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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: All Out War (Termite)

There was no way to hide it. They must have seen it. Maybe they WANTED to see it. Even if it was the simple cruel goading that either of them loved to throw at her Alex couldn't keep herself from visibly cringing once she was called useless. It was one of the things that truly bothered her, maybe even more so than the punches and bruises she always suffered from her siblings. Those were things that would heal and fade with time. Things she could deal with. But being pathetically weak? Struggling to carry even a training sword when both Akorvick and Annabeth were excelling at her age? To be so helpless that she couldn't even fend off a full human her own size? It was an embarrassment. It was a shame that echoed in Father's eyes whenever anyone spoke of her, and even thinking of it left her wanting to suddenly hide and disappear down some hole until everyone forgot her damned name.

This wasn't the first time her worthlessness had been exposed, and this wasn't the first time she flinched as if the words cut into her hide. But instead of taking that one step back in retreat as she always did her foot wavered and eventually fell back into place. Her posture straightened out a bit, and though she didn't quite look them square in the eye there was something behind her own that said she wasn't quite willing to believe them anymore. Some bit of self-worth was finally starting to take a stand, and against all odds it was dragging Alexandra along with it. She knew it was a stupid thing to do. They'd probably start knocking her down a peg or two once they became bored, but this strange compulsion was starting to beat deep within her gut. It was nothing more than a flutter at the moment, but it kept pulsing and growing, her own self-pity and loathing trying to smother this glimmer of confidence and crying in frustration as it simply pushed back and started making room for itself.

But even so it still had a ways to run before it could overtake her self-preservation. She may want to stand up for herself. She may want to fight back. She may want to tell both brother and sister to take their self-righteous attitudes and shove them up each other's ass, but far beyond all that she simply wanted to get out of this mess intact. She wasn't going to say anything, not if it left her likely to get another broken lip.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alex: HP = 70, PP = 55, EP = 75, Status = Pregnant

Both of Alexandra's siblings grinned at her initial subservient reaction, getting exactly what they'd expected and obviously liking it as they always did. Had she kept up her normal act, they might have left it at that, but when Alex straightened and faced them squarely, it stunned Akorvick and Annabeth almost as much as it would have if Alex had slapped them both in the face. The latter tilted her head back and to the side, staring at her curiously as if seeing Alex in a new light, but Akorvick scowled darkly at Alexandra's change in posture and took a step forward, suddenly towering head and shoulders over her.

"Puny little whelp!" her brother grunted, his temper getting the better of him and clearly causing him to abandon any pretense of civility towards her. Akorvick had always been easily possessed by rage, and Alex had suffered at the hands of his tantrums more than once, but now seemed... Different somehow. "I ought to have strangled you at birth, and kept your weakness from staining our family name!" he spat down at her, the flexing of his muscles all but daring Alex to respond in any but an agreeing fashion, "I asked father for permission when you were born you know.... Permission to wipe your stain from us by crushing your wailing head in my fist! I thought him weak for denying me the pleasure..."

Annabeth, in the meantime, had completed her summary of Alex's change... And apparently had not found it to her liking, as she smiled darkly at her younger sister and began to stride around her in a circle. "Oh don't blame father for that, dear brother.... Twas Armecia that saw our little sister here spared from your wrath, not our father. Honestly, I'm not sure how my father can stand that woman... Clearly she's already offered the best of herself in us, he ought to do away with her.... Find himself a proper mate, rather than some tapped out mortal weakling. Sometimes I'm amazed that we even turned out as strong as we did! We surely inherited most of our strength from father."
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Re: All Out War (Termite)

She couldn't stop it, this time. The moment Akorvick stepped forward and let his towering mass show just how small she truly was Alex couldn't keep her foot from taking that initial step back in retreat. The whole loom and spit in your face deal was something the young girl was forced to deal with on more than one occasion, but the way he was looking at her... Something was wrong. Very wrong. Had it just been the barely contained rage just waiting to explode it would have been fine. Expected. But the rant that followed... It just wasn't right. He was talking about ending her before she even had learned to take a single step. He considered her a blight simply for existing.

And she believed him. He'd never said it before, not during any of his little reminders that she would never become as grand as he, but the moment he finished her eyes drifted over to his arms and hands. She never really appreciated how thick or strong they truly were. He'd never shown any true effort during any of her scheduled torment, but now they looked even larger and stronger than she would have guessed. She could very easily picture them wrapping around her neck and lifting her with ease. She could almost feel his fingers digging into her flesh and crushing her spine. And she could see how well her skull would fit right between his palms. A little more imagination replaced it with the softer skull of an infant, and in far more clarity than she would have liked she could picture those two palms pushing to meet each other, anything trapped between them getting warped and bent until whatever integrity simply gave way to overwhelming force and caused the small object to simply burst and leave nothing more than a flattened paste that dribbled and ran through his fingers, all with a rather sadistic little smile on his face.

That thought alone terrified her. Her eyes were nearly swollen with her fear, and though a large part of Alex simply wanted to turn and scurry off to some far corner where she could never be reached, to hide from the madness of rage that was broiling just under his skin. But his eyes were locked onto her own. He was demanding her attention, holding it with the sheer intensity of his gaze so she could see and feel the utter truth behind what he just said, and no amount of self-respect was going to overcome the sheer horror of how close that rage had come to boiling over. Even with Annabeth piping in with her contempt for her own mother Alex couldn't tear herself away from the mountain of death that was just waiting for a reason, any reason, to teach that pathetic little whelp its proper place. But...


"But she's our Mother..." She didn't understand where it came from or how it managed to get past her very anxious and frantic desire to survive, but even as quiet as it was it started echoing deep within her gut. Even if Akorvick openly admitted to combining fratricide and infanticide into one glorious act of blasphemy the simply disrespect given to Armecia just wouldn't be ignored. It started pounding within her chest, demanding that they show the proper respect to their own blood even if they didn't afford the same to her, and it had her heart racing faster than she'd ever known. This wasn't right. She shouldn't have opened her mouth. Not earlier, not now.

So why the hell was she getting so damned angry?!
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alex: HP = 70, PP = 55, EP = 75, Status = Pregnant

A smile slowly spread across Akorvick's face as Alex shrunk away from him. It was as clear as ever that the image of her fear brought the older half-dragon pleasure, and for a moment it seemed as if Alex had earned her mercy from this particular punishment... But then she spoke out in protest against the verbal abuse laid against her mother, and the look of rage returned - accompanied by a broad smirk from her sister that Akorvick missed, his rage centered on Alex and Alex alone as it gathered and frothed, threatening to explode upon her at any moment. "Oh she is!" Annabeth said dismissively, "But Akorvick and I were lucky enough to escape receiving any of her failings as you have, dear Alex~ We were quite lucky for that, if you're any example to go on."

It was about then that Akorvick's rage suddenly snapped, as did his arm in a quick motion that caused the back of his hand to slam against her cheek, almost knocking Alex off of her feet with the sheer force of the blow. Even so, it was a love tap compared to what she knew he was really capable of. Annabeth looked on with a sadistic smile, practically hopping up and down with excitement as she played her favored roll, that of the instigator between her enraged brother and Alex. The former was currently smirking smugly at her as she recovered from the minor blow, and as she recovered he grunted; "Pathetic... To think you dare to share our father's bloodline." He tilted his head and added in a thoughtful tone; "But then.... Perhaps you don't? Perhaps our whore mortal of a mother took fancy with some other weakling, and she's been slipping you potions at night to put a bit of magic into your blood?"
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Re: All Out War (Termite)

The backhand sent her reeling. Her arms flailed from sheer momentum as her body spun on a lazy foot, the young whelp being thrown like some ragdoll into a forced pirouette that nearly left her a tangled mess of limbs sprawled all along the ground. But her feet somehow managed to fight for control, and by some miracle of chance she found herself slowly righting herself while her face stung and could feel a faint trail of blood slowly forming from the corner of her mouth. But even as shocked as she was Alex knew that this was nothing. That strike could have been worse, so far worse than the little love tap she was given, and considering how angry her brother was it was another miracle that he hadn't already laid her flat and unconscious in one shot. But then again it really wasn't their style, was it? It's hard to make an unconscious body cry out in pain...

It took a couple seconds for Alex's senses to focus, and a couple more were spent slowly pulling herself together to clean the trickle of blood caused by biting her own lip, but as she did she was forced to listen to Akorvick speak once more. When his accusation was finally made her body froze in an instant, the back of a fist wiping at her mouth. She couldn't believe she'd actually heard such filth flow from his lips, and for a fraction of a second she almost didn't believe it. He had to be kidding. But... But saying something like that even in jest was brutal. It spoke of so many things beyond just the implication of infidelity, and Akorvick probably didn't realize the half of what he said. He just wasn't that smart. So that meant that...he actually believed it...?

Alex suddenly felt something within her snap, and she felt her own anger rising until her body felt like it was ready to explode into its own steaming pile of rage. But instead of acting rashly she simply let her arm fall, the fist still staying slightly closed while her body remained in place. "Mother is Father's Mate. He could have had his choice of any woman he desired, but he chose her over everyone else. And he wouldn't make such a choice lightly. He would never pick some random floozy who only sought him for his wealth. And yet you call her a whore who bore a child he never sired and constantly deceives him in order to hold her place at his side." Her head turned just enough to give her siblings the barest glimpse of her face. And it was hard, far harder than anything they ever would have witnessed from the small girl. And if that weren't enough her arm was tense and stiff, and her hand twitched so slightly that even they would be hard pressed to notice. "You dare insult his choice?"
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alex: HP = 70, PP = 55, EP = 75, Status = Pregnant

Though she tried to maintain her calm, Alexandra's brother didn't seem to have the same control. Her clenched fist was missed by neither sibling, and while her sister merely looked on curiously, as if at a sideshow attraction, Akorvick bristled with rage at Alex's defiance. Her words and the tone in which they were spoke caused both of them to rock back as if they'd been struck, however, and for a moment they stared at Alex in absolute shock. Her expression, when they saw it, only seemed to shock them more, and her final words, her question, seemed to snap both of them at the same time.

