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Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

X Man

Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2011
Reputation score
Name: Tsubaki Izayoi

Age: 20

Level 0 Trait: Bow mastery

Description: A daughter from a rich family, Tsubaki lacks the usual contempt rich people have for the less well-off people. She is considerate about other people's feeling, but is not afraid to start ordering them if something doesn't go the way she feels it should. She has been ordered to test this game out by her family, who were involved in funding the game's creation

Physically Tsubaki is a fine specimen, 5'7 tall with a well-formed, athletic yet still sexy body. She has long red hair and piercing blue eyes. She usually dresses quite modestly, as is the standard within her family

Tsubaki arrives at the test centre where she is greeted by a busty blonde receptionist, they exchange the usual friendly introductions before the receptionist makes a short call via her intercom and after a few minutes a tall black haired asian man in a technicians coat appears from a nearby door. "If you would follow me please, we are ready for you to begin." He smiles at Tsubaki before turning on his heel and leading her to a laboratory containing several computer work stations and a single EGG pod. "Take a seat and we can get started." He motions to the EGG before sitting at the nearest computer where he starts the setup process.

As Tsubaki sits in the EGG she is greeted by several options:

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?):
_________(Anything else.)

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Mysterious Labrinth(?)
A Rangers Journey(?)
Endless Night(?)
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki goes along with the man's instructions, a bit giddy about the whole testing process.
"Thank you, that I will" she replies to the man telling her to have a seat at the console. Waiting patiently for the game to start, the options make her frown
"Just what have you been giving the family money to, Dad?" Tsubaki thinks, the options making her feel uneasy. Pushing the feelings aside, she entered something in there randomly

Male/Female: Y 1
Female/Female: Y 2
Pregnancy: Y 4
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Beasts: Y 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Roughness: Very

After the numeral options, she chooses Normal difficulty and Endless Night from the following options
"Let us see what this is like.."
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Endless Night - This setting has a fairly rigid storyline compared to other EGG levels, the user enters a world which has been delved into eternal darkness. The user will ultimately be tasked with finding the source of this curse and bringing light back to the world.

Difficulty level: Normal

Are these settings correct? Y/N
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"Hmmm, I should take a look at the other places too..." Tsubaki thinks as she reads the description, pushing no and seeing what the other two might be
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Mysterious Labyrinth - A 'standard' EGG starting point. The user beings at the entrance to a Labyrinth which they must negotiate their way through. This setting begins with an extremely large dungeon and it may be some time before an exit is found.

A Rangers Journey - A fairly freeform variation of the EGG. Much like traditional RPGs the user will be able to choose from a number of quests, dungeons tend to be more on the shorter side than other options. Storylines will form based on character actions/decisions.

Endless Night - This setting has a fairly rigid storyline compared to other EGG levels, the user enters a world which has been delved into eternal darkness. The user will ultimately be tasked with finding the source of this curse and bringing light back to the world.

Your operator may set up an alternative setting if so desired you may enter it in the blank space provided. More in-depth descriptions on each level may be accessed if required.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"Well, was worth a look" she thinks, staying at her previous choice and hitting the OK button
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Tsubaki feels weightless for a moment as she is plunged into darkness while the program loads. Suddenly a large pop up box appears in the centre of her vision.

Game Start!

As the pop up box fades the darkness remains for a moment until Tsubaki realises that her eyes are closed. She opens them slowly to find she is looking up at a stone ceiling straddled by thick wooden support beams. Sitting upright she examines the room she finds herself in, she appears to be sitting on a fairly basic bed, one of several that line one wall of the long room, each has a chest at it's base and a small cabinet on it's right hand side. The room is sparsely decorated although there are two dark red tapestries depicting yellow crowns on the opposite wall as well as a larger tapestry showing a great battle at one end of the room. The rooms only door stands to the left of Tsubaki's bed at the far end of the long room.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"Have to admit, this is quite realistic for a game..." Tsubaki ponders. She takes a careful look at her surroundings, then goes on to investigate the chest and cabinet at the bed she "woke up" from to see if there's anything in them.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Opeing the chest first Tsubaki finds a rather basic looking bow and a quiver containing 20 arrows. There is also a satchel containing two changes of clothes. Moving to the cabinet she finds a small dagger and a sheath which she could attach to her belt.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Taking out all the stuff, Tsubaki equips all the said items.
"Better not go through the other chests, they might be other players' equipment.." she thinks, checking the bow's pull and feel. It was different from the kyuudo bows she used in her hobby, but she could use it with no problem.

Finishing her preparation, Tsubaki keeps her bow at ready and goes for the only door possible.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Before Tsubaki can reach out to open the door a young man in leather armor bursts through, obviously startled at the sudden appearance of Tsubaki he blinks a couple of times before regaining his composure. "Oh! You're awake, excellent. I hope you found the quarters comfortable, the barracks aren't very luxurious but they sure beat the servants quarters." He flashes a cheeky smile at her before continuing "Lord Ashcroft is ready for you in the great hall. If you'll follow me I can take you to him now." He beckons to the door, obviously wanting Tsubaki to go first.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Quickly stepping back from the rapidly opening door, Tsubaki is now facing a young lad in light armor. Giving the man his due time to explain, she replies in appropriate courtesy.
"It's not bad, this place." Tsubaki replies to his remarks, going for the door as the man tells she's being waited for. She looks at the man who keeps the door open, giving him a nod of thanks as she steps out
"Thank you kindly."
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

As she walks past the young man Tsubaki just catches his head tilting down out of the corner of her eye, no doubt admiring her athletic frame. Once she is out of the rooms she finds herself in a corridor lined with several doors, a large double door is at one end while there seems to be a 4 way junction at the other, a courtyard with a large fountain is straight ahead, to the left and right is another corridor. "This way." The guide says as he leads her down the right hand corridor, this one devoid of doors until they turn the corner at the end, they stop outside the first door they come to. "Here we are." He says as he knocks on the door. "Enter!" another mans voice shouts from inside. The young man flashes his cheeky smile at Tsubaki again as he opens the door for her before closing it behind her again.

