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Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

[Ranger, Aust and Arma story will be placed in another thread]


Once both were ready, they went to try to save the poor neko of her lewd torture. The poor thing was bouncing roughtly with each thrust from the powerful creatures and it was not looking really good for her as they were brutaly raping her. Tears were going out her eyes and her moans were more likely an attempt to resist the pain and pleasure than was getting even worse, she could maybe die if this continue like this or heavily mind broken.

Michael tried to get close them in a stealthy way but just some steps close his goal the three monsters turned to smell the air after notice the naughty smells coming from Priscilla who even when wanted to beat them was alreagy getting very aroused by the viril mate members of these creatures they were so huge and filled with the delicious cum than she could smell easily. She even lick her lips and imaginate herself join the fun, but then her master voice make her return to earth.

Priscilla !! use your ice spell to trap them inside! He shout in an order than the bitch in heat could not denny, even when she sont know who is that Priscilla. Her body shine and soon the whole entrance of the cell get frozen in a width ice barrier than the monsters soon started to hit to broke it. Michael dont wasted the time and shoot a direct shoot at the head of one, the creature looks to be really wounded but still continue slaming the wall to try to reach to them.

[Big bull, Reptile huge monster(with an arrow at his upper head) and aberration creature with tentacles]
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

It didn’t take long for Priscilla to get ready to fight as she watched the catgirl from earlier get brutally fucked, her body bouncing up and down as tears streamed down her cheeks. It looked like she was in serious danger of being broken if this kept up. Her master seemed to want to sneak up on them, and the dog-girl was game for that, slowly padding along on all fours behind him, but before they got very far at all the monsters turned to look at them. Apparently they had smelled the fact that a bitch in heat was coming their way, and it was starting to affect her even given the situation she was in. Those dicks… they were so huge, and there was so much cum! How good would it feel to be triple teamed by them? She licked her lips, eyes starting to glaze over a bit… until she heard her master yell at her to trap them in the cell with ice. She quickly did it, her body shining as she produced a wall of ice to lock them in. But who was this “Priscilla” person her master had spoken of? Oh well, it didn’t matter. He shot one of the creatures in the head with an arrow, and she quickly followed up by attacking it with a shard of ice from above, where he hopefully wouldn’t expect it, barking at the creature angrily. If master didn’t like it, then she didn’t either, huge cock or no.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

With the creatures temporary traped, both Michael and Priscilla shoot as best as they could against them, using arrows and spells than Michael order to Priscilla to do. It was the only way than the dog girl could attack with magic as she was not able to do it alone, her mind was so distracted and her fuzzy troughts to even find out than she was using magic. The heat increased as she has passed a time without anything to fill her naughty void, turning her atention even more in the viril creaturs, her tongue hang out and drool in lusty need a huge part of the fight she lost herself at her instincts begging and whining for help, she casted what she could at the end and after a long time the creatures were killed in a huge part thanks to Michael and the ice wall than get destroyed some minutes before the battle ended.

Soon the cat girl get free of her torture and witout lost any second she start to rub her body at Michael, who looks to had been a little wounded after the last battle, his arrows had been perfectly aimed to the monsters heads making them die in just some blows, but they managed to broke the ice wall in the last moments of the fight. It was in part fault of Priscilla when she lost her mind for her high lust. Michael dont said any word and just pets both petgirls for a moment before end to bandage his wounds. Very well, now we must go to find that noisy plant girl, can you smell her Priscilla? her master ask as the dog girl remain looking at him as she try to endure her feral needs to serve her master, but then the neko start to pass as she press her side at priscilla, she mewls and looks to be thinking on leave her scent on Priscilla too or she was trying to say thanks to her, it was dont matter now as the dog girl have the attention of her master in her, she remain yapping and asking for more pets until she manage to notice than Michael asked her to find something, she was not sure what is a plant girl and she just start to smell around for any other familiar smell until with luck she notice a possible known trail, it was not her mate and she just follow it curiouse about the owner of this essence.

The trio notice a small pasage to a huge room upstair them, Priscilla cant rech the place but Michael use some boxes to see through the hole, open it the enough to leave him hear and see what is happening inside. Priscilla manage to heard with her fluffy ears than a known female voice is moaning inside the room and a man laught maybe its the same man than started all this and at his side she could sense than there are also others two creatures. Maybe that strange woman from before and a huge virile creature.

Priscilla cant understand what is happening completely but Michael looks to decide to wait for a moment to act, as the poor girl continue moaning as the vile trio talk inside the room. The time passed and Michael wait to do his move, as he start to prepare himself, meanwhile the neko start to bothers Priscilla's master. The next part was a little to understand for the bitch on heat, just when the noises get reduced and for what it looks the traped girl pass out, Michael in nearly a secong get inside the room without make any noise, leaving both monster girls outisde as he try his plan. The minutes passed and the bitch in heat feels every second more worried and needed, even the cat girl looks to be a good couple to entertain herself and the cat girl looks to think the same, but the needs to help her master are still bigger.

After a while Michael return with the plant girl completely uncouncious and with many whip's marks at her whole body. Priscilla can you heal her? her master ask to the dog girl who wasnt not sure what was needed to do but even then tried it, her spell work a little but its not so strong to fully restore her partner. Her owner has also taken some papers from the other room and store them at his bag before cover the hole and calm himself.

With the plant woman resting and lifted, Michael decide to try to find an exit so they could escape, the many jails were nearly the sames and confuse them for some moments, it was like they were walking in circles until they find the door from where Priscilla has escaped of her dog house, she takes a moment to lick her dog plate and eat the leftovers of her last dinner, she could feel than she needed more food for her puppies and soon whine holding her pink plate with her mouth as she whine begging for more and placing her dog plate at Michael side.