A look of intense outrage came over her elder brother, and he spread his great wings behind his back and clenched his fists into balls that could have crushed her head into paste between them. His tail thrashed against the ground, and his jaw clenched so hard that a vein popped out from his forehead. Annabeth, on the other hand, adopted a look of combined resignation and fury, like one who knew that violence was coming and had no reason to avoid it, but found it mildly distasteful all the same. It was a look that Alex had seen only once before... And it had been followed by the sight of her sister disintegrating a group of bandits using her breath.

For a moment both of them simply stood, their expressions of anger the only response that they could muster against Alex's fairly well thought out and well said counter to Akorvicks's foul supposition. But then, unfortunately, her sister managed to come up with a statement to break the tension that briefly held them at bay; "Yes. That would be the summary of our argument, and we are happy to insult his choice. Perhaps she was more than she is now... Once. But whatever spark possessed father to claim her as his mate has clearly gone out, and well before she gave birth to you." Annabeth paused and tilted her head to offer Alex a soft smile, an expression filled with horrible malice that threatened torments unknown, and then continued; "Even father makes mistakes sometimes. He sired you, didn't he?"

Akorvick, in the meantime, looked about ready to explode, and this time Alex sensed that she'd be getting a good bit more than a backhand if she didn't back down. "You would do well to remember your place, runt! Mother isn't here for you to hide behind, and Father wouldn't lift a claw to protect you even if he was to witness it," he stated, literally shaking with fury as his eyes redenned and his fists clenched at his sides. "Mmmm~ I think that a proper apology is in order!" Annabeth added, "Something to make you understand the consequences of your impertinence... And your place in the world. Perhaps you ought to get onto your knees and kiss our feet, as the servants of the ancient kings did in the lands to the West?" The reference to Anudorian legend of the kings of old, before the coming of the first demons and the fall of the ancient empire, was not lost on Alex, but whether she cared about the information at the time or not was up to her.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

For a few seconds all her siblings could do was stand in shocked fury, Akorvick visibly brimming with malicious intent while Annabeth adopted a look that was far less pronounced but far more dangerous. And Alex just didn't care. She was getting tired of it all. The constant threat that loomed over her head, the fear that one or the other would pull her aside and show her another new way to inflict pain, the never-ending flow of snide and spiteful remarks designed to keep her held comfortably under each of their talons... What was the point to it all? Why would they bother to continually knock her down when they already stood shoulders above her in stature and strength? It just didn't make any-

The hardened eyes and the tightened arm vanished the instant Annabeth gave her answer. Alex just couldn't believe it. They were... They were admitting to it... They were openly confessing to second-guessing Father's intentions, even going so far to say that he was a fool even now for not noticing what they themselves had seen. And it was all for the sake of railing against their own mother. They held her in such contempt. Gods knew why. She wasn't the kind of person to lord her position over anyone. She never called attention to herself, not unless such was needed to be shown as Father's consort. Had they even bothered to seek her attention she would have gladly welcomed them with open arms, yet all they did was regard with such disgust that it was barely barely hidden behind a wall of forced respect.

When Annabeth demanded an apology Alex turned toward them, her head hanging low in shame while she slowly walked closer. Even with her hair falling forward and lightly veiling her face her siblings would easily see her expression taking on that same shame, eyes facing the floor while a few tears started to pool. She never even bothered to look up at them, and by the time she was standing before both brother and sister she looked like she was barely keeping her emotions contained. There was a very subtle shaking of her shoulders, and a light sniffle fell through the air. It looked like the pair had finally earned what they-

"UNGRATEFUL DOGS!" Alex did feel shame. How could she not? Father's blood ran through her veins, as did her Mother's, and that same blood ran through Akorvick and Annabeth. And they cursed it. They showed nothing but disrespect for Armecia, and when it came down to it they thought their father nothing more than a gigantic fool for having ever bedded such a creature. They acted as if they were superior to all things, blood and birth be damned, and somehow SHE was related to THEM?! It was sickening! Disgusting! How could any of Aureus's children show such disrespect that it fell into open disdain! Had he been here he would have never accepted a word they had said! And all that filled Alex with an anger she had never known she held. It filled her body. It filled her soul. It dipped into the very core of her being, her entire existence focusing on the bastards who dared call themselves the heirs to Aureus, and in an instant it exploded. Before she could even realize what she was doing her fist was already rising toward Akorvick's temple. It happened with such speed that he never saw the piston that drove into his skull. And it refused to stop. Whether the man was blown back or not didn't matter. That punch would go through him if it had to, and once he was out of the way it shifted just enough to bear down upon the elder sister. It treated Annabeth much the same, the force intending to drive through her like it did her brother. But this time it started angling itself toward the ground. It intended to do more than simply knock her aside. It wanted to grab her, to pound her smug face for all it was worth, to grab her and throw her into the ground and leave her dazed and confused like the untrained mongrel that she had become.

A moment later Alex felt her senses return to her, and as she looked down she was suddenly filled with shock. Her arm was extended at the end of a punch, her fist ringing from recent use but held tight and aching with joy at leaving both brother and sister sprawled against the ground. And it looked wrong. It felt larger, more developed, and she swore she saw her entire arm wrapped in a layer of scaling that would stop all but the sharpest of blades from piercing her hide. She blinked once and the illusion was gone, her arm suddenly feeling far warmer than it should and leaving a few heat trails rising through the air. Another blink left her eyes slowly moving over toward her siblings, and she simply looked at them both with a blank expression on her face. She just couldn't believe that they were down and she was left standing. It went against everything she had ever known, and it simply left her shocked while one simple thought remained stuck in her head. Did... Did I really just do that?
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alex: HP = 70, PP = 55, EP = 75, Status = Pregnant

Seeing her cringe brought a smile to the faces of both of Alexandra's siblings, thinking that they had pushed her into the role that she normally adopted when they decided it was time to bully her. Their gloating smiles signaled as much, and they turned to grin at one another.... And as such missed the signs Alexandra's transformation entirely, until her enraged words rang out and drew their stunned gazes back toward her. Akorvick didn't even move to prepare himself for the blow, and as such Alexandra's punch knocked her brother aside and to the ground, where he laid for a stunned moment while she moved on to Annabeth. Her sister had a half second more than her brother, but unlike Akorvick Annabeth was no fighter, and Alex's punch drove through her upraised arms like a hurricane through a pile of sticks, sending the other dragoness down to the ground.

The two of them were even more stunned than Alex was, and as the scales faded from her skin and she gazed down at them blankly, all that they could do was stare right back.... At first. Characteristically, Akorvick was the first to recover from the blow, and the look of sweeping rage that came over her brother was unlike anything that Alex had ever seen in him before. He was on his feet in the blink of his eye, wings spreading and growing as bone cracked and his scales began to glow. A deafening, enraged roar sounded out from the man's throat as his muscles, already huge, bulged with power until veins appeared beneath their scaly coating. He took one stride toward her and returned the punch, and that was the first time that Alex had a taste of the kind of damage that her brother could really do.

Alexandra was struck senseless when his fist drove into the side of her face, bones cracking in her jaw as agony split through her skull. The blow had been one driven by rage and pure brute force, and that alone saved Alex from having her neck broken or her head stove in, as it hit her in a place that wouldn't kill her instantly. What it didn't save her from, however, was being thrown through the air like a ragdoll, landing on her back a full fifteen feet from where she'd started. Deafened by the blow, and with her vision foggy and growing dimmer by the second, the barely conscious dragoness nonetheless felt her brother's rumbling steps through the ground as he advanced upon her, each one louder and harder. When his outline appeared above her, vague from her blurred vision but recognizable all the same, it seemed a sure thing that Alex was seeing her very last sight. Akorvick raised a foot, and the image of her brother crushing her head like a tin can beneath his heel flitted through her imagination as he prepared to bring it down.

"Stop!" Annabeth suddenly called from her place on the ground, from which she hadn't yet risen. Akorvick, surprised again, did as she asked, lowering his foot and glaring at her. "What? Why!?" he growled, rage still boiling in his voice, and Annabeth rose from the ground and dusted herself off before answering; "We can't just kill her, much as the little runt deserves it! Father would have our hides!" Akorvick began to grumble something, but Annabeth cut him off before he'd even completed the first word; "Don't even think it! Aureus would destroy us both! You're not the only one with a temper!"

Though she might have thought herself saved, the grin that was on her sister's face as she approached was anything but reassuring. The shock from Alexandra's sudden attack had seemingly worn off, as she gazed down at Alex's prone form with her usual contempt for a moment before glancing at her brother. "Besides, there are other punishments to visit upon our dear, foolish sister~" she cooed softly, and Akorvick seemed slightly startled by her sudden change of tone. Unperturbed, Annabeth turned her gaze back to Alex and smiled a smile that the young half-dragon had never seen upon her sister's face before.... One that suggested cruelties never before imagined, and the will to carry them out. "Haven't you noticed? Dear Alex is growing up.... She's almost a proper woman now~" Annabeth continued, and Akorvick's confused expression became a vicious grin as he caught on to Annabeth's intentions. Both of them gazed down at her as she recovered from her elder brother's single punch, the pain still wracking her body no less than when the blow had first landed.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Had she not been so shocked at her sudden display Alex may have moved. She may have run. She may have lifted an arm in pitiful defense, but all she managed to do was turn her eyes and offered only a dumbfounded look as he bellowed his rage. But that scream managed to echo somewhere within her, and as he lept forward her eyes widened as realization slowly hit. One massive fist was swinging straight for her head, and there was no w-


-dull thumping was causing the earth to bounce against her back. Or was she bouncing against the earth? Either way it was all she could feel at the moment. She may never have noticed it, but her entire body simply went into shock and shut itself down the moment Akorvick's fist slammed into her face. The only reason she was feeling anything now was from her body landing harshly on the ground. It jarred her systems into action, and it was taking some effort to get her senses back online. Thankfully that pounding kept approaching, and it gave the young dragon somewhere to focus. The darkness veiling her eyes started to peel back now that she knew something was close, and little by little a few indistinct blobs started to take shape. The closest one was familiar, and as it stood over her and raised a mighty foot it cleared enough to reveal her brother preparing to crush her skull into a fine paste.

