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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"Eat her......? Oh..." Catching a glimpse into Angelle's mind had Alex silently praising that simple bit of innocence that showed, but...well... Angelle wasn't exactly a kid anymore... Alex could tell, especially considering what Angelle chose to wear, and though she never would have welcomed it the fact that the Hidden Village held so many of the Fey left her thinking that the girl had already stumbled onto...well...that... And considering how often Alex and Aes enjoyed each other's company she would have guessed that her daughter would have caught them in the act by now. But that didn't look like it actually happened. Angelle was blissfully unaware of the more carnal pleasures, and as much as Alex appreciated that fact it wouldn't stay that way forever. Maybe it was time for that talk... "I'll explain it to you, but not now. And not until your father is back!" Definitely not until Aes was there. She sure as hell wasn't going to do that all by herself!

And that could be hilariously bad. Not sure if I want to go through with it or not.


The resemblance was uncanny. The same set to the jaw, almost identical physiques, the exact same piercing eyes, and the similarities in their voices practically confirmed her suspicion of Magnus and Ankieseth's relation. And that was all Alex really needed. She gave the knight a small smile to answer his rather quizzical stare, and after bowing her head in acknowledgement she finally spoke. "Thank you, Sir Magnus, for the offer and the small indulgence. And for your assistance in saving my daughter. And should you ever find yourself in the Hidden Village simply ask for me. I won't be far. And let your father know, as well." At that she let the man leave. He had his own family to consider.

When Ria offered to take Alex's armor and have it repaired alongside her own the dragon stood a little taller and started unfastening the buckles that held it in place. Once more her breastplate was lifted enough, and once more it fell back into place. Her head emerged, only this time it was accompanied by a slight blush instead of a gout of black flame. "I'll have it taken care of later tonight. I still need it for... uh... decency's sake..." The myriad explosions that had struck her down that final time had nearly wrecked her armor, obvious enough, but that damaged had punched all the way through to her flesh. The meager bit of cloth she wore beneath her Hide never stood a chance, and now that she had the freedom to realize it she noticed that walking round without her armor would most likely get her arrested. And while that could be one way to get in touch with Aescila she wasn't about to let that happen.

Ria was free to leave by then, and that left Alex facing Calkis and his shame. She hadn't intended to make him feel any worse than he already looked, but she was a dragon of many talents. But when she accepted his apology that seemed to clear the misunderstanding he found in her words, and a moment later he was expressing a desire to get home before it became dark. Considering what he was Alex felt she understood that desire, and she held him no longer. But he wasn't quite done. He turned back as he was leaving, and his thanks had the knight returning a grim nod before she managed to find a way to grin. "Anytime. And if you ever need another punch to the jaw just come find me."

Once Calkis left Alex was free to speak with her sponsor, and in doing so she learned that Aes would most likely not be freed this night. The court system was slow, and Aes herself was being isolated. Aebard would most likely be able to help with that, but not until he was conscious. And all that did was make Alex feel even more tired. "Damn, would have like to at least let her know that we've more or less dealt with everything..." This called for a disappointed sigh, and Alex answered that call remarkably. It also led her to collapse slightly while she let the aches of her body wash over her, but after a couple seconds she forced that pain back and stretched herself out. "Looks like we may have to go one more night without your papa, little one. And I'm exhausted. Let's head back to the inn, get some rest and maybe something to eat." At that Alex made good on her thoughts, and should Lady Albatross look like she was hesitant in following them Alex would simply drag the faerie along. "It may not be much, but Aes and I already rented a couple rooms, one for us and one for Angelle. You're free to take your pick. Besides, I still have a couple questions to ask, but those can wait."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 26/75, PP = 60, EP = 12/85, Status = Sort of Alright, Armor at 26/62 TP

Angelle just looked more confused by Alex's evasion of her questions, but raised no further issue of it despite her clear desire to do so. For the moment at least, it seemed as if she was just happy to have Alex back.

For the greatest derp, it must be done!

Magnus seemed to understand Alex's interest after her parting words, and offered her a quick nod and confirmed her suspicions by saying; "It was my honor to be of use, milady. I will pass on your offer to my father!" He would put his helmet back on before departing, but Alex caught the traces of a smile forming just as he'd turned away from her.

Ria, at Alex's actions, broke out into deep laughter at the expense of the blushing dragon. "Hah, fair enough! If I catch a bit o' time I'll come by to pick it up from yah and deliver the brunt of your share, minus a bit of extra to cover the cost of the repairs. No promises though, so if I don't show up I can see to taking care of it for you tomorrow while you're off with that friend of yours, if you don't end up taking care of it yourself of course!" she offered lightly, still holding that grin on Alex.

After Calkis had gone, the man not offering any response to Alex's offer to "help" him in that manner again if need be, she was left only with Albatross and Angelle for company. The former moved to keep Alex from falling when she swooned, but the dragoness managed to catch herself before any support was really needed. Angelle looked sad and then glad, and Albatross cleared her throat and said; "Well I believe I'll just be off then... Do call me if you -gah!" Alex was able to drag her along without too much effort, something that Angelle took great enjoyment in and opted to join in by grabbing her other hand. "Come on! You can show me how you make those fireworks!" she said excitedly, and Albatross cleared her throat again and replied; "Ahhh, Ehehhh... Maybe that would be best saved for another time dear! We are in a very closed in place, and people might not appreciate the noise... Or the fire. I'll teach you when you get home from your trip!"

Angelle seemed to accept that, but refused to relinquish the faerie's hand, and the three of them arrived back at the The Fool and the Pipe only a short while after the sun had set. The place was relatively busy, and Alex got the same sort of looks that she'd gotten from the patrons the first time she had entered, but by that point Lady Albatross was accepting of her situation and ignored all of the looks in favor of heading over to an empty booth. Despite how busy the small tavern was, a serving girl came by to see to their needs, and Lady Albatross promptly ordered a measure of whiskey, a glass of wine, and a roast chicken dinner with an assortment of sides for the three of them to share, removing the necessity for Alex or Angelle to order their own food unless they were particularly hungry. Angelle meekly asked for a glass of milk, and after Alex had ordered her own beverage of choice the waitress departed to go and get them their food. "So," Albatross said after the young human girl was gone, "When you kidnapped me here you said something about questions dear?" The faerie was watching Alex intently and had folded her hands in front of her, awaiting the dragon's questions calmly but curiously, having sounded only bemused when speaking of how Alex had brought her here.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"Indeed," Alex answered to Albatross's question, but for a few moments she looked around and judged their proximity to all the other patrons. "I'm not sure if you'd like more privacy on the matter given your reluctance earlier when we were last here..." At that Alex took a careful sip of her mead, the third such order of the day. She wasn't quite sure why she enjoyed it so much. She'd tasted better things elsewhere, but sometimes something just hits you in that right way.

But a moment later she realized she was avoiding asking any questions, mostly because what they might reveal could be very personal for everyone involved. "Might as well just ask the first one. Do you know what those snake things were?" That was probably the safest question by far, but the creatures themselves were simply...wrong in some way. Not in a way that truly bothered Alex, but it gave her a slight reminder of the description of the Outsiders she was given earlier. But as wrong as those snakes looked they didn't really stretch her perception of reality. They simply looked like extremely mutated beasts. But if they were Outsiders then speaking about them in a crowded room wasn't exactly an option. That's why Alex didn't ask what they were. It gave Lady Albatross the option to confirm while avoiding spreading knowledge of those things to the greater public.

This may be one of those times for chat...
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

[14:00] <Tassadar003> "This is as much privacy as we need for the moment, if there's any sensitive information that you ask about I'll just tell you once we're upstairs instead," Lady Albatross replied simply. A glance around would reveal a small group in the next booth, but they were being fairly rowdy and not paying Alex and her company any heed. On Alex's first question, the faerie promptly replied; "They weren't anything entirely unnatural. Darkwyrms they are called, and though you would never be able to tell it they are of the fae. Mab and her court created them and breed them, but only their hive queens truly control them. They are quite deadly, as you witnessed first-hand, but they have never before been seen under the control of anyone save Winter. That a member of the Autumn Court was able to control them like that is.... Concerning. Particularly given Acrasia's recent instability."

<Termite> "Darkwyrm..." Alex considered that little bit of knowledge, and after a few more thoughts were thrown into the mix she came to her own conclusion. "By the looks of things I'd say Acrasia was trying to pit Summer and Winter against each other. Would you agree?"

<Tassadar003> "It's possible," Albatross replied, and then paused to take a sip of her wine, "Trying to predict Acrasia is like trying to predict.... Well, something extremely unpredictable! It's a symptom of the ways of the Autumn Court, and while that assumption certainly follows logic, it's entirely possible that she wasn't acting on a logical decision at all. I suppose we may find out eventually, but for now we can only guess. Acrasia's first was beaten out of the last grand melee and killed by Arclan Clay, so it could have been as simple as wanting revenge for that."

<Termite> "Good gods..." Alex would have said the Queen of Autumn was unstable. Random. Unpredictable. But somehow those words just didn't do any justice. It was hard imagining how a mind could be so...twisted?...but that thought brought up her little experience with Acrasia. It sent a shiver down her spine, one that was frightened at how easily her soul was being manipulated at Acrasia's hand, but there was still a ghost of that pleasure she felt, that unadulterated joy and exaltation at loving the woman for absolutely no reason at all. And that had the dragon shivering and clenching her fist at how close she came to being dragged into Autumn's clutches. "I guess I have more to thank Mab for then I realized..." But that little utterance helped put her mind back on track, and after a careful pause Alex finally decided to just get the next question out. "You know the Winter Queen?"

<Tassadar003> "You would not have been left there!" Lady Albatross quickly said as she watched Alex run through her inner ruminations, "Titannia would have bartered for us as soon as she knew of our plight, that much I assure you. Even so.... I don't suspect that it would have been pleasant for us. For any of us."

Her remark about Mab drew a frown from the lady, and she opted to take her shot of whiskey then, and only answered after slamming the glass back down onto the table. "I do, yes." She paused for a moment before adding; "You shouldn't feel bad you know.... About whatever you might have felt upon looking at Acrasia. It is the nature of the Autumn Queen to have that effect, and many beings of great power have fallen for that spell."

<Termite> "I know I shouldn't, but..." This was simply too weird, and Alex felt herself squirming in some parts disgust and some parts frustration. "I thought I knew what violation was. I thought I'd suffered the worst a soul could, even after seeing what a demon's life is like in Hell, but what Acrasia did was..." The frustration kept growing, but in an instant it simply melted. "Nevermind that for now." At that Alex took in a breath and let out a long sigh. "I won't ask how or why you know Mab. But I would like to know one thing." Her eyes turned toward Angelle, and she stared at her daughter for quite a long time until she turned back toward Albatross. "Does Winter want her?"

<Tassadar003> "It can always get worse," Albatross stated darkly, but Alex's query about Angelle quickly perked the faerie up. Her daughter was busy sucking her milk through a straw while Necro whispered into her ear, and didn't seem to notice that Alex's attention was on her for several seconds. She froze once she did, and slowly turned to Alex with wide and confused eyes. "Sup." Albatross grinned at that, but then looked back to Alex and said; "I cannot guess. I don't see why they would, but Mab's schemes are as difficult to predict as Acrasia's sometimes. Even so, Mab prefers not to make enemies when she does not need to, so I suspect that any interest in your daughter will not be malicious in nature, if it exists at all. The manner in which she worded he statement suggests to me that she was making a prediction rather than a promise though, so it may be that she knows of something that may happen concerning her."

<Termite> Despite the somewhat gloomy atmosphere that last bit caused the dragoness to relax a bit, and she did so by finally taking a bite of the meal that had been ordered for them. "I wasn't worried about her statement. It was that look she gave Angelle. No matter what she was doing her focus on what had her attention. She never faltered, she never turned in surprise at anything that happened, but that fleeting glimpse was a sign of interest. I don't know how to feel about it. Because she's Mab. Even if I ignore the gossip I hear of her just seeing her in the flesh gave me a sense of what she was. I won't say I know her just from a couple of minutes, but well... Damn... That's all I can say."

<Tassadar003> "Mab is Mab," Albatross stated simply, and began to dig into the freshly arrived food herself, something that Angelle had begun with great gusto. "If she has an interest, she will see to it however she wishes. I know it's not something that you want to accept, being her parent, but... Trying to fight Mab would be like trying to fight a hurricane. A hurricane possessed of millennia of experience and a deadly intellect. You shouldn't consider it all for the worse though! I noticed your surprise when she displayed such respect to you despite the circumstances in which you met. Mab, for all of her power and for all of her will, is a unique being. More than any other I have encountered save perhaps the archangels, she is driven by her nature. We of the sidhe all are, to one degree or another, but Mab more so than any other. We have not the choices that mortals do, in the same manner as the way your own draconic heritage has bound your actions in the past.

Despite that, Mab is possessed of a powerful will, and as bound as she is in the mantle on her shoulders, she still remembers what it is to be small. The quality of a person can be measured in how a person treats those they view as inferior to them, yes? Were I you, I would not worry. What will come from Winter, will come whether you worry over it or not."

<Termite> "I can't help it." That was just a universal truth. No matter what the odds or what assurances were made no mother could ever help but worry about their child. But what Albatross said was also true. What happened would happen. Alex held no sway over Winter, so no action she took could stop Mab from pursuing whatever she pleased. Worrying over it would never help, and with that in mind she started grasping for some other question to ask. And in a moment it suddenly popped into her head. "The box..."

<Tassadar003> "I know," Albatross said reassuringly, but then looked confused as Alex brought up the box. "What box?" she said, but then seemed to realize what Alex was talking about, and said; "Oh! That... Well, you didn't open it, so that's good."

<Termite> "How good?"

<Tassadar003> "Uhhh.... Really good? I don't know if you're ready to deal with the consequences that would have ensued from doing so."

<Termite> "So you know what lies within it?"

<Tassadar003> "Yes. Sort of."

<Termite> "Would you be willing to share?"

<Tassadar003> "Nope~" she said lightly, grinning again before munching on a particularly thick piece of chicken.

<Termite> "Hmm..." Alex also started munching once more, only she kept her eyes solely on the faerie the entire time.

<Tassadar003> Albatross seemed content to let the matter of the mysterious, dragon-marked box drop entirely as she set about eating her share of their meal. The food was of excellent quality, the bird evenly cooked and the side dishes hearty and filling in the bits that couldn't be had from the main course. Once they'd eaten their fill and if Alex had no further questions, Albatross dropped the coin for their meal and then rose to her feet. "I do believe that it is time for bed~"

<Termite> "I believe I agree." The injured and exhausted woman rose to do just that, but as they neared their rooms she turned toward Angelle. "Will you be fine on your own, little one?"

<Tassadar003> "Yeah!" Angelle replied, yawning and heading over to her own room. Albatross, for some reason, felt the need to chime in; "I'll take good care of your mother dear, don't worry.... I promise to avoid any cat eating tonight!" That only seemed to cause Angelle to become confused and distressed again, but Alex's daughter trundled off to bed anyway, leaving Alex at the faerie's mercy. Once safely in the room that Alex had ordered for them, Albatross shut and locked the door behind them before turning to Alex and saying; "Alright.... Strip."

<Termite> That first quip had Alex looking over in surprise, and the second had her looking a little nervous. "Uh... as you wish?" And she started doing that, her armor finally making it completely off her body to show the damaged underclothing she wore that did absolutely nothing to hide her modesty at this point.

<Tassadar003> "Damn.... She really turned you into hamburger...." Albatross remarked upon seeing Alex's shredded clothing and the pulverized flesh underneath. Her body had been practically torn apart by the Autumn lord's dying retaliation, and her healing magic had only scabbed the wounds over. "Alright, get those rags off and lie down on your front. I'll see what I can do about all that."

<Termite> Actually looking at the injuries in the light had Alex inspecting her body a little more closely. She really did look awful, and as she twisted she dug down into one particularly deep looking wound and pulled out a small flechette made from her own armor. "Huh... Either I've acclimated to the pain, or I'm just numb..." Definitely time to get on the bed.

<Tassadar003> "You have damaged nerves," Albatross stated simply, and once Alex was fully naked and lying on her stomach the faerie stripped as well and moved to join her. "Damned dragons.... Not falling down when you ought to!" she grumbled as she began to dig the remaining shrapnel out of Alex's body, and whenever a wound was cleaned she passed a hand over it and simply closed it. Completely. Without even leaving a scar, much less any trace of her vicious injuries. There were brief flashes of pain as her nerves were returned to life, but that pain was brief and faded quickly.

Albatross was crisp and efficient, starting at Alex's neck and moving downwards, but along the way she also massaged the more conventional aches out of Alex's body. She continued down over her shoulders, down her arms and back, then down along her spine and outwards. She trailed up Alex's tail before turning her attentions to her perfectly sculpted ass. That hadn't taken any hits, but Albatross spent a good bit of time kneading away at the soft flesh anyway before going trailing down her thighs. By that point she was doing a lot more massaging than healing, but she continued her trails all the way down to Alex's feet. Then she trailed back up to her rump, this time with only the massage, before pulling away and saying; "On your back!"

<Termite> As Albatross let out her little curse Alex answered with a soft grunt. "I'll keep that in mind next time." This whole thing would probably be an odd thing to watch, what with the faerie digging pieces metal out of the dragon's body, and each nerve that was healed caused Alex's nearby muscles to twitch slightly before they were massaged into peace. But that quickly had the dragon purring. She'd always been a fan of a good massage, and going from nothing to ouch to complete and utter bliss was heavenly. It had her relaxing completely, enough to completely accept the attention paid to her glutes without the slightest protest. And when she was asked to flip she did so without question, her arms and legs spread just enough to give her masseuse complete and total access to whatever she wished.

<Tassadar003> Getting an eyeful of decidedly naked faerie may or may not have helped to relax the dragoness, as she found Albatross naked to the skin upon flipping over. She had seen her close to nude before, of course, but never before had Albatross so exposed herself in Alex's presence. She was, like all sidhe, exceptionally beautiful, her soft curves more modest than even her own but complementing her lithe physique admirably.

Regardless, the faerie smirked at Alex for a moment before repeating her actions on the half-dragon's front. Starting at her neck, and then going down over her breasts (which got as much massage as her bottom) down her taught stomach, which she glided down with a touch so light that Alex barely felt it despite the contractions that it caused from her muscles, over her hips, and then down her thighs. Alex's flower was left entirely untouched, at least for the moment, but after completing her journey down to her feet and fully removing the external wounds she'd received, Albatross trailed back up with a coy smile, until upon reaching her core the faerie's hands began to glide back and forth across Alex's mound. She was left untouched there still, but her sponsor's hands were drawing closer with every pass.

<Termite> The sudden sight of sultry faerie flesh wasn't ALL that unexpected, especially not with all the innuendo Albatross had thrown at Alex over the years, but the continued massage helped keep her surprise to a mild blush. But as the massage passed over her chest that mild blush started growing a little darker, and though the continued treatment helped to calm her down a bit it flared back to full bloom once the noble had finished and made her return to Alex's mound. The woman was still acting within the bounds of a normal massage, but with those fingers inching closer Alex felt a familiar and not unwelcome heat growing in the pit of her stomach. Her blood started rushing down to meet the faerie's touch, and if Albatross kept pressing forward her fingers would find a pair of engorged lips that would love some attention of their own.

<Tassadar003> "You are quite easy to get going, you know that?" Albatross stated plainly as her gaze flitted up to Alex's face, and not more than a heartbeat later her fingers would slide down over the half-dragon's petals and give them a bit of the attention that they craved. "Not that I mind of course~" she added as she leaned forward to hang over Alex, putting the hand that wasn't rubbing over her sex beside Alex's head while she leaned in to brush her lips over those of her massagee.

The first kiss was light and gentle, their chests brushing together lightly and only adding to the sensations, but such wasn't to be the end of the faerie's actions. Alex would feel Albatross reaching out in a metaphysical sense as well, spiritual tendrils coiling around Alex's battered soul, and the dragoness would feel an altogether new sort of massage as the pains of her spirit were eased. The bonds of her soul, still strained from when Acrasia had nearly consumed her, were her first target, and though Alex doubtlessly realized that Albatross could easily have severed them completely if she so chose, the faerie did no such thing. The bonds of her core were quickly made to restore themselves, and then she set about healing the damage done by Alex's two calls to the void dragon. Only once that was done, and the faeries healing was practically finished, would Alex feel Albatross take her first light sip from the dragon's soul. The sensation was no less pleasurable than when Kimi or Aescilla fed on her essence, but Albatross was taking far less. She didn't need to, after all, but the feeling of it was intoxicating enough to redouble the potency of her physical touch, and Albatross smiled into the kiss as her fingers began to slowly push past Alex's nether lips and into her folds.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

And more logs!
The compliment that was payed toward Alex had her blushing, but she made no move to escape. "I've... had a bit of-Ah!" Whatever she was saying was suddenly cut short when those fingers finally flitted across her folds. It forced the dragoness to arch her back, and as she did her body bent in enticing ways that made the kiss that followed even more intimate.

