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thetwo Test Thread

Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia stared quizzically at Sarah as the normally fairly prude elven woman as she was led over to a corner, the realization of her intentions not becoming apparent until her hands had started their journey across the startled angel's body. Still slightly hazy from exhaustion and the after effects of her many numerous injuries, Nadia squeezed in surprise at the groping, particularly at the one between her legs, but acquiesced to her desires quickly enough once she figured out what Sarah's intentions were. Though, in the back of her mind, Nadia couldn't help but wonder just what had happened to Sarah that had changed the woman so.... Perhaps the close brush with slavery had served to remove her inhibitions, but regardless, Nadia couldn't help but be surprised by the sudden exhibitionist streak that her elven lover had developed.

That's not to say that she minded it, of course. In fact, Nadia didn't mind it in the slightest. She was almost glad for it. She shivered with pleasure as Sarah immediately went to work on her sensitive nub, the sudden stimulation at first a little too much even after the earlier working over of her body at the elf's hands. It didn't take her long to get into the swing of things, however, and her hand hardly needed guidance toward her lover's flower as she passionately set to work pleasing her as her wings folded protectively around Sarah....

As Sarah shuddered through her final silent climax, Nadia sighed contentedly. She hadn't been quite so quiet throughout their encounter, knowing full well that a blind and deaf ogre could have figured out what the two of them were doing together even with the cover of the angel's wings to partially hide them. It had been an interesting encounter, to say the least. She had learned many things about her partner's body, for one, and that was an enjoyable thing even with the bonus of being able to orgasm herself. Much of the stress that had accumulated over the day gone, Nadia sighed once more, and wrapped her arms around Sarah as the two shared one last kiss. Closing her eyes, Nadia drifted off to sleep without replying to Sarahs' last words.

Experience spending time!
Bought +2 Spirit, +2 Body, and Grapple Expert.
Just to keep it in line with the Mud Wrestling sheet.

Despite the less than stellar conditions, Nadia awoke refreshed, the sleep having restored her almost completely. No sign of her injuries remained on her body, the wounds having finished healing overnight, and her blood having restored itself. She didn't stir, feeling Sarah still in her arms, and laid contentedly, her eyes half lidded as she stared down at the woman she held. It had, all things considered, been a good day yesterday.

When Sarah awoke, Nadia lightly kissed her in return, beaming brightly at her, and offered a whispered reply; "Oh, I don't know.... I'm sure we can find some way to occupy ourselves." Then, Nadia kissed Sarah again, allowing the embrace to deepen as her tongue explored those familiar depths and their breasts pressed together. She pulled back after a moment, however, and sighed. "If only.... But there is too much that we need to do while we have daylight to do it in. I'm sorry, my love.... But I'm all yours tonight. Think you can hold off until then?"

If Sarah seemed alright, Nadia would gently open her wings, stretching them slowly and allowing her to climb off of her before rising to her feet herself, working the kinks out of her muscles with a few quick stretching motions before looking around the room.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

"Well... I suppose I can wait, if I must." Sarah tried to assume a pout, but a persistent smile ruined the effect. Around the room people were waking up, and generally turning toward Nadia for some suggestion about what to do after the events of the previous few days.

Nadia's weren't the only injures that had healed overnight. Jack was walking, though with an obvious limp. Mary looked even worse, still pale and very tired, but she was no longer pregnant. Everyone else seemed to have fully healed. Two others stood out. One human woman was shooting a glare at Sarah that seemed almost envious, and Beth was staring out a window disconsolately. Sarah caught Nadia's eye, and walked over to talk with the meloncholy healer.

Jack, meanwhile, approached Nadia. He had clearly stripped one of the dead orcs of its leather armor and clothing. It hardly fit, but it did mean he was the only one in the building wearing clothes. He also had recovered his sword and shield. "We managed to recover most of the stuff from the slavers. Some stuff was too damaged to recover, but we've still got two sets of leather including mine, and one chainmail. And for weapons we've now got two bows, a battle axe, a spear, and a bloody greatsword. Plus your stuff, and mine. I don't think there's any chance of teaching the, ah, ladies how to properly use a weapon anytime soon, but maybe if they could at least hold them properly we might scare off anybody who comes looking for the dead slavers? What do you think we should do?" More then just Jack was listening for an answer.

Summary of the situation, for my own benefit as well as yours:

Nadia - Angel, equipped with 2 bastard swords and a bow.
Sarah - Elf, specializing in fire magic.
Mary - Human, equipped with a bow, some skill at tracking, still injured.
Beth - Elf, can preform very minor healing magic.
Jack - Human, equipped with a sword, shield, and leather armor, still slightly injured.
4 other elven women
3 other human women
1 other elven man, who I totally didn't forget about but is currently on watch outside.

Unassigned equipment - Leather armor, Chain armor, 3x knives, a wood axe, a battle axe, a spear, a warhammer, a greatsword, a bow.