That was...confusing... Why was he trying to pop her head like some grape? And why was she on the ground? And why did her jaw feel like it was going to fall off of her face. She prepared to open her mouth to ask these important questions, but the sudden bloom of deep, shattering pain left her crying out pitifully through a mouth that refused to open. That was when the last few seconds of her life came into focus and answered those questions for her. And the only thought that popped into her head was a simple, inelegant Oh... The realization of what she'd done and what that wrought left her simply laying their in resignation. There wasn't going to be anything that would stop him, now.

With her own death looming in her face Alex wasn't quite sure how she felt. All she could do was watch that leg tense, and any moment it would stomp down and end her in what she hoped would at least be a quick kill. But...but it never fell? Seeing Akorvick's foot ease its way down to the ground without so much as giving her a quick kick to side was a miracle, and it left Alex just as surprised as her brother. She felt him growl at someone else, most likely Annabeth, and though she couldn't make anything out she thought she heard her sister's voice as nothing more than a dull echo.

And that just wouldn't do. Alex was helpless, a prime target for retribution, and the fact that her sister of all people stopped Akorvick from exacting his vengeance meant something else was going to happen. If she was being forced to sit there and suffer whatever punishment they were preparing to throw onto her she needed to at least know what was coming. So the girl started focusing on that faded tone, her attention focusing on the muddled speech until her hearing started to pick out some random words. "... ... ... hides! ... ... think ...! ... destroy ... both! ... only one ... a temper!" Though the deafness was fading it still wasn't perfect. But the look in Annabeth's eye a she approached was a powerful motivator. "Besides ... are ... punishments to visit ... dear, foolish sister~" The smile that greeted the floored girl had her skin crawling for inexplicable reasons. "Haven't you noticed? Dear Alex is growing up.... She's almost a proper woman now~"

There was something sinister in those words, something that struck a primal fear deep within Alex's heart that only grew when Akorvick turned toward her and offered her that same grin. It spurned her into action before she even realized she could move. Her arm rose behind her, a clumsy action that mirrored the sudden curl of her leg as both fought to find purchase, and once they did they started both pushing and pulling her away. It barely moved her more than a couple inches, but her body fought fiercely for them as if every single step would somehow bring deliverance from the torment that only her unconscious was allowed to entertain. But it spawned a terrible fear within her, the fear that no matter how cruel her siblings had been in the past they were preparing to cross a line that should never be crossed.

Her entire body was starting to panic, so much so that she nearly managed to make it to her feet. But even if adrenaline and fear managed to let her completely ignore the pain she felt it did nothing to help her stand. If allowed she would get to one knee before her entire world suddenly spun on its side before her head struck something solid and gave her a throbbing pain that broke through whatever veil her panic had made. It was only when she started trying to move once more that she realized she had fallen on her side with a resounding thump that left her body seizing under the assault on its nerves that her mind was trying to hold back. But she tried to move once more, her fear becoming a force unto itself that demanded she do what she could to avoid the fate about to be brought, and it caused her to do the one thing no one would ever have expected her to do.

Alex cried out for help.

It was a muffled little yelp, her damaged jaw preventing her from opening her mouth more than a sliver, but there was no doubting both brother and sister would know it for what it was. And it wasn't something they would have expected either. She'd never done it in the past. She may have screamed in pain, but through all the torment they'd given her she'd never once cried out to be rescued. And there was good reason for it. Aureus taught all his children that pleas for mercy and cries for help were nothing more than surrender. It was an admission that they were not strong enough to weather whatever punishment was brought down on them, and he refused to accept that anyone that shared his blood would ever admit defeat. But Alex just had. And she did it again a moment later. Her own primal fears had overridden whatever remained of her character and reduced her to the scared little girl that brother and sister had always thought she was.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alex: HP = 70, PP = 55, EP = 75, Status = Pregnant

Watching her crawl away from them, little more than a pathetic whimpering wretch at their feet, brought a deeper smile to both of her cruel siblings faces. Though either of them could have stepped up and.... Done any number of things to her, they merely kept pace while Alex crawled backwards away from them. Akorvick stepped up as Alex nearly climbed to her feet, his tail thrashing against the ground as if he were about to lash it out at her, but Annabeth stepped in front of him and forced him to back down, the smile on her face promising him the violence that he desired.

Her brother and sister, her blood, stalked around Alexandra with wicked smiles as she began to move again, circling as if to close off the escape that some part of her recognized had never really been an option at all, but it wasn't until the youngest of the dragons actually cried out that she drew another audible response from the duo. Akorvick snorted and let out a deep, rumbling laugh that contained every bit of the great cruelty that her father's race had become famous for, while Annabeth gave a soft titter and said; "Oh, what was that? Is dear sister calling out for help? But surely she has nothing to fear from us! Why Alex... I'm shocked at you!"

Breaking the barrier of distance that they'd maintained while she scrambled away from them, Alex's sister strode up and crouched beside her, even placing a hand on her shoulder as the elder half-dragon gazed into her eyes. "Why Alex, we're only just going to have a talk with you.... All girls have to have a word about it sooner or later, with our mother or... A trusted sibling! And, as mommy dearest isn't here," she said in a soft tone while wearing a similar expression, but then broke into another malignant grin as she snarled; "You'll be getting the talk from us!" Annabeth rose, and her tail suddenly lashed out at poor prone Alex, scoring a hit that cut into the soft skin of her belly and rent away the clothing covering her torso completely. "Akorvick, dear brother... If you would please assist me~" she said, and the larger of her two siblings casually strolled up and wrapped his tail around one of her legs, casually lifting Alex off of the ground with one of them.

Do not read beyond this point if you are faint of heart.
Hanging upside by one leg and half naked, Alex was even more helpless before. She knew it, Akorvick knew it... And unfortunately, Annabeth knew it. Her sister's tail was tipped in a small spike, which had afforded her the ability to shred Alexandra's clothing with such ease, but it was also lined in harsh, sharp scales. It was those that Alex felt the wrath of next, as Annabeth began to lash her, each blow sending a new wave of agony up her spine as her skin was shredded by her sister's tough scales, and also causing her to spin in place. Another few slashes from her tail followed a dozen or so blows sent against her body, these cutting into the skin of her thighs and waist, and when they were down her bottoms fell away from her. Alexandra was left, battered, bleeding, and naked in Akorvick's grasp, but not for long. Letting out a disgusted grunt, Akorvick dropped Alex like a sack of potatoes, but despite how much she might have desired it in that moment, Alex was granted the sweet release of unconsciousness that might have saved her from experiencing what was to come next.

"Now, you see this, dear sister?" Annabeth said softly, and her voice almost seemed soothing were it not for the context in which she spoke. Alex was half lifted again, this time by both legs, which were rent apart, and she felt Annabeth's tail pressed against her (presumably) virgin sex, the pike at the end parting her nether lips and threatening to cause horrible damage to her insides if she gave in the slightest of struggles. "Annabeth..." Akorvick grumbled, and something in his voice almost made him sound afraid despite the deep, rumbling basseto in which he spoke. though her perceptions were dimmed by her pain, Alex felt her sister turn to her brother and scowl warningly, and for some reason the elder sibling backed off.

She turned back to Alex and smiled, "Now... When you fall in love with a man.... Or someone with appropriate appendages... This, is where your lover.... Penetrates you!" It was as she spoke that Alexandra's sister forced the tip of her rough, scale-coated tail down into her soft, pink womanhood. There was no pleasure granted in the act, as even the widest, wettest whore in the world would have had a task in front of them if they were expected to take Annabeth's tail inside of them, but Alex was granted a whole new kind of agony as her insides were shredded by her sister's slow penetration. She spoke no more after that, the look of ecstasy on Annabeth's face mirroring that of Alexandra's agony, and simply began to piston her tail into Alex slowly, every motion bringing new waves of horrible pain to the abused dragoness, but there was some luck (or sense) involved in the act, as Annabeth never went beyond about four inches, largely protecting her from the brunt of the harm that the spike tipping Annabeth's tail might have caused if she went any deeper.

That made it no less horrific for Alex of course, but if Annabeth cared for her feelings in the matter, it was unlikely that she would have ever done something so horrible to her in the first place. The elder sister clearly wasn't gaining any physical pleasure from the act, but the look of joy she wore at Alexandra's suffering was no less than what she might have held under the attentions of a skilled lover. Whatever it was that gave Annabeth the ability to enjoy what she was doing, it seemed to drive her to do more and more, and she began to thrash her tail about inside of Alex all the more viciously as time went on, up until the point that Akorvick suddenly called out; "Annabeth, enough!"

Alexandra's sister froze, and for a single heartbeat she almost looked ashamed, but then she withdrew her tail from Alexandra's torn, blood-soaked flower and turned to Akorvick. "Enough, you say?" she began airily, smirking brightly at him as if they were discussing common gossip rather than Alexandra's torture. "Oh but I'm not finished with my lesson yet! Unless.... You want to take over for me, hrm?" The pause caused Akorvick to pale, but the sight of Annabeth's tail hanging over Alexandra and the look on his older sister's face... Something in it made him step forward, and replace Annabeth's slim tail with his wider, thicker one.