Looking her in need, Michael open his bag and find some food, the one he try to give to Priscilla at her hand, but she instead smell it and take it with her mouth, droping a little and then eating it at the floor as she wags her tail and smell around to try to find more, her endless need still make her beg for more.

I dont have more Priscilla, lets escape and then i will buy you something. Michael manage to say before the neko start mewling for food too, the noisy pet girls were turning into a pain but Michael endure it. Just then a roar come from behind and then a dog start to bark and get close Michael ready to fight in order to defend his lands from the human and also looks like his bitch. Priscilla soon yap and moves her tail in excitament, as she have her mate at the room, her body soon react starting to get close him to ask for he to smell her essence so he could impregnate her more, but with a kick Michael hit the dog who run away once again after receive the strong hit, the sudden act made the dog girl get so confused and unsatisfied, she growl even to her master and feels sad because her male has been taken away of her side.

We must leave and inform the authorities of this, that crazy man will try to turn all into a chaoz just for his fun. Michael say to the girls as he continue moving to where the dog has escaped.

Its too late, the humans are already charmed by that slut succubus, the whole city is under her charm and she is close to be under our Master control. They turn to see than all has been said by the strange maid, at her side is the huge monster than put down the plant girl in the last fight and behind the door certainly that vile man is watching them.

We dont have time to lost, Priscilla use your magic to froze them, i will try to beat them. Michael said and prepare his cross bow but then the maid fly toward him in an instant and make him fly toward the wall. The archer needs a second to recover himself, but then the maid cast an spell. Chains get out of her hand and went flying to ward Michael, he dodge to a side but the chains looks to follow him... just then these chains get traped by one of his arrows than get struck at the floor and make the chains stay there for a moment, the enough to pace himself in a safe place.

Its useless, just give up and accept the life under our Master as pet slaves and for you human, we place you in a great place mating with ours servants, it was fool escape of that gift, we will punish you this time for being a bad pet. The maid looks to be ready to fight against Michael meanwhile the huge tentacle creature moves toward the two pet girls and the uncouncious plant girl, it looks than this could be a hard battle and Priscilla must decide against who she will be. She could help her master but then the neko will be alone fighting this thing.
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The creatures were both trapped, and Priscilla and her master used the opportunity to attack them both without mercy. The dog-girl launched icicle after icicle at Michael’s orders, unable to gather her thoughts enough to take the initiative with these things. Increasingly her mind was drawn to the fact that her pussy was burning with need, the fact that it hadn’t been filled in almost as long as she could remember at this point. Her eyes focused more and more on the creatures, on their members, and she whimpers slightly, drool collecting in her mouth as she looked every so often at her master, wondering if he would eventually order her to do something more fun than just launching ice at the creatures. He never did, though, and they just continued to fight until the creatures dropped dead against the cell of the floor. The ice wall shattered and crumbled, barely holding in the last moments of the creatures, though it did allow for the catgirl to rush out of the cell and rub herself against the master.

He had been wounded a little bit in the fight as well, which was worrisome, though he seemed to be alright as he bandaged himself, and he quickly set about petting Priscilla. She moaned and nuzzled against him, enjoying the petting, though she felt that she needed more as well… She whimpered and yapped, begging for more petting and stroking as the catgirl rubbed against her as well. It took the mage a long time to realize that she was being asked to find something, something called a “plant girl…” she wasn’t sure what that was, but she felt like it should be familiar to her, so she just began to sniff around for something she recognized. After a short while she found a scent trail that seemed familiar, and wasn’t her mate, so she began to follow it. There was a small passage up above them into a larger room, and Michael stepped up on some boxes to get a look inside. The dog-girl couldn’t see, but she could sort of tell what was happening thanks to her heightened senses of smell and hearing; there was a feminine voice she recognized moaning, and then a man laughing. Also inside were two creatures, probably in her judgment the woman from before and a giant thing that smelled… potent.

Michael seemed to want to wait and prepare for something, and as he set about it the damned catgirl began to bother him. Priscilla managed to avoid yapping at her, but instead she got closer and forcefully nudged her head against the catgirl’s side, trying to indicate that it wasn’t appropriate. The noises soon subsided, perhaps the female inside the room passing out, and the master slid into the room suddenly and silently. It left the two pets alone together, and for her part the dog-girl was starting to think it might be nice to curl up with the cat, face buried in her crotch… but she was worried for the human, too nervous to actually go through with it. After a short while he returned, carrying an unconscious plantgirl who had clearly been whipped badly all across her body. Michael asked the redheaded mage if she could heal the alarune, and despite not really knowing whether she could or not, or even fully understand the question, she tried her best. It seemed to work, though not particularly well. At the very least it would ease the sting of those whip marks.

There was only a short pause to rest before the little group began to move again, trying to escape. The area with the holding cells was practically all identical, and it confused them to no end for a while before they managed to find their way back to the little doghouse Priscilla had started at. She saw that there was still some leftover food in her dish, so she crawled over to it and lapped at the bowl, getting out every last bit of food. She was hungry, really hungry, and she could tell that she needed more food for her puppies… She picked the dish up with her mouth and placed it beside Michael, whining for more. He reached into his bag, pulling something out and trying to hand it to her, but she latched onto it with her mouth and dropped it onto the ground instead, munching on it like a dog as her tail wagged happily behind her. She still wanted more, though, and she pawed at her master’s leg begging for it for a while before he admonished her that he didn’t have more, that they would escape and get more food there. The catgirl wanted some too, of course, and between them they were getting pretty obnoxious…