But what followed had the woman squirming for another reason. The spiritual tendrils that stretched out to greet her were somewhat familiar by now, but as they started coiling around her spirit they did not take. It felt like Lady Albatross was easing Alex's damaged astral form back into the body where it belonged, and little by little she felt like she was being anchored until she finally felt whole once more. It was only then that Albatross finally decided to take her first taste, and though it was far less hungry then either Aes or Kimi had ever been it still served its purpose. A flood of ecstasy started rising from Alex's core, one fed by the feeding of her soul, and she let out a short moan into that kiss while her body began to slowly grind against the fingers that were slowly entering her.

Finding Alex more than ready, Albatross allowed her fingers to slip slowly into her depths before drawing a slow circle within her, letting out a pleased coo into the kiss. That circle was little more than a test however, and one that allowed the faerie to zero in on her most sensitive places, and once she had them Albatross was quick to stimulate them just enough to prime Alex before dropping her attentions down to a slow tease. The sidhe purred into her mouth as she slowly swirled her two fingers around within Alex's folds, providing pleasure but seemingly never enough, and complementing her technique with artful nips at the dragon's spirit to intensify the physical stimulation with the familiar metaphysical one.

It wouldn't take long for Albatross to find what she desired, not when Alex gave a low groan of pleasure when she was touched just right, but soon enough those groans devolved into a single, breathy moan as her sex was artfully played. Those little love bites her spirit received only made that pleasure grow, and soon Alex was glad that her mouth was occupied. Anything less and she would probably be filling the inn and the tavern with the sounds of her pleasure.

And occupied her mouth was, as a few moments into her deft teasing Albatross would slip her tongue into Alexandra's mouth to quickly display equal skill with it as compared to her fingers. No stranger to such with regular lovers like Aescila and Kimizyrex, Alex could respond however she chose, but to do so in kind would require an effort of will to resist the relentless teasing being done to her. The work of the faerie's fingers never let up as she kissed Alex, resulting in a steady build up of tension in her body. The longer Alex endured her teasing without complaint, the less it became like teasing and the more her need for pleasure was appeased, and the deeper the portions of Alex's essence that Albatross nibbled away at became.

And never once would she complain. The teasing of her sex spread throughout her in a glorious wave of delight, and it was only strengthened once Albatross let her tongue join in the fun. It was welcomed just as easily as every other bit of attention, and though she was entirely too distracted by the sensation running through her folds she couldn't help but join that kiss with as much skill as she could muster. And with Kimi's teachings nearly ingrained into her Alex had quite the skill to return. Her tongue slid across its partner once, and once the two had fully embraced the dragon did her best to coil around and coax her welcome invader deeper until she could actively suck on that dextrous little muscle. That skill only grew as the tension all across her body built, the sign that the teasing was starting to become something more, and at that she let her arms rise above her head and pressed as much of herself against Albatross so the faerie could feel how receptive she had become. A part of her could have worried about the larger bites being taken from her essence, but at that moment Alex was simply beyond caring.

Albatross moaned softly into the kiss as Alex stepped up and introduced her tongue to the lewd dance, and the faerie's own slim appendage coiled back around Alex's, displaying both its unnatural length and its agility. Alex was hardly helpless against that, and the dance between their tongues quickly devolved into a lewd battle in which they proved equally matched, albeit one that was immensely pleasurable in its own right.

The faerie offered no resistance to being pulled in tighter, allowing her minor weight to press down onto Alex while steadily working her fingers within the half-dragon's dripping cunny. The stimulation to her sweet spots was coming regularly now, even more often than the teasing, and Albatross was breathing heavily into their kiss as her chest pancaked against Alex's, the sensitive tips brushing against one another as they moved in the grip of passion. Alex would feel herself growing closer to her peek as the seconds ticked by, the knot of pleasurable pressure conjured by her touch both physical and spiritual growing tighter and larger by the second, and when she felt as if it was about to burst Albatross ceased her teasing entirely and started pumping her fingers into Alex at a rapid and steady pace, the pads of her fingers running back and forth over the dragon's g-spot with every pump.

Though they were evenly matched in their shared kiss this battle they were engaged in was one Alex knew she would lose, and she reveled in it. Her body began a slow, rhythmic writhing against her new lover, and that quickly matched pace with the fingers pumping through her depths, and it made the friction the two shared all that more enticing. It forced the knight to actively contain her moans lest she suddenly break away and scream her enjoyment for the world to hear, but that simple act of suppression only made the sensations all that stronger. The physical and the spectral combined into one nearly overpowering force that was leading Alex toward the ever familiar edge, and just when she was ready to burst Albatross hit her with one final trick. She hit that one spot, that one sacred spot that always forced Alex to melt into a puddle of sexual heat and need, and that was all it took.

Alex came. Hard. Her entire body practically begged for embrace as it writhed through the throes of its orgasm, and though her hands were gripping the headboard to try and keep her grounded her legs and tail started twining themselves around whatever part of Albatross they could find. Alex felt herself screaming in absolute bliss as she plastered herself against the faerie noble, and only when she finally started to come down did her body start bucking itself once more. It dragged out the last of her climax, stretched it out until she wrung every bit of pleasure from herself that she could muster, and once she was finally done she simply collapsed onto the bed and started panting. "...p...pracitce...." If that peaked Albatross's curiosity then Alex would continue. "I've... had a bit of practice over the past couple of years..."

As hard as Alex came, Albatross only seemed to want more. Whatever her designs, she seemed to want nothing more than to wring as much pleasure from the dragoness as she could, and to do that she did a number of things. She worked the angle of her fingers. She ground her thumb against Alex's clit. She interspersed the pleasure with constant licks at her soul. She pushed her bust against Alex's to rub the sensitive tips together. She coiled her tongue around Alex's in a pin and dominantly explored her mouth for a few brief moments.

All of this and more she did as Alex coiled every limb she had available around the faerie, who only seemed to sink further into the embrace even as Alex's love honey coated her fingers. Her actions extended Alex's orgasm for as long as they possibly could, and when it was over and her ecstasy was coming to an end a brief burst of magic against the sensitive patch within her made it last just a little bit longer. When Alex finally was truly finished with her climax and managed to pant out her single word, Albatross pulled back and quirked an eyebrow at her. "Ahhh, so I.... And the rest of the Hidden Village.... Have heard~" she replied with a laugh, and then leaned back to gaze down at Alex's bare form with a hungry smile. "I'm afraid that I have been a fairly bad woman today~" she cooed, and just then Alex would realize that the hands she'd used to hang onto the headboard were wrapped to the elbow in vines, a trap that was so delicate that she hadn't even noticed it being sprung but that would prove incredibly strong if tested.

Albatross's admission had an appropriate blush rushing over the dragon's face and chest, but that didn't stop the half-breed from stretching out languidly in her afterglow. But when her hands refused to move from their spot Alex found herself turning her head to the side she could look up just as Albatross admitted to a little more. A gentle tug was given to test the vines' bonds, and though the plants themselves looked frail they held fast and strong. "Oh my... What is it with faerie nobles wanting me bound before them? The Fey can be so cruel..." The dragon began to pout, but with the way her body was twisting itself to show off the warrior's curves it was obvious she was far from serious.

"You've no idea dear~" Albatross replied, and her mouth would descend onto Alex's neck as she felt her legs and tail bound in the same vines that held her arms. A trail of light kisses wound their way down from her neck to her chest, and once she had one of those sensitive tips before her Albatross descended upon it with wild hunger. She sucked, she licked, and she nibbled at it while a hand mimicked the motions on the other until Alex had started moaning again and kept it up consistently for a full minute. When she pulled away, Albatross was grinning again, and allowed Alex a few moments to squirm before saying; "I am indeed a very poor woman today.... You see...." She paused and kissed her way down the curve of Alex's bust, heading steadily down and pausing to nibble at her sides and belly. "I lied to your daughter~" she cooed, and then her trail wound down as she crawled between Alex's parted legs, kissing around Alex's petals for a few moments before rearing back and allowing Alex to feel her breath on her sensitive flower.

"Ah~" Alex couldn't contain the little gasp that escaped at feeling those lips forging a trail from the nape of her neck down to the swell of her breast, and though she was soon bound completely it was ignored in favor of the sudden burst she felt once her nipple had been taken. It didn't take much to get the woman moaning once more, but without anything to occupy her mouth she had to force her lips closed while her muffled moans started to flow through the room. That was about all she could do at this point, stifle her cries of pleasure and squirm helplessly in the trap that held her. Even when Albatross had pulled back Alex continued to writhe as best she could, but as the Lady prepared to admit to her dastardly behavior Alex finally managed to bring herself under control. "Haa~aaa~! S-Such an eee... mmmMMMmmm~ ...eeevil woman..." She very nearly lost it when that puff of warm breath blew over her sex, but somehow she kept herself relatively silent. Or at least enough to keep from alerting the patrons downstairs. She hoped...

"And now.... I'm going to show you just how cruel I really am!" the Lady Albatross purred, and then opened her mouth and brought it down upon Alex's flower. That impossibly long and agile tongue uncoiled and surged into the bound dragoness, and if she'd thought that the faerie's fingers had been merciless she would find her tongue doubly so. Her tongue seemed to go everywhere all at once, hitting every one of Alex's sensitive spots from her outer lips all the way down to her cervix, but most of all the dragoness found her g-spot and her clitoris attacked simultaneously. The constant assault upon her most sensitive places was unrelenting and perfectly consistent, providing as much stimulation as Alex's body could withstand and then some, but that wasn't the only trick that the faerie pulled. The coils spread along her body like tiny roots, covering her skin until they had seized her breasts. When they did, the tiny appendages wrapped around them and caressed them like a particularly skilled pair of hands, while a series of them coiled around her peeks and began to tug and roll to produce a sensation not unlike that provided by the attentions of a pair of lips and a tongue to go with it.

"Oh GODS~" And that was it. Alex couldn't contain that little outburst. Though it wasn't her first experience with an unnaturally long tongue Kimi had never used her own like this. Alex felt it writhing through her, its constant motion pulsing against every inch of her quivering depths, and that was just too much sensation to keep contained. But that wasn't the end of it. The coils that bound Alex were starting to spread even as her entire body was trying to buck against the tongue that was assaulting every inch of her sex, and as they did they quickly started to grip her breasts. A moment later that grip turned into a firm and gentle kneading that Alex had felt mere seconds earlier, and a moment after that a few gathered around her peaks. What followed was a series of tugs and flicks that had Alex picturing a certain faerie suckling each nipple, and when they were occasionally flicked she swore she could feel a tongue swirling and flicking at her teats. It forced her to moan out some more, something that was no doubt alerting the strangers downstairs and her daughter next door to the depravity that was oh so near. It forced Alex to blush deeply as she realized just how loud she was getting, but it wasn't enough to stop her from twisting herself into knots for the woman torturing her.

Alex, through the wildly potent waves of pleasure running through her, would feel Albatross smiling against her sex even as that devilish tongue swirled about within her. The raw pleasure was maddening in its intensity and impossible to resist, and the louder Alex got the more attention she got to her most vulnerable spot. There was no teasing for her this time, only relentless and merciless pleasure. Her legs were slowly hoisted up and bent by the vines binding them, leaving her sex all the more vulnerable to the depraved faerie's attentions, and Albatross capitalized on that to start up a constant stream of flicks of her impossibly agile tongue across Alex's g-spot. The faerie gave her no peace, not until she had cum once again, and this time Alex was given no choice but to do so quite vocally, even her impressive discipline insufficient to withstand the barrage of pleasure assailing her. Her second orgasm was made all the more intense by the return of Albatross' tendrils into her spirit and her own innate enjoyment of being so bound, and the constant attentions ensured that it was just as long in duration if not longer. When it was over, however, Albatross would keep Alex squirming in the aftershocks for a time, before pulling away with a grin. "Oh Alex... What ever shall I do with such a naughty thing like you?"

If Alex had wanted to remain quiet then things could never have gone so wrong. Each second that passes was filled with an undeniable pleasure that touched every erogenous zone she had, but even then the tongue that worked its magic was the strongest. It kept brushing against the very core of her pleasure. It pulsed against it, flicked it, stroked it for all it was worth, and when Alex felt it couldn't possibly become any more intense her own moans proved her wrong. It started a cycle, one that rewarded Alex every time she voiced the ecstasy she felt with even more, and it kept feeding on itself, teaching Alex to simply let go until she was moaning like a whore in heat. Even the simple act of lifting her legs and spreading them wider had her nearly creaming herself, and in the eternity that passed in those scant few seconds Alex finally found herself tumbling down through her second orgasm of the night. It ran even longer than the first, her entire being focused on the tongue that still worried her sex throughout her descent, and when she finally bottomed out she found herself heaving in deep breath. A part of her heard Albatross ask her question. A part of her wanted to say something, anything, but she simply couldn't. Albatross already knew what she was going to do with her pet. All Alex could do was simply watch in her exhaustion and wait for what would come next.

"I hope I haven't tired you out already, my pet~" Albatross cooed softly, and lowered her mouth to give Alex another series of long, slow licks akin to those that had just made her orgasm. She only kept at it for a few seconds this time, and when she pulled away she rose up to her knees. "I know what you want...." she purred as she climbed over Alex, a mischievous smile playing over the sidhe's inhumanly beautiful features. "You want something inside of you, don't you deary? Something big and thick... Something to pound every little ache out of you, only to replace it with sweet liquid fire.... Is that what you want?" She had whispered every word directly into Alex's ear, and completed her query by taking the sensitive lobe between her teeth and nibbling on it as she awaited Alex's response.

When it came to those first licks the only answer the faerie received were a series of broken gasps that had her pet shuddering anew. Those quickly evolved into longer, more drawn out moans that weren't quite as vocal as those made only a few moments earlier, but that seemed to be enough as Albatross pulled away. Alex was treated to a mischievous smile to end all mischievous smiles, and as her mentor slowly revealed what she knew the dragon wanted Alex soon found herself gushing once more. Her quim became a spring of never-ending arousal, and though she had already cum twice in this bed there was no doubt she was ready for a third. The small whine she made was proof enough. The teeth gently nibbling at her ear had her squirming in the faerie's grasp once more, but if Albatross wanted an answer she would be disappointed. That was until she finally managed to come to a stop. Once she did those slight mewls would become a single whispered word. "P...please..."

"Mmmm? Please what?" Albatross whispered softly, and Alex would feel something much larger than a finger brushing over her petals. "Speak, my pet! Tell me what you want!" the faerie commanded softly before going back to nibbling at Alex's ear. The motions made by the tendrils coiled around her chest started up again at a greatly reduced rate, more teasing on behalf of her domme.

"Ah~" That first squeak came the moment Alex felt something large brushing past her sex, but that was all it did before Albatross ordered her to speak up. And this proved to be quite the feat for the dragoness. Her subdued moaning had returned the moment those vines started teasing her chest once more, and the constant nibbling of her ear kept every word she could have uttered safely buried beneath a pile of soft moans and gasps of delight. But the body could only take so much teasing, and after a few minutes Alex found the will to finally voice her need. "Pleeeeaaase~ Please fill me~"

"Fill you with what?" Albatross demanded as the thing hovering over her sex began to brush up and down, barely parting her nether lips but threatening to dive inside at any moment.

"With this~" And probably to much surprise to the faerie she would find Alex bucking especially hard against her, the dragon's lips themselves reaching further than expected and giving the head of Albatross's cock the lewdest of kisses before Alex was forced back on the bed.

"Mmmm? With what?" Albatross asked giddily, before pulling away to reveal that the appendage hadn't belonged to the faerie at all. It was a vine. An incredibly thick vine, that was ridged like some of the toys that Kimi had sometimes used (to great effect) in her sexual training. "I thought you wanted something else... Something pleasurable for both~" she purred softly, and then demanded; "What do you want, Alexandra?" The tendril slipped an inch into Alex's depths and hung there, threatening to plunge into her deepest depths, before suddenly pulling back again and leaving her unfilled.

Plant, prick, it didn't matter anymore. Having something teasing her first inch and then pulling was simply too frustrating. "Fuck me, dammit!"

"Tsk tsk tsk.... Alex dear, you'll never get what you want if you don't give me what I want first!" Albatross chided lightly, and the vine gave another three teasing passes into her sex only to pull out again before the faerie asked; "What do you want me to fuck you with? What do you want to be filled by?"

"You... It... Both...! I don't care, anymore! Just stop teasing me!"

"Ahhh, but aren't you impossible~" Albatross sighed, but if Alex might have wished to respond to that she was silenced... Or perhaps a better way of saying it might be cut off, as the vine plunged all the way into her depths. The feeling of her folds being stretched as the ridges rubbed over them was impossibly powerful and left the dragon's body quaking in ecstasy under its influence. Albatross climbed back onto her while her vines plunged in and out of Alex's pussy, and as she was made to writhe in ecstasy the faerie whispered again into her ear; "You are a naughty pet, Alexandra Alistar... But do not concern yourself! I know just the cure for such a naughty creature... But first, I'll have to go downstairs and find a few... Assistants~"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Too many logs!
Even if Alex did want to respond she was way past caring. The ridges along that thick, hard vine had her quacking as it pressed into her hungry folds, and as it started to pump steadily into and out of her she simply melted. Her only concern right then was getting something into her, and now that she had it she was content to let it continue fucking her. Not even the mention of assistants could have pulled her from her little trance right there, and though in a way she was ignoring Albatross it gave the faerie the freedom to do whatever the hell she wanted.

"Mmmm, not a care in the world, so long as something is stuffing you? Such a naughty dragon you are~" Albatross purred, "And here I was thinking you'd be concerned.... But you don't even want to hear the way out I'd devised~" Albatross slowly climbed off of the bad, shadows coiling around her to form a very tight set of clothing, and she headed slowly towards the door unless Alex opted to call out for her to stop.

Though she was grunting with every thrust of that phallic vine as it plumbed her depths Albatross would hear an answer. "Your fault..." It was subdued, almost sounding like it wasn't coming from the half-breed in the slightest since she was wallowing in the pleasure that she received, but her mouth seemed to be moving independently of the rest of her body. "This way out... will it feel better than this?" Maybe it wasn't all that independent...

"Oh yes, but I imagine so will having a stud or three rut you and quench the thirst in your belly with their seed~" Albatross replied, half turning to glance back at Alex. "I'm having that thing take it gently on you, but if you'd prefer to have your lusts slated by me rather than a stranger, I was going to propose a game. If you can make me cum before it does the same to you, I'll turn it lose completely and let it satisfy you to your heart's content. If you lose the game, you'll get your satisfaction still, but not from me.... Or from that vine~"

Once the pace of the faerie's helper started to slow Alex let out a disappointed whine, but the small challenge that was issued sparked something at her core. Her head turned, and though she was unfocused at first her eyes eventually settled on her temporary mistress. "You wish to test me, then?" And that's when a smile started to break out through her lips. "Very well, challenge accepted."

Albatross grinned right back and said; "I knew I'd awaken your fighting spirit eventually~" Without further adieu she climbed atop Alex once more, the black garments vanishing as quickly as they'd appeared. "You'll be using only your mouth for this contest~" she stated, and then climbed into a position to squat over Alex's face while holding onto the headboard to which the dragoness's arms were bound. The faerie's sex was placed right before her face, and the tendril pumping into her began to move at a faster rate once again as Albatross said; "Begin when you are ready~"

With the faeries sex sitting there for the dragon's viewing pleasure Alex let out a little thoughtful "Hmm..." before things had started. "Kimi had me do something similar when she started 'instructing' me." And she had learned quite a bit since then. Alex started shunting the pleasure she felt, her body allowed to experience as much as it desired while her will inspected the bounty that lay before her. Her own tongue may never be as long or adept as either Kimi or Albatross, but she had her own tricks to put to use. It stretched out and ran across the noblewoman's mound, giving her a first taste of Summer, and once it had her lips rose to trap Albatross's jewel in their loving embrace. And though this was a contest Alex suckled it gently. Her tongue joined in with a few fleeting flicks from time to time, but when she figured the faerie had enough foreplay she turned serious. A gentle rumble could be felt emanating from the dragon's chest, and in a few seconds Albatross would find an intense heat washing over her sex as her clit was bathed in Alex's saliva. It was nowhere near hot enough to burn even the most delicate of complexions, but feeling something that hot throbbing against your crown would be intense. And it only grew when that tongue started easing its way between the faerie's petals. And though it was not the wonder-muscle that Alex had come to known from her cousin it still plunged farther than it ever should and started systematically searching for every point that made the faerie squirm.