He did not speak as he resumed her torture in Annabeth's place, but the only mercy in it was that he had no spike at the tip that might have caused lasting damage. If anything, Alexandra might have wished for a deadly accident to take her right then, as Akorvick was in truth no more gentle on her, and the increased girth of his tail only made the penetration more painful on her. Annabeth laugh richly at the sight, idly flicking her tail and causing specks of Alexandra's blood to rain down on their surroundings, and it seemed as if her torment might last for hours more....

But then, Akorvick pulled himself free of her and grunted, "Father will be home soon. We'll be dead if he sees us like this. Lets leave her and be gone from here, before.... Lets just go." He glanced at Annabeth, who looked about ready to protest, but a glance at Alex's shattered body caused her to smirk, and she apparently considered her punishment sufficient for the moment. "Perhaps.... You keep out of trouble, dear sister~" she said, blowing Alex a kiss before the two of them simply.... Left. Left her there, likely to die, in so much pain that she couldn't even move.

It was then that Alex remembered that her mother had come for her, and her tears and her arms... But that part of the memory never came. It seemed that whatever spell had been woven upon them, it only sought out pain, and not the portions of comfort that might come afterwards, as the young dragoness was left in her pain for a time before the world became as fog, and then simply dissolved. It was then that she found herself dropped unceremoniously back into her own "body," though she realized immediately that she had not returned to physical reality. She was in the dream world, and Aescila clutched her arm tightly, a familiar look of distress on her face as she clutched at Alex so tightly that her knuckles had turned white.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Warning: Monstrous post is monstrous

As bad as that first hit was, at seeing her clothes being shredded like paper while her gut felt like it was being opened to let her intestines flow freely to the ground, it was nothing compared to what happened as she was pulled into the air. Alex could see her sister preparing another strike, and her arms shot forward in some vain attempt to reduce the pain that would follow, but all that earned her was a series of cuts that left her arms ringing in pain. Her entire body swayed with the impact, and each hit that followed left her flesh opening more and more. To make matters worse the force of each shot caused those arms to tingle, her nerves and muscles been battered by the sheer weight of Annabeth's tail until they could take no more and were forced to hang uselessly and give her elder sister free reign over the rest of her body.

By the time the older dragon had finished Alex had screamed herself hoarse and simply hung like some dying animal that still somehow clung to life even as its entire body bled itself dry. A moment later the grip on her ankle was released, and she landed in a pile of limbs and scales and liquid crimson that let out a pained grunt and somehow managed a few raspy breaths. She could feel unconsciousness reaching for her, her vision fading to black around the edges, but as much as she would have welcomed it she was denied. Instead she was left just lucid enough to feel her legs being lifted and parted, and as she felt something settling near her untouched nethers her attention instantly focused as a wave of fear washed over her. She wanted to scream. She wanted to run. She wanted to beg her sister for some form of mercy that would keep the woman from doing such an unspeakable thing, but with her jaw broken and her body numb she couldn't even manage that. All she could do was sit and listen to Annabeth's lesson and steel herself against the pain that was about to come. It couldn't be anything worse than what she's suffered before, right? This wasn't the first time she'd taken abuse-

Alex screamed. Her broken jaw hinged open, the bone nearly scraping against itself and alighting its own agony, but that pain was nothing compared to being filled by her sister's tail. She didn't appreciate that it only went so deep, that any damage the sharpened tip might have caused was nulled by the fact that it couldn't reach anything past the first few inches of her channel. Her world was filled with the searing pain of feeling her most sensitive flesh being stretched beyond anyone's limits before Annabeth's toughened scales started slowly carving a furrow that caused her straining walls to start ripping themselves apart. It was only made worse when Annabeth started to piston into the young dragon. Each push forced those scales to tear at a new section, and even if it never happened Alex felt like her sister was driving that tail deeper and deeper with every body-wrenching thrust. She feared it would simply keep pushing, shredding her insides until there was nothing left and her skin simply split and let Annabeth's tail erupt from her bloody carcass. The sight of her bloody sex only reinforced that fear, and even with her mouth managing to scream an agonized "STOOOOOOOP!" there was no mercy to be found on her sister's face. All she found was some perverse sense of joy that only grew with her suffering, one that grew even more sick and twisted as that plea for mercy spurned her elder sister to thrash wildly in complete and utter ecstasy.

With her body threatening to split down its center Alex thought her only chance at relief would come when Annabeth finally managed to tear her in half, so she was ill prepared to suddenly deal with Akorvick stepping forward and causing her sister to stop. The sudden cease in torture was a shock, one that refused to bring any relief after all the damage she suffered. All she could manage was a few ragged rasps of breath while her entire upper body cringed as the pain of what had happened started to truly sink in. But that small respite was short-lived, Annabeth saying the lesson had yet to be finished. It caused the girl's eyes to open in a panic and immediately settle on her older brother, his pale expression completely ignored as she focused on the sheer size and girth of the tail that eventually rose and replaced her sister's. She could tell something wasn't right with Akorvick, the look of rage he always held was replaced by something else, but no matter how her eyes begged him to do something, anything other than violate her Alex's battered body just couldn't catch his attention.

The only bit of mercy she found was the lack of any deadly tip on her brother's tail. That didn't help ease the sudden shearing agony of that massive thing forcing her tunnel to stretch beyond obscene until her flesh tore even more and left her feeling Alex feeling like nothing more than gigantic bloody hole that burned brighter than any fire she had known while scale and muscle pistoned in and out of her at an angry pace no less furious than her psychopath of a sister. Her body had more than enough by that point. She couldn't even manage to scream, and with every passing second she silently wished that Akorvick would simply give in to the rage he held earlier and smear her head all over the ground. But of all the times to show restraint he chose now, and all Alex could do was simply sit and silently cry to herself as this torture would no doubt continue for hours on end.

And then it just...stopped. Akorvick pulled himself free citing his concerns over Father's return, and Annabeth must have agreed since she blew Alex a kiss before the both of them simply gathered themselves and left. Just like that she was left all alone, her seemingly lifeless eyes staring out at nothing while her body slowly bled out from the cuts she suffered and a small crimson puddle started to pool under her broken form. After a couple minutes her blank eyes swept the area, and she couldn't help but notice the flecks of blood spread all around courtesy of her sister's enthusiasm. She could only imagine the grisly scene she made with so much of her life sprayed all over the ground, but it was enough to make her close her eyes and wait. There was too much blood everywhere. There couldn't have been that much contained within her tiny body. There couldn't be much left. She just needed a few more seconds. Then she wouldn't need to worry about any of this anymore...

But seconds turned to minutes. To hours. Days. Weeks. Years. Or that's how it all felt to young Alex as she silently listened to her heart slowly beating in her chest and refusing to simply give in. It just kept going. It never stopped. Why won't it stop? This question kept echoing through her mind while her heart slowly pulsed a weak rhythm, and against all odds it started growing stronger. Noooo... Despite the beating and the savagery she was forced to endure her body was starting to recover. The numbness of near death faded with each passing second, and as her entire body started reliving the horror that still left it marked she caught the faint sounds around her. The rustle of leaves slowly swaying in a light wind, the scurry of small insects going about their life as if her suffering never mattered...

And behind it all she could hear the plodding footsteps of someone slowly approaching. Noooo! Her eyes shut in an instant, her brow failing to furrow in concentration as she silently pleaded for whoever was out there to simply turn and leave her be, but Fate wouldn't be so kind. I can't deal with this anymore! Please! Just leave me alone... Just... Just let me die! The thought of someone finding her there bloodied and broken and unable to even lift a finger to pull herself someplace to hide filled her with a shame that would have had her digging her own grave had she the strength, but behind that was a fear. If her body was found she may actually recover. If she recovered she would eventually find herself all alone once again. Once she was alone they would find her, and once they did they would find someway to outdo themselves. That thought alone terrified her, and it was what left her silently praying to the gods, any god, to reach down and grant her this one mercy that would finally end it. Please... I wanna die... But those steps kept coming, almost like her prayers were a beacon leading to the horror of her discovery. I wanna die! But it didn't keep those prayers from coming, and with each footfall she tried to will her body to simply stop right then and there. I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die-

-I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die... Alex couldn't keep herself from clutching her head, not when it felt like something was trying to rip its way out of her skull. She wasn't sure how she ended up on the 'floor' or how she ended up curled around herself, but she couldn't keep those words from echoing against every corner of her mind. I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die...

A part of her was still somewhat lucid, enough to recognize her younger voice begging for destruction just like that godawful memory, but it should have stopped. That voice in her head should have vanished... And it shouldn't be this strong! Alex felt like the damaged child of her youth was reaching out, reaching through her for death and destruction and some end to the pain she was put through, and there was no stopping it. Her despair was growing by the second, and she could hear her inner child growing louder and louder until her own thoughts were being drowned by this one desire to simply end it.

With every passing moment Alex found her identity being overwhelmed by her own ghost. She could feel her own wounds opening once again, scars long healed and vanished blossoming into crimson rivers that vanished in a couple seconds and returned a few later. She could feel the phantom pains of the past burning up and down her spine, every muscle trying to cringe when the memory of her sister's tail struck her once more. For a few moments she suppressed them, her perception returning to normal and revealing not even a single scratch on her spectral form, but this was more than just some outside influence. This trauma was a central part of her life whether she admitted so or not. No amount of denial would hold back the truth of what she was at her very core, and as it fought its way to the surface she found her body morphing into the broken bag of flesh from her past.