Both men are wearing clothing salvaged from the orcs, and there are two more sets that don't fit anyone currently but could possibly be salvaged and re-sized with a few hours labor. Everyone else is naked.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

DG3 character sheet
Name: Nadia
Class: Warrior
Race: Angel
Sex: Female

Body: 62
Mind: 26
Spirit: 40

Hit Points (HP): 62 + 26/2 + 40/2 = 95
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 26 + 62/2 + 40/2 = 77
Spirit Energy (EP): 40 + 20 + 26/2 + 62/2 = 104
Speed: 25 + 8 = 33
Dodge: 67 (64 from stats + 3 from knight)
Armor: 3 (Knight)
Resistance: 39
Perception: 27
Stealth: 23
Grapple: 74

Experience: Spent 38 for the purposes of this character sheet
Corruption: 68

2x Exceptional (+8 stat points)
Two Weapon Fighter (Attack with two weapons at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls)
Natural Spirit (Spirit Warrior: Energy Blade, Battle Aura and Energy Wave)
Skill with Bastard Swords (+12 to attack rolls with bastard swords)
Resistant (+8 Resistance)
Quick (+8 Speed)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 Max EP)
Skilled (3 skills)
Grapple Expert (+12 Grapple)

Mutated (Glowing Skin, Fetish, Tight)
Mutated (Multy-Orgasmic, Tight, Whip Tongue)
Sensitive (+4 to pleasure taken)
*Open Soul (+4 EP damage)
*Tainted Bloodline (1.5x corruption)
*Fertile (gets pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher)

Mutations: Mutations until Nadia becomes Supernatural: 7/12
*Warped (causes 1/2 corruption)
*Faerie (Resist Cold and Electricity 5)
*Greater Wings (Fly at speed)
Fetish (Energy Drain)
Glowing Skin - Your character shines slightly in the dark, making them more visible but granting them light to see by. The character gets +2 to Perception, but a -2 to Stealth.
2x Tight (+2 PP damage during penetrative sex)
Skyclad (-2 penalty to non-damage rolls unless naked)
Whip Tongue (+2 PP when giving head)
Multy-Orgasmic: Whenever the character orgasms, they reset their PP level to their max PP - 10.

Whirling Death
Scissor Defense
Quick Draw
Death from the Draw

Spirit Ceiling: 21
Note: All attacks use Body to determine attack rolls in place of Spirit thanks to Bladesinger
-Battle Aura
-Energy Wave
-Energy Blade

-Bow: 2d8 + 6 + Body/3 damage, (+62) [2d8 + 27] {100 foot range, 1 shot before reload, reload time 0 rounds}
-Khazidea (Bastard Sword) (+70) [1d12 + 31]
-Phantomfang (Bastard Sword) (+70) [1d12 + 31]
-Attack rolls with weapons: +62 from Body, +3 from knight, -3 from bastard swords, -4 from twf, +12 from skill with bs, total is 70
-Damage with weapons: +31 from Body, +1 from bs, -4 from twf, +3 from knight, total 31
4x darkhearts
100 denarii

Nadia is the child of an angelic mother and a human father, a non to unusual occurrence for her kind. She young for her kind, barely over twenty years old, and for an immortal, she was woefully inexperienced. As a member of the Fey, and an angel to boot, Nadia was in line to become a being of incredible power, but hadn't got there yet when she first encountered demons. At first, she'd fought them fiercely and with incredible skill for one her age, but eventually, she bit off more than she could chew. She was captured by a group of succubi, who took turns draining her essence. For days, she was subjected to sexual tortures, as the demons worked their dark fantasies upon her, but even as she resisted with all of her iron will, she began to enjoy the feel of her angelic spirit being fed upon by her captors. She never gave in, however, denying her captors the pleasure of breaking her, or bearing any of their sinful spawn, and eventually she was rescued by her kin. Several years later, she still remembered her captivity with a degree of fondness that disturbed her, though she had consciously avoided sexual contact ever since then.

Shortly after combating the demons at Artmirst, Nadia reached her twentieth year, and her powers began to develop in full. Her physical strength began to increase rapidly, and her ability to manipulate her energies began to come in. She still hadn't learned much in the way of controlling it, however, and neither had she yet learned to control outside forces in the form of magic. For the moment, she traveled across the lands, staying largely in the wilderness and among her Fey kindred, looking for ways to test herself so as to improve.

Appearance wise, Nadia is tall for a woman, about six feet in height, and fairly muscular. Her skin was a perfect, white creamy color, and completely unblemished despite her years of combat. Her breasts were impressive, but not overly large, sitting at full C-cups and tipped with tiny pink nipples. Her body was muscular, but she also had an appealingly rounded rear end. Her hair was dark red, and fell in loose curls to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep sky blue. Her most apparent feature, however, were her pair of white feathered wings, which, while not yet large enough to allow her to fly, were growing extremely well.

She normally wore a simple white robe, slitted at the legs up to her thighs and fairly open at her chest. She kept a bow, which was normally left unstrung at her hip, with a quiver at her other hip. A pair of long swords hung over her back, crossed so that they were easier to draw and didn't interfere with her ability to move. Each had received a flavorful name, and had been gifts from her human father, though they possessed no power of their own as yet.

What happens to her post DG2 is yet to be figured out really

The OOC section: Herp derp.

