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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine
Pano: HP = 110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Fine
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine
Nellic: HP = 100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Fine

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 1/131, Status = Fine
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 14/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Sashien the Sphinx: Fine: spent 50 EP

Tamonten's flat "no" the Varthic's teasing caused the demon to raise an eyebrow and grin at her, and the explanation that she followed it with caused him to let out a bark of laughter and reply; "We'll see about that." He turned and walked away after that, effectively ending the conversation, but Krig barely seemed to notice his reply. She was too busy blushing furiously and making eyes at the pale swordswoman.

Later, Sensensiel repeated the demon prince's quizzical expression at her as she dismissed the angel's suppositions, but then she shook her head and replied; "It hasn't happened before. Not to my knowledge at least, and I studied every archive that my kin had collected when I learned that Elawdrin had fallen and then somehow returned. I've been looking for her for years though, and I always suspected that this would be the manner in which it was ended. The Outsider moving to reclaim her doesn't surprise me only because I suspected that her beheading wouldn't be the end of it."

She turned to gaze down at the spot where Elawdrin's corpse has once rested, a small frown playing across her soft, pretty features, and quietly added; "She always was well prepared.... But she wasn't always a monster. I can't even guarantee that she's permanently dead this time, since the thing that corrupted her in the first place took her back. I don't even known whether to hope that she will, or that she won't, given the things she's likely suffering again." She fell silent then, but promptly looked back to the pale swordswoman after she asked how many times this had happened before and said; "I've cornered her once before, but she escaped. One of my kin did it again, and I believe there was some trouble with a dragon previously, but as far as I know she's never died before."

Despite her dour mood, the angel's mouth turned up in a brief but amused smile following Tamonten's offer of future aid, and she said; "I'll certainly keep you in mind.... Though I don't feel as if you owe me anything for what happened three days ago. Maybe if I'd kept you from ever being caught in the first place, but.... Not after you had to live here for three days. I don't know how you managed to keep sane, to be honest."

Then, after Tamonten threw her opinion in following Evan's rise and additions to the conversation, she managed to earn a blush out of Krig again with her light quip. "Uhh.... No... Not right now. Maybe, uhhhh, later?" she said looking aside in embarrassment, but then she moved over to the fallen sphinx and healed it as she'd been doing frequently since her arrival. The sphinx rose, gave an annoyed look at Evan, and then fell into step beside the increasingly weary kitsune while Evan shuffled towards the door. "Nnnn... Just... Follow me... Hcccchhhhhkkk...."

Along the way they passed those fallen who still lived, and after Evan explained that the other door led to a place where Elawdrin had held nothing more than supplies opted to leave them there as is. They found a squad of guards upon arriving at Elawdrin's nursery, but with all of them present and at strength it was easy to dispatch the succubi and the monsters that popped out of them. Inside, Tamonten found a room filled with over a hundred children, almost all of them newborn. It took a good chunk of time to find her own, but in that time a man in golden armor appeared, one that Tamonten would quickly realize was a faerie who had been called upon by Krig and Sensensiel. He took one look at the room, scowled, and then sighed and said that he would take care of it. In the meantime, Tamonten managed to identify her own children among the assorted ones present, it being easy once she found the first given that all of them were next to one another. They even had the names of the parents issued under each, at which point Tamonten found out the names of the three dragonkin; Nincrinoix, Possincroix, and Besincroix, though it wasn't clear which was which. The children had apparently been organized by their mother, as the child she had seen the red one with on the day before the escape attempt had the last of the three dragon names under it, and in addition to the young boy's draconic features was possessed of violet skin and had the name of the father listed as; Fenris.

The only boy, also the only one among the three that was not Tamonten's child, had red scales like the mother coating the same areas that she'd seen similarly covered on the mother, and also had a tail and a pair of tiny draconic looking wings. The next pair over were both girls, and both unnaturally pale just like her. They also both had green scaling and tiny amounts of blond hair plastered to their heads, and appeared almost identical, possessing only reptilian tails and a bit of scaling to display their draconic heritage, while their nubbly little horns could be from either gene pool. The name "Nincrinoix" was where the mother was listed. The last two, also both girls, were not identical but they were definitely also twins, one of whom appeared a good bit scalier than the other and also possessed much more developed wings. The name of their mother was listed as "Possincroix."

The faerie summoned by Sensensiel (with help from Krig) was calling in other help to assist in ferrying the children off, but if she wished to hold the dragon children for some reason she was free to do so. Regardless of her choices regarding her spawn, Elawdrin's alchemy lab came next, where Tamonten would find a number of potentially interesting things if she looked hard enough. She even found a bulging bag the size of a flour sack simply labeled; "Catnip."

Then it was off to clearing the prison, an arduous and dangerous task that was equally thankless. Most of the noncorrupted prisoners had already fled, leaving a few who had been too badly injured to flee under their own power. Of the seven they found, three proved to contain Elawdrin's minions, which seemed all too eager to burst out and attack if given the opportunity. The guards they found mostly fled, save for those containing more monsters who always fought to the death, and they found no organzied resistance, nor any groups even half as large as their own. No more of the more dangerous monsters were present either, neither Elawdrin's Bladebeasts nor the gigantic laser-spewing centipedes were seen again. Once all of the cell blocks were cleared and all of the guards were captured, killed, or fled, Tamonten and her group had some twenty demons that had allegedly been forced to work for Elawdrin, a litter of freshly born hellhounds, four seemingly uncontrolled and sane prisoners, and twenty who were obviously broken by the experiences they'd suffered at the hands of the fallen angel and her minions, including the woman with tentacles that Nellic had defended her from and that Striga had used as an example. After what was to be done with them was sorted and some were released, Tamonten was left to loot the armory, and then peruse through the fallen angel's stock of assorted tools of control before awakening the dragonkin and the alraune that they had left outside of her chamber.

Tamonten gets stuff! And also things! Firstly, exp.

For the initial breakout battle against ye succubus guards, she gets 4 exp.
For the battle with the non-outsider guards, she gets 4 exp.
For the battle in the armory against ye giant centipede, she gets 4 exp.
For the battle against the hellhounds, she gets 4 exp.
For the battle against the Bladebeast, she gets 6 exp.
For the battle against Elawdrin, she gets 8 exp.
For the stuff she did in the aftermath and for completing the arc unbroken, she gets 4 exp.
Total: 34 exp.

Next, loot! First, the alchemy lab stuff.
1 giant bag of catnip
3 bags of Amazonian tea (20 denarii street value each)
3 healing potions
3 EP potions
5 aphrodisiac poisons
3 paralysis poisons
1 hallucination poison
4 faerie horns
5 darkhearts
3 slime ambers
4 venom sacks
1 faerie blood
1 demon blood

Next, from fights
3 horror carapace
12 hound's teeth
4 demon's blood

Next, the bondage stuff!
However many straps she wants.
Lots of dildos. Assorted shapes, sizes, and colors. Mostly glass and metal. 3 enchanted with vibrating touch.
A strange metal cube that's enchanted.
The wheel of smut. It's enchanted to shrink down to the size of a pocket-model and can have its options changed by thought.
More or less whatever you want really.

Finally, the armory.
1 darksteel bastard sword with a toothed edge, weighted toward the tip (-6 attack, +2d4 bleed damage, +2 damage)
2 daggers enchanted with +4 attack/damage
1 breastplate enchanted with +1 AV and +4 TP
1 set of darksteel scale mail
1 set of leather armor enchanted with -1 DU, +1 AV and +6 Stealth
1 sorcerer's anklet (20 EP pool, +2 spell damage per spell level)
1 set of bracers that granted +4 ranged attack damage and +2 attack
1 silver ring with the spells Searing Light (Light level 3), Vibrating Touch (Force level 1), and Grease (Fire level 3)
1 set of throwing knives enchanted with +2 attack/damage and +2d8 force damage
1 elven bow (same bonus as orcish pattern steel) enchanted with +10 feet of range

If you want basic stuff, you can take that too. Elawdrin's got lots of stuff.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

At the angel's comment about her sanity, the pale swordswoman looked at Sensensiel for several moments as she searched for that answer herself. In the end, her gaze fell on Krig as she answered; "Hope."

Later on, when they were on their way out, her gaze would fall on Krig for a different reason, as the foxgirl apparently completely misinterpreted her suggestion. "Oh my," she said, a sudden sense of amusement in her expression and tone. "I didn't realize how eager you were to help me warm up that bed." She giggled at that, although her ego certainly didn't suffer at the thought of the spirit wielder not only thinking of her in that way but apparently readily accepting such a proposition. That boost might have caused her to be a little more forward than she ought to have been given their audience. "I meant that I'd carry you if you needed it, you incorrigible girl," she continued with a grin. A blush soon joined that as she approached the foxgirl in order to whisper into her ear and add; "But don't worry too much if you had your heart set on it, I've every intention of making sure that my hero is well rewarded. Maybe even tonight."

After her whisperings, Tamonten walked away as if nothing had happened and left Kringlicsly to heal Sashien. Afterward, she said nothing else, beyond her remarks about the dragonkin sisters and the alraune, on their trip to the prison's nursery. Her streak of silence was broken when she offered the guards protecting the children an opportunity to surrender and noted that their lady had been slain, though when they refused they were slain to the woman without another word directed toward them. Once they were dispatched, she ordered them burned by any of the casters with the resources to do so and then pushed into the nursery proper with one all-consuming objective in mind.

Her desire to find the children she had been forced to sire was so much at the forefront of her mind that she only regarded the golden armored faerie for long enough to confirm that he was on their side, and then she was right back to it. She couldn't help but despair at the sight of all the children, if only for the simple terrible truth that ninety percent of them were probably orphans now and she had likely been at least partially responsible for it. It was even worse knowing that there was nothing she could reasonably do for most of them. Focusing on her own offspring was all she could do to combat those terrible feelings and the sensation of them gnawing at the pit of her stomach.

And then she found them; she found her daughters. Two sets of twins that were undoubtedly hers even without confirming as much by the labels on their cribs. Her heart.... Well, she wasn't sure what her heart was doing. It was somewhere between rising and sinking at the sight of her girls. There was surely some sense of maternal -- paternal? -- instinct in her that made her proud to be the father of the two sets of twins. At the same time though, it was impossible to forget the circumstances in which they were conceived, or the suffering that had surrounded it all. In truth, she was also afraid of the responsibility of taking care of them. It wasn't exactly an odd thing for a woman of her age to be a mother in Badaria, but like this? Was she really ready for this? She stood by the side of their crib for several long moments in her own little world as duty and happiness and despair and fear all clashed for control of her chest.

And then, as the the golden faerie's helpers began to work on the row of cribs behind her, she realized that this wasn't about her. Whatever the circumstances of their birth, they were living, breathing children and deserved the best the pale girl could offer them.

"Hello, little ones," she spoke softly and with a smile that required much less struggle to maintain than she thought it would. "I'm your other mother," she introduced herself by gently placing her pale hand on the chests of each of her girls one at a time, albeit only after ridding herself of the irrational fear that they might crumble to dust if she so much as touched them. "You'll be going home with me soon, where you'll meet faeries and alraunes and all sorts of people who will be as good to you as any family would be, and I'll be there for you too." She had no idea what to say to newborns, if anything at all. She supposed that in the end she was really just saying things to comfort herself that were simply a tone that a baby might find comforting regardless of the sentences that were spoken while using it.

"But before we take you out of this terrible place, I think you'll all need names...." Another tough one. It wasn't like she was naming her pet dog. Her children needed names that spoke of their heritages and would bring them pride, but Tamonten had no idea what would constitute a proper name for her dragon-like daughters. Where would she have ever heard of a dragon before? Unless....

"Your name will be Nocri," she announced, bringing her pale hand back to one of her the less scaled of her children with the blue dragonkin. It was the name of a dragon from one of her books, one who pretended to be a human witch and used her influence to aid a heroic knight in bringing her evil sister to justice. The tale had been a fairly boring and predictable one, but the dragon herself had been portrayed as an immortal force of good and law in the world and was always ready to lend her powerful magics to mortals when the need arose. "Your name will be Neera," she placed her hand on the larger and more scaled of the siblings. That name had belonged to a dragon who had taken the form of a mighty warrior, and ended up falling in love with and battling alongside the hero of the tale she had been involved in.

That caused her to muse on how many other of the dragons of her tales were either evil, or fell in love with the hero, or became the concubine of one. When she thought back on it, the Badarian epics of heroes and heroism often ended with the female characters eventually finding their place as little more than concubines for the mighty conquerors and knights. That was probably a consideration for another time, though. "Your name will be Myli," she continued with the first of her green-scaled daughters, coming up with a name belonging to one of those dragons who had ended up a hero's concubine, but she chose the name for the character's compassion. "And your name will be Lith." The last name had no special significance beyond being Myli's sister in the same tale, but that seemed fitting enough considering.

Her attention went to the boy next. His mother was obvious, and his father seemed just as obvious given the tone of his skin. "I am not your parent," she spoke in that same, soothing tone that she had addressed her daughters with, even as she laid her pale hand on him. "But I will raise you as my own." She already had four to take care of, and it seemed only right that she raise the boy as well. "Your name will be Zarrae," in a way it was the most difficult, but at the same time the easiest name to pick. Most of the male dragons in the stories were evil tyrants or rampaging monsters, but while the name she chose was a character that had been fierce and destructive she couldn't help but recall the honor he had displayed.

With that, she relinquished her daughters and her adopted son to the faeries one by one, taking the time to hold each for just a few seconds before allowing them to be ferried away. With the situation in the nursery quickly drawing to an acceptable close, she turned her mind to the bloodier work that still needed to be done.

Although first, apparently, was a pit stop at the alchemy lab. It was a task that seemed necessary, if tedious. She would take and carefully store everything that could potentially be harmful in the wrong hands or useful in hers or her allies' hands. The catnip caught her eye as well if for stranger reasons, and after a conspiratorial glance to ensure that Sashien wasn't paying attention she would stuff it into the bag as well. The tea leaves also managed to get her attention, not for the value but for the purposes of drinking something different than water later. In addition, she would give both Sensensiel and Kringlicsly an energy potion each, feeling the use of resources worthwhile in case more healing or fire was needed later.

Then it was onto the bloody work. Tamonten found herself revitalized after the nursery had been cleared, and whenever the remaining guards refused her demands of surrender she quickly went about turning the fights into a series of efficient but bloody executions. The corpses of each skirmish were burned. Those who had surrendered, however, were left unharmed and eventually herded into one of the cell blocks. They would be placed in cells, forcibly if necessary, along with the hellhound pups at which point Tamonten would explain their situation. "Your fates will be decided by the Lady of Acheron, not us. I imagine that she'll have soldiers here to retrieve you by the end of the day. If you're lucky, then perhaps she'll offer you a place in her service. I imagine she pays, at least," she remarked without a hint of humor in her tone. It was hard to take too much pity on the guards, but she would at least put in a good word for them if given half a chance even if she wouldn't tell them that she was going to do so.

She would, during the clearing, also put the energy granted to Krig and Sensensiel from the potions to more use. During the battles she would command Krig to place very tightly enclosed holy walls around those who who were fighting to the death and as such were likely to contain outsiders. With those that they managed to capture, first Tamonten requested that the casters attempt, from the relative safety of the outside those walls, to try their magics and see if any allowed them to see that those hosts were infected. If they were lucky enough during their journey to find such a method, then she would also request that they experiment with methods of burning the outsider out without harming the host, though she wouldn't push too hard on that one and if they had no luck then she would have them burned to ashes. Of course, during these experiments she remained close at hand and ordered her allies to do the same just in case one might burst out and get its claws on any of the casters.

Each prisoner was offered healing -- although Tamonten was quick to remind her group of the night elf whose chest had exploded every time their guard seemed to be let down and protected the casters with that in mind, leading to the slaying and burning of the ones who had similar passengers -- before they were all herded toward another of the cellblocks. The remaining prisoners were organized with the broken ones in cells and the uncorrupted ones left out. If their earlier tests had uncovered a means of checking for outsider infestation that didn't prove fatal, each uncorrupted prisoner was put through that check. If they hadn't discovered such a method, or simply if none who underwent it proved infected, then each of the sane prisoners would be allowed to leave at their own will. The corrupted ones would be left for the forces of the Lady of Acheron much as the former guards had been. Tamonten wasn't sure about the demonic woman's capabilities when it came to healing the broken prisoners but if she wasn't able then maybe she'd at least have the facilities necessary to secure them and let Krig try her hand at it.

With the prison cleared and organized, the day finally seemed to be nearing its end, though there were yet a few more exhausting tasks awaiting the swordswoman. The armory was the next of those on her list, now that most of the items that still had owners alive to claim them were gone. Her sorting through her fair share of the loot required her to ask the casters many questions regarding the usefulness of some of the items, due to her lack of aptitude regarding magic and magical items, but beyond that she finished sorting and stashing and giving away what she would of her share of the loot relatively quickly. The pale swordswoman did take the time to disrobe down to the clothes she had worn under the leather armor and toss it to the side so that she could put on the darksteel scale mail instead, since it was obvious even to her how lightweight and durable it was. And, as she tested it out, she quickly discovered that it wasn't too much heavier than the faerie clothing she had been given, and much more resistant to blows. She also equipped the bracers upon being informed of what they could do.

Elawdrin's storage room came immediately after that. Tamonten wasn't sure what possessed her to do it, but she took several of the fallen angel's toys. At least she did when she was sure nobody was looking. The possessed girl attempted to rationalize it as useful for Kringlicsly's reward that night, but she doubted anybody would believe that if she had to say it out loud. Maybe the fallen angel had been right? Perhaps it really was the sort of thing she'd have taken great pleasure in if it hadn't been forced on her and led to so much suffering? Not really the type of thoughts she wanted to to be entertaining while she was looting a bdsm supply closet though, so she quickly filled a leather pack she had grabbed from the armory full of lewd items and excused herself.

Once she emerged from that room with her bags packed with goods from both it and the armory, there was only one task left. But before she would go to wake the dragonkin sisters and the alraune, she would set down the multiple packs full of loot she had acquired and requested that her allies remain behind with the exception of one. "I think it might be best if it's just Krig and me in the room when they wake up." She hoped they wound understand why without further explanation after seeing her offspring. Assuming they agreed, she would lead her kitsune lover into the room with the unconscious women. She would accompany Krig right up to the three and ask; "Will healing wake them?" If the foxgirl answered yes, she would ask her to do so and remain nearby just in case the women were infested.

If they healed easily enough and were quick to begin regaining consciousness, however, she would motion with her head for the spirit wielder to back away. "Last time we talked, they expressed a desire to incinerate me... so you might want to put a wall up around yourself just in case." She tried to grin as if it was a joke, but the attempt came off as awkward at best. As she stood with her sword sheathed and ready to face the sisters and try to explain her crimes, she felt every bit as much dread as she had going into the confrontation with Elawdrin, and similarly every bit as ready to get out of the way of efforts to slay her on the spot.

Tamo uses full defense as she readies herself for yon dragonkin confrontation. Also requests that Krig put a shield around herself just in case of fiery breath.

Just in case (unarmed, full defense): 41 perception, 96 dodge, 17 armor, 65 resistance.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: 15 non-natural Armor reduction from 6 DU, 40 TP darksteel scale mail and 2 armor and 15 fire/5 force resist from a misc. ring (and her demon mutation). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and will always use it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Pre confrontation stuff: Give 2 of the 3 EP potions to Kringlicsly and Sensensiel (1 apiece).