"Mmmmm, lets hope you paid attention to her instruction then~" Albatross cooed softly, and then let out a pleased sigh as Alex's tongue uncoiled and issued her first gentle lick. Albatross tasted like strawberries and honey, likely unsurprising given her fey heritage, and that taste may well have spurred Alex on in the contest that began then. Albatross was already obviously aroused, and when Alex realized that and laid her tongue over the faerie's sensitive jewel she let out a long, low moan bespeaking her contentment. The vine pounding into her sex, in the meantime, was shunted as far from her mind as it could be. The pleasure thrumming through her body was more intense than it had been even from Albatross's tongue, but Alex was strong willed like few others and possessed of a depth of experience in such battles thanks to Kimi. Even so, leaving her body to take as much pleasure as it wished was a dangerous choice, as Kimi had told her previously. Her body reveled in the sensations created by the pistoning tentacle, and more than anything her body wanted to cum. Keeping the sensations from spreading to her mind and making the knot that had formed in her belly violently unwind was a test of Alex's will, but it was hardly the first, and she rose to it admirably. Albatross again let out a moan when Alex unleashed her breath, the spreading heat making her shiver with delight, but when she plunged her tongue into the faerie's sex she literally quaked. Alex was grabbed by the horns and pulled up, her face dragged into her partner's drooling cunny and prompting her tongue to go deeper, and Alex likely took that opportunity and ran with it. The battle progressed quickly after that, but the last few moments were left desperate despite Alex's determination and developed skill. She could feel Albatross quivering atop her, ready to pop at any moment, but she could feel her own body on the verge as well, the steady pumping of the ribbed vine into her sex, its thrusts constantly stimulating her g-spot, threatening to drive her over the edge at any moment. In those last few moments it all became a blur, Alex's will breaking and Albatross unleashing a primal scream of pleasure, and it was impossible to tell whether the dragon or her faerie domme had won the contest concretely, not without a third party to judge. Albatross leaned back, pulling her pussy out of Alex's reach as she let out a contented sigh. The vine pulled out as well, leaving her pussy momentarily empty and untouched for the first time in a good while. "Mmmm, that was excellent~" her partner purred, a dreamy look in her gaze, before she turned down and sharply said; "We appear to have come to a draw, Alex dear~ What ever shall we do now, hrm?" she asked, "I suppose I could use a suggestion... Are you contented? Or shall we repeat the whole thing? Or would you like me to find you a stud downstairs, perhaps?"

Their struggle quickly became a race, Alex pushing to get Albatross to spill over the edge before her will broke down and sent her spiraling into the maddening pleasure that was clawing for attention. And for a while she thought she would lose. Tendrils of that sexual ecstasy were clawing their way past the dragon's resistance, and her hips were starting buck on their own no matter how hard she willed them to stop. But just as she felt herself starting to scream her pleasure into the faerie's muff she heard that same faerie crying out in an ecstasy of her own. The two women were cumming against each other, Alex with her pussy filled to overflowing with the plant that seemed built to please her and Albatross with her cunny practically melting under her pet's heat, the taste of strawberries and honey made all the sweeter as the noble wallowed in her own bliss. When they were both well and done Alex was left panting in post-release, but she realized as well as Albatross that they had come to a tie. When asked what should be done about that Alex turned her own dreamy stare up at the Lady of Summer. "I'm satisfied... mostly... but we could do a little more." At that she started tugging at her bindings, only this time she was more insistent. It should have been a clear enough sign that she wished to be free before she continued. "But before we do I'd like to know something. Can you prevent yourself from siring a child? I'm not ready to bear another just yet, but..." Now it was her turn to whisper in the faerie's ear. "I wouldn't mind feeling that liquid fire you promised earlier..."

Albatross climbed off of Alex and released her from her bindings at her plain display of wanting to be released, and the dragonkin was returned her full degree of motion. "I can~" Albatross stated, grinning, and then letting out a low sigh at Alex's whispered words. "Well then... I think that I can certainly reign in my potency for the night!" Albatross said mischievously, and Alex would soon find a stiff cock forming over the faerie's mound, already fully hard and ready to go about satisfying the last of her desires.

Alex smiled at Albatross's confirmation, and even before it was fully formed her hand was already stroking the sprouting cock. It was something that both Aes and Kimi enjoyed, and Alex found that it also gave her some control over how large the phallus grew. A touch here, a stroke there, that was all it took to coax her partner to bring it to whatever size she desired. And this time Alex worked for something a little larger, something that would fill her more fully than the vine had even though it would test her limits. Once it was ready the dragon lightly pressed the faerie onto the bed, and a moment later she was straddling Albatross's stomach and preparing to simply get right to it. But she did hesitate. "I realize I probably don't have much left in me, but I have another request. Don't let me fall asleep. I try to keep the magic within me under control before I become Warped, and considering how much you've made me cum already I've got a lot to clear."

"Of course dear.... Now get to it~" Albatross replied eagerly, waving aside Alex's concerns and using the hands that she'd placed on the half-dragon's hips to start bringing her down toward the cock that she had sprouted.

And get to it she did. Alex eased herself down, her own folds spreading wider and wider as she groaned with every inch that she was filled, but no matter tight it might have been she kept lowering herself until her weight was resting on the faerie's hips. She stayed there for a few moments, partly to let herself adjust and partly to simply enjoy the fullness she felt, but eventually her hips started to grind on their own. It started as a subtle motion, one that had Alex shifting in slow circles over Albatross's pelvis, but they started to grow wider and stronger. It looked like Alex was stirring her own insides with Albatross's dick, and in a way she was. But it also helped her relax, to adjust to that length and girth, and in a few moments Alex's hips started to rise and fall. And just like everything else it was a gradual buildup, one that let her slowly stoke her own fires and bounce enticingly on the rod that Summer built. But to say that Alex was simply enjoying herself would be a travesty. Her walls fluttered against every bump and vein that lined the faerie's cock, and after a while Albatross would find them starting to rhythmically contract each time Alex pulled herself off. It was something her body had naturally done, and with Kimi's advice she turned it into a sexual art that gently but firmly coaxed her partners to release.

Alex felt as much as heard the satisfied moan that Albatross released as she lowered herself onto the faerie's cock, the sidhe gripping Alex's hips tightly and arching her back slightly, prodding the massive organ deeper into Alex's folds. Warm breath passed over her neck, but despite the light twitching that the cock itself made her partner didn't force Alex to go any faster than she wished. Laying calmly on her bed, Albatross gave the dragoness as long as she wished, remaining contentedly embedded in Alex's tight flower while allowing her to adjust. She moaned again when Alex began to shift, stirring her insides with the massive tool and causing her inner walls to stretch even more to take the whole of it into her depths. Waves of fulfilling pleasure raced up her spine, and judging by her the noises she made and the slight shivers Alex could feel coming from her, Albatross was likely enjoying it too. "Ahhhh! Kimi really did teach you a few things didn't she? That's... Nnn.. Amazing~" she said breathlessly, and once Alex began to buck her hips and fuck the faerie properly she happily returned the light bouncing motion in perfect step. Every fall of Alex's hips would be met by a push upwards from Albatross with equal force, resulting in a light kiss of the end of the stiff rod plunging into her depths against her cervix, and every upward pull drew a low moan from the sidhe as Alex's inner walls rhythmically squeezed around her thick staff. Albatross allowed her hands to migrate from Alex's hips down to her buttocks as Alex slowly pumped herself onto the faerie's cock, gently urging her to go faster and harder but not quite outright forcing a change in pace or ferocity. Her inner walls had stretched to accommodate the massive tool by that point, however, and if Alex wanted to go faster she would find herself able to, though if she preferred it she could make it a slow build.

With the Lady's hands coming to grip her rump Alex released a coo of pleasure to mix in with the low groans and moans spilling from her mouth. She could feel Albatross wanting to take this deeper, wishing for the dragon to go faster and harder, but she restrained herself. That urge became nothing more than a request, a silent plea that passed between them and was understood by both. And since the woman was asking so nicely who was Alex to deny her? The pace quickened a bit, Alex's insides gliding over every inch of that nearly monstrous cock, and that too became a gradual thing that eased the pair forward in their shared bliss. It was a slow build up, that much was sure, but eventually the faerie would find her partner's hips slapping against her own. With it Alex felt the very tip of the Lady's prick bumping the deepest part of her depths, and the grunts she let out showed just how much she loved it.

For a while Alex simply kept that pace going, her hips tossing in a flourish here, a twirl there, something that kept them both experiencing something pleasant and new every few seconds, but eventually the build up became too much. Alex started throwing her hips up and down Albatross's length, and soon enough the rhythmic SMACK SMACK SMACK of flesh pounding flesh could be heard echoing inside and outside their room. The slow buildup itself had let her reach her plateau a long time back, and now she was climbing toward some other peak that promised to drown her in a sea or orgasmic bliss that may even drive her insane. But she persevered, her sex churning out a small river that ran down her partner's length and stained the sheets beneath them. And no matter how hard she wanted to cum she knew she could hold herself back. Albatross had given her a promise, and she wasn't going to stop until that promise was fulfilled.

The slow buildup of their pace seemed to tease the Lady Albatross. She pushed and she pulled and she squirmed, letting out encouraging moans and sighs as Alex bounced up and down on her cock, her folds squeezing in a manner that would have had her womb painted white with the seed of a normal man already. The gentle squeeze of her flower around the more tactile portions of the massive faerie cock and the constant return motions made by her fae partner ensured that Alex took as good as she gave, but like her Albatross refused to find her peek before the other. By the time their hips were slamming together, the Lady Albatross was grunting with a mixture of pleasure and exertion from their lewd act. Her hands were kneading Alex's backside even as it jiggled rhythmically with every impact, and Alex would feel her lips on her neck, nibbling and kissing and biting.

Soon that pace was too much for such distractions, however, and Albatross pulled her mouth away and returned her hands to Alex's sides when the dragoness began to shift to keep their coupling exciting. Sweat coated the faerie's brow, but her return thrusts just kept on coming even as she didn't. When the volume of the lewd slaps produced by their union began to drown out their moans was when Albatross opted to change things up on her end, raising her knees slightly and allowing herself a great deal more leverage. Suddenly, Alex's g-spot was getting rubbed hard with every thrust, a tiny shift in angle and perhaps a bit of shapeshifting causing a particularly strong vein to rub across the rough patch hard enough for Alex to feel the faerie's heart hammering through it. Small sprays of Alexandra's love honey were produced from the river of her love honey as it streamed down the sidhe's throbbing staff, each trying to bring the other to climax first once again as they engaged in what could only be called a primal rut.

This time, it was Alex that won. Whether it was Kimi's training or Albatross seeking her own pleasure or simple luck, it was just a moment before her will was made to shatter that Albatross let out a gasp before leaning up and saying; "Ahhh! Alex.... Nnnn~ It's time.... For you to feel Summer's fire!" Only a few more bucks of her hips onto the faerie staff would be enough to finish Albatross and give Alex what her body so craved, the massive thing erupting as Albatross surrendered her cum into Alex's pussy. She let out a deep, primal scream as she came, wave after wave of hot liquid flooding the half-dragon's depths and filling her with that familiar warmth, undoubtedly setting off Alex's own orgasm in the process and milking the faerie-cock for even more of the wonderfully thick cream.

The sudden change in tactics, the sudden subtle shift that sent that throbbing vein to rub right against her most sensitive spot forced Alex to be a little more vocal with her moans. The fact that she could feel the faerie's heart hammering through it was a different pleasure in itself, and whether she wished for it or not the pair were suddenly caught in another struggle to outshine the other. Though they had started gently the slap of flesh on flesh belonged to that of two beasts working furiously to reach climax, and Alex was quickly forced to hang her arms around Albatross's neck simply to stay upright. It was a struggle she felt herself quickly losing, one that she would never complain about but one that had her digging her feet into the ground to try and milk as much pleasure out of this wonder cock as she could, and with every bump against both her cervix and her G-spot she felt she was sure to finally tip over and descend into the madness that awaited her. But just as an especially powerful throb sent her reeling toward that edge Albatross could hold back no longer. Alex was treated to an explosion of warmth, one that contained the very heat and vitality of Summer itself. That was more than enough to trigger her own explosion, and with dragon fire and Summer heat mixing into one gloriously delicious mess. The Summer Lady's cries were joined by her own, and as her womb was filled with spurt after spurt of Summer's blessing Alex began to wonder if Albatross had been able to hold her fertility at bay. A part of her wondered if she even cared or not, but those aspects were mere whispers that were easily ignored as each wave of release pulsed throughout her being and left her exhausted and spent in the best of ways.

Alex kept herself like that for a bit, the pair of lovers simply hanging off of the other as they basked in post-coital bliss. But eventually her panting died down to a point where she could speak, and in a low, sultry, completely satisfied voice she said, "I believe I'm spent, my lady."

Alex's rear a sharp smack, the faerie dismissed her cock and left Alex empty enough for some of the flood contained in her womb to empty. Seeing and feeling that, Alex could be sure that, had Albatross NOT been making herself infertile, it was quite likely that Angelle would soon have a sibling to play with... "I think.... That I am too..." she added after a moment, grinning lopsidedly.

(According to Tass's calculator for this seen Alex gained 125 Corruption)
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Hearing that the faerie had been satisfied sent Alex into a grinning fit, and a few chuckles were thrown into the mix even as she felt her womb emptying the excess that it simply couldn't contain. "Good. If you asked me for another round I probably would have passed out." Once she had emptied out as much as she would Alex started to pick herself up to search for a change of sheets. Unless Lady Albatross could manage to magic the mess away Alex would search throughout the room until she found something she could use. And if she didn't, well... Tough titties. Her little fiasco with the noblewoman had become far too loud for her liking, and there was no way in hell she was going to step out of this room and suffer the surprise and judgement from all the people downstairs. And if Angelle started asking what happened... Good gods... Could someone die from embarrassment?

But whether she had a clean bed or not Alex would return and join Albatross. While she would prefer something clean it wouldn't be the first time she'd slept atop her and her lover's mess, and considering everyone she knew it definitely wouldn't be the last. And while she had asked Albatross to keep her awake the simple fact that her reserves were taxed to the limit forced her to change her mind. Her spirit had been strained to its limits today, and not only once. She really didn't want to test Fate by testing those limits once more. She really needed to rest.

So that's what she set out to do. Alex climbed into the bed and pulled herself close to her new lover, and whether the faerie wanted to cuddle or not, to lay against the taller dragon or let Alex bury herself against the noble's side, neither one would matter. Simple proximity would be more than enough to get the exhausted warrior to relax at this point, and in a few short moments Albatross would most likely find herself with the warmest comforter she had ever known. But before Alex finally dozed off she opened her eyes and gave the faerie a grin before kissing the woman lightly. "Welcome to my harem, Lady Albatross."

Going to rest and spend that 30 Exp as follows:

1. Skilled Wielder for 16 Exp - Harmful Spirit
2. Skilled for 8 Exp - Triple Strike, Stunning Blow, Spell Resistance
3. 4 Body, 2 Mind - Unless Haedrin returns and we can derp around for Grapple Expert and Alex needs the Exp
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/62 TP

"Mmm, perhaps in the morning then~" Albatross purred softly as she sidled away from Alex as she allowed her sex to empty, managing to make it sound both sultry and exhausted all at once. The faerie happily reclined as, on fairly shaky legs and to her partner's great amusement, Alex got up and started searching about the room for some replacement sheets. The dragoness was no stranger to the after-sex shakes by that point however, and Albatross quickly grew bored of watching her toss the room on uncooperative limbs and, with a single wave of one dainty hand, removed the mess between Alexandra's legs and what she'd left on the sheets, leaving no trace of their sexual congress besides the scents gathered in the room and the thin layer of gathered sweat. "That was truly a spectacular show dear.... We even made our own applause for a while there! Still, much as I enjoyed making that mess, I quite agree with not desiring to sleep in it!" she said as she patted the bed beside her, a grin forming on her sharp features.

"I never realized you were such a size queen though!" the faerie added as Alex laid herself down, and once cuddling had commenced she would find Albatross both eager to engage in and quite adept at the art, pulling Alex close and nuzzling the dragon's head into her bosom. The blankets covered them without either woman needing to move, likely more insidious faerie magic, and Alex would soon be treated to the delight of her dark hair being stroked softly by the faerie's delicate fingers while those of her newest lover's other hand gently raked across the skin of her side. Warmth and a gentle touch did wonders to ease the already exhausted dragoness toward sleep, but she would still manage to make her final good night kiss and the whisper that followed, both of which earned a giggle from Albatross. Just before she drifted off into what would quickly become a dead sleep, Alex would hear Albatross whisper in reply; "And welcome in turn to my collection, Alexandra Alistar!"


When Alex awoke from her dead sleep some time in the morning, she would find that they had moved at some point in the night. Albatross was lying behind her with her breasts pressed softly against Alex's back, one arm resting against their bedding and snaked beneath the curve just over Alex's left hip, and the other snaked under her arm right arm. The faerie woman must have awoken before Alex. That much was certain, because Albatross was softly kissing the skin on the back of Alex's neck just beneath her ear, and her hands were settled one between her legs and the other on one of her breasts, both making soft motions as they worked her body. They were close enough that Alex's tail had at some point snaked around the faerie's thigh all on its own as well, possibly a side effect of her sleeping partner's incredibly deft movements.

Alex's body had been primed perfectly while she slept, the faerie's healing of her body and soul allowing her to awaken slightly achy but otherwise alright and alert, and her molestations just the right balance between gentle and pleasurable to get her body going without needing her mind to work at it. There was no hiding the fact that she'd woken up from the naughty faerie either, as Albatross delivered a sultry whisper into Alex's ear; "Good morning, Alexandra Alistar~" Now that she was awake, Albatross seemed to abandon her teasing in favor of more guided stimulation, and Alex's body was fully ready for that. It was hardly necessary to submit to the faerie's morning molestations, and if for some reason she wished to push Albatross away, she could do so easily. But if she didn't...

If she didn't, Alex would soon find herself swimming in pleasure under the expert ministrations performed by the faerie's hands upon her breast and sex. One finger was quickly slipped into her, followed shortly by another once Alex had adjusted to it, and they explored the same sensitive spots that they'd marked in their explorations during just the night before. The thumb of the same hand attached to the two fingers exploring her depths rubbed back and forth over her clitoris, and the hand on her breast was groping her soft flesh just right while rubbing the heal of its palm over the sensitive nub at her peak. Her ear and neck were barraged with delicate nibbles and kisses, adding to the stimulation that Albatross happily kept up for several minutes, though after a time she leaned in closer and trailed her kisses along Alex's jaw, engaging the dragoness in a kiss if she got the implied message.

Every touch was soft and gentle and passionate, still stimulating without being a wild rut, and the familiar knot that formed in her belly was made to grow large as the moments passed by, until suddenly a wild burst of pleasure that was far more intense than any mere physical stimulation could provide emanated from her clit and spread out across her body. Albatross grinned into their kiss, and a moment later Alex's restored metaphysical senses would tell her what had just hit her, the simple spell a trick that Alex had never had the opportunity to master but one that she had at least heard of thanks to Aes and Kimi. She would notice this just as she realized that Albatross was gathering the tiny energies needed for a second casting of it, and then another pulse of pleasure surged into her sensitive jewel to be distributed across her entire body only a few seconds after the last one. The second bolt of pleasure very nearly pushed Alex right over the edge, and as she quivered on the precipice Albatross turned her physical stimulation back to the lightest sort of teasing in order to keep Alex on that edge. The dragoness would feel more magical energies gathering, far far more than the first two spells had needed, the buildup tantalizingly similar to the rise of the tension in her belly, but even after the magic had been gathered Alex could feel Albatross holding back it back as her fingers, wet with Alex's love juices, slowly shifted back and forth over the dragon's clit.

Albatross didn't seem to have the patience for sexual torture that Kimi did though, and after only a few seconds of leaving her on the precipice that mage would hit home. Her tiny pleasure center was bombarded with bursts of vibrating pleasure strong enough that it felt as if it could shatter a mountain. That pleasure wove out from her core all the way out to her extremities, leaving her entire body in a sexual tingle, and it was followed immediately by an orgasm that was the equal of any she'd had last night save perhaps the one she'd had when Albatross had cum inside of her. The faerie started up her physical stimulation then too, ensuring that her orgasm lasted to its fullest, before going back to light teasing to gently bring Alex through her aftershocks. And then, when the dragoness was finished shaking would she feel Albatross slowly wind her arms out from around her and offer Alex a chance to climb out of bed.