EXP record:
Spent 26 exp, earned from assorted good deeds like murdering people's babies. Bought Skilled, and then 10 points of Spirit and 8 points of Body. Body went from 44 to 52, and Spirit went from 20 to 30
Spent the extra 12 xp, got me a +2 boost to Spirit, a +2 Boost to Body, and Grapple Expert

Smiling at Sarah's attempt to pout, Nadia leaned in and kissed the elf one more time before releasing her. What came next wasn't nearly as pleasant, however, as she surveyed the still wounded members of the group. Mary's obvious exhaustion and Jacks' limp were bad enough, but the look that one of the women was giving to Sarah gave the angel a moment's pause. Was she really.... Jealous? They really couldn't afford to have any conflict like that within the group right now, but before Nadia could puzzle through a solution Sarah caught her eye and then moved off to speak to the morose Beth.

The angel's attention was quickly taken up by the approach of Jack, and she listened to the man's words intently. "That might work against more slavers, but it won't keep any of the supernatural beasts that roam the woods away. Still, it couldn't hurt, and maybe if we have long enough we can actually teach some of them to fight. Do you have any experience in training others to fight? I don't but I suppose we could work through something." She turned to those that were listening in, and said; "Any of you that would like to learn to fight, choose one of the weapons that we recovered from the orcs and follow us outside. If you don't want to fight, I'll understand, but everyone that we have to defend ourselves is one more person that we can have here in case something happens. Those that don't, there's still a lot of work to be done. Mary and I explored a little, but she's out of commission right now and we didn't get to finish, so there still might be groups of monsters wandering around. No one leaves the area within sight of the cabin unless accompanied by either myself, Sarah or Jack. That said, we need water, some more food, and maybe some wood for a fire for tonight. Those clothes we got from the orcs could use a little work, and with a little effort they might be able to get a few of you dressed, which would be nice for when you're going through the woods."

Once Nadia finished, she glanced around at the assembled refugees, trying to gauge their reactions.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The group seemed to take Nadia's instructions at face value, and started organizing themselves to the various tasks. After a moment Sarah returned, and pulled Nadia outside to speak to her quietly. "Beth thinks she's pregnant. Not from any of the monsters or anything, but she came to Petra when her parents found her with her boyfriend, and... well, this isn't a great time to find out. But that won't be a problem for months. What are we going to do, while everyone else is making dresses and learning to fight?"
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

"No... Definitely not a great time to find out. But still, worse things have happened." Nadia stops speaking and blinks, a scowl hardening on her face. That had been fairly tactless, but it was true nonetheless, and the angel berated herself for her wording for only a moment before she continued; "It's not an immediate problem, but we'll have to plan for it eventually."

She paused, and then turned toward Sarah with a dark gleam in her glowing eyes. "You and I are going to see what has become of Petra." She said, leaving out the part that everyone in the room was probably thinking; 'And it's guardian, Lillith.'
Re: thetwo Test Thread

"We are!?" Sarah thought about it for a moment. "Yea, I guess we are. If those... things... are gone, then it's probably safer then around here. And if they aren't then we might be in worse trouble then we know."

Everyone else seemed to be getting on with the various tasks already. Jack was showing the woman he had taken 'to get water' the previous day how to hold a bow, while the tattered scraps of clothing were being sorted and considered by several of the women who looked more uncomfortable with their nudity. Sarah gathered a few simple rations for the time it would take to get to Petra and back in the event that they decided to abandon the place, and blushed slightly as she declined to wait until the first two simple sets of clothing were completed before leaving.

The two left their camp behind, and moved towards Petra. They avoided the road, but still managed to move more quickly then the entire group had on the original flight from Petra. It was evening when they finally crested a ridge and looked down on the little retreat, having not seen anything larger then a bird since starting out.

The place looked very much like it had when Nadia had first seen it. It had an unbroken wall around the edges except for a gate, which stood open. There were the same buildings, and while there was smoke rising it was only from chimneys. But looking closer, there were differences. The walls had been repaired, sections standing out as slightly different colors. Buildings had been repaired as well, with at least a little thatch thrown over holes. Except for the little chapel that had housed the hidden storerooms and the entrance to the tunnel Nadia had led her escape through, which seemed to have been completely leveled.

There were also people moving around inside. Nadia wasn't close enough to make out more then vague outlines, but even so the colors had changed. Where before men and women alike had mostly worn white, now there was a mix. There was the pale of unclothed flesh and black. There might even have been a flash of the grey color that had been the skin of the attackers. Or perhaps not, it was difficult to say from so far. Sarah stood next to Nadia, squinting. "It's too far for me to really see anything. How does it look?"
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia looked over the seemingly rebuilt Petra with a look of confusion for a moment. Who were those people? Why did some of them seem to be naked, while others were clothed? It didn't make sense.... The angel was slightly startled when Sarah spoke up beside her, and immediately shushed the elf. They hadn't seen anything alive that was larger than a crow since they had set out from the hidden cabin, and that most certainly hadn't sat well with Nadia. Something was wrong, and when she spotted a flash of grey among the figures moving in Petra, her face hardened.