Conduct SCIENCE on ye guards that fight to the death by having Kringlicsly place holy walls as close around them as possible and then having the casters try stuff to both diagnose and also burn out outsiders from the safety of outside the walls. Have Pano, Varthic, Tamo, Nellic, and the orc on hand to stop any outsiders that somehow breach the walls.

Place ye surrendered guards in a cellblock, divide them evenly among the cells and place the hellhound puppies in the least crowded cell.

Place ye broken and insane prisoners in a different cellblock and try to divide them one to a cell but if there's too many then it's okay to double up on the least threatening ones.

Uncorrupted/sane prisoners will be scanned for outsiders if a method has made itself available in the SCIENCE that Tamo attempted to do earlier, if they're not infected or a method hasn't made itself available then let them out. If they're infected then Iunno what to do (probably execution if a method of curing the infestations wasn't discovered).

For loot, after stuff used, Tamo will take:
1 giant bag of catnip
3 bags of Amazonian tea (20 denarii street value each)
3 healing potions
1 EP potions
5 aphrodisiac poisons
3 paralysis poisons
1 hallucination poison
4 faerie horns
5 darkhearts
3 slime ambers
4 venom sacks
1 faerie blood
5 demon blood
3 horror carapace
12 hound's teeth
1 darksteel bastard sword with a toothed edge, weighted toward the tip (-6 attack, +2d4 bleed damage, +2 damage)
1 dagger enchanted with +4 attack/damage
1 breastplate enchanted with +1 AV and +4 TP
1 set of leather armor enchanted with -1 DU, +1 AV and +6 Stealth
1 silver ring with the spells Searing Light (Light level 3), Vibrating Touch (Force level 1), and Grease (Fire level 3)
1 set of throwing knives enchanted with +2 attack/damage and +2d8 force damage
1 elven bow (same bonus as orcish pattern steel) enchanted with +10 feet of range
All 3 vibrating touch dildos.
Several other dildos besides that.
The magic cube.
The shrinking wheel of rape.
Lots of straps and ropes.
You know what fuck it let's just say she takes a satchel of pretty much everything she could conceivable pull out of a satchel for use in bondage.
She probably also loots several other bags in order to hold all this LEWT. Really putting that low-level superhuman strength to good use.

She'll equip:
1 set of darksteel scale mail
1 set of bracers that granted +4 ranged attack damage and +2 attack

She'll gift to Sensensiel:
1 sorcerer's anklet (20 EP pool, +2 spell damage per spell level)

She'll gift to Kringlicsly (for self defense):
1 dagger enchanted with +4 attack/damage

She'll also gift the breastplate/leather armor to anyone among the group who might want either. Same with the elven bow.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 40/131, Status = Fine

Krig blushed even harder as Tamonten artfully turned her refusal for a "ride" back on her, and Pano could be heard snickering in the background as the pale swordswoman clarified her offer. "I, uhhh.... I knew that!" Krig said defensively, but then Pano burst out into song to the amusement of all present save Varthic, who seemed annoyed, and Evan, who just looked very confused; "Betty and Betty's friend, sitting in a tree! H-U-M-P-I-N-G~! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!" Varthic, eying his larger comrade, snapped; "Where the hell do you learn these things?" Pano brightly and promptly replied; "Acheron University of course!" Varthic quickly replied; "There's no such thing as Acheron University Pano!" Pano was quick to reply; "Yes there is! I graduated right before we left!"

"No you didn't, because it doesn't exist!" Varthic snapped back, and the two looked ready to argue over the point for a while, and ignored Nellic and Sensensiel's efforts to quiet them. Krig hadn't paid much attention to the demonic duo, however, as she found Tamonten close enough to whisper into her ear, which perked and turned in the swordswoman's direction instinctively. The kitsune blushed, her tail poofing slightly and shifting to lightly caress Tamonten's thigh as she whispered her lewd promise, and she seemed unable to conjure any sort of verbal response to Tamonten's flirtations. She leaned a tiny bit into Tamonten, deepening the contact between them before she could pull away, and gave a brief needy look before allowing the possessed warrior to walk off that they might continue their business.


Tamonten's children, including her adopted one, each had a different reaction to her touch and the name that she issued. Nocri, who had been asleep previously, awakened and grabbed at her hand, giggling and letting out a light burp. Neera had been awakened, and laughed as she grabbed Tamonten's pale finger only to bring it to her mouth and bite it, displaying that she'd been born with teeth.... Sharp teeth, though the pain of the baby's nibbling wasn't much considering everything else she'd been through that day. Myli laughed and grabbed her as well, but thankfully tried to hold on without the use of her teeth. Lith didn't even awaken, though she did paw at the hand that touched her in her sleep. It was the last, the one that she had opted to adopt, that awoke and started to cry after she had issued his name, though for what reason wasn't clear. Her other children started up seconds later, and soon enough the entire room had erupted in a chorus of loud wailing.

"Gods dammit, who did that! Someone shut that up!" she would hear Varthic call out over the din of crying children, and most of the adults in the room other than the demon prince himself started doing just that, a task that Nellic and Pano would prove extremely effective at and one that Krig and Sensensiel performed quite poorly. Her own children turned happy again as soon as she took a hold of them however, including the boy she had opted to adopt, and one by one they were taken by nymphs and satyrs and kobolds after the pale swordswoman was given a moment to hold them and feel their feeble but affectionate grasp. If his angry words drew Tamonten's attention his way, she would realize quickly by the way in which he was running around that Varthic was looking for something, his search growing more and more desperate as more of the children were taken by the fey, but after a few moments he apparently found what he was looking for. Standing over a cradle, the armored demon stared down at its occupant awkwardly for a moment before gingerly reaching in and lifting out a baby with a head plastered in thin red hair. The baby went quiet as he lifted it, having cushioned it from his armor with the blanket in which it was wrapped, and he held it for a while before the armored faerie came forth to speak with him. The two exchanged words that Tamonten couldn't hear, but then the demon prince reluctantly handed the child over.

If she was still watching by that point, Tamonten would be able to meet the man's gaze for a moment, and if she did Varthic would freeze in place. The demon would stand there for a few moments, his reactions depending on her own, before moving over to the wall and offering no further help in dealing with Elawdrin's orphans.


The kitsune was later quite helpful in the experiments meant to find the monsters inside of Elawdrin's minions, keeping some contained in her walls of light and allowing those with magical ability to attempt some way of discovering whether a monster was inside of them. Sensensiel did not have high hopes for such experiments, and explained that her kind had attempted to devise a way to do this before and hadn't yet been successful. At the very least she didn't say "I told you so" when their experiments bore no fruit, Krig's holy fire and her own diagnostic magics unable to tell the difference between a subject with a monster waiting to pop out and one that was healthy and whole. The angel did mention quite promptly when Tamonten announced her plans that those taken over by an outsider were effectively dead the moment that it claimed their body, as those that could do as such hollowed out their insides and destroyed most of the vital organs of their host.

The normal guards they managed to catch offered no complaint about that, though one asked to be placed in the cell with the hellhounds in order to ensure that they were properly cared for. They didn't catch many, but what they had quite easily filled a cell block.


After her looting was complete and her other tasks were finished, Tamonten was left only with the unconscious captives they'd left to deal with. After leaving the others behind, Krig would step inside with her and then promptly nod at Tamonten's question, saying; "Yes, that should be enough to rouse them." The kitsune frowned darkly at her attempt at mirth regarding the threat that had been made against her by the dragons, and coldly said; "I need to touch them to heal them anyway, so I think I'll skip hiding behind a wall.... And if they try to make good on that promise they're going right back down! In a manner that won't let them get back up from." She let that promise hang in the air for a moment, giving Tamonten an opportunity to respond, before moving to do as the pale swordswoman had requested and using her magics to heal the three dragonkin one at a time.

The red was the first to receive her healing, but it was the green dragon that awoke first despite being the last healed, her eyes snapping open mere seconds after Krig had delivered her healing touch. She swept her gaze over the room quickly, her look sharp and lacking in any dullness from being unconscious, and upon sighting Tamonten she rolled onto her back and then leaped to her feet. "YOU!" she roared, causing her sisters to stir and gradually awaken themselves, and upon reaching her feet she quickly grabbed for a sword that she'd been lying beside, one that looked like one of the cheap blades used by Elawdrin's normal guards. "I was hoping I'd get to kill you today!" the dragoness said raggedly as she brandished the blade in her hand, displaying enough skill that Tamonten would recognize her as fairly practiced. The other two were awake by that point, and the red one had rolled onto her back to start nursing at her head with one hand, while the blue one was rising up to her hands and knees in a pose that Tamonten would find incredibly familiar given their lack of any sort of clothes. Krig was scowling and looked about ready to make good on her threat following the blue dragon's statement, but was holding herself back for the moment and giving Tamonten a chance to enact whatever plans she might like.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman made no effort to dissuade Pano's foray into singing, since she imagined it was probably embarrassing Krig slightly more than her and that made it all worthwhile. It did make her decide that she'd have to look into Acheron University though, if only out of morbid curiosity.

At the kitsune's needy look after Tamonten's own promise of a reward, she offered a small smile full of promise and then continued on.


The pale swordswoman had a difficult time thinking of Zarrae's reaction to his own naming as anything other than a poor omen. Still, her mind was taken off of that by Varthic's reaction to the massive amount of crying that ensued. Once she had allowed the last of her children to depart with their temporary caretakers, her eyes followed the prince in his frantic search. That's what she meant to him, the revelation dawned on her as the demonic prince found the object of his search and pulled the red-haired babe from its crib. The memory of his scowl at the slain prisoner in cell block C left her to simply offer a small nod to the man after he had relinquished his child and their gazes as met, and then she promptly turned as if she hadn't seen a thing and began aiding in the effort to comfort the remaining children.


Tamonten was not overly distraught by the results of the experimentation, especially after being informed that even the angels hadn't succeeded in similar efforts yet. She figured they hadn't lost out on anything by trying, if only because she couldn't think of any way for them to safely capture and transport the infected guards to any place that would be able to contain them and not risk spreading the outsiders.


"You care about me and I love you for it," Tamonten would quickly respond to Krig's comments before she had moved to heal the three sisters. "But this is not the same as with Striga, I was the one who wronged them and they were innocent. They are right to desire vengeance after what I did. Don't think that I've any intent of sacrificing myself for it, not after all we've been through today," she quickly amended, lest the kitsune believe that she was in the same state of mind that she had been when she had opted to face Elawdrin and her bladebeast alone. "Incapacitate them if it comes to blows, but please do not slay them. If not for their sakes then for mine. If I'm forced to watch them die before I've tried everything within my power to right this, then I'll have lost a very important part of myself. As for the wall... well, I think I'm a little better equipped to handle the attempts at the moment," she motioned toward Krig's robes and then at her own newly looted scale mail.

But the blue dragonkin's reaction made a favorable outcome seem impossible. Tamonten wished she had some sort of grand plan to right the wrongs she had committed, but what could she say? She had raped two of the sisters, and the circumstances surrounding those rapes changed nothing. She'd already tried to apologize and it had, quite understandably, not been received well, and that had been before she bred the second of the siblings. There was no penance that she could think of that was within her power to offer up to the three women. She had to at least try, though.

"Is there no way to dissuade you from this?" She calmly responded to the vocal sister. "Elawdrin is dead; her body was destroyed but I have the proof of her demise in the form of one of her feathers and those remaining in this prison can testify to her defeat. Her latest creation was slain as well. The children born from her experiments are being cared for. The guards have fled, surrendered, or been slain to a man. The rest of the able prisoners who weren't killed in the breakout have been freed, and those broken by Elawdrin are waiting to be transported into the care of one who might be able to heal them. Your collars are removed and the path to escape is open. You can leave this place and retake your freedom now, without this fight." She maintained her defensive posture for the time being, though in the pit of her stomach she had little hope that she wouldn't be required to defend herself against the three in mere moments.

Tamo uses full defense. Go ahead and throw in a spirited warrior x = 10 for dodge and av while she's at it. Costs 10 EP and all.

Just in case (unarmed, full defense, spirited warrior): 41 perception, 106 dodge, 27 armor, 65 resistance.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: 15 non-natural Armor reduction from 6 DU, 40 TP darksteel scale mail and 2 armor and 15 fire/5 force resist from a misc. ring (and her demon mutation). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and will always use it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 40/131, Status = Fine

Krig scowled at Tamonten's request, but the kitsune could offer no argument to refute her request to spare the potentially violent dragonkin if Tamonten's suspicions proved accurate. "Alright.... But I'm still going to make it hurt if they try to murder you! I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't take particularly kindly to people that do bad things to you! Or those that try to do bad things to you!" She let that sink in for a second before moving to her given task, though as she did so Kringlicsly continued to grumble; "It isn't like you WANTED to do anything to them. That black-winged bitch forced you to do it! And besides, if they're so ready and raring to kill, what makes you think they're so innocent?" The kitsune didn't seem to notice the hypocrisy present in that statement, at least not unless Tamonten pointed it out, but even if she did the sworsdswoman would only earn a flat scowl from her.

Only a few moments later, the dragonkin scowled all the more fiercely at Tamonten as she attempted to dissuade her from violence. "Hrmph. You say all that as if you think it should matter, after what you did to us? To me!?" she replied incredulously, and then slowly eased a step closer to Tamonten while retaining her own guarded stance. It was plain that she was waiting for her sisters to rise to aid her, but perhaps to Tamonten's surprise, the red dragon who was second to rise didn't immediately prepare herself for violence. Standing up slowly, she instead turned to the blue dragonkin and said; "Nin... Calm down. We've got a chance to get out of here without any more fighting because of her, we should take it while we-" The more reasonable seeming dragoness was cut off by her enraged sister, who spat; "Easy for you to say, Bes! She never RAPED you, did she!? I bet you'd even enjoy it if she did, so how about you shut your mouth and mind your place! You've no pride as a dragon at all!"

It was the blue sister, who took a bit longer to rise than was probably really necessary, that was to try and reason with her sister next; "Nin... This doesn't need to happen! Elawdrin forced her to do those things to us, and you know it! Killing her won't undo what was done, and it won't-" Again the green dragon interrupted her sister, snarling; "You quiet too! How could you show mercy to one who has wronged us so? I expect that kind of weakness from Bes, but not from you Poss! I thought you had real pride!" Turning her full attention back to Tamonten, the dragoness continued; "We can't let some half-breed whelp get away with... With humiliating us like she did! I won't stand for it! I won't-"

It was her turn to be interrupted now, and it was Krig that did it, in an utterly deadpan tone of voice; "You're a moron." The blunt statement caused the dragoness to be somewhat taken aback, but the kitsune stepped forward and crossed her arms over her chest as she brazenly continued; "Look, you're being given a great opportunity here. Better than I think you realize. We've all had a really long day, we've killed a ton of monsters, and we're all exhausted and want to go someplace to clean ourselves of this hellhole. This is an opportunity for you to walk out of this with no more baggage, no more violence, and no more scars. If you choose to fight here, you're causing yourself trouble over your own petty pride, and against the wishes of the people that you're allegedly doing it to defend to boot. You'll be endangering your life and those of your sisters, while trying to take the life of someone who other people happen to care quite deeply for - myself among them I might add! - to appease that pride. Now, before you do anything stupid, will you please just.... Go away? It's not like anyone's going to tell anyone about this, but if you make an issue out of this, not only will Tamonten beat you up, but I'll make sure to tell everyone that I meet about it too."

Krig allowed that threat to sink in, the idea of which seemingly mortified the blue scaled dragoness, before turning to Tamonten and saying; "I think we're done here. If you've got anything else to say to this lot, say it now. We can grab the alraune and get out of here, she won't wake up until she wants to anyway."
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Between Krig's statement regarding her feelings toward those who would cause Tamonten harm and her following comment about the dragonkin sisters, the pale girl ended up wondering at her own hypocrisy too deeply to point out the kitsune's. The words caused her to wonder again at the change that seemed to have befallen the kitsune over the last three days. They also made the swordswoman wonder at what her own reaction might have been if the situation had been reversed and Krig had been the one under threat or, gods forbid, she had been raped and impregnated in the prison. Would she have been patient and kind to the ones who had done it? No, and in the former case she probably would've ripped their throats out before they even had a chance to regain consciousness. She supposed that made the spirit wielder marginally more levelheaded when it came to protecting her loved ones.

Her silence returned in the moments following her initial response to the dragonkin sister. It was hard not to wither away from the woman's anger, especially given that Tamonten felt that her rage and her desire for vengeance were well deserved. Still, to drop to her knees and beg for forgiveness was to probably be shown a swift sword in the neck against the dragonkin, and she couldn't risk putting Kringlicsly through that after all she had done so she maintained her defensive posture. Though despite her wariness regarding what it would mean to Krig if she fully turned herself over to the dragon's blade and her punishment, she also didn't make any effort to incapaciate the first dragonkin while she was waiting for her siblings to aid her and at her most vulnerable. Let them all come at once and be given some chance at ending her for the crimes she had committed on them, she decided.

Although she had to admit that attacking the sister, the one who was probably Nincrinoix judging by her sister's monikers for her, was becoming slightly more appealing as she continued. A quick punch in the face seemed more and more well deserved for the prideful dragonkin. It was one thing to want to kill Tamonten for what she had done, but to turn her wrath on her sisters and even imply that anyone might have enjoyed the things done to them in this hellish place was another entirely. Moreover, it was beginning to seem like her concerns weren't for her siblings' well-beings but rather entirely her own pride. It certainly didn't excuse what the possessed girl had done to them, but it was a sad sight to witness. In the end, though, and despite her feelings, her guilt would end up staying her hand even as Nincrinoix called her a half-breed once again and stung at that nerve as well.

But it seemed that the pale girl would be saved from trying to formulate some response that she felt meant anything at all given the circumstances as Kringlicsly spoke out, once again making Tamonten wonder if her forwardness and strength had simply been there all along and the swordswoman had never explored them or if they were new. Regardless, it was difficult not to love the kitsune all the more for that previously hidden strength, even if the swordswoman didn't necessarily agree with insulting the dragonkin's pride after all she had been through.

"What I did to you and your sister was a crime, and nothing I can say will ever change that," she contributed, once prompted by Kringlicsly that then was the time to say whatever she had to say to them. The words that followed felt like they were spilling out of her as they came to mind, without much thought going into them. Maybe simply saying what was in her heart was the way to handle this, though. "Elawdrin forced me to do it, that much is true. She threatened everything that was dear to me, she humiliated me, and in my attempts to resist she in turn showed me how utterly powerless I was in her gods-forsaken sanctum. I never wanted to harm you two in the way I did, but it makes no difference as in the end, due to my own lack of strength, I did terrible things to you both."

"I am sorry, both for what I did and for lacking anything more meaningful than words to show my remorse. I have already explained why I cannot give you my neck," she dodged mentioning the life inside her in front of Kringlicsly, "so the only thing I can offer is this opportunity at freedom without further bloodshed and a chance to try to put this nightmare behind you as all of us who survived will have to do. It is not a clean slate, but it's better than anything Elawdrin would've given us," she remarked, and at the same time made the conscious decision to not even bring up their shared daughters. It might be best, for Nincrinoix at least, if they never knew what became of their half-breed spawn.

Similarly, she made the decision to cut herself off there. There was nothing else of merit to say, and she doubted the situation would improve much from where it already was. So instead she accepted the idea that maybe this was one thing that she could not truly fix and then she strode toward the alraune and would proceed to heft the woman over her shoulder. From there, if she wasn't attacked, it would be time to retrieve her other allies and then....