There was a sudden roar behind them then, and then the barking of a dog. Priscilla turned to watch her mate rush at Michael, yapping happily at him and wagging her tail as she crawled a little bit closer, wanting to feel him mount her again. It wasn’t to be, at least not for the moment, as her master kicked the dog away. The redhead instinctively growled at the man, confused and unhappy to see her mate treated in such a way. He wanted to get away, but they weren’t fast enough, and the bizarre maid soon appeared alongside the huge monster from before. A battle quickly broke out, Michael’s order lost in the sudden chaos as he and the maid begin to fight one another. The tentacle creature began to move towards Priscilla and the catgirl, and without thinking about it she tried to freeze it as her master had earlier suggested…

She'll try to freeze it, and then launch icicles and stuff afterwards, just trying to kill it.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The dog girl tried to send her cold power to freeze the creature but this was too huge to just frozen and just walk toward them unperturbed, her little brain was not sure why but suddenly the monster stop and focus at her, for what it looks she get the luck to even when she fail in cast her spell she manage in some way shoot her naughty scense at her foe, making the creature get stunned for the moment, what the neko used to bite his lower zone and remain hanging there for a moment before get away with a jump to land at her fours as she soon start to lick her lips and claws with the viril monster scence. Focused on taste the slime she dont tried to defend the dog girl who tried again to freeze the monster, this get frozen in part only as his left size get away of the storm freeze and manage to hold Priscilla at her place, pinning her down as the smelly slimy tentacles rub at her and make her lost her control for the instant, she soon start to drool and cuddle at the pet, she was like a little friendly animel being pamper by a random person at the street, meanwhile the silly neko started to be jealous, her mewls were making Priscilla slowly recover herself in needs to bark at her.

Luckily her barks send a frozen anger spell and froze more the creature as also make her need to get away the pat for the cold and shake herself of the small ice drops, as she notice the neko pull playfully and breask some of the frozen tendrils by mistake than she smell and chew softly before caress her nose by the cold. With the monster frozen, the two girls could take care of the remain, but instead they lost their chance and Priscilla jump at the neko, trying to make her pay for nearly froze herself or because she was anoy her enough, mewls and barks fill the place, making the others people at the place frown... most likely because they werent hurting each other and soon the doggirl put her body over the neko's face, the naugty scent was too much for the neko and sumisively start to lick the bitch girl pussy eagerly.

Meanwhile Michael continue his fight against the strange maid, shooting at her body one of his arrows making her groan and insult him as she tried to take it away, she tehn shoot her chains again but Michael was ready and shoot again making her get trapped by her own spell. Now at close range he use his knife and cut part of her dress as leave a mark at her chest and then push her at the floor, for what it looks Michael could win soon if all goes like this what make the rich man get slighty worried by his servants pass for these problems. Of course than the tentacle creature was slowly getting free of the spell and the girl could try to find out how to make Michael pay for this.

Priscilla 5/7 2/5ap
Neko hurted two times and starting to summit to Priscilla

Maid 4/7 chained and pinned
Tentacle creature 5/8 frozen 1/2
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The creature couldn’t be frozen it seemed, it was too big, though Priscilla didn’t understand that. It just seemed to stop in place for a moment, perhaps confused by the intense smell of the bitch in heat. It distracted him enough that the catgirl could jump up and bite it on its lower body. Once she had jumped away he dog-girl tried to freeze the creature once more, managing to about half do the job, though some tendrils shot out at her and grabbed her, holding her firmly in place and rubbing all over her. She nuzzled against it, drooling softly, just happy to be petted again. The neko distracted her though, jealously mewling at her until she barked loudly. The angry bark discharged a freezing spell from her, which finally froze the creature completely, though it made Priscilla cold and there were little flecks of ice along her body. She shook them off, glaring at the catgirl, who was playing with some of the frozen tentacles.

She was mad enough that she jumped on top of the neko, barking loudly and angrily, pawing her into the ground and then lifting her bloated body over her, forcing her hot and dripping sex above her face. The catgirl couldn’t take the smell, and soon began to lap at Priscilla’s pussy submissively. It made the dog-girl yip a little in pleasure, grinding herself against that tongue, though after a moment she began to stare at the frozen creature… if she had frozen it, she was supposed to hurt it, right? She thought so… probably. Whatever the case she began to launch icicles at it like she had before, still unsure just how she was doing so, her vague desire to make it so seemingly causing it.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Without understand how, Priscilla endure the pleasure and just focus on hurt the frozen tentacle creature, sneding a wave of icicle edges than wounded the monster body but also break the ice securing it. Meanwhile the neko continue her task taking as much of the girl bitch's nectar, she could not stop herself and was going inside a frenzy almost reaching her peak with just the taste at her mouth and stoping herself of struggle at all, intead she spread her legs and show her wet pussy to all as beggeg to be taken now. All this made Priscilla lost her focus and moan happily as her pussy get the attention, the neko could now get free of the doggirl weight but she remain licking and begging her to return the favor. With a last blast she made the creature nearly fall into pieces, but she couldnot endure more and start lying down and lick the neko's petal

With the creepy maid struggling to get free, Michael had few acomplishments at his fight, he rip more of the girl dress with his knife wounds and tried to chain her even more, still unsure if he should kill her. The woman then tried to send an spell to him but after focus she notice than she could not cast any spell now as her body get sealed by some strange chains conecting her neck with her arms secured at the back, this attemp made Michael smirk and decide what use could he do with her, undressing her completely, sealing her magic with her fully secured body at bondage, Michael opened her legs and placed some toys to make her stay in lust before focus his attemtion on the others battles.

The plant girl awake and drowzy crawl toward the noble as the combat continue, she was trying to reach to him but he notice her and and casted an spell than make her groan and slow her moves, but this dont stop her and pulling herself she send vines to wrap him too, this was turning into a duel battle between then to know who stun the other first, however the plant girl was already so beaten than her best attempts werent enough to protect herself of another impact of the magic, she could feel her body dont accept her commands as she want.

