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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Haste, Oakenform (-5 casting, DR 3/4, +30 AV, cannot be sneak attacked, Stunned, or Paralyzed) Upkeep = 7 but only 5 with the area bonus

Violet: Fine

Taking the simple wooden band from Vreyan's wrist, Nala felt the immense power of Kyederon become significantly more friendly to her. She could access her full range of powers now, and if she got into another confrontation she would be able to access more nonlethal options.

"True," Violet quipped simply in agreement, waiting for Nala to tie the band around her wrist before making for the stairs.

At the top of those steps, before she reached the small willow at the heart of Ch'Hiesol, there came the confrontation with her mother. Kalevi drew up in a stony look that did little to hide her despondency as Nala opened their conversation with such ferocity, but rather than interrupt to defend herself from her daughter's claims she simply stood and waited, suffering every insult and accusation to her and her ways and the ensuing attempt at compassionate understanding with equally empty silence.

When Nala had finished and directed her attention towards the angel in the grove, it was he who answered first, not Kalevi. "You needn't worry about me," he said, "I forsaw what will happen here today, but will not interfere in this. It is not for me to have a say, not yet."

Then, Kalevi straightened, pushing aside her despair and adopting an earnest, passionate voice as she addressed Nala; "None of your greeting was my doing. I had suggested diplomacy, explanation, but the council did not believe you would listen. I was barred from meeting you, barred from each confrontation, and so instead I came here, knowing you would not be stopped." She stepped forward, "you think I would be glad if you had died? No!

"Were it possible to have prevented you from coming to this place, and doing as you intend, I would have done anything. If hurling myself from the top of this mountain would have turned you away from this course, I would do it. If forswearing my power forevermore and living in exile would turn you back, I would do it. If enslaving myself to the worst of demons, I would have done so if only it would see you safely home, this course abandoned. But kill you, Nala? Kill you, my daughter, my blood? No, never that! Never!

"Even to stop what will come from your actions here, I would not take that step. The best that I can do now is to stand in your path, the last obstacle, the very last... You say that the world is cruel, that things that do not follow natural rules will ruin all in their path? And your solution... Is to wield similar power, even if you have no idea how to control it? And that of Janis, which was never meant to destroy? When taking it will destroy this place, one of the few sanctuaries left where the old ways are remembered?"

She took several slow steps forward, and with another thump she pressed the tip of her staff firmly into the ground, ignoring Nala's suggestive display and looking her fully in the eye. "While I stand, you will go no further. I will not harm you, but neither will I allow you past. Do as you must, my daughter."

The power of the fallen nature goddess flowed around them, not crackling as more destructive powers would but surrounding, like water. Nala could feel it working itself into her, the power of nature restoring the balance in her body. Already she could feel old aches she had grown long accustomed to easing, leaving an odd sense of relief filling her, as the power of Janis weaved itself into her being she could even feel the entropic scars in her womb healing. A short while here would leave them gone forever, returning her ability to have children of her own, though she could just as easily finish her business and depart well before then or rely on the changes that would come from taking in Janis' power to restore herself as she saw fit.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala's prideful smirk twitched irritably at her mother's explanation. The last thing she wanted now was for her mother to act so suddenly meek. It was a rare thing, uncharacteristic of Kalevi. The mother and daughter had always been alike in their stubbornness. Had Nala's actions here really driven her mother to the brink of despair? Were the walls really crumbling down?


Nala steeled herself. It was just another manipulation. Another form of deterrent. They did not understand. None of them did. She would not misuse the power of Janis. How could one misuse nature? It was a force, beholden to no moral law, it's imperative was freedom and growth, and she would give that to all who would oppose the tyranny of the demonic and outsider hordes. She was going to strengthen the mortals, give them weapons to fight on the same sexual field of battle that these invaders used.

"How can you expect me to listen to you? You never listened to me. You regarded my sexual enlightenment as a crime, worthy of banishment. Do I want you to despair mother? Of course not. And you don't have to. Don't you see? The power of Janis is dormant, contained, cultivated like a garden instead of being unleashed, as Nature was always meant to be. You think nature is not a destructive thing? I beg to differ. No force on this world has more potential for destruction. And yet, that is not my only goal. Observe, mother. For I would use such powers for creation - the birthing of new and wonderful species... I would crush our enemies and give us a grand new world!"

Nala cast aside her staff, dropping the pretense of a classic mage duel and walked forward, casting a spell as she did so, summoning exotic red and purple vines, drawing on the ambient energies of the Janis tree to bring them to life. Each vine would flower instantly with sticky, sappy buds of perfumed ichor that would tickle and titillate the senses, much like the dreaded shorn weed did, only in a more gentle, gradual way.

The vines would snake around Kalevi's body, restraining her limbs and coating her skin with the oily residue of the new vine species.

"You see? Beautiful, utilitarian, and indulgent. You need only open your mind, mother, as I have. And as others in this temple will..."

Nala casts Entangling Vines, using Empower Spell (and Druidic Secrets passive) to create a greater vine plant that includes a quality to inflict Horny status on a target with successful grapple (oil coating acts as intensive aphrodisiac) or a spore cloud spray from the blooms. The stamen on the blooms as well as the vines themselves should be capable of penetration.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 79/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Haste, Oakenform (-5 casting, DR 3/4, +30 AV, cannot be sneak attacked, Stunned, or Paralyzed) Upkeep = 7 but only 5 with the area bonus

Violet: Fine

Kalevi: Aroused, Grappled

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, Grappling Kalevi and all her vines
Kalevi's Vines 1: Grapple Expert, 58 Body
Kalevi's Vines 2: Grapple Expert, 58 Body
Kalevi's Vines 3: Grapple Expert, 58 Body

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Success.

Casting: Success.
Grapple: Kalevi's vines win.

Nala's mother did not lose her dark look for Nala's efforts, indeed she seemed to glower with disapproval in the way she had when Nala was younger and just coming into her rebellious streak. The call to power Nala made was answered and then some, calling up vines that cast themselves around Kalevi, aiming to bind her. She looked startled for an instant as the appendages coiled around her legs and reached up to bind her arms, but in an instant she called up her own power. As the vines slid over her flesh, oily venom seeping into her being and igniting a heat that Nala could practically sense in her enchanted state, a swarm of more conventional vines erupted around them.

Kalevi's conjured vines lashed around Nala's, plant matter coiling around plant matter, and though her mutated vines had had far more power poured into them Kalevi's were far more numerous. The area around her writhed, green tendrils lashing over vibrant red and purple ones another in a wild chaos, but Nala's vines were being steadily pulled away. In a few short moments Kalevi would be unbound, the oil on Nala's vines unable to finish their work in crippling her with need, but she wasn't fully free yet. Nala would have a moment in which to enact some other plan before Kalevi would be fully free, and for the moment her mother's concentration was centered on escape.

"I don't expect you to listen.... You never have," Kalevi countered, "and you never listened because you always thought yourself superior. You have never learned wisdom, even now. You have only ever reacted on your preconceptions, even when they brought you to harm. You think fucking anyone who would sit still long enough is sexual enlightenment and a tribute to the truth of our natural world when even the lowest of beasts do not do so. You think creating mutant horrors like this from sorcery and using them against others to cow them into surrender is just. You confuse change with destruction because of the foul chaos magic you have polluted your mind and body with. You think power is something that can simply be hurled against a problem to solve it, like some Badarian battlemage trying to burn down an enemy fortress.

"Nala... You are not fit to claim what you think is your right. Do you truly believe the world would be better on the course you would set? Creatures like that, kin to the abominations unleashed when the power you seek to claim was born of Janis' death, will not aid against any of the fresh horrors that have come to our world. They are born from the same corrupting power, the same fall into willful temptation that leaves the mind enslaved to the wants of the flesh, and the soul vulnerable to the predations of beings who have taken advantage of such desires for eons untold. Think!"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I have thought long and hard about it, mother!" Nala's eyes burned with whorls of emerald and amethyst energy as her passion got the better of her and her throat threatened to choke with strained anger.

"It was you who always thought yourself superior! You think you are the inheritors of Janis' power. You claim to understand Nature, yet you do nothing but try to tame it, to clip its leaves, to worship its pretty byproducts! Nature is not some docile, clever thing! It is a force of both life AND destruction. It is never subtle! Like me, it is unyielding, unflinching, unwavering in its approach. It is a power, most terrible and beautiful, and I will unleash it! And I will not have you over-glorified gardeners stand in my way!"

Her frenzy overcoming her reason, the witch elf used her haste magic to run headlong through the vines, rushing towards her mother. Tears of frustration, shame, longing, hatred and love spilled across the tattooed markings of her purple hued cheeks as she shrieked, leaping at her own mother.

The momentum of her sprint would carry both Kalevi and herself into the mix of green and purple-red vines, but Nala wasn't thinking about any of that. She both loathed and loved the woman that she now struggled with - desperate for approval that would never come and ashamed and hating herself for being unable to be the daughter Kalevi had wanted, and for not having the cold-heartedness to avoid caring about such things, even now as she had moved beyond the point of no return. Why did she still care about what Kalevi, her clear enemy, thought of her? The bond of blood perhaps? The respect of Kalevi's convictions? Nala doubted she would be able to fully voice why her emotions had gotten the better of her.

"Damn you mother! Damn you!" Nala said through clenched teeth as she wrestled with her. "Why couldn't you let me be!?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Haste, Oakenform (-5 casting, DR 3/4, +30 AV, cannot be sneak attacked, Stunned, or Paralyzed) Upkeep = 7 but only 5 with the area bonus, Aroused, Grappled

Violet: Fine

Kalevi: Horny, Grappled

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, Grappling Kalevi and all her vines
Kalevi's Vines 1: Grapple Expert, 58 Body
Kalevi's Vines 2: Grapple Expert, 58 Body
Kalevi's Vines 3: Grapple Expert, 58 Body

A response was fast on Kalevi's lips, her expression flashing with the same anger that Nala felt and her own eyes glowing brightly in similar colors, but Nala's sudden charge cut her off. She managed only a surprised gasp before her daughter was upon her, and would have tackled her to the ground.... Were it not for the wrestling vines surrounding her. Kalevi fell back first into the writhing mass, Nala bearing her into it, and her staff fell aside as she grasped Nala and turned, trying to suppress some of the momentum produced by the sudden tackle.

Neither woman was a natural grappler, and neither had prepared for this. What followed was not so much a battle as it was a cat fight... Between kittens who hadn't yet seen their first year. Badarian house kittens in a house where they weren't even expected to be proper mousers.

Still, it was certainly a much more interesting kitten fight, in that it was fought between mother and daughter, both clad only in robes that were quickly made damp and sticky by the oil exuded by the vines they wrestled through. Kalevi had Nala, Nala had Kalevi, they both had each other... It was hard to say at any given point, with the two thrashing and grabbing and hurling each other about.