And then, though she was terrified to even hope for it lest some cruel god struck her down moments before she could claim it, they could all exit the prison together and truly regain their freedom.

Finish speaking to ye dragonkin, retrieve allies and (assuming yon dragonkin doesn't try to smack Tamo down), it's time to make a trail to Acheron!
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Fine

The three dragonkin offered no further response to Tamonten, though it was clear enough that the green one wanted to say something. Her sisters silenced her, however, and Krig glared at them for a moment as Tamonten turned away to lift the unconscious alraune, ensuring that the hostile one didn't decide it would be an opportune time to stab the pale swordswoman in the back. She followed shortly, and when the three were well behind them Tamonten would hear the kitsune let out a brief sigh of relief. Varthic, Pano, Nellic, Sensensiel, Sashien, the as yet unnamed orc, and Evan were all waiting for them just a short ways away, their own tasks in the prison. "Is it time to leave yet?" Nellic asked hopefully as Tamonten and Krig entered, and Sensensiel nodded and said; "Yes.... I think it would be best if we leaved this place now. Those we leave will be fine so long as none of Elawdrin's abominations has survived." Turning to Tamonten and Krig, she said; "We destroyed a creature while you were away. It wasn't a fight, the thing couldn't even move on its own and offered no resistance to us, but I suspect that it was what she was using to produce her creations."

Varthic chimed in; "We set it on fire, and it didn't seem to like that very much. Shriveled up like a prune in high summer!" Pano quickly added; "And then we blew it up! Right Varthic?" The demon prince, in unusually good humour it seemed, nodded and said; "Yup. Now lets get the fuck out of here! I'm about ready to take a bath and sleep this place off like a bad hangover." Nobody disagreed with that sentiment, and thus they were on their way out of Elawdrin's prison at long last. Sashien opted to carry the unconscious alraune after some prodding from Krig, leaving Tamonten free of that particular burden and able to walk beside her lover at long last. There had been a brief start from the sphinx as the plant woman was handed off, and she sniffed the air suspisciosly for a moment before looking at Tamonten with slightly widened eyes. Unless she opted to unleash the catnip then however, that would be the end of the exchange, and Sashien would walk ahead with the unconscious alraune splayed across her back and secured with some conjured vines.

By that point some of them had a good enough idea of the prison's layout to navigate their way out of it relatively quickly, and when they emerged blinking out into the daylight once more, Tamonten found herself looking out over a forest. "We're out of the city?" Varthic asked in surprise, and Sensensiel replied; "Yes, but we are not far from it. Tis only a short walk back into Artmirst from here, and Kringlicsly can show you the way easily enough." She turned to the assembled group then and calmly announced; "This is as far as I go with you. It has been a trying day, and some rest is in order. I-" Pano suddenly cut her off; "Ey! You're not goin anywhere!" Sensensiel was visibly taken aback by the large demon's apparent threat, but before she could respond he continued; "...Until you've had tea and dumplings! Xeon's cooking staff is the best! I don't even know what they make that stuff out of, but it's awesome! You have to try it!" Sensensiel, looking uncertain, replied; "Uhhh.... Thank you, but... I, uhhh, don't think... That it would be safe for me among a bunch of, uhhh..." Varthic, who had looked mildly annoyed at Pano's outburst but hadn't yet opted to interrupt, gave the angel a cross stare at her implication and said; "What? Demons? You'll be fine, you helped us, and that means you've got nothing to fear from us or from any of our kind who we aren't at war with. You've got my word on that!" Still looking slightly unsure, Sensensiel took a moment to reply; "Uhhh... Eheh... Well, alright then. I guess... I guess that I'll go with you.... For a while."

Once that exchange had been made, Krig took Tamonten by the hand and said; "You all go on, I've just got something that I need to do first." Nellic, quirking an eyebrow and grinning like a schoolboy, said; "Comrade Krig.... Maybe it is not best time or place for that, even after-" The blushing kitsune sharply cut him off; "It's nothing like that!" The wrestler quirked an eyebrow at her, but nonetheless nodded and departed, the only other one who looked uncertain being Evan. The mutant abomination of a man had been very nervous as they left the prison, and had needed some coaxing to get out into the bright daylight. He had clung to Tamonten slightly up until that point, and needed more coaxing from Sensensiel and Varthic to continue on without the pale swordswoman and her fluffy-tailed lover, but once the others were off and had passed out of sight around a bend, Krig pressed Tamonten against the wall with all of her meager strength and harshly said; "Just.... Just don't say anything, okay?"

With that request hanging in the air, the kitsune leaned forward against Tamonten, putting her minor weight against the swordswoman. Her forehead was pressed against Tamonten's, her eyes closed, and she slowly deepened the embrace by wrapping her arms around the pale girl's sides. Only then would Tamonten be able to feel the shivers running through her lover's body, soft shudders of some emotion that wasn't being expressed. The kitsune let out a soft whine a few moments later, and that wretched noise combined with the splashes of wetness onto her arms, and the shining tears that would go unnoticed until then across the kitsune's lightly tanned skin, would be enough to reveal Krig's state of distress. No questions in words would be answered, and no statement on her part would seem to offer the woman any comfort, and after a moment she leaned in harder, trying to press every part of herself that she could against Tamonten. She began to openly weep then as she shifted her head from leaning against Tamonten's to resting on her shoulder, and for several long moments Krig simply hung there, crying against the pale swordswoman for some amount of time that would go unmeasured.

And then, just like that, she was simply done. The quakes of her body lessened until they finally ended completely, and her tears stopped coming a few moments later. She stood there, entirely still while holding Tamonten tightly in her embrace, for another few seconds before gently trying to disengage herself and saying; "Thank you... I really needed that." Her voice was low and hoarse, and she had spoken barely above a whisper, but by that point she seemed to have nothing more to say unless Tamonten had some questions that she really needed answering about what had just happened.
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

The pale swordswoman could certainly share in the sentiment behind Krig's sigh of relief as they left the dragonkin trio behind, even if she still wished the confrontation with the sisters had gone better. There were so many things that had been said or not said to the women that she already berated herself for, but she couldn't let herself dwell on it. She was too tired then, too exhausted, and she simply wanted to be free of Elawdrin's hellish labyrinth. Her effort to stifle the nagging thoughts in her head certainly wasn't out of any misguided belief that she would be able to run from the all the doubts and images and torments that she would surely face as an aftereffect of her brief stay in the fallen angel's care, though. There were simply too many questions that had gone unanswered and Tamonten was keenly aware that it would all catch up to her before long; she just hoped it would be in a nicer place than a prison hallway.

And so it was easy to empathize with Nellic and Varthic and even Pano's sentiments when they returned to the group. The news of Elawdrin's primary breeding outsider was of interest as well, though there was nothing of merit she could think of to say in response to it since it was another of many matters in the prison that seemed to raise three questions and didn't bring a single answer with it. So, with a bit of effort and nary a reply to the information of the angel and the comments of the two demons beyond weary nods of acknowledgment, she recollected her satchels and bags and was quick to join in the exodus from the prison. Given the precarious situation she was put in by trying to carry not only the alraune but also a bag of alchemical ingredients and potions, a bag of items stolen from Elawdrin's stash, and several bags filled with weapons and armor both enchanted and non, she was more than happy to relinquish the plantwoman to Sashien when that opportunity arose. At the sphinx's suspicious look toward her Tamonten attempted to adopt an innocent expression but in actuality ended up looking about as conspicuous as she had since she met the lion-slash-woman.

She didn't unleash the catnip though, and she didn't dally in falling beside Kringlicsly to continue their journey. She enjoyed the proximity with her fox-eared lover for the rest of their trip into the open air in silence. With the foxgirl beside her their latest and hopefully last walk through the prison proved a much more pleasant experience than the previous ones, even as exhausted and still burdened as she was and with Evan remaining so close to her. And when they finally emerged from that terrible building which had been the stage for so many monstrous experiments, she could think of no better person to enjoy the view of the forest and the sky and her own freedom with than Krig. To that end, when the opportunity arose she placed her hand on the small of her lover's back and simply basked in her returned freedom, paying very little attention to the exchange between Pano, Varthic, and Sensensiel in the process. Although while she was too busy appreciating the presence of her lover and the fresh air to catch the specifics, even Tamonten couldn't help but wonder if mixing demons and an angel was a good idea as she allowed the exchange to play out without her interruptions.

Not that she was given much time to consider that before Kringlicsly grabbed her hand and announced that there was something she needed to do. For a moment, the swordswoman was about ready to join in on Nellic's side of the conversation and begin teasing the spirit wielder, but decided against it after the foxgirl's hasty correction. "Go on, we'll be fine," she remarked to the rest of the group, breaking a silence born largely of her exhaustion that had lasted from her last words to the dragonkin sisters all the way up until then. "I doubt there's anything so dangerous as that bladebeast lurking around." At the mutated man's continued clinging, she attempted to aid in Varthic and Sensensiel's efforts to coax him along. "Don't worry, Evan, we'll catch up with you, I promise."

But she didn't get another word out between the group leaving and Kringlicsly pushing her against the wall. She dropped her bags in surprise as the kitsune put all her strength into maneuvering the pale girl, which was probably for the best as her position with her wings pressed against a wall was was a bit awkward even without the encumbering things hanging off her shoulders. Not entirely sure of what Krig was trying to accomplish and yet not wanting to violate the kitsune's request that she not speak, Tamonten simply did her best from there to go along with the ride. She adjusted her forehead so that her nubby horns, relatively new additions from when she had last seen her lover, didn't press too hard into Krig, and when the the spirit wielder wrapped her arms around Tamonten, the swordswoman reciprocated in kind.

The kitsune's shuddering had clued her into what was really on the kitsune's agenda for the moment of privacy though, and her tears were the final piece of evidence. It was the most difficult to heed her lover's request for silence when Krig began to visibly cry, but the swordswoman did her best to avoid uttering words of comfort by instead focusing on further embracing the foxgirl. Tamonten's hand moved to lovingly stroke at the back of Kringlicsly's head as she rested it on the pale girl's shoulders, and she squeezed all the tighter as her lover's emotional display went on. The warped woman even went so far as to use what little control she had gained over her wings to wrap them around Krig as well, sealing the embrace between the two even further. Then, when she ran out of other means to try to physically comfort the spirit wielder with, she simply remained as she was and held onto the foxgirl as best she could until the storm was over. Tamonten herself felt strangely numb through it all, beyond her concern and guilt for what her lover was feeling.

When the kitsune's tears had ended and she moved to disengage, Tamonten reluctantly let go of her lover. "Anytime," she replied a bit awkwardly after Krig offered her thanks. Although while it was certainly true that she would offer the spirit wielder her shoulder anytime it was needed, it was also true that she deeply hoped that the kitsune was never put through such trauma that she would need the service to that extent again. Though she was ashamed to admit it, she was unable to keep herself from wondering whether or not the foxgirl had used the same power on her as she had on Striga, as well, but she would never ask about that aloud.

And in the end she supposed that if it had happened then it had happened and that was all there was to say about it. The main reason she had even been worried was because she expected that it would've been easier on the foxgirl if she never knew what had transpired, and though hiding her own shame mattered to the swordswoman as well she knew that she would eventually have to face it with or without the kitsune. She had other things she wanted to address with the kitsune first, though.

"Um, Krig," she started uncertainly. "I know that this probably isn't the right time for this... but I promised myself I would do something the moment I saw you again. A few things, actually, and, well, I've managed two of them but I couldn't find an opportunity for the third in there," she rambled on nervously. "But if there's anything that being in that place taught me...." Oh, just shut up and do it. With a nervous sigh, she attempted to pull the kitsune back in toward her and made to plant her lips on her lover's own. If Krig didn't struggle to avoid her renewed embrace or her kiss, Tamonten would passionately engage her in both ways.

But it was as the swordswoman's hands began to roam across Krig's back that the dam broke. The memories of exploring her lover's body on that bed of flowers not too many days prior served as a catalyst through which her repressed emotions over the prior three days in prison escaped by reminding her that not more than twelve hours ago she had been almost certain that she would never see the woman again. Halfway into the kiss she began to cry. Not too much longer after the tears began to flow she abruptly disengaged from her lover's mouth at which point she pulled back just enough to give the other woman a look that she was sure must've been pitiful. "I'm sorry, Krig, I didn't mean for it to go anything like this," she apologized remorsefully through sobs and softly tried to pull away to hide her weakness and halt her own crying. It was just supposed to be a kiss, she lamented.

Stopping herself from crying was easier said than done as she relived the prior three days over and over again in her mind. The memories seemed to cycle through her head in an instant, but the details were easy to pick out. There was her rape by the hellhounds, and not only how weak and vulnerable it made her feel but how disgusted she was at herself for cumming on their knots. She remembered her first meeting with Elawdrin and how insignificant she felt, combined with the terrible knowledge that her own weakness led her to rape another prisoner. There was all the time between her visits, in which she spent most of her waking moments both terrified that she would never see Kringlicsly again and yet at the same time resigned that death would be a better option than her lover seeing what she was becoming. There was the second meeting with Elawdrin, and more disgust at how much pleasure she had taken from being spanked, treated as nothing more than an amusing toy, and even literally stepped on. Then even more disgust at how she had raped three more prisoners and peaked twice more, and might have came on Nellic's cock as well if she hadn't used her mouth on him. Another rape by Striga was included in all that. The terrible knowledge of how close she had really come to breaking was there as well.

Even the breakout held few comforting memories, as she dwelt on how many lives it had cost. She would be forever haunted by the memories of the outsiders and the visions they had inspired in her, and yet failed to retrieve any sort of solid answers from Elawdrin that might put some rest to her unease about what she and the other prisoners had suffered through. Worse, she might have gotten Kringlicsly and the others killed in that final confrontation with the fallen angel and all because she was too weak to handle the fight on her own. It wasn't supposed to be that way. Tamonten was supposed to be strong! She was supposed to be able to shoulder the burden herself so that the others could be safe. She was supposed to be able to come up with a plan that would avoid such a wasteful loss of life. Krig wasn't supposed to have to suffer the way she did!

I'm supposed to be strong... she silently mouthed the words and broke down even further into tears.

Her own breakdown would last another few minutes, in which much like the foxgirl's own there was little her lover could say to help her and even she herself wasn't sure she found anything that she might consider redeeming, before it died down. No matter how down she had felt though, she hadn't lost hope. As long as she was still alive, there was hope. Her experience in the prison was something that she would need time to heal, she sincerely believed at least that much, and she could grow stronger in the interim, so that such a thing would never occur again. "I promised myself that I'd tell you that I loved you in person and that I'd greet you with a kiss and a hug when I saw you," she suddenly explained as she moved her pale hand to dry her eyes. "I've done a pretty crappy job of each so far, so I'll just have to try again later," she continued with a wry smile that was completely overshadowed by the evidence of her tears, but despite appearances her latest effort at humor did help to lift her back into better spirits.

Unless the kitsune had much more to say or something else in mind once everything had transpired, Tamonten would speak up again following whatever reaction Kringlicsly had to it all. "We should probably catch up to the others now, it's hard to say how much ground they'll have covered, and I don't know about you, but I'm ready to sample the finest cuisine the Lady of Acheron's cooking staff has to offer, then I'd like a bath and maybe to sleep for the next seven days straight."
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Fine

Offering a brief flash of a thankful smile after the pale swordswoman's reply to her thanks, Tamonten felt that Krig was ready to get going right then and there, but the kitsune paused when she spoke up again. "Yes?" she asked, a tiny hint of hesitation evident in her voice, but she kept herself facing Tamonten squarely as the possessed warrior rambled. When she stopped talking and started doing, the look on her lover's face and the sudden shiver that went through her were enough to key Tamonten in to the fact that the sudden kiss surprised her, but the violet-haired kitsune was quick to get over that and almost immediately melted into her embrace as fully as she always seemed to.

Krig was, to put it bluntly, not a great kisser. She was certainly no Jasmine or Elawdrin in terms of the deftness of her tongue, and she was sloppy and awkward in comparison to the two of them. Despite that, however, there was more earnestness and passion in her return of Tamonten's affection than the fallen angel had displayed period, and while Jasmine had never failed to be passionate in their intimate encounters, the faerie priestess's obvious experience only served to make Krig's most earnest efforts seem all the more impassioned when the two were compared. Her arms were wrapped around Tamonten's back, and she kissed the swordswoman back as hard as she could for as long as Tamonten willed, making no effort to break the kiss until both of them were out of breath.

There was a brief pause in which she broke the kiss to breath, after Tamonten had started crying in an outpouring of her own pent up emotions, and she pushed in for another kiss, albeit a brief one as Tamonten moved to break the embrace this time. She tried, initially, to start the kiss back up again, but as Tamonten tried to pull away completely Krig refused to let her go. Holding as tightly as she could, which Tamonten wouldn't find difficult to break away from if she really applied herself to it, Krig pressed her forehead against Tamonten's once again and simply held her, refusing with all her might to let go. Impure violet eyes stared deep into Tamonten's own pure emerald ones, both rimmed in angry red courtesy of their spilled tears, and there she held for as long as she could or until Tamonten's tears were played out.

Even if Tamonten pulled away, unless she did so in a particularly violent manner she would find Krig moving up behind her and encircling the pale warrior in her arms once again, offering whatever comfort she could from the back or from the front. She said nothing, offering no attempts to say anything that might make Tamonten's pain easier to deal with, and instead sought only to offer her presence for whatever that was worth until the pale warrior's despair had been, at least in part, released.

And when it was, and Tamonten found her voice again, Kringlicsly smiled genuinely for the first time since they'd been reunited, the evidence of her own tears doing no less wan and pale than Tamonten herself. "I think you've done an excellent job under the circumstances," she offered offhandedly, and then leaned in with a coy smile and, in a mildly quieter tone, added; "The kiss was certainly wonderful.... But if you really don't think it was up to snuff, you can always try it again~" She let that hang in the air for a moment before breaking into a fit of giggles, obviously finding her own attempt at being sexy too comical to take seriously.

When it came time for Tamonten to suggest that they be on their way, Krig sighed dreamily at the mention of a bath and nodded slowly. "Yeah..... The sooner we get away from this place, the better I'll feel, and a bath and something to eat sounds wonderful right about now!" she said, and then the two of them were off after their comrades, whom they caught up with quickly enough. Krig pushed off the query from Sensensiel as to their well-being, the red around their eyes not missed by any of their companions, but they didn't bother to ask further after that.

The journey back to Artmirst was both brief and uneventful, and the subsequent journey through the ruinous town was much the same. Demons were spotted, but the two demon knights at the head of their group was evidently enough to ward off any potential threats, and soon enough the sun was setting as they reached the deeper bowels of Artmirst.... And found it under construction. Demons of all shapes and sizes were everywhere, a sight that might have been frightening normally but that Varthic and Pano seemed to greet with a great deal of relief. "Here we are! This is where we're starting to rebuild this old pile of wreckage," Varthic announced as he turned to face them. "There are.... A lot more of you than I thought," Nellic said worriedly, to which Varthic simply grinned. Sensensiel and Sashien both looked more than a little uncomfortable at the sight, particularly once the busy demons started to take more attentive notice of the angel and sphinx. "Now we just need to walk over there and tell Terry that we aren't dead, right Varthic?" Pano said, to which Varthic nodded and then said; "You lot wait here."