Just froze there root, until i transform you into a most suitable form. The plant girl wanted to insult him but she could feel herself unable to react at all, she was already tired and wounded by the torture but she could not leave this end like this and using all her remain magic she shine and groan until suddenly the nobleman spell broke and both fall at the floor, however she was so tired even when she was now free.

Priscilla and the neko were just loving each other until the sudden explosion call the dog girl attention, Michael wanted to go there but the weird maid bite his leg and caused a huge wound at his leg over his boot, she smirk once he get release showing her sharp fangs, but he dont time to punish her and just gag ball her with an iron accesory at her mouth, thi made him lost his chance to defend the plant girl who was attacked by the magic noble turning her vines against her slowly she cant do more than act as a mindless slut. The noble gets up and see around to understand what was happening.

Nearly at the edge of her limits Priscilla tried to dont lost herself permanently at the mindless pleasure in order of help her master, she send a last spell and destroyed the huge monster with a last spell of ice impalement. The neko completely lost at her lust remain at the floor masturbating herself as if there was not tomorrow, a near destiny than Priscilla will have with some more arousal. The fight was now close to end but then Priscila's mate get between his master and the two last of her team. With his wounded leg Michael needed to take more time to reach the battlefield, he aim to the noble who have the archer in his sight.

Priscilla, shoot him! Her master order but she cant stop to see the viril dog's scent get in her mind, her whole body need completely a release and her needed sounds make the dog get closer and his member hard for a posible last fuck at the dog girl mind. As she feel her mind go away, Michael and the man shoot against each other, hitting theirs bodies with theirs missiles, no one of them get back and point again even when theirs bodies start to let their blood flow. The dog girl heard her master noise... but she cant focus on him now, her belly start to feel some funy moves and her legs get full of liquid, she was close to give birth, but anyway she cant live another second without that huge dick, she get into sumision to her mate and quickly get into position, begging him in her animal lust.

The dog also forget about his master's orders and needs for help, the two beast soon start their coitus and just as his dick get inside the dog girl feels her last change start, the lust was drowning all inside her, the lewd voice beggings for dicks also slowly fade, each word, memory, meaning... all slowly vanish of her as the thrust continue, her face show a sight even more fucked than a brainless whore, there was just not sight of humanity in her whole sounds and sight. Every of her holes drol and fill the floor with their naughty fluids as she bounce her body to feel every dick's inch, the world face around her completely as her first orgasm as a feral in heat beast come, her animal moans stop as she feels his mate's dick strick on her making unable her child's birth. She wanted to give birth badly but her push is unable as her lover's dick is struck at her, if she could think a little she would had begged for him to let her give birth, but she loves also being impaled by his dick... another orgasm and the labor pain is just more pleasure to her blind braindead senses, she then lost the chance of notice her own peaks, maybe there was not a single neuron at her now to help her to feel anything more than lust so there was not difference if she reach her next orgasm, her gazed new colored eyes are just as empty mirrors, her naughty sweaty body react all at the lower instincts than her decayet brain could notice... so she just notice a sudden pleasure lost before a last load of paradise hit her and she send her wild moan in bliss.


For a long time there was nothing, her last orgasm has given her eternal peace or maybe all her senses had blow up by the intense peak. Her nose smell something delicious but there was nothing at er to remind it, she laters feel herself warm and her fluffy ears notice some noises but her peace state dont let herself focus, a strange noisant than she cant remember the name made her try to open her eyes, this lonely action was too much for her and only half open them before close them again for a while.

Something press at her mouth and without know how she suck of it, it happens some times and also a few moments are cold, someone moves her body and she fall sleep again, many more things happen but she dont register them.

Suddenly after who know how much time she smell a vague familiar smell, in a sudden move her eyes wide open and see the ceiling of an structure, it was not interested for her and she just turn to see a young male resting at her side over a chair.

Michael was resting at a chair waiting like always for any possible recovery than Priscilla could have, he have a book over his face to sleep a little and an nearly nude neko rest her head over his lap, rubbing her face over his loins.

Priscilla's body looks the same, fluffy red hairs and tail, fangs and not human eyes, these looks to be sights about how the curse has affect her body permanently, her libido is more high too and sometimes she could get on heat, but fortunately her senses are maybe even better than of a true dog or even maybe a wolf, she was not more a human, as also the neko looks to be a monstergirl if she was a normal woman before too. Her belly was more flat than before and her body is slighty weak and needing for food and if possible some pleasure.

About her mind and memories it was a mystery, only she know how much her mind has been afected, it was only known her love and loyal to this man...his master, it also make her feel something against the view of how the neko is resting over his lap, she need to do something to change it... but her neck feel strange, she touch it and feels the lack of her collar... without it she feel less and inferior, but if she want she could fight this urges.

(tiff you can choice how affected is her mind and if she think than this is real or a videogame)
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

With great difficulty Priscilla managed to send an icicle through the tentacle creature, hurting it fairly badly but at the same time shattering the ice that held it frozen in place. At the same time the catgirl beneath her just kept lapping at her pussy, making her yip happily as she continued to grind her hips into the girl’s face… she wasn’t holding her down anymore, but the neko made no effort to get away, just licking away mindlessly and spreading her legs in a desperate bid to receive the same attention. The dog-girl launched one final icicle at her enemy, nearly killing it, but there was no way she could resist that sort of temptation for long. With a somewhat domineering growl she leaned down, burying her face between the catgirl’s legs and beginning to lap quickly at her sopping cunt, tasting the wonderful juices that oozed forth. The battle continued all around them, but for a time they were lost in the pleasure they gave each other, unable to think about anything else.

