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thetwo Test Thread

Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia watched the two grey mountain wolves for a few moments, considering. They were certainly tainted by corruption, as no natural beast would have such tendrils growing from their backs, but she wasn't sure if she truly wanted to engage them in combat. For a moment, the young angel waited, but then, deciding that removing such creatures from this grove, where the rare healing plants grew, would probably be for the best. She had probably gotten most of what she would find here, but at least the sun hung high in the sky yet. She knew that she still had plenty of time to search for more athelas, and a fight with two wolves likely wouldn't slow her too much.

She quickly drew her bow, knocked an arrow, and fired even as she cursed her inability to give herself some sort of night vision. Attacking from surprise was hardly honorable, but it didn't seem particularly important against such corrupted beasts, so the angel spread her wings and backed away after her arrow had streaked out toward one of the wolves, trying to put a little more distance between herself and the two beasts before they came charging toward her even as she knocked another arrow. She also made sure that none of the precious plants were in between herself and the wolves before firing.
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

Just to clarify:
  • In this part of the forest, the trees block out enough of the light so that it is dim and all but impossible to tell the time of day.
  • In the clearing, you saw that the sun is almost directly above your head.
You can edit your previous post if you like, but this post is just combat so it's not that important.

Attack (nadia): automatic hit (hidden)
Damage (bow): 5 + 6 + 15 = 26

Nadia readied her bow, then waited for a clear shot between the trees. The wolves moved at a slow walk, and by the time the wolves finally moved such that there were no trees between them, she could feel sweat running down her neck even in the cool mountain air. The wolves were still well within the range of her bow, but if she waited for them to get further she'd never get a clear shot. The one of the wolves sat down and sniffed the air. She fired.

The shot flew true, burying itself several inches into the wolf's chest. Unfortunately, it seemed to have missed the heart. The beast spun, snarling in pain and bleeding badly, but now it could see its attacker, and it wasn't happy. The other beast turned as well, and suddenly both were bounding towards Nadia with startling speed in the gloom of the canopy. The young angel was already backing away, wings outstretched for balance, but even so it was clear that she would have time for at most one more shot before the beasts reached her.

HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = My What Big Teeth They Have
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

(Okie dokie, thanks for the clarification. I shall edit my previous post.)

Nadia paused in her backpedaling to aim and fire her second arrow as the wolves closed in, aiming for the one she had already injured. As soon as the arrow had been let fly, Nadia tossed her bow into the clearing, making sure that it wouldn't hit anything that would risk damaging the weapon, and then placed one hand on each of her swords, loosening them from their scabbards slightly and preparing to draw.

Ideally, she'd want the first of the wolves to have died before it could get close to her, and the other to be far enough away that she could prepare to meet its charge. She took only a handful of steps backwards, keeping her wings spread wide in order to keep her balance and maintain a feel for her surroundings. She preferred having room to move to being in close quarters, and this was almost as ideal a battlefield as the young angel could have hoped for.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack (nadia) 7+44 = 52 -> Miss!

The wolves continued charging, but after a few bounds to close the distance on the young angel they split apart. This meant that whichever Nadia turned to face, the other would be coming at her back, at the price of a few extra seconds before they reached their attacker. It also meant that they left the clear line of sight Nadia had set up for her first shot, and were weaving back and forth among the trees.

Nadia's arrow went flying straight for the wolf's chest, where it surely would bring the beast down. Unfortunately, there had not been time to set up a clean shot, and the arrow buried itself an inch into the trunk of a tree.

The young angel continued backpedaling, but the wolves had already caught up. They were bearing down on her from either side. The one on her right was growling as it ran towards her, the one on the left was silent and had a slight limp, but both would reach her in a matter of seconds. She tossed the bow into the clearing, and reached over her shoulders to the two large swords she had strapped there. Their reach would aid her, but the instinctive habit of wolves to encircle a foe ensured that whichever one she engaged, the other would have a clear shot at her back.

HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = About to make an intimate inspection of a wolf's tonsils.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia grimaced as the two wolves split apart, trying to track both at once and only barely succeeding. She tossed her bow aside, the creatures being too close to risk another shot, and followed it into the clearing. Her swords came out of their sheaths, one in each hand, and after a moment, she turned toward the one she had already injured. The way the wolves fought would be to continually attack form both sides, circling her and keeping her off balance. There was little chance of her getting out of this battle uninjured, particularly if she didn't eliminate one of her foes quickly.

As the limping one came toward her, Nadia suddenly shot forward, her swords slashing across her chest in an X, her left just slightly ahead of her right. Her attacks were aimed at its head, both of her heavy, straight edged swords trying to cleave into the wolfs skull. Blades flashed forward at lightning speed, falling to her sides as they passed through their target (hopefully,) and then the angel flapped her wings, and she threw herself sideways, already spinning toward the other wolf as her wings flapped again, keeping her balanced and allowing her legs to set, ready to throw herself to the side in order to avoid the second beast only two heartbeats after she had struck out at the first.

(Attack wounded wolf with both weapons, -6 to attack in exchange for +6 to Dodge.)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack (nadia, Khazidea): 7+49-6 = 51 -> Hit
Damage (nadia, Khazidea): 10+10+18 = 38 (way to waste your good rolls!)
Attack (nadia, Phantomfang): 8+49-6 = 52 -> Hit
Damage (nadia, Phantomfang): 1+10+18 = 29

Attack (wolf2): 12+32 = 45 v 43 = 37+6 -> Hit
Damage (wolf2): 1+3+8 = 12 - 1 = 11
Armor Damage (nadia, clothes): 12/2 = 6. 19/25 remains.

Nadia's blades both swung true. The first clove into the beast's skull and stuck for a moment, before the second blade cut straight through the wolf's neck, and the decapitated head pulled itself free from the first blade. The beast's body rolled to a stop at her feet as she turned.

Charging the injured beast had given Nadia a little longer before the other reached her, but the heartbeats it took to swing her swords and turn were all she had. The other beast was thrown slightly off by her last-second dodge to the side, but its claws still managed to tear through the side of her robe and leave a shallow gash underneath. Bright red blood began to stain her pristine robe, and the sight and smell seemed to drive the wolf to a frenzy despite the decapitation of its fellow. It spun in the grass of the clearing and charged at her a second time, facing down the angel's dripping blades with more then one sort of hunger in its eyes.

HP = 48/59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = Blooded.
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia started as she felt the beasts claws tearing into her flesh, and almost stumbled despite the fact that she'd expected to take some form of injury in this fight. She didn't look down at the wound as yet, instead turning toward the slavering, mutated animal with a hard look in her deep blue eyes. With yet another flap of her wings, the young angel threw herself forward angled slightly so that her right shoulder was ahead of her left, the sword in her right hand cutting across diagonally at the wolfs head, and her left following suit in a low, horizontal slash at its exposed throat that also sent her into a spin, her wings tucked against her body. At the end of her brief spin, Nadia was once more facing the wolf, this time with the opposite side of her body facing it, in case it was still alive.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack (nadia, Khazidea): 1+49 = 50 -> Hit
Damage (nadia, Khazidea): 2+7+18 = 27 (way to waste your good rolls!)
Attack (nadia, Phantomfang): 6+49 = 55 -> Hit
Damage (nadia, Phantomfang): 10+6+18 = 34

Perception (Nadia): 11

At such close quarters and against a beast mad with bloodlust, it was unsurprising that Nadia managed to nearly replicate the feat she had preformed on the previous wolf. Her first blade tore into the beast's scalp, severing its ear and badly injuring it, though not actually cutting into its skull this time. But that hardly mattered, as her left hand blade came in and with ruthless efficiency cut the beast's throat.

Nadia had to quickly step out of the way of the body to avoid soaking her feet in blood, but just that quickly both wolves were dead. She looked around quickly to make sure there were no more lurking beasts, but the forest seemed completely still. Almost too still, but perhaps that was natural enough after a fight with two wolves.