Keeping her voice at a low whisper, Nadia said; "There are people in the village. Most of the buildings and the wall have been repaired, but the chapel is gone completely. But... Something's wrong. Some of the people seem to be naked, and I think I saw one of the monsters from before. Hold on a moment."

The angel closed her eyes for a moment, her hands folded before her. When her lids lifted again, a blue glow escaped from her, her perceptions having shifted from the world of the material to the world of the metaphysical. Though it was no less impaired by distance than her normal vision, this form of sight would allow her to see things that a mortal eye could not. Namely, rather than their bodies, it would allow Nadia to see their spirits. Creatures like the monsters who had attack Petra were surely corrupted, if not exactly like demons then formed from a similar mold, and that was what Nadia searched for first amongst the shapes moving off in the distance. The idea that the village had been retaken by friendly individuals was honestly far too good for Nadia to even consider, given how things had gone of late.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

To her enhanced vision, the town looked almost the same. The newer wood used to patch the walls and buildings showed out more clearly, but in the same shape. But there were other things as well. It was obvious to the returning angel that there had been terrible magics unleashed. The signs of the fight Lilith had put up were obvious, precise round burns, little holes punched in the background magic of the place that were slowly healing. The magic of her enemies was different. Ragged patches scattered around the place, not as deep as the magic of Lilith, but taking longer to heal from their sheer size.

The ruins of the chapel had newer signs, and the magic that had torn the place down had been the most pleasant. It was impossible to know what had been done there, but whatever had done it had been evil. But the worst was the people. The corruption on them was obvious even from this distance, the same as she had seen on the invaders but somehow worse for being set onto human and elf frames. Sarah waited patiently for Nadia to finish her assessment.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia's face slowly shifted from neutral to a scowl as she took in the scene of Petra through her supernatural vision. Dark stains permeated the tiny village, and what was once a place of healing now seemed to have been turned into a place of corruption and destruction. She could see the magical scars in the very ground, and the hole in the spiritual world that was centered where the chapel once stood. But the people.... The corruption, poison to the spirit, that emanated from them almost made her cringe with revulsion. That they had once been people only made her rage even further, and Nadia's hands tightened into fists.

"Petra is gone, Sarah. What stands now.... Is the violation of its memory. The creatures that attacked, they did something to those whom we left behind. They are corrupted now. Changed. I do not know if they will attack us.... But I hope that they will. If they do not, then the situation is far worse." Nadia said gravely, and then blinked, her vision and her eyes both returning to normal. She turned to the elf, "I'm not sure if we should go down there, and if we do, I do not know what sort of greeting we'll get. The people down there are corrupted, their essences made identical to those of the monsters that invaded, so we must be prepared for violence if we are to approach."

The angel turned her gaze back toward Petra, and remained silent for a moment. "If you don't want to go down there, we ought to return to the cabin now. Else, prepare yourself, and lets be done with this." She finally said, mentally preparing herself for the violence she believed would soon come to pass.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

"No. If you think we might have to fight, then we'll be ready to fight. I won't sit by while those monsters infest Petra... and I won't sit by while you go into danger, either. But it looks like there are quite a few, ah, things moving down there. It might be better to avoid fighting as long as we can. And maybe I can help us a little bit in case we do have to fight..."

A look of concentration came over Sarah's face, and she touched Nadia's arm, sending a jolt of heat through the angel's body followed by a strange tightness to her skin. She held on, and after another few seconds of concentration another flash of heat went through her. Reaching out with her magical senses revealed the purpose of the two spells. The first was an invisible armor, clinging tight to her skin, and the second was a distortion of the space around her, which would make her harder to hit. The young mage murmured a third spell, this time placing a hand between her own breasts, and the dodging spell went up around her as well.

"Okay. How are we going to do this, then?"

95 HP, 77 PP, 104 SP; +12 armor, +12 dodge
Sarah: +12 dodge, fine.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

"We're going to go down there, and most likely we'll have to kill everything that moves. I see little chance of any of them being anything but violent, and even if they don't attack us immediately, nothing that they have to say can be trusted." Nadia said, her gaze returning to the town itself. Even with the strength granted by Sarah's magic, she couldn't afford to let down her guard, and if Sarah was going down with her then she would have to worry about keeping the elf safe as well. "Keep alert, and lets go."
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The gate, as Nadia had seen from the ridge, stood open, and both women were trying to look every way at once as they walked through. Eyes everywhere turned to watch them, but at first none moved. In fact, many of the humans and elves seemed... lethargic, not all there. After a moment, Nadia looked behind and saw three nude women, covered in some sort of slime and holding hands, standing between her and the gate. They weren't exactly up in her face, but from their stance she thought that they wouldn't let her back out without trouble.

When she turned back around, three people stood in front of her. In the center was a human woman, the first who looked fully awake that Nadia had seen, though there was an odd sheen to her skin. Sarah gasped at seeing her. "Anaya! What are you doing here!?" She whispered out of the corner of her mouth to Nadia. "She was one of the maids in the inn."