The two started off promptly, unless of course Tamonten opted to stop them for some reason. If she didn't, however, she would find herself in the center of a great number of demons ranging from lowly goblins to massive hellhounds and ogres, all of them busy putting together buildings from the wreckage of the desolate area but not quite busy enough to keep from giving the group some curious looks.
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

The swordswoman would end up giving into the kitsune's efforts to hold onto the embrace, eventually going so limp in the foxgirl's arms that even the spirit wielder's strength was more than enough to keep her in a tight hug or move her in anyway her lover desired. That made her feel weak too, not for physical reasons but rather for the emotional burden she was putting on Krig. She supposed that was ridiculous, and that it was probably directly against the thinking that she ought to put more trust into Kringlicsly and what she could bear, but it was hard to think with any semblance of rationality while the tears were still flowing. In the end, though, the comfort of her lover's arms around her was more than enough to make her feel like everything would be alright, even if it didn't come immediately attached to some sort of logical lesson or character growth. The important thing was that she was alive, and Krig was still there for her, and as long as those two things held true then the world was still an open place for the possessed girl.

Later on, when Krig delivered her amused response to Tamonten's own comment, the warrior couldn't help but smile wider. An open place indeed, she considered as Kringlicsly giggled at her own efforts to come off as sexy, the sound of her lover's amusement coming off every bit as titillating to the swordswoman as the attempt. "Maybe later. No, definitely later," she suggested as she allowed her forehead to return to its place resting against the spirit wielder's own. "We might have to do a few trial runs first though," she added with her own giggle, although her weariness was entirely evident in it. "If we practice enough until then I'm sure that I'll be able to get it right on the official second try." But it couldn't be right then, she knew, as she realized she might start crying again if she accidentally compared her lover's oral prowess to that of Elawdrin a second time, so shortly afterward she suggested that they get moving and collected her spoils again in order to do just that.

When they caught up to their companions, Tamonten had her own way of avoiding queries and looks, and that was by launching a question of her own only a few minutes after rejoining the group. "Something has been bothering me," she spoke up conversationally once she had regained enough of her voice to not offer up anymore evidence that she had been crying earlier. "I don't think I ever got your name," she continued and nodded her head toward the orc once the green-skinned woman had at least turned her head enough to see the pale girl. "Unless it was Pants, that is," Tamonten would add with an amused smile from her relative position of safety beside her fluffy-tailed lover.

Beyond that attempt at an exchange, Tamonten remained silent unless spoken to for the rest of the journey. She abandoned her plan to plant catnip on some of her allies, not really in the mood with so much still on her mind and after everything that had transpired--although pursuing it later wasn't out of the question. And even those serious thoughts were quickly wiped from her mind as Varthic and Pano led them into a veritable horde of demons, even if the odd group was engaged mainly in construction. She might have trusted the demon prince and his retainer, but that didn't mean she trusted his race as a whole, and the sight of the hellhounds still caused her to tremble for several moments before she got herself under control. Tamonten simply had too many negative experiences with demons, the one in her own arm included, to be anything but on guard in the situation her group had found itself in. It was even more the case as she noticed the glances being cast toward Sensensiel and Sashien.

But their accompanying demon knights were gone before the pale girl thought to request that one of them remain behind to dissuade their kin from any wrongdoing. An idea struck Tamonten as she remembered the darksteel armor she was wearing though, and at just how many of her fellow prisoners had mistaken her as demon-blooded. "Sensensiel, Sashien, keep together and get in the middle of our group. Krig, up in front of them with me and put your arm around me. Everybody else, crowd around behind them and to their sides so that fewer spectators notice them. Casually, if you would. Stay close, just to dissuade them in case they get any ideas," she spoke lowly and calmly.

If they did as instructed, she guessed that Evan and Nellic would block off most of the demons from being able to spot the angel and the sphinx from their sides, and she would do her part by putting her own arm around Kringlicsly's back and slightly spreading her wings to provide something of a screen in front of the two. The only side that the two women in the middle would be visible from whichever side their orcish ally ended up on, or at least that was her hope. "Best if all they see is a half-demon at the head of an odd group rather than noticing that there's an angel with us," she whispered to the group at large to clarify exactly why she had requested they position themselves as such, although referring to herself as a half-demon left a bad taste in her mouth. "We just play the part of people looking to move into the Lady of Acheron's holdings, and hopefully they'll keep it to curious looks."

She wasn't quite content to sit back and wait for Varthic and Pano just yet though, as her own comment about 'playing the part' ended up sparking a second idea in her head. Her latest plan would prove less related to the safety of the group as a whole as she slid her hand down the kitsune's back, placing it squarely on her lover's rounded ass and firmly groping at Krig's backside. "Just have to play the part," she echoed with a smug grin directed at the spirit wielder as she left her hand on the woman's soft rear for as long as she could get away with or until she was interrupted by the approach of Varthic or another demon, although there was no guarantee that she'd let up even in the second case.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Fine

"Well..." Krig began, trying to make her voice soft but the hoarseness of it making it seem more like a croak. She continued on anyway, however, allowing her forehead to lean against Tamonen's once more as she continued; "While we're waiting for the "official" second try, if you feel like you want to stop for some practice, you just let me know~" With that she hesitantly began to pull away, and shortly thereafter she and Tamonten were on their way after the swordswoman had retrieved her portion of the spoils.

Later, when they were walking along the fairly boring journey back into Artmirst and Tamonten brought up that she'd never learned the orc warrior's name despite their fairly prolonged alliance at that point. "Hah! No, it's not Pants!" the woman replied after a bark of laughter, "It's Grenewald, of the Korblin Clan. My battle brethren called me Shriek though, so you may refer to me as the same if you prefer." Krig, out of curiosity, asked; "Where did you get the nickname? Did you pick it yourself?" Grinning wryly, the orc replied; "No.... My comrades gave it to me for two reasons. The first was for my tendency to be louder than most when charging our foes. And the second...." Her grin broadened in a way that made Krig looked slightly nervous, but her pause was brief before she concluded; "Well, your lover may find out about that sometime soon."

Once they had arrived and Varthic and Pano had wandered off, and the swordswoman gave her quick orders to those around her, they quickly got into a loose circle around the angel and the sphinx. Sashien had to squeeze to be even partially hidden among them even with Nellic and Evan in the group, at least until she put the alraune down on the ground and transformed. Bone crackled as it shifted, her fur and flesh and bone shrinking as one as her joints turned and rotated, until where the animalistic sphinx had stood before a classically beautiful humanoid woman with skin the bronzed color of a lion's fur, wings covered in brown feathers that were a match shape-wise of Sensensiel's pure white ones, and long curly hair the same color as her leonic mane. Her physique was styled after Jasmine's, curvy on the edge of being doughy but with visible muscle rippling beneath the appealing softness.... And she was also totally naked, a fact that had Sensensiel blushing brightly as they were forced to press against one another due to the closeness they had to maintain to be fully covered from the curious eyes of the busy demons. Both of them were close enough that Tamonten wouldn't even need to reach to touch them, and their fronts were pressed together in a manner that had the angel blushing even harder, while the sphinx just smirked playfully at her.

"Are you sure this is necessary? They don't seem to be interested in - eep!" Krig began before letting out a cry of surprise as Tamonten's hand trailed down and took a generous handful of her plump bottom. The kitsune's backside was as round and squishy as she remembered it being from the last time she'd had the pleasure of touching it, and despite the jump she'd made upon initially being groped, her lover merely blushed and held tightly to the pale swordswoman, allowing Tamonten to feel up her pliant flesh as much as she'd like. They'd all gotten into position quite smoothly, and with Sashien and Sensensiel cramped together in the center of their loose square, it was the rest of them who took many of the curious looks from the demons. Tamonten (and what she was doing to Krig) received looks ranging from blank acknowledgements, to jealousy, to appreciative and approving smirks. Nellic just seemed to be passed off without much looking, something that the wrestler didn't seem to mind so much, and the orc folded her arms and glared at the demons, none of whom seemed interested in answering the implied violence in her squared shoulders. It was the freakish Evan who got most of their stares now, the tentacle-covered, deformed outsider-spawn obviously a cause of some disgust on the part of the shapeshifters. Even the lesser demons seemed put off by his appearance, and an ogre who was lifting heavy beams of steel snarled menacingly at him as it had to pass him.

"You.... You feel more like a full demon now...." Krig peeped, and whether or not that statement distressed Tamonten any, she would feel the fox-girl subtelely pushing her bottom into her pale hand, as if trying to encourage more. "Your spirit does, I mean..." she amended quickly, "You've got more.... Magic. It's hard to explain, but it's probably because.... Well, I didn't miss what happened in the nursery." She gave the pale swordswoman a sympathetic look, but a moment later Varthic and Pano appeared once again, bickering loudly in a manner that seemed fairly standard between them, with the larger man being characteristically nonsensical while the more sane demon prince grew increasingly frustrated.

When they arrived, he spoke in a loud voice bespeaking of his frustration; "Come on, we're entitled to some rest after... That. Your rooms are arranged, one for each of you except for you two, and you can bathe as a group or individually. Whichever you'd prefer." He spun on his heal and led them off, Pano following after and the others doing much the same unless Tamonten opted to halt them for some reason. Being led through the gauntlet of demons was likely hardly a pleasant experience, though none of the creatures looked particularly threateningly at anyone save for Evan, who was growing visibly uncomfortable at all of the attention. Regardless, the journey was quick, with her companions visibly relieved to be free of the crowd of worker demons and led into a large stone building that looked almost like a palace in its construction. There were a few more demons there, all knights judging purely by their darksteel armor, who seemed to be acting as guards, but none of them bothered Tamonten or her group as they were led to a wing with many doors. After a time those guards stopped, and in their place were.... Maids. Demons still, but all of them dressed like housemaids, or perhaps a prostitute's imitation of one judging by how skimpy the outfits were. Tamonten got more than one view of someone's panties on her journey through the magically lit corridors, with the dozen or so maids that they passed running the gamut in terms of physiques and appearances. Not a pair of them were alike.

"Pick your rooms, the bathhouse is down the hall, if you need anything corner a maid," Varthic stated flatly, and then waved them off as he and Pano continued on. The narrow halls had required that they go in single file, or at least Evan couldn't walk beside anyone without brushing his bulbous, poison-coated back-tumour against them, and the demon prince's dismissive tone and freshly heightened pace suggested that he was done leading them about, at least for the moment. Shriek, shrugging, said; "I'm fine with a public bath. Even if I gave a damn about modesty, most of you have already seen me naked." Turning, the orc entered the nearest door, revealing a relatively undecorated bedroom with a book case laden with books and a large bed, and stepped inside to place her things down and start stripping, obviously uncaring if they watched. "I think I will get some sleep first, it has been a long couple of weeks for me," Nellic announced, and then stepped into a different room only to shut the door before much could be said to dissuade him.

"I'd like to keep a look on her," Sensensiel said, gesturing toward the alraune who was once more being carried by Sashien. "I suppose you'll want me to stick around to help with that then?" the sphinx sighed, and Sensensiel took on a pained look and nodded. "If you wouldn't mind terribly much... I would appreciate it," the angel said, and with another sigh Sashien turned and kicked open another door, and as she strode in she said; "I should have asked a harder riddle for all this. Come on, I'm still taking a bath, and once you're done with her you're coming with me." Sensensiel blushed at that, but then turned to Tamonten and Krig and said; "Thank you... For what you did when we were outside. I suspect that Evan didn't much like it, but that wasn't any fault of yours, and so many eyes on me is... Embarrassing. That's the wrong word for it.... Anyway, I'm sure we will speak later, but if there's anything that either of you need that you think I can give, go ahead and ask it now." Krig simply shook her head, and unless Tamonten had some request of the angel they would bid a temporary farewell before Sensensiel disappeared into the bedroom after Sashien.

That only left Tamonten, Krig, and Evan out in the hallway as a demon maid looked on from the other end of it impassively, unless Tamonten had kept someone else nearby. Shriek quickly strolled out of her room, once more naked to the skin, and walked down the hall to speak with the maid before heading through the door there, revealing a room partially filled with a thin layer of steam. "Nnnnn..... I don't..... Know what to do," the mutant said unsurely. The black robe that maintained the mutant's decency was ragged and filthy, and his skin was pockmarked with oozing sores, more than half of which seemed to be infected by something. Now that they were free of the prison and in such proximity, Tamonten noticed the rank odor hidden by the oily smell given off by the slime that coated much of his upper half. To put it bluntly, it looked as if Evan probably didn't even know what the word hygiene meant, so suspecting that Elawdrin's freakish son might know how to bathe himself was likely a stretch.

(Normally I wouldn't suggest things like this, but please pawn off cleaning Evan to a maid or something if you decide that that needs to happen.)
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Well, her question to the orc certainly backfired. Still though, Tamonten guessed that the exchange would at least provide a suitable distraction from the exchange that had occurred between Krig and her before arriving, even if she couldn't really muster a response beyond awkward silence at the revelation of the second meaning behind Grenewald's nickname.


Had the swordswoman been asked about her feelings toward the sphinx five minutes prior to ordering the group into their protective huddle then arousal wouldn't have been a word used in her explanation, but that was when Sashien was more lion and less a statue of an Anudorian goddess given motion. The problem of her physical attraction to the woman's soft curves was not at all aided by the position she took with Sensensiel, and before the swordswoman could stop herself she was imagining the two in a different setting. Specifically, she couldn't help but imagine a significantly less-clothed angel and the sphinx both pressing their chests together around, say, a cock. All the better if that cock was one that she had summoned from her own groin.

Those thoughts and fantasies caused Tamonten to drop into a strange mood, not terribly dissimilar to the one she had been in under Elawdrin's charm. It was a mood where she didn't even think twice about molesting the kitsune in the manner she had chosen. The occasional looks from the crowd only spurred her on, and she cast them the same smug grin that she had originally given her lover. It was a grin to say that yes, they should be jealous that the beautiful woman hanging off of Tamonten was all hers. At the same time though, it was a mood where even the kitsune's wonderfully rounded backside wasn't enough. Before the swordswoman's sense of self control could even get out of bed, she succumbed to an impulse to discretely let her blackened hand fall behind her and take a good handful of Sashien's ass as well. Barring the sphinx stopping her efforts, the pale girl would leave it there until she ended up deciding to give Sensensiel's rear a few squeezes as well and only then would her wandering lecherous hand return to her side.

Her right hand, however, never left its perch on Krig's rounded bottom, which during it all Tamonten had silently decided was the best of the three that she had just groped, and she only fell deeper into her odd mood with her own arousal at what she had just done. She cast a hungry, predatory gaze on Kringlicsly as she continued, and the only indication that she had even heard the foxgirl suggest that she seemed more like a full-blooded demon was an unintentionally sharp squeeze. "What's done is done," she replied regarding the nursery, in an almost trance-like stupor, even as she continued to squeeze. At the feeling of her lover actually seeking more of her molestation by pushing herself against the swordswoman's hand, Tamonten grew even bolder, and her fingers began to tiptoe around the spirit wielder's leg, towards a much more intimate place...

Only to snap out of it halfway to her destination as Varthic returned. She shook her head as if to remove the remainder of that mood as the demon prince made his explanation, and then she brought her arm up to rest around Kringlicsly's back and away from temptation. "Did you handle the matter of sending a group to retrieve the prisoners and guards?" She asked simply to confirm that she could cross that business off of her mental checklist, although she didn't bother to halt them for the question and had asked once they were already on the move.

The journey proved to be an awkward one. Being led through a crowd of demons certainly wasn't a comfortable experience -- apparently it was the least so for Evan, whom she ended up trying to calm by offering soothing platitudes and asking him to bear with it as he became more and more anxious -- but in truth neither was being led through the guards clad in their black armor. While the latter certainly didn't evoke the primal terror in her that hellhounds managed, she couldn't help but wonder if the group had any chance of fighting their way out if the Lady of Acheron proved hostile. She had difficulty fighting Varthic and Pano, so how would even their group fight their way out from the two and fifty more like them?

No use worrying about it then, she supposed, and at least the maids were a bit more pleasant, if even more awkward. While she didn't question her ability to fight her way through a bunch of women in skimpy maid outfits, she did end up inspecting more than a few pairs of panties and appealing rear ends far more closely than she should have on her way through, which in turn caused her to reminisce about the days before she learned to grow a penis and before the sight of a scantily clad woman bent over something was so instinctively appealing to her.

By the time they had arrived at their rooms, Tamonten's face was flush with arousal after all she had done to three of their companions and the sights she had seen on their walk there. She ended up allowing Varthic, Nellic, and the orc to do as they would and once they had left to their own devices she instead turned to Kringlicsly. "Why don't you go pick us a room and get comfortable? I just have a few more things to take care of and then I'll join you." Immediately after her comment she gave the kitsune a quick kiss to silence any reply she might have made and then leaned to whisper into her ear; "And if you don't mind waiting a few hours for that bath, I think I've got time to give you your hero's reward."

When she had managed to usher Krig into a room, one way or another, she would speak with Sashien and Sensensiel. "I have a bit of a request, if you wouldn't mind returning and hearing me out once you have the alraune settled in," she remarked at the sphinx as the woman disappeared into a bedroom with the unconscious plant. When Sashien left to do that she would listen to the angel's thanks before responding. "Don't mention it." For a moment she was content to leave it at that and let Sensensiel join Sashien, but then a particularly mischievous idea struck her as she considered the sphinx's parting words toward the white-winged woman. "And since you're going to be looking after the alraune, I think you should take these," she paused in order to begin rifling through her bags. What the angel likely didn't realize, however, was that Tamonten was looking for the bag of catnip she had pilfered from Elawdrin's stocks.

When the swordswoman found the bag of catnip, she covertly dipped both of her hands into the stuff while pretending to still be searching through the contents of her satchel. When she had thoroughly coated her palms in the catnip, she grabbed two of the marked healing potions and pulled them out in order to hand them over to the angel. "These could be of use. And be safe yourself, we still can't be sure if she was infected or not." Then, after delivering that warning, she uncharacteristically pulled Sensensiel into a friendly hug and patted her on the back a few times, doing so in order to plant the smell of the catnip and a few flakes of the stuff all over the woman. Tamonten let go of the angel once she was sure that the seeds of her mischief were well planted and and gave a brief nod as both a temporary farewell and to confirm that was all she desired from the woman.

The matter of Evan took a bit more thought. It was obvious that he needed a crash course in... she supposed she would say civilized living even though he clearly needed much more than that, but her plans for the immediate future were already occupied. It probably wasn't entirely the right thing to do, given that he was in a strange place and under difficult circumstances and he probably had at least a bit of trust in her, but she couldn't really take on the task of walking him through the concept of personal hygiene and his independence right then. Although she supposed this was the place she expected him to live, so while she didn't feel it was entirely right she also didn't feel like it was the worst thing she could do to trust the maid staff to give him a helping hand, and with no other option.... "Wait here for a moment, Evan," she would reply to his uncertain comment before moving to speak with the maid. Once there, she would quickly explain to the demoness that Evan required a bath, healing, and new clothes, and would also do her best to explain that, though he had a good heart, he had an unfortunate upbringing and that he needed some guidance through it all.

Once she managed to get the maid to agree to assist Evan, Tamonten would bring the woman over to him and explain what was going to happen. "Evan, this nice lady is going to walk you through what comes next. She's going to get you some healing so that you'll feel better, then she's going to get you a bath and some clean clothes so that you'll feel even better, and then you'll be led to your room. Once you're there, you're free to do whatever you'd like, but I would recommend getting some rest. I'll be in my own room if you should need me." She paused for a brief moment before adding; "And don't hesitate to come to me if anybody says anything mean to you or hurts you, because I'll make sure they never do it again." Her eyes gleamed with violent intent as she finished. After that, she allowed the maid to take on the task of introducing Evan to wound treatment and soap without any envy to speak of.