(Gain 35 Corruption)
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The search for fresh bedding ended in vain, but a breath of magic from the noblewoman left the bed clear and Alex herself clean...ish... The aftersex may have vanished, but the smell itself still clung to her and hung in the room, and the sheen of sweat covering the two women remained as a clear sign of just how exhausted they both were. And it was a nice feeling. Thoroughly fucked and tired, it made that bed look all the more enticing even without the supernatural beauty urging Alex to join her.

But that wasn't enough to keep the dragoness from stumbling slightly at the appraisal of their performance. It left Alex climbing into bed a little haphazard, and even that came to a complete halt once the faerie commented on Alex's 'capacity'. It brought a fresh bloom of scarlet to the knight's cheeks, and though she immediately started making herself comfortable Albatross would most likely feel the heat radiating off her new pet. "That usually doesn't happen much... I was just really worked up..." But even rampant embarrassment was no match for the gentle embrace and light stroking that followed, and though Alex got her last remark in she quickly fell asleep idly wondering who or what belonged in the faerie's menagerie.


It was a long and deep rest, one that left Alex nearly dead to the world. But as the dragon slept the faerie decided to play, and she would find quite the appreciative toy in her hands. All it would take was a light touch to Alex's thighs to have them spread just enough to give that wandering hand easy access, and with each brush and stroke it would cause Alex's legs to either part or close or brush against each other, all simply to enjoy the feeling of the fingers teasing them so. The hand that played at her breast had the rest of her twisting closer to the body behind it, giving the faerie more freedom to grope her victim and providing quite the enticing target once Alex's head rolled and presented her neck, and when those feathery kisses started lighting behind the dragon's frilled ears she gave murmured sighs of arousal that were quietly but inevitably growing louder.

While Alex herself did not fully realize what was happening to her she woke enjoying it all the same, and it was with that that Albatross welcomed her by whispering into a sensitive ear. The teasing ended that moment, and though Alex could have simply disengaged herself her body was simply too primed. The fingers that slipped into her canal found her more than ready to accept them, and the heels of the faerie's palms were more than enough to raise a rather pleasant moan out of the dragoness.

For a moment Alex simply sat there basking in her lover's attention, hips and chest subtly grinding against those palms and causing them to press against her just that little bit harder, but as her neck was stretching even farther for the faerie's lips the rain of passionate kisses trailing her jaw was more than message enough. Alex turned her head slowly, partly to keep her horns from poking Albatross in the eye and partly because she was enjoying herself to much, and when the two women's lips finally met Alex simply melted into the noble's embrace.

For a while the two simply basked in each other's presence, Alex's tongue warring with her Summer sponsor's while the rest of her wallowed in the gentle pleasures rushing through her, but a sudden spike of ecstasy brought the warrior to a shudder. An almost choked cry quickly followed, and though Alex was too shocked to do anything more than shiver in the Lady's grasp the faint gathering of magic at the faerie's fingers spoke volumes of what had just happened. The second casting of that same spell forced her clit to experience a moment of mind numbing pleasure, and as that magic dispersed it carried ghosts of that pleasure throughout the dragon's body and left her nearly convulsing as her voice cried out once more. It left her hovering on the very brink of orgasm, her body unable to do anything but shiver as Albatross treated it to a light yet constant touch that kept her teetering on the very edge.

A third casting had Alex nearly creaming herself just from feeling that power gather once more, but as Albatross continued to play with her that power was never released. It teased her just as much as the faerie's touch, and with every soft stroke and caress Alex couldn't keep herself from whimpering as her body was kept primed for climax. It was enough to remind her of Kimi and how she could keep Alex hovering over that precipice for minutes on end, and if that happened now then Alex would probably never leave that room. If people thought she had been loud last night then they simply had to wait until she was quite literally howling for relief. It wouldn't be a problem back in the Hidden Village. People weren't packed as densely there as they were in Therion, and the Villagers had their own kinks that they advertised for all their neighbors to hear, but in this city surrounded by strangers? Alex would have no choice but to become The Fool and the Pipe's draconic hermit...

But thankfully Albatross didn't have that kind of patience. That final bit of magic finally burst, and as Alex felt white hot ecstasy explode from her clit all those fears simply melted into bliss. Her body bucked once against the faerie's fingers, tightening and extending as if it were struggling to cope with the pleasure that was crashing through it. It needed a way out, and with Alex as taut as a drawn bow its only escape was found in the ring made by the dragon's lips. It burst into the air, a moan equal bits intense pleasure and profound relief, and it lasted the complete half minute it took for Alex to finally topple from her sexual peak. But even then it didn't completely stop, not with Albatross continually stroking every bit of pleasure she could out of the dragoness. It simply devolved into a series of whines and grunts that echoed throughout the room in perfect time to each of Alex's thrust as her hips started bucking against the hand still pleasuring her sex.

It took some time for Alex to finally bottom out, but once she finally came to a rest and was merely panting in her sexual exhaustion she was finally freed from the faerie's fingering. Albatross unwound her arms from Alex's body, and as she pulled back Alex found her tail simply sliding over the Lady's thigh. It caused her to murmur one more moan at feeling her scales brush against soft skin, but now that she was given the chance she managed to pull herself away before Albatross took that moan the wrong way. Of course sliding a still sensitive body against the bed sheets was a thrill all its own, and Alex was starting to get angry at herself for making all these wonderfully enticing sighs and moans that spoke more of how she felt than she would have liked.

But that didn't stop her from stretching out in her new freedom, and though her front lay hidden her exposed back made for quite the picture as her face turned toward the insatiable fae noble. Her mouth lay hidden behind her arms as they crossed to give her head a place to rest, but the sparkle of playfulness found within her half-lidded eyes was more than enough to reveal her enjoyment. "Such an evil, wicked woman..." Another stretch led to Alex raising her rear into the air, and there was no mistaking how easily spankable said rear was in that moment.

But if Albatross gave in to the temptation then she would find her hand blocked by a brilliantly green tail. A look up would show Alex smirking at her faerie partner, but even if Albatross managed to control herself Alex would still start moving to prepare for the day. "As much as I'd enjoy staying in this bed I believe we have other things to take care of today." At that Alex finally managed to collect enough of herself to finally get up and stand, and once she did she immediately set off for her pack. A moment later all her clothes were unpacked, and it would reveal exactly how she prepared for travel. The simple cloth she wore to help cushion her armor against her hide was there, in triplicate no less, but beyond that there wasn't much else. There was a simply dress, one that looked suspiciously similar to the maternity dress she was given after the Hidden Village had been liberated, and beside that was the robe she purchased that would be her gift for her mother. She obviously intended to keep her armor with her at all times, she even started reaching for a set to replace the rags her previous outfit had been reduced to, but a peek at her armor brought a slight scowl that forced her to take up that dress.

It didn't take much for Alex to get dressed after that, and once that was done she paused for a moment to think the day through. William should be arriving some time soon so he could introduce his fiancee over breakfast, but that may have changed, what with him being a Therion guard and everything that happened after the Arena. But that should be mostly resolved by now. And he could still show even with all that mess behind them. He was still a friend. Wouldn't do to simply blow him off like that. And she needed to take care of her armor. As clothed as she was that moment she still felt naked without her steel at her side, and walking around with a sword and shield with this dress just wouldn't do. Hm... Maybe she could get away with just the sword... But after that then what? There's no telling how long Aes would remain captive, and though Alex could afford it she really didn't look forward to spending a couple more nights in the inn. Not while Aes wasn't with her. And then there was her debt to Ria. And she still had questions for Ria concerning Akorvick. And what about Roko? There was so much left in the air, and trying to juggle all those things at once was starting to give her a headache.

So forget that, focus on one thing at a time. "My lady, I may be meeting with an old friend of mine for breakfast. If you'd like to come I'd gladly invite you." Whether Albatross opted to join them or not Alex would head next door to collect Angelle, and following that it was downstairs to see what awaited her. And maybe to see the owner. She may need to apologize for all the noise she made last night... And this morning...
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/62 TP

<Tassadar003> Albatross, after watching and listening to the spectacle of Alex's recuperation from the morning fun that she had inflicted upon her, was seemingly unable to resist the temptation of Alex's upraised bottom. Her delicate snaked out to deliver a soft smack upon the rounded piece of flesh, only to be stopped by Alex's tail. The faerie looked surprised for an instant as the dragon's extra appendage caught her wrist, but then she smirked lightly and laughed, saying; "Hah! So you think you can escape proper punishment like that, do you my pet?" From seemingly out of nowhere, Alex's behind would receive a sharp smack that was equal parts stinging and pleasurable. If she looked over her shoulder, however, the dragoness would find the room empty save for Albatross and herself, and the faerie would giggle again before saying; "I have many tricks, dear~ And the temptation was too strong to resist even if I didn't get to feel it with my own hand!"

The giggling faerie nodded at Alex's suggestion that they had other things to do for the day despite her apparent desire to molest the dragoness further, and climbed out of bed after her without further teasing. Albatross was fully dressed by the time she had decided to take her dress rather than her battered armor, and after watching her put on her clothes the faerie opted to say; "I don't believe that Dingroria was about last night. You'll have to have that taken care of some time today." When Alex turned to offer her a chance to join her for breakfast, the faerie smiled brightly but shook her head. "Much as I appreciate the offer and enjoy your presence... And that of your daughter of course! I have tasks to attend to. La~ I must refuse, unfortunately. Your friend will be waiting for you, no doubt, so best not keep him waiting." Despite her words, however, the faerie frowned softly and, before Alex could start her goodbyes, said; "Alex, dear.... It was hard to miss the exchanges between yourself and Haedrin... And the implications of them. I know you are an adult, but I would caution you on this. Summer's Champion is as good a man as I have ever known, and while you are certainly worthy of him, and he of you, remember that he is sidhe. No harm would come of it if you fulfilled your fantasies, but he would regret it for his oaths to his wife, even though she understands and accepts his nature. If you came to him earnestly, he would not be able to refuse you, much as he might want to." She paused to let out a sigh, but then smiled and added; "But if you do.... You must tell me how he is! I have heard amazing reviews before, but can't help but be curious as to a second opinion~"

Once Alex was done with the faerie, she would find Angelle sleeping like only a child can and splayed out over the bed, fully naked but (thankfully) alone. After rousing and ensuring that her daughter was decent, Alex was free to proceed downstairs, where she would find that Albatross had been quite correct. William was sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee before him, a worried expression on his face, and as soon as she appeared he set his cup down and rose to his feet. "Alex! I only heard what happened this morning! Are you.... Well, are you alright?"

<Termite> The spectral spank that smacked Alex's ass left her giving a small squeak at its sudden presence, but that was the extent of her reaction following Albatross's explanation. And while Alex did offer the faerie an invitation she was glad Albatross declined. Meeting with William felt like something she should do by herself and with her family, and though the Summer Lady had shared Alex's bed the dragon wasn't sure she was ready to go that far. But a few moments later Albatross spoke of Alex and Haedrin's interaction, and though it brought a blush to the dragon's cheeks she listened and understood. Haedrin was definitely a good man, and though Alex would probably dream of him from time to time she had no real intention on making those fantasies into reality. But it was still something to think about, and Alex nodded to the noblewoman in understanding. Of course the wish to know how he was in bed helped to lighten the mood a bit, and Alex could only do one thing. "If that ever comes up..." Oh, unintentional innuendo on her part. Cue the blush. "...I'll be sure to share!"

Heading next door and finding Angelle sprawled naked all across her bed was... Well it was definitely something unexpected... Since when did Angelle go sleeping in the nude? Oh well, a couple sharp claps should be enough to wake the girl, and once everyone was ready it was time to head downstairs. And it seemed Albatross was clairvoyant as well. William was waiting at the bar with coffee in hand, and the slight brooding look of worry made Alex feel a little better. At least he hadn't been inadvertently dragged into this entire mess, so when he rose she welcomed him and sat beside him. "I'm fine. I'll be better once Aescila is back at my side, but I'm happy that we've mostly solved this investigation. What about you? You seem kind of anxious..."

<Tassadar003> Albatross' only response to Alex's promise was to grin broadly, and with that the faerie would offer the dragoness a formal curtsy and say; "Until next time dear.... Do try to keep out of trouble~" With that she would break apart, becoming an army of tiny glowing butterflies not unlike those that had nearly killed Alex the day before, but with a blink they would simply vanish into thin air, leaving Alex to go about her day as she would.

William, still looking pensive and placing a hand on her shoulder, was quick to reply; "Of course I'm anxious! I found out you'd been in the biggest mess that I'd ever heard of, and that you'd nearly gotten two royal knights and a high magus killed in the process!" He seemed flabbergasted entirely, and Angelle stepped up to the bar with a wide yawn, having been rubbing sleep out of her eyes in the process, and stepped up beside him and said; "It's all fine now though! Daddy will be back with us later today, and all of the bad people will leave us alone!" William only seemed more confused by that, and glanced between Angelle and Alex with a lost look for a moment before saying; "Well.... I heard it was, uhhh... Resolved. Or on its way to being resolved, at least. Still, are you alright? I'd heard you came back barely standing."

<Termite> Alex's mood visibly dropped when Will mentioned how she nearly got those men killed. "I'm starting to learn that things like this can happen when one gets involved with the Faerie Courts." Angelle's interruption had Alex pondering what the girl said, and she wondered whether that was Dina's Insight kicking in or wishful thinking on the girl's part. But it seemed to be the right thing to say, and Alex turned her attention back toward Will with a bright blush on her face. "Well, I was pretty exhausted, but... Let's just say an appreciative faerie noble is a wonderful thing..." Considering the ruckus she and Albatross had raised Alex wondered how Will didn't hear about that.

<Tassadar003> The innkeeper shot Alex a glare at that, but Will merely looked confused again. "Faeries? I hadn't heard that.... But everything's alright then? With you, at least?"

<Termite> To see a nearly seven foot dragon shrink from a glare was a once in a lifetime event, and that's just what happened before Alex returned with a silent, apologetic plea. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine! I'll probably take it easy for a couple of days, but I'm ready for just about anything!"

<Tassadar003> More confusion, but then William just seemed to decide to roll with it, and said; "Well alright then.... Are you still up for some breakfast? My treat."

<Termite> "Of course!" Especially after all the exercise she received last night. And that little extra bit this morning.

<Tassadar003> "Excellent! Here, or would you prefer some place fancy? I've got a good bit of coin to spend these days, and I think the barkeep isn't too terribly fond of you." He had leaned in to whisper the bit about the barkeep, and Alex would find him still glaring at her.

<Termite> "...Would you mind giving me a minute?" If Will agreed Alex would motion for the innkeeper to join her over at a quieter location. "Listen, I'm terribly sorry about last night. So, uh, how bad was it?"

<Tassadar003> "Sure," Will said, and the barkeep would follow Alex and then flatly say; "The neighbors and two other guests complained. The rest said they were glad for the show, but most of them were drunk by that point."

<Termite> "Oh..." It Alex turned any more red at that point she could pass as Ria's sister. "Is there anything I can do to make up for it?"

<Tassadar003> "Nah, don't worry over it," the man replied as he shook his head, "Just.... Try not to start wailing like that again if you decide to spend another night with some company. I have a reputation to uphold, and I don't want people saying that I'm running a bordello!"

<Termite> "I'll definitely keep myself under control!" That answer was given with a bit of a nervous smile, and with that Alex returned. "Wherever you'd like to go is fine. Remember, we're tourists, you're the expert here."

<Tassadar003> "Fair enough!" William said, grinning, "I know just the place!" The soldier led Alex and Angelle through the streets of Therion, sticking largely to the main streets and heading toward the richer districts. Eventually he led them into a restaurant called "Pandora's Den," one that was clearly of an elven style and staffed largely by high elves, including a waitor who saw them to a table and then left them with menus to decide what they'd like. The atmosphere was extremely nice but not formal, with a group of minstrels playing a soft tune in the background and a number of other people talking sitting at other tables. The menu was also fairly extensive, including a number of things that Alex had never even heard of.

<Termite> While Alex didn't quite expect to be led over to the more affluent areas of the city her arrival at Pandora's Den brought a subtle change. She started walking a little straighter, more poised, and as she sat she appeared to simply glide into her chair without the least little bit of fuss. "This is quite the lovely restaurant, William. I can see why you like it." At that she opened her menu, and though she still remained poised the sheer volume of choice was overwhelming. It was only when their waiter returned that Alex placed her menu down and addressed the man/woman. "What would you recommend for a battle-weary soul?"

<Tassadar003> "It's quite the place, aye!" William said agreeably. He hadn't made the same shift into poise as Alex had, bespeaking of his common origins, but he was anything but a slob normally, so his comfort didn't make him appear any poorer for it. After looking over the menu and awaiting the waiter's return, the elf smiled lightly and said; "A warrior's breakfast, while made up of common faire, would be appropriate for milady's needs. Freshly laid eggs served to order, freshly baked pastries with your choice of sugar, shorn syrup, or maple syrup, crispy bacon, and a serving of spiced hash. If milady would prefer something more exotic, a dragonflame omelet - served without any actual dragons of course - might be to your tastes. If milady would prefer lunch over breakfast, we have roast duck, fresh beef, venison, or ham, with your choice of soup, salad, or potatoes."

<Termite> Alex couldn't help but smile at the second offering. "As much as the Dragonflame Omelet calls to me I believe the Warrior's Breakfast would be more satisfying. Shorn syrup for the pastries, please." At that she returned the menu, and as the elf took their leave Alex would give them a courteous bow of the head. Now that they were alone Alex turned her attention back to her friend. "So when will I meet your lovely fiancée?"

<Tassadar003> "After breakfast," William said once the smiling elf had bowed and excused himself. Angelle had gone for the same as Alex and William had chosen the omelet, and ordered some tea for their table as well. "I have a small errand to run, but we are meeting her at our home for tea. I hope that's alright."

<Termite> "Of course! Think nothing of it." At that Alex offered the man a small smile herself. "That just means I'll need to wait until I can ask how you two met."

<Tassadar003> "Hah! You might get some disagreement on that one," William said as he took up some of his tea, which the waitors poured for them. It was a pleasantly sweet herbal mix, one that was lightly relaxing all its own despite being unfamiliar to Alex.

<Termite> Alex's smile widened, but she chose to simply accept her tea and gave it a cautious sip. It sent a light, relaxing glow through her, and after taking a deeper drink Alex felt herself relaxing entirely. The minstrels off in the corner only helped, and after a third drink the dragoness let out a deep sigh. "So, Corporal Ardlian, what exactly have you been up to since I took my leave of the Silver Legion?"

<Tassadar003> Sighing, William set aside his cup for a moment, and said; "Well, I stayed for a while after you left. We won that campaign against the Red Crows, eventually. Damn near wiped the bastards out too! If you'll pardon my language in front of your daughter." Sipping some more of his tea, he continued; "You'll remember Sir Jory, yes?" Sir Jory had been the general of the company, their highest leader and the one holding their individual contracts. He had been a very gruff but honorable man, knighted in the city of Caladon. "Well, he led a unit in the charge, and ended up finding the dungeons.... And Roko in them. The Crows hadn't been kind to him, I'll tell you that much. I left after that campaign, ended up coming back here. Sir Jory gave me a recommendation to the guard, and well... Here I am, such as I am."

<Termite> Alex nodded in agreement when Will mentioned Sir Jory, but as the events were explained Alex suddenly felt a little pang of guilt. If she had stayed she would have most likely been there when Roko was found. And considering the rumors she'd heard about the Red Crows it would have been better for both her and him. But if that had happened then she never would have met Aes, and Angelle would not be sitting here or anywhere. That thought brought an even stronger wave of guilt, but Alex mentally waved them both off. "It's an awful thing to hear about, but I'm glad that we saved one of our own from their clutches. Even if I wasn't there to help. How is the Legion, anyway? Are they still active?"

<Tassadar003> "They are. They've been contracted to help fight off the orcs with Therion herself, actually. Sir Jory's a bit cross that the orcs took Caladon, and last I knew they were part of the push back East to start retaking our territory before the Queen and the Orc King called a ceasefire."

<Termite> Hearing that the Silver Legion was still live and active helped settle Alex's heart a little, and hearing that they'd been contracted to work beside Therion's forces spoke of how valuable their services had become. "Hrm..." But it also brought up something else. "You know, I haven't heard too much about Crolia in the past couple years. I have no idea what the area is like, anymore. And since I find myself returning home to Father I feel I need to know a little more before I start walking. Would you mind giving a lady a heads up on the lay of the land?"