At some point there was a loud explosion, enough to startle Priscilla out from the catgirl’s thighs to look around. She couldn’t tell what had caused it, but she noticed the monster she had been fighting before, and remembered that she ought to kill it… she did just that, forcing an icicle through its midsection and causing it to slump to the ground dead. The catgirl was busy masturbating now that she wasn’t providing any pleasure, furiously pumping her fingers into her pussy and mewling out loudly… something that the redhead felt likely to start doing if just a little bit more went wrong. And go wrong it did… Her mate appeared out of nowhere, the dog that had started this whole thing running up and sniffing at her. Her eyes were drawn to him and focused entirely on him, his scent filling her nose and making her mind slowly go even more blank than it already was. She began to whimper as he approached, her legs quivering… something had happened, though she couldn’t tell what. She wasn’t concerned with anything but turning around and lifting her rear up into the air, her tail lifting up into the air to present herself to the dog.

It didn’t take long for the dog to jump on Priscilla and begin humping away, slamming his thick canine cock into her fast and hard, making her yip out in pleasure and drool. Her mind receded into darkness, even what little bit she had had left washed away by the coupling with her mate. She was changing, falling… losing track of everything around her. Only the dog’s dick mattered. Just as she felt his knot slam against her lower lips she reached an intensely powerful climax, making her howl in primal bliss, though soon afterwards she felt herself go into labor. During her orgasm the dog had knotted her, she couldn’t give birth to their children… but she didn’t know if she could even care. The pleasure was just too good, the feeling sheer ecstasy despite the contractions and pain of labor, the two sensations melding into one. She reached peak after peak until she couldn’t tell anymore, as if every moment were one continuous climax right up until she lost consciousness completely.

Time passed, how much time Priscilla couldn’t know. There was nothing but darkness for a long time, but eventually she began to smell something, something very tasty. She didn’t know what it was, but she knew she wanted it… There were noises around, strange noises that made her want to open her eyes and look around, but she just couldn’t get them open. Just after that something was pressed against her lips, and she opened them and sucked on it gently. It kept happening, was she being fed? Whatever the case she just kept sucking on whatever was placed into her mouth, and then slowly drifted off to sleep. When she finally woke up again her eyes shot open, and she found that she was inside some kind of building. She could smell something, something very familiar, and she turned to see her master sitting in a chair with a book over his face, resting.

Her master. Priscilla’s mind strained to remember, to figure out what was going on. Her body was… not as she remembered it. She shouldn’t have these ears, or the tail, right? Still, she felt like she really, really needed a collar around her neck… Maybe she was a dog after all. This was just a game, right? Just a video game. Was she a dog in the real world? Was that why she was playing with her master? Her belly was mostly flat too. What had happened to her pregnancy? Whatever the case she weakly called out "master… wake up please" as she glared at the catgirl sitting on his lap. That was her place, dammit!
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael looks to be really tired or her weak call has been not enough to call his attention at the instant, however the neko rubbed her head on his lap, as she purrs and softly yawns, opening softly her green eyes before turn to the other side. Her hold on the man looks to be more tight and her fluffy tail moves slowly playfully, maybe she havent noticed at all than Priscilla has already awakened and continue acting as a vibrating pillow at the Master's lap.

Ugh...damn, you again!? The young man mutter as his free hand start to push the girl orange hair's head what she looks to love as she mewls cheerfully now than both women could notice the new tent at the young man's pant. Th acts of the neko dont passed unnoticied by Priscilla who soon started to growl as her needs to take the neko away increase.

Stop now and let me... Michael said a little pissed taking away the book at his face and getting ready to take away the neko who he suppose was not pleased as the sudden roars started to fill the room, only to find than the red head has awakened and looks to be making the sudden growls.

Priscilla! Thanks God you has awaken. Do you remember me? Her master said looking to be glad to see her yet looks than he is still worried for her. Even then the neko remain rubbing at him, nearly making him fall at his try to get up and see if Priscilla was completely right, some few more pushes made the neko jump away and land at her four, wiggling her tail and mewling a little, licking softly her lips as she have her sight at the protuberance at his pants.

He just make a sigh and turn to Priscilla, he scratch his hair unsure of how the dog girl will react after the growls, he then tried to get closer and pressed softly her forehead with his warm hand.

I hope than the cure has worked, do you said something a moment ago? Michael said as he seat close her, trying to find out what is her new state now. The cure only worked on that maid, but looks than it has been a little late for Carmen and this girl... Do you remember all, right? There was too much to say for what Michael looks, but he really looks to be really worried for the dog girl and let her answer before try to make her try to get up.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla’s call didn’t wake her master, he seemed… quite tired. The catgirl nuzzled his lap with her face though, turning about and purring to vibrate all over him. It made the redhead all the more jealous, dammit. He finally woke up and started to push the catgirl away, his pants obviously tenting with arousal after all that attention, which made Priscilla growl angrily. That caused Michael to realize that she was awake, which seemed to surprise him and make him quite happy. He even seemed worried about her! She smiled happily, her little tail wagging beneath her against the bed as he shoved the catgirl off his lap and got up to get closer to her, her eyes drawn to his crotch for a bit. She nuzzled her face against his hand when he put it on her, saying "of course I remember Master. I couldn’t forget master." She just kept nuzzling for a while, happy to feel his touch, before continuing to reply to him. "I remember lots! Kinda. Well, not lots… My name is Priscilla, and we’re playing a game together, right? I don’t really know the details… Some kind of video game. Right?"
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Michael remain quiet for a moment, mostly unsure of Priscilla's healt when she name him Master. Master? Well maybe you could need to eat something, The man said trying to suppose than all is completely fine as Priscilla looks to remember all and she act mostly normal if it were compared to how she was before.

He soon started to scratch behind her ears, softly as the redhead looks to love his touch. Im glad than you has recovered your senses, we were gettng worried as you passed a pair of days uncouncious. After a ppeaceful great moment for the dog girl, Michael get up of the bed and deep breath before turn to the door and then to Priscilla again. Let me see what is at the kitchen, maybe you should rest a little more if you think than you need it, the closet have some clothes than you could use.