The swordswoman had her own difficult task to take on as Sashien reemerged and the hallway was left empty except for the sphinx and Tamonten. "Hi," she started, rather dumbly as she fumbled for the phrasing she would use to make her request. Still, as ridiculous as it felt to ask what she was about to ask, she continued quickly before she lost the courage to do it. "Okay, so this is probably going to sound insane, but I'm guessing that you're a member of the fey, or at least that you're allied with the faeries or something close, so I thought maybe you wouldn't be entirely opposed to it. I wanted to request that you help me with something... intimate, and I would be willing to repay you in some way if you wanted and, um, hm...." She trailed off, realizing that she was getting nowhere.

"I was wondering if maybe you would be interested in giving Krig a blowjob," she suddenly blurted out as she seized what was left of her fleeting courage. "And maybe doing a little bit more," she added as that same courage quickly finished fleeing her and left her hanging her head and slightly mortified at what she had just asked. It took a bit of effort for her to look Sashien in the eyes again as she continued. "I suppose some context is in order. The first time Krig and I... consummated our love, it was sort of after... well, it was after she had watched me get sucked off and ridden by two nymphs, to be frank. After she came to my rescue today, I thought that I would reward her, and with how nervous she's been at Grenewald's advances toward me and a few other things I've done since I first slept with her... I thought it might be good for her to be the one on the receiving end of a bit of extra attention, for once. I know it's a weird request from someone who's basically a complete stranger, but I can't exactly ask Sensensiel or Grenewald. In truth, I had hoped to find two others to, um, assist me, but even if I can just find one then I know I can make tonight special for her."
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Fine

Whether it was based on some instinct, sheer chance, or perhaps some sixth sense that the odd woman possessed, the nude sphinx glanced in Tamonten's direction as she was staring over her shoulder at her and Sensensiel as they pressed their breasts together in an extraordinarily distracting manner. She grinned knowingly, and the expression caused Sensensiel to follow her gaze and look back at the pale swordswoman with a deep blush, her pose shifting in an effort obviously intended to make their pose less lewd.... And failing miserably as she ended up arching her back such that her bust was pushed all the more enticingly against Sashien's. Now that she had a chance to really look at her in that light, Tamonten would quickly realize that Sensensiel's figure was almost a carbon copy of Elawdrin's, the unnatural beauty masked by posture and a rougher lifestyle, and perhaps a little bit less in the way of magical enhancement, but still undeniably present all the same. The most significant different was in the hips, which were slightly wider and more full than Elawdrin's had been.

The two looked away from her long enough for Tamonten to give in to the urge to allow her other hand to sample the goods of the two women that she was supposed to be protecting from exactly these sorts of advances. Sashien was first, and the sphinx didn't even react initially as the swordswoman's blackened hand settled onto her rounded backside. After a few seconds she would shift encouragingly while doing a good enough job of seeming like she was only doing it for comfort to fool everyone except for Tamonten herself, who caught a glint in the woman's eye as their gazes briefly met. The sphinx's backside was about as plump as Krig's had been, but unlike the relatively doughy spirit-wielder had a solid layer of muscle underneath, giving her an amazonian physique that was as interesting to the touch as it was to look upon. Sensensiel didn't have nearly Sashien's poker face and never even saw it coming, however, and thus gave a light peep when the swordswoman stretched her arm to include the angel's bottom in the groping as well. She tensed as Tamonten took a hold, displaying a great deal of firmness beneath a layer of softness that was no less pleasant, but after meeting Tamonten's gaze and blushing until she was as red as a strawberry, she relaxed and allowed the swordswoman her fun without voicing any complaint, likely thinking that it was all merely a part of the act.

Krig, blushing nearly as much as Sensensiel the entire time thanks to Tamonten's reactions to the demons who idly watched them, seemed to be genuinely enjoying the attention placed upon her generous backside. She certainly made no effort to stop it, and just before Varthic appeared to interrupt them she could see her lover's bottom lip quivering open, and feel her rising onto her toes and shifting to angle her tips, allowing Tamonten's fingers to draw closer and closer to the destination that they were never to reach.... Or at least, not to reach out there in the open area where they'd been made to wait.

"Yeah, I did!" Varthic replied, his tone both angry and defensive. "And get this... Pano and I are stuck going back there to make sure that it all goes smoothly. Can you believe that crap? I'm not even back five minutes before I'm being sent back to that pit!" he complained, and Pano added; "Awww, look on the bright side Varthic! At least we won't be kidnapped by a crazed fallen angel and used in some horrible experiments! I mean, what are the odds that two of them are out here at the same time, right?" Varthic's head slowly turned towards his optimistic partner with a flat glare, but rather than speak he simply sighed and shook his head. "I would like to go with you, comrade. I would like to make sure that-" Nellic said only for Varthic to quickly cut him off; "Don't worry about it, we've got plenty of backup this time around, and your puny human ass would probably just get in the way." The wrestler frowned, but Varthic had managed to make the barb seem as if it were enough out of camaraderie to assuage him by way of expression and body language, and as he turned to lead them off he continued; "We're leaving literally right after I show you lot around anyway, so you don't have time to rest enough for you to be useful anyway."

Once they were through the uncomfortable gauntlet of demon knights and the distracting gauntlet of demons in maid outfits and Tamonten had told Krig to get them a room, the kitsune nodded after the brief kiss, seemingly content to keep it brief. The whispers had the blush that had faded from the kitsune's face during their walk returning in full force, however, and she squeaked; "O... Okay." The kitsune walked off with a light strut in her step, picking a room a short ways down the hall and glancing back before she entered, shutting the door lightly behind herself. Sashien, in turn, simply grunted back; "Yeah, sure!" Sensensiel, blushing slightly, nodded and moved to head in after the sphinx, but paused when Tamonten moved to hand her something.

"Hrm? I can probably see to her, but I guess something in case of emergencies might help," she said as Tamonten rummaged around in her bag, searching for and quickly the massive sack filled with catnip. Sensensiel took the two potions without a single suspicion, and then looked surprised as Tamonten pulled her into the hug, completely oblivious to the catnip that the swordswoman was planting on her. "Uhhhh.... A.. Alright then..." the angel stuttered in obvious confusion, but then she took her leave of the swordswoman and entered into the room that Sashien had carried the alraune into.

Tamonten, as she dealt with Evan, was able to listen in on the results of her mischief through the door. "Hrm? Sashien? Are you alright?" she heard Sensensiel say, her voice and the cry of surprise that followed both muffled by the intervening materials, followed by a startled exclamation from the angel; "W....Wait! What are you doing? Stop! Whyyyyyyyyy!!!" The angel's complaints continued in a more muffled form, alongside a series of whines and gasps that started turning into very light about a minute after the noises had begun. "S... Stop! No! I don't.... Ahhhh! Sashien!"

Whatever reaction the swordswoman might have to those events, she was to deal with Evan next, who let out a wordless groaning noise as she told him to wait where he was. The maid, who had been leaning against the wall, straightened and offered the swordswoman a friendly smile. She was fairly tall, standing a good bit taller than Tamonten when she was fully upright, though not nearly approaching Nellic or Pano levels of height. Black horns spiraled out from her temples to end in sharp points, and a similarly colored tail that ended in a spaded tip was coiled around her waist, but other than that and her bright pink hair she looked relatively human. An exceptionally attractive human, mind, but still human. "Mmm? The mutant, yes?" she said when Tamonten had told her what Elawdrin's son required. Her use of the word hadn't carried any spite or distaste, however, and she nodded with a smile and said; "Of course I can assist him! Lady Xeon sent me to see to whatever needs you might have, but if you need something while I'm busy with him, some of my coworkers are working just around the corner."

The woman walked past Tamonten towards Evan, but as she brushed past the swordswoman's sense for the unnatural kicked in reflexively, and she felt the maid's power as she walked by. It was a very different flavor, but the immediate comparison that Tamonten had for the demonic servant was Elawdrin, the woman's metaphysical power on the same level as that of the fallen angel that she had just killed. She lacked the aura of cruelty and corruption that the dark angel had exuded, however, and while she was extraordinarily powerful and thus at least mildly frightening on an instinctual level, that lack of a malignant nature despite being a demon was comforting enough to ease the pressure created by her mere proximity.

It was unclear as she approached Evan whether the freakish man could sense the same. He looked to Tamonten as the swordswoman issued her comforting words, and after a hesitant moment he replied; "Nnnn.... Ohhh... Kkkay.... Hhhcccchhhhkkkk... But.... Will I see you again... Later? Hhhhhnnnn." Once Tamonten had answered the mutant's question, whichever way she chose to, the maid said; "Don't worry, you won't have anything to fear from me! Or anyone on the maid staff, for that matter. You're honestly not even the worst mess I've had to clean up today, so you won't need to endure any teasing from me. What's your name?" Evan, very hesitantly, replied; "Ehhh..... Evannnn...." Smiling reasuringly, the maid continued; "Alrighty Evan, come along with me and we'll get you all freshened up!" The demoness led Evan away, pausing briefly to turn toward Tamonten as she walked away in order to say; "My name is Talia! If you need to find him, just ask my associates where I've gone, they should be able to tell you where I've taken him."

A minute or so after the maid took Evan away, Sashien opened her door and slipped out, blocking Tamonten's view into the room so that she couldn't see what lay within. The sphinx's eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was an odd sway to her steps that caused the softer portions of her body to move in very distracting ways. The chocolate colored tips of her breasts were hard, and her hairless petals were glistening. "Hello~" she purred, and contrary to the swordswoman's expectations, the sphinx let out a soft giggle at Tamonten's quickly blurted request. Her tongue coiled out and licked her upper lip, and she slipped a tiny bit closer as she said; "Sure! I'll suck on my summoner~" Giggling again, she added; "So long as I get something in more than my mouth at one point or another, I'm happy!"

Pondering for a moment, the sphinx seemed to clear her head for a moment before continuing; "I wouldn't be too worried about the little fox. She spoke very highly of you. If you want to bring in some other parties though, I can think of a few! All you'd have to do to get Grenewald in is offer to fuck her after... Or during. I think as long as you give her a chance at making you knock her up, she'd be in. The maid staff would probably be quite happy to help you with that too, I'm sure, since as far as I can tell all of them are succubi. I can get little Sensensiel in if you like, and I'm told that you know of a certain sidhe priestess who wouldn't mind sharing in the fun either, though you'd have to ask Krig to summon her..... Though, speaking of Sensensiel, that was a very cruel trick you played~" The sphinx stepped fully into Tamonten's personal space, pressing her heavy bosom against the pale warrior's considerably smaller one, and added in a whisper; "I hope you understand that I'll have to see you... Punished.... For making me do that to Sensensiel." She let that hang in the air for a moment before pulling back, a broad grin on her face as she awaited what response the swordswoman might like to make.
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

The pale girl had an idea of where Nellic was coming from when he suggested that he wanted to return with them, as she had to admit that she wasn't entirely certain she trusted Varthic to treat the guards in a manner appropriate for those who had surrendered. The only reason she held her tongue was out of respect for the fact that he had saved her, he hadn't killed the first that she had managed to convince to give up, and remembering how he had reacted to his child. "Don't worry, we won't wait up," she ended up adding to the conversation with a grin, and left her contribution to that.

The rest went well enough that it required relatively little further contribution from her. She had to admit that she wasn't expecting that reaction in regards to the catnip she had planted on Sensensiel, but given that the angel wasn't explicitly calling for help, at least not yet... she supposed it was best to leave those two alone. The knowledge of the maid staff's level of power was slightly alarming, but it didn't make much of a difference as the swordswoman was well aware that their group probably wouldn't even have been able to fight their way out of the knights if the Lady of Acheron wanted to keep them. She just had to hope that their host was as kind as the people who served her seemed to be, and so she proceeded as planned. "Of course, Evan," she replied after the mutant son of Elawdrin asked his question. "If not tonight, then definitely tomorrow." And once that was taken care of, she simply nodded her understanding to the demoness as the woman went to carry out her new order of business.

Their departure ended up leaving her alone with an apparently aroused sphinx a minute later. Tamonten was initially a bit alarmed at how willingly Sashien went along with her proposal. Still, she listened to the woman's suggestions for a third with a clear head, ruling out every option for one reason or another except for Sensensiel in the process, at least up until the other woman pressed her chest into the pale girl's own. It was impossible not to be aroused and initially flustered by having a naked woman pressed against her, especially one that felt so pleasant to the touch, and the evidence of the sphinx's arousal against her skin only amplified that. But when the dusky, goddess-like figure made her promise of a punishment and then stepped back with a grin, Tamonten returned that grin for another reason entirely, and in a blur of motion she practically lunged at Sashien.

The swordswoman's actions weren't violent, though they were certainly commanding in nature. Her left hand immediately grabbed for the sphinx's shoulder while her pale hand went for the woman's already-dripping crotch, and her upper body pressed against Sashien's. Once she made contact, she pushed against the other woman, making every effort to pin the sphinx's back against a wall with her blackened appendage and her body while two of the fingers of her right hand deftly slipped into the other woman's pussy and frantically began to search for Sashien's g-spot. In truth, Tamonten expected that with the amount of muscle she could feel behind the curves of the sphinx that if the other woman really wanted to she could probably easily break away from the meager amount of control the pale girl had over her in their little mock-grapple, but the possessed girl was banking on the sphinx being both surprised and willing enough to go along with it.

"I think you're projecting," she stated with fake innocence and a wry grin in a voice low enough that only people directly listening for noise in the hallway would hear it. If the sphinx made any particularly loud noises in reaction to her molestation then Tamonten would quickly cover her mouth with her blackened hand. The swordswoman waited to continue speaking until she found the spot she was looking for on Sashien's inner walls and began to vigorously attack it by rubbing across it with her fingers. "All I did was give her a friendly parting hug after accidentally getting a bit of catnip on my hands. How was I to know that you'd be such a beast and do such unmentionable things to innocent Sensensiel? Anyway, believe it or not I'm trying to stay loyal to Krig, so if you want to give me my rightful punishment then you'll just have to take it up with her first, in which case I'd be unable to resist~" The irony that she was mentioning her attempt at loyalty as she was nearly knuckle-deep in another woman's sex wasn't lost on Tamonten, at least.

Indeed, the entire time she was talking, the pale swordswoman was simultaneously trying to cause the sphinx to cum right there in the hallway. It was hardly her most artful performance, and to any bystander it probably would've looked like she was sexually assaulting Sashien, but for some reason none of that really mattered to the mostly-human warrior. "That's why I can't really ask Grenewald," she continued both vocally and physically. "Asking Krig to summon Jasmine would ruin the intended surprise and have other worrying consequences. If the maids are succubi then that's probably a bad idea too, I've got something of a condition and was warned against consorting with succubi. If you would ask Sensensiel, and she's still willing after whatever you two did, I would certainly be willing to accept her help," she concluded. Once she had made her choice, she intensified her efforts to make the bronzed beauty squirt all over the floor, firmly holding Sashien all the while.

And if the sphinx allowed Tamonten to remain in control for long enough, she would persist until the woman was convulsing around her fingers in clear orgasm, and continue even longer in order to draw it out. Not her finest or most creative work, but again she didn't want to sate the sphinx's lust just yet and the possessed girl wanted to save the real fun for Kringlicsly.

Once Sashien had rode out her climax in the hallway, the swordswoman would let go of her step back just far enough to withdraw her fingers from the sphinx's abused cunny and press them against Sashien's lips in an attempt to get the tanned woman to suck her own juices off of them. "Come to our room in... let's say fifteen minutes with Sensensiel if she agrees and you're still interested and I promise to do my best to make sure that none of us are able to walk straight when we're done." After making that promise, the pale girl simply turned, leaving Sashien as she was in the hallway, and would move to the door that Krig had disappeared into earlier before opening it up and entering the room to find out just how comfortable her lover had made herself.
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Fine

Sashien received Tamonten's sudden lunge by grabbing her elbow and shoulder, and even as her back hit the wall it was obvious that she could have out-muscled Tamonten if she had any desire to. She very nearly did too, but when the pale swordswoman's fingers slipped into her drooling pussy the woman's resistance vanished in the face of a moan so loud that it was probably audible a long ways down the hall. Her head tilted back as her inner walls clamped around Tamonten's fingers so strongly that she could barely move them, but her wild squirming quickly found the hypersensitive rough patch along her inner walls, and a single rub would confirm that she'd found her target when it caused Sashien to let out a second lewd scream from her mouth and a small squirt of her love honey from her sex. Though both noises that she made were loud, Tamonten would be able to leave them mostly muted to anyone other than herself by clamping her blackened hand over the sphinx's mouth, and nobody peeked their head out to investigate after that little noise Sashien had managed to get out before Tamonten had done so.

The sheer strength of Sashien's body was more or less exactly what Tamonten had been expecting, but with the pale swordswoman's finger buried inside of her it was clear that Sashien either didn't want to or couldn't find the strength to break away. Whichever the case, Sashien did little more than clutch at Tamonten, a hand on her blackened shoulder and the other on the pale girl's hip as her wings wrapped around Tamonten's back, making no comment while the warrior simultaneously pumped her fingers into the bronzed beauty and offered reply to the sphinx's advice. It was hard to tell whether or not the sphinx was even listening to her assorted explanations, as it could certainly be said that the rapid pumping of her fingers was having a powerful affect on the winged woman. Her pussy was quivering and contracting in ways that would undoubtedly have felt wonderful around one of the swordswoman's summoned cocks, and a veritable river of her girlcum was flowing over Tamonten's fingers and down her own thighs as it leaked out of her abused pussy. By the time she explained why inviting Greneweld would be out of the question, Sashien's entire body was literally shaking with pleasure, and her widened eyes had closed as if she were trying to concentrate solely on the pleasure coursing through her.

Whether she heard Tamonten's words or not, the sphinx made no secret of her appreciation of Tamonten's attentions, and once the swordswoman had said what she wanted and intensified her already rapid pace the sphinx let out a (muffled) squeal of delight and started to quake. Her motions were so strong that the tensing and relaxing of her muscles caused the wall to vibrate slightly, loose chips of dust and mortar falling down around them, and the grip on her fingers became so strong that it was very nearly painful. It barely took another thirty seconds before her goal was reached in full, as Sashien opened her eyes as a more powerful thrum of tension caused her to freeze, and Tamonten was treated to the sight of the sphinx's eyes rolling up into the back of her head just before a lewd wail sounded loud enough to be heard a good ways down the hall even after her blackened hand muffled it. Sashien squirted so hard as she came that it nearly pushed Tamonten's fingers from her depths, and it was quite successful in producing a pool of her sweet juices between her shuddering legs.

Prolonging the shapeshifter's ecstasy for as long as she could, which proved to be well over a minute, Tamonten left the sphinx as little more than a shuddering mess by the time she'd come down from her peak, her legs obviously barely able to support her as she put the majority of her weight against Tamonten and the wall that she'd been pushed against. As such, she sunk down an inch or two before catching herself when Tamonten released her, and after gasping for a moment wrapped her lips around the tips of Tamonten's fingers. Her eyes opened lazily, a lustful grin spread across her inhuman features, and bobbed down slowly while her fingers licked clean every drop of her juices that had clung to her digits, and when her fingers appeared as the sphinx pulled away they were shining with saliva rather than Sashien's love juices.