Now that she had a moment, Nadia was able to look at her wound. it seemed to be shallow, and its place on the side of her ribcage would likely make a bandage more trouble then it was worth.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia sighed as she watched the beast die on front of her, and as it bled its last, she glanced down at her injury. Only a scratch, not even worth bandaging. Her robe was badly stained and slightly torn, but she couldn't exactly do anything about that right now even if she'd wanted to, so instead, she wiped the blood from her swords on a dirty cloth she carried for just that purpose, and then resheathed her blades. She went to retrieve her bow mechanically, bending down to pick up the weapon and then examining it for a moment, ensuring that it wasn't damaged, before she put it back on her waist. She then glanced at the two dead corrupted wolves again, and sighed once more, before the young angel headed out of the clearing. She still had to find more athelas, and the two dead beasts would hopefully decay on their own.

There was nothing more for her to do here, and so, unless she was attacked again, or spotted something else, Nadia began searching once again.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

perception (nadia): 10

It took about half an hour of wandering in the forest before Nadia found another spot where light was fee to hit the ground. She kept her eyes out for more of the twisted wolves, but there didn't seem to be any in sight. In fact, the only sign of animal life she found was a whistle of a songbird, just once. It was almost eerie.

This second clearing seemed to have been around longer. It was a bit shy of forty feet across, covered in waist-high grass that got shorter as it approached the edge of the clearing. Now that she'd seen the Athela once, she managed to spot one cluster of flowers as soon as she reached the edge of the clearing. Nadia crossed part of the clearing, keeping to the shorter grass on the edge. This plant was smaller then the others. She could probably take some leaves, but it would probably take one more plant to get the amount Lilith had wanted, unless she wanted to risk killing the plant, which seemed like a waste when she'd only inspected a quarter of the clearing's edge.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The silence began to press in on Nadia as she wandered the forest, and the angel wondered might be causing such a strange occurrence. It was unnaturally quiet wherever she went, and it quickly became a concern of the angel. Even the forests around Artmirst hadn't been quite this quiet, at least not as far as she could remember, and these lands shouldn't be more corrupted than the ones surrounding that unholy place. Still, she had a task that needed doing, and she continued searching for athelas.

After she'd taken what she could from the plant in front of her, Nadia glanced into the glade, eying the tall grass unhappily. It would be a very bad idea to go into them, but luckily, athelas mostly only grew around the edges of glades according to Lillith, so she didn't have to wander through it. The young angel skirted the edge of the glade, searching for more of the precious plants. She would finish searching this glade before she returned, hoping to come back with extra, but as she did, she would carefully watch the grass with one eye. She would much rather not be ambushed, after all.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Perception(nadia): 3. Failed for the second time. :/
Resistance: 16+22 = 38 vs 43 = 25 + 18. Nadia loses.

Nadia continued her inspection of the edge of the clearing, being careful not to allow the search for Athela to take her entire attention. Still nothing seemed to move, or make a sound. She was nearly certain that even this denser part of the woods had showed some signs of life, before she had run into the woods.

She also took a moment to look up at the sky again. The trees around the clearing obscured most of the sky, and it was clear that now that this meadow was in a valley, a hill rising to obscure her sight of what little of the mountains beyond would have otherwise been visible. The sun was certainly past its peak now, but she ought to have another hour or two to search before dark.

Then, almost back to where she had started, she saw a cluster of little white flowers. She crouched down and started picking. This plant was a little bigger then the previous one, and ought to fulfill Lilith's request. A slight rustle behind her made her spin, hands going for her swords. And she found herself face to face with a dinner-plate sized flower on the end of a vine, breathing in a lungful of its pollen.

Heat filled her body, urgent sexual arousal. She tried to fight it, knowing that it was some form of aphrodisiac, but it was like fighting the rising tide. Her hands felt sweaty, and she could already feel the moistness between her thighs. Her hands pulled away from the hilts of her swords, and she clutched at the hem of her dress like she was trying to crush it. She wouldn't be able to stop herself, not more then a few seconds, but it wouldn't be enough, she needed...