As much as she knew that couldn't happen, as much as she knew that there was more to her identity than the suicidal girl she had once been, the fact that her spectral form was changing was proof that something within her had broken. Her own despair over her own past kept rising to the surface, and as it did all the effort she made in overcoming her pain was simply pushed down until it was buried deep within some dark corner of her own soul. It almost felt like someone else was trying to replace her, someone less stable and less likely to hold themselves back, someone who would strike out at anything that so much as looked at them to keep themselves from having to live through that nightmare once more. And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Are you going to let them lead your life?" A faint voice echoed in what little space she had left to herself, but as she heard it she simply froze. It was a voice she recognized, one that she knew for only a short time, but it had such a profound effect on her that she could feel the spectral landscape starting to change. She couldn't see it, not buried as she was, but she could feel the mists of a rather powerful memory starting to take shape. And she leapt at it. She concentrated every bit of her will into her arm, and a moment later her hand reached out and latched onto a frozen moment of time that was even then starting to fade into the background once more. Even then it tried to escape, but she held onto it with everything she had, her own knuckles turning white as that faint image started taking on details. Little by little that still became more real, and soon enough Alex felt herself being taken into another memory.

"Are you going to let them lead your life?"

Standing outside his door, her hand raised to give it a light rap, Alex thought about that question he asked her. It actually left her quite stunned. She'd known him for a while now, Sir Roko, a squad commander for a no name mercenary group that was openly being considered as being hired as some noble's honor guard, and as long as she'd known him he had always shown a rather healthy appetite for the ladies. At first she'd considered him disgusting for simply using women like that, but as she spent time with him he just proved to be a rather affectionate man who enjoyed spending his affections on women who caught his attention. She just never expected him to set his sights on her. Up until then any man that tried to get close to her usually ended up with a broken lip and a nearly broken arm, but with the two of them having trained together so frequently he knew how to get past her defenses.

So when he managed to wrestle her to the ground she was ill-prepared for the sudden kiss he planted on her lips. She actually went into a bit of shock, and when he pulled back he found her frozen like some rabbit trapped beneath the jaws of a wolf. He must have mistaken it for something else because he kept pressing her, light touches and strokes pressing against that would send any number of women melting yet only held her in place, and when he moved in for the kill she suddenly exploded in a frightened shriek that left him sitting on his back while she clutched at herself in some effort to make herself look as small as possible. But once he overcame his own bit of shock he showed some genuine concern for the halfbreed, and after offering her some comfort Alex just couldn't contain herself any longer. She blurted out the truth of what happened to her, the entire sordid tale left bare and unadultered. And she expected him to back off. She expected him to understand why she was damaged and why she would never be able to share any intimacy with anyone else.

So when he pulled her head up and looked her straight in the eye, she never would have expected him to ask her that question. Are you going to let them lead your life? It was an odd question, one he left her to consider as he took his leave, and once she managed to gather herself she left for her own room and pondered it for an entire day. She never really considered how that day had affected the rest of her life, and little by little she realized that he was right. Annabeth and Akorvick had destroyed her innocence, and in doing so they left her so scarred that she could never enjoy any form of intimacy with another person. And she just let it happen. She let them ruin her. She let their actions define every bit of who she was, and she let the pain they caused from ever finding any happiness in her life.

That's what brought her to this door three days later. When she realized how she was being controlled Alex vowed to get past it, but it took another two days to build up the courage to seek Roko out and give him her answer. And now that she was there she could feel her determination starting to waver. A large part of her wanted to simply turn and run away. The scared little girl within her somehow realized what would happen on the other side of that door, and she wanted nothing to do with it. But there was something deeper, something more profound that realized that this was probably the one and only chance she would get at living a normal life, and if she walked away she would be doomed to live her life within her sibling's shadow.

Before Alex could stop herself her hand finally fell and gave Roko's door a single, solemn knock, and before she could turn and run away in disgrace he opened that door and welcomed her inside.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alex: HP = 70, PP = 55, EP = 75, Status = Pregnant

The door swung open only a moment after her knock, revealing the figure of Sir Roko standing beyond it... Sans his shirt. The half dressed warrior shot her a smirk as he recognized her, his look perhaps a little bit too knowing, and said; "Come on in Lady Alexandra, make yourself comfortable." He stepped aside, permitting her entrance to his quarters. Though he had gotten himself private quarters, the mercenary's living space wasn't exactly spacious or even particularly clean, but he had enough furniture about that Alex could take her pick of where she wanted to sit. "So, what brings you to my quarters at such an hour?" he asked teasingly, again shooting her a knowing look as he prepared a cup of tea for her, already drinking the same himself.
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Re: All Out War (Termite)

"Y-You know why I'm here!" The fact that his shirt was missing had Alex turning a rather bright shade of pink, and that quickly turned to an almost furious red as he kept giving her that knowing smirk. Condescending bastard... But she knew why she was there, and he knew why she was there, so might as well just plow forward. "I've been giving your question some thought, and you are right. They have been controlling me. So..." But even if she wanted to move forward this was still uncharted and rather scary territory for her. "H-how do I break it?"
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Re: All Out War (Termite)

Alex: HP = 70, PP = 55, EP = 75, Status = Pregnant

"Do I now?" he replied inquisitively, raising an eyebrow. His expression became less playful as she explained her purpose, and though it didn't quite become a frown his smirk was gone. Once her fairly loaded question was asked, Roko moving slowly and gently, answered by striding up to Alex and wrapping an arm around her waist, letting it rest for a moment as he looked deeply into her eyes. "How do you break it?" he said, sounding as if he were musing aloud. His expression became fully serious for a moment as he said; "The first step is done, but if you really want to be free... Then you have to let yourself be free."

He paused and allowed that to sink in, but then froze as the memory to which she had retreated flickered suddenly, the image momentarily becoming blurry before solidifying once more. In that moment, Alex thought that she saw a shadowy figure in the background, indistinct but somehow incredibly familiar, but a heartbeat later it was gone, and Roko acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "I'm here to help you do that, but the choice has to be yours," he continued, and if she allowed it, Sir Roko would begin pulling her gently across the room, towards his bed.

The smirk returned then as he said; "Now, I hope you don't mind, but... I'd rather not come away from this with anything broken." He paused and turned to face her squarely, his hand resting on her hip, "So, I'd like to impose a bit of... Restraint... On you."
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Enveloped as she was in the memory the momentary hiccup just proved rather odd and curious before she noticed the shadow suddenly appear and vanish. A small part of Alex's true self realized she had someone else watching the memory alongside her, but once things started moving again it was simply lost as she started reliving her role.

"Restraint...?" With Roko's hand on her waist Alex was all kinds of off-balance, but her question sparked a response. "Turn around." She gave him a rather dubious look, but she did as asked. A moment later she felt her arms being lifted, and once both her forearms were laying across each other he gave one more order. "Don't more, just relax." To help with that she closed her eyes and tried to think of anything other than sitting in some man's bed, but it couldn't stop her from giving a shocked little yelp at feeling her arms suddenly being bound together. She immediately tried to break herself free, but with the first coil already in place she couldn't find the leverage to rip her arms back around her body. "Relax. I don't want to make this too tight."

Once he was done he simply sat back and looked at his work, and Alex couldn't help but struggle and try to set herself free. But she was essentially bound and much less dangerous than she was just a few moments earlier, and that fact put a rather nasty scowl on her face.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Logs part 1
Tass: Roko shot Alex another amused look as she squirmed against the bonds, and snaked his arm around her back to lay a comforting hand on her waist as he said; "That face... You need to relax! I'm not some enemy that's going to hurt you."

Termite: "I know, but this is hardly dignified..." But Alex also knew what kind of damage she could cause by lashing out unexpectedly, so she tried to calm her nerves even while Roko was wrapping himself around her waist once again.

Tass: "Intimacy isn't about dignity," he stated simply, smiling. "It's about letting your dignity fall away, just for a little while... So that someone can see the real you~" he continued as his hand gently trailed up her front, eventually pressing two fingers against her chin and lightly turning her head in his direction. They were very close now, close enough that Alex could smell the light scent of sweat on his body, though how muted it was suggested that the man had bathed recently.

Termite: Though she did try to pull away Roko's light touch proved more than enough to get her to face him. But when he explained intimacy to her she dropped her eyes a bit. "The real me isn't all that pretty..."

Tass: "How would you know?" he said bemusedly, but then his voice dropped to a whisper as he leaned in toward her, "Have you ever let her out before?" She felt his breath pass over her lips as he finished his question, a wave of soft warmth, but he didn't kiss her again... Not yet.

Termite: At that point Alex froze. She never really expected to find herself like this, someone's breath simply washing over her and threatening to steal a kiss. She wasn't sure how to react, and her body simply settled for staring at him with her mouth slightly open. She was simply too scared to do anything else.

Tass: Something about Alex's expression made Roko hesitate another moment longer, but even so he gently proceeded forward, pressing his lips against her own in another soft kiss. The embrace was not prolonged, however, and he pulled away after a moment to gaze into her eyes. "Are you frightened?" he said, his voice soft but also somewhat deeper.

Termite: "Yes..." But she wasn't terrified. Something about that kiss actually felt quite pleasant. What it was she didn't know, but...but it wasn't the body freezing terror she had felt back in the training hall.

Tass: Roko smiled softly and leaned in again, planting another soft kiss on Alex's lips, and then another... And then a third, this one accompanied by a gentle opening of his mouth. He pulled back again afterwards, his embrace almost tugging her along with it before it broke, and simply asked; "Why are you frightened?"

Termite: "Because... I've never done anything like this before..." Alex hadn't realized how she had been tugged during that last kiss, but once she realized she was nearly falling all over him she turned a furious shade of red and shifted her eyes as if she were utterly embarrassed.

Tass: "And why does that frighten you?" he asked softly, his hand trailing slowly up and down her side.

Termite: "Because..." It took a moment for her to find her answer, but when she did she looked even more meek and embarrassed than before. "Because I'm afraid I'll be hurt again..."