Upon entering the room Tsubaki finds herself in a large study, the walls lined with bookcases. A large desk occupies the center of the room, sitting at it is a middle aged man with a bushy moustache and greying hair, a few strands of black remain on his head although they seem to be fighting a losing battle against the sea of grey. He wears an expensive looking purple tunic with golden trims and a small crest on his left breast depicts the the golden crown Tsubaki had seen on the tapestries in the barracks. As she approaches the desk he looks up at her with piercing blue eyes before his face softens with a welcoming smile. "Thank you for answering our plea for adventurers, I'm sorry I couldn't see you yesterday, I had several urgent matters to attend to that simply wouldn't wait. Please, take a seat." He gestures to a chair in front of the desk. Once Tsubaki is seated he continues "As you know this unnatural darkness has covered the land for the past 2 moons, animals that would normally be docile are becoming increasingly violent and now we are receiving reports of strange creatures appearing all over the region. I wish to enlist your help to find the cause of this blight on our lands." he pauses for a moment as a look of sadness momentarliy crosses his face. "I won't lie, you will be sent on dangerous assignments and you are not the first adventurer I have enlisted to aid our cause, many have not returned. With this knowledge are you sure you still wish to help us in this matter? No one would think less of you if you decided against it, I ask for much and can offer little in the way of reward, our resources are concentrated on protecting the people from these new dangers the world is throwing at us." The look of sadness again crosses his face and Tsubaki can sense that this man truly wishes to protect his people. He looks down at the ledger in front of him, apparantly giving her some time to think it over before answering.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Ignoring the young perv oggling her, Tsubaki proceeds to meet this Lord Ashcroft. The lord turns out to be a middle-aged man, much like she predicted. Seating herself properly when the seat is offered, lending her ear to the lord's concerns, Tsubaki doesn't hesitate in agreeing to join his forces.
"Not like I can do much else..." she thinks, touched by the man's dedication to his people.
"I don't know how much help I can be, but I'll give all I've got to your cause"
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"Excellent. Lets get right down to it then." the Lord says as he stands up from his seat and leads Tsubaki to a large map on one wall. Pointing to a small town on the map to the West of where they were now he continues "This is the town of Willowbank, approximately three days travel from Millbrook. It is a small town, a population of no more than a hundred people. It is also the first place within our borders to have confirmed sightings of any extraordinary creatures, I would like you to travel there and find out where they are coming from. I did send a messenger to find out what was happening but I haven't heard from her, she should have been back two days ago now."
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Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Going after the lord, Tsubaki finds herself at a planning room with maps of all sorts. She carefully and patiently listens to the good sir give out her assignment.
"Understood. I assume I'll be going by myself?"
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Lord Ashcroft nods. "I'm afraid so, we just don't have any men to spare. If you find our messenger then she may be able to help you, she has had some combat training as part of her squire duties, this is primarily a reconnaissance mission though so it shouldn't be too dangerous." He pauses for a moment as he looks over the map again, lost in his thoughts he almost forgets Tsubaki is there. Returning to his senses he turns back to face her. "Do you have any other questions you would like me to answer? If that's all then Simon will escort you to the city gates."
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

"It's okay, better keep your guys where they are needed. I'm ready to go by myself." Tsubaki tells the lord. Letting the graying man have his moment of thoughts, she waits patiently for the lord to get back at her

"No, I've got no further inquiries. I'll go with Simon then."
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

The Lord walks over to the study door and holds it open for Tsubaki "Good luck" he says as she leaves the room. Eagerly waiting outside is the cheeky young lad who she had met earlier. "All set then?" Simon asks as he leads her back out of the keep the way they had came. He continues on out of the large double doors by the barracks and accross a large stone bridge into the centre of the city, a large fountain bubbles away as they pass, the streets almost empty. Tsubaki can't help but think that this would be a bustling hive of activity under normal circumstances but in this darkness even those on the streets seem to avoid each others gaze and hurry to thier destinations.

Carrying straight on past the fountain they quickly come to a large portcullis gate which the guards raise seeing Simon approach with Tsubaki at his side. "This is as far as I go." Simon says to her with a regretful look. "You will find Willowbank if you follow the road to the left, it is the first village you come to. Oh, I almost forgot. Stay there." He says as he walks into the guard house, quickly reappearing with a small bundle. "It's not much, a small tent and a few rations, it should last you at least until you get to Willowbank though." He flashes his smile at her again as he hands her the bundle before heading back towards the keep.
Re: Tsubaki Izayoi (Kakkahousu)

Leaving the lord's room behind, Tsubaki thanks him for his polite mannerisms. As she was expecting, the young guy she met previously was Simon.
"Yes, let us go." she replies to the lad, going after him to the city. It looks like the darkness has affected people's hearts as well as their enviroment, which she thought was a very sad thing to behold.

Once they reach the gate, Tsubaki accepts Simon's donation with a friendly smile
"Thank you Simon, I'll be needing these." she says to the guy before he leaves. With that out of the way, she steps out on the open road to properly start her journey towards the village of Willowbank.