognized as the outskirts of Kyederon. She steeled herself for combat, knowing that demon patrols might still be about.

When Divinar's hand shot out into the bushes and drew up the struggling hunter's body, Nala had recognized the figure as quickly as Violet had.

"Yes! Hold your strike! This one's name is Amanda, and she is precious to me," Nala said, sliding off of Divinar and walking round to get a better and closer look at the girl.

"By the way she looks at me with hatred, I have to assume that the demon impersonator's ruse has worked," Nala said sourly. "Either that or perhaps she is angry that it has taken me this long to arrive to help kill the demons. Either way, no doubt she will be angry when you unbind her mouth. Do not harm her, despite what she may say."

Nala hoped that these words would give Amanda time for pause and doubt. Esmerela had obviously besmirched Nala's good name, but the witch elf knew there would be ways to prove herself.

"Amanda. I am the real Nala. Myself, Demetrius, and Violet were tricked and knocked out days ago, when that demon emissary arrived for the first time. She smuggled us out of Kyederon somehow and left us to rot deep beneath the earth, thinking that these arachne you see here would either kill us or keep us for breeding purposes. Before she left us there, she showed us her ability to shapeshift. No doubt the Nala you have seen recently has done some horrible things, like letting the demons take over.

"True to my own style, I've turned potential enemies into allies. These arachne are here to kill and capture demons. Now... I'm going to remove this binding over your mouth. Please don't scream. Ask anything you'd like of me, because I am confident I can prove that it is really me."

Nodding, to Divinar, she indicated that the webbing over Amanda's mouth should be removed.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 81/90, Status = Fine, Binding X = 8 on Amanda

Amanda: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = Bound by Divinar
Charlotte: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = ??

Whether Nala's words had any effect on Amanda at all was difficult to say. She was still bound in Divinar's magical silk, leaving much of her face hidden, but that her eyes contained the same look of hateful scowl as they'd held before despite that she'd told the arachne to hold off from harming her regardless of her attitude. That look of hate didn't fade one bit as Nala explained what had happened in the time that she'd been in the arachne's care, and Violet seemed to share in Nala's frustrations at the other woman. "Amanda it's really us! We're on our way to take back Kyederon! Where's Demetrius? Where's Charlotte?"

When the arachne waved her hand and allowed the silk covering Amanda's mouth to come away, she immediately spat at Nala, catching her on the cheek, and growled; "Try your tricks on one who cares for them, demon! I'll not listen to your lies, nor will I tell you where those you seek have gone, save that they'll soon enough avenge whatever you do to me upon your entire wretched kind!" Divinar quirked an eyebrow Nala's way and quipped; "Are you quite sure about the not harming her part?" Violet gave the arachne a flat look, though afterwards Divinar merely tittered afterwards. "Amanda, it's really us! Wouldn't we have done something to you by now if we weren't?" the assassin asked irritably to her student.

Amanda was having none of it though, as she sneered at Violet and replied; "Oh yeah, like it's impossible for you to impersonate people! Are the fake and her handler really so unconcerned about us that they're sending people as stupid as you after us? The real Nala wouldn't ever share the company of such abominations as these. Not willingly. And she certainly wouldn't bring them to Kyederon to inflict themselves on the people that she abandoned after what they're already going through because of her! Try better next time." Amanda went silent and glared with undisguised hatred at Nala, while Violet looked at her exasperatedly and heaved a deep sigh.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Nonsense, Amanda. I used Goblin demons to attack the slaver outpost two years ago, and I was willing to use sexual gratification to gain the trust of Demetrius and at least some of his men with the intent of letting the goblins and slavers kill one another -- and this plan would have gone forward had the grey beasts not shown up at that exact point in time.

"That was the same night that that asshole captain harmed you. The same man that thought he'd murdered me... he shot me right here, through the back and through my heart..." Nala pulled off her top to one side and showed Amanda the spot where the exit wound had burrowed through her body.

"Would have hurt a whole lot more if it had taken long for me to die. But death made it tolerable. Then I was brought back, before Violet here went berserk and killed everyone. It was the only way to unify us for the fight that was about to occur."

Nala sighed deeply and shook her head. "And anyway, you're obviously laying a trap. You've always been dubious of my methods. You've learned from Violet ways to kill enemies, resisting and ignoring all of my efforts to cajole you into my own philosophy. Really think of what you know about Nala. Would I really balk at a new sexual experience? Would I stupidly run in against a fortified position, alone save for Violet and Demetrius, knowing that demons are holding the walls and using my face to defame my name and place doubt in every soldier who might fight for me? Of course not! Nala of Ch'Hiesol, exiled from her homeland by her own mother for sexual deviancy and taboo magical practices - I would ally with any creature, devote my body to any act, to have my revenge! Amanda, you never understood that. After the trauma of that night, your abuse at the hands of that evil man who lives no longer, and your sister's body, helpless and deathlike until I went into the spirit world to gather her soul back for her, you vowed in your mind to never bend again, to fight and kill or die trying. You've always been unable to reconcile the way I choose to give way to obstacles in my path, bending as the Willow, rather than to break as the Oak. I endure, and I succeed. That is the true Nala.

