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Hafnium Test Thread

Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee listened to what the man had to say and sighed tiredly. "No," she deadpanned, "they won't. They won't succeed. Because you lot are as incompetent as you are heavy handed. I took on you and your whole squad, who outnumbered us and had the element of surprise, without taking any significant losses. Without using any of my more potent abilities either."

Lenalee casually stepped forward and bashed the man off of the stump he'd been seated on using her staff, then stepping onto his chest and pressing the end of her staff against his throat in order to hold him down. At the same time, she said in a resigned casual tone, "Oh well. Can't win 'em all I suppose, and it's not like getting your help wasn't a long shot to begin with. I suppose it's a waste of time asking you how you planted people inside my associates company? I could make this more pleasant for you for any information you could give me in that direction. It's not like it matters anymore, all of your men are dead or soon to be so, so it's mostly just aiming to satisfy my curiosity." The sorceress lifted her staff enough to let the man speak, but any sudden moves on his part were met by a painful - but decidedly nonlethal - burst of dark magical lightning.

Regardless of his answer, Lenalee made sure that he remained conscious and lucid enough to see, feel, and hear if not to act. Smirking down at him, Lenalee called out both with her voice and with her magic; "Oh Magdalena!" The succubus appeared behind her, but Lenalee didn't bother to glance at her, knowing without having to look that the demon had arrived. "You are foolish enough to think that an angel attacking the inquisition wouldn't be in the right. You are also foolish enough to think that I can't do anything to you that you couldn't withstand with dignity. The former, unfortunately, is an error in your thinking that is too ingrained for me to rectify. Don't get me wrong, I probably know about as much about angels as you do, but really.... It's hard to be worse than the Badarian Inquisition! The latter problem, however, I have the time and energy to rectify."

Her victim no doubt sensed the presence of the succubus as well even if he couldn't see her, and Lenalee looked into his eyes with a frosty smile upon her face and a maniacal gleam in her eye. "Maggie, it's oh so nice to see you again so soon! I simply must tell you how my life has gone since last we met....." She used the nickname she'd developed for the succubus somewhat sarcastically, but her mild snubbing would likely be forgiven after Lenalee gave the demoness her treat. First, however, she filled Magdalena in on everything that had happened since they had last met in a casual tone, leaving out of course the details of the parts with the Heretic and anything that might tip off her intentions regarding the upcoming meeting with the Priestess. She went into graphic detail regarding her gang bang, looking into the inquisitor's eyes all the while as she recounted every lewd act and every thought that had gone through her head. She hoped that the succubus appreciated it, and hoped equally that the man beneath her was reviled by her recounting.

"....And that bring us to the present, in which this idiot decided to attempt to murder me in the name of my good old pals, the inquisition!" Lenalee finished with a smirk, but then quickly amended, "Well, attempted to murder my associates. He intended to press gang me back onto his team. As if that was ever going to work. Anyway, that brings me to my very last question for you, mister inquisitor!" The smile on Lenalee's face was positively jubilant by this point, "Are you a virgin?"

Lenalee at least waited for him to answer before she finally glanced back at Magdalena while pressing the end of her staff against the man's throat, eying the succubus up approvingly for a moment before issuing her instructions; "He's your payment Maggie! Don't worry about leaving anything left. Gobble up every drop of his soul. Make it good for him too!" The sadistic smile returned to her face as Lenalee gazed down upon the inquisitor's reaction to her plans for him and she issued her concluding statement, "A man's final moments are best when they are ones of pleasure, no?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 45/50, PP = 70, EP = 30/80, Status = +26 Mind, Low Energy, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

The inquisitor's calm look rapidly melted away into a defiant glare as Lenalee issued her final response. He seemed to dare her to kill him, to finish the job he started. He carried an air of general petulance as he waited for the sorceress to finish—both her words and him. The beaten man never struggled enough to warrant the blast of her lightning, though. It almost all seemed an act to mentally fortify himself for the end; he knew there was little he could do on two wounded legs. The defeated commander sought to go out with the dignity and courage that he thought an inquisitor should.