"N-Nala! W-w-what are you - kyaaaah!" Kalevi protested, finally finding her voice just as Nala's vines managed to fight off the more natural ones conjured by her mother. The result was an interruption in the form of those vines half coiling around Kalevi and simply tearing the dress from her shoulders, ripping it down her body. She, much like Nala, wore absolutely nothing underneath, not even the barest scrap of cloth covering her nudity. That left her totally exposed to her own daughter as Nala pressed against her in their chaotic struggle, and her already flushed flesh brightened further.

Nala's own clothes didn't survive much longer, and soon it was naked flesh against naked flesh as oil-coated vines writhed around them both. Hardly an inch of skin wasn't coated within moments, but without their clothes suddenly Kalevi was growing much weaker. At a glance one might think it was because she was trying to conceal her nudity, but to Nala the true reason was obvious. Her vines were working, and the more they worked the more Kalevi surrendered to them. Her own vines, magical extensions of her will, mirrored that surrender, the aphrodisiacs seeping into her blood setting her alight with need. The need to mate, to breed, to feel pleasure, and while such needs couldn't possibly be met by her own daughter - at least as far as she knew - they arose as a distraction more potent than any other all too quickly. Nala felt those same urges, for she was not immune to the touch of her own vines, but unlike Kalevi she was far from ashamed of her body's needs and the way they were fulfilled.

Kalevi's struggles grew feebler by the second, and Nala could have tracked the dilation of her pupils if she wasn't busy subduing the woman. Her grunts of strain were increasingly interspaced with gasps, and when a particularly tense session of writhing had her back against the ground and Nala lying on top of her, the stiffness of the tips of her breasts as their chests pressed together was all too telling as well. She let out a gasp that was half moan as their tips glanced against one another in their writhing, and Kalevi's struggles all but ceased then as she gazed up with wide eyes and open mouth, her vines surrendering and allowing Nala's to do as they willed.

Violet had watched in shocked surprise, but after a moment took a step toward the struggling pair only to stop. She looked over at the angel, who was observing the exchange from farther, and at a shake of his head she relaxed back.... For now, at least.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

As she turned and writhed and rolled among the oily vines with Kalevi, Nala was vaguely aware that this hadn't been the best or brightest plan she'd ever had, but there was nothing to do about that now.

Succumbing to her desire to pin her mother down so she could shake or scream or force her to just give in for once, Nala's hands moved across Kalevi and grabbed for her wrists, causing their ample chests to meet and pancake against one another through the thin fabrics they both wore.

The vine oil was slick and lubricating, making it difficult to get a good hold on Kalevi, an what was worse, Nala could feel the warming sensations seep through her skin and into her blood stream. Dully, she was aware that soon she would fall victim to her own trap and would need sexual satisfaction.

A feral grin appeared on her face as she thought about Violet nearby. Finding release would not be difficult for Nala, but as for her mother, well, it would serve Kalevi right to be helpless and vulnerable to the need for sexual relief.

What the witch elf hadn't counted on were the vines. As Kalevi quickly lost herself to the lust oils, so too did her vines follow suit, ripping away the thin dress from herself, followed swiftly by her daughter's.

"Serves you ri-- Eyyahh!!" Nala shouted as her own dress was stripped from her and the vines coiled around her body, holding her tightly against her own mother, who now was exposed to her daughter and appeared as a beautiful, slightly more filled out version of Nala. Though she knew it was terribly wrong, the heightened feelings of arousal made it very hard for Nala to not get wet at the sight of having such a lovely night elf body beneath her, struggling between her legs.

"Nnnhhh.... You see, mother? Hanh...~ Isn't it... hunh... nice to have these feelings? But even in a state such as this... we can defend ourselves... even attack the demons that would try to overcome us... uhhnnhh..."

Nala cupped a hand over her mother's breast and started to knead it, while at the same time slipping her other hand's fingers to her own sex, circling her clit with soft strokes as she ground herself along her mother's belly, leaving splotches of wetness where her thighs trailed against Kalevi.

Once the druid's vines surrendered, Nala's vines struck, grasping Kalevi's wrists and ankles, and one of the more thickly coated ones entering her open mouth and sliding against her tongue and throat, reinforcing the application of the aphrodisiac many times over.

"Nnggh... you see mother? It's.. unnh... not so bad... hunh... N-now, stay here and enjoy... I must... I must go to the ... unnh!"

Unable to tear herself away from the inflicted desire, Nala stayed where she was, closing her eyes and continued to fondle herself while undulating her body against her mother. She didn't yet do more than that, preferring instead to work on herself and let her mother's writhing and need grow more and more urgent.

"Hnnh... feels so good...~"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Haste, Oakenform (-5 casting, DR 3/4, +30 AV, cannot be sneak attacked, Stunned, or Paralyzed) Upkeep = 7 but only 5 with the area bonus, Horny, Grappled

Violet: Fine

Kalevi: Horny, Grappled

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, Grappling Kalevi and all her vines

"Nala! Stop this now! This is madness! This is wr - mmmmppphhhmmm!" Kalevi began only for one of the tendrils coiling around the pair of them to silence her with a quick thrust between her lips. It soon began to pump between the pinned elf's lips, forcing her to swallow the aphrodisiac oils that it secreted, and as Nala had formed them deliberately for her lewd purposes the phallic tip had the perfect opening from which the stuff could be dripped down her throat, flooding her system until her need was overwhelming.

Before Nala's very eyes her mother's behavior changed, though her eyes still stared up in defiant scorn, the ghosts of her demand to be released still hidden in her gaze. Her head twisted a few times to try and dislodge the vine that had forced its way into her mouth, but after a few moments she stopped, and Nala watched her lips settle into a firm 'o' around the intruding appendage, saw her cheeks sink in slightly, and even in her own increasingly lustful haze could see the muscles in her jaw working as her tongue began to embrace the exotic summoned vine.

While the conjured creatures, not possessing true life as the shorn weeds Nala had partially emulated in crafting them, might not possess the mating urges that their aphrodisiac oils produced, they had still be created with the ability to serve as mostly adequate substitutes. For now, however, the stamens and tendrils didn't slide into Kalevi's petals no matter how inviting they might have been, and instead slid across her in undulating waves. Dozens slid over her soft, quivering flesh, over her breasts and sides and stomach and ass, caressing her back and thighs and calves, coiling around her ankles and wrists and throat and spreading their devious ooze all over her form. A particularly large one eventually slid up between her legs, grinding along her folds and making her groan against the vine buried between her lips, but its rough surface barely glanced across her petals as it slid upwards.

Kalevi was not alone in being molested, however. Nala's own body, while not nearly as tightly bound by the interwoven limbs, was given the same slow, sensual rub down from the legion of now unobstructed vines. They coated her, caressing her like the hands of a lustful lover and applying just enough pressure in their embrace to make the way they brushed across her breasts and the soft flesh of her rump physically appealing. Unlike Kalevi, however, Nala was free to move as she wished rather than bound to the ground, her hands free to add to her mother's teasing in a way that made her eyes bulge and try and stem the rising tide of raw need that the aphrodisiac oil was inspiring. Her mind might be empowered and enhanced, but her flesh was weak and vulnerable, and the two were intrinsically tied together. While she might not be as helpless against those instincts as Kalevi, there was no denying that they were demanding some serious attention.

With such distractions, it might be forgiven that Nala missed the running footsteps that approached through the glade. The skidding halt as they drew near and accompanied gasp were more noticeable, but impossible to ignore was the shouted; "What... What's going on here!?"

Obryd looked on in shock at the carnal display before him, Kalevi pinned on her back and Nala atop her, both violet skinned beauties glistening with natural oils and gleaming in the light that passed through the trees. Both had everything on display, but were also wrapped in a veritable garden of vines, ones that were moving on their own and most certainly hadn't been there before. Even for a disciplined man like him, who had refused Nala's advances despite his hidden attraction to her mother, the sight was impossible to not find at least mildly arousing. The lust in the vines had long since spread into the air, a slight fog clouding the area as the dormant magics responded to Nala's sorcery, not as potent as direct exposure to the oil but powerful nonetheless.

Violet was already affected by it, but like Nala she had long since grown comfortable with that part of herself. It hardly took much effort to get her going, especially when the night elven witch herself was involved, and the smirk she had worn while watching Nala's impromptu wrestling match with her mother devolve into its present state was telling of how willing she would be to help Nala satisfy her urges. Obryd was no less affected by the scent filling the air, and as Nala turned her sights upon him the signs of his own long suppressed urges coming to life once more were readily evident in the form of a protrusion quickly appearing in his loose trousers.

"Nala! What have you done!? That's... That's your own mother!" he called incredulously, and Violet shot Nala a sly look and began to move. He never noticed her making her way around him, the assassin's movement silent and perfectly smooth, but before she arrived he took a step forward and added; "You must stop! This is desecration! No matter your cause, this is - gah!"

With an assault as swift as a swooping hawk, Violet quieted Obryd's protests with a hold that one arm behind his back, causing his back to arch upwards. He spluttered, but she whispered seductively into his ear just loud enough for Nala to hear; "Don't worry... You're here to help right? They really need it~" Her free hand slid down over his thigh, and though his struggles intensified briefly her fingers and palm soon slid over the telltale bulge. He shuddered, his eyes widening as color flashed into his cheeks, "what are you doing! Get... Off!"

He tried to squirm away, but Violet held him fast, and it wasn't hard to figure out why she managed to hold him with just her weight and one arm dedicated to it. Her hand danced, tracing across the length of his shaft, and the stimulation served both to make him breath heavier and his member to harden further. In only a few short moments Nala could practically see every detail of it through his loose garments, and his squirming had been reduced to the barest of struggles even if he still looked distressed.

"You see? She's right... Doesn't it feel... Good?" Violet's insidious whisper cooed into his ear, the assassin's voice filled with honey and promise as her fingers hastened their gliding strokes of the night elf's shaft. He was the exact sort of man that Nala knew Violet preferred, honorable but still willful, athletic and strong. Even before she had known Nala, she had been trained to paralyze a man in this exact manner, to force his guard down for any number of purposes, and despite his own training the combination of elements had proven enough to best Obryd's discipline.

A few moments later Violet's fingers closed around his still concealed member, and he let out a sound that was half groan and half growl that quickly shifted closer to the latter as it faded as she began to stroke in earnest. The last of the fight left him as Violet began to expertly jerk him off through his clothes, and with her prey subdued Violet took a few moments to play, enjoying her power over him in a very visceral sense as she made him squirm in new ways by varying her pace. Her toying wasn't to last too long, however, as after a few more moments of teasing she released him - producing a surprised grunt - and slid her hand up to the hem of his trousers. He gave one last mild effort, but it was for naught; Obryd's pants were dragged down, and his manhood revealed in all its glory.