Priscilla maybe was not at her best conditions, but she have the energy to walk and maybe even fight with problems, her animal side really would love to be petted more but at difference from some days ag she mostly have the control of her body. She have at the moment a cotton white sleeping dress, she could underss herself completely or use anything than she could check inside the closet.

In case than Priscilla open the closet
Rag clothes (easy to wear and show to all your slave status so sex is an option)
One Piece dress (common cloth than could make you look normaal...if you were human, need hole for tail)
Mantle tunic (could help to hide your race yet hide your sex appeal)
Transparent dress (dont need description, but maybe a hole for a tail)
Hidden closed bag at a corner (have slave accesories, shackles, a collar and mostly all what you can imagine Priscilla could try... is hidden so maybe Michael had forget it)

The bag have ancklecuffs, armcluffs, chains, rope, collar, a variety of rings, leash, gag ball and blinder.
The neko mostly was focused on their master, purring and ready to follow him on he prepare to leave the room.
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla tilted her head at Michael when he seemed confused at being called “master,” her tail slowing down in its wagging slightly. "Food sounds good, yeah, food" she replied, nodding at the idea. She suddenly felt quite hungry, as if she hadn’t eaten in a very long time. Of course, it had indeed been a very long time since she had eaten, because unbeknownst to her she had been sleeping for days. Her master began to scratch gently behind her ears after that, telling her he was glad she had woken up, and she let out a quiet sigh of joy at the wonderful feeling, her tail wagging rapidly. This was easily one of the best feelings in the world, being petted by her master… When he pulled away all too soon to go fix her some food she made one quiet whimper, though she was able to lay back in bed again. While before her need to be petted would have overrode everything, she at least was in good enough shape to know that if she left Michael alone for a bit he would be able to get her some food to satisfy her hunger.

"I’ll rest some, Master" the redhead replied after a moment, smiling happily and laying her head against the pillow. When he turned to leave the catgirl seemed ready to follow after him, making Priscilla growl a little bit; the damn feline had better not get any more ideas. Still, she wouldn’t do anything if both of them left together. She found herself quickly getting bored as she laid there, though, and she would get up and walk to the closet, taking some time and effort to walk on only her feet, just like Master did. Maybe she shouldn’t, it didn’t feel like the most natural way for her to move around, but for now it would do. She opened the closet he mentioned and looked through the clothes he had mentioned before. Some of them appealed to her… the rags seemed natural for a slave like her, but then so did the transparent dress, always giving her master a good view of her body. She didn’t really know how to deal with the fact that she had a tail and there was no hole in these clothes for it, though so she decided against them after a while. Michael could choose her clothing if he wanted to. The bag, though, was interesting as she poked through it… Most of the stuff seemed like the sort of thing that would only be useful if she screwed up and her master needed to punish her, but she picked out the collar and the leash and brought them back with her to the bed, though she didn’t put them on yet. She would wait there somewhat impatiently for Michael’s return, ears fidgeting slightly as they listened for what was happening outside her little room.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Ehm, yes...well i will leave now. Michael said back mostly unsure if Priscilla was fine after how she address to him. Once both leave, there was mostly enough time for the dog girl to dress or do what she wish to do, but at the end Priscilla just take a collar and a leash before go to rest again at the bed to start a not so short wait for her master.

However Michael has closed the door and that caused a small reduction on the noises than she could heard, mostly the red head could heard how Michael tried to take away the neko who has increased her mewls and purrs, maybe she was just hungry and was asking for food but it could be something really different. There were some weak muffed moans coming from a completely different room and a girl was asking for help in the lower floor.

Priscilla's focus on the noises subdued once she heard her master return with the damn cat behind him, the young man mostly saying her than she should stop this nuisance now, the smell from the warm food was more than easy to notice for Priscilla, mostly she has smell it from the kitchen and she have her belly roaring and her mouth drooling. The door get opened and his master goes inside with a pair of dishes on a silver plate than should be ussually used to eat on a bed. Michael was not so good at the kitchen but could defend himself or maybe the neko has caused him to mess a little the food but all was more than good for Priscilla's needs.

Take your time, if you think than you are ready we could find a way to recover the time lost and also try to beat one of the other players... but maybe we should prepare ourselves better. Michael said as he get all ready for the slave to have her food and then he prepare to sit at the sofa again unless Priscilla stop him or want to try something different of what Michael was thinking to do. Maybe he just expect than she is even worse of what she is now and they could even go out.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla laid in bed and strained to listen to what was going on in the kitchen, though the sound was muffled by the closed door. It sounded like the catgirl was purring a little bit more, Michael seemingly trying to get her to go away… was she begging for food? Or was she begging for something else entirely…? It was kind of infuriating, really, not knowing, and wanting so much to force her way between them if the neko was trying to horn in on her master. There were other noises around too, coming from the floor it sounded like. Moans and quiet cries for help, which made her wonder just what this place was, and what else was going on there. After a while the dog-girl could smell the food even through the door, and her stomach began to rumble loudly as she salivated. It smelled good, and she was so hungry… she could hardly wait.