The woman - wearing a black dress that left all of her arms, most of her legs, and a generous portion of her glimmering cleavage uncovered - grinned as she apparently recognized Sarah. "Ah, Sarah. I was disappointed to learn you had gotten away. I would have enjoyed watching your conversion with considerably more enthusiasm then anyone else. Now I'll get the chance. And the other angel. That is a stroke of luck. If you knew how much time we wasted chasing you... but now isn't the time to gossip. You will follow me." She paused for a moment, biting her lip. "Or don't. Honestly, I would much rather watch you overwhelmed and raped into unconsciousness, but I was ordered to give you an Audience before the conversion was begun, should you show up of your own free will. The audience is in the old infirmary, if you want to go."

The woman's companions were an elven woman and a human man, both with the glassy-eyed stare of the various other humans and elves wandering about clothed. The woman's dress was similar to Anaya's, and the man's was cut with similar goal, showing off his muscles while essentially covering him. It did not, however, hide his erection. Which was slightly odd, as he hadn't so much as glanced at any of the various naked bodies within sight, or much of anything at all for that matter. After noticing that, it was easy to see that the woman was also extremely aroused for apparently as little reason. The only thing they looked at was the former maid, as if awaiting instructions.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

The meeting in the village went down almost exactly as Nadia had expected. While the corrupted people within didn't attack them outright, the slime coated trio blocked their retreat, and they found themselves blocked in and surrounded. The presence of one who could speak surprised her and that Sarah recognized her were both quite surprising given the invader's MO so far, but the angel didn't let it show on her face. Truthfully, her blood had been up since she'd seen the taint of the invaders on them, and when the woman displayed her desire to see them overwhelmed and raped then and there, well.... That didn't help matters.

"Conversion. Audience. You speak of such things as if you expect us to understand, and then to accept when your masters have corrupted all they have touched. You are a fool, Anaya." Nadia calmly and coldly replied, her gaze not wavering from the woman apparently named Anaya. She could ask Sarah more about her later. For now.....

Before the woman could offer a reply to her rage filled words, Nadia's wings spread wide. They'd grown the previous night, to the point that they were the size of a full angel's wings, and perhaps they were large enough to fly now? Perhaps she could try that out later, without magic. For now, the angel's hand stretched out toward the woman and sent forth a ball of light directly toward the woman who had done the speaking and her two companions. "Sarah! The ones behind us!"

(Energy wave, X = 12. She has 62 Body and Bladesinger for the attack roll, and 39 Resistance. Her base Dodge is 67. After that, if Sarah hasn't killed them yet, turn and Death from the Draw with both swords on the Triad behind them.)
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Attack (Nadia): 62+3 = 65 -> Hit!
Damage (Nadia): (5+3)*12 = 96 - 7 = 89
Anaya is killed. Both of her partners are utterly destroyed.

Casting (Sarah): Success
Attack (Sarah): 41+10 = 51 v 40 -> Hit!
Damage (Sarah): (5+8)*5 = 65 - 4 = 61
The trinity is killed.

"You th-" the woman's words were cut off as the unexpected wave of power hit her, and her face barely had time to register surprise before it went blank with death. Her two companions... were simply gone, no trace remaining that they had existed before the energy had hit them.

Sarah swore, shock apparent in her voice "Empty Night!" She did however turn, eyes wide with sudden fear, and fling a ball of fire at the three women standing between the pair and the gate. These had time to scream as they died, and a smell like burned pork filled the air.

It took a moment for anyone else to realize what had happened. Most of the human-shaped beings just sat there looking confused, though two more pairs of nude and slime-covered women darted behind the cover of separate buildings, apparently not wanting to face Sarah and Nadia in open combat. The reptilian head of a Hunter poked out of the infirmary building, took in the scene, and disappeared back into the building.

Sarah looked sick to her stomach, and took a step closer to the angel. "Um... that may not have been the wisest thing we've ever done. And I really hope those people were beyond saving..."

95 HP, 77 PP, 92/104 SP; +12 armor, +12 dodge
Sarah: fine.
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

"They were." Nadia said, her eyes glowing with absolute certainty as she stared down coldly at the fallen form of Anaya. The other people around them seemed to not realize that they were under attack, so Nadia payed them little heed save what was needed to be sure that they wouldn't attack. "If any move to attack you, don't hesitate to burn them down. Try to save as much strength as you can. Now come, let us see what awaits us in this Audience they had prepared for us." The angel's words were delivered crisply and with an undeniable fury behind them, and she stalked toward the infirmary where the Hunter had vanished. Along the way, Nadia's form began to glow.

(Activate Battle Aura, X = 15.)
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

Dispel check (Nadia): 65+6 = 71 v 67 = 13+54 -> Nadia loses all spell effects.
Dispel check (Sarah): 65+11 = 76 v 42 = 20+22 -> Sarah loses all spell effects.
Perception (Nadia): (failure)
Perception (Sarah): (failure)

With her greatly enhanced strength, Nadia very nearly broke the infirmary door off its hinges. Inside, she didn't even have time to react before a flash of blinding purple light hit her. Her vision cleared in time to see another streak flying over her shoulder, at which time she realized that she had stop glowing, and with the glow had gone her enhanced strength, physical and mental. Even the lesser enchantments Sarah had laid on her were gone.