Then she saw it, in the center of the clearing. At first she had thought that it was the stump of the great tree that must have fallen to create this clearing, but now she saw that wasn't right. It was too smooth. And there was something sticking out of the center of it, long, thick, and hard, now that she looked closely. She felt drawn towards it, knowing that it could give her what her hands could not.

HP = 48/59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = Horny
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia blinked several times as she breathed in the thick pollen, confused as to what the large flower was doing. After a second, the substance hit her, however, and after another blink Nadias deep blue eyes dilated until they were almost black. Her nipples stiffened and poked out of her robe, her pale cheeks flushed bright red, and her juices immediately began dripping down her leg. Clutching at the hem of her robe, Nadia glanced around, looking for anything that would help her relive the tension very rapidly building inside of her. "What.... Something.... Need...... What's.... Happening... To me......"

As she spotted the stump-like plant, with the strangely wonderful-looking rod sticking out of it, the young angel released the death grip she'd had upon her garments, and instead reached up to where her dress laid above her breasts. With one yank, her robe was over her soft mounds, their pink tips becoming iron hard even before the cool air hit them, and then it fell to the ground. Her swords went next, and then she undid her belt, which had the pouch holding the athelas and her bow and arrows hanging on it. Her weapons and the precious herbs abandoned, Nadia moved into the clearing directly toward the strange plant, whimpering pathetically as her hands grasped at her breasts. Fingers pinched and tugged on her nipples, her body shaking weakly as arousal continued surging through her body unrestrained.

Her wings waved behind her as Nadia stood in front of the plant, and after only a moments hesitation, memories of her captivity flooding through her minds, the young angel climbed onto the body of the plant and rubbed her face and chest against the plants stamen. Her tongue danced out of her mouth to rub against the plants length, and her lips planted kisses all along its thick member as she slowly made her way up toward the tip. After a moment, she knelt atop the plant, and her mouth wrapped around the tip of the plants stamen while her full breasts wrapped around its length. The angels wings were spread wide as her mouth descended down as far as it could, only getting six inches before she began to gag and choke on it. Her hands grasped her soft breasts and pumped them up and down rubbing along it, and she began bobbing her head up and down as fast as she could, her lips wrapped around the things tip as she sucked eagerly on it.

She did as she was trained, despite her burning arousal and her unwilling resistance to what the demons had done to her. The young angel did her best to please, before she would be pleased.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Foreplay (nadia): 4,6 + 15 = 25. Shorn weed orgasms.

Despite her inability to take more then six inches of the plant's length into her mouth, Nadia felt the thing immediately respond to her ministrations. A sweet sap slowly oozed from the tip into her mouth, and the young angel eagerly swallowed it. And Nadia's time with the demons availed her well; as her well-trained mouth bobbed up and down on the shaft, she felt it quickly begin to swell. A fire burned between her legs, a desperate hunger for something to fill her. She could feel a drop of her own sweetness rolling down her thigh, and even that sensation threatened to drive her mad unless she did something about it soon.

Suddenly, sweet sap erupted from the plant's tip, and Nadia swallowed an entire mouthful, then another, as more dripped down the shaft despite her best efforts to take it all. It flowed down the pulsating shaft of the plant as yet more went into her mouth, and coated the inner sides of the young angel's breasts as she rubbed them against the shaft. As she swallowed she felt her arousal, which was already strong enough to send beads of wetness down her thighs, grow even further. Tears rolled down her cheeks with the strength of her need, and the attention she was giving her breasts was simply not enough.

Nadia got to her feet, and the nude angel found herself with the tip of the plant's stamen pressed firmly against her thigh, her hands guiding it towards the sweetness between her legs. She had pleasured the plant, and now... now it was her turn.