"Hnnn... What are you... Why!?" he managed to grunt, only to groan immediately after as her hand returned to stroking his bare shaft. He was larger, a significant improvement on the average in length and slightly better in terms of girth, his purple shaft possessing a noticeable roughness to it, a very slight upward curve, and a darkened bell-shaped tip with a very pronounced ridge that would surely feel wonderful dragging against her inner walls. Violet handled it expertly, giving slow teasing strokes that awakened primal need and left all other concerns as very distant seconds. A drop of his pre, so long held up in his swollen balls, appeared from the tip a moment later, and the sight of it all called to Nala.

Would she go to take advantage of the man's lusts? Violet would shift her hand to a secure hold on the base of his cock the moment she began any approach, releasing her hold and instead lifting his vest to feel along the pronounced muscles of his abdomen and chest. But what of Kalevi? Would she be left to watch, teased but unsatisfied? Would she be invited to join? Would she be made to join? Would Nala set her vines upon her own mother in earnest while she enjoyed Obryd - a man she had known for decades - before her very eyes? One thing was certain, Nala had the power here, and other than the angel who was still silently observing from a nearby copse all around her were now fully under her sway.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"How can something so wrong feel so right?" Nala purred, one hand caressing her mother's jawline as the older night elf's mouth made room for the invading vine phallus, whose excess oils coated and oozed across her frightened, quivering lips.

"You've never looked so beautiful mother, nor so vulnerable. This is how the demons would defeat us, you know? Shackling us with our instinctive, sexual drive. If we repress our lust, then we shall be slaves to it should it be freed from the rigid bonds that an artificial society has placed upon it. But if we refuse to treat lust as a stranger, if we greet it as a trained and welcome part of us, then it shall never betray us - but guard us against foes who would use it against us. Do you see mother?"

Nala let a purple vine slip tightly over her own flesh, sliding up the crevice of her butt, slipping over a jiggling cheek as it slithered further upwards, passing through the mounds of her breasts and hovering in front of her open lips. With a grin and a wink at the helpless matron, the witch elf extended her tongue and licked a gob of excreted ooze from the vine tip, allowing the intoxicating lust poison to coat her tongue before she swallowed it, welcoming the passion and twisted desire inside of her.

"Ooohh, mmm~~" She moaned lewdly, luxuriating in the sensation of oncoming need, her hand and another vine toyed at her own clit and the opening of her nether lips, treating herself to a controlled masturbation designed to appease her horniness, steeling herself with the assurance that she would soon be taking her fill of sexual satisfaction.

"Now... you look like you could use a helping hand. Should I teach you something of what I've learned, mother?" She giggled mischievously, a lustful twinkle in her eye as she toyed with Kalevi like a cat with a mouse or a spider with a dragonfly.

It was then, as the vines were wrapping around each of them, coating their bodies with a lovely sheen, that the startled voice of the guardian captain, Obryd, resounded in the grove of the Janis Tree. Nala had been leaning down towards her mother's face in that moment, with vines slowly spreading Kalevi's legs further apart to allow the gloating daughter better access to the druid's sweet folds whose sensitivity had been pushed into overdrive by the vines and the musk. From that position, Obryd was treated to an all-too-perfect view of the two night elf beauties, so similar in appearance that they could have been mistaken for sisters. Of course, Obryd knew the startling truth all too well.

Nala slowly looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with the captain, her lust now boiling inside of her. She knew now exactly how she was going to satisfy her carnal need.

"Desecration? No, no sweet Obryd. This is love. I could think of no greater way of rebuilding the bond between the arch-druidess and myself, than to accompany one another through a forbidden experience, and to share an object of our mutual desire... mmm, that is, if my sweet Violet doesn't claim him first..."

The witch elf gave a coy wave as Violet suddenly appeared and put Obryd into a vise like arm lock, subduing him and reaching down to pleasure him, weakening his resolve in a practiced and precise manner that made Nala want to wrap the assassin up in vines and make passionate love to her throughout day and night... perhaps she would, but only after she had had her fun with Obryd and Kalevi.

Nala's lust was ascending ever higher and higher. She would have to sate herself quickly, now. Obryd's body, his shock, and his obvious erection was calling to her.

"Why? Even now, you have to ask?" Nala arose off of Kalevi and let the vines slide away from her as she sultrily strode towards Obryd. Behind her, the vines carried the splayed form of her writhing, horny mother.

"It's time for you to be honest, good captain. Admit what we all know to be true. You have longed for years to take Kalevi in your arms, to toss duty aside and have your way with her flesh. Better still, you knew that on some level, she had wanted you to do just this. To find her in this sacred place, vulnerable and wet with need, wanting you to forsake all other beliefs, so that you might place the worship of her body first in your heart and soul.~ Look into her eyes. See how she gazes at your body, at your manhood? See how you cannot help but look at her in this distressed state? Her excited breasts... her dripping flower..."

Nala flaunted her body languidly before him as she stepped up to him and placed her fingers upon his torso, sliding them down to his abdomen, slowly dipping lower towards where Violet was still slowly jerking him off.

"And now tell my mother what all her refusal to relieve your desires had done. Tell her how your untended needs caused your eye to wander... wander to the blooming young night elf maiden who looked so much like her mother. Mmm~ You loved watching me when you thought I didn't see you looking. I know you were picturing me naked, thinking how I probably would make the same sex noises as Kalevi, how having me would be almost as perfect as having her. If this weren't true, you would never have hesitated the way you did when I approached you... Tell us, which of us pleased you more in your dreams? Did you ever compare us to one another? Did you ever imagine us pleasing you together?"

Nala laughed lightly and leaned into him, kissing his pectorals through is light jerkin, while her hand lowered further, past Violet's steady pumping, and cupped his swollen balls in her palm.

"We can do that for you now, Obryd. You can have both mother and daughter, together. And what's more, doing it will help bring Kalevi back from her lust paralysis. All you need to do is give in to your natural desire, and release yourself from this curse you've put yourself through for far too long."

Nala reached up and put Obryd's one free hand on her own breast, pressing his palm against her firmly.

"And you can start with me. Let my mother understand what madness she's driven you to all these years. Only then will she truly understand just how important you are to her - to what she needs from you. Take me, Obryd. Take me here, in this sacred grove, where Nature is answerable to no taboo."
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Haste, Oakenform (-5 casting, DR 3/4, +30 AV, cannot be sneak attacked, Stunned, or Paralyzed) Upkeep = 7 but only 5 with the area bonus, Horny, Grappled

Violet: Fine

Kalevi: Horny, Grappled

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, Grappling Kalevi and all her vines

Kalevi, though she would surely have looked horrified at Nala's display with one of the tendrils under any other circumstances, couldn't maintain the expression. Not even the offer to convey to her mother some of her lewd knowledge managed to earn more than a widening of the eyes and a brief stiffness, Kalevi's resistance to such a notion powerful even with the poison thrumming through her veins and Nala offering to satisfy the demands that it placed upon her body.

Obryd's arrival might have been called fortunate under some circumstances, the hero come to save the noble druidess from the dark witch. Such fantasies were best left to the story books, however, as Nala's assassin pinned the man and both she and Nala worked together to emphasize the temptation set before him. Violet already had him held, and the lust in the air and sight before him would have left any red blooded man hesitant.

"M-mutual!? Have you gone - nnn, nnn!" he began, only for Violet's fingers claiming his erect manhood through his clothes to stun him from his protest. His eyes shot wide as Nala demanded he admit his attractions, shame and horror and denial appearing and falling one by one as she drew nearer in all of her naked, oil coated glory.

The truths of Nala's words were undeniable, however, especially then when they were presented with no uncertainty available to them. Even in the grip of writhing tentacles Kalevi was looking squarely at Obryd, horror at being seen in her state and desire warring in her gaze but the latter winning more with every second. Her legs, having quivered half open under the tentacles and Nala, spread invitingly for Obryd, and the look of hunger in his eyes could not be hidden even by his discipline.

Her words left him speechless, his frame shaking and his denial mounting a valiant effort at retaking his will only to fail miserably. His eyes bulged further with every sentence, need and lust roaring through his psyche as her touch spread the aphrodisiacs that she was coated in. Her lips felt defined muscle tensing uselessly beneath his jerkin, and a moment later it was before her bare lips as Violet lifted it up to his shoulders, his body tensing further then and further still at the touch of her fingers against his swollen balls. She could feel his virility beneath her digits, the pent up need to pump his genetic gift into a willing woman trapped beneath his weight and strength, and on a more simply tactile level she felt his organ jump against her touch as he let out a desperate groan.

"B... Both!?" he whispered, eyes darting between Nala and Kalevi, his body thrumming with suppressed lust. He tried to deny it, to contain it, but it was simply no longer possible. Nala's verbal offer and proximity and the display made of Kalevi before him were too great a realization of his suppressed fantasies, and Violet's fingers offered him the perfect channel through which to finally realize relief. He was rock hard, his tip brushing against Nala's stomach and spreading a trail of pre across the witch's oily skin.

She could see the battle playing out in his mind, see it ending, and felt the final stroke fall with his fingers closing over her breast. He groaned again, louder, deeper as Violet's fingers worked at their sedate pace, and his own fingers closed upon her breast with desperate passion. He couldn't bring himself to admit it, to speak the words aloud, but his answer was obvious: Yes. Violet began to unwind from around him, and despite his greater age he laid his now second free hand upon her waist, pulling her closer, pressing his length across her stomach and spreading the aphrodisiac oil.

Even now, however, she was in full control. It would be as simple an effort as she had ever done to take Obryd's seed, free to lay claim to it wherever and however she wished. In her magically enhanced state and with his own excitement raging she could have worked him to completion in seconds through the method of her choosing, but she could instead opt to attempt for something more innately satisfying for both of them. The choice, as it stood, was hers, and with one last slow stroke of his shaft and a light tickle of Nala's side Violet pulled away fully, moving to watch... Like the still bound Kalevi.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Don't wander too far, sweet Violet." Nala said as her beautiful and deadly human brushed past her after having so deftly subdued and stroked Obryd into a throbbing, tense state of need.

"I can't imagine Obryd or my mother would object to you entering their long awaited fantasies, vision of sexual perfection that you are. Come beside me and let us enjoy this fine man.~"

Saying this, Nala returned her green gaze to the stunned male night elf and went onto her tip toes to press her oiled lips to his own, giving him a soft kiss. She moaned a little, as if a long held wish had just come true, and then deepened the kiss, parting her lips to search out with her tongue. If he could not control himself and wanted to be aggressive, she would let him push forward and take hold of her, otherwise she would explore his mouth with her elongated, twisting lingual muscle. When Violet stepped by her side, Nala reached over to loop an arm around the assassin's waist and brought her close, inviting he into the kiss, which then became a three way dance of tongues.