Tass: He smiled, and again his other hand pulled her head up to look at him, "But... You won't be... Not here, not now. Not by me." Roko kissed her again, and this time he held the kiss, starting another almost immediately as the arm around her side pulled her against him.

Termite: Alex was about to respond, but the lips falling onto hers reduced anything she said into a muffled "Mmph!" as she was assaulted once again. But this time that kiss was held, and she felt herself being pulled closer until their bodies were resting against each other. And... And Alex felt herself starting to relax. She wasn't quite sure why, but her body starting acting on its own, pressing itself forward and opening up to the kiss even though she felt like she was going to die from embarrassment.

Tass: Alex only barely felt it when Sir Roko's fingers left her chin, where they trailed down her front and began to slowly undo the half-dragon's top. His other arm continued to hold her, and his lips continued to press gently against hers for another moment before he parted for an instant, his eyes looking deeply into hers.

Termite: Her body tensed once again when those fingers started wandering toward her top, and she let out a muffled moan of surprise. When they finally parted long enough to look at each other he would find Alex looking unsure of herself or what he was planning, but even then she had yet to move away.

Tass: Taking her silence as assent, Roko gently kissed her again as the work of his hands continued, eventually opening up her shirt and revealing what lay beneath. (Assumed a button-up shirt for convenience.)

Termite: Once her chest was revealed Alex let out a little flinch. In her mind she could still see the scars that no longer existed, and for some reason she was sure he would see them, too.

Tass: No scars were to be found along her chest, and after another hesitant moment Roko ran his hand up the soft flesh of her abdomen, along her belly, and then her ribs, and then trailing up the soft curve of one of her breasts, one fingers gently running over the peak before his wrist twisted and he cupped her soft chest, giving it a gentle squeeze while his mouth opened softly, his tongue flicking out against her lower lip.

Termite: With the man's hand rising up her body Alex couldn't keep herself from shivering under his touch. When he finally rose to her more giving flesh she let out a small gasp, part of her trying to back away while another tried to press herself closer, and once his tongue flicked against her lower lip her arms shook a bit as if she were going to use them before her body started leaning into his touch.

Tass: Roko's hand was gentle as it rubbed over her breast, sending light tingles of pleasure through Alex's body as it massaged her soft flesh, his tongue flicking again against her lips before it slowly pushed into her mouth, deepening the kiss as it the dextrous little muscle flicked teasingly against her own.

Termite: Alex's shivering only grew stronger as Roko continued to carress her, and as her body started noticing the pleasant little tingles that were running up and down her spine she couldn't help but give a small cry of distress straight into the man's mouth. He quickly answered by stoking her tongue with his own, and this made her shrink back a bit before her body started relaxing on its own. Parts of herself were starting to rebel, and her tongue led the charge by very cautiously reaching out and welcoming its visitor with a soft caress.

Tass: Her small cry of distress almost caused him to stop, but when her tongue began to return his advances Roko opted to become a bit more adventurous. His hands began to rub over the tip of her breast, causing it to harden, and after that he rolled his fingers over it one at a time, every touch only making the sensitive nub all the more receptive to the pleasurable sensations that her body so yearned for. His tongue began to dance with hers, leading it in a series of soft, rolling caresses that the inexperienced dragonkin couldn't quite follow without the guidance that he provided.

Termite: With her body being assaulted Alex found herself slowly being drowned in the pleasure she had never known before. The teasing of her nipple had her taking clipped breaths with with each rub, and as his fingers played over her tip one at a time those gasps slowly turned into short moans that left her nearly collapsing with how strange her body was starting to feel. But as inexperienced as she was her tongue had quite the willing lead, and it dutifully followed every brush and stroke as if this was something it had longed to do all its life.

Tass: The attentions directed against the tip of her breast were briefly halted, but only long enough for Roko to slip her shirt off entirely, fully exposing her chest, and his mouth never parted from hers in all that time. When he had disrobed her completely, the knight gently pushed her using the weight of his body, laying her on her side upon his bed before joining her there himself. Both hands came up then, taking both of Alex's breasts and providing for them the same as he had given before, rubbing her nipples against his palms until the other hardened and then running his fingers over them one by one, causing her more and more of the unfamiliar pleasurable sensations.

Termite: With her arms tied as they were her shirt was left bundled behind her back, but as she was being laid down her shirt was ignored for the slight bit of panic that was starting to settle over her. Her legs immediately clenched together before Roko could resume his attentions, and even as he did and caused her body to relax a bit the still kept themselves tightly sealed.

Tass: For a time Roko was content to simply lay his attentions against her as he was, kissing her and fondling her chest, perhaps causing her some small bit of ease. But then, eventually, one of his hands parted from her bosom and slowly trailed down, gliding along her skin and allowing her to feel it in full as it slowly made its way toward her tightly closed legs... And then eased over them, trailing along her side and down to her thigh, rubbing the tightly corded muscle gently as he momentarily pulled away from the kiss. His lips were still mere centimeters from her own, close enough that she could push to meet them if she so chose, but for the moment he simply gazed at her, holding her stare tightly.

Termite: Alex's panic was nothing compared to the sudden terror she felt as Roko threatened to plunge where her legs were trying to merge into one. When he suddenly veered to merely caress and rub her leg and thigh he finally pulled out of the kiss, and he was welcomed to the sight of Alex looking far more frightened then she did earlier. Her mouth opened as if she were going to plead for mercy, but her voice refused to leave her throat and simply left her gaping soundlessly while feeling far too vulnerable for her own liking.

Tass: Roko's hand continued to lightly caress her flesh, and the attentions on her breast lightened considerably as the man tilted his head curiously. The hand on her thigh trailed towards her nethers slowly, not forcing it but trying to lightly part her legs when it arrived there.

Termite: Though his hand was light and gentle her legs refused to part for him. The rest of her seemed willing enough. Her chest was starting to press against him a little, and her toes were curling as she started enjoying all the rampant sensations, but there was something that was refusing to allow her legs to open. Watching Alex he would find her offering a meek apology, but as sorry as she looked it was quite clear it would take more than a gentle touch to pry those legs apart.

Tass: Roko merely smiled at her apologetic look, and as he kissed her again and renewed the touches against her breast, he shifted closer against her. The hand that had trailed between her legs moved over and past her thighs, giving her bottom a light experimental squeeze before rubbing her softness as it took another route between her legs, fingers snaking between her tightly clenched thighs and rubbing against her womanhood through her clothes, sending a spark of much more potent pleasure up the half-dragon's spine.

Termite: With Roko changing tactics and moving himself closer Alex let out another muffled moan, and she was entirely distracted by the fingers splaying over her rear and her breast to realize those fingers were returning once more. But once they started to worm their way between her thighs she suddenly tensed far more tightly then ever before, and the moment she was touched she let out a cry and bucked her entire body as if she were trying to throw the man across the room. But if he held himself close he would notice how she shivered with a rather bright flush on her face, and thighs seemed to be warring with themselves. They still tried to remain closed, but the tension that remained would twitch at random times, and her legs were part for just a split second before fighting to close themselves once more.

Tass: Holding himself tightly against her as he weathered her wild thrashing, Roko pressed his forehead against hers in a comforting gesture, noting the shiver that ran through her body. For the moment his hand returned to her bottom, rubbing her as he did her breast, but after a time he tried again, slipping his hand to rub lightly against her sex.

Termite: While there was no getting closer than the two were right that moment the sudden simple comfort offered by Roko put a sudden little patter in Alex's heart. It went a long way to easing her nerves, and when he returned for another attempt she didn't thrash as wildly as she had before. In fact she looked like she was actively trying to fight her instinct to fight, and when his fingers found their mark her entire body twisted as if she were being overwhelmed. Her legs still held themselves together, but now the tension that held them closed had turned into a light shuddering, part of her wanting to spread herself while another fought desperately to protect herself.

Tass: Roko, though he wasn't party to her internal struggle, offered her a soft smile and began to lightly rub against her petals for as long as Alex might allow it, his fingers tracing over her nether lips lightly as he planted another soft kiss on her lips. The hand on her breast provided a bit of added incentive as the knight took the sensitive tip between his fingers and began to tug lightly, causing no pain but rapidly increasing the pleasure that she was receiving.

Termite: Every pass against her sex sent an alien charge through her body, and Alex responded by twisting herself into tighter knots. Her chest nearly flung itself into his experienced fingers, and her back even started to rise off of the bed until her petals started pressing a little harder against Roko's gentle touch. The sudden pressure nearly had her throwing her hips back onto the bed to try and hide within the mattress itself, but the twinge that followed had her shivering once again. The opposing forces within her warring for control had reached a stalemate. She wanted to open herself to Roko's fine touch. She wanted to throw him halfway across the room for daring to defile her like this. She wanted to press herself against him, to feel everything she'd been denied in her past. She wanted to break free and run, to never look back and simply find some small cave to hide and recover her strength so no one would ever touch her like that again. And it all equaled out to her quivering in his embrace, a look of distressed determination creasing her brow and demanding her attention as she fought to overcome the sudden fear she could feel growing in the pit of her stomach.