"Okay," Sashien said, the only word she bothered to speak to the swordswoman before she turned and headed off, leaving her standing against the wall with a dreamy look on her face while the swordswoman headed over to the door into which Krig had vanished a few moments before her molestations had taken place.

Entering the small bedroom, so similar to the one she had seen her comrades enter, Tamonten found a sight that she likely hadn't been expecting but undoubtedly welcomed anyway. Krig's robe was folded on the floor beside the bed, as were a bra, a pair of panties, and a pair of socks. Her boots and her pack were laid against the wall in more or less the same spot, and the kitsune herself was kneeling on the bed with her hands folded in her lap, a soft blush on her face as she watched the door. She perked up as it opened and Tamonten stepped inside, her tail starting to flit back and forth and her chin rising as she met the swordswoman's gaze. "Uhhh..... Hi!" She said, her voice more than a little awkward and sounding as if she'd planned on saying something else entirely. "I, ahhh..." Krig continued, but then trailed off and blushed all the harder.

"I didn't... Really know... What to do," Krig finished lamely after another pause, but despite her embarrassment met Tamonten's gaze evenly. The tips of her breasts were stiff, whether from the cold or from arousal not being entirely clear, and her unruly hair had been combed just enough to keep it out of her eyes, the pony tail into which it was drawn having been retied fairly recently by all appearances.
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

The swordswoman smirked at the attention the sphinx paid to her fingers. Between that and how Sashien's folds had convulsed around her digits, Tamonten couldn't help but imagine how easy it might be to shift her own pants down, grab the shapeshifter by the ass, hoist her into the air, and then take her own pleasure from Sashien before going to Kringlicsly.... And then it became clear that Tamonten really needed to stop taking advantage of these situations, especially if she was going to keep getting away with it. It was becoming more and more difficult to say how her desires and impulses might escalate with each one she gave into, and she had to admit that she enjoyed the sense of command and power a little too much she felt when she did such things. Best to cut herself off then and avoid heartache.

Although despite that she was telling herself to ignore her desires, Tamonten found that it took an incredible amount of effort to not caress the sphinx's rear or thigh one last time before she took her leave, and even more to not at least making a lewd parting remark about Sashien's dreamy look. In the end she did find that inner strength, but perhaps her efforts to repress her lusts was why she felt so... carnivorous when she walked into the room Kringlicsly had picked and found the foxgirl naked.

Normally the pale swordswoman would have certainly felt as awkward as Krig seemed to feel, but as her nude lover verbally stumbled in her efforts to greet Tamonten and explain why she had removed her clothes it only made the possessed girl feel that much more bold. The swordswoman made a show of slowly running her tongue across her upper lip as she surveyed the spirit wielder, and only once she was done with that did she begin to vocally reply. "Well," she started as she began to drop her belongings against the wall beside the door. "I can't say I don't appreciate your enthusiasm." Once her haul from Elawdrin's dungeon was safely on the floor and out of the way, she removed everything remaining on her person, armor and greatsword included, except for the clothes that she had borrowed from the unconscious guard earlier. "But I have to admit..." Tamonten trailed off in order to approach the bed, and once she reached it she settled onto it on her hands and knees in order to crawl across it and toward Kringlicsly on all fours. "I was fantasizing about tearing that robe off of you and pushing you onto the bed," she finished her lingering sentence once she was face to face with the foxgirl, and then simply stared into her lover's eyes for a few moments in an awkward pause of her own. There was some doubt in her about her own plan to reward the foxgirl in those brief seconds, but she managed to dismiss the uncertainty in as much time as it had taken to bloom. The pale girl was determined to make the night memorable for her lover, and she could think of no better plan than the one she had already put into motion.

"I think I can still make it work though," she broke the silence with no more warning than a twinkle in her emerald eyes before lunging forward to kiss the kitsune. In their latest kiss Tamonten held nothing back. She made every effort to dominate Kringlicsly's tongue in a display of passion and the experience she had gained over the last week, even from that more unfortunate source in the form of the fallen angel. The swordswoman did not waste any time in pushing her plan forward however, as she truly didn't have much before Sashien arrived, and even as she greedily indulged in the sensations of her lover's mouth, she began attempting to guide the spirit wielder to the edge of the bed with only brief pauses from locking lips with the other woman in order to make sure that they didn't both end up losing their balance and falling over. It certainly took a great deal longer due to the added difficulty of balancing moving and kissing, but Tamonten felt it was a worthwhile delay.

Once the two had made it to the edge of the mattress, Tamonten broke the kiss for the time being in order to get off of the bed and then guided Kringlicsly to sit on the edge with her feet on the floor. With the foxgirl in position, the possessed girl looked at her lover more closely for a few moments. Even with her hair unruly and bearing the evidence of three days of travel, and the rest of her in similar shape because of what she had gone through in her efforts to rescue Tamonten, it was impossible for the swordswoman to be anything but enthralled by the sight of her lover. That thought caused her to suddenly, and still breathlessly due to the kiss, announce; "Gods, you're beautiful."

After her unplanned comment, the pale girl began to sink to her knees, delaying only long enough to touch and tease her way along Krig's body as she went. Similar to their time together in the bed of flowers, the swordswoman began to suckle at Krig's neck and slowly trailed her way down her lover's shoulder, and then down her chest. Unlike that experience, however, the pale girl only left a trail of light kisses down the center of Kringlicsly's ample breasts, finding it almost painful that she had to ignore her partner's soft orbs due to the timer she was working on, and was quickly trailing down the woman's tummy, past her belly button, and onto her legs. As her mouth reached the foxgirl's legs, Tamonten attempted to gently pull them apart enough to reveal her lover's sex, and once she had managed to do as much she quickly kissed her way up the spirit wielder's inner thigh and towards her womanhood.

Her target was an obvious one in the form of Krig's clit, and once she had reached her lover's pussy she began to lick and tease her in an effort to expose the foxgirl's sensitive jewel. Tamonten's hands, in the meantime, simply rested on the spirit wielder's knees in order to keep the other woman's legs spread. While she did her best to make the experience a pleasurable one, her goal wasn't Kringlicsly's pleasure -- not yet, at least -- and when she had teased the purple-haired girl enough to coax her nub out and into the open, she began to focus on it. Like with Sashien, it wasn't the pale warrior's most creative effort in pleasuring a partner, and she quickly settled into a rhythm of lapping her tongue across the delicate little button.

But that only lasted for a few minutes before Tamonten put the first part of her true plan for the evening into effect. She sealed her lips around Kringlicsly's clit and began to gently suckle on it. Only seconds after she had changed her tactic the possessed girl's spirit began to stir in a manner more noticeable than anything she had felt outside of the few times she had called upon the power of the demon in her arm, and it seemed to swirl indistinguishably with her own feelings of desire. Had she not been so focused on her partner, Tamonten might have had a few questions about why it had become so much easier to control those few magics that seemed to come so instinctively to her. For the time being however, she was concerned solely with ensuring that Kringlicsly had a nice, fat cock for the night to come.

And her spirit was apparently happy to oblige, as the clit in her mouth began to engorge and lengthen inch by widening inch. It pushed her jaw open further as it grew and pushed against her tongue even as she returned the favor. Before long, Tamonten had to pull back in order to avoid gagging on her lover's temporary cock as it finished growing, and when she did so she pulled off of the shaft with a small, audible pop that left the kitsune's summoned manhood to wobble a few times in the open air. She took a few moments to survey her efforts and discovered that the kitsune's cock must have been at least as big as the satyr's on the day she had arrived in Artmirst, but the swordswoman didn't allow Krig to go even a second without stimulation before her pale hand moved to idly stroke at the rod. Once she was finished appreciating her spirit's work, she looked up at the spirit wielder with eyes full of mischief from her position kneeling between the kitsune's legs. "Tell me something, Krig, do you trust me?"

Assuming the foxgirl answered in the affirmative, the swordswoman would rise with a smile and then turn and pad over to the various bags full of items she had pulled from Elawdrin's prison. Along the way she removed her shirt behind an improvised privacy screen provided by her wings, slowly slipping it free of her body and tossing it over the bat-like appendages and toward the bed. She made a mental note to visit one of Xeon's tailors and purchase something a little more suited to a strip tease once her shirt was removed, but the simplicity of the clothes she was wearing still didn't stop her from at least trying to add some allure to her effort to join her lover in being naked. She turned her side to the spirit wielder next, and she maneuvered her wings to hide everything above her thighs from her lover. The swordswoman removed her pants, carefully continuing to keep everything but her bared legs out of sight as she allowed them to drop to the ground, before picking them up and tossing them toward the bed to join her discarded shirt.

Once she was fully naked, she continued to hide her back, which she kept to the foxgirl, behind her wings as she approached her original destination: the bag full of bondage equipment she had taken from the fallen angel's stash, from which she pulled a blindfold, simple wrist restraints, a ball gag, and something resembling earplugs. She hid the items more carefully than she hid her own body as she returned to Kringlicsly, during which she pulled her wings over herself only far enough to cover her nipples and sides and nothing in-between them. The possessed swordswoman allowed her wings to fall completely away from her nude form when she reached her lover, and discretely set the ball gag, blindfold, and earplugs on the bed but kept the restraints in hand as she did so. She quickly but gently grasped the kitsune's wrists and guided them behind the woman's back, and would soon bind them there if given the chance. Once that was done she would pull back, grab the blindfold, and raise it so that Krig could see it and protest if she was going to do as much, but if the spirit wielder didn't vocally decline then she would be adorned with that as well.

And once her lover was blindfolded and restrained, the swordswoman guided the kitsune to lie on her back before dropping back into her kneeling position between her lover's legs, leaving a few kisses down Kringlicsly's abdomen in a trail down to her crotch in her descent. "Do you still trust me?" For the few moments she waited for an answer, Tamonten allowed her breath to be the only sensation on her lover's flesh. When she had her answer, the swordswoman would wrap her fingers around the other woman's shaft and begin to swirl her tongue around the head. But she quickly progressed from her latest bout of teasing with the knowledge that she'd surely already used at least half, if not more, of the time until Sashien arrived, and wrapped her lips around her partner's manhood in a tight seal.

Before long she was steadily bobbing her head up and down the upper half of Krig's meaty cock, and her pale hand was pumping the lower half to ensure that no part of her lover's conjured manhood went untouched. The swordswoman varied her ministrations by occasionally pulling off to the tip, focusing on running her tongue against that same spot that Jasmine had teased her with so many days prior, and allowing her hand to stimulate the rest of her partner's sensitive organ, but she still had no intentions of teasing the foxgirl. Tamonten's every motion and action was with the intent of taking Kringlicsly to her peak, and with each time she returned to eagerly suckling at her lover's cock she took the throbbing shaft deeper and deeper. Once she had gotten near the base with her lips, the swordswoman allowed her hand to fall away and instead focused on plumbing Kringlicsly's more natural depths with her pale appendage, thrusting two fingers into the foxgirl's womanhood and searching her inner walls for the same sensitive spot she had found in the sphinx while still rapidly bobbing along the woman's cock all in the effort to bring Krig to the precipice of an orgasm. But that was as far as she intended on taking her, at least for the time being.

And once Kringlicsly was on the very edge of her climax, Tamonten pulled off of her shaft and withdrew her fingers, leaving the spirit wielder's pussy empty and her saliva-slicked manhood twitching helplessly in the cool air of the bedroom. "You probably shouldn't have trusted me in this case," she suddenly announced in a lusty tone before moving her pale fingers to trace figure-eights across the spirit wielder's abdomen. "Because to tell the truth, you look delicious to me like this," she continued, quite pleased with the sight of the foxgirl bound and helpless to do anything more than jerk her hips into the sky if she wanted some sort of relief for the orgasm she had been denied. Tamonten gave the underside of her lover's shaft a small lick for emphasis. "Come to think of it, this is probably the first time you've ever felt someone sucking on you like that, isn't it? I bet it felt really nice." The swordswoman was pleased with the thought and it was easily audible in her tone.

The pale finger teasing at Krig's tummy trailed its way down to her lower lips, where it softly pressed between the foxgirl's labia as if it might penetrate but never did actually did so. "Would you have grabbed my head and forced me to let you cum if your wrists weren't bound? Or maybe you would've forced me onto the bed and pounded me?" Tamonten paused in order to leave a few kisses on Krig's mound and one on her conjured manhood, then drew her finger up to stroke the spirit wielder's cock idly. "I wonder how long I can tease before my little fox begs me to let her cum? I think this is as good a time as any to find out." After that comment, she continued to mercilessly tease her lover. Her fingers ran teasing patterns around Krig's cock and pussy, her mouth did much the same, and at times she let her breath be the only sensation that Krig felt. When she did directly lick or touch or suckle on her partner, she was careful to stimulate the other woman only enough to bring her back to the very edge of her climax and never enough to send her over that line and give her the relief of her orgasm.

And regardless of how Kringlicsly might respond or end up begging, the swordswoman continued until Sashien announced her arrival, whether by knocking or by simply entering. When the sphinx arrived, regardless of whether or not the angel was in tow, Tamonten would announce for them to come in, and then after they were inside and her bound lover was in full view of them she would proceed to wrap her hand around the spirit wielder's cock and begin to eagerly pump her sensitive organ until the pent-up foxgirl erupted like a volcano. She continued to milk her partner like that until she had coaxed every last rope of seed out of the woman. "Would you like to help me clean up this little mess? I'll explain what you're doing here afterward." The question was conversational in tone and directed toward both Sashien and Sensensiel, but regardless of how they answered she would spend the next few moments licking Kringlicsly and her own hand clean of her lover's salty release.

Once the foxgirl was properly 'clean', the swordswoman would stand up and begin to explain exactly what she had in mind. "So, I'm sure that you're wondering why there are other people in the room with us, Krig. The answer is pretty straightforward. Given how heroic you were today, I asked a few lovely volunteers to help me make this night... more memorable for you, and for the next few hours we'll all be doing our best to make you cum your brains out. Simple as that!" Tamonten's ensuing smile was probably the most evident thing in her tone to the blindfolded spirit wielder, but when she continued that tone changed to one of of seduction and promise. "But... I also thought it might be fun to play a little game while we're all here. If you're interested, we're going to each take turns sucking on you while you're still blindfolded and if, after we're all done, you can tell which mouth was mine, then you'll win. Fairly simple as well, right?"

"The real fun is in the prize," she added before crawling onto the bed beside Krig and allowing her finger to idly play across the foxgirl's upper body. "You see," she began to whisper into her lover's ear as she continued, albeit not lowly enough that Sensensiel and Sashien wouldn't be able to hear her, "it hasn't escaped my notice what an eager and lustful little fox you've been today nor how nervous you've been about Grenewald's advances toward me, and that made me think of something that might alleviate both of those issues. If you succeed at our little game, then I'm all yours for the next twenty-four hours. Any fantasies you want to fulfill, anything you want to do to me, anything you want me to do to you, you'll need only say it and I'll answer 'yes, mistress.' If you want me to parade around in something skimpy, or maybe even nothing at all, for your viewing pleasure then you can command it and I'll answer 'yes, mistress.' If you want to snap a collar around my neck and show Grenewald that I belong to you and nobody else then you need only do it and I'll understand... mistress."

She let that whisper hang in the air for a few moments before extricating herself from the bed and returning to her feet. "But if you fail to make the correct selection, then you'll be all mine for a day instead, and I will use the opportunity to the fullest. So with that in mind, would you like to play, Krig?"
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Fine

Tamonten’s response to her state upon the swordswoman’s entrance to their room seemed to give Krig a bit of confidence, her nervousness fading slightly as Tamonten put aside her assorted winnings from Elawdrin’s lair and responded verbally to the kitsune’s stuttered words. Some of that nervousness returned after Tamonten’s second sentence, what she might admit clearly weighed heavily on the foxgirl’s self esteem, at least where her efforts at being seductive were concerned, but once Tamonten arrived at the bed and clarified her reasoning as she made her suggestive crawl Krig quickly brightened. “Oh… Well… I guess I deprived you of a bit of a treat then, didn’t I?” Krig supplied mischievously during Tamonten’s brief pause, the hints of her nervousness vanishing to be replaced by her amateurish efforts to be seductive more and more with every word.

Her lover had opened her mouth again following Tamonten’s proclamation that she could make it work, intending to make some quip in response, but before she could utter a syllable the swordswoman had silenced her with a kiss into which she all too eagerly melted. Impassioned as her efforts to return the kiss were, Krig was simply too inexperienced to stop Tamonten from dominating her after she'd had so much recent experience with far more talented tongues, though in truth she didn’t seem to mind that in the slightest. Her tongue squirmed against Tamonten’s clumsily but with plenty of energy even as the swordswoman slowly guided her kitsune lover to the edge of the bed, a path that didn’t take particularly long for the malleable foxgirl to travel under Tamonten’s influence, making soft gasps and tiny moans and coos all the while.

A low whine escaped her as Tamonten broke the kiss and seemingly stepped away, but when her plans became clear Krig simply acquiesced without question, shifting to a sitting position and swinging her shapely legs off of the bed so that her feet rested on the floor. The moment in which she chose to pause and admire her lover found her gazing upon a very eager but still slightly nervous Kringlicsly, her body bruised and dirty and tired but still soft and appealing, her purple and red hair unruly and mussed but pushed out of the way of her shining multicolored eyes. The kitsune’s legs were spread slightly, revealing the subtle gleam of her arousal as it coated her womanhood, suggesting that it would take very little to get her going. Her soft and fluffy tail was visible swishing back and forth in a slow figure-eight pattern, disappearing often behind her back only to appear again for an equally brief span of about a second. Her chest, so modest in comparison to the likes of Sashien and Elawdrin and Jasmine, and even many of the demons they’d passed on the way in here, was rising and falling with the steady rhythm of her quickened breaths, the tips of her soft orbs hardened into tiny pink points. Krig’s face was flushed, a rosy pink present on her dimpled cheeks as she smiled nervously and softly chewed on her lower lip, her eyes widened as she looked back at Tamonten and seemingly found her no less enthralling.

The swordswoman’s sudden proclamation brought a broader smile to Krig’s face, the kitsune very nearly looking bashful at the compliment, but she could conjure nothing to say before Tamonten approached her again and started trailing down her front. The kitsune’s back would arch as Tamonten approached her bust, pushing her chest out slightly and emphasizing the tempting orbs, and as she passed them by Krig let out a soft sigh of mixed disappointment and arousal. A giggle shortly followed as Tamonten kissed her way down the kitsune’s taut stomach, the muscles present there entering into light spasms as she kissed her way down. Krig’s legs had already been partially divided, but as Tamonten trailed down towards her target they parted wider, and Krig slowly leaned back to give the swordswoman access as an expectant look came over her face, a look that only grew more intense as Tamonten kissed her away along the kitsune’s inner thigh.

The first attentions to her flower produced what sounded like a startled gasp from the kitsune, but then she settled into a rhythm of eager sighs as the swordswoman lapped away at her petals, getting an estimate of just how aroused Krig really was as her tongue and lips were bathed in her lover’s honey. Though it wasn’t necessarily her goal at the time, Tamonten’s simplistic efforts were obviously pleasurable enough to get Krig going, as she went from merely aroused from anticipation to a state beyond it fairly quickly. Her efforts to draw out the fox-girl’s sensitive nub proved fruitful in very short order, and when she started lapping at the fleshy pleasure jewel Krig quaked and let out a gasping moan. A leg rose slowly to wrap around the back of Tamonten’s neck, pulling her closer as her lover’s body began to quiver with pleasure. Krig began to moan in earnest as her pleasure center was attacked, and by the time Tamonten called upon her magic to give her the organ necessary for the rest of her plans the kitsune was moaning loudly under even the gentle suckling which she used as a preamble.