"Well... It's not good," William began, leaning back with his tea cup in his hand. Clearing his throat after taking a sip, he continued in a voice low enough that they wouldn't be overheard; "I don't know how much you know about the war against the orcs, but.... It isn't going in our favor, if I'm to be completely honest. They hit us when we were weak, right after we barely managed to repulse the aliens, and we didn't have dragons and angels and gods on our side for this one. They took half of the cities before we could organize, and even after we got ourselves together they took another fifth before the mages at the Academy managed to push them back. I haven't fought in it myself yet, but... Well, you remember that raid we did back in Creldion, that little town down South right near the Pass of Ghosts?" Alex would remember it quite well, as it was by far the bloodiest engagement that she had ever engaged in before the Battle for the Hidden Village. Three mercenary companies besides the Silver Legion had been contracted to help reclaim a small town that had been taken over by an orc warband. They had found out later that their tribe had been exiled for some reason or another, but that hadn't mattered much when faced with over a hundred entrenched orc warriors.

It had been vicious. The orcs had fought unlike anyone that Alex had fought with the tenacity of the aliens and the relentless savagery that had could only be compared to Akorvick when he took to a particularly violent mood. They had been outnumbered four to one, but the mercenaries had barely been able to retake the town after extremely heavy losses despite support by a company of elves from Gods-Reach and artillery provided by the Theronian militia. Alex herself had nearly been killed in that battle on more than one occasion, and had fought the leader of the orcs only to be beaten handily, though intervention by Roko and Sir Jory had spared her from death or becoming her opponent's concubine, a fate that she knew was common for women of valor that were beaten but not killed while fighting the orcs. She had been unconscious for the remainder of the battle, but when she had woken up she had found out that the Silver Legion had lost a third of its men, and that one of the other mercenary companies had been wiped out entirely, and that the hole created by their annihilation had allowed some of the orcs to escape, including their leader. He had never been found after that.

"It's about like that," William continued, "Even when we manage to win, it's always a damned bloodbath. They've got ways of dealing with mages despite not having any themselves, and our fortifications might as well not be there when their knights call up dragons and demons to smash them down. They're better organized than we could have ever imagined and better prepared for full scale war than we were after the aliens. Maybe if we'd have been taken on fresh we would be better prepared for it, but we were hit while we were still reeling, and some people think it's pretty close to a total loss. A lot of people don't want to go to die themselves or to send their sons and daughters to do it for them in order take back the cities that the orcs took from us. Hell, after what I've seen of orc warriors, I don't relish the idea of going to fight 'em either.

"We've had warbands in the area, mostly "clanless rabble" according to the politicians, but they haven't been a major problem past the Academy yet. The war has kept us from keeping the bandits in check though, so we've had plenty of problems with them. It should be plenty safe for you, what with traveling with a couple of angels and being a dragon and all, but the common folk aren't so well guarded. The roads West to our intact lands and the Pass of Ghosts are the worst, so you'd better watch out dragon or no if you're going to visit your dad's hold."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Again with the logs...
As Alex listened to William's recount of the current struggle with the orcs she idly sipped at her tea, but even that wasn't enough to keep her fully relaxed. The knowledge that the clans had spread so far and so quickly was one thing, but hearing that Crolia itself had lost so much ground had her worried. Their assault so quickly after the initial alien invasion felt a little too planned for her tastes, and it had her thinking of the Hidden Village's preparations. While they had their own faerie enclave to call for support Alex wondered if they would respond if the orcs had simply decided to march South. An invasion into and through Badaria would have been fast and hard, especially since their little corner of the continent has not held itself together all too well following the Arrival, and to face the sheer determination from even the Clanless would have most likely left them all as nothing more than corpses or slaves.

And this didn't speak well for what Alex and her family may have to face. While the main orc force had been stopped near the Academy a few warbands had been spotted past the front line. And just a few Clanless could cause all the havoc anyone would need. Hearing that Therion's politicians were calling them nothing more than 'clanless rabble' had Alex releasing a rather unladylike derisive snort. She never really understood why officials always tried to play down what threatened their people's homes, but the sheer fact of the orcs' presence meant that the bandits had nearly free reign to do as they pleased. And there was no telling what would meet them as they traveled. While Alex agreed that anything that did approach them would be foolish to stand against two angels and a dragon, the thought of exposing Angelle to more danger left a bad taste in her mouth. "That's definitely something to consider. Thank you for the warning, William." That also got her thinking of Aureus. He never was the kind of man to let threats to his lands wander unchecked. How did he react to the both the alien and the orc invasions? But that wasn't something she could ask her comrade. Though Aureus may be a lord truthfully his holdings were not that impressive. Knowledge of his escapades most likely would not have spread this far. So Alex finished her tea while waiting for their food, and she waited to see what questions William had. She'd been interrogating him this entire time, only seemed fair to let him return the favor.

"You're welcome... For whatever that might be worth. I pray that you won'teven need it, gods know you've had enough excitement for one trip!" William replied after Alex thanked him for the warning, and for a moment he fell silent. Then, however, he asked; "So, what about you? What have you been up to since you left the Silver Legion?"

"Well, after I left I simply wandered for a bit just to hone my skill for when I found my brother and sister once more. That led me to Badarian lands, and while that wasn't exactly welcoming I did manage to overhear a couple rumors concerning Artmirst. I was already too late to do much about the demon incursion, but I also heard something else, something about an enclave where some demon refugees and a number of other non-human creatures had gathered. I also heard that a couple of dragons had been sighted there, but when I arrived I simply found a cousin. The village itself wasn't much to look at back then, but it was welcoming in a land of prejudice, so I ended up staying and helping out.

"Then all Hell broke loose. The aliens bombed us like every other major settlement, and though we all fought back we lost half our people in that first strike. I managed to escape with my future Mate, my cousin, and one of our elders, and she led us to a faerie enclave that was gearing for war. We asked for a force to help retake the Village, and though it wasn't large by any stretch of the imagination we still managed to reclaim our home. And I know this sounds likes boasting, but I'm sure that if I hadn't led that charge then it would not have been as successful.

"So now we're a growing community that is tightly allied with the Summer Court and neighbors with the demon city Acheron. I managed to make a name for myself, I even became an official Summer knight..."
Alex held up the Signet Ring for William to inspect. "...and I brought Angelle here into the world shortly after."

"Well...." William blew out his breath in a whistle, "That's.... Quite a tale really. Coming out of anybody else, I probably wouldn't believe it! But you.... Well, you're a bloody dragon, so I guess it's not so surprising. That's a might more impressive than me, I'll admit freely! Despite all the excitement around here I've had a pretty quiet life since joining the Therion guard, and I know that I like it that way. Still... All this business with faeries, I'd thought them a myth all this time!"

"They're definitely more than that. And considering how Arclan Clay first appeared I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them are simply enjoying themselves in a more human guise in this very restaurant. But they generally wish to involve themselves in matters that either directly threaten them or the lands they protect, so I'm not surprised to see that they're considered myths."

"Arclan Clay was no faerie!" William stated vehemently, "I know! I went to school with 'im! He grew up like any human would, with humans too! Whatever you got into so much trouble for killing, it wasn't Arclan Clay... Not anymore if it ever was."

William's sudden outburst was a bit of a surprise to Alex, and she gave him a rather shocked look before calmly placing her tea on the table. "I didn't mean anything bad by that, I was just saying I never would have guessed he would be a full Knight for Winter. And Aebard did mention something along those lines back when this mess started."

William seemed to calm himself, and after a sigh and another sip of his tea said; "Sorry... It's just.... Real odd, you know? A lot of folks are getting hurt or killed by things that seem to have come out of myth lately, and I just... I don't want to have to worry about not knowing if my neighbors are human or not."

"I see... I can even understand it a bit... But think of it this way. Your neighbor may be a faerie, a dragon in disguise, or something else entirely, but they're still your neighbor. They live, breath, and work beside you within this town, and it's as much their home as it is yours. If something falls out of the sky that threatens the city then they'll fight just as hard as you do to protect what's theirs."

"Not every threat is kind enough to fall from the sky and go "abloogy woogly woo" though!" William shot back, waving his hand. "Plenty of monsters that can do all kinds of horrid things love to hide unseen, and usually the ones that try to hide what they are end up being the worst. I don't care if they're a dragon or a faerie or even a demon... So long as they're honest about being whatever it is that they are. You should have seen the last problem we had with something like that.... It was a nightmare."

Now Alex was curious. "Do tell."

"Well..... It was a family, sort of like any other really. Seemed that way at least. Moved in from some city in the West, spread a bit of wealth around, seemed like decent folk. For nobles, at least. Then people noticed that none of them came out when the sun was up, and that all of their parties had an unusual number of people showing up and not coming out again. Usually nobody that a noble would consider important mind, just servants and such, but eventually someone took notice of a missing employee and opted to investigate. We found the first body in the canal, completely drained of blood. It took us another two weeks to put the dots together, and after a while it became apparent that they'd killed at least thirty seven people. We raided their house in the middle of the day, but someone had tipped them off and we found the place empty. Not even furniture left. Just a neat little note all tied up that read "Good Effort" sitting in the middle of an empty living room."

"That... sounds rather horrid..." Alex hadn't woken and expected to hear an actual tale of monsters masquerading as men, but now that she had she could understand William's anxiety. The fact that he dealt with vampires didn't help that in the least, and though Alex had never met any... Why does that feel wrong... she still felt that he didn't have much to worry from those extra-human species in hiding. Most of the reason they hid was because humanity wasn't exactly kind to those that were different. Alex herself had felt some of that bigotry, in the past and during the investigation thanks to the guard captain. But this entire line of questioning was simply going from bad to worse, and Alex was tired of walking down this path. "Let's move on to something else, then." Problem was Alex didn't know what else to move toward, and that led to some awkward silence on her part. "Angelle." Good thing she had a daughter. "How are you liking Therion so far?"

"You'll get no argument from me." Angelle, when prodded, said; "Well.... I liked it at first, but then all that bad stuff happened! Now I'm not so sure. I'm starting to like it a little again, but the food's taking forever!" As if on cue, their meal would arrive just then, each having their own elven waiter set their dish down in front of them. The portions were generous, and it all smelled delicious, and upon being tasted the food would prove that her sense of smell was insufficient to the task of describing to her just how good the food was. Angelle, who started off ravenous as usual, actually slowed her eating at the taste, and William smirked at them as he set about carefully eating his own meal.

Angelle's response and the sudden arrival of their breakfast nearly had Alex laughing at the absurdity of that coincidence, but food was food, and she was hungry. Seeing it before her helped her realize just how hungry she'd been feeling ever since last night, and the dragon dug in as quickly as she could while unconsciously remaining poised and reserved like the proper lady her father meant her to be. And it was good to see that Angelle herself was slowing so she could enjoy the taste of her own meal, because Alex found herself doing the same. For simple and common faire the chefs knew how to dress it well, and after only a few bites the dragon's earlier negativity simply melted as she was treated to possibly one of the most sumptuous breakfasts she'd ever had. "Corporal, I hope you'll figure me for saying this, but I'm sorely tempted to kidnap one of your citizens and force him to teach our chefs back home how to properly prepare a meal..."

"You aren't the first to threaten that!" William said between bites, "These elves definitely know their way around a kitchen, and that's why I take everyone that I know here. It's worth every single coin." Angelle was looking down at her plate in amazement, and then lifted one of her pastries and.... Well, Alex may very well have witnessed her daughter have her first orgasm as she bit into the sweetened pastry. Which, considering the origins of the filling, may have made the look on Angelle's face all the more comical.

Alex merely chuckled at William's answer, but Angelle's reaction was actually surprising. Watching the hybrid bit into her pastry and enjoy her first ever culinary orgasm was a sight in itself, but seeing that obvious blue filling leaking out of the sides had Alex smirking. "Enjoying yourself now?"

Angelle didn't respond for a long enough time for Alex to begin to suspect that her daughter hadn't heard, but then she nodded numbly and swallowed her first bite, only to quickly take another and repeat the spectacle. "Best in the city," William exclaimed happily, "You'll find none better!"

Once the food was finished, which took a bit longer than it might have, William dropped the money for their meal on the table - a whole twenty four coin - and rose to his feet. "Come along then, I've got to get something before we go to meet my wife to be!" he said happily, and a still dazed Angelle followed him and Alex out of Pandora's Den. He led them down the street to a jewelry store named "Calvin's Artistry" and approached the man behind the counter, an old wizened man with a set of thick white mutton chops on his face and a pair of thick glasses on his face, and who didn't seem to notice William until he had cleared his throat twice. "Ahhhh, little Bill! How are yah!?" the man asked, grinning, and William replied; "Excellent! Quite fine, Calvin. Is it ready?" The old man seemed confused at first, but then it clicked and he nodded excitedly, before rooting around for a moment and pulling out a small box that he handed over to William without a moment's hesitation. "Just finished it last night! Exactly to your specifications!"

While Angelle seemed able to follow Alex hovered nearby to support her daughter if she looked like she needed it. It made the dragon wonder just how much of an orgasm the girl had, whether it was simple taste overload or something more... But she still followed her guide, and William brought them to a jeweler who appeared to be stuck within his own little world. Thankfully we was brought back down by a cleared throat, and after a brief odd exchange the small box was brought out and presented to Will. "Oh ho, William, is that what I think it is?"

"Nah, she's already got her wedding gift!" he said as he turned back to Alex, "This is for her though.... Something special. I plan on giving it to her on our wedding night."

"Ah, then I won't pry any further." Though she was still curious Alex realized some things were best kept between lovers, and if it involved their wedding night then Alex sure as hell didn't want to intrude on that. But that also made her all the more curious about this mystery woman, and she silently nudged Will to get his ass in gear so they could all finally meet.

And get his ass into gear Will did, as he left the shop with some thanks to the old artificer and led Alex out of the richer merchant districts and into the section where those of the middle class lived. Smal merchants, lesser nobles, and their like all lived here, and William led them up to a small blue house and said; "This is where we live!" It was a quaint dwelling, not unlike those of the Hidden Village, and when they stepped inside Alex would likely be unsurprised that it was only one woman in a sundress who greeted them rather than a servant. The woman, a blond who was barely taller than Angelle and possessed of an entire countenance that Alex could comfortably call pretty and stop there at, threw her arms around William's neck and kissed him on the lips in greeting.

Her greeting didn’t lack for passion, and as she pulled back Alex would note the piercing dark blue eyes that the woman possessed, the sort of eyes that she might expect on a great warrior or a powerful member of the fae rather than the human woman that stood before her. “William!” she cried happily, “You’re home early! I hadn’t even prepared the kettle for your guests yet!” Turning to Alex and Angelle, she curtsied formally and said; “Miladies Alistar…. Be welcome to our home! I am Michelle Baklien, soon to be Michelle Ardlian, at your service!

As they were led out of the richer districts Alex found herself slowly relaxing and falling into her more personal behavior. It helped that the buildings surrounding them started to look more and more like the homes that filled the Hidden Village, and when the approached William's small blue house Alex could quite easily picture it sitting right beside her own. And she instantly liked it. Opulence be damned, quaint merely meant comfortably cozy to her.

When it came time to be ushered inside Alex finally found this mystery woman that had won William's heart, and though it may have seemed somewhat petty to an outside observer the dragoness was instantly measuring herself against this newcomer. She wore a simple sundress, which considering what Alex herself was wearing meant the two women held the same tastes. The girl wasn't all that much taller than Angelle, and as Alex studied her features only one word came to mind: pretty. She was attractive in a subdued sense, nothing that would stand out in a crowd, and as Alex thought about it that seemed like the perfect match for William.

But as the woman turned toward her guests and offered her curtsey as she welcomed them Alex finally had a good look at those eyes. She nearly felt herself stepping back in surprise at how blue they were. They stood out quite clearly, even serving to make the girl far more attractive than she would otherwise seem, and as she stared into them Alex was suddenly struck by how fierce they appeared. They looked not only at you but into you, their gaze striving to find the truth in all they saw, and the only times she'd ever seen that same stare was on either a fellow skilled warrior or the almost ephemeral beauty of the sidhe. It was enough to catch the dragon's eye and hold it, and once Michelle had finished her introductions Alex found herself wondering just what this woman could do. "No need for formalities, Alex and Angelle will be just fine." And before Alex even realized what she was doing her right hand had struck out, the palm open and ready to be accepted. It may have looked a little weird seeing a woman offer a handshake so easily, but even then Alex didn't seem willing to take back that offer. She was obviously interested, and if Michelle accepted it Alex would give her a little test. Her hand would close in a tight grip, one that strengthened gradually and wouldn't harm the girl if it appeared she couldn't take it, but if that small challenge was answered then Alex's intrigue would spike. Her senses would turn to a sharp focus, and she would try to discover what lay hidden within this woman that gave her such a powerful look. Would Alex see the strength that lay within this unassuming form? Would she find a wellspring of untapped potential that was merely begging to be released? Would the Signet Ring react in some odd way in the presence of some other being's power? Alex couldn't wait to find out.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/62 TP

"Of course!" Michelle replied, but then hesitated for a moment in surprise when Alex stuck out her hand. It was a gesture normally reserved for men who considered one another equals or for close friends in Crolia, and technically somewhat inappropriate for two women who had just met as such. Even so, she eventually stuck out her hand and grasped Alex's own, allowing the dragoness to measure her strength while examining her in more ways than one. Her grip was strong... For a human woman, but it was obvious from her dainty fingers and the lightness of her hold compared to what she was used to from other warriors that she was no warrior. Neither was she some supernatural creature in disguise, at least not as far as Alex's senses could discern. There was no secretive glimpse of brilliant color in her essence as might have been present in one of they, nor the fiery pride of a dragon, nor the tainted fury of a demon, but the fierceness of her gaze was not for nothing. There was a confidence in this woman, a surety and strength that was easy to appreciate despite an obvious lack in any actual martial prowess or sorcery, and while it couldn't be called impressive when compared to Angelle or even to Alex herself, her spirit seemed potent enough that it might possess some untapped talent.

"Would you care for some tea? I'm sure that William would be happy to entertain you while I make something," she said, her loosening grip suggesting that she wished for Alex to let her go. William then spoke up; "Nah, no need for you to stay on your feet, I'll make the tea dear." Looking initially hesitant, Michelle nodded after a moment before turning back to Alex and Angelle. "Come, the dining room is this way!" she said, and then turned to lead Alex and Angelle from the entrance hall of their modest home and into a small room with a simple wooden table and some reasonably comfortable looking but equally simple chairs. "Please, make yourselves at home!" she added, and Angelle promptly took one of the chairs that sat next to a window, leaving one of those and two others that would have their back to the rest of the room. Michelle waited for Alex to take a seat before sitting down herself, taking the chair with her back to the door into the kitchen if Alex hadn't taken that one.

William himself headed right to the kitchen and started heating up some water, apparently knowing his way around quite well. Michelle sat quite comfortably after a moment of fidgeting, which Angelle was doing surprisingly little of considering. "Ahhh, would you like something to eat? I made some-" Michelle began only for William to interrupt her with; "We did eat, but I'll bring the muffins out anyway!" Smiling, she turned back to her guests and said; "Well then.... I'm afraid that William hasn't told me much about you, Alex. I know you were warriors together back when he was a mercenary, but that's about it... I don't mean to pry, but I confess myself curious as to how well you two know each other. He speaks very highly of you, and while I find you rightly impressive myself, I can't help but want to know more."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex instantly relaxed her grip when Michelle completely failed to meet that small physical challenge. And though it didn't quite show she found herself somewhat surprised. She had expected to find something, some hidden power or mark that spoke of something more than a simple and plain human that welcomed the dragon into her home, but that was what she found. No disguised nature, no hidden identity, nothing but a small well of untapped potential. How could she fool herself so easily...

As soon as that thought ran through her head Alex suddenly felt a wave of guilt rushing through her. It was hot on the heels of that rather bigoted comment that seemed to spring out of nowhere, and once it was captured and buried Alex was left feeling like the biggest hypocrite in the world. For the longest time the half-breed's life had centered around her own humanity. Hell, she'd nearly been killed as a child simply because her siblings thought she was 'too human'. So who the Hell was she to judge others for being 'a simple and plain human'?

While Alex was starting to make herself a little sick in her hypocrisy that didn't mean she let it show on her face. Her attention was still mostly focused on Michelle, and the instant she showed that slight hint of wanting to be freed Alex released the hand she held. When tea was offered William quickly cut in and offered to see to it, and though Michelle looked a little flustered she accepted and promptly led her guests into the dining room. While the decor itself was simple it served its purpose, and as Alex sat beside her daughter she learned those chairs did so quite well. Considering the dragon's height it was a feat in itself for her to find a rather comfortable seat, and having found one had her instantly relaxing as Michelle took her own. Once again the woman prepared to offer her hospitality, and once again William cut her off. Alex wondered if the man realized what he was doing...