Tass: Roko's attentions were dedicated and intense, but also soft and gentle, never overloading her on the sensations that sent shivers up her spine, but never failing to cause them in just the right amount either. "Alex..." he whispered softly, but then the vision shimmered again, and an echo of her name sounded in another voice... A familiar voice, one that seemed to be trying to offer comfort. The shadow appeared again, but this time great wings rose up from its shoulders, their outlines revealing that they were feathered. Before her mind could process what she saw, however, the apparition was gone, and Alex was thrown back into the vision. Roko's fingers stroked over her inner thighs, feeding her determination and trying to push her to relent, to surrender, for another few moments, but then... He stopped. His hand withdrew, and a moment later Alex felt it glide back along her thigh, to her front, where he unbuckled and undid her pants in a single smooth blur of motion.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Logs part 2
Termite: The struggle... It was so intense... And yet it never really felt like it overwhelmed her. She could that she was tearing herself apart, but with each pulse of pleasure that ran down her spine feeding that struggle it felt somewhat...controlled... And when he spoke to her it felt like he was gently encouraging her, offering his own strength to bolster her own and help her work through this nightmare. But when it all shimmered and led to another voice Alex found herself looking at someone's shadow. Part of her thought it was familiar, but it was a deeply buried part that had no sway over the current storm of emotion that she was experiencing just a moment earlier. "Who are you?!" The next moment the image was gone, the entire hiccup completely forgotten as her body continued to writhe, but when it all came to a sudden stop her body simply collapsed back onto the bed. She felt those fingers rolling over her once again, no longer threatening to touch her inexperienced sex, but a moment later she found them tearing through the buttons of her pants. At that moment she suddenly felt very small, entirely exposed, nothing more than a wounded woman with nothing left to hide...and when he looked at her Roko would notice a desire starting to blossom. She simply stared at him, her eyes vulnerable and scared, but there was a subdued eagerness that nearly begged him to continue

Tass: Seeing the look in her eyes sparked something in Roko, that much would have been obvious to a more experienced partner, but the knight made no demands upon her despite the erection pressing against his trousers. Instead, he smiled gently and, slowly, pulled her pants down, and then moved to give her flower a rub through the much thinner material of her underwear, the sensation far more intense than it had been before. There was far less time for her to prepare herself, however, before Alex's final barrier was pulled away, and Roko's hand slowly settled over her mound, and then started moving down.... Until, finally, his fingers brushed against her bare petals, sending a rush of pleasure that was more potent than any she'd had before up the half-dragon's spine.

Termite: The sudden rush of being exposed was nothing to the touch of flesh on flesh, and Alex couldn't keep herself from crying out once again. Her body quite visibly shook with the sudden burst of pleasure, and with it her legs started to finally pry themselves open just a couple inches. There wasn't enough room for any man to make himself comfortable, but there was more than enough for a hand to slip along her mound and nestle itself directly over her engorged lips. With that sudden burst of attention something within her was starting to unravel, and as he continued to rub her she looked up at him. "I..." Something was happening, something she couldn't explain, but for some reason she just couldn't keep it bottled up inside of her. "I'm..."

Tass: Roko simply smiled as he took advantage of the room he'd been suddenly offered, his hand flitting over her petals slowly and wetting his fingers on her love honey. After a moment or so the knight leaned in and kissed her again, his fingers slowly sliding over her sex until they found her clit, giving the sensitive nub a gentle but firm rubbing.

Termite: The continued rubbing had her letting out little whimpers that almost looked like they truly hurt had she not given a slight buck of her hips against his hand. The sudden slickening of his hand as her massaged her lips had her bucking a little harder, and as she did his fingers started zeroing in on something. The kiss interrupted her long enough to lose track of what he was doing, but once her clit was found her legs clamped around his hand and held it there. "Oh gods..." But unlike before it felt like she was actively trying to keep his hand close while her body twisted and turned itself into knots. "Why... Why do I... I..."

Tass: Though unable to move his wrist due to Alex's clamped thighs, Roko's fingers were not so impeded. They rubbed over her sensitive clit with slow, steady motions that gradually increased in pace without ever losing their target. Indeed, the knight only seemed to be able to target her sensitive places all the more accurately as time went on, and the massage of her chest and the soft kisses that he began to lay against her neck only served to help her along. He paused (but only in his kissing) when she spoke aloud, his voice a deep, passionate whisper as he said; "Just let yourself go... Let it all go... And feel."

Termite: "I..." Her hips kept rising little by little, almost as if she were trying to follow his touch even though he was trapped between her thighs. "I..." Something within her was getting ready to burst, and it caused her to start shivering all over again. "I...!" Each touch sent a bolt down her spine that felt like it was turning her into nothing more than a pile of mush, something within her was demanding even more. She opened her mouth again, but no sound came out as a particularly sensitive spot was stroked, when he told her to let it all go that knot finally snapped. A primal scream left her throat, one that sounded like intense pain but felt like pure heaven, and her hips suddenly bucked up and spread her legs wide. She thrust herself against his hand with all her might, and as she did she was overwhelmed with such ecstasy that she found herself staring to cry. Tears started flowing down her cheeks, and though her body still bucked against Roko's hand she started wailing and trying to bury herself against him. The fact that her hands were bound felt especially cruel when she finally came down and wanted to simply hold him, but even then her soft sobs echoing throughout the room were proof enough that she finally overcame her past.

Tass: There was no end to the pleasure as Alex came for the first time, Roko's fingers grinding against her clitoris relentlessly and with flawless precision despite the wild bucking of her hips, allowing her to ride the tide of pleasure for as long as she possibly could. Then, while most might have been surprised by Alexandra's bursting into tears following her first orgasm, the knight proved to not be one of them. His arms wrapped around her and his chin rested against the top of her head, and after a moment she felt the binding around her wrists be undone, freeing her arms to wrap around him in turn. "It'll be alright... You'll be alright..." he whispered softly, stroking her hair and holding her tightly against his chest.

Termite: The sudden feeling of comfort hit her hard, and it renewed her tears even while she wrapped herself around Roko. For the very first time in her life she no longer felt like a victim, and a bit of joy was suddenly flowing through her heart as she hugged the man and released all the pent up emotions she'd bottled deep within her. As time passed those sobs started to die down, and little by little Alex started giving in to exhaustion. Some voice chided her for it. This man helped you find some happiness, it said. You should help him find the same. And she did, especially when she noticed his erection pressing against her even while it was contained within his trousers, but she just didn't have the strength. "I'm sorry..."

Tass: By the time she had even noticed the man's erection, it was well on its way to fading. "It's okay," he said simply, cradling her against his chest.

Termite: "I still feel selfish..." But even then she nuzzled up to him, body on display as it was, simply listening to his heart beat.

Tass: Roko smiled softly, "Getting to see you like that... You being true to yourself, was one of the greatest gifts you could have given me."

Termite: "Hm." The he wouldn't see it Roko would probably feel her smiling against her chest. "That was kinda corny." And she nuzzled in even closer. "But thanks. For everything." And as she started drifting off she vowed she was going to make it up to him in the morning.

Tass: Roko just smiled at her, and then Alex drifted off to sleep in his arms. Her dreams, however, were anything but peaceful, even though the part of her mind that recognized that she wasn't seeing reality, a voice that was becoming ever quieter, told her that they weren't real. Storms, and the shadowy figure, and the voice that called her name with increasing desperation filled her dreams, but it was in Roko's arms that Alex awoke, now covered in blankets and partially dressed again, just as she remembered...

Termite: ........Let me out!.......
Alex woke with a sudden start, her dreams filled with strange visions and half dreams that didn't feel like her own yet seemed far more real than they should. But that was done with, and...

Tass: For a moment Alex thought that she saw the surface of her dream stretching, as if someone were trying to reach through a pliant surface, but then the image vanished, leaving behind only an echo in that tantalizingly familiar voice; "Alex.... You've got to wake up...."

Termite: "I... I can't..." Hearing herself whisper to some unknown voice was a rather rude wakeup call, and Alex nearly bolted upright that very moment. But the feel of Roko's arms helped calm her, and she settled in for a bit more cuddling before the day would be forced to start. But as she did she felt something pressing against her, and after a little fidgeting she found a rather familiar erection pressing against her stomach. She froze for a second, then she carefully looked up to see if Roko was still sleeping.

Tass: By all accounts the man seemed to still be asleep, though the smile on his face and the length pressing against her as it strained against his trousers suggested that he had good dreams to entertain him.

Termite: Finding him still asleep Alex simply sat and thought for a few seconds. Once she was done she carefully started undressing herself fully, every motion slow and steady to prevent Roko from rousing, and once she was fully nude she very carefully pulled his trousers down. Suddenly seeing a man's erection in front of her had her staring at it for some time, but eventually she started climbing up his body and arranged herself so her chest pressed against his. But to do what she wanted it left her breasts nearly popping in front of his face, and she let out a bit of a frustrated sigh before she adjusted herself and felt his manhood lightly striking her thigh. Again she waited to see if he woke.

Tass: Although it seemed impossible, Roko seemed to yet remain asleep, the smile on his face still present even as he let out a low, restless murmur.

Termite: Either she was lucky or he was faking it, but it didn't matter. She slid her body down very gently, enough that her netherlips kissed his length, and there she froze. This was another first for her, and she wasn't quite sure what she should do, but with it starting to pulse between her legs she started feeling a warmth spreading throughout her body. She let her hips shift a bit, just enough to slide her lips up and down the top of his member, and that same pleasant sensation from yesterday started creeping up and down her spine. So she simply kept going.

Tass: A few moments of feeling Alex gliding her nether lips over his stiff length either awoke the man, or caused him to tire of his game, as he cracked a grin and opened his eyes, gazing down at her with a broad smirk. "You know..." he began, "I've had worse wake up calls..." Roko's hands began to drift down her sides, caressing her skin.

Termite: After a few passes Alex started closing her eyes simply to enjoy the sensation, so when Roko opened his and let out his wisecrack Alex looked startled and sheepish. "I...I did kinda promise myself I'd make it up to you..." Of course her hips stopped for that one moment of surprise, but once it passed she kept on grinding herself oh so slowly.

Tass: "You did~" he replied, smiling and allowing her to continue while his hands slowly caressed her body, one eventually reaching up to her chest and cupping her breast again, providing it the same loving attention that he had given to it last night, while his other hand continued to caress her side, eventually settling onto her hip and providing encouragement for her grinding if the throbbing member rubbing against her petals and her own pleasure wasn't enough.