She was left standing in what was clearly no longer an infirmary. Almost all the beds were gone, and in their place people doing things that should have been kept in the privacy of the bedroom. And that might have been practical, if a single one of the acts had included only two people. There were men being held down while lips warped around their members, and women held down and while being fucked, but all had glassy eyed looks, clearly past caring. And most weren't even being held anymore, but were willingly coupling with anyone and everyone around them. Mixed in with humans and fey were hunters, grey grabbers, and puddles of animate slime. Most of the women were at one stage or another of pregnancy, and the few beds still present were being used by women who looked near to giving birth.

And in the center of it all stood Lilith, in front of a wooden throne carved with the nude forms of men and women in improbable contortion, a masterwork of art had the subject been even slightly less vulgar. Lilith herself looked almost as she had before. The woman's hair was worn in the same style, simple but elegant. But where before it had been a deep blonde, now it had bleached almost white. And her wings were as soft and magnificent as before, but instead of the solid white of their last meeting, they were black. And while her form was still an embodiment of feminine beauty, this now included the distinctive bulge of impending motherhood.

The older angel also had an aura that gave off traces of purple light, and seemed to bend the air around her just slightly. "Killing the girl was naughty, young one. Lucky for you that you brought me a replacement. I expect Sarah has managed to sneak her way into your bed by now? Honestly, I'm surprised that she didn't manage it that first night. I've never seen an elf get so wet at the mere sight of an Angel. She should adapt well, especially if I give her an occasional reward."

"But enough talk. I could as easily have torn you to pieces as removed your little aura there. Join me willingly or after I've had your soul pulled out through your cunt. Choose quickly."

95 HP, 77 PP, 77/104 SP; fine
Sarah: fine, moderate energy.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Nadia would have gaped in horror when she found Lillith standing before her, had it been a surprise. She could only imagine what it felt like for Sarah, seeing the angel in this state, but at the time, Nadia couldn't bring herself to feel much of anything. A dark, cold numbness had swept over her at the sights within what had once been Petra's infirmary. 'This was a place of healing once.' Nadia thought numbly, trying with all of her will to bring herself to action as Lillith spoke, but in truth she wasn't all there. She didn't hear a word of what the former angel said to her.

'Heeheehee~! It's like she enjoys it!'
'That's because she does! She's soaking wet, and can you feel her squirming! I always knew angels were whores!'
'Oooh! She's gonna cum already! So much power in something so weak.... And it's all ours now!'

A much younger Nadia screamed in ecstasy, her eyes wide as she reached her climax, the two succubi who were pounding into her holes giggling as they fed upon her essence. She collapsed between them, spent after only one orgasm, and the two demons pulled out of her.

"Already out cold!" The one who had been pounding into her bottom proclaimed, laughing. The other succubus pulled her rod out of Nadia's flower and casually pushed the comatose angel off of her, her rod christened in the red haired angels virginal blood. "Her first time! Who would have thought, from the way she was moaning like any common whore!" The second demoness said, and the two laughed harder as they maneuvered the broken angel back into her bindings. The one who had taken her virginity paused as the other walked away, and bent down to kiss Nadia on her cheek once, and then whispered into her ear; "Don't worry, little angel~! When our corruption has filled your soul, you'll be just as happy as we are! You can join us.... And soon enough, you'll be just like us!"

Nadia, even unconscious, had heard the woman's laugh as she walked away. The horrid pleasure she took in knowing that eventually, Nadia would fall from her ministrations. That what she had been had been wiped away, and replaced with its opposite. A shadow of virtue, and a soul that had begun to rot away with the loss of what had once made it great.

Nadia blinked back to reality as Lillith told her to choose quickly, having missed what the fallen angel had said. The crimson haired woman swept her gaze across the crowded room, at the center of which stood Lillith, one last time. Her thoughts went back to her own captivity, and the perversities that the demons had forced upon her, and then came back to the present to find the same thing. The same thing that had nearly broken her when last she'd encountered it was in front of her now, and even then the lingering effects of her 'training' caused her to imagine herself in the place of some of the women participating in this, both the victims and the perpetrators. Her gaze settled on Lillith, the fallen angel who had once been the guardian of this place, but who had now become its corrupter, and saw what she could have become.

"You have forgotten, Lillith." Nadia stated plainly. Her aura was gone, banished on a whim by the power of the former angel. Even with her swords, there was no way that Nadia could ever hope to contest Lillith's power. The fallen angel had not been lying when she'd said that she could have destroyed Nadia rather than simply cripple her. But that changed nothing. Surrender was not an option. There could be no cooperation with what she saw before her now. There could be no negotiation. No peace.

Only destruction, of one or the other. Of Nadia and everything that she represented, or of Lillith and everything that she had embraced. For a moment, Nadia hesitated, considering those around the fallen angel. They might be harmed by what she planned to do.

Irrelevant. If Nadia failed to kill Lillith and her minions, then a fate far worse than death awaited them. And truthfully, Nadia didn't expect to succeed. If she did, then she could take it up with the ashes that they would become, and regret it then.