"You may not agree with my methods, but that is who I am and I make no apologies for it! I have allied with the arachne. I have BRED with them, willingly, helping to create more demon hunters, and building within a matter of days a force capable of assaulting Kyederon. Deny it or hate it all you want, you know that this is the sort of plan I would employ. You've had two years of disapproving my ideals to know that this is me. Now, if you are only going to spit in my face and deny me, I will leave you behind. I will simply take Kyederon back without your aid. You'll miss all the fun of course, and feel immensely stupid for doubting me, but at least you'll be saved from any threat in battle. So which is it, Amanda? Still think a demon would have said what I just did? Pfeh. They're too ingratiating. They'd try to compliment you for your caution. You know well enough that I'm at my wit's end trying to convince you of doing the intelligent thing. At least there's still hope for your sister."

Nala crossed her arms and waited for Amanda to reconsider. She'd give the girl all of three seconds before walking away and telling Divinar to bind her hands at feet lightly enough that she could escape given a couple minutes of struggling. By that time they would be far enough on their way to Kyederon that Amanda wouldn't be able to follow and attack them. If Amanda DID start to reconsider or shout out for her to wait, she'd come back to listen to her with an open ear.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = ??/90, PP = ??/80, EP = ??/90, Status = ??
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 80/90, Status = Fine, Binding X = 8 on Amanda

Amanda: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = Bound by Divinar
Charlotte: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = ??

The more Nala spoke, the more Amanda seemed to listen. Her scowl never faltered as was her way, but going over what had happened before in such detail seemed to spark something in the bound human woman. During the three second wait that followed Nala's long explanation, she immediately said; "Fuck you. Let me down. You've convinced me." It was up to Nala whether or not she wanted to accept the human's word on that, as Divinar looked to her while idly flexing her claws. Violet was frowning up at her student disapprovingly, but made no argument either way.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala chuckled and waved to Divinar.

"Let her go," Nala said simply, then added, "It's a shame that when you say that, you never really want to, Amanda.~"

Giving Violet a look that suggested being on her toes, Nala waited for the young, ornery protege to speak once she was free, since she would know where her sister Charlotte and any resistance members were hiding out.

"Did you treat Demetrius in a similar manner? Or did you not find him? I sent him out to get word to you days ago while I cultivated relations with Divinar here. You should try being nice to her by the way. She's on our side."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = 90, PP = ??/80, EP = 80/90, Status = Fine
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 80/90, Status = Fine

Amanda: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = Fine
Charlotte: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = Fine

"You say that now...." Amanda said flatly as Divinar dropped her magical binding. The human dropped back to the ground in a crouch with grace akin to that of her deadly teacher. The look that Nala sent Violet's way proved quite appropriate only moments later, as a smiling Amanda rose halfway to her feet before suddenly lunging at Nala, a knife simply appearing in her hand. Violet interceded with quick, precise efficiency, moving to disarm Amanda, but the girl proved more skilled than Nala's assassin had apparently been ready for. The two scuffled for a single instant before drawing apart, and Amanda's knife had red on it while the wielder herself didn't have so much as a scratch on her. "...And yes, we did treat Demetrius in a similar manner. He didn't bring any abominations with him though, so he required a little bit less to establish his credibility!" Amanda stated coldly as she faced off with Violet, seemingly unaware of the fact that Nala and no less than a dozen arachne were also now arrayed against her. "Are you insane?" Violet hissed irritably, slowly dropping into a readied stance while Divinar glanced between the two combatants with feigned disinterest, an act that Nala's children didn't try to share in.

The human slowly straightened and replaced the dagger she'd drawn into its hiding place, and a moment later she said; "You can come out now, sister." Both Charlotte and Demetrius materialized on either side of the group, Nala (and apparently her arachne) having never detected them in the slightest. Her arachne children seemed almost affronted, but Divinar seemed quite impressed and said; "Invisibility hrm? So you were waiting for us? How did you know we'd be here?" It was Charlotte who answered while looking at Nala; "The demons knew of your coming and the location of your lair. Thus we knew the direction from which you would come, and have waited for you since then. They've been trying to eliminate the three of us ever since the demon that imitated you was removed from power, and we haven't been able to catch a break until today. I suspect they knew you'd be coming tonight, and thus opted to prepare themselves rather than try and seek us out. With Demetrius' help, we knew exactly where to lie in wait in order to make sure that it was you, but we had to be sure that you hadn't been turned or that they hadn't discovered a way to fool our magics. They've demonstrated the ability to do as much before."