But Michelle simply rolled with it, and a moment later she expressed an interest in knowing more about Alex. "I'm not surprised he hasn't said much. We haven't spoken since I left the Legion, and a lot has changed since then. But... Well we were comrades. We shared the same food, slept under the same roof, bled side-by-side for each other, and you can't help but learn a lot about a person when you do all that. In a sense it kind of made us family, and I think that was good for us both.

"Back then I wasn't exactly balanced. I had troubles with my family, really bad trouble, and I joined the Legion mostly so I wouldn't need to constantly look over my shoulder. And while I was welcomed I didn't make any real effort to socialize. I even hurt a couple people simply because I couldn't stand being touched. Everyone started giving me my space, and that was fine. I had a purpose for learning how to fight. I really didn't need anyone else distracting me.

"Then 'Bleeding Heart Billy' showed up."
While Alex sounded rather annoyed when she spoke that name the smile on her face said otherwise. "That boy was greener than I am right now, and even if he was older he acted like such a child some times. He was always going on about right and wrong, he scared everyone when he started waving his sword around, and no matter how much I glared at him he just wouldn't leave me alone.

"But I guess we started rubbing off on each other regardless of what I felt. I started opening up, partly because I just wanted to get away from him, and he started becoming a little more reserved. People started seeing me more as an actual ally instead of some lone sword that just happened to be on their side, and Will was taken a little more seriously once he learned to check his emotional outbursts. And watching him fight was something else. He was never any good at it, the best you could call him was 'competent', but no matter what he would always stand at your side. Even during those rare times when we were all grossly surrounded and outmatched he stood his ground. He simply refused to abandon anyone, and somehow that determination spread through our squad and left us standing when more experienced soldiers would have been torn apart."

As she'd been talking Alex started looking a little more perplexed by every little thing that she'd said, and after she digested it all she said one word. "Damn." That sudden bout of introspection led to an equally sudden realization. "I never realized how much he helped me back then. It took me saying it out loud to actually notice. Guess I was a little too preoccupied with myself and Roko..."

For a couple seconds Alex simply sat quietly and absorbed all this, but after those couple seconds had passed her attention returned to Michelle. "So what about you? How did you and Will meet?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Tass: Alex’s efforts to hide her moment of ill feelings, even though they were directed at herself, would not go unnoticed. The half-dragon had an excellent poker face when she needed it, but empathy was one of the key things that those with untapped potential gained, and Michelle proved no different. She looked oddly at Alex in the moment before she turned to follow William, and Angelle glanced at her in confusion as well. Hiding feelings from her daughter had always been close to impossible, but Angelle had always seemed to know what to do in a situation such as this all on her own, while Michelle didn’t know Alex nearly well enough to understand the source of her guilt.

She at least had the sense not to make an issue of it, and once they had all been seated in the kitchen together, the human woman listened intently to Alex's explanation of her history with William. Her unease went away right alongside Alex’s, and she quickly proved as much a captive audience as Angelle normally was when Alex drifted into speaking of her own exploits. “That sounds like Will,” she said lightly once Alex had finished, and then giggled lightly. The singing of a tea-kettle was heard for an instant in the background, and the man of whom they spoke returned just after Alex had asked her own question of her host, bearing a tray with four cups and four freshly-baked blueberry muffins.

Oh, that’s a story!” he said lightly, sitting down between Michelle and Alex and starting to pour each of them a cup of steaming tea. The cups were relatively cheap, simple china likely made locally and with no pattern to speak of printed onto the pale ceramic, but they were study enough that they didn’t crumble in Alex’s hands at least, and the tea proved decent enough. “Not really,” Michelle replied with a sigh, sitting back and sipping some of her own tea before offering any further explanation; “We met at a party held by a local lordling. He was invited, courtesy of another friend from his mercenary days. I was working as a servant for the party, and we talked for a while, whenever he could corner me long enough.

She paused and smiled, a gesture that William copied, and even Alex could feel the feelings of affection created by their memories. “He kept on coming up with excuses to see me after that,” she continued, and William quickly interjected; “I got her in trouble that first time…. I guess I took up way too much of her time with my rambling!” Michelle giggled and nodded, and then continued; “We got more serious slowly, and after he learned about his promotion…. Well, he asked me, and I said yes!” She turned and beamed at William, and he quickly did the same, holding her stare for a long moment before looking back to Alex and saying; “Heh, that’s not all of it though! You’ve left out all of the juicy details!” Michelle blushed, but William merely looked at Alex quizzically, tempting her to ask for more.

Termite: "William!" Alex mock scolded the man with a perfect imitation of reproach from her mercenary days. "How dare you tease your bride to be like that. But more importantly how dare you tease ME like that! If you have something to say then say it!"

Tass: Initially shocked by Alex's reaction, William grinned boyishly and, much to Michelle's chagrin, said; "Hah! Well, it wasn't just talking that ended up landing her in trouble~" Michelle took Alex's tone for a spin herself as she said; "William! That's.... You can't say things like that in front of guests!" Grinning, William looked at her innocently and said; "Why not? It's not like we got into anything too risque.... The first time~" Michelle was blushing furiously by that point, and was glancing between him and Alex with girlish embarrassment. Angelle, looking lost, said; "What's risque mean?"

Termite: Now it was Alex's turn at embarrassment, and considering all the practice she's had over the past couple of years the rosy hue that graced her cheeks showed it quite well enough. "Risque? Well..." It would probably be a surprise that she was actually answering. "You know how some of the demons and fae back home dress like they didn't care whether they were naked or not? That's risque."

Hopefully that would be enough of an answer for her hybrid daughter, and if that proved true she turned back toward Michelle. "Don't worry too much about Will letting that little secret out. I guarantee I won't speak of it outside these walls, and I'm fairly certain Will won't be telling anyone else. It's just one of those things war-buddies can share between each other. He's probably got a few stories he can't wait to tell you about me..." That's right, Alex just set herself up for even more embarrassment. Normally she wouldn't dream of exposing herself like that, but if Michelle's secret was being shared it only seemed right to give her a chance to learn one of the dragon's.

Tass: "So you were walking around naked?" Angelle asked in surprise, directing her shocked gaze and her question at Michelle and William. The latter grinned and laughed, while Michelle looked mortified and quickly said; "N... No! Of course not! We.... We just...." Getting over his fit, William finished for his wife; "Nah, no clothes were shed that night lass! We just snuck off for a private talk and ended up kissing for a bit. Another servant spotted us, and poor Michelle got reported and scolded by her boss is all."

Alex’s promise not to spread stories was greeted with a grateful nod from Michelle, who was becoming increasingly relaxed again. Given a chance to embarrass Alex, William was of course right on board, taking the opportunity to grin and say; “Oh yeah, we’ve got plenty of stories of little Alex here back when we were all bathing together!” Michelle shot him a suspicious look, and for a moment it seemed as if William had lost all sense of tact, but then he made inroads in repairing the potential damage by adding; “I can’t count the number of times that somebody tried some mischief against those of us grunts who were of the fairer sex when we all had our pants down! You remember that time we got contracted to guard that spa?

It had been in Northern Crolia, and an exorbitantly wealthy spa had been threatened by a group of bandits. They had been allowed to take baths in the lower quality of hotsprings as part of their pay for guarding the place, but even those had been absolutely wonderful in the frigid weather. “Old Boid, gods save his soul, was peeking over the fence at you lot from our side, and ended up taking the whole thing down. The lot of us were too shocked to move for a good half-minute before Betsilin screamed at us all as perverts. Heh, she mighta been right about that too! I kept my eyes to myself as best I could, so I got to notice that half of our company was staring right at you!

The half-dragon’s back had been turned to the other spa at the time, and she’d been off in a corner by herself when the fence had fallen. The Silver Legion was unisex, but most of her comrades had still been male, and most of the female members had been happy for some privacy for once. Boid, a veteran who had taken an arrow through the eye on that very job, had always been something of an honest pervert, and Betsilin had been a squad leader in another part of the company from her and Roko.

Termite: "Oh good gods I remember that..." It was definitely worth noting that Alex unconsciously crossed her legs and arms as if she were trying to retain her modesty. "Betsilin was right. Until I turned around I never thought I'd ever see so many lechers gathered under one roof. It was probably the only time anyone in the company ever heard me scream like a girl!" Following that scream Alex plunged herself into the spring as quickly as she could, and after a few seconds her head popped back into view and simply stared at all the men. She tried to make herself look fierce and menacing, and in some ways she did, but there was no hiding the fear that practically begged 'Don't look don't look please don't look!'

Tass: "Hah! And then you dove into the water and peaked your head up like one of those river lizards from the Amazon! I figured more of them would have withered with that glare you sent us, but everyone just seemed to think it was cute." It wasn't the first comparison made between Alex's presence in the water and a crocodile, "Roko thought it was adorable too. I'm pretty sure that's when he took to you... Too bad he had to see you naked first, eh?" William grinned, while Michelle was blushing in empathetic embarrassment. Angelle, again, looked lost, and asked; "Who's Roko?"

Termite: Alex already knew that her glare had somehow backfired, but she never would have guessed that little event was what got Roko to take some interest in her. It only made her blushing a touch more furious, but when Angelle asked about Roko again that embarrassment suddenly vanished. For a moment Alex appeared nearly as confused as her daughter, but after collecting herself she finally answered. "He's the man we talked about yesterday, the one that was stolen from momma right after she fell in love with him."

Tass: "Oh...... Oh yeah!" Angelle said dazedly, before seemingly collecting herself. William and Michelle just looked bemused at her, thankfully taking some of the attention off of Alex, and then Wil turned to her and said; "Roko was a good man.... Probably one of the best fighters in our company besides your mom here. Was a bit of a womanizer, or at least seemed to be that way, but nobody's perfect." He had grown a little bit more serious as he spoke of Roko, and then he turned to Alex and opened his mouth to say something, but then slowly closed it again. Michelle and Angelle turned to him, and even Alex could tell that there was something that he had to say, but wasn't sure if he ought to.

Termite: "William, if you have something to say then say it." Though it was a repeat of her earlier words this time it was said more seriously.

Tass: "Well...." he began hesitantly, "Well.... You know how I told you about.... About where we found Roko? And how he.... He wasn't all there?"

Termite: "Wait." Alex's hand rose with that request, and for a good few seconds she simply sat there with her eyes closed. There were so many ways this could go wrong, and she needed to steel herself for it. "Is he still sane? Is he still himself?" That was the biggest fear, that he'd changed from that cocky but gentle man into someone else entirely. If Will said that Roko was still Roko then she would beckon for him to continue.

Tass: "Sane? Well.... Yes. Himself.... No. Or at least, he wasn't when I last saw him."

Termite: Another pause, this one longer and more somber than the last. And when she finally spoke once more her voice was quiet, almost subdued. "...will he remember me?"

Tass: "Oh, yes! Definitely. He said.... Well, he said thinking of you was what got him through it." William paused uncomfortably and glanced at Michelle, and she reached out a hand ands settled it over his. Alex would find Angelle doing the same to her at the exact same time, gripping Alex's hand tightly just as Michelle did the same to William. Looking back at Alex, he continued in a tightened voice; "He... Well, he wasn't able to fight anymore. Not after what they'd done to him in that dungeon. He looked... Well, when he left, he asked us to look out for you and tell you where he was. I've gone to visit him, when I can."

Termite: That was a bit of a relief for Alex, and when Angelle placed her hand over her mother's Alex accepted it. "I'm guessing he's been hurt, debilitated even..." She looked toward Will and silently asked him to confirm her thoughts. And if he looked to start explaining just how Roko was hurt Alex would stop him in an instant.

Tass: "Yeah. They... This is a little bit graphic to say. Are you sure you want her hearing it?" he paused as he gestured towards Angelle, who looked to Alex and waited for her to respond without making her desires known.

Termite: "She'll be coming with me when I visit him, but you don't have to say anymore. I think it'd be best if I saw what happened with my own eyes, first. I'm just glad that he's still essentially the same man."

Tass: "That's the thing...... He's.... He's really not. He isn't like he was when he was in the Legion anymore," he said softly, shaking his head softly. "They broke him Alex. Hard. I don't know... And I don't think that I'll ever want to know what they had to do to do it, but.... Roko isn't the man that he used to be, I'm sorry to say."

Termite: Hearing that left a rather bitter taste in her mouth, and in this Alex took hold of Angelle's hand and gave it a squeeze mostly to comfort herself. "I see... I still think that's enough. You've given me fair warning. The rest I'll see firsthand. Thank you."

Tass: "Heh.... I don't feel as if it's something worth thanking for, but..... You're welcome all the same," William replied, settling back and holding to Michelle's hand as she looked to him with concern. It was obvious that he hadn't wanted to say that, but was nonetheless relieved to get it out into the open.

Termite: Alex managed a smirk at his answer, and after that she finally set down to trying the muffing and tea that were brought out to her. As she did she wondered about how to turn toward a much lighter and happier subject, and after a bit she found one. "So what will you two be doing once you're married?"

Tass: The muffin was fresh and delicious, and the tea had groan slightly cold but was still warm enough to be palatable. William grinned, and took to the bait of a lighter subject easily as he quipped; "Well, from what the innkeeper told me, I suspect you've got a pretty good idea of what we'd planned on doing!" Michelle blushed as he laughed, but then she added; "We had planned on taking our honeymoon someplace North, away from the war and the city. Someplace quiet."

Termite: Though Alex blushed again she still returned Will's grin with one of her own. But talk of their honeymoon had her wondering. "There don't seem to be too many places that are relatively quiet left in the world. I'd invite you to the Hidden Village, but that's quite a walk through hostile territory. But if you're looking for quiet that's a good place to start. We haven't received any trouble since the alien bombardment two years ago, and with Acheron and a Summer enclave nearby you could find some excitement if the Village proves to be a little too quiet."

Tass: "Ain't that the truth," William said with a sigh, but then perked up as Alex invited them to the Hidden Village. "Heh, isn't that a bit of a walk? All the way down there.... Still, it would certainly be unique!" he said, and then glanced at Michelle. The woman seemed uncertain, but then she said; "We haven't picked anyplace yet.... You're not wrong to say that the world isn't quiet anymore. We had thought to go to Barbory Springs, since Will knows the owner, but.... The orcs took it. I appreciate the offer, but.... I can't imagine going that far all on our own, not when everything is like it is."

Termite: "That's all right. I can understand not wanting to walk that far if you two were on your own. And even if you found a caravan I'm certain it would take even longer. And it's your honeymoon. You can go wherever you wish." She let that sink in for a minute, but as she did she started going over a few things in her mind. "But I do have a number of things I need to finish before heading home. And when we are done my Mate can simply teleport us home. It's a perk of having your own personal angel. It would cut travel time down to nothing, and a couple of passengers shouldn't be too much of a hassle..."

Tass: Both looked hopeful at that, and smiled brightly. "Could you... Do that?" Will asked, "I was going to invite you to the wedding, but I figured that you would be busy."

Termite: "I'd need to ask her first, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind. And I'm sure she'd like to come to your wedding as well. Of course I could still be busy, but if I'm free I'll gladly accept your offer. When is it?"

Tass: "We've set it tentatively for a month from now," Michelle said, "My mother has trouble traveling and lives a ways West of here, so we're waiting to see how bad the winter looks to be before we make it official."

Termite: "All right, then, a month it shall be. I should still be in the area, what with travel times between here and Ochre and my father's lands. And if not I'll just have to convince a certain angel to return for a couple days."

Tass: "Sounds like a plan then!" William said happily, and Michelle nodded and said; "Thank you.... Even if it comes to naught, thank you for the offer at the very least."
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The logs... they don't stop...!
"Think nothing of it. It's the least I could do for an old friend and his blushing bride." Alex let out a small grin, and for a while she said nothing. It was a chance to let either of the two humans ask their own questions, but if they didn't Alex had one more thing she wanted to address. "Michelle, has anyone told you about your potential?"

"Thank you... Really," William said, and then he and Michelle smiled hopefully at one another for a moment. That moment passed quickly, however, and Michelle then turned to Alex with a slight flush and said; "Oh but where are our manners? We've been such terrible hosts, telling you all about our problems! William told me that you'd had some troubles of your own since you arrived in Therion.... Is that all sorted out?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'm hoping it is. My Mate was the one who stood accused, but my party eventually found evidence that all this trouble was ultimately the fault of someone else. And I was lucky enough to have the help of an archmage, a city guardsman, and a few knights. Their testimony should be enough to clear Aescila's name, and if not then it shouldn't be too hard to get truthful testimony from a dragon's daughter and a couple of faeries." While Alex was summing up the events of the past 24 hours she was also being very vague about the specifics. There was this nagging feeling that she still needed to do a little more, and exposing what she knew to both Will and Michelle may inadvertently drag them into this mess. But there was one thing she could ask, one that was right up Will's alley. "Heh, I even managed to get help from a giant woman named Dingroria. You know anything about her Will?"

Will, who had already heard more specifics than Alex had offered in her brief summary, listened calmly up until Dingroria was mentioned. "Wahhhhh?" he asked, stuttering in surprise at the mention of the oni. "You mean.... Huge lady? Red skin?" A nod or some other affirmation would cause Will to pale, and after a moment he said; "You, uhhhh, didn't tell her where you were going, did you? She's.... Well, she's spent as much time in prison in the greater Therion area as she's spent out of it."

"That's the one." While Alex could understand why Will paled, especially considering how Ria had casually mentioned all the things she'd done, that didn't necessary mean she accepted it. "I know a little about her. She isn't exactly subtle. But despite how much of a criminal she is she's still a noble soul. I asked her to save my daughter's life, and she put her own life on the line to do so." And once that was revealed Alex made sure to keep an eye on Angelle. She wasn't sure how much her girl had seen from that whole mess, and her reaction to Ria's chivalry would be a start.

Angelle and William both looked equally surprised at that, albeit in fairly different ways. Angelle just looked shocked, but William looked more as if she'd said that the sky was green... And gone and proven it too. "Well, uhhh.... That's.... I dunno, I guess it's true that there's good in everybody. But.... Man, I was part of a crew that had to clean up a brawl that she was involved in once. She was... Security or something, for some crime lord. All in self defense, nothing illegal to speak of, obviously. Nobody was left to testify otherwise, and we had to demolish the building after we pieced together all of the bodies. Her history is.... Well, pretty violent. Not the sort of person I could see you hanging around, certainly." Angelle was looking at Alex curiously, as if waiting for her to say something, but offered no hints as to what that something might be.

"I can see that. I fought her in the arena, and that skirmish we had in the woods had her completely demolishing a different giant. But she saved my daughter's life, so I feel I can trust her with just about anything. And we have a little unfinished business to take care of, some of which involves my brother." Alex didn't miss Angelle's look, but without any idea what the girl wanted she didn't know how to respond. So she turned her eyes in that direction for a few seconds. Maybe Angelle would ask her question, maybe she needed to ask it some other time. Either way Alex would be there to answer, and she hoped the hybrid girl would see that.

Angelle just stared back at Alex while William mulled over the revelation about Ria and Alex's relationship, but then he seemed to catch onto a particular detail, and asked; "Your brother? Wasn't there some trouble regarding him?" Sharing the actual details about what Akorvick had done wasn't exactly something that Alex had done lightly, but William had known at least that she had had some trouble with her family. She had admitted as much to him at lunch. "What do he and Dingroria have to do with one another?"

Well this was something to think about. Alex wasn't sure just how much she should reveal of this brewing mess, but above that she felt she had to be truthful. "Trouble yes, but... Well let's just say he's part of the reason I had my issues back then. As for him and Ria, she had a job and ran into him, and after that he left her floored."

"Damn....." William muttered, whistling, and then Michelle asked; "What does that mean? Why is that important?" William quickly responded; "Dingroria's a violent felon. And also about ten feet tall, covered in plate armor, and wielding a club that's bigger than Angelle there. And Alex's brother apparently floored her." Turning to Alex, he asked; "You're not going after him or anything, are you?"

"I will. It's part of the unfinished business I have. And it's not like I'll be avoiding him, either. Ria said she met him in Ochre."

Again William paled, and then settled back with a sigh and hung his hand. "Your life is.... Frighteningly complicated," he said, and then sighed again. The silence that followed gave Alex an opportunity to ask a question she'd earlier intended to voice, and Michelle's confused look likely tipped her off to the answer well before she said; "Hrm? My... Potential? I'm afraid that I don't follow...."

"That it is..." And that was one of the troubles of being a dragon. Everything became complicated at some point. But the silence that followed allowed Alex to ask her question, and the answer that followed wasn't all that surprising. "You have some potential as a spiritualist. I think I saw a hint of it in your eyes when we first met, and when I took your hand I felt it then."