"You have forgotten, and I don't think that you will ever be able to remember." Nadia said, and then unleashed an orb of golden light directly at the fallen angel, pouring everything that she could into the one strike. Nadia knew that there would be no second chance for her. The loss of her aura had ensured that this was the only way that she could end it before Lillith had another chance to attack, and Nadia knew that the fallen angel would, at best, kill her in a single blow if given another chance. What else she might do didn't even bear thinking about.

Energy Wave X = 35 in the 10 foot radius variant, centered near Lillith but trying to catch as many of the other creatures in the room as she can, minimizing but not worrying too much about casualties among the captives if they're inevitable. Nadia's Spirit Ceiling is 21, so that's 14 points over, costs 14 HP and 49 EP.
The attack roll would be d20 + 65 since Nadia has Knight and Bladesinger.

Energy Wave
Like energy blast, but less direct.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character deals (1d6 + 3) * X damage to all creatures within 1 of the possible ranges:
1) All creatures with a 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight.
2) All creatures within a 30 foot, 120 degree cone.

If possible, I would have Nadia yell at Sarah to buff herself with AV or Speed and try to run for it, but it wouldn't make sense in character given the situation.

Nadia has 67 Dodge, 3 AV, Faerie (Resist Cold and Electricity 5,) 33 Speed, 74 Grapple, 39 Resistance, 27 Perception, and one instance of Open Soul.
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Re: thetwo Test Thread

Perception (Nadia): Failure
Perception (Sarah): Success!

Energy Wave (attack): 62+7 = 69
Edit: 62+3+7 = 72. Hit! Knight says "dodge, to-hit and (damage for melee attacks)", not "(dodge, to-hit, and damage) for melee attacks". Foiled by punctuation!
Energy Wave (damage): (3+3)*35 = 210-8 = 202
Fallen Lilith... is OHKO'd. >.<
Feedback: 14 HP and EP for exceeding spirit limit.

Casting (Sarah): Success!
To-hit (Sarah): 41+17 = 58 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage (Sarah): (2,1+8)*5 = 55 - 8 = 47
Blind (Sarah v Hunter2): 34+18 = 52 v 37 = 15+22 -> Hunter2 is blinded.

Attack (Hunter1): Auto-hit
Damage (Hunter1): (11,4)+23 = 38 * 2 = 76 - 3 = 73

Attack (Hunter2): 44-16+11 = 39 v 29 -> Hit!
Damage (Hutner2): (1,5)+23 = 29

The Fallen's mood changed suddenly, almost frothing with rage as she began striding towards Nadia, hips swinging seductively and wings spreading out to provide a black silken backdrop as the aura around her began to intensify. "I have forgotten NOTHING, you ignorant little slut! I remember every one of the futile years, trying to 'help' people overcome their true nature. You will lead an immortal life helping me to spread the only true freedom to the masses once you repent for everyone one of our Masters that you have killed." She tapped the bulge of pregnancy as if to demonstrate that she was doing the same "Or you will be broken being forced to repent! There are-"

Nadia's strike was everything she could muster, and more. The powers ripping through her were enough to bring her to her knees, tasting blood in her mouth as her body failed to contain the sheer force of the magic. Worse was the feeling that the blow had drawn some of her own soul in its wake, weakening her more then the working would have had she been stronger. Attempting another such blow would leave her unconscious if she even lived. She blinked her way through the pain to see what her blow would do.

The wave of energy took Lilith mid-stride and mid-word, as she raised a hand to shrug aside the blow as she would a buzzing fly. There was just time to see a look of surprise on her face as she realized that there was more power then she had thought, then the blow hit her. For a moment it seemed that it wouldn't be enough, the aura around her turning the raw energy into a blindingly bright purple light. Nadia was forced to close her eyes against the glow, and when she looked back the other angel lay naked but not visibly harmed in a shallow depression where the floor used to be. Everything else in ten feet in every direction was simply gone, the edges burned black. Before there had surely been men and women coupling on either side of the angel, now there was no sign they had ever existed. On the edge lay several severed grey tentacles, but fortunately there were no obvious human remains.

The fallen angel herself might just have been sleeping, for all appearances, but she didn't seem to be breathing, and given that the woman almost certainly could have dealt an even more powerful blow to Nadia if the least breath of life remained in her, playing dead would be an odd tactic. All the same, Nadia found herself watching the apparent corpse intently for any sign of life.

"Watch out!" Sarah's warning came almost on top of a blast of concentrated fire, but too late for Nadia to identify the threat before the blow struck her head. The taste of blood increased in her mouth, and Nadia reeled on the edge of unconsciousness for a moment, and she was certain that another blow like that would be lucky to leave her alive. She turned to see that her attacker was one of the reptilian beings, perhaps the very one that had stuck its head out of this building when she had fried the former maid. Another was charging Sarah, and managed to land a similarly sickening blow despite being apparently unable to see for the burns on its face.