Her eyes had closed and her head had tilted back at one point or another, but as she felt her cock slowly sprouting into Tamonten’s mouth she looked back down in mixed surprise and lust. Soon enough Tamonten had something long and hard in her mouth, its tip already dripping precum as it slowly pushed into her throat. The kitsune was panting, and her cock was throbbing steadily by the time Tamonten popped off of her newly grown manhood, and the stroking that quickly had a tension building in her that was a clear enough sign that too much more would bring her lover to her peak. Her nearness to her orgasm caused Krig to delay in answering Tamonten’s question, giving her an opportunity to give Krig a preamble of what she intended to do to her before the others arrived if she wished, or to stroke her to an early orgasm if she liked. “Y…Yes! I trust you!” she said, obviously hoping that saying as much would prompt Tamonten to finish her off.

Such was not to be, however, and Krig began to pant heavily as Tamonten turned and walked away, though she would shortly begin to watch alluringly as the pale swordswoman teasingly stripped while hiding everything but her legs from her view. Hungry eyes tracked her every move, looking away for only brief moments when things were tossed in the general direction of the bed, the removal of even those simplistic garments alluring enough to have the horny kitsune obviously barely able to suppress the urge to rise from the bed and take the pale swordswoman against the wall right then and there. The shell of her wings was enough to keep Krig from seeing anything, however, and when Tamonten turned she had found that the kitsune had cooled down a tiny bit to the point that her cock didn’t look as if it was about to burst. Even so, when she finally turned to reveal some of the lithe figure that her lover had so lusted to see, Tamonten would see Krig gripping the edge of the bed tightly as her gaze roamed from her head down to her legs and then back, a pattern that occurred a second time when the demonic swordswoman’s wings finally came away to reveal her nudity in full.

I want you so bad…” she whispered harshly, her voice heavy with lust and nothing like that soft coo that might have come from someone more skilled in the arts of seduction. She tried to kiss Tamonten when she leaned down to pull her wrists behind her back, settling for any portion she could get if the swordswoman’s lips never came close enough, and she offered no resistance to the move. She hesitated for a moment when bound with the deceptively strong cloth restraints, freezing up and remaining so when Tamonten presented her with the blindfold before nodding in acquiescence. “What are you going to do?” she asked as she was blindfolded and then pushed down to lay upon her back, her tail swishing across the bed before being left to wrap partially around her belly, allowing some of the fluffy hair to tickle Tamonten’s cheek as she made another descent down the kitsune’s body. When her question about trust was repeated, Krig didn’t hesitate to reply; “Yes… I trust you.

Her eagerness was obvious in her tone, and as Tamonten took the first few inches of the kitsune’s summoned manhood into her mouth while stroking the bottom half in her pale hand, she felt Krig’s closeness to orgasm. She was already prepared to pop at the slightest provocation, and the deeper the swordswoman took her lover’s manhood into the warm confines of her mouth the closer Krig got to finding that glorious peak, and the more gooey precum the swordswoman was rewarded with as it leaked in a seemingly constant stream from the tip of Krig’s cock. She had a fairly muted taste, less salty and pungent than that of the satyr that Tamonten had met upon arriving in Artmirst, but lacking in the sweetness that Petunia had seemed to constantly leak. Regardless of her opinion of the kitsune’s taste, by the time Tamonten had moved her hand from Krig's cock to her pussy, and started deepthroating the summoned appendage while simultaneously pumping her fingers into Krig’s womanhood, the purple haired foxgirl was shuddering and throbbing and leaking from both her pussy and her cock, obviously ready to cum at any moment.

When Tamonten discovered Krig’s g-spot the kitsune let out a howl of pleasure and seemed about to burst, the first tiny spurt of cum that preceded her orgasm even squirting into Tamonten’s mouth, and then…. Tamonten stopped. A second small spurt of prerelease leaked down her shaft as it hung in the open air, dissolving gradually into the saliva that coated Kringlicsly’s member, and after a moment her lover’s inhaled breath was released in a low whine rather than an orgasmic scream. Her hips bucked and her body gyrated, but as no stimulation came she settled back and let out another wordless whine in the midst of Tamonten’s explanations. The pale warrior got another taste of Krig’s cum when she issued her lick, both from what had already been released and from another tiny spurt, but it was clear that Krig’s orgasm had been aborted before it could truly begin and that she was standing right on the precipice of erupting. “Nnnn! Yes! Please! More! Why… Ahhh… Did you stop?” she replied as Tamonten remarked that it had likely been her first time.

Lustful as she was, Krig offered no confirmation about what she might have done if she wasn’t bound and helpless, but the manner in which she pressed against the teasing finger when she mentioned flipping her over and pounding her into the bed may have been telling. Every kiss that she planted on the kitsune’s cock in the seconds that followed caused it to jump excitedly, and when she started to idly stroke Krig’s cock while delivering her teasing supposition Tamonten felt Krig’s cock throbbing powerfully with every pass of her fingers. Her question was answered seconds after she fell silent, as Krig loudly said; “Yes! Please! Please make me cum!

What followed was a long session of teasing in variable levels, Tamonten bringing Krig right to the edge, keeping her there, letting her begin to fall back down only to push her right back to the edge. No treatment that the swordswoman conjured seemed ineffective against the inexperienced kitsune, and the blindfolded and bound woman begged and pleased in increasingly incoherent and desperate ways the longer Tamonten kept her from the release that she was being denied. After keeping her there for something like twenty minutes, the door simply opened and Sashien walked in… Leading a very embarrassed looking Sensensiel by a leash tied around the angel’s neck. It was the only binding that Tamonten could see on her, but it was hardly the only thing of interest present on the angel. Bereft of her white robe and clad instead in nearly transparent black lingerie, the blue-haired angel was every bit her mother’s daughter where figure was concerned, as her sheepishness and more uptight carriage leaving the seductiveness she put off at a comparatively minimal level despite her very alluring garments. Her blue hair and golden eyes were a sharp contrast to the black and orange that her mother had possessed, however, and in no way did Sensensiel seem to possess the cruelty that Elawdrin had exuded.

Sorry we’re late…. This one was embarrassed by what she wore under her robes~” Sashien said apologetically, but then Krig’s voice dominated the room with a deep howl as Tamonten finally released her from the pleasure hell in which she’d been trapped. Stroked to completion at long last, Krig’s orgasmic cry had risen in tiers, going from another whine, to a gasp of hope, to a lustful moan as her back arched and her hips rose into the steady strokes, and finally to a shriek of pleasure and relief as her long denied orgasm finally started. The kitsune’s first true spurt shot over two feet into the air only to land on Tamonten’s face, right across her nose and one of her cheeks, while the second followed a moment later glued one of the swordswoman’s eyes shut as it formed a cross with the first. The rest went elsewhere unless she opted to deliberately point Krig’s cock so that it would continue landing on her, however, and after another two dozen thick ropes of semen the kitsune’s stomach, thighs, and crotch were all coated in ropes of thick, gooey cum.

We would love to!” the sphinx said brightly upon Tamonten’s request for them to help her clean up her newly created mess, and she and her leashed angel approached and dropped to their knees, Sensensiel only somewhat reluctantly. Basking in her afterglow and sighing dreamily, Krig was caught completely unawares when Sashien’s tongue – which Tamonten would notice was both incredibly long and almost disturbingly agile – lapped up a strand of cum that was dripping down her shaft towards her pussy. “Hello my summoner~” the sphinx cooed, and then Sensensiel glanced sheepishly at Tamonten as the swordswoman was undoubtedly cleaning her face and hand of the kitsune’s seed, before glancing back at Krig and then simply leaning forward and swallowing the kitsune’s cum-coated length. All at once.

Krig let out a surprised cry of pleasure as Sensensiel so casually took every inch of her shaft into her mouth, and the angel displayed no signs of discomfort as she allowed her lips to rest for several seconds around the base of Krig’s cock. “Oh by the gods!” Krig groaned, and Sashien giggled and remarked; “Talented are we? See, I told you you’d enjoy yourself! This is much more fun than lying around in that room with the comatose shrubbery!” Sensensiel blushed even more heavily than before, which was probably saying something considering how pink she’d turned as she took Krig’s length into her mouth, but after about half a minute of making Krig squirm she slowly pulled back to reveal that the kitsune’s member was as stiff as a board and perfectly clean of everything but Sensensiel’s saliva. Her actions had, of course, meant that the angel was bent over quite appealingly while she worked, giving Tamonten a prime opportunity to tease the angel if she wished, or perhaps to merely get her to comply with the room’s dress code of total nudity.

The next few moments passed relatively quickly as the three of them cleaned Krig of her own seed with their tongues, causing the kitsune to squirm with renewed arousal at the occasional teasing services paid to her shaft and pussy. Once she’d been thoroughly cleansed, however, Tamonten was able to begin explaining what the two had been called here for, to which all three of her prospective partners listened fairly intently. Her simple initial explanation regarding the presence of Sashien and Sensensiel had Krig smiling sheepishly in exactly the same manner as Sensensiel, a fact that caused Sashien to snicker for a moment. When she went on to explain the contest, however, the angel gulped audibly and Sashien giggled while Krig quickly frowned hesitantly. Her hesitance was no sign of her decision, however, as after a moment she slowly said; “Okay… I’ll… I’ll play.

Her response came forth in a quiet squeak, but after a moment she smiled and spoke again with greater confidence; “You’d better be ready for me to return the favor you just gave me if I guess right though… And I might make it last a couple of hours longer!” Following her agreement, Sensensiel would pull off her bra if Tamonten hadn’t already done it for her, and Sashien would say; “So? Who gets to go first? And how are we to speak without alerting her to who happens to be sucking on her at the time?” Her grin broadened, and her tone grew a might sultrier as the already lust-addled sphinx added; “And what do we do when one of us makes her cum? I want to taste it fresh next time!
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

The pale girl hadn't expected Kringlicsly to be quite so, well... horny. And while the reaction of Krig to her initial stint of lapping at the kitsune's sex certainly did a fair amount to swell Tamonten's sense of pride, along with her own level of arousal, she felt a little guilty at not making the foxgirl cum the first time she left the spirit wielder's side to retrieve those bondage implements. Krig's reactions afterward affected her even more so, and by the time she returned to the bed she was blushing in more than one place and her lower lips were glistening with her own arousal at just what an effect she had on the other woman.

She ached for her lover and, after that brief kiss when she moved to bind Kringlicsly, it was terribly difficult not to simply straddle the kitsune and ride her to completion while she waited for their guests. In the end though, and perhaps to Krig's misfortune, Tamonten managed to stay the course, offering only a short comment after the spirit wielder's reaffirmation that she trusted the pale swordswoman. "Then I'm going to teach you what it feels like to be on the receiving end of someone sucking your cock." She giggled, quite happy with the brevity and directness of her explanation.

Tamonten continued from there as she had planned, denying Kringlicsly her full release and eventually locking her into a pleasure hell. Just how much begging and pleading she was doing would end up causing Tamonten some guilt in itself, and mixed with her own arousal it was even more difficult not to give her the relief of allowing her to cum. The only reason she ended up not doing that was because, if she were to be truthful, the sight of her lover helpless and begging excited Tamonten, and, strangely, inspired just a bit of envy in her. That excitement gave her the strength to continue until Sashien and Sensensiel arrived.

And when they finally arrived, it was almost time for Krig to be allowed her release, but not for a few more moments. "I can't see why," Tamonten would reply almost conversationally after taking a long look at the two who had shown up. In truth, her words less for conversation and more intended to tease her lover both by informing her of the presence of others in the room watching her predicament and by frustrating her hopes to be allowed to orgasm for just a little bit longer. That didn't stop her from offering a predatory look at the blue-haired angel and thanking her own luck for how supernaturally beautiful and willing to show it off most of the women she had met in the last week had been. "I think the look suits her very well, especially the leash. If you'd like a more proper collar though, you might search that bag for one," she nodded her head toward the bag of goods she had looted from Elawdrin's collection of bondage equipment.

It was after her last comment and without warning that she began the process of stroking Kringlicsly to completion, taking great satisfaction in making the foxgirl howl in pleasure in the process. The only extra effort she made in aiming Krig's cock came in the form of tilting it just slightly away from herself, as she had long decided on offering the other two a chance to clean up her lover's cum from the purple-haired woman's body with her by then. After she had made that offer and Sashien and Sensensiel so enthusiastically moved to clean her lover while she was still getting Krig's thick release off of her hand and face, Tamonten wasn't sure if she was more envious of her lover being the object of their oral attentions or that it wasn't her sucking Kringlicsly's cock clean. She supposed she might have been equally jealous of both.

Either way, she made her move to join in on the cleaning, starting at Krig's groin along with Sensensiel and Sashien. She felt vaguely like a puppy fighting for its place at the food bowl, trying to maneuver her head close enough to run her tongue along Krig's thigh and cunny while Sensensiel took her cock and Sashien's whip-like tongue allowed her to 'clean' the area around Krig's womanhood without any additional difficulty from the crowding. In the end, she decided that there wasn't really room for her there and playfully swatted at the angel's bottom, clapping her hand against Sensensiel's vulnerable rear just hard enough to produce an audible noise. She felt the temptation to do a little more than that, but this night was intended to be about Kringlicsly and so she shifted that desire onto the foxgirl instead. "You two are hogging the best parts," she teasingly complained after the swat. "I guess I'll just have to clean somewhere else~"

After her comments toward the other two, she crawled up the bed in order to lick up and swallow several errant ropes of her lover's release, savoring the taste of Kringlicsly in the process even if she wasn't as sweet as Petunia and lacked the intoxicating and dizzying effect of the satyr's musk. She was quickly tempted by another target, however, and soon moved further on in order to lick and suckle at Krig's nipples, deciding to fix the grievous error she had made in ignoring them for the sake of time earlier while allowing the other two women to finish with the rest of the 'cleaning.'

She continued to toy with her lover's stiffened nubs long after they would've been cleaned of any imaginary cum that might have hit them and until the process was done, at which point she almost mournfully extracted herself from them in order to explain the coming game as she had planned. Although Krig might not have been able to appreciate it, her acceptance and her proclamation about what she'd do in victory would cause Tamonten to lick her lips in arousal as she imagined herself heavily bound and left entirely at her lover's mercy. "Mm, yes," she started to reply, her voice still thick with lust. "I just had no idea how sexy you'd sound when you begged, lover, and I couldn't help myself after you had started. But I admit I was very naughty, and you'll have a whole day to see me rightfully punished if you win. As long as you know that if I win then I'm going to get to hear a lot more of you begging, I think, although perhaps not to let you cum...."

"I have just the thing for that," she would continue after Sashien's question as to how they would keep their identities secret while still being able to talk to each other. "And to help you keep yourself focused entirely on the sensations and improve your chances of winning, lover," she added, addressing Krig. With that, she quickly put the earplugs to good use on the bound spirit wielder, although figuring out how to best employ them against a woman with fox ears was slightly more challenging than she expected. Afterward, she adorned her lover with the ballgag, although that was for appeal rather than any practical reason, and took a few moments to appreciate the sight of Krig, bound and not only helpless but blindfolded, unable to hear, and speechless on the bed. Tamonten would also take a few slightly more discrete moments to appreciate Sensensiel's newly exposed orbs, but mostly her eyes were kept on her lover.

"You can do whatever you like with it when she cums. And you can use toys from that bag on her too. My only real rule for tonight is that if she can still walk from this room to the bath afterward, it's only a partial success," she offered with a lascivious grin. "I'd recommend not using your left hands though," she suggested, raising her own blackened appendage for emphasis, "I'd hate to make it too easy for her. As for order...." She then proceeded to play eeny, meeny, miny, moe twice as a method of selecting who would go first and second, which caused the group to end up with an order of Sensensiel, then Sashien, then Tamonten. "I need to get better at cheating at that," she quipped, only half-seriously. "Have fun," she addressed Sensensiel afterward and used the opportunity to give the woman another pat on the backside. "Try to leave some in her for the rest of us," the swordswoman teased and winked as soon as the angel began to move toward her lover.

But as much as Tamonten had ached with need before, watching Sensensiel begin her ministrations on her lover's cock made the feeling more prominent, and after so much teasing and everything else she had done that day it was almost unbearable. Her eyes wandered between the sight of her lover and the angel and Sashien, and it was difficult to keep herself from capitalizing on the opportunity to initiate something with the sphinx while they waited for Kringlicsly to blow her second load of the night into Sensensiel's mouth and for Sashien's turn to begin. As much as she desired her own release, however, the swordswoman also wished to keep herself in that state of nearly irresistible need for after her lover's blindfold and bindings came off. In the end, as appealing as the idea was, she decided to control the urge and wait until her own turn was up at Kringlicsly's cock before seeking any pleasure of her own. For the moment, at least, she was content to wait and hungrily watch the angel's efforts, although it was hard to say how her resolve would hold up under Sensensiel's technique, Krig's reactions, and anything Sashien might decide to do.
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Fine

I know! She’s just so self-conscious, and for no reason at all! We’ll have to work on that~” Sashien replied to Tamonten’s appraisal of Sensensiel’s looks and her particular approval of the leash, which had the angel blushing a little bit more brightly than before. She glanced at the indicated bag knowingly when the pale swordswoman noted it, but Sashien supplied; “Oh that won’t be necessary! The one she has is quite strong to handle anything we might do today. She reassured me quite energetically of that!” That comment briefly caused the blue haired angel to turn so red that her skin clashed with her hair, but she made no effort whatsoever to deny that statement. “That… Won’t be needed,” she stuttered in repetition of what Sashien had already said.

Once the task of cleaning the kitsune of her first orgasm was underway, Sensensiel gave a wordless whine while Krig’s cock was still embedded deep down her throat as Tamonten smacked her on the ass, the soft clap produced by the swordswoman’s hand against the angel’s finely sculpted bottom ringing through the room. The edges of a red mark appeared where her skin wasn’t covered by her see-through undergarments, but the sheer material revealed the continuation of that red mark, producing the image of the pale warrior’s hand on Sensensiel’s backside. Sashien, swallowing her current mouthful of kitsune sperm after Tamonten’s light quip, said; “You got to clean off your face and your hand! There’s plenty left, you’ve got no right to complain!

As she moved to change positions, the lithe swordswoman’s own backside would receive a soft smack just like the one she’d given Sensensiel by the obviously horny sphinx, but unlike Tamonten the mischievous sphinx made no effort to maintain any degree of reserve. Before her hand was pulled away Tamonten would feel Sashien’s fingers darted between her legs to rub over her glistening petals, the light brushing of those digits followed by another more forceful one that allowed the central digit participating to push between them and draw a slow circle around her hole. That was as far as she dared go unless Tamonten requested more, however, and Sashien in turn opted to go back to cleaning Krig of her thick cream. Angel and sphinx seemed just as delighted at the taste of her cum as Tamonten had been despite its fairly standard flavor, and Krig was letting out soft coos and gasps as her body was cleaned by three eager mouths. Those soft coos turned to gentle moans when Tamonten rectified her mistake of ignoring her breasts, those pink tips as hard as the summoned cock that she sported and obviously quite sensitive as the swordswoman took her mouth to them.