"A.... A spiritualist? What does that mean? You mean like.... Magic?" she asked, not attempting to hide her shock. William looked surprised as well, and glanced between her and Alex nervously. "Sort of," Angelle answered lightly, drawing the surprised attention of the two humans, "but it's more... You."

"She's right. It lets you shape your own soul to do things, stuff like this." At that she held up her arm, and before their eyes the scales started to spread while the muscle underneath visibly tightened underneath. "There's a number of things a person can do, and Angelle is probably better at it then I am. But you have the potential to tap into some of that, Michelle."

"Some of... But, I don't..." Michelle stuttered, at a loss even after Alex's display, which hadn't seemed to reassure her. In response, Angelle raised a hand and caused a ball of dancing white fire to appear over it. "You can do a lot of different things, depending on where your talent lies," she said softly, and then blew on the flame and caused it to fan out. William and Michelle pulled back in surprise, but they couldn't avoid the white fire that washed over them.... And left them completely unharmed, a sense of familiar warmth washing over Alex as well as the tiny fireball filled the room for an instant before leaving not a single thing damaged by it. "Like that! It's not all that pretty, but it's not all about blowing stuff up or changing shape either!" the hybrid said brightly, smiling.

"Just like that! I told you she was better!" Alex gave a rather proud grin to her daughter at that. "My skills are mostly martial in nature, but they've saved my life countless times. And every once in a while they manage to prove themselves useful outside of battle. It's definitely something you should look into. You may even find that you can teleport yourself back and forth instead of needing to walk everywhere."

The two humans were seemingly at a total loss still, and Alex would likely realize why quickly enough. Even in Crolia, such powers were greeted with a degree of suspicion and fear. They could be dangerous and difficult to control, and depending on where the talents directed themselves they might call up some very dangerous things. William, after a time, managed to break the tension by grinning boyishly and saying; "But then how would she maintain her girlish figure?" The quip shook Michelle from her thoughts and caused her to glare at him, but after a moment her scathing look withered, and she just smiled and shook her head with a sigh. "Ahhh.... Well, it's certainly something to think on!" she said, and then turned to Alex and said; "This visit has been most enlightening, Alex. I am glad to have met you, but I am afraid that Will and I have some things that need tending, and we must both be off to work soon. You are welcome here if you have need of shelter, of course, but for now, I must ask that you give us some time to ourselves." Will, surprised at first, turned to nod and said; "Gimme a look up if you're bored! I probably won't be doing anything important today."

"Of course. I wouldn't want to impose." The offer itself was something to ponder even if she most likely wouldn't take it. This house was small enough as it was. Sticking three extra bodies inside would make it more cramped. She truly didn't wish to impose on them, especially when Sir Gregor gave her the same offer yesterday. "I have a couple other things I want to look into, but I'll keep that in mind, Will." With that she allowed Michelle to see her out the door, and once their final goodbyes were exchanged she turned to Angelle. "That was quite impressive, little one. You do me proud." And at that she set off back to the inn to retrieve her armor and have it repaired.

After exchanging goodbyes with William and Michelle, and having Angelle beam at her for her praise, Alex and her daughter headed back to the tavern to find Ria there waiting for them. The oni was chatting with the innkeeper, a broad grin on her face as she toyed with a curl in her shiny black hair, but turned that knowing smirk upon Alex as the dragoness walked in. "I'd just heard that you'd taken your armor off!" she said in greeting, a laugh hidden behind her words, but Angelle walked ahead of Alex until she was standing right in front of the seated oni, who still easily dwarfed her. Ria looked confused for a moment as Angelle just stared up at her, but then the hybrid said; "You're the one who saved me, right?" Ria, glancing at Alex, nodded. "Your mother seems to think so, at least!" she said, and then Angelle snapped; "Mommy never lies, so it must have been you!"

Taken aback slightly, Ria said; “Easy there girl! Yeah, I jumped in the way when that faerie tried to fry you. The mean one, not the nice one.” Eying the oni suspiciously, Angelle then said; “You’re… Different. You’re like the demons back home, but…. There’s something off. Like you’re not all demon, but there’s something similar in there too!” Again looking surprised, Ria hesitated for a moment before nodding, and qualifying that response by saying; “I’m only half demon. My daddy was an orc, for what little he was worth to me.” Again eying her up for a moment, Angelle finally said; “I owe you! So, I’m going to make it up to you somehow, kay?” Again looking surprised, Ria glanced at Alex again before looking down at Angelle, a smile on her face, and saying; “We’ll work something out, but that can wait. I’ve got some business to handle with your mom first!

Angelle seemed to accept that, and she turned on her heel and walked back over to Alex as the oni slowly and carefully rose to her feet. The mountain beast’s armor was fully repaired, and repaired well at that, but the first thing that she did was hold out a leather pouch and jingle it at her. “This belongs to you! If you’re not busy, we can go ahead and see about getting your armor fixed now too.

As they walked back Alex wondered when Ria would actually show, and that was answered the moment she walked into the tavern. The mountain beast was sitting by the bar, some private conversation taking place with the innkeeper, but when she turned and gave Alex that knowing smirk along with her answer Alex figured she knew what those two were saying. "Yes, well, sometimes it just needs to come off..." And surprisingly enough she was doing a rather good job of suppressing her blush. It was probably because she wasn't certain of what the innkeeper and the demon had shared.

But whatever her thoughts Angelle's sudden approach was enough to force them out, and watching the exchange between her daughter and her daughter's savior was... She wasn't quite sure how she felt about it. It was good to see Angelle showing both Dignity and Honor in acknowledging the debt she owed, but Alex wasn't sure how Angelle would pay her debt. Alex knew at least part of how she was going to repay her own, but would Ria ask Angelle to do the same? She wasn't quite ready to consider that, though something like this was bound to happen... Dammit, they needed to hurry up and release Aes. The need for 'that talk' was growing...

When it came time for business Alex brought her attention back to the oni, and the jingle in the pouch the demon held said it all. Alex accepted it without a second thought. "Thank you, and your timing is impeccable. I was just planning to take it in for repairs." With that she returned to her room to retrieve her Hide, and soon enough they were out the door. "Hey Ria, mind my asking a few questions?"

"Go ahead," Ria stated lightly, Angelle following them out as Alex carried her battered armor, and the oni casually walked along beside her. Most people were quite happy to get out of their way.

"You don't have to get into specifics, especially not in public, but I'd like to know a little more about how you met my brother. What were you searching for?"

"I'm not allowed to say, I'm afraid! I signed a non-disclosure, and even for good friends that's not something that I'd be willing to break," she explained, but then added; "Not unless lives were on the line, at least. I can say that I was trying to break into a tomb and steal something, but that's old news to you and probably not specific enough to give you any hints. Besides, I barely know what I'm looking for anyway, I'm just going off of a name and a description that sounds like it came out of a textbook."

Alex was quiet for a couple seconds before her voice returned, a little lower and more subdued to not draw any unwanted attention. "Would this be considered completely legal?"

"Ehhh.... Dubiously. It's illegal in Therion to desecrate a tomb, but this tomb is outside of Therion's control. Ochre lies in the shared lands between our country and orc lands, so it's not really illegal there. The locals certainly don't seem to like me doing it, and they haven't exactly lent a hand when I've been collecting my teeth after their dragon protector knocks them out of me, but they haven't come at me in a mob and set me on fire yet either."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

And how come I have to double-post when Tass only has to do one for these things?
"Protector?!" That said enough of what Alex thought of her brother. The shock that hearing he was actually guarding anything let alone a town had Alex reeling a bit, and as she recovered she appeared lost in her own thoughts. It was the last thing she ever expected of the man. Though if he was ordered to by Father then that could explain it. But still... "You wouldn't happen to know why he's there, would you?" Ria most likely wouldn't, but stranger things had happened. And despite the answer Alex would continue on. "What was your first impression of him?" She hadn't seen Akorvick in years. She wanted to know a little more before she actually prepared to face him.

"That's what I've heard them call 'im, yeah!" Ria said, her tone slightly defensive. At Alex's question, she simply shook her head and muttered; "No idea." The half-dragon's request, however, drew a more impressive reaction from the oni. She snorted, and promptly said; "He's a brick shithouse. That moves faster than a river eel. And breathes fire. And if he hadn't whooped my ass black and blue every time I saw him, I'd have dragged him to the nearest free bed and thrown him on it!" Letting out a laugh while Angelle adopted another lost look that she directed at Alex, the oni continued; "As for prowess.... I'd say he's the scariest damn thing I've ever had to fight, those faeries and yourself included. He coulda killed me in every one of our fights, and I only ever managed to touch him once, after I'd decided to try him without the restraint of my armor and maybe try my hand at wrestling. That... Didn't work out for me. He can't be bought neither, not for any amount of coin that I've tried to offer, nor for a chance at taking me in the bedroom. Does he swing for the other side, you think?" There was a hint of uncertainty in Ria's voice, as if a bit of her pride might be on the line for that last question.

"I never saw any sign of it." Quite the contrary. Back during that horrible day he actually looked quite eager to show Alex what it meant to be a woman. At least until he saw what Annabeth was planning. And that itself was something else to consider... But not right now. "I'm not surprised he wouldn't be bought. He was a prideful thing back then. It's something we all shared. Whenever Aureus's children make a promise we will not break it, no matter how shiny the bauble you offer. But there may be a way around it, one where everyone can walk away satisfied. I guess I'll talk to him about it when I go there..." The story of his prowess, however, was what really had her attention. He sounded even more fierce than he did when he was a child, but the fact that Ria was allowed to walk away whenever they fought said that he also had some measure of restraint. It may even mean he's capable of some strategy. And that would make him even more dangerous. But she was going to face him regardless of what she learned.

Ria pouted at Alex's announcement that her brother wasn't gay, but then nodded. She seemed unsurprised by each bit of news delivered, and the half-dragon may not have missed the manner in which the oni seemed to grow more impressed by her brother with every word, unknowing as she was of the man's cruelty toward Alex herself. "You shouldn't like him," Angelle announced coldly, and that caused Ria to glance at her in surprise, before the hybrid continued; "He has done terrible things. You shouldn't like him just because he's powerful." Ria, despite the simplicity of the statement, considered that for a moment before quietly replying; "Were it so easy as that."

The oni allowed that to hang in the air as they left the richer districts, and while the place that Alex found herself in was hardly a slum, it certainly lacked the glamour even of the Fool and the Pipe. Eventually, however, they stopped in front of a smithy that had obviously been designed to work as well in the winter as in the summer, the walls all covered in latched wooden windows that could be opened or closed. Benan’s Bones it was called, and Ria said; “This is the place. Best smithy that I’ve found in all of Therion for enchanted weapons and armor. The guy that runs it, Benan, is a bit of a character, but you’ll probably like him just fine. Your faerie friend reminded me of him a fair bit.

This time it was Alex's turn to show some confusion. She hadn't remembered sharing the knowledge of that day with Angelle, but the girl acted like she knew what Akorvick had done. Was this a memory that may have been passed down through Aes? Or was this something that was seen through that piece of Dina's Insight that Angelle held?

Whatever it was Alex didn't respond to either woman past that, and soon enough they came to their destination. "Benan's Bones... And this guy is like Lady Albatross?" If that was true then 'a bit of a character' probably wouldn't cut it. But Alex was here for a reason, so there was no sense in hesitating. She entered and looked around, and she sought out this Benan once she got a feel for the shop.

The blacksmith's shop was unusually dark for such a place, its windows closed off and its hearth only showing a dim blue flame. Racks of weapons and armor of varying quality were on display, but it was the proprietor who drew the eye. At first glance he seemed like a normal human, though he seemed a bit young for a master smith and still possessed of most of his short brown hair. Then Alex noticed that he had the same sort of eyes as Michelle, but that unlike William's bride-to-be, Benan had most certainly tapped into the well of potential contained within his soul. "You are the dragonblooded?" he asked coldly no more than ten heartbeats after she'd entered, coming around the counter to standing before her. He was almost a foot shorter than Alex, but she got the distinct impression that it was he who was looking down on her in that moment. "Do you have..... The item?"

The darkness and weapons were a little disconcerting, but finding Benan looking down on her had the dragoness slightly ruffled. For a moment she considered letting her own spirit come into play so she could make him rethink that air of superiority he held, but that passed. She wanted his service. "Indeed," she answered to his first question, and she held herself tall and proud as she retrieved her battered armor. "That I do." She handed it over and gave him the time needed to look it over. "How long will you need?" And once she had that answer, "How much will you charge?"

The man crisply took the armor and laid it out on the counter, turning away from Alex and seemingly ignored her for several long moments. Angelle was scowling at him by that point, while Ria was standing in back and grinning dumbly as if trying to hold in a chuckle. Muttering seemingly random gibberish to himself, the man examined her badly rent armor for several moments, before saying; "Four hours." Her next question was answered quite promptly; "Twenty denarii. You've let chunks of it get blown off, and presumably no longer have them. They'll need to be replaced outright with new material, requiring compatible magics and metal." He had sounded more than a little derisive, but then he took the suit over to his forge and.... Simply tossed it in. Before Alex could protest, however, the man reared back and breathed fiery life into the furnace..... With dragonfire. She would feel him reaching out with astral strings as the breath of flame ended, reaching out into the forge and for pieces of loose metal he had hanging from the walls. "He does upgrades too," Ria said amicably, grinning, "But you'd best ask him before he gets too far in. You've no idea how snarky he can be when he wants to even from that, and I'd say that was a bit rougher than usual!"

The time and the money required for the repairs were satisfactory, but the man's rather derisive appraisal of the damage had Alex frowning at him. She prepared to say something, but the sight of him simply throwing her armor into the forge only to be fired by a blast of dragonfire merely had her looking on in surprise. She had sensed his awakening to his spiritual prowess, but seeing it manifest as a power that matched her own forced her to look at him in a different light. "A number of pieces do lie lost in the forest two miles from the city, but some of them were embedded within my flesh. They were removed last night and should still be sitting in the inn. Would you prefer I retrieve them?" The fact of his dragonfire spoke well for the arrogance he showed, and Alex immediately excused it as a near-family trait. She doubted retrieving the other pieces would be necessary or helpful, but the offer remained. "And I require no further enchantments. If I do while I'm still in the area then I shall return." At that she retrieved the required twenty denarii from her purse. She didn't immediately give it to him, but the fact that she had pulled it out would say she was willing to pay this moment if he asked.

"That will not be necessary," Benan said calmly in response to her offer to retrieve the pieces that Lady Albatross had pulled out of her flesh last night. "If you require nothing further, you may leave half of the payment on the table. I never accept full payment until my work is completed, not unless expensive materials are involved." There was a tone of dismissal in his statement, and unless Alex offered further comment or had some question that she needed asking, she would have permission to take her leave, something that Ria seemed all too eager to do.

Alex took each answer as stoically as possible, and after watching the man work for a couple more seconds she placed the required half on the table. Following that she gave Benan a formal salute, and with that done she turned and left without a second look back. Only once everyone was out and past the shop did Alex finally speak up. "This may sound weird, but I somewhat like him. I feel like I've found a bit of a kindred spirit. Don't know how you think either Albatross or Haedrin reminded you of him."

"You only got the grump," Ria said lightly, shrugging, "Usually he's a lot more.... Whimsical. Like the girl faerie. Albatross, right? The one you actually slept with as opposed to just drooled over all day?" The oni grinned at that little barb, and then sighed and said; "So, what now? Looks like we've got a couple of hours to kill."

Ria's quip was all Alex needed to start blushing again. And while a part of her wanted to turn and see if Angelle realized what had been said a much greater part told her to ignore it. "That we do. And since I'm only a tourist I have no idea what we can do to pass the time." And if Ria didn't suggest anything then Alex would start moving toward the nearest guard station. She'd like to know how everyone injured yesterday was faring, Aebard most of all. The men at the station would at least give her a starting point.

"Well, there are plenty of things we could do, but most of them cost coin. I already ate, and -" Ria began, and Angelle interjected with a slightly dazed look; "We did too!" Clearing her throat, the oni continued; "So we might as well go and see how the injured are doing, I guess."

Heading to a guard station, the first man that she approached said; “Are you Alexandra Alistar?

"That I am."

"Your presence is requested at the council chambers. If you would answer that now, you could follow me there immediately."

"I see. Please do." She didn't exactly expect to be sought out like this. Something involving the investigation must be going on.

The guard led her, Angelle, and Ria through the streets of Therion towards the grand Tower Goldspike. Such was evidently not their destination, however, as he took them down another street and led them into a large, square building that Alex would recognize by its design alone as a courthouse. Her assumption had, apparently, not been far off. "Please go inside, they are waiting for you," the guardsman said, and stood to wait outside.

With the Tower Goldspike steadily growing more and more massive in her view Alex wondered if she'd finally get an opportunity to stroll inside, but the turn dashed that thought. Instead she was taken to a courthouse, and once the guard said that people had been waiting for her Alex straightened herself out for a bit. "Understood. Thank you for your direction." As she started stepping inside she was suddenly quite glad she wasn't running around in the far simpler garments she used to pad her armor. She did not want people seeing her like that as their first impression.

The armored man offered her little more than a grim nod, and on that note Alex strode forth with Angelle in tow. "I'll, uhhh, stay out here then shall I? Call me in if you need me." Ria said, hesitating to go into the courthouse. Whatever Alex's reaction to that, she would soon find herself faced with a corridor of no less than a dozen guards clad in full plate that she would realize was heavily enchanted as she entered. The room was filled with no less than twenty magi, all of them pointed at one person as Alex entered. Aescila smiled and waved to her, unconcerned for the nervous wizards or the collar placed around her neck, and the judge sitting at the primary bench glared at Alex and said; "Alexandra Alistar. Can you explain why you have taken this long to answer our summons? We sent an emissary to your only known point of contact in the city, but you were not present."

The presence of such a heavy guard had Alex on edge as she entered, but once she finally entered the courtroom and found even more focused on one single soul Alex felt some ghost of relief. She waved right back at Aes, the sheer fact that she had finally seen her Mate after having her taken yesterday made both the human and the beast within her calm. When the judge spoke down at her any sign of relief faded and was replaced by seriousness. "I cannot. I received no word of a summons when I woke to visit an old friend of mine, and I received no word when I returned to The Fool and the Pipe to retrieve my armor for repairs. If your emissary appeared after that then I never saw them since I spoke with a guard almost immediately after speaking with the blacksmith."

The judge eyed her in annoyance for a moment, obviously debating on whether or not to question her further over her explanation, before simply grumbling and beckoning her forth. "You stand as a key witness and as the primary speaker for the defense. Do you accept this responsibility? You will be able to call witnesses and present evidence to the court, despite your lack of formal legal training."

"I do." No one would understand how grateful Alex was to have chosen a dress. While she would have preferred something more formal considering her duty in this courtroom slumming it up in her normal wear would have left her looking rather foolish. "But before we begin I do have one question. After returning from the field yesterday I was told that this trial was scheduled for another couple days from now. Why the sudden change?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"A royal official demanded that it be moved to today, ahead of cases that were deemed less important," the judge stated simply, and then beckoned Alex forward. A nondescript guard in more normal dress than the knights stepped up beside her as she walked into the aisle between the rows of seats and the magi sitting in them. His purpose became clear quickly enough if it wasn't immediately obvious, as he guided Alex down the aisle to one of two benches seated behind a table at the front of the room, putting her on the one on the right (the one nearer to Aescila) while the left was occupied by a dark haired human man dressed in fine robes.

The guard returned to his position after showing her to the defense stand, leaving Alex to stand alone as the rest of the room (except for Aescila, whom Alex would realize was chained to the bench on which she sat) rose to their feet as the judge did the same. "Now that the defense has finally arrived, let there be no more delays! I declare these proceedings officially underway!" the judge declared loudly, and Alex would notice a woman seated over in the corner with a pen and parchment scribbling rapidly, having been the only one in the room who hadn't stood with the judge besides Aescila. Once everyone had sat down again, the judge said; "Now then.... Preliminary statements from both the defense and the prosecution may be held now, starting with the defense. Aescila Alistar stands accused of the willful and deliberate assassination of a citizen of Therion, assault against a noble, and of tampering with an exchange made upon the field of honor. She has pleaded innocent to all charges, and the defense may speak to support that claim now."

The whole of the room turned their attention onto Alex and waited for her to speak, the scribe's quill held over the page in anticipation. Aes shot her a confident smile, providing what reassurance she could from her position on the bench of the accused.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Once the explanation for the expedition was expounded Alex merely nodded her head in understanding, and even then the judge motioned for her to step forward. Once she did a guard approached, this one more traditional and most likely not a part of the force dispatched to intimidate the captured angel threat, and once the man arrived he led the dragoness to one of the two benches obviously meant to be used by the attorneys. Aescila was seated nearby, though that was too kind a word since she was chained to her own bench and given not even enough slack to properly stand, and now that all the parties were assembled the judge motioned for the trial to begin.