HP = 48/59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = Horny
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The angel eagerly swallowed down the sweet, syrupy liquid as it began leaking into her mouth, and her mouth work quickened until she felt it burst. She eagerly swallowed as much of the plants cum as she could, but copious amounts of it still flowed out of her mouth, rolling down her chin and down the length of the plants stamen, until it pooled around the inner sides of her breasts. She kept bobbing her head up and down until the eruption ceased, and then slowly withdrew, her lips sealing around the tip of the things member, trapping a a healthy amount of deliciously sweet cum in her mouth. She moaned as she swished it around inside of her mouth, reveling in the taste as she rubbed more of the same substance over her pale breasts. After a moment of rubbing her breasts and toying with the goo filling her mouth, Nadia swallowed noisily and moaned as she opened her deep blue eyes once more to look upon the rod before her, a small dribble of sap still leaking down it.

Without further hesitation, Nadia stood up on top of the plants base, and moved over to stand over the plants rod. As she'd worked to please the plant, Nadias lust had steadily grown, and by now, her juices were running down her leg. Spreading her wings wide to keep her balanced, the young angel quickly reached down and grasped the plants stamen. Then, she squatted down slowly, aiming the thing directly toward her dripping hole. Without even a moment of teasing, the young angel slid down the plants pole as far as she could go, a low animalistic moan bursting from her mouth, which was still surrounded by the run-off blue cum that she hadn't been able to swallow. It pierced her all the way to her womb, her inner walls clamped around its entire length and pulsating as overpowering sensation surged up the angels spine. Without further preamble, Nadia began bouncing her hips up and down onto the plants rod, lewd moans constantly sounding out into the wilderness as her wings stretched out wide and her flower squeezed around the member now buried inside of her.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Round 1:
Pleasure (nadia): 3,9+26 = 38 (shorn orgasms)
Pleasure (shorn): 2,1+29 = 32

Round 2:
Pleasure (nadia): 3,9+26 = 33 (shorn orgasms)
Pleasure (shorn): 9,9+29 = 47 (nadia orgasms)

Round 3:
Pleasure (nadia): 2,8+26 = 36 (shorn orgasms)
Pleasure (shorn): 3,1+29 = 33 (nadia orgasms)

Round 4:
Pleasure (nadia): 3,9+26 = 38 (shorn orgasms)
Pleasure (shorn): 1,2+29 = 32 (nadia orgasms)
Damage: 5*2=10

Round 5:
Pleasure (nadia): 5,9+26 = 40 (shorn orgasms)
Pleasure (shorn): 6,7+29 = 42 (nadia orgasms)

Pregnancy rolls (5x): ???

Nadia felt the plant's girth fully as she lowered herself onto it, and had a tiny pang of regret as she felt the thing's tip press against her cervix with only a small part of the length inside her. Then she let it pull out of her, eliciting an anguished moan as the young angel felt herself growing closer and closer to orgasm. The plant, however, had no such inhibitions. She had barely begun pushing down for the second time when she felt the phallus swell, and spurts of hot goo filled her insides.

But Nadia barely noticed. The stamen was still rock hard, and she was so close to orgasm that she would scream if something forced her to stop now. Nothing did, and moments later she screamed anyway, as one of the most powerful orgasms of her life wracked her young body. For a moment after it finished she was content to stay there, the plant's organ still inside her and still shooting off occasional spurts of its aphrodisiac cum. But then the feeling, the desire, the hunger filled her again, and she knew she wasn't done.

With moans that quickly grew in pitch and volume, she began again, allowing the organ to come almost all the way out of her dripping slit before thrusting until it brushed up against her cervix, deep inside. The emmisions of the plant, which had slowed when she had, resumed in one giant orgasm, cups of liquid oozing between Nadia's lower lips and down the plant's stem. One hand went between her legs, and a handful was being rubbed over her breasts when the second orgasm made her muscles seize. This time she didn't even stop, but continued even faster then before. Pleasure filled her like never before as yet a third orgasm came even easier then the second, and she realized that more of the blue goo was dribbling down her chin, spilled as she tried to fill her mouth even while riding the plant. She licked at up, both her hands busy squeezing her breasts and gently twisting her tiny pink nipples.

A fourth orgasm left the young angel weak in the knees, and the continual spurting of the plant into her body since she first enveloped its stamen with the tight walls of her pussy left her feeling bloated and full. In an orgasm-induced pink haze, she looked down between her breasts at her pussy. It was tight against the shaft, and each thrust caused another trail of cum to leak out. And it was slightly hard to see because her belly was larger then normal.