"Mmm, I've wanted your kiss for so long, Obryd. Thank you. Now let me give you what you've longed for. What I was willing to give you at any time, if only you had asked it of me. I'm going to let your manhood do what nature intended."

Letting Violet carry on the kiss at Obryd's gasping mouth, Nala trailed her wet licks down the older elf's body, her hands still cupping his balls and now starting to stroke him as Violet had been doing. His hot shaft felt good and eager and slick between her oiled fingers and palm. Stooping down beneath his thighs, Nala eyed it hungrily.

"Mmmh, Obryd, it's more impressive than I'd hoped. How many times have I wanted this inside me? You don't mind if I taste it now, do you? Of course not... mmm..."

Nala let her lips draw close and press against the bell end of his cock, where a bead of precum was dribbling out. Her tongue slithered out and licked it up, then toyed at his opening, searching for more.

"Ready, guardian? Nala's going to suck your cock now. ufufu~" she giggled, coquettish in her dominance. Then suddenly and without further warning, she put her lips tightly around his tip and slid forward, letting the already pumped and oiled cock slide straight into and down her throat, hilting him in one go. It was a sudden effort that she had seen Esmerala try on Grabbik with great success, and now the always learning witch elf emulated it. She sucked in tightly, letting the inside of her cheeks caress Obryd's shaft while her tongue folded to hug its underside, sheathing his thick vein and slipping out to slide across his balls.

Violet broke the kiss at that moment to allow Obryd to look down at Nala and see her happily taking his cock fully in her mouth; savoring it. The elven witch hummed gloatingly through her stuffed orifice and then began to bob her head back and forth in earnest, going to town on his manhood, hoping to set his first orgasm off in relatively good time, so that he would last longer later on, when the main attraction was up.

Drawing Violet down to kneel beside her, Nala continued to deepthroat Obryd while her hands explored her human lover's body, feeling her warmth beside her and inviting the assassin to touch her back, for she was now in need of her own release. Guiding one of Violet's skilled hands down to her soaking slit, Nala sighed lewdly, hoping that her skilled bodyguard would tease and pleasure her to match the orgasms she was going to unleash in her guardian stud.

While this occurred, Nala dropped her haste and protection spells, no longer needing them, although she kept the mental augmentation that would help her sexual magic take further control of the other night elves. Forming a connection with Obryd's spirit, as the demon lord had taught her, Nala could better sense when he was about to lose his first load. She used this information to back off in her efforts so as to make him last longer and prolong the pleasure of tasting him.

After several minutes of sucking him off, Nala decided that she would finish him in a different manner. She hilted him with her lips one last time, withdrawing slowly while glancing up at him with mock-innocent eyes, before letting his purple-red tip pop out of her mouth noisily.

"So good... I'm in love with your cock, Obryd. I'm sure mother will feel the same way once you give her a taste. But for your first time, I want you to cum all over me - make me good and dirty with your seed."

Nala straightened her posture and cupped her breasts, edging forward to nuzzle Obryd's cock in her cleavage. She then firmly pushed her breasts towards one another, her soft, lubricated mounds enclosing around his saliva-coated member. Smiling up at him, Nala began to pump him with her body, letting his rod disappear and then reappear out of her bosom, pointing its tip up at her neckline. She could feel it pulsing against her own sensitive chest, and Violet's fingers were by this point no doubt making her race toward her own climax.

"Oh Obryd! Please cum on me! Cum all over that naughty, druid girl who looks so much like her mother. I promise I'll clean it all up with my mouth. None of the other temple guardians need to know... I just want your cum over my slutty body! Ahh ahhnn! oooh, Violet you're touching the right spots... oh quickly, Obryd! Cum on me noooooowww...!"

Nala's heaving body twitched as Violet finished her off, but the vision of Nala in ecstasy underneath him, pleasuring him with her tits, would send Obryd over his edge, giving the witch elf what she wanted. Huge ropey strands of cum splattered across her chest, her neck, her jawline and dropped down again onto her pillowy breasts.

"Ooouuhh... there's so much of it. I'm absolutely coated. Obryd, you had so much cum to give me. Thank you! Mm, Violet, can you lick it up for me? Then we can share it, yes?"

Allowing Obryd to stumble back a step or two, Nala and Violet would then treat him and Kalevi both to the display. Violet would lap up the cum from Nala's body, playing with it in her mouth before kissing Nala messily and sharing the load. The semen and saliva mix would pass back and forth between them several times before at last the two of them swallowed their portions. Then Nala turned and proffered her bust to Obryd.

"See? I was a good girl and hid the evidence. Wasn't that wonderful? And to think, I'd have done that whenever you wanted. Milk your balls clean for you. It would have been amazing. But better late than never, right Obryd? Now come on, let's go say hi to poor Kalevi. Forced to watch you do that to her daughter, tsk tsk."

Nala took Obryd by the hand and guided him over to where the pitiful Kalevi lay, her body being slowly pumped and soiled by the oozing tentacle vines. Nala motioned for Violet to come along as well and together, the assassin and the witch elf both placed their hands on the arch druidess, running their fingers over her to check her sensitivity. By this point, even such things as simple skin contact were driving Kalevi into a state of delirium. She was well and truly prepared - the vines had been more effective than Nala had hoped.

"Odd, even after seeing you get sucked off and then blowing your load all over her only daughter, Kalevi is still so turned on. She must really need your help, huh?" Nala teased, brushing Obryd's arm.

"But she's not the only one who needs you like that, Obryd. I'm still so turned on, you'll just have to take us both, one right after the other. Now you stand right here, and let my lovely Violet get you ready again..."

Nala nodded to her bodyguard, wanting her to fluff the night elf male into throbbing readiness again. While this happened, Nala positioned herself above her mother, resting her body on top of Kalevi, the pair of them facing one another, with their hips pressed to one another and the flowers of their womanhood lined up for Obryd to see. Nala still directed a vine with its dripping phallic head to be pumping shallowly into Kalevi's pussy, leaving only Nala's vacant for the moment. Turning her head over her shoulder, Nala wiggled her butt towards Obryd and gave him a come hither look with her eyes.

"We're both ready for you, Obryd. Just like you always wanted us to be. Fuck me first, as hard as you can. And then, when you feel like you just can't take it anymore, give everything you've got to Kalevi. I want the first time you cum together to be unforgettable! Ufufufu! So don't wait any longer. Kalevi's losing her mind and I'm getting needy again. Violet! Help him line up with me! And then I want you over here... you deserve a reward too!"

If Obryd and Violet complied, Nala would let herself be taken from behind by the night elf, letting him ride her hard while she pressed against her mother's quivering body. Violet, having come to stand by Nala, would get a coil of purple vines around her body, lifting her up and suspending her much like Kalevi was, and moving her into a position where Nala could raise her mouth up to kiss and lick the assassin's flower and engorged clit. Nala would eat Violet out while Obryd rutted her from behind. Once again, Nala would sense Obryd's growing need through his spirit connection, and this time, Nala would be sending in her mystical hooks to bind his spirit to her own, enthralling the mighty warrior and imprinting upon him the desire for her body and the pleasure that only she could give him. When he was close to cumming, Nala had the vine inside of Kalevi's cooch retreat, and also removed the one from Kalevi's mouth.

"Ooh, mama. Obry'd so big and powerful, his cock is inside me so deep. I'm sure at any moment now he'll cum inside me. He might even knock me up and make me his woman... mmnf... but I suppose if you wanted him to, he might take you instead. Would you prefer that, mother? Do you want Obryd's thick cock inside your cunt? With all his hot cum inside you? Better tell him now~~"

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Upkeep = doesn't really matter anymore

Violet: Fine

Kalevi: Horny, Grappled

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, Grappling Kalevi and all her vines

Violet would gladly join Nala in front of Obryd rather than simply slip away, and neither he nor Kalevi would find voice to complain at that point as the human joined the gathering of elves.

Engaging him in a kiss, Nala seemed to break through the last barriers of the man's discipline, spurring him to explore her mouth clumsily but passionately, always seeking to touch hers as much as was possible. His hands reached for her, exploring her lovely frame from top to bottom in an all too familiar but still enticing manner, his lusts obvious and no longer contained as he traced her every curve within the span of a few moments.

Violet's joining evidently came as a surprise, but the assassin proved as eager as ever to take an active role in Nala's debauched activities, adding her tongue to the swirling mass. It soon became a game for her, at times claiming Obryd's or Nala's mouth in full, sometimes sitting out entirely, but most often in the midst of their wild flurry.

Eventually, however, Nala would pull away, Obryd giving a slightly distressed grunt as Violet moved to once more fully claim his lips. Her cryptic promise assuaged him, however, letting him push into Violet's lips in earnest while she trailed downwards. His manhood was rock hard in her grip, the spreading ooze only enhancing his sensitivity and thus making him more vulnerable to her practiced touch. By the time she was on her knees before him Obryd his member was pulsating, and the drop of pre waiting at his crown was thick enough to begin oozing downwards.

He broke the kiss with Violet just as Nala delivered her next teasing remark, the request to claim a taste of his length unsurprisingly receiving no argument. He gazed down at her in stunned awe, the disciplined expression he normally wore gone, and Violet gazed down with a nymphic look as she pressed against the man's chest. His eyes traced the path of her lips towards his helmet, and when they finally landed against his sensitive flesh he groaned heavily at the feel of it. His first drop of pre, thick and salty and potent, was quickly replaced by another as her soft lips pressed more firmly against his bell-tip and her tongue flicked at the small slit from which it oozed.

Obryd seemed fully under Nala's spell by the time she pulled away, even that small taste of the ecstasy she might provide leaving him totally enraptured, even causing him to push his hips outwards slightly as she pulled away to deliver her final taunt before proceeding on to her "main course" as one might call it. His eyes bulged as she made his entire manhood vanish between her lips with practiced ease, a deep groan rumbling up from his chest, the sudden surge of sensation as effective on him as it had been on Grabik when Esmerala had displayed it. Nala's techniques, while perhaps not yet up to the level of those of the demon lord she had taken as a lover, were certainly more than enough to please the pent up temple guard, and Obryd's expression twisted into ecstatic amazement as he gazed down at the beautiful woman kneeling at his feet.

His member twitched in the tight confines of her mouth, embraced by her cheeks and tongue and throat all at once, and amidst her gloating hum she felt him begin to throb. It wouldn't have taken more than a few moments of effort, less than a dozen bobs, for her to suck his first release from him and drive him into pure orgasmic bliss the likes of which he had surely never experienced before. Obryd obviously wanted nothing less than that, his entire body thrumming with a long suppressed need for relief, and Nala would have to ease off regularly as she pleased him if she didn't want to make him blow his load too soon. Where a more experienced partner would have surely have grabbed her by the air, thrust their hips, anything to complete the act which Nala was so obviously talented, Obryd had no such compunctions or instincts, only barely moving to accentuate her efforts rather than taking full control.