The news didn't seem to fit well with either Divinar or Violet, but it was the assassin who asked first; "How did they know we were coming? It's not like we'd planned it." Demetrius quickly answered; "You had live demon captives. There are telepaths among those occupying Kyederon, and distance and stone walls meaning nothing to such beings. I don't doubt that they're ready for whatever you'd planned before. We were almost captured because of just that tactic, but the demon impersonating you slipped up just enough to let us escape. Kyederon's in the hands of someone far more strict now, and they're military minded from the look of things. It's surrounded by traps set up in the trees and a small legion of goblin shock troops. The people there have been almost completely subjugated. I suspect some of them might even fight on our enemies side if we attack from the front, though they might also be out of it by now if the appetites of the succubi are as bad as I've been led to believe."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Telepathy? Well, well. So they think with something other than their loins? Bravo for them, though it will not save them," Nala said grimly. "All this does is change our approach. If there are traps in the trees then we will not strike from the tree tops."

The witch elf turned to her own daughters among the arachne.

"If we cannot strike from our natural approach, what do we do? Mmm? Have any of you guessed it? Attack head on? No, no. Of course we don't do that. The demons think themselves ready for us. No doubt they have all known approaches covered. The walls will be guarded. Scouts will be in the nearby woodlands with telepathic warnings prepared. The old mine shafts will be covered as well, if they aren't already caved in. So, what do we do when all the ways are covered and the enemy thinks they've got the element of surprise?"

She paused for dramatic effect.

"Well then, I'll just have to show you. But first, I want this area secured. Spread out and make sure there are no enemies here. If you find any demons, kill them."

While the arachne went off to make sure the immediate vicinity was demon-free, Nala turned in the direction of Kyederon. It wasn't that far from where they stood. There should be enough time to do what needed to be done.

"You say they are ready for us Charlotte? They will not be ready for what I have in mind. I have destroyed grey things who thought that they had overwhelming force. Now I will mete out justice without mercy." She tilted her head sidelong at Amanda. "You may like me a tad more when I'm angry, girl. I intend to take a page out of your book when it comes to these demons. When I'm done with them here in Kyederon, I'm going to go kill their king. You're invited to come along if you're bored here in the jungle."

She knelt forward and put a hand on the ground. She began to summon power to her, feeling with her senses the raw essence of nature in this jungle. This place pulsed with the energy of life. When the arachne came back with the all-clear, Nala would continue with her display.

As green energy cascaded along her arms, sending whisps from fingertip to fingertip. Her eyes glowed with power. Raising her palms upward, the earth in front of her roiled and crumbled and spiked - and then from it arose first one, then another earth elemental, each with giant claws that could rend rock as though it was paper.

"If they are prepared for all the known ways, then we go through an unknown way. And if there are none of those at hand, then, my dear friends and family, you make one." The witch elf grinned. "Earth elementals have more applications than just combat. We are going to make our own tunnel, directly into Kyederon. And while the demons wait with their eyes peeled on the darkness and the trees, we will spill out from within."

So saying, she began to have the two earth elementals dig, scouring the earth with each rending swing of their clawed hands. "Divinar, you and your daughters - our daughters - will use your webs and the strong branches of the trees here to stabilize the tunnel. I shall maintain the earth elementals as they work. Charlotte, when I am in need of rest, you will summon your own and have them continue the work. The earth will give way to these creatures, their work will be swift enough to bring us underneath the town by nightfall. Then we will strike swiftly and obiliterate their toughest defenders before they can react. If the goblins see their leaders fall, they will scatter - it's their nature."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 68/84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = 90, PP = ??/80, EP = 80/90, Status = Fine
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 80, PP = 50, EP = 80/90, Status = Fine

Amanda: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = Fine
Charlotte: HP = ??, PP = ??, EP = ??, Status = Fine

"Change our approach?" Divinar asked curiously, a sentiment that those around Nala seemed to share. Her dramatic spin caused each of them to flinch just a tiny bit, save for Amanda who simply quirked an eyebrow, and her series of rhetorical questions caused them to glance among one another curiously. Her assassin's apprentice was smiling slightly, and by the time Nala opted for her dramatic approach Violet was too. "Misdirect them?" Charlotte suggested feebly, though it was readily apparent that even she didn't think much of that nonspecific statement. "Try to lure them out onto a battlefield of our choosing?" Demetrius said, his voice stern but tinged with trepidation.