Suddenly, Nadia froze, pulling back so that only the tip of the plant's stem was inside her. Lust still filled her body. Her ached with the need for attention, and her nipples were like bullets, even a gentle breeze across them nearly enough to make her moan. And her pussy... it was still a raging fire between her legs, her own juices mingling with the plant's cum as it ran down her thighs and the shaft between her legs. It might have been the shock at seeing her swollen belly, or just the pollen wearing off, but Nadia suddenly found that a large part of her wanted to get off the plant and run away as fast as she could. It wasn't all of her - part of her was still in a pink haze, aware of the phallus still just barely inside her, and desperate to cum again - but it was there, and it was growing.

She could see the flower at the end of the vine, apparently having returned to patrolling the area once Nadia was willingly mounting its stem. As she watched, it stopped, turned to face her, and started moving towards her. If she stayed for just one more orgasm, as part of her still desperately wanted to, it would reach her, and she would lose control again. Or she could stand up and start running. Her things were behind her, on the edge of the clearing, and the vine was slower then her, she was sure.

Her libido said "stay", her mind said "leave". Her body sat poised on top of the stem, ready to do either.

HP = 48/59, PP = 32/42, EP = 62, Status = Bloated with plant cum. No longer has "horny" condition.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadias moans filled the glade as her hips bounced up and down, her womanhood impaled on the plants thick, massive member. Every time she moved up, the plant seemed to erupt its sap up into her womb, swiftly causing her to bloat as her tight flower wrapped around the thick object buried inside of it, effectively trapping most of the plants release deep within the angels body. Seconds later, her first climax of the day, and easily the strongest she'd ever had, tore through her body. Her eyes widened and rolled upwards as she screamed in ecstasy, climactic bliss surging through her body as she momentarily ceased her motions, the muscles in her legs quaking too strongly for her to continue her motions.

When she came down from her bliss, Nadia remained unsatisfied, however, and went ripe back to bucking, more seed spurting up into her body even as copious amounts of it leaked out of her. Uninhibited by the blue fluids that were continually shot up into her womanhood, Nadia gathered up some of them on her hand as she kept on going, rubbing it along her breasts and scooping some into her mouth even as she drove herself on to her second orgasm.

Two more mind blowing climaxes and another few gallons of cum later, Nadia slowly drew back up and completely off of the plants stem, and a flood of its thick blue cum, mixed with plenty of her own juices, came out of her pussy. Her legs ached from the effort of fucking herself on the plant, and her womb was so full of cum that her belly had bloated. Somehow, Nadia doubted that her previous record of remaining infertile would remain after today as she stared down at herself. Simple volume would likely account for that. That, more than anything, caused the angel to shake off some of the lust that still pulsated through and glare at the flower that was even now retracting toward her, likely prepared to spray that accursed pollen at her again.

A part of Nadia, the part that kept her nipples hard and her womanhood pulsating with need, wanted nothing more than to descend back down onto that plant and keep going until exhaustion knocked her unconscious. A much stronger part, however, knew that lives were depending on her, and that she had had quite enough fun for one day. That was the part that caused the young angel to stand up fully, the plants rod still between her legs, and turn about. With a flap of her wings, Nadia hopped off of the plant, and threw herself across about twenty feet of ground before she landed, and broke into an awkward run. Her bloated belly and the slight soreness caused from being so stretched slowed her slightly, but Nadia didn't doubt that she'd get to her things before that vine could get to her again. Rolling forward with her wings wrapped around her, Nadia caught up her robe, her belt, and the harness with her swords on them in a single motion. Then, she simply got about twenty feet out of the glade, back into the trees, before she stopped, keeping her wings tucked close.