Violet, in the meantime, all too happily knelt down beside her, kissing one of the elf's dimpled cheeks and then moving behind her, kissing her neck while her hands smoothed across the elf's body. Oil coated flesh, soft beneath her fingers and all too familiar, passed over her hands, and she spent only a few moments teasing Nala's bared flesh before she advanced to the spots that the horny elf really wanted caressed. Her lips, followed shortly by her teeth, closed over the tip of Nala's left ear while her fingers drifted down, one to Nala's right breast and the other between her legs. Gentle squeezes and tugs on that sensitive tip teased her already inflamed senses, the arousal burning through her from the oil so intense that it would have been unbearable for much longer, and when Violet's fingers slid over her moist petals it sent a tremor of relief up her spine.

Teasing slips between her outer lips soon made way to slow circles over her clit, however, and a moment after that Violet slipped her familiar digits into Nala's tight, wet folds and began to ease the agony-like need burning its way through her with bursts of pleasure born of a steady pumping motion that steadily and quickly built in pace. Her other hand was not idle either, still teasing the tip of the elven priestess' breast while Nala herself endeavored to please Obryd like he had never experienced before. Violet herself wasn't nearly as warmed up as Nala, and was still dressed, but the application of the aphrodisiac laced oil and Nala's attention was a quick and easy solution to that particular problem. Delighted coos and sighs flitted across Nala's ear and neck, but after a few moments Violet kissed her cheek, lips pressing against Obryd's shaft through her side, and she glanced aside at the man with a look of lust and approval and jealousy that suggested she wouldn't mind giving him exactly what Nala was already enacting herself. That seductive glance was as effective as any Nala had given him to get him to surrender this far, even the notion of an elf and a human mating - not an uncommon thing in the Amazon but still something of a minor taboo that Kalevi had lamented when Nala had been particularly indiscreet - wasn't enough to stop him from giving a particularly powerful throb in her mouth. Without missing a beat or disrupting her attention on Nala, she leaned further toward him, planting a kiss just next to his shaft and letting him feel a bit of her warm breath on his bare flesh, offered another look filled with promise, and then fully devoted herself to making sure that Nala was getting it at least close to how good she was giving.

Agony soon crept into pleasure, the obvious need for relief filtering into Obryd's eyes, and each denial seemed to fill him more. When Nala finally offered that last descent, hilting him and expertly caressing his shaft with her throat, lips, and tongue all at once, Obryd looked and felt about ready to explode, his eyes rolling up into the back of his head and his muscular frame trembling as his muscles began to spasm. Her connection to his spirit, a measuring trick taught to her by Esmerala, allowed her to flawlessly measure how fast she could go however, letting Nala walk the tight rope to keep him from spilling his seed but only just. When she finally popped free he was panting heavily, muscular chest heaving, and his shaft was pulsating hard enough that it was making small jumps in mid air in front of her face.

Violet moved behind Nala to continue her assault, which had gone unabated, as the night elf shifted forward, her words possibly lost on the man as he recuperated from his near relief, but when he felt her pillowy breasts press against his manhood Obryd opened his eyes again in apparent confusion. "Hrrrkkkk.... N-Nala! That's.... Nnnn," his words died into a groan as she squeezed and began to pump, the shifting up and down of her torso running her breasts along either side of his shaft, stroking it in her soft crevice. "Nnnn... Nnnn... Ooohf... Nnnnn..."

With how obvious it was that Obryd was about to blow and that Nala aimed to let him, and with her hand on the elf's breast displaced, Violet realized where Nala aimed to go and made to get her there. What little teasing she'd retained ended as she began to furiously work her fingers between Nala's thighs, pumping two digits into the night elf's pink crevice and urging her honey to spill and passion to overwhelm. Violet already knew how best to get Nala off, and this time her skills proved no less successful in spurring the jungle witch towards her peak at a breakneck pace. Obryd was first to reach his peak nonetheless, but it was a narrow gap between his final groan and first spurts.

And what a release it was. Inexperienced though he might be, the temple guard was quite vocal in answer to Nala's attention, and proved no less so when finally given the satisfaction he had so long been denied. Nala had undoubtedly surpassed even his most lewd fantasies, showing him pleasure beyond anything he had ever dreamed of with her hands, with her mouth, and finally with the whole of her body. He spewed his pent up reserves, long contained semen blasting against her chin, splattering there and rebounding onto her collar and cleavage. The next shot was lower, splashing against collar and neck, and the next two followed it, forming a trio of lines. After that they went up only to rain down, coating her perfect purple flesh pearly white with his baby batter, thick white globs of sperm rich liquid clinging to her body. One of the last to fly upwards landed oddly, the upper portion clinging to her chin and causing the rest to hang only to ultimately drop down into the mess already coating her breasts.

Obryd had indeed made quite the mess of Nala while she herself found glorious satisfaction, Violet's fingers keeping her peek going even after Obryd's had petered out, and all the while her pet assassin cooed in approval. "Ooooh, he really did, didn't he?" She purred against Nala's ear, nibbling on her own lower lip now while she withdrew her fingers from Nala's quivering sex to display the elf's own love honey coating them. "Oooh, but look at her... She got so wet, just thinking about making your big cock explode~"

Violet needed little prompting from Nala to move in front of her and start their lewd little follow up while Obryd and Kalevi were made to watch them. Looking Nala in the eyes, she leaned down and scooped up a line of Obryd's pearly seed from the surface of one of her purple breasts, then another, and then dove into her cleavage and lapped up some of what had landed there and along her collar. She came up a moment later with her chin covered in cum, and a hefty helping of Obryd's salty liquid gift visible through her parted lips. She quickly engaged Nala in a most messy kiss, leaving plenty of leftovers over Nala's chin and lips as she snowballed the first portion of the sanctuary guardian's load into Nala's waiting mouth. Those leftovers were lapped up by two most deft and efficient tongues, however, and soon joined the rest in Nala's mouth. Violet wasted no time in returning to Nala's bosom, however, and strip by strip, portion by portion, she was cleansed of Obryd's seed until not a drop was left upon her skin.

"Ugh... Uugghhn," Obryd grunted softly, eyes wide in amazement as Nala proclaimed the completion of her promise and hinted at what might have been. Watching Violet clean her up had kept his member from going completely soft, but even if he might deny it outwardly under normal circumstances the fantasies that he hinted at prompted the temple guard's shaft to twitch excitedly, blood flowing back down towards it. He started when Nala mentioned Kalevi, as if only then remembering that the woman was even there, but hadn't the wherewithall to resist being swept up and dragged towards her. Nala's mother was still on her back, wrapped thickly in oily tendrils, the aphrodisiac laced ooze coating her skin almost completely. She was panting like she'd just run a marathon, full breasts heaving amidst shudders inspiring by each teasing pass of a vine over them and their rock hard tips. Anyone looking at her could have determined that she needed it - badly - and Nala's implication that she should take both of them had Obryd gaping in a mix of horror, arousal, and awe.

Once more, however, Violet needed no second order. "Fufufufufu~ Mmmmm.... You know I was jealous earlier," Nala's assassin purred as she moved into position, sliding up with the grace of a cat. She had abandoned what remained of her clothing as she moved alongside Nala towards Kalevi, and now knelt fully nude at Obryd's feet. Though she might have Nala's figure, Violet was still most certainly beautiful, possessing pleasant curves and a toned, athletic physique. Obryd looked down at her in surprise, and even edged back an inch, but Violet was unperturbed and leaned forward, planting both palms onto his hips. The almond eyed trickster had been trained in seduction and in reading others before ever meeting Nala, and though she had let herself break down when taken by the goblins her talents had remained intact through her ordeal, and only grown under Nala's tutelage.

The mating between human and elf was still something of a taboo, even after all these centuries. Some in older portions of elven communities spoke against polluting their ancient bloodlines by joining them with those of their shorter lived mortal neighbors. Some even whispered of ending the centuries long alliances, though only in whispers and in private. Obryd was, of course, not one of either mentioned party, having trained human and elven disciple alike in his time as captain of the temple guard. Even so, beneath his progressive attitudes, even he could not fully suppress the subconscious acknowledgement of that particular taboo, one that had driven her mother to punish Nala more harshly at times for the same infraction if it involved a human partner. Violet picked up on that instantly, and played it to only enhance his excitement, eyeing him playfully as she leaned forward and ran her tongue along the side of his shaft. Delivering an excited moan, she repeated the gesture twice more but faster, and her hands closed until her thumbs touched near the base of his shaft, aiming it straight forward at nearly full hardness.

Eyes half open, Violet leaned in slowly, brushing her lips over the tip of his rod that had all too recently enjoyed Nala's attention, but she didn't attack it just yet despite how ravenously Nala had observed her sucking on some partners when the mood struck her. "You taste soooo good," She whimpered, giving her tip a soft kiss for a moment, then deepening it that her tongue might flick over Obryd's helmet and inspire a familiar jump. "You know, I was jealous earlier... Especially after I got to taste you on her... I love elf cock~" Her lips sealed as she engulfed his tip with them, jumps signalling the sensual motions of her tongue. Her cheeks dimpled, and she slowly sunk an inch upon him, paused, then another, paused, and slowly slid back until his member emerged from her mouth with a soft pop.

"Ughn! Nnnn... You... You really do, huh?" Obryd muttered awkwardly, obviously trying to get into it but being woefully unprepared for it. "Hehee~ Mmmhmmm~ I love it! I love the way it looks... The way it contrasts against my skin... The way it feels... The way it tastes... The way it smells... They way it throbs against me... In me..." Violet punctuated her every short sentence with a lick, a kiss, a brief bout of suction against the fore of his shaft. Needless to say, by the time Nala looked back and gave her shapely rear a playful wiggle, Obryd was harder than the mountain's stone. Violet shot Nala a playful, jealous look and then glanced back up at Obryd, one hand leaving the base of his shaft to give it a few slow, soft strokes. "Mmmm, you're so hard... Definitely ready for her! Just promise I'll get a turn later, hmhm?" She smoothly guided Obryd down, crawling aside and lining his member up the Nala's waiting pussy, and just before it touched her outer lips Violet released him.