It felt like so long before Michael and that stupid cat came back into the room, him carrying her food on a silver platter meant for being propped up in bed. Her little tail wagged furiously against the bed and she smiled at him happily as he put the food in front of her. She quickly began to eat, and though it really wasn’t that good it tasted amazing to her. "We should probably try to level up, mhm" she said in reply to his comment, "I don’t remember exactly, but the last few fights were really hard, right? And… won’t Master sit with me?" She patted the bed next to her and looked at him expectantly. Regardless of what he did she would eat the rest of her meal, digging in pretty quick to sate her hunger, eating mostly with her hands. When she was done she would set the platter aside and bring Michael’s attention to the collar in her lap. "Master… won’t you put my collar on for me? I feel so… so wrong without it" she said, holding it out and frowning slightly. She wanted everyone to know, she wanted proof of their relationship. It felt unnatural to be without it, like she was naked in the worst way.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The young man was already on his seat when suddenly Priscilla asked him to sit close her, he was not against the idea but the dog girl words before that made him ponder a pair of things. Mostly we had some problems thanks to be taken off guard but dont worry, i has been training a little our party as you were resting... at least the ones than can. Michael ended to said sitting close her slave, the place was not big enough to avoid theirs bodies touch each other making them feels the warm coming from them, mostly from Priscilla who soft body almost prepared herself to be taken right there as her inners folders get lubricated. Michael waited her until she ended to eat her food to take out something from his pocket when suddenly the dog girl asked to be helped to wear that collar.

Where do you found that? He asked mostly amazed than she has choiced that to wear and not than she has found that forgoten bag by himself.. Oh well its fine for me if you want to play like this, but this slave collar is special so you will be unable to remove it from yourself without my help, do you want to badly to wear it?

Michael waited her answer and as he do it he take out what he was trying to show before, it was the book than he was using to cover his face as he was sleeping at the sofa and Priscilla needed some time to find out than it was his diary book where his stats and others things are.

He looked from some pages and then show one with some stats with some nude girls pictures of them. Thi s part of the book show the different slaves than i have or even had, look there is the cat, the plant child and even Carmen, do you see something rare on her?. Michael asked giving some time to Priscilla to see twice the picture on the book. A charming succubi is on the paper, completely nude and mostly fine to show the slavery placed on her. The title "Carmen the erotic succubus warrior" is over the image and some of her story writed at a side, mostly it said what Priscilla know about her, than Carmen is a half succubi from another world. The blue tanned succubi looks to had changed a little from the last time than the dog girl saw her having fun with some male guards, maybe her succubi side has grow the enough to use her skills, after all Carmen is in part human for what the girl said when they help them from the minotaurs.

So, do you notice anything strange on this page? Unfortunately this book dont give me any additional information about her or the others than they havent said me before... I hate the unknown part story of these kinds of games. Michael sigh at the end maybe thinking than maybe he could know more with some more intimacy with his slaves. The pages have the stats and likes as also fetishes of the slaves than Michael has learned these last days, so Priscilla could take a read or just pass away. So what kind of training should we do? This city is a little more lusty than before thanks to the little incident than caused Carmen so i dunno what will happen if we try some more prostitution. There is also the monster's battles and reading what do you think than you can do is fine for me. The man said still looking to be worried for Priscilla.

Alanure Npc
Neko slave
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Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla smiled and wagged her tail a little when Michael mentioned that he had been training the rest of the members of their party; he was such a smart and thoughtful master, thinking of everything without needing any help. Her tail wagged even harder when he got up from his seat and sat next to her on the small bed, close enough that their shoulders rubbed together… and just that made her wet. She blushed, eating her meal quickly as she sat there and just enjoyed his presence near her. It didn’t take her very long to finish the food, eating somewhat animalistically, and then quickly reminding her about the collar as he pulled something from his pocket. "It was in the closet" she replied, wondering why he was surprised, "and yes… I would never want to take this off, master. I would love to wear this collar for you." Despite her arousal she didn’t say it with a lustful tone or even look in her eyes; it was a moment of genuine submissive affection for the man.

While she answered him, Priscilla noticed that Michael finished pulling out the book that he had been trying to do so earlier. It was the one that he had put over his face while he napped earlier, and she recognized it with a little bit of difficulty as the book of stats that they had been given at the beginning. He flipped through some pages to show her something, ultimately settling on a page for Carmen, telling her it included information on all of his slaves, past and present, and asking her if she saw anything rare about her. "Well, uhhh… She looks different. And didn’t she used to be shy? I feel like she was. Is she still here with us? Other than that, I kinda don’t see anything weird." She started trying to flip through the book a little, skimming the entries on all the party members, mainly focusing on the stats and the fetishes listed, wondering if she would show up herself. She ought to at least, since she was certainly his slave. When he asked what sort of training they should do she replied "I wanna get better at fighting. However you think is best. I wanna be able to protect master" with her tail wagging furiously, waiting for him to put the collar on her as promised. "If you want me to be a prostitute instead, though, I can do that."
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Fine, i guess than i can remove the collar if is needed. Even when the answer from the redhead girl sound a little odd, Michael supposed than she at least dont tried to have sex with him as the cat girl has tried the whole time, so he could had supposed than she was just playing a role... however soon the dog girl started to check the diary as Michael tried to place the collar on her, trying to dont hurt her as he does.

To say the truth, she looks to be still shy... however she said than now as an awakened succubi she needs to feeds of males even if she hate it, but i fear than if she eats a lot could cause another disaster. As Michael answer her back, she tried to have a look at his diary, however the warm feeling of have her collar on as also his words make her dont focus too much to get something of the others girls than she dont know already, she was at the diary too, but she will certainly get more info if she read her own book. At the pages she could read her private numbers, likes, times raped, how much she has prostitute herself, births and other random info, as she know there is her story which is not so big out of the game, mostly it say than she is a dog girl and Michael has been her master even before start playing.

With her collar on her neck, soon Michael take the diary and place it at his back pocket before answer her again. Uhm, try first to recover completely before try to train fighting. Also i dont want you to prostitute yourself for a while, the whole town has changed so much with Carmen awakening than we could get in troubles again.