She turned back around to watch for the flower, in case the vine it was attached to could stretch longer than she had thought, as she took stock of her situation. She had enough athelas to return, and at the moment, that certainly seemed like a good idea, given her bloated belly and how the thick blue cum still dripped out of her and covered much of her body. As she thought that, Nadia suddenly realized that she'd been sucking on her fingers ever since she had stopped moving, clearing all of the goo off of them with her mouth. Scowling, the young angel sighed, and then slowly put her dress on. It already had a bloodstain on it, and so she figured that further stains wouldn't hurt that garment too much. Hopefully. Once she was dressed, Nadia strapped her belt back on, requiring a few notches further than it had when she'd taken it off, and then put her swords back on across her back.

Giving one last scowl toward the glade, Nadia turned back toward Petra, and started off. It would be a long hike back, particularly with the insistent arousal still bothering her and the fluids still leaking from between her legs, but she figured that she could probably afford to rest after she got back. On the way, she kept her eyes open for a stream or a spring. Anything that might allow her to clean herself off.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia's rational mind prevailed, and despite her still-strong lust she nearly leaps off the flower in her efforts to get out of range of its vine. The moment the stamen was fully out of her burning pussy, the cum began to leak out in earnest. She made an impressive dive in order to pick everything up without slowing, and kept on running until she was certain she was out of the thing's range. Then she turned back. The first thing she noticed was that the flower seemed to be still again, and it was almost five feet beyond what she would have thought of as the edge of the clearing. The second thing she noticed was that she had left a trail of cum, visible even from here, at least in places.

She made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat, and then became aware of her body again. Sticky blue cum covered her entire front from her eyes down, and more was still leaking from her pussy. And it all had an odd heat to it, arousing her even now that she was more or less in control of herself. She stopped sucking the stuff off her fingers, and realized with regret that it would be fuitile to try to clean off without water. She was also slightly glad to see that her belly didn't seem quite so large anymore, the cum that had apparently filled it pooling at her feet. But it seemed to have nearly slowed down from that initial flow, so she pulled on her robe.

Immediately spots of blue appeared where it touched her skin. Shoulders, breasts, hips, and even her tummy as she fastened the belt. And with the belt it was obvious that her stomach now was larger then when she'd gone into the glade... but it was too early to say if she'd been inseminated. Considering the amount of cum it seemed likely, but the bloating could also just be from the amount she'd swallowed, or excess cum still inside her womb despite not taking seed. She might have been lucky.

A wary glance back at the clearing showed her that it was well after nooon now, long enough after for Nadia to estimate the direction back to Petra from the shadows without actually going back into the clearing. Finding a stream to clean off in, though, might be more of a problem. She hadn't crossed any streams so far, after all, so it was far from certain that she'd cross one on the way back.

After nearly an hour of walking, things looked a little brighter. Her pussy had stopped leaking cum, and while she still felt very aroused, she no longer had to fight a desire to masturbate using every vaugely phallic objet she saw. She thought she was nearly out of the dense part of the woods. Her belly was the same, no bigger and no smaller. And best of all, she could hear running water a little ways to the East. Or... possibly a little way. And probably East. Distance and even direction were difficult to judge by sound in the mountains, Nadia well knew. She could try to find it, and clean herself off a bit before going back to Petra, but it would cost her at least half an hour, and there was no certainty that she would find it. And she was still in the dark, dangerous part of the woods. She hadn't seen or heard anything living since fleeing the clearing, but water might draw dangerous animals. Or another dangerous plant. Trying to find another stream in the less dense woods would be safer, but less certain. Forgetting about cleaning off before Petra would get her home quickest, but everyone would be able to see what had happened, and the aphrodisiac slime that keeping her slightly aroused would remain.

Which left her with three options. Try to find the stream, try to find a stream once she left the dense forest, or go back to Petra, only stopping if she could actually see a stream.

HP = 59, PP = 32/42, EP = 62, Status = cum stained and full.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia paused as she heard the rushing water, trying to discern the direction as best she could with only sound to go by, unsuccessfully. She contemplated her options for a moment, wondering if it might be best to simply continue onwards toward Petra as she was. Glancing down at her bloated belly, the young angel sighed, and then shrugged. She likely wouldn't have flattened back down by the time she got back, but did she really want to go back to Petra coated and bloated with whatever it was that the plant had filled her with?