As everyone settled themselves back into their seats the judge read the charges leveled against Aes, and through it all Alex kept her attention focused on the official. Assassination, assault, and sabotage. Three rather serious charges that all culminated in probably the most public death Therion had seen since the alien incursion, and each of them a lie as far as Aescila's involvement was concerned. And Alex was going to make sure this court saw that single truth.

When it was time for the defense to make their statement the entire proceedings came to a halt. Alex herself wasn't quite sure what to make of the sudden attention that was focused on her, but she decided to simply let it slide off her back. It wouldn't do any good to let everyone make her nervous, especially when Aes herself appeared confident that her freedom would soon be in hand. And who knows. Maybe her Insight saw the outcome, and this was all just a formality to let history fall into place. But whether that was true or not didn't really matter. Alex had one job in this moment, and it was time to get to it.

"Your honor." Another nod of understanding. "To each of those charges I repeat my Mate's plea: complete and total innocence. Her only crime lay in showing her nature to the world at a time when someone else found it convenient. This third party used her as a scape goat for an attack against Arclan Clay, and with all that is known about those who have fallen from grace every judgmental eye was quickly and easily drawn to her." A motion was made, one that let the dragoness address Aes without taking her attention from the judge. "I have conducted my own investigation into Sir Arclan's death, and though many who allied with me were injured the one responsible was found. And she has been dealt with. All that remains of that woman's conspiracy is this trial built on the lie she founded, and I hope we can resolve this quickly so the innocent can finally walk freely." At that point she bowed her head once to show her statement was finished, and once the judge acknowledged that and turned to the prosecution Alex would return to her seat.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

The judge's face was impassive as he nodded at Alex following her opening claims, while the faces of the eleven jury members were varied. Some looked skeptical, some looked surprised, and some had expressions no less stony than the judge. When she indicated that she was finished and returned to her seat, the prosecutor rose and stepped up into the space that Alex had just occupied. The man cleared his throat and folded his hands behind his back, standing with a straight back and a confident smile, before beginning by saying; "Your honor.... You will find that this case is fairly clear cut. The evidence speaks for itself, and as the defense so concisely said, the nature of the accused provides more than enough motive for her crimes. I suspect that some contrived and complex scenario will be presented by the defense, who is the wielder of the blade that made the killing stroke and the partner of the accused I would add, but as we all know, the most simple solution is generally the truth in situations like this. An entire arena full of eye witnesses place the accused at the scene, and no less than a dozen city officials will attest to the evidence of her guilt."

The man, after receiving the same acknowledgement as Alex, the man remained standing expectantly as the judge said; "Now that we've heard the opening arguments, and unless there is some physical evidence that must be presented first, the prosecution may call their first witness." Nodding, the prosecutor said; "I have none to present at this time, your honor. For my first witness, I call to the stand a mage in the employ of the royal arena, a one Riley Smith." There was some shuffling from behind, and the mousy blond female mage who had handled Alex's sword after the murder walked slowly up to the stand, her skin even paler than usual and a very wan look on her face. It was obvious that she hadn't slept particularly well after witnessing the events in the arena, and having to come here so soon after obviously wasn't making her feel any better.

Once she had taken her seat at the witness stand after being sworn in by an old man in drab robes who was standing beside it, the prosecutor cleared his throat once again and said; "You are Riley Smith, a magus trained at the Academy and employed by the royal arena as an overseer of the matches, correct?" The girl nodded, and after a moment she croaked; "Yes." The prosecutor continued; "Could you state your responsibilities at the arena for the court, please?" In response, the girl cleared her throat and said; "I ensure that the combatants cannot inflict lethal or permanent injury on each other, and provide emergency healing in the case of more serious injuries that require tending before the dedicated healers can arrive. My education was most focused in the manipulation of forces and repairing the body, so it was a perfect fit after I graduated."

Nodding, the prosecutor then asked; "And you are possessed of the same senses as any other with magical training, yes? You can detect magic as it happens around you?" After an affirmative answer from the girl, he continued; "Did you work the protective enchantments on the combatants yourself?" Again she answered affirmatively, which Alex would remember was true, and he continued; "So you would have unique insight into what unraveled the enchantment laid over the weapon wielded by the defense in the match that resulted in the death of Arclan Clay?" She hesitated for a moment, but again answered affirmatively, and on he went once more; "So, in your informed opinion, did the spell that unraveled your own come from the defense? Or from an item possessed by the defense, perhaps?" Again she hesitated, and glanced over at Alex, but her pause held only for a moment before she turned back and said; "No. The representative of the defense was using all of her energies at the time to maintain a transformation, and was too occupied in fighting Arclan Clay to cast such a spell. Neither their sword nor their shield had any enchantments that could produce such an effect, and while we have not examined her armor or other belongings, the magic that worked to unravel mine did not come from the defense."

Nodding again, the prosecutor said; "You are sure of this?" Again she hesitated but eventually answered affirmatively, and then the man continued; "Who, in your opinion, would have cast the spell that removed the protection from the weapons wielded by the defense?" This time there was no hesitation, as the mage responded; "The accused."


The young woman drew in a deep breath, and that it seemed was enough to settle her nerves a little, as she explained; "I sensed a spell coming from her direction just before my enchantment broke, its point of origin being her exact position almost precisely as near as I could tell. In addition, my spell was taken apart like it was nothing. I have been doing this for four years, and was schooled in magic for twelve before it. While it wasn't an area of focus, I was given training in making my spells more resistant to being countered and dispelled. It would have taken a being of great power to unravel my enchantment as easily as it was. The power of the fallen is legendary, and would be more than enough explanation for the ease with which the protective spell was broken."

Seemingly finished, the girl went silent, and after a moment the prosecution said; "Thank you, milady. I have no further questions for the witness your honor." He returned to his seat, and the judge then turned to Alex and said; "Would the defense like to question the witness?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Once more into the logs...
As the witness continued and answered her questions Alex simply sat and absorbed everything that was said. And once the woman was done she had yet to move. In some ways Alex couldn't fault Riley. The dragon herself had been fooled into thinking there was no outside influence when Arclan's soul was stolen. It simply disappeared the moment it hit Aescila's aura. Her Mate's presence was simply too large to...

"I do, Your Honor." With that Alex rose and looked squarely at the witness. "Miss Smith, how would you describe the presence of my Mate's aura?"

"Her.... Aura?" Riley replied uncertainly, and hesitated for a moment. "I would describe it as.... I don't know. Terrifying? She's a fallen angel. It all feels like corruption and misery and cruelty to me." Several of the mages behind Alex nodded, and it wasn't an unheard of phenomenon. Aescila had originally been a demon, after all, and the taint of Hell was still heavy upon her.

Alex frowned a little at that. It wasn't what she wanted, and that didn't exactly paint her in a positive light. "I'm not asking for quality. How strong does she feel? How large is her presence? How does it compare to everyone around her?"

"She's..... Her aura's a lot more powerful than anything that I'm used to. It's big, almost... Blinding. Just looking at her is like looking at an eclipse from the top of a mountain, like there's less air to breath while you look at something.... Unnatural." Also not an unheard of phenomenon, though it was the first time coming from a mage. Human magi or wielders could achieve power on the level of that which Aescila possessed, and some she knew would dwell at the Academy. Some were also better at containing that power than Aes though, and some had trouble being around her for extended periods, the highly empathic Kimi being among them.

That frown again, this one accompanied by Alex crossing her arms over her chest. "I request that the witness cease making character judgements against someone she hasn't yet properly met." With that one of her fingers started tapping against her upper arm as she continued. "You say her power is enormous. You even said it was like an eclipse. So I ask you this: Were you able to sense my daughter's presence?" At that Alex turned enough to raise her hand toward Angelle.

"Your objection is noted," the judge stated simply, and Riley looked frightened again. "Your daughter? Now I can.... I'm not sure if I did when she was beside... Her. I didn't really concentrate on it at the time."

"That's understandable. I live with the woman. I know how hard it is too feel anything when such a large concentration of magic is focused on one spot. I couldn't even sense what happened to Arclan once his spirit came into contact with the accused. Tell me, do you think you would have felt my daughter using some bit of magic herself while she was sitting next to the accused?"

"What?" the magus blurted in response, and the others in the courtroom seemed to catch onto the same line of dark and likely unintended reasoning. "Well... If it was powerful enough, probably. Not a small spell, that wouldn't cause enough disruption.... But a powerful spell, or I guess use of energy, would be detectable even coming from within her aura. It would take a lot of delicacy to make something like that invisible."

"But if someone were skilled enough it would be possible to hide their own supernatural influence, especially with Arclan and myself distracting everyone with our battle."

She hesitated for a moment, but then said; "Yes. I believe that that would be possible."

And there was Alex's first smile. "Noted. And I have no further questions. Thank you for your testimony, Miss Smith."

The woman nodded gratefully and rose, shooting a single glance at the peacefully smiling Aescila before moving quickly to her seat near the rear of the courtroom. "The defense may call the next witness," the judge stated calmly once Riley had taken her seat.

Next witness? Hm... Was he recovered enough? Time to find out. "The defense asks for Archmage Aebard Narderwil to take the stand."

Murmurs passed through the courtroom, and a moment later the sound of motion would be heard. A guard wheeled a man-shaped figured covered in bandages out, moving gingerly so as not to disturb the chair's occupant. Burns, particularly burns on mortals, were notoriously difficult to heal even with powerful magic, and this seemed to be no exception to that circumstance. Regardless, the broken archmage was wheeled up and made to take the same oath as Riley, which he barely croaked out, and then left there while his carrier moved aside. "I would ask that both of you keep your questions simple. The Archmage has not recovered from his ordeal fully yet," the judge said insistently.

"Understood, Your Honor." Even if he hadn't said as much Alex wasn't inclined to make the magus speak more than what was absolutely necessary. But she needed his testimony. "Aebard, I will keep my questions to simple yes and no responses." She waited for a response from him before continuing. "Did you accompany me down into the tunnels beneath the city, specifically the tunnels found beneath the Arena?"


"Were you lead to a ritual circle?"

"Yes," he croaked, and then went into a coughing fit for a moment before going quiet again.

Despite how professional she was trying to appear Alex couldn't help but appear a little distraught at the sudden coughing fit. It was one reason why she waited until the man had calmed before continuing. "I was witness to your inspection of the circle alongside the guard who set up a perimeter for protection. Once you had finished you stated that it's purpose was to capture a soul. Is this all correct?"


"You also stated that the circle had been used recently. Considering the circle's construction and the previous testimony from Miss Smith do you think it possible that she would never have noticed this ritual's use?"

"If.... The user.... Was skilled.... Enough...." he added after a moment.

"I have one more question to ask. Were you aware that this circle was placed directly beneath Aescila's seat?"

"Yes.... We found it..... There."

"Very good. I thank you for your testimony, Magus Nardewil. And for your involvement in this whole matter." With that she turned toward the judge. "I have no further question, Your Honor."

Take your seat,” the judge said, and then the prosecution rose to his feet and cleared his throat. Approaching Aebard, he began by saying; “You have served Therion for several decades, yes?” Abard answered affirmatively, and then he asked; “For twenty two years, ever since you graduated from the Academy, am I correct?” Again Aebard answered affirmatively, and so he asked; “You aided the defense in gathering evidence to help acquit her… Mate…. Correct?” Again, yes.
You received your present injuries while helping her, am I correct?” Again, Aebard answered positively. “Do you believe that she led you into danger deliberately?” he asked, and this time Aebard answered negatively. “Let me rephrase…” he began smoothly, “Do you believe that she took you to the place where you received your injuries, knowing that it would be dangerous, and then proceeded to ensure that the situation became violent when it could have been resolved peacefully?” Aebard hesitated there, and then answered; “Yes…. But…. We gave them… A chance…. To… Surrender.
Clearing his throat as the courtroom murmured among themselves, the prosecutor continued by asking; “Will you walk again?” Aebard hesitated for a moment before speaking affirmatively, but then he pressed; “How long will it be until you have the strength to move under your own power again? How long until you can draw a breath without pain? Days? Weeks? Months? Years?” Aebard hesitated, before hoarsely whispering; “Months…. Maybe years.” The prosecutor continued in a cold voice; “Will you be able to fulfill your duties as a royal Archmage in your present condition?

When the prosecution asked if Aebard would be allowed to return to his duties as Archmage Alex slammed one hand down on the table before her and rose to her feet. "Objection!" With that she turned toward the man and looked him square in the eye. "I may not have known the full extent of the injuries Aebard has suffered, but exposing him to that situation is my responsibility and mine alone! And if the prosecution wishes to level charges at me for my actions then I shall gladly accept them..." Alex's hand rose, and as it did it pointed a rather accusatory finger at the man. "But this has no bearing on this trial! We are here to determine whether Aescila is guilty or innocent of the charges laid against her, and that is all!"

The courtroom started at Alex's interruption, and the prosecutor turned to face her and looked back with an impassive gaze. "Such is not intended at this time. I am merely attempting to.... Allow the court to understand the price of the involvement of the witness in aiding the defense."

"Does that make her any more or less innocent?"

"Obviously not," he said, and then the judge slammed his gavel down and said; "Objection sustained. Get to a point of relevance, prosecutor, or call your own next witness." The man scowled for a moment, but then turned back to Aebard and said; "Of course your honor."

The prosecutor continued on; “It was said that faeries were involved in this case, am I correct?” An affirmative answer had him continuing; “The defense, in undertaking her investigation, called upon the aid of faeries, am I correct? Allegedly unrelated faeries?” Again an affirmative, this one not so hesitant. “You were injured while making efforts to retrieve the daughter of the defense and the accused from a group of hostile faeries, allegedly part of the party responsible for the murder around which this case centers, all of whom were killed in the ensuing battle, correct?” An affirmative answer. “Were any of these supposed criminals killed by your hand, or by the hand of those you know to be trustworthy?” Hesitating, Aebard said; “No… Not…. That I am aware of.” He hadn’t known that his fireball had killed a few satyrs over in the woods, as he’d been unconscious when those kills had been confirmed.

"A point of clarification if I may, Your honor."

"Go on," the judge said.

"While Aebard may not have witnessed it himself we can confirm that a number of the satyrs that lay hidden in the forest were struck down by the Archmage's attacks."

"Really?" the judge said, and then glanced at the prosecutor, who attempted to recover by saying; "Those were not witnessed by the Archmage, however.... And even so, no captives were taken that might verify the story that you've put forth."

"We had no opportunity to do so. The only conscious and mobile member of our party by the time the battle had ended was a single knight, and he decided to intimidate the remaining forces into escaping to ensure everyone's survival."

"Ahhhhh.... And will we be hearing from this knight?"

"When it is appropriate, yes."

"Very well then...." the prosecutor sighed, and then turned back to Aebard to continue his questioning; “Is it possible…. Theoretically speaking of course…. That the entire scenario was a concoction? A false game to shift blame from the accused to some nebulous group who could then be cleanly eliminated, leaving no one to face proper justice and allowing the defense to see the accused freed?” The entire courtroom gasped at that, but the prosecutor held his gaze upon Aebard. The archmage, like the rest of the court, was visibly taken aback by the man’s bold claim, but was quick to recover and replied; “Theoretically…. Yes…. But that’s…. Absurd.” Frowning, the prosecutor said; “Absurd, but possible. Very well, I have no further questions your honor.

Aebard was taken aside, and then the prosecutor said; “I call upon magus James Quimly, also a worker at the arena where the murder took place and the one who examined the weapon that was used, and also a member of the investigation of the scene of the crime.” A young man came forward, probably one who wasn't much older than Alex, and sat down after being sworn in. "You investigated the scene, am I correct?" the prosecutor asked, to which the man said; "Yes I did, sir."
"Did you determine, after the fact, that the magic that had been used to take the victim's soul was subtle enough to be undetectable to... Shall we say, average senses." The man answered affirmatively, and then the prosecutor asked; "Have you any experience in magic like the one earlier described by the defense and attested to by Archmage Aebard?"
"Yes, I do. Extensive knowledge, you might say."
"Did the circle located below the arena contain a spell that could be used for such, or could it be used to cast a spell like that?"
"Yes. That was it's intended purpose, as near as we could tell. It had already been used by the time we arrived."
"Was any evidence gathered that would put a suspect other than the accused forth as the one using the magic of that circle?"
"Well.... No. We found residue of magic, but that's it. Anyone could have done it.
"It was fairy make though! No mistaking that once you've seen it," he amended quickly, giving a nervous look towards Alex.
"Could a circle like that be used remotely?" the prosecutor asked coldly, "Could someone use it without standing in or near it?" To which the mage replied; "No... Not remotely like that. I mean, it could be triggered to go off under certain circumstances, but.... Well, it's complicated. What you're saying is technically possible, but not realistically feasible with the resources available on hand."
"But it is possible?"
"Well.... Yes. Theoretically."
"Very well..... I have no further questions, your honor."
The prosecutor moved to take his seat, leaving Alex with a chance to question the current witness or call her own.

Alex didn't give any reaction to the mage's testimony, even when he gave the dragoness his nervous look. But now that it was her time to interrogate the witness she casually rose and kept her hands placed on the table. "You stated that this ritual could be remotely triggered. Did you see any evidence of such?"

"No. By it's nature, there wouldn't be much evidence either way, once the constructs had been used.... Unless the circle was designed to only work that way. Which it wasn't."

"I see... Since you are familiar with the events within the Arena could you guess when this circle was activated and how long it would need to complete its work?"

"Well, I would guess that it went off about when Arclan was killed, but I can't be sure. Once activated, it wouldn't need long to draw the nearest spirit to it and bind it. Maybe a few seconds to a minute, at most."

"So this circle wasn't designed to capture Arclan's soul specifically?"

"No. It could have been, but whatever components were used in the specific ritual used were destroyed as part of it."

"I see..." Alex had hoped to use something there, but with the possibility that it could have been done that line of thought was a dead end. "If this ritual were to be activated remotely what would have been the most likely trigger?"

"I couldn't guess at that, ma'am. Damn near anything can be used as a spell trigger."

"But with your knowledge of events and your expertise in this matter one would think you'd have at least some theory..."

"Well..... I guess, if the one doing the ritual was up in the audience, some specific action. Maybe crushing a component of some sort that had been tied to the circle."

"Ah. That would be best in order to get the timing in sync with the disenchantment of my sword. And it was mentioned that you examined my blade once it had been confiscated, correct?"

"Yes, I did."

"So I assume you have some expertise in enchantment as well. Tell me, what kind of spell or power would be needed to target that single enchantment that lay specifically in my sword?"

"A dispelling... Spell. Arcane magic, not the more natural stuff. Done quickly and precisely. It's exactly what I found on your blade, ma'am."

"Is this a simple power that can be called on a whim?"

"Well, no. You've got to be pretty skilled at magic or have practiced in it to do it at all, much less well."

"Ah. I must confess that I have a meager skill with magic, and I understand that while simple things like this can be done quite easily..." Alex interrupted herself by snapping her fingers and lighting the very points of her horns with a pair of small candle flames. "...the skill and concentration needed for larger feats are more complex." A lazy wave of the hand dismissed those flames. "I also know that for something aimed specifically at my sword, especially when it was surrounded by my own activated aura, it would need some time to construct itself before it could properly work. Did anyone notice a gathering of power that signaled such a spell?"

"Your understanding is accurate enough," the man said, unphased by Alex's display while the court again murmured amongst themselves, and the judge scowled at her. "A powerful spell would require more time to construct, but half of learning to be good at magic is learning to do it quickly when you have to. I know a few people that could dispel a temporary enchantment in the blink of an eye if the caster wasn't good at making their spells hard to unravel."

Alex looked a little taken aback by that answer. "I do hope you and yours don't consider that specific enchantment to be easily undone..."

"We pick mages to do 'em for their ability to make their magic hard to dispel our counter. Whoever did the dispelling this time around was good enough to do it quick, and without being noticed, even by the mage who's spell it was that got dispelled."

"And obviously you consider the accused capable of such a feat."

"Well, yes. She's a fallen angel. I can feel her over here and I'm not even using those senses right now."

"And you say that someone skilled enough in magic can gather the energy needed to deconstruct a spell without needing to show any sign of doing so, not even having to close their eyes or focus their senses elsewhere or even performing some small ritual themselves."

"Yes, that's correct."

"Good. That's something I'll need to recall later. No further questions, Your Honor."

"Very well," the judge said as the man climbed down, "you may call your next witness."
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