8/95 HP, 77 PP, 28/104 SP; Critically injured, low energy
Sarah: Critically injured, low energy

2 hunters, one badly injured
Innumerable sex zombies
Countless foes still outside
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Burning pain wracked across Nadia as she unleashed every bit of power that she could, the sheer quantity of energy she had unleashed tearing a piece of her soul out with it. Dropping to her knees, a dull numbness swept across Nadia as she watched the results of her display, an odd sense of disconnection allowing her to watch Lillith attempt to brush her attack aside like an annoying gnat with complete dispassion. She closed her eyes and lifted a hand to shield her face from the display of her own power only when the light became blinding, and as soon as it seemed safe she lowered her hand and gazed upon the prone form of the fallen angel.

She had done. Nadia had won.

But, even so, the red haired angel gazed down upon Lillith with a mix of pity and sorrow, though it was not for the death of the fallen angel, at least not directly. What had once been her own kin lay before her, and even though Lillith had surrendered herself to the darkness she had still possessed the form of an angel. And now, she was gone. And with her, the specter of what Nadia could have become at Artmirst, carried secretly for so long, faded into nothing, and as no more. All that were left now were memories, and the corpse lying on the floor before her.

The creatures that had attacked them had caused this. All of it. The scene of debauchery around them, the desperate run from Petra and the cold nights that had followed, Lillith's fall. All of it had been their doing. A very cold anger began to grow within Nadia, but even in the daze that had come over her the angel recognized it for what it was, and let it out with a sigh that was both pained and exhausted. Allowing her hatred to simmer and grow would only lead her to the same place that Lillith had found, even if the journey might be different. If she went that way, Nadia knew that she would have no one to blame but herself.

"Watch out!"

Sarah's shout ripped her from her thoughts as she realized that they were still in danger, and Nadia inwardly kicked herself for letting herself sit still for so long. The thought was knocked out of her, along with what little patience she had left when one of the reptilian creatures appeared and promptly clocked her in the face. Recoiling away and stumbling into the crater that her attack on Lillith had created, Nadia spun toward the creature with a look of very direct and very powerful anger, her eyes beginning to glow gold again despite her current lack of energy to call upon another blast or her aura. Not that she would need them against such a lowly creature.

"Sarah, tend to yourself." Nadia said, her voice brittle and crisp as she reached behind her back for the hilts of her swords. "This will take but a moment." The angel suddenly surged forward, her swords coming out of their sheaths and vanishing as she swung them, three slashes against the hunter that had attacked her as she continued to move, the first two aiming for its throat and leg, and she spun and aimed the last at the back of the things head before lunging directly at the creature that had just attacked Sarah, stabbing right for the monster's heart.

Tell Sarah to heal herself, then fuck some lizard bitches up.

Using: Death from the Draw, Flurry and 20 points of Defensive Fighting.
Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and damage. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Death from the Draw - The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same turn. When doing so, they get a +6 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Requires Skill with One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, or Bastard Swords (Talents) and the Quick Draw skill.

So, total -26 penalty to attack and -6 penalty to damage for each attack. Each attack should look like this: (+44) [1d12 + 25]

Her Dodge for the round should be 67 + 20 = 87.
Armor: 3 (Knight)
Resistance: 39
Perception: 27

That should be all of the important stuff.... I think.
Re: thetwo Test Thread

Death from the Draw: +6 to-hit, +6 damage.
Flurry: 4 attacks, -12 to-hit, -6 damage.
Defensive fighting: -20 to-hit, +20 dodge.

Nadia (Attack1): 43+2 = 45 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage: 1+31 = 32-8 = 24
Nadia (Attack2): 43+10 = 53 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage: 4+31 = 35-8 = 27
Nadia (Attack3): 43+8 = 51 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage: 3+31 = 34-8 = 26
->Hunter1 is killed.
Nadia (Attack4): 43+10 = 53 v 30 -> Hit!
Damage: 8+31 = 39-8 = 31
->Hunter2 is killed.

Casting(Sarah): Success
Healing: (5,1+8)*2 = 28
Casting(Sarah): Success
Healing: (5,6+8)*2 = 38

Nadia's instructions took nearly as long as the rest of the fight. Her swords left their sheaths smoothly. They went from rest to striking her first target in one continuous movement, leaving bright trails of blood. The blow to the thing's leg was deep enough that it would probably never walk again, and the slice across it's throat would leave it dead within a minute without drastic intervention, but that wasn't enough. The third blow darted around the stunned lizard's guard and pierced the thing's armored hide at just the right height to slip between two vertebrae. It dropped like a rock, dead before it hit the ground.

The second creature, badly injured and nearly blinded by a blast of Sarah's fire, didn't see the death of its companion, nor did it see Nadia's blade making one last deadly arc. The blade sunk into the thing's chest like it was water, and it almost felt like she could feel the thing's heart beating its last before she withdrew her blade to see the last foe topple over. Sarah paused halfway through a throwing motion, and light drew back into her palm, rippling briefly over the mage and knitting up the wound the hunter had opened when it had struck her.

After quickly looking around to see that the only other creatures in the room were apparently the sex zombies, she ran over to Nadia and laid a hand on the spot where the hunter had hit, causing a wave of heat that left the angel feeling less close to collapse. "I think that's all of them in here, but there were more things outside... and I don't think I can do any more big spells without time to recover."

46/95 HP, 77 PP, 28/104 SP; Badly injured, low energy
Sarah: Barely injured, critical energy