In that time, Nala and her mother were not entirely idle. While Nala settled into position over Kalevi, her mother moaned and thrashed and heaved, pure need driving her to struggle fruitlessly with muscles made weak by that same need. Even the sight of her own daughter above her drove her to arch her back, pressing as close as she could, seeking any kind of contact that would ease her delirium. The small vine that partially slipped into her needy hole, minor and teasing though it was, still inspired a near-orgasmic howl of pleasure from Kalevi, as well as a wild bucking of her hips in a vain effort to drive that appendage deeper into herself. Nala had perfect control of the plants she had conjured, however, and could keep them as shallow she liked so as to keep her mother from the satisfaction that she needed.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

With Obryd in position, Violet hastily moved to the designated position in front of Nala, and hardly even reacted beyond a delighted squeal when the plants seized her and lifted her into the pose that Nala desired. Flashing a grin with half lidded eyes, Violet wasn't to remain passive while suspended before her despite the flaring arousal from the vines and Nala's hasty attention to her own physical needs. She plucked one of the writhing vines and dragged its tip to her mouth, lapping at it and moaning sensually. The more satisfying Nala's attention to her quivering flower, the more enthusiastic her licking of the tentacle vine would become, and with her sorcerous prowess going Nala could most definitely provide some very effective oral pleasure.

Obryd, in the meantime, was hesitant a moment, the tip of his manhood rubbing against Nala's folds. Here he had an image from many a man's fantasies, two elven beauties laying before him one on top of the other, hot and ready and both all but begging for him to claim them. For him it was surely an even greater temptation, having desired Kalevi all but openly for much of his life and projected those desires onto her wild-child daughter Nala who had offered to fulfill those desires all too bluntly. What was left of his discipline held him back a moment, urging him to reconsider, to not fall into this trap, but Nala's web of influence was strong and the air was filled with pure lust in both a physical and metaphysical sense. His hands settled onto her hips, and he leaned forward, his tip kissing her... Then parting her petals just slightly, wetting with her honey... Then with a preparatory breath and moment of tension he pushed forward, and slid easily into Nala's moist sex.

The temple guardian groaned once he'd hilted her, letting out the tension he had built with a slow exhalation and a soft shudder, but with Nala's warm, tight inner walls squeezing around him there was no escaping the pleasure, the pure ecstasy of the moment. The vines lashed gently against him, all but unnoticed against the bliss of Nala's folds and the lust of the moment but leaving their poison on his skin regardless. He soon set upon her with the vigor of a man possessed, albeit not all at once. His initial thrusts were slower, gentler, testing. Then he built up, grunting softly with each, and within moments had brought himself up to a rut, a series of wild hammering pumps that sent ripples running across Nala's soft rump and thrust her forward into Violet's soaking flower.

Giving it to her hard and fast, Obryd at least proved himself as able as any of the mercenaries she had entertained back when she had seized the beginnings of Kyederon. He was long, perhaps a bit above average in that respect, and pleasantly thick. He was no Esmerala or Matthias, but if she had expected him to join those lofty heights she likely deserved any disappointment. What he was proved more than enjoyable enough, each thrust inspiring an all too familiar wave of pleasure, different from what Violet had provided earlier and satiating a different itch entirely. Every rhythmic clap of their bodies coming together sparked a new wave of gratifying ecstasy, Obryd's cock filling her, stretching her inner walls and stimulating countless nerves. With her enhanced senses courtesy of her magic gift, Nala could feel every portion of him in exquisite detail if she so chose, examining his manhood as if she were admiring a work of art using only her soft folds as he brushed against them. She could perceive every contour and curve, trace every blood vessel from start to finish, determine where every cluster of nerves was and how to shift her inner walls to stimulate them... Or not. Like that she could easily guide him to pleasure her most without saying a word, letting him naturally shift to what felt best for him and making that what felt best for her at the same time.

Either way, however, it would have been a stretch to say that his stamina could match her own, especially when she was enhancing her ability to provide him pleasure with her magic. She knew well before that their mating was approaching its end, felt his dew gathering at her inner gateway as it paved the way for his seed to pour into her womb. What was more, she felt something unusual, something she hadn't felt since her "death" two years ago and subsequent resurrection. The chaotic magics at work in her body had not taken kindly to her brief passing, and she had been left infertile ever since. Such was a boon to her at the time, having had no desire to mother children but left able to sire and to enjoy any partner without worrying about making them pull out, but now that boon was rescinded. The magics of the glade, of the tree from which those potent magics sprung, had repaired that damage. She was fertile again, and though Esmerala had talked at times about the ability to control that portion of the body much like anything else, the time to test it likely wasn't when she was being rutted from behind and in a place where, legendarily, no seed planted could fail to take root.

Fortunately, there was another subject waiting to receive the load that Obryd was so enthusiastically preparing to deliver into her... And though Obryd's grip only tightened at Nala's taunting words to her mother, Kalevi seemingly found some small shred of her mind somewhere and put it to use. "Nnnn.... No! No! Give it to me!" She declared, breasts still heaving as she panted for breath, her lower half still shaking with raw need despite her moment of clarity. Obryd, despite his oncoming peak, despite his own raging desires, stopped at Kalevi's sharp command, as he had o so many times before in entirely different circumstances. "Kalevi! Ughn... I ... Uhh..."

"Shut up! Obryd... Shut up and fuck me! Fuck. Me. Right. Now!"

Nala had never heard her mother swear before. Not once, not ever, not when she had committed the greatest of transgressions, not in the face of overwhelming catastrophe, not even when faced with death. She had used "damn" before, albeit rarely, but only ever in a case in which it wasn't a curse in that context. And yet, here she was, using language a common whore might utter to spur a customer to finish... And it worked. Obryd pulled out of Nala, hesitated again for a moment, but Kalevi tensed, and when it became clear that she couldn't throw Nala off and jump on Obryd to simply mount him due to the vines she spoke again, through gritted teeth; "Shove your cock inside of me. Right fucking now!"

Obryd was good at following orders. A second later he was balls deep in the bound, suspended priestess, balls deep in the woman he had desired for over a century, and Nala had most definitely warmed both of them up perfectly for this. He rutted her with twice the ferocity had Nala, switching his handhold to her and leaving Nala free to finish off Violet or simply enjoy the show. The expressions appearing on Kalevi's face were ones she had quite possibly never expected to see her mother wear, and the expletives streaming from her mouth between moans only enhanced that startling image. Apparently, Kalevi had a dirty mouth in bed. Who knew.

Regardless of how she took her mother's fall from dignity, the rut below her didn't take long. Less than a minute in fact, but the climax, at least for the two of them, was most certainly worth the shortened run. Obryd drove himself to the hilt one last time just before he came, and through a mixture of memory of similar encountered and her magical senses Nala could all but feel him throbbing inside of her as well. Feel his balls twitch, his rod give that one last final throb before the big blast. Kalevi howled when it came, eyes fluttering into the back of her head as she shook like a volcano erupting, though the only eruption was occurring deep inside of her, Obryd not letting a single drop escape her as he pumped rope after rope of thick seed deep into her sacred garden and groaned in ecstasy, a note to underscore Kalevi's flawlessly. As might well have happened had Nala let him finish inside of her, however, Obryd's sperm found a most appealing target within Kalevi's womb, the legions of swimmers closing in upon a single waiting egg, one left docile and defenseless against Obryd's supercharged cells. He hadn't even finished cumming by the time Nala was sure that her mother had just conceived a sibling beneath her, but how she felt about facilitating that act was up to her.

For now, she had a bit of clean up to do, and could then move on the main course. Obryd and Kalevi were far from done, and with the poison running through her now Violet seemed like she might like to stay in the vines, for now... Or perhaps join in, as she had promised Obryd. All three were at the whims of the elven witch now, however, the last obstacle between her and her goal averted. The power that she desired was hers for the taking, at long last!

With her lusts -at least temporarily - slated, and the rest of her "companions" wrapped in an orgy of flesh and vines, Nala was free, finally, to proceed to the tree. While her mother, Obryd, and Violet remained wrapped in the coils of the vines and each other, the naked night elven witch, coated in oil that made her skin glisten and her every nerve tingle even after much of its potency was spent, had no more obstacles to overcome. The tree of Janis awaited...

Or at least, she had had none until the angel who had watched the encounter impassively since the beginning stepped from the shade of a nearby birch between her and the tree, the first real reaction he had made since she had come into the glade. His arms were crossed initially, but quickly came to rest at his sides, seemingly completely relaxed. His face was boyishly handsome but still mature, a visage one might normally call beautiful or handsome interchangeably and framed by curly lockes of golden hair, centered by silver-blue eyes and a calm, confident smile like one she might expect on a being who appeared much older completed the picture. It wasn't the condescending sort of smile that the temple elders had once worn, nor the indulgent sort that her mother or Obryd had at times worn when her more childish antics prompted some minor punishment when she was much younger, but one that spoke of wisdom and a willingness to help without condition that was nearly as comforting as Ch'Hiesol's aura. He was clad only in a pair of sandles and a sleeveless white robe tied around the middle with a simple sash of the same color, some of the male angel's pectorals and much of his back were left exposed by his clothes, though Nala couldn't see the latter through his feathered wings, each soft downy portion of which seemed to glow with pure, soothing light that was akin to but different from the aura emitted by the tree containing Janis' essence.

Attuned as she was to such things, Nala could feel the power of the being standing before her, could feel it radiating off of him and even slightly disrupting the currents of energy that naturally flowed from the tree that he stood in front of. Still, though he might be a large stone in a river, he didn't disrupt the flow of it nearly enough to change its course. Even so, Nala would have no choice but to register him as one of the most powerful beings she had encountered up until this point, comparable perhaps to Matthias when he wielded a portion of his power - though the daemon had assured Nala that such wasn't even a fraction of what he could do if she ever asked - and more powerful certainly than the likes of Esmerala or the temple's defenders. He could have flattened this glade with any effort and a thought, but made no effort to draw upon that power as Nala approached, and continued to smile softly and calmly.

"Hello Nala," The angel said, his voice soft and smooth but distinctly masculine, "It is a pleasure, albeit in unusual circumstances, to make your acquaintance! My name is Michael."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Violet's dedicated and enthusiastic actions would not go unappreciated by her witchy lover. Though all of Nala's words were meant as a show to tease and titillate Obryd through his wildest sexual fantasy, her eyes, fingers, lips and tongue would find the Amazonian assassin and play upon the human's own desires to not be relegated to a sideline amusement. Violet's amazing seduction and her tireless, willing energy always turned Nala on, such that even as she toyed with Obryd masterfully, the witch allowed her own body's needs to be entirely at the mercies of her assassin lover. Just as she was being coated with Obryd's first release, she shuddered and moaned with satisfaction from Violet's skillfully applied fingers. As they gathered and swapped the temple guardian's cum with their tongues and pooled it together in one another's mouths, Nala made sure to kiss her lover passionately, pulling her close and not needing to act at all for Obryd's benefit as she truly relished the experience of kissing her favorite mortal in the world.