Once Krig was fully cleaned, their game was explained and accepted, Krig merely gulping slightly at the promise to make her beg some more if the swordswoman won, it was time for the earplugs to go in. As it turned out, Krig’s ears flickered around a lot, at least when she was as excited as she was then, and it took some doing to affix the earplugs into her twitchy ears and deafen her. Lifting her head to tie the ballgag around her face prompted her to speak again, nervously asking; “Hey! What’s that fo – mmmph!” Left muted save for a few initial moans of protest, Krig fell silent as the swordswoman advised her companions against using their left hands to pleasure her lover and then decided on their order. Sensensiel gulped nervously upon being chosen as the first, and Sashien grinned mischievously at being chosen second. Her joking request had Sensensiel blushing again, but after the second smack against her backside the seemingly nervous angel smiled and quipped back; “I can try… But I am afraid that I won’t be making that a promise~

And with that Krig’s sexual torments began anew as Sensensiel took her turn, rising up slightly and taking another encouraging smack on her backside from Sashien with no reaction but a briefly wider grin, before her lips parted and her lover’s cock vanished into the angel’s mouth. The angel’s actions produced a muffled moan and an arching of the back from the heavily bound kitsune, her hips thrusting up into Sensensiel’s mouth unnecessarily given that her lips were already firmly clamped around the base of her cock. If viewed from the right angle, Tamonten might be able to see the muscles in Sensensiel’s throat moving around the bulge formed by Krig’s turgid rod, and if the kitsune’s moaning and squirming were to be believed whatever she was doing must have felt extremely nice. For a full minute Krig was held deep down the angel’s throat, and for a moment it looked as if her second orgasm might be coming much more quickly than they had expected.

Sensensiel wasn’t about to let Krig off the hook so early, however, and just as Krig’s squirming and moaning intensified to the levels Tamonten herself had witnessed while denying her a climax before the arrival of the angel and the sphinx, Sensensiel pulled off and gasped in a breath. Her lover’s cock was once again steadily leaking precum, but Sensensiel allowed it to slide about down the underside of her cock, before her tongue came forth and cleaned it all off in a single lick that started at her womanhood and ended with the angel rolling her tongue repeatedly over the tip. Krig was again left groaning in frustration while Tamonten and Sashien looked on, the sphinx with open jealousy and the possessed swordswoman perhaps with some jealousy of her own, but Sensensiel simply bombarded Krig’s member with a series of licks and kisses along the shaft that kept her squirming but allowed her to back away from the precipice. After another minute or so her right hand came up to start stroking the kitsune’s shaft, and she sealed her lips over it and she started bobbing onto the top half slowly.

Sashien, in this time, was not to remain idle for long. Her eyes drifted from the spectacle of Sensensiel’s blowjob over to Tamonten, and she slowly turned with a knowing grin to the naked swordswoman and said; “Mmmm, if your lover is off limits until Sensensiel finishes, what are we to do?” There was mischief in her golden eyes, but they soon turned upon Sensensiel as she put Krig through another round of kissing and licking meant to pull her back from being pushed to the brink a second time. Specifically, her attentions turned to the blue haired angel’s raised rear, and the sphinx’s hands were soon on it, gripping her soft flesh and bringing a soft moan from Sensensiel that was barely audible over Krig’s lewd cries. The angel’s hips began to sway back and forth invitingly under Sashien’s groping, but after a moment the angel was made to moan against Krig’s cock again as the sphinx slid a finger against her petals through the sheer material of her sole remaining piece of clothing.

That rubbing became more insistent by the second, and the alluring gyrations of Sensensiel’s hips turned into a soft quivering that spoke plainly of the angel’s excitement. At the same time, the angel’s lips were delivering soft kisses against the kitsune’s frenulum that were inter-spaced by increasingly frequent bouts of licking, the angel bringing her back up to her brink in a way that had Kringlicsly writhing even more intensely than she had when her cock was down the angel’s throat. The sphinx molesting her soon grew tired of molesting her through her panties and opted to remove that barrier, sliding her fingers into the waistband of the black lingerie and slowly sliding them down from the angel’s hips. Finally following the dress code of the occasion, Sensensiel’s perfectly sculpted ass was soon on proud display as she continued to suck on Krig’s cock, a few quick bobs from her preceding another bout of teasing kisses. The angel’s outermost petals were flushed red and dripping with her excitement, and the red marks produced by the assorted smacks against her bottom were still present in the form of a trio of overlapping hand prints.

Still gushing even after two rounds!” Sashien stated in a reprimanding tone, to which Sensensiel just let out an excited gasp and waved her backside some more. The sphinx gave a soft giggle before glancing back to Tamonten and saying; “So, while waiting for her to finish with your lover, how shall we occupy ourselves, hrm?” As she spoke, two fingers promptly dipped into Sensensiel’s sex, and the sphinx displayed some knowledge of what the angel liked given how the pumping motions she started made the angel react. Shivers visibly passed through her as Sashien began to pump her fingers in, the angel’s efforts on Krig slowly slightly until she once more took the kitsune down her throat, her muffled moans now joining Kringlicsly’s. “And she still grips so tight,” the sphinx continued conversationally as she looked back at Tamonten with a wry grin, “I’d bet she would feel wonderful~ Want to give it a try?

She withdrew her fingers for a moment only to use them to spread Senseniel’s outer lips to display the woman’s pink crevice in detail, allowing Tamonten to watch it drool for a moment before saying; “Or... Maybe you don’t want to distract her?” Unless Tamonten had taken the temptation of the angel’s pussy immediately, Sashien’s fingers dove back into her and continued their pumping, again causing the angel to pause and moan with Krig’s cock buried down her throat, while the sphinx herself rose and swiveled around. Seconds later she was nibbling at Sensensiel’s neck while her plump bottom was raised right alongside Sensensiel’s slightly smaller one. Sashien’s pussy was as much a fountain as Sensensiel’s despite that she had suffered no real stimulation since Tamonten had fingered her to orgasm in the hallway, at least as far as she knew, and the sphinx waved her voluptuous rear back and forth to bump against Sensensiel’s, setting it into a similarly tempting motion.

The fingers embedded in the angel kept on pumping into her unless Tamonten opted to replace them with some part of herself, whether that something be her fingers, her tongue, or perhaps another summoned cock. If the pale swordswoman hadn’t given in to the teasing by that point, however, Sashien would break from suckling at the creamy softness of the moaning angel’s neck and turn to Tamonten with half lidded eyes. “Well? What should we do, hrm?” she asked in a husky whisper, her hips rolling to emphasize the temptation of her roundness, “Are you going to go for one of us? Or…. Would you like me to return the favor from out in the hall?” Her words were accompanied by a particularly deft swirl of her fingers as they writhed within Sensensiel, producing a moan and a shiver from the angel to match the ones that she was drawing out of Krig, and it seemed unlikely that her ailing concentration would keep the kitsune from reaching her orgasm for long.

(Will edit colors in later, had to finish in a hurry. Edit: Edits done!)
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Resisting temptation came easily enough to begin with. Well, it sort of did. For example: when the horny sphinx swatted Tamonten on her ass and then proceeded to tempt her aching sex with her fingers, the swordswoman kept her composure well enough to avoid verbally begging for more, although she cheated in that by taking the first opportunity available to seal her mouth around one of Kringlicsly's nipples. Instead, she only ended up moaning her pleasure at the woman's touch against the peak of her lover's breast and gratefully pressed herself against Sashien's hand and the sensations it inspired after it had landed on her backside. But while deep down she might have truly desired that the sphinx would finger her to a powerful and messy orgasm right then and there, the pale girl was still determined enough that it would be Kringlicsly who had the first chance at her in her incredibly aroused state, and more importantly in her lust-addled mind that it would be the foxgirl who was given the chance to thoroughly fuck her and make Tamonten come all over her cock, fingers, and anything else her lover might want to use on her, that she was relieved, if only mentally, when sphinx's attention returned to 'cleaning' her lover.

Willpower was notably harder to come by as she watched Sensensiel make her lover's cock disappear into her mouth. The sight made her feel far more jealous than she thought it would, such that it would be impossible for her to hide it in her expression if the sphinx even glanced at her and that she didn't notice that Sashien was feeling something similar, albeit likely for different reasons. It wasn't just the fantasies of the angelic beauty dropping to her knees in front of Tamonten and sliding a conjured cock of the swordswoman's into her talented mouth though, even if those errant thoughts were a part of it, it was that Kringlicsly was her lover. She should've been the one causing the spirit wielder to make such ecstatic moans of pleasure. The swordswoman should've been the one with Krig's cock pressed into her throat and throbbing as it prepared to empty the foxgirl's cream directly into her stomach. Logically, she knew it was ridiculous to be so jealous of seeing her love with another woman, especially given what Tamonten had done and what she was fantasizing about doing to the angel and the sphinx both even then... but she supposed that envy didn't always follow logic.

The sphinx's temptations followed not long after that thought, and they tested the swordswoman's resolve to the fullest. Tamonten watched intently as Sashien went through her motions on the angel's vulnerable crotch and rear. It was an almost hypnotizing sight as Sensensiel's flesh jiggled and swayed underneath the sphinx's ministrations, and even more so as it culminated in the blue-haired woman's panties being removed and giving the pale girl a tantalizing view of her exposed, soaked cunny. Sashien's lewd words seemed to punctuate the similarly lewd display, making it all the more arousing. The possessed girl ended up watching and listening through it all with an expression not at all dissimilar to that of a dog tempted by a steak being dangled in front of it, or given more recent experience not unlike a hellhound being tempted by... well, the exact same thing that was tempting her. Her obvious desire was only exacerbated as the angel's bottom was joined by the sphinx's shapely ass beside it.

Tamonten desperately wanted to take that offer. She very much wanted to stride over to Sashien, push her against the bed, sprout a conjured cock, and then to rut her like a wild animal. She wanted to see the shapeshifter gripping the sheets and screaming in ecstasy as the swordswoman felt her pussy convulse around a summoned cock as it had convulsed around her fingers earlier. She wanted to grab Sashien by the hair and pound her even in full view of her own bound and blindfolded lover until the swordswoman was sated and the sphinx was left shivering in memories of the pleasure that the pale girl would've inflicted on her and left senseless and laying in puddles of her own drool and and cum belonging both to her and Tamonten. Then, when the lustful warrior was done with the sphinx and her lover had finished in Sensensiel's mouth, she wanted to grab the angel by the leash and repeat the process. In the end, though, she resisted the temptations, if only narrowly.

It took an internal struggle to produce any response from her body outside of the ones she was fantasizing about, but eventually Tamonten managed to open her mouth and speak. "What a lustful duo you two are, trying to tempt me like this in front of my lover. It's even worse coming from you, Sashien, after I went to all the trouble of explaining that I was trying to be more loyal to Krig," the swordswoman announced theatrically before turning and pacing away from the alluring sight of the two women on display for her. Tamonten didn't intend on ignoring the offer completely, however, she just had other plans. Plans that required her to retrieve a few more items from the bag of bondage equipment she had taken from Elawdrin's stash.

"I think some punishment is in order here," she began as she returned to the bed with her chosen items. Once there, she set the items down on the mattress in order to grab the sphinx by the wrists and pull them back. "And I'll start by punishing you, Sashien. You're the worst offender, after all, tempting me and distracting Sensensiel like that. First, I need to make sure you can't keep distracting her," she addressed the shapeshifter with mock-reprimand before attempting to bind Sashien's hands behind her back with simple leather restraints similar to the ones she had used on Kringlicsly. "Sensensiel's punishment will come after she's finished with her turn," she added simply so that the angel would know that Tamonten had a plan in store for her as well.

Next, the swordswoman retrieved the second item she had pulled from the bag: a ring gag. She pulled Sashien to her knees and stepped around the sphinx's imposing wings in order to reveal her intentions to the shapeshifter. "This should stop you from spouting more temptations," Tamonten remarked with a mixture of amusement and an aroused blush. Much like with Kringlicsly, if her shapely partner protested with any degree of dedication then the pale girl would relent on this part of her 'punishment' and leave the gag out. If Sashien didn't resist, however, then the lustful warrior would relish the opportunity to affix her with the large, rubbery O that consisted of the ring gag and would more than appreciate how it stretched the sphinx's mouth open into a similar lewd O. It wasn't by coincidence that the ring was large enough and stretchy enough to accommodate Kringlicsly's cock, either.

Once the gag was securely in place, Tamonten would allow the side of her hand to gently rub across Sashien's cheek as she enjoyed the result of her own handiwork. "I'm not truly sure that I've succeeded in making your mouth any less tempting," she would quip before moving onto the next phase of her plan and returning to her initial position behind the sphinx. The supernatural beauty would be left without any stimulation from the pale girl for a few moments as she picked up the final item, or technically final two items, she had plucked from the bag a few moments before. Though the latest toy was, like the items before it, intended for use on Sashien, the pale swordswoman would initially be the one wearing it, because in this case 'it' was a strap-on.

It consisted of a black leather harness that might have looked almost like a pair of panties, albeit leather ones, in the front if it weren't for an adjustable ring not unlike the one that Tamonten had placed in Sashien's mouth prior, and if it wasn't completely unsuccessful in covering any reasonable amount of flesh in the back. Any remaining illusion that an onlooker might've still had that it was simply for aesthetics would be completely dispelled by the existence of a large, fleshy dildo secured in place by that ring in the front. And in this particular case the fake cock was easily as large as any that Tamonten had ever conjured from her own body and had been selected by the pale girl just for the purpose of pounding the lusty sphinx, with the warrior having returned the creative rubber phallus that had initially been in the ring to the bag.

As silly as it felt to be securing a fake penis to herself when she could've easily sprouted her own and fucked Sashien in a way that would've brought pleasure to them both, Tamonten was anything but unenthusiastic about the opportunity to bring the toy to bear against her current partner. The pale girl fumbled to hastily secure the harness to herself via a series of straps and ties that would've been at home in any fetishistic ensemble, in the process making sure both that it was snug and wouldn't work itself off of her with any forceful motions, like, for example, thrusting, and that her fake cock was lined up properly on her body. When she finished, she immediately turned her attentions back on Sashien, grabbing the sphinx's restraints with her blackened hand and snaking her pale limb past the woman's obstructing wings in order to gently guide her down until her cheek was resting on the floor and her ass was in the air.

Tamonten followed up by moving her blackened hand to her own fake cock and tracing it along the sphinx's sopping sex with such eagerness that a spectator might have thought that she could feel the sensations as she prepared to penetrate the other woman. "Time for your punishment to really begin, you lewd little kitten. And I hope you don't take any insult from my choice of tool," she remarked in a lascivious coo, "because I'd love to feel you spasming and gushing against my cock, but I really do want to wait until I've given Krig the same opportunity with me. Do try to understand," she concluded as she began to sink the fake cock into Sashien's depths and used her blackened appendage to deliver a smack to her partner's ass cheek not unlike the one the shapeshifter had paid her earlier.

The lack of sensation as she penetrated Sashien was initially jarring. The swordswoman was all too used to metaphorically seeing stars at the initial relief and pleasure of hilting a summoned cock in a partner's ready sex. Once she got over that, however, she quickly realized that there were some advantages to not actually being attached to what she was burying inside her counterpart's depths. It was freeing, in a way. Without the sensations that typically accompanied penetrating someone, Tamonten didn't have to worry about bringing herself to orgasm too early or balancing her own neediness with her partner's pleasure. She could relentlessly fuck her partner without becoming distracted by her own sense of pleasure, and she could go for as long as her hips could continue to thrust the false cock into Sashien's waiting pussy--and if there was one thing that the pale girl wasn't lacking in, it was physical stamina. So, after her revelation, she did just that.

The swordswoman initially focused her efforts on adjusting her angle. Tamonten remembered how Sashien had writhed and lost control when she had found the tanned beauty's g-spot in the hallway and had every intent of recreating that scene in the guest room afforded to them by Xeon. She rose little by little as she testingly thrusted into Sashien, trying to maneuver just such that she would stimulate the front wall of the sphinx's pussy and, in that same stroke, find her g-spot again. Once she had rediscovered it and her partner began to mewl in ecstasy, the swordswoman deliberately sawed in and out of the other woman's cunny at an increasing tempo in order to stimulate that little patch of flesh. At that point, she had no intention of changing what worked, and so she was content to hold the sphinx's upper body to the ground and enjoy the woman's reactions as she steadily fucked her in that position. And on those occasions where Sensensiel's eyes wandered to look at the scene unfolding beside her, Tamonten would meet those eyes with a predatory look and a grin without ceasing her motions against the shapeshifter.

Whatever might come of that steady fucking, the swordswoman would stay the course. The only thing she initially concerned herself with was adjusting her thrusts in order to draw more enjoyable reactions from Sashien, and she had no intention of getting adventurous until it became obvious that Kringlicsly was coming to the brink. It was only as Sensensiel's turn was coming to an end that Tamonten would grab Sashien by the waist and hoist her upper body off of the floor. She slowly withdrew her strapon, now soaked in the sphinx's juices, from the woman in order to reposition her to face the angel. "I think you're going to want a more comfortable surface to lay on than the floor for this next part," she announced cryptically, before guiding the shapeshifter to rest her head against the angel's exposed lower back. "Sorry Sensensiel, I can't exactly use the bed for this or I think we might ruin my little game," she apologized to the angel without a single drop of sincerity.

The pale girl quickly picked up where she had left off, grabbing Sashien's waist and penetrating her again. It was a rushed affair but she had one more plan up her sleeve to reveal and it had to be done before the foxgirl finished. It wasn't long before she had rediscovered her target of the sphinx's g-spot and began thrusting the dildo against it with even less build up than she had bothered with earlier, although she couldn't be nearly as forceful as she had earlier lest she knock Sensensiel off balance. After one such thrust she pulled out all the way to the tip of the dildo and left it out for long enough in order to drop her pale hand to it and give it a twist at the basewhich caused it to begin vibrating, that additional function having been why she picked it out of the bunch and something she had discovered while she was still looting Elawdrin's stockpile. After it had begun intensely buzzing, which had the pleasant side effect of feeling nice against Tamonten's own crotch, she thrust it right back into the sphinx and guided it against the sphinx's frontal wall as best she could. From there on she made a focused effort to fuck Sashien as senseless as she could with the vibrating strapon in the time she had before Kringlicsly gave into Sensensiel's ministrations and came.

She remained relentless until it had become completely obvious that Sensensiel's turn was over would, and following a few more thrusts Sashien was given some respite from the swordswoman's relentless attack on her pussy. It wasn't entirely over yet, though. When the time came to withdraw from Sashien so that the angel could pull herself from the foxgirl's cock, the swordswoman did not withdraw the still-vibrating dildo from the shapeshifter's folds. Instead, Tamonten fiddled with the ring that had held the dildo in place and released it from the harness completely so that she could back away from the sphinx while leaving the buzzing phallus buried inside the tan woman. And when the pale girl removed the harness from her body, she didn't discard it to the ground but rather adorned Sashien with it and adjusted it so that it would hold the fake cock inside her in a manner completely the opposite of its usual function.

Once she was sure that the vibrator wasn't going anywhere, Tamonten would finally help Sashien onto her knees so that the blue-haired angel could extract herself from between Krig's legs, and then would help the sphinx take her own place in front of the foxgirl. "Everything is staying on for a while longer to make sure that you're thoroughly repentant, but I'm sure you'll do just fine with that tongue of yours," she explained to Sashien, leaving her with one last smack on the ass for 'encouragement'. "Have fun," she added cheerfully, an echo of her earlier comment toward Sensensiel. As soon as the sphinx began her turn, Tamonten would turn another very predatory look onto the angel and would take hold of the woman's leash. "Are you ready for your... punishment, Sensensiel?"