The lightning witch wouldn't allow that, of course.

The evidence of the succubus's arrival was as readable as a sign on the inquisitor's face. He went pale as understanding dawned on him. There was no admiration in his eyes for her hourglass figure. Her dark and beautiful skin was offered no appreciation, despite it all being on display. The demoness's exotic eyes and gorgeous face stirred no arousal in the inquisitor. Nor did her dragon-like wings or bull-like horns stir fear. What paled the man was obviously her nature.

Magdalen had her usual arrogant smirk when stepped into the world of humankind on the sorceress's latest errand, though that became a scowl in short order at her new nickname—not that the sorceress personally saw either of these expressions, given where the demon had appeared. Upon realizing what the mage was playing at, though, the succubus played along eagerly and well, the idea of torturing the bound human slightly outweighing the minor wound her pride had taken at being given such a nickname. The captivating demoness listened and spoke with Lenalee in the same manner that a friend at a tea party might. She interjected with the occasional noise of agreement, "oh my," and "how dreadful."

By the time that Lenalee had asked her very last question of the inquisitor, he was struggling again. Being sacrificed to a demon wasn't an honorable death in his mind. Scorched by lightning, cut open from neck to belly, beheaded, crushed, any sort of death on the battlefield, he could stand any of those, but the idea of it ending in the way that stood before him had managed to shake his resolve. He remained silent except for the grunts that he produced fruitlessly trying to break free of his ropes that he might force the sorceress to slay him in a more conventional manner, since he could not stand.

The succubus gazed at the helpless human with unbridled arrogance. "He smells like a virgin," she airily commented when it became obvious that no response would be forthcoming from the inquisitor. As Lenalee could get nothing else out of her captive, all that was left was to sic her succubus on him. The pony-tailed man froze in pure terror for but a moment, then redoubled his efforts. He grimaced in pain as he used his wounded legs in an attempt to buck himself up to his feet, to put any distance between himself and the succubus who would eat his soul. "All for me? Why, you shouldn't have," Magdalen commented, pointedly ignoring her new nickname, as she approached the man, her hips swaying in a sensual and hypnotizing manner with every step.

"Food shouldn't behave like this," she commanded. Lenalee couldn't see it, but her exotic red eyes flashed, stunning the already weary man. He looked like he had just been blinded by a great light and was rendered unable to orientate himself or struggle. The predatory demoness knelt low and her hands went for the waist of the man's trousers. There was a certain artistic grace and deliberate slowness in the succubus's motions—right up until she pulled down his pants with a forceful yank, exposing the man's soft cock.

Magdalen entered her own little world upon spotting the inquisitor's tool. The demon could already sense his soul, the mage knew. She knew what kind of meal it would be, and what kind of power it would grant her. The sooner it was flowing into her, the more content the succubus would be. The curvy demonic woman went right to work on the virginal inquisitor, she pushed his useless legs aside and crawled forward. The dark demoness delicately wrapped her hand around his flaccid member, softly stroking it while he was still too stunned to fight back. A soft groan escaped his lips as he worked to regain control and dispel the stars undoubtedly swirling in his vision. Another groan sounded as her other hand went to cup his testes.

From her voyeuristic position, the mage easily determined that her summoned demon was already feeding. Whatever denials he might make, the man was clearly experiencing some pleasure as his soul began to trickle away at the rate that water might drip from a slightly opened faucet. Magdalen kneaded and stroked him expertly – as one would expect of a succubus – and his prick began to stiffen beneath her ministrations. He was slightly longer and thicker than Mari, though nothing in comparison to Jan. From her spectator's position, the sorceress could see everything; a powerful vein running along his shaft, the way it took a slight upward bend, and the way it was already beginning to pulsate and throb beneath Magdalen's attention.