Soon after, as Nala was straddling Kalevi and refusing to do more than tease the poor priestess, the witch elf looked back to see the subtle hesitation in Obryd's eyes as Violet made to ready him once more. She almost laughed at the clear worry in his eyes, and remembered how the elves of Ch'hiesol had always had that typical air of superiority about them when it came to multiracial relations. Kalevi had made Nala's ears ring with chastisement after she'd been caught with a Badarian diplomat. Nonsense about keeping the royal line clean, and that each life sprouting from an elven womb should be a precious and conscious act, with beauty in mind. Not to mention that too much interaction with humans would corrupt and shorten her lifespan. It was an out-dated way of thinking that rankled Nala. Stuff her royal heritage! And as for living less? How could Kalevi call what she did truly living? The royal lines were guilty of letting centuries pass them by - they ought to learn from the short-lived humans, and be collectors of experience!

Well then, she thought. Obryd was certainly getting plenty of that experience now, and enjoying it very much by the way he was getting rock hard again. She turned towards her mother. Soon enough, Kalevi too would come to taste the fruit of temptation and be forced to revel in its juices.

The ensuing fucking at the hands of Obryd was a moment of glorious triumph for her. Hovering over her mother, feeling her body rocked and pumped vigorously by a man who had dreamed of this kind of scenario over and over again, all the while never having the courage to see it through. Now his defenses had crumbled and the feel of his manhood sliding inside of her tight slit made her croon with delight. She wouldn't forget Violet though, and used her magic vines to pleasure and hold the assassin close by, where the night elf could use her proficient tongue to reward the human for all her hard work.

The mystic realization that she was in danger of conceiving Obryd's child if she allowed him to cum inside of her had driven her to make that directed taunt to her mother, intending to snap the woman out of her delirium just enough to demand that Obryd switch partners. Her gambit worked, and after he'd pulled free of her and entered Kalevi, Nala slowly slid off to the side and wrapped herself around the bound Amazonian as the pair of them watched Obryd piston Kalevi almost twice as fast as he'd been driving into Nala.

The sight of these two steadfast authority figures from her childhood losing their minds to desperate lust, fulfilling each other's long imprisoned desires, made Nala incredibly and genuinely happy. Even if they hated her for this and for everything else, these two needed to experience this, she thought. They needed to drop their pretenses and just fuck like rabbits - and give her at least one half-sibling in the process.

For as long as those two copulated, Nala and Violet were eager voyeurs, pleasuring and kissing one another, letting the oozing magic vines slide inside of one another all the while. Nala was more relaxed now, riding the heady, surreal feeling of her moral victory over her mother, and was letting that euphoria drip through her and into her eager motions with Violet. She allowed Violet a free use of her hand, so that they each might use their fingers one one another in tandem with the vines that rubbed about them and penetrated them, urging them on towards their mutual completions. After Nala and Violet had cum together, the witch elf would share a long, gentle kiss with Violet, then smile mischievously and order the vine that had just been inside of her to join the one already inside of the assassin, both tendrils now double penetrating the hopelessly bound human.

"I've got one more thing to do here, Violet my sweet," Nala purred as she cupped the Amazonian's face. The hardened shaft of a third oozing vine had slipped between Violet's lips and was tickling the back of her throat. "You enjoy yourself and keep an eye on my mother and new step-dad."

With a tired sigh, the witch elf strode away from the vines and and the mortals wrapped among them and approached the great Janis tree, intent on enacting her plan to tap into the reserves of godly spirit that lay dormant inside. She could feel the forces of magical currents in the air, and she hoped that if she were careful and patient enough, she would be able to use the ambient energies to help in the energy transferal process.

Before she could get to the tree, however, there remained one final obstacle - and as the beautiful male angel greeted her, Nala had the sinking feeling that he would be the most troublesome of them all. Nevertheless, she put on a brave face, with the appropriate seductive look of the sexual being she had forged herself into. Her naked, curved, and oiled up body was put on display for the angel in a proud, shameless manner. She sensed this angel's power, but she had been in the presence of many beings that could have quashed her ambitions before, and by now had become somewhat proficient in not letting that raw power intimidate her into inaction.

"Michael," she repeated softly, her eyes looking over his figure, dragging slowly across his handsome features. "I do hope it will be a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. I can tell you don't necessarily want to destroy me, which is a good start, but at the same time, I worry you wont' be talking dirty to me and showing me what heaven feels like in your big strong arms.~"

She gave him a coquettish pout, and moved forward to be within arm's reach of him. She'd dropped most of her defenses, save her enhanced mental acuity spell. It truly didn't matter at this point. She knew she stood in front of a superior being. If it came to a battle, she might as well be fighting the demon king, or Matthias. It would not be a contest. So the real fight, if one could call it that, would be in the conversation.

"So what is it you've come to say, Michael?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Upkeep = doesn't really matter anymore

Violet: Fine, Horny, Grappled

Kalevi: Horny, Grappled

Obryd: Fine

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, Grappling Kalevi and all her vines

"Naturally, the time for violence has past," Michael responded calmly, "And... No, that is not my intent. No offense meant, you are quite lovely, but... You really aren't my type. You'll have to wait for another opportunity to feel heaven, I'm afraid." The archangel was jovial in reply, but his playful smile was thin and soon faded back to his normal expression. He didn't seem even slight uncomfortable in her presence, not when she was several feet away or when he might have reached out brushed his hands against her body. Good as she was at discerning them, Nala didn't detect even a hint of arousal either, not in his stance or skin or any of the other signs she had known to look for, and she had found them in men who were quite adept at repressing themselves.

"A number of things really... But to start, I think it's less important what I have come here to say, I would think," He responded conversationally, "and more what I imagine you would like to know. You have heard, I suspect, of some oracle or prophet on your way to this sanctuary, and by now I suspect you realize that it was me that your former peers and superiors were speaking of. You're probably wondering a number of things really, depending on what was said. I know I would be in your position. So to answer a slight re-phrasal of your first question with another question... What would you like to know, Nala? In what order shall I unravel the mysteries for you before you take what you have earned by right?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Having observed the angel's reactions to her, she presumed that he must have a preference for males. Either that or he was asexual. The latter prospect was disturbing to her nature so she chose to believe in the former.

He switched the conversation back towards his true purpose and she listened, crossing her arms underneath her breasts and swaying slightly with her hips from side to side. She did not recall in this moment a mention of a prophet or oracle on her way to Ch'hiesol, but then again, she'd been busy with the isolated politics of a demon jungle invasion.

Tilting her head back slightly, she decided that if Michael were offering to answer questions she might as well start by being practical.

"Tell me what I must do to accept the mantle of power within this tree - and if I do what must be done to take that power, what will I have to give up of myself? How will it affect the land and will I be able to use that power to restore or regenerate those things that are affected?"

She would wait for Michael to offer an explanation to that, though she might have some follow up questions about things that he revealed. Eventually she would be satisfied and start down a different road of inquiry.

"Why have you come to answer my questions? What do you and the rest of the angels want out of this? Do you hope that I will join forces with you? How much do you know of the fight for this world? Of the locations of the remaining gods, and what can be done to restore the balance of power?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Upkeep = doesn't really matter anymore

Violet: Fine, Horny, Grappled

Kalevi: Horny, Grappled

Obryd: Fine

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, Grappling Kalevi and all her vines

He switched the conversation back towards his true purpose and she listened, crossing her arms underneath her breasts and swaying slightly with her hips from side to side. She did not recall in this moment a mention of a prophet or oracle on her way to Ch'hiesol, but then again, she'd been busy with the isolated politics of a demon jungle invasion.

(She totally did on her way through Ch'hiesol. I don't blame you for forgetting though, it was a while ago in real life time.)

"Tell me what I must do to accept the mantle of power within this tree - and if I do what must be done to take that power, what will I have to give up of myself? How will it affect the land and will I be able to use that power to restore or regenerate those things that are affected?"

"You need only touch it. Once you do, you will understand how to take the power that lays within. As for what you must give up... You will be taking the power of a goddess into yourself. Even this small portion of Janis is orders of magnitude more powerful than you are now, and it may overwhelm you entirely. You might fade into nothing in the midst of that power, you might be changed completely by it, or you might be able to adapt to it. You might be unable to retain your mortal shell, though if you don't destroy yourself completely you would be able to recreate it almost exactly as it is. Regardless, I cannot tell you with any certainty what will happen to you besides the fact that you will not be exactly as you were before. When you take that power you will become something else, and you will experience things that you have never even imagined, things that cannot be described in mortal language because no mortal has ever experienced them to retell it. I can, however, say with certainty what will happen to the land.

"It will die. Everything within ten miles of that tree, of Ch'Hiesol is connected to that tree. Every plant, every creature of the forest, even every person is woven tightly into the power that it exudes. When the source of that power breaks, it will take the life and soul of everything within that area of influence unless it is powerful enough to resist that pull. As you might imagine, not many things fit that descriptor. Nothing killed in this way can be restored to life, it will either become part of what you absorb or will ground out with what you cannot intake. The land itself will eventually recover, and you might be able to do something to speed that process along with the powers that you gain, but everything in the grove here will be lost irrecoverably... Save what my kin and I have transplanted elsewhere for the purpose of preservation.

"The people present we are evacuating now. I believe almost all of the druids and temple guard have already been evacuated with as much lore as they could carry. I am afraid that this temple will likely suffer greatly from the maelstrom that will come once you get started."

"Why have you come to answer my questions? What do you and the rest of the angels want out of this? Do you hope that I will join forces with you? How much do you know of the fight for this world? Of the locations of the remaining gods, and what can be done to restore the balance of power?"

"Why not? It will make your actions easier if you understand as much as I can explain before you do anything rash. Assuming you don't end up destroying yourself, you will be joining a community of a select few. The faerie queens and their courts, the gods not killed by the one you know as Matthias, the elder dragons, a few other beings... And us. Once you do, I will be here to explain the requirements of behavior. I assume you also mean to ask why I ever came here to begin with at some point, so I'll simply answer that as well; What would happen here was foreseen, and from the tapestry of possibilities I went for the future that seemed brightest. It isn't an exact science, but if I came here and forewarned Ch'Hiesol's defenders, if I warned them of your coming and of your intentions and told them certain portions of the consequences, it was more likely to keep Janis' power out of demonic hands and prevent you from having to harm the people here.

I - and my kindred - are not here out of self interest, unless you consider fulfilling one's purpose as self interest. We were created to protect this world after it became clear that gods could not or would not do so, even to the limited degree they were before.
" It was hard to tell, but the angel's voice shifted slightly there, a note of derision perhaps dropping briefly into his voice. It was gone when he continued; "What we want, in essence, is to minimize the damage caused by this and ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible. You will be inheriting a great deal of power, and with it a great deal of responsibility to use that power appropriately. Joining forces is... Certainly one simplistic way of putting our intentions to work. We aren't interested in dictating everything that you do. I don't even know if we could, if you perform as I expect you will. But things will go more smoothly for everyone involved if we resurrect the rules of community that Matthias abandoned and then destroyed, and working together we can accomplish much more than if we work against each other."