When the night elf issued her command, her daughters obeyed immediately and without question, but the others were slow to follow their lead, at least at first. Charlotte frowned softly at what Nala said next, the sight of her discontent clear, but Nala's offer drew a curious look from Amanda. "Is that so? Well, I'll certainly consider it... Though I can't say that spending any more time among demons sounds particularly appealing," she said while idly running a hand through her dirty hair, an action that drew a deeper frown from her comparatively clean sister. "Honestly Amanda, do you have to play the part that hard? It hasn't been THAT bad since we had to flee Kyederon." Amanda took a moment to smirk at her sister, and cooed; "We each like to get dirty in our own way, dear sister~"

It was about then that one of her children crept up onto a tree branch hanging over Nala's head, allowing her to whisper into the kneeling night-elf's ear; "The nearest demons are far from here, mother.... We will watch them and ward them away, or kill them if you desire~" Whatever Nala ordered her daughters to do, she would then be free to summon up her pair of earth elementals and deliver the explanation of her new plan to her assembled allies. Amanda, Divinar, and Violet each adopted a startlingly similar grin, their approval of the plan obvious. Demetrius, a man of military training, frowned slightly for a moment but then nodded, and was the first to offer his opinion; "It's a solid plan, tactically. I doubt they'd be expecting it even given how unpredictable you've been in the past. Just make sure they dig beneath the root-line but not into the water table, and the tunnel should hold up long enough for what we need it for. I can help with summoning the elementals too, when you two need time to recover." Charlotte alone seemed discontent with the plan, her soft frown remaining for several long moments before she simply nodded and let out a soft sigh.

"I will go and retrieve my other daughters~" Divinar said simply, before looking to the arachne that Nala had birthed and saying; "Do as Nala commands until I return!" The arachne swiftly vanished into the trees, leaving Nala alone with her daughters and her more mundane allies, at which point Demetrius said; "So... You actually went through with that then?" The earth elementals set out to work just as soon as Nala ordered them to, leaving her with a bit of time to kill once again. Two of her daughters stood on station beside the digging lumps of earth, which started their excavation in the patch that their own substance had just recently vacated, ready to reinforce the tunnel when it actually became a tunnel rather than just a crater.

"I've got something to take care of before this whole song and dance starts.... And someone that I think you might want to meet," Amanda stated blithely, after which she simply started to saunter off into the woods at an easy pace. "Where are you going?" Violet asked, a trace of irritation at her pupil evident in her voice, but Amanda simply grinned back at her mentor and said; "Why don't you come with? Maybe you'll be able to spot a hole in Kyederon's defenses~" Violet continued to scowl at Amanda for a moment before looking to Nala questioningly, awaiting the night elf's opinion on the matter of her making a brief departure.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala had been pleased with the reaction she got out of her various companions, all save perhaps for Charlotte. The witch elf noted the girl's neutrality on the issue. She didn't want to alienate yet another sister from her plans, not after having gone through so much to keep that particular girl's soul out of oblivion. She would have to ask her budding pupil what the matter was when she got a quieter moment.

When her daughter arachne returned with the report, Nala was quick to reply.

"No need to kill them. Best not to interact with them at all if such can be helped. We don't want to draw their attention. Have your sisters keep watch on them. If they approach this direction in groups small enough to neutralize quickly, then you can capture them or kill them as you please. If they are joined by more demons, and march this way by force, you must tell me immediately." She then brushed the daughter's cheek delicately. "Your swiftness is appreciated, my dear. But first, come hear my plan. You may enjoy this."

Following this, Nala enlightened everyone to her tunneling idea, and that drew approval, which was gratifying to her ego if nothing else. Divinar then left to round up her other daughters. Those were other loose ends that Nala must weave into line sooner rather than later. Perhaps some talk with them was necessary as well. Something to boost their morale, or at least focus them on the rewards that would come to them by siding with her.

When Demetrius asked his question while still in the presence of Nala's daughter arachne, the witch elf quirked a brow. "You seem surprised? Look at what I have created." She gestured to her daughters proudly. "Strong, beautiful, deadly, infused with arcane potential, and they are more suited to interactions with quadrupeds than Divinar's other lot. I have high hopes for them.~ And the sex wasn't bad either, Demetrius. Granted I didn't get the full bondage treatment they're instinctively inclined towards, but it was enjoyable. After having my brush with the hereafter two years ago, my womb has been barren. I had thought I would be okay with this, saw it as a victory even -- mother had always demanded I give her grandchildren and I was determined to thwart her wish. But... settling down in Kyederon, building a community, lying with people that, dare I say, I had actual feelings for... it has made me be wistful for the option to create something naturally. And now, the perfect opportunity has come along, and I can't say I regret it one bit."

When Amanda began to stalk off independently, Nala nodded to Violet, giving her bodyguard permission to leave her. "I am safe enough with Charlotte, Demetrius, and my daughters, so go see whatever or whoever Amanda has in mind."

After Violet left, Nala approached Charlotte. "So tell me what happened. I had given the demoness that imprisoned me some misinformation that I had hoped would tip you and your sister off. Did it work? Have the two of you been all right?"