Sighing, she shook her head. She hadn't passed anything that she could bathe in on the way here, and that meant that anything she found would be out of the way. Still, she didn't have to waste time searching from the ground. Smiling, Nadia allowed her energy to flow through her, and after a moment, she shot upwards, weaving through the trees above perfectly as she magically lifted herself. As she cleared the tops of the trees, Nadia spread her wings, and then flew further up until she had a good view of her surroundings. She searched for signs of water, a break in the trees or a cloud of mist rising upwards, and as soon she she found any hints of them, she flew towards them. She made sure to land before she passed out from lack of energy, as she'd had a near miss once when trying this, but if she could, Nadia would fly to the source of water rather than walk.

(Flight with X = 5)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

For all her skill with her magically-aided flight, the trees were still too dense to get through easily. She forced her way through nevertheless, and with a few superficial scrapes she was above the trees. And there, she discovered that conditions were far from ideal for her search. Thick, low clouds covered half the sky, moving in rapidly from the west. Several of the higher peaks were above the cloud level, and a bitterly cold wind was blowing. It felt like snow was on its way. Even as she made her way through the canopy, the sun was hidden behind the clouds and shadow fell on the land.

More importantly, though, Nadia couldn't see any nearby breaks in the canopy. She flew as fast as she could in the direction of Petra, and saw the forest thin under her. Apparently she'd been closer to the edge of the dense woods then she'd thought. And then, just as she was reluctantly deciding that it was time to descend before she went unconscious, she saw the break she had been looking for, and she quickly moved towards it. When she was close enough to both the stream and the ground, she let go of her magic and drifted downward. She felt lightheaded, and knew that she'd have to rest before trying to fly again.

The little stream was almost idyllic, except for the lack of sunshine. It trickled down, clear as the air around it, flowing over rocks worn smooth by time. As she landed, she was startled to see a wolf a little ways into the woods on the other side of the stream. Her hand went to her bow, but the wolf turned and loped away, and after a moment she realized that it wasn't twisted like the two others had been.

And other then the wolf, and the brook... silence. Just as in the deeper woods, though Nadia was well clear of those now. Strange. Still, she was here for a purpose, and she went about it. There wasn't a large enough pool to submerge in, but with cupped hands she was able to do a reasonable job of cleaning herself. Her robe would be more of a problem, though. The bloodstains weren't coming out, and even after washing it would be obvious that her robe had been stained elsewhere, though perhaps not what with. It would have to do.

As she finished, the light grew suddenly dimmer. Either the clouds had thickened further, or the sun had dropped behind the mountains, and Nadia couldn't tell which, from the ground or through the trees. Either way, it would be well to return to Petra.

. . .

Almost two hours later, Nadia stared at a wooden sign. One mile down the road until "Petra, a retreat and travelers rest". Which was good, because it must be very late afternoon by now, which combined with the slowly thinning cloud-cover to leave the forest nearly dim enough for twilight. A few flurried twisted on the breeze, and Nadia was certainly glad that for the cover the trees provided, here on the ground.

Reluctantly, she gazed down at her belly. Her hopes had proved excessively optimistic, and twice now she'd had to loosen her belt, and now her stomach pressed against the fabric of her robe. It wasn't uncomfortable yet, but she felt that the robe might have to come off well before it was her time. Worse still, nobody who gazed at her could miss her pregnancy.

After a few minutes, she rounded a turn in the road, and saw Petra. A thick column of smoke rose from one side of the town, and Nadia could see that part of one wall was burned away, though she could see no fire. Even from here, she could see the shining white shape that was Lilith, great feathered wings slowly beating as she hovered above the town center. She descended out of sight almost immediately, and Nadia couldn't be sure if she had been spotted.

Edit: statblock and exp/corruption:
HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 62, Status = baby bump

2x wolves = 4x EXP
6x cum inside (shorn weed) = 30 corruption
138 PP damage (shorn weed) = 138 corruption
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