The angel's smile became more amused a moment later, and that carried in his voice as he continued; "Forgive me if this sounds patronizing, but... We know a great deal more about the plights of this world and the struggles to preserve it than you do. Much of that is by design, but suffice to say that we are actively involved in the fight to protect Donevrion on every front, to one degree or another. But we are overtaxed already, so it behooves us to make friends when we can.

"As for the other gods, it depends on which ones you mean. We keep tabs on Matthias, and some others who escaped him or were spared his wrath. Some actively work beside us, which I hope you will agree to as well. Some are contained, and shall remain so. Some, such as yourself, are only just rising. It is important to remember that, for beings like the ones we speak of, physical space is rather meaningless. Daemons are not bound by flesh, and as you know the realm of spirits is not always like our own and suffers not the limits of physical laws. The balance of power that once is broken, and will not rise again, not now at any rate. But these are changing times, and we have opportunity before us. In order to see that opportunity come to fruition, however, we must all work to create a new balance, lest the rising tide of intruders to our world sweep us all away."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"All will be destroyed? Very well..." She turned and immediately released Violet, Obryd and Kalevi from the bonds of their vines and addressed them.

"You must go. It will mean five less lives lost if you do. Staying would change nothing except to add to the loss. Violet, I will find you as soon as this is done."

Nala shifted her attention back to the angel. "An end is just a beginning. The old makes way for the new. One day I too will fade, and the power I take will be given to another. For now though, I will use this power to change this world... for the better."

She asked her other questions and received his response, which despite him saying otherwise, was of course patronizing. It didn't bother her; however, as it confirmed his stance on matters. Her question had been meant as an askance for a general update on the various fronts that he had alluded to.

"I don't doubt that you know more about the world's struggles than I, Michael. I am well aware of how singularly focused my life has been, so do not think that I was questioning your expertise. When this is over, I will ask you to tell me what you know. I do not yet fully comprehend the scope of what I am up against, but I want to. And it is as you say - better if we work together."

She set her shoulders and gazed back to where Violet and the others were. She would hope that they were going, but her human may be stubborn. If possible, she would ask that Michael use his powers to transport Violet to a safe distance, but not until she kissed the assassin goodbye. Nala positively refused to acknowledge the possibility of failure regarding the monumental task laying before her, but it was still appropriate that she send off the mother of her mortal child with an expression of warmth and tenderness. She couldn't be certain of how her transition would occur, or if there would be a long delay in time and space before she could retake the form of a mortal shell.

"I suppose the last I would ask of you is for advice. What else do you think I should be aware of? You expect me to do well, but what reason do you have to believe that?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Upkeep = doesn't really matter anymore

Violet: Fine, Horny

Kalevi: Horny

Obryd: Fine

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, lonely, so lonely...

When she turned, Nala would find her vines sitting forlornly, squirming among themselves and bereft of occupants to make use of their aphrodisiac excretions. Kalevi, Obryd, and Violet were all gone, and Michael simply said; "They've already been evacuated. Part of the reason that I was stalling you now rather than just talking to you after was to make sure that we had enough time to get everyone out of Ch'Hiesol. Don't worry, they're all safe. They're being watched over by my kindred in a clearing we prepared a short ways out of Kyederon. We, uhhh, let the ones here have a bit of privacy and set them up a short ways away from the rest. Your associate probably wouldn't have minded an audience, but I am sure that your mother and the temple guard would have. I hope you can forgive me for that little bit of misdirection."

Whether Nala admonished him for having the orgy she had left behind scooped up without her noticing or not, eventually their conversation could resume, and when it did and she turned her attention to the threats facing Donevrion he simply nodded. "That would be best. I think you will understand it better after than you would before anyway."

With that said, he would pause and ponder after Nala asked for any final advice, reaching up to rub his chin. "Aware of... I am not sure," He began, "You will not find what you are about to do pleasant. You will have to interweave your own essence with something far greater than yourself, and in order to do so you will first have to unweave yourself, if you catch my meaning. It will be agony unlike anything you have ever experienced, and you might lose yourself in the process or simply fall apart. If you do, the power that you intend to claim will be lost anyway, grounded out in a vortex of destruction that will likely leave this temple as little more than a crater. Once you start, you will not be able to stop. You probably won't even be able to take all of it, or perhaps even most of it, but in the taking you will be able to minimize the damage caused.

"As for why I think you will succeed... Well, I can see the future of course! Or at least, some of the possible futures. It is a complex thing and much more boring and unreliable than it sounds, I assure you, but sometimes, when we see something coming... We can do something about it. Something to prepare for it, or to guide the possibilities such that reality takes the best visible course. I have seen a future in which you are a goddess, one among a new pantheon protecting this world, and while you are not exactly perfectly benevolent at all times you at least keep to an established semblance of order among the supernatural world. That is something that Donevrion sorely needs at this point, and if I can make that happen at so little a cost to our resources and no danger to any of us, then all the better. Nothing is certain, of course, but a best guess is better than a shot in the dark, wouldn't you say?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The sudden disappearance of her beloved human, as well as Obryd and Kalevi, surprised and angered the witch elf, who despised being cheated of the chance to say her goodbyes. No doubt, her displeasure would be mirrored by Violet, who had expressed on many an occasion her feelings of not wanting to ever be far from the night elf witch's side.

Nala rounded on the angel, scowling, but knew she didn't have the ability to threaten him for such an act. She was also keenly aware as she listened to his explanation that she would have to take him at his word. Trust, however, was a difficult thing for Nala. Even if he was an angel and not a demon, she didn't like not knowing exactly where Violet was, and in what condition she might be. The process she was about to go through would be incredibly taxing - most likely the hardest thing she had done in her life up unto this point. Who knew when Nala would recover enough to locate and find her pet?

"Whether I forgive you or not doesn't make much a difference at this point, Michael. But afterwards, I will want my companion returned to my side, unharmed and without having experienced discomfort."

It was posturing, she knew, and yet she felt it needed to be said. If the angels wished to work with her in the future, without coercion, then they could avoid grief by keeping Violet safe.

Hardening her resolve, Nala focused on asking Michael for his advice and what she could expect. His answer only confirmed what she had suspected about how hard this task would be, yet his tale of foreseeing a future where she existed as a goddess filled her with confidence. If it were a possible future, she thought, then she could and would attain it. She would simply not accept failure, for if nothing else, her destruction at this point would deny her the further joy of proving her mother's old world fears to be wrong. Nala would be a goddess, both terrible and beautiful, and she would change this world for the better.

"My body was my best asset... but it's still just a body. I'll remake it again - better than. My spirit is what matters, and my will to see this through. I am ready, Michael. If you have cleared out all that needs to be saved, then step aside and let this begin. It is time for Janis' power to be channeled once again, even if my mortal shell needs to die to see it done."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 74/90, Status = Fine, Nature's Power (+78 Mind), Upkeep = doesn't really matter anymore

Violet: Fine, Horny

Kalevi: Horny

Obryd: Fine

Nala's Vines: Grapple Expert, 96 Body, lonely, so lonely...

"That won't be a problem. It would have happened anyway, likely whether we wanted it or not if her demeanor is as I've come to expect," Michael replied reassuringly. "Just a moment.... Yes, we have cleared the area. All sentient beings have been removed to a safe distance, specimens of anything rare have been moved elsewhere and are being transplanted as we speak. We even managed to scare most of the animals out of the area. All of the plants will die, but I am afraid that that just can't be helped. You may go ahead whenever you are ready."

The archangel would move aside and clasp his hands behind his back, ushering her forward with a slight gesture of one feathered wing, allowing Nala to pass and finally approach the grand gnarled tree. When she did, the initial response would be as it had always been. The tree hummed before her, alive despite its weathered appearance, currents of subtle power running just beneath her fingertips. It was a stronger version of the subtle buzz she had felt throughout her time here, a more complete version of the sustaining power that the tree itself emanated.

That was useless to her. It would take a deeper look, a greater concentration for Nala to see what lay beneath, and to understand perhaps some of what the archangel had said. Beneath the simplistic facade of matter and energy, visible only through intense scrutiny and with her magical enhancements running at their full potential, Nala found herself gazing down into a seemingly endless system of currents and conduits. The tree's physical roots stretched deep, to Ch'Hiesol's core, but its metaphysical roots she could trace for miles. Currents of pure magic fed into the complex systems of life in the jungle, feeding into a ley line that ran away from the tree itself and across the surface of Donevrion, a wellspring that would dry up once she had taken its source.

More than that, however, was the sheer breadth of it... Each line was like an artery and a heart in one, pulsing with not just energy but power, the difference between the two akin to the difference between a bowl of water and a faucet. The patterns between those lines were infinite, impossible to follow for any length beyond the metaphysical equivalent of a few meters without becoming hopelessly entangled in all of the other lines. The structures themselves were just as fantastical, supporting one another in ways that shouldn't have been possible but were playing out before her very eyes. It was like a temple, with a wall two floors up and on the opposite side supported only by a single column by the front entrance somehow, but despite how all magical logic dictated that it should never hold, that it should crumble into nothingness and all ground itself out, the fragment of Janis held. Were she the sort to work with machines, Nala might have said that the whole operation was held together by string and chewing gum, but that didn't even begin to describe how fragile the balance really was.

The power beneath her fingers could carve a crater down to Donevrion's core. It could rend a hole open from this world to another big enough to permit anything to enter. It could drag the moon down from the sky or shatter a continent or boil an ocean. Supporting all life within a dozen miles wasn't even a fraction of the potential it held, but the sheer complexity of it... It was clearer now why the druids had forbidden direct contact with the tree without supervision. The wrong person touching it could have wrought catastrophe with the smallest accident. A person of malicious intent could destroy the world with a thought. But all of it was so impossibly delicate that no one would ever have a second chance to tamper with it if they tried anything.

When Nala made to take from that power, it would not be a slow process, nor one she could make with care. It would be a landslide, a volcano, a tidal wave. The slightest alteration to the pattern below her would start a cascade that would undoubtedly shatter the whole thing in a matter of moments, and everything connected to it would be destroyed in tandem with it. Only she, at the very epicenter, might be spared of the destruction, and even then only if she was very careful in how she diverted the channels away from herself. There was absolutely no way that she could take all of it into herself, or even hope to absorb a measurable fraction. Her own soul felt tiny beside the remains of the nature goddess, a gnat next to the corpse of a titan, but as she traced the patterns she found ways that she could weave portions of that immense pattern into herself. Absorbing the power would be a painful process, one that would leave her stretched thin as a hair... Or might break her and leave her as another shattered bunch of fragments if she overestimated herself.