Priscilla has been so focused on Michael than she havent noticed the neko until the horny thing jump to the bed and cuddle at Michael's lap purring and nuzzling at him. This was not of his like, however the young man endure it easily as he continue. Look, if you feels fine we could walk for a while at the town before it gets dark, it will be more easy for you to understand what is happening. Will you use that nightie, i can wait outisde if you want to dress something else.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla’s tail wagged furiously when Michael began to slip the collar around her neck, and she briefly closed her eyes and sighed happily. It was such a nice feeling, she wanted to enjoy the moment. When it was finally settled nice and snug against her neck it gave her a warm feeling, a happy feeling, and she settled back into the bed and went about reading what she could. It didn’t tell her much of anything she didn’t know, really, so she stopped reading it fairly quickly and handed it back to Michael. She remembered, however, that she had her own book, and she quickly browsed through it. It was kind of neat to see her statistics, how many times she had been cum inside and all that sort of thing. Her personal story was very short, which was kind of weird… Was it because her memory was still spotty, and the game was helping facilitate that? Weird.

In any case, now that she was properly collared and the dog-girl had told her master what she wanted to do, he replied that they ought to wait to train in combat until she felt fully better. He also didn’t want to sell her body, because apparently the town had gone crazy and become corrupted since Carmen had awoken as a succubus. Suddenly the catgirl jumped into Michael’s lap, nuzzling him in a way that caused Priscilla to let out a low growl. She didn’t like that, and certainly didn’t want her in his lap… "I don’t feel like I’m fully recovered" she finally said after a little while, her tail’s wagging finally slowing down, "I guess I could just rest here for a little while. Maybe I could visit the others? Or maybe Master could lay with me?"
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

The neko was not so impressed by the low growl, she soon yawn and as she purfs nuzzle against their master lap three times cheerfuly what made him frwon a little, yet the sudden sound comming from Priscilla had taken his attention mostly. Uhm, yes that sound pretty bad, lets hope than you dont get ill as is hard to find a medic sane on this town. Michael answer back placing his hand on her forehead. I hope than the collar is not so thight, i could loosen it if is causing you problems. The young man was getting more close to the dog girl and with the bed's small size this was getting better for the red head, her blusing and warm lips wanted baddly to steal a kiss from her master but she was a trained pet, so she could try to fight her urges.

Michael ponders what to do for a moment as he stay close her recovered slave. I have to check the others too, so lets walk for a moment and then we could sleep on my bed, i could fit here with you if we try it, but we could have a better rest on my room. Said this Michael get up and with the same move made the cat girl get away of him, yet she just fall on her fours and get on her legs to hug him, certainly to taste again the well endowed man front and back.

With some problems coming from the neko he waited to Priscilla to get ready for a walk around, it make her get on her mind images of herself guided naked across the streets with a leash, sometimes on her fours others walking and sometimes being used on parks or in any place mostly. All this could had been at the game or the real world, she was not so sure.

Ok... lets first visit our new slave, i dunno if you remember her and even could be more difficult now as she changed from the last time than you has seen her. No matter how Priscilla wanted to get out her room, Michael take both girls with him, the neko was really smart or instintively know how to dodge make Priscilla angry enough to attack her, she looks to be able to walk as a human but she preffer to walk as a cat mostly all the time and some times take a time to scratch herself and try to calm the bother of be skimpy dressed. After walk a little they reach some upstairs than guide them to a second or third floor, there was a small tower with three jails on it, in one of them is Carmen sleeping on a hammock, she was not chained and was reading, well that was what Priscilla suppose before see the heart shape tail stroke her wet lower lips, the girl licks her lips and quickly turned to the wall blushing after see the group going inside, maybe acting to be sleep. Her jail was opened and she was not chained, the hall than connect the three jails have a leash and a cup of tea empty but still warm at the bottom.

At another jail was an unknown human woman, she have her hands tied at her back and she was chained over a wooden horse, she have a two pieces rag white cloth of cotton, it looks like this piece of cloth was a nightie a time ago. She was muffed and blinded with some whip marks on her.
Re: Ashley, Tsubaki, Priscilla (Scurdytrap, KakkaHousu, Tiffanian)

Priscilla’s growling didn’t seem to bother the damn catgirl at all, she just yawned and lazily nuzzled her face into the master’s lap. She was thankfully distracted from that annoyance by Michael’s concern for her, the way he scooted in closer to her and placed his hand on her forehead to see if she was sick… her tail wagged harder, thumping against the bed, and she felt a deep desire to lean in to kiss him, though she had been trained well enough to wait for him to act first or to tell her to act. At least, most of the time. It would be pretty obvious what she wanted in any case. "Your collar is just right" she replied without hesitation, enjoying its snugness against her neck. He responded to her after a while, telling her that they could walk together to check on the others and that afterward they could even sleep together in his bed. "That sounds great, master" she replied happily, scooting out of the bed after he got up and getting on all fours on the ground, looking up somewhat angrily at the catgirl who stayed on two legs to hug the man. Damn she was annoying.

For her part as she followed Priscilla found that she still really preferred to walk on all fours, especially when it conjured up images in her mind of being led around nude in the streets on a leash by her master. Mmm, what a nice thought that was. Maybe he’d even see fit to fuck her out on a park bench, in front of everyone. The thought made her tail continue to wag behind her as she followed along, the catgirl off to one side and basically just staying out of the mage’s reach. The three made their way up some stairs into a tower that seemed to have three jail cells, one of which contained Carmen. She was laying down on a hammock and reading, her cell not locked and her body not chained down. A closer look showed that she was masturbating with her little succubus tail though, and after noticing them she blushed darkly and rolled over, trying to pretend that she was asleep. In another cell was a human woman the dog-girl didn’t recognize, her hands tightly bound behind her back and her legs chained down around a wooden horse, gagged and blindfolded. She even looked like she had been whipped… "Who is she, master, and what did she do to make you so mad?" Priscilla asked, her tail ceasing its wagging for the first time in a little while as she looked at the scene.