Termite: She needed no further encouragement, not with one hand rising to fondle her chest, and her hips kept drawing lazy little circles over his length while her breath started getting just a little heavier. Eventually her excitement started reaching a point where each shift brought a small burst with it, and it caused her hips to twitch a little higher every time until Roko's tip was starting to rub against her entrance. She let out a gasp as it threatened to pierce her, and she came to a sudden stop and looked a little sheepish. "I've never done this before..."

Tass: The knight beneath her merely smiled and said; "I have.... I could be on top if you prefer." He nudged his hips upwards, allowing her to feel another spike of pleasure as he parted her lower lips, the tip just barely penetrating her. He went no further than that, but it was plain that the man was at least as aroused as she was judging by the throbbing of his heart as it pumped blood into his rock-hard staff.

Termite: The sudden push had Alex letting out a gasp in short clips, her body simply relishing the feel of something teasing her entrance. "Th... that... may... be... beeeest..." Her hips had started grinding on their own before she started answering, and little by little she kept teasing herself on his length until one particularly strong thrust beat past her meager resistance and had Roko entering her channel. At that point all she could do was let out a quiet moan as her own weight caused him to sink further. Once he was hilted Alex simply stopped with her mouth opened in a little ring.

Tass: Roko seemed about ready to move before another of her teasing gyrations pushed the head of his length into her sex, at which he bit his lip and groaned softly. "Or... You could... Do that..." He muttered even as he pushed up slowly while she descended, her tight folds enveloping his length up until he was hilted into her, the tip of his manhood leaking lightly as it teased her cervix. The strength of his grip had tripled over the course of Alex's descent, both the one on her breast and the one on her hip, and it was the second that held her hips down against his for a moment while he gave a series of light writhes that caused his manhood to move while still embedded fully within her depths. A moment later his other arm locked around her back, and Alex was flipped over so that she was on the bottom, her legs on either side of Sir Roko as moved back, slowly withdrawing his rod as if he intended to pull out... Only to then push it back into her, revisiting her earlier pleasure with renewed strength.

Termite: Once he was fully hilted Alex couldn't believe it. She felt so full. She couldn't believe how deep he plunged or how much she could take, and as it rested at her deepest depths she could remember feeling it stretch her wonderfully as it rubbed against bundles of nerves that she never knew she had. Every little movement he made seemed to stir her insides, so when he rose and took hold of her she was entirely focused on how his length shifted within her. But as she was laid down and he pulled back she let out a low growl, and once he pushed himself back in Alex couldn't prevent the little cry of pleasure from escaping her. "Good gods, that is good..."

Tass: And it only got better. Unleashing a low growl of his own, Roko suddenly pushed his lips against hers in a hungry kiss, his tongue invading her mouth while his manhood plunged back and forth into her hungry folds. He was moving slowly, being gentle to allow her body to adjust, but he seemed to be fitted to her perfectly as every thrust brought a surge of ecstasy with it. Alex, or at least a very primal part of her, could sense the hunger in the man's lust, his desire to take her as roughly as he pleased, but the man never acted on that desire. His pace increased gradually, driving her to ever increasing heights of pleasure even as he moaned into her mouth, that and the steady throbbing of his staff as it pistoned in and out of her signaling the man's enjoyment of their coupling in spades.
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Re: All Out War (Termite)

She never would have thought it possible. Up until that point she'd always thought she was too damaged to embrace another, that her body was far too scarred to experience the bliss she was feeling now. But as Roko kept rocking himself in and out she couldn't deny the fact that he fit her so perfectly. She didn't even realize how that perfect fit struck all her pleasure centers at once and how every time he hilted himself he was ensuring that he ruined her for every man that would follow. All she knew was that every time he bottomed out her entire world exploded into pure unadulterated ecstasy, and it made her body want to sing out her praise to him and whatever god created him.

But all she could manage were a series of muffled whimpers. There wasn't much else she could do, not with his mouth descending onto hers and claiming her as his own. And in that moment that was how she felt. She was his. She belonged to him. She was made to lay beneath him, to feel his weight pressing against her body while his length plunged into the very reaches of her depths and stole every bit of pleasure from her body that he could. It went against everything she'd been taught, the very notion that a dragon's daughter would ever allow herself to be owned by another a near blasphemy. And it felt so gratifying. She felt like she suddenly found her place in this world, even if it was in the arms of a single man, even if it was as his wife or his mistress or his concubine or whatever role he so desired. She finally felt like she found her Mate.

As they lay and coupled and worked themselves into a sexual frenzy Alex could feel the desires that he held. She could feel the animal within him crying for freedom, crying for the right to claim her and start rutting at the furious pace he so desperately wanted to set. It made her flush at the kind of strength he held back, and her own beast told her to let it happen. It told her to wrap her arms around him, to pull him close so she could feel his entire body slapping against her, to start bucking her hips beneath him and encourage him to release the animal he held at bay. She knew she could take it. This was what she was made for.
Re: All Out War (Termite)

Roko, for all the restraint that she'd shown her so far as they coupled, was still all but overwhelmed with desire for her in those moments, raw passion flood his body and mind. That he'd shown so much control so far was a small miracle, and it seemed that he had a little bit of restraint left in him as he let the pace of his thrusts continue to increase gradually, sending thrills of wonderful pleasure up Alexandra's spine with every motion. But when she gave in to her body's call and wrapped her arms around his back, pulling him more tightly against her, the beast of his least was seemingly let off of its leash.

A noise, half moan and half growl, rose up from his throat, and his measured thrusts turned suddenly into a wild pounding the had his manhood going in and out of her sex so rapidly that she barely had time to recover from the last thrust before the next gave her another thrill of wonderful liquid pleasure. Every thrust had her body quaking with both the force of the impact when their hips met and the sensations that each sent pounding into her body, building a knot of pleasure in her belly that dwarfed the one that she had felt last night and causing him to moan even as his tongue swirled within her mouth, his fingers digging into the fabric of his bedding. She could feel his heart pounding in sync with her own as her breasts pancaked against his chest, only adding to the intense passion of their lovemaking as Roko continued to pound savagely into her sex.

Every thrust of the knight's shaft was bliss to Alex in and of itself, and the reactions of her partner showed her that the same was true for him, but a part of her sensed that something even more intense was coming. The knot in her belly grew and grew and grew under Roko's wild ministrations, and even if Alex didn't recognize the signs herself her body understood that the throbbing of the meat embedded inside of it signaled that the apex of their wild rutting was impending shortly. The wet slaps of their bodies joining only to come apart once more filled the mercenary's bedchamber, joined by the noises that the sensations that their coupling brought on in each of them ripped from their throats, and those sounds were all growing more intense as the pace of Roko's thrusts.

And then, suddenly, in the back of her mind... Alex heard that voice again, familiar but impossible to place, and barely a whisper over the pleasure pounding through her body, mind, and soul; "Alex... You've got to wake up... Please.... You can't stay there..." And then it was gone, and in its place she had Roko breaking the kiss, and looking into Alex's eyes, his own full of lust for her, as he said with a note of warning in his voice; "Alex!"
Re: All Out War (Termite)

The moment his lustful savagery was unleashed Alex suddenly went quiet. She could feel her body adjusting, her legs parting even wider to accept him in all his glory, but with each powerful thrust a wave of pleasure more intense than anything she'd ever felt struck through her core. Waves of passion kept crashing against her, forcing her depths to squirm with every sudden impact, her entire body trying to contort itself into new shapes each time Roko's hips slapped her own. She could feel muscles previously unknown to her fluttering on instinct, her channel trying to grip him and bring him closer as if she never wanted him to leave, and with her entire body focusing itself on her sex she felt the rest of her go limp.

Every hard thrust was quite literally knocking the very breath out of her body, and her breath came in short little spurts that would have made her feel like she was suffocating any other time. But she just didn't care. The surge of ecstasy running through her simply kept building, each pulse washing over the last, and with it she felt her body tensing just like it had the previous night. She thought she would have broken by then, but that knot in her tummy just kept on growing. It took on a life of its own, the passion that bore it turning into raw need that spread to the very edges of her body and left her crying in silence in pure bliss. It was all she could do to simply hold onto the animal pounding into her as it took its pleasure from her body and gave her so much more in return.

It didn't take her long to start gasping in distress, but this was far from the cries for help she made last night. She could feel something growing within her, something that fed on each delicious thrust into her cunny and demanded satisfaction. And as it was denied it reached into her and twisted her mind with with sheer bliss. Had Alex the breath or the strength she would have cried out as the tension grew and threatened to tear her in two. Once she felt Roko starting to throb within her the beast only grew more excited. It desperately wanted loose, to rip her mind into tattered little shreds that it could devour at its leisure, but as much as Alex wanted to surrender it still held back. As much as it tortured her with ecstasy beyond comprehension it waited, each pulse of the member rushing through urging it forward and promising that it would find what it was searching for-

"Alex... You've got to wake up... Please.... You can't stay there..."

That... That voice... She heard it before... The ghost that tried to reach her, that spoke to her when she first woke... Why did it sound so familiar?!

A tendril of overwhelming passion wrapped around her wayward thoughts and dragged them back down to the pleasurable little hell she was being dragged through. The sudden parting of lips had her gasping as those quick breaths grew a little deeper, but even then a whine rose through her throat at the sudden loss of contact. But when she focused on the face hovering right before her the sheer want and need in Roko's eyes caused her own desire to spike. As he spoke her name she could feel the small warning within his voice, and the beast within her squealed out in joy. It wound its tendrils around her sex, her insides suddenly fluttering and pulsing in wild abandon, and as she felt herself tipping over some incredibly steep edge she felt herself answering his call. "Do it... Claim meeeeee~!"

She was ready.

...So why did that whisper still bother her?