And it quickly became obvious that he had never dealt with a succubus's attention in such a way before. The only warning that Lenalee received of his first orgasm was the manner in which the succubus went into what could be described as a feeding frenzy. Within the course of less than a minute, the winged demoness was stroking the man as if she were trying to start a fire and kneading his scrotum. Before he could even recover from Magdalen's earlier magics, the inquisitor had cum. Thick ropes of his seed boiled forth from his erection like a geyser. The stuff erupted into the air with such force that it reached eye level with the sorceress. The succubus's hands were a mess afterward. He groaned in pleasure and denial as his tormentor raised the fingers that she had just used to pleasure him and licked them clean, one at a time.

"Mm," she cooed, smacking her lips once for emphasis. "All backed up. This will be fun." The succubus was already positively brimming with energy after her victim's first orgasm, it was difficult to say how much more she would squeeze out of him, in all senses of the word, before he expired. By then, the inquisitor finally regained enough of his senses to resist, but by then it was too late. Magdalen had drained too much from him for him to struggle meaningfully. He was already at her mercy. The curvy creature lowered herself down until her well-endowed chest brushed against his member. He could only watch helplessly as the demoness brought her hands to her own nipples and parted her impressive orbs in order to lean forward envelop his cock with the soft, smooth skin of her breastflesh.

Magdalen began to titfuck her victim in earnest, without any real delay, using the fluids that had already stained his cock in order to easily slide it between her two supernaturally large mounds of flesh. To his credit, the inquisitor did a better job of resisting the second attack on his groin. He did not grunt or groan, he gritted his teeth and stared straight ahead, away from the succubus lavishing attention on his cock. It didn't matter what he did, though, as with her ability to eat souls, the succubus could tell exactly what he enjoyed and what he didn't. She continued forcing him to fuck the valley between her soft orbs against his will. She craned her neck toward the erection so that her tongue, impressive in its own length, could reach and lick at the tip as it prodded out from between her ample chest.

Lenalee could see it in the man's glazed eyes, he couldn't resist forever. Even with whatever sensitivity he might have felt after his first orgasm, he had already lost the battle of willpower. He throbbed dangerously. The succubus, innately aware of how close her partner was, craned her head even further forward to take the head of his cock into her mouth. Her action elicited a jerk from the bound man, and the sorceress could tell that he had cum again, directly into Magdalen's mouth. The succubus milked him for all he was worth with her bobbing head and her long tongue. She finally pulled off of his rod with a pop, after nearly the same amount of time that it had first taken to bring him to orgasm, licking her lips and looking positively beaming with the power she had absorbed from her meal.

The beaten inquisitor could no longer resist, he could only sit helplessly as the succubus prepared for his third torture. She scooted away from him until her head was poised directly over his crotch. His eyes were distant, gazing at some far off thing beyond the stars. His breaths were becoming ragged, not from the activity but instead from the energy Magdalen had taken from him. The pony-tailed man was not long for the world and he was certainly going out with a bang.

The succubus lowered her head onto the tip of the man's prick. Now that he couldn't resist at all, Magdalen began to tease her prey. She drew the pleasure – and, by extension, the energy – out slowly. She teased him as she bobbed along the head of his cock while both of her hands wrapped around his shaft, unmoving. The quickly broken man still did not groan, moan, or give any vocal satisfaction, but nor did he resist. Perhaps this lack of reaction bored the succubus, as she slowly removed her hands from around his shaft, one inch at a time, and took more and more of it in.

Despite his nearly comatose state and lack of reaction, it was obvious that he still had energy to drain, or Magdalen wouldn't have been wasting her time. In her ministrations, her mouth eventually lowered until the tip of his member hit the back of her throat. She drew back, only to slide down again. Her movements were slow, at first, but they built in tempo with each full stroke. Her head moved up and down the man's shaft as she happily sucked him off and stole his energy. The demonic woman began to hum, stimulating him with the vibrations. And then, as suddenly as anything else, she pushed herself down until he had bottomed out in her mouth.

He twitched again, and Lenalee could be sure that he was cumming again. The light had all but faded from his eyes. There was no more glaring, there were no more curses and threats. Before her sat a broken man whose soul and seed were, even then, being taken by a greedy succubus. He didn't seem to care anymore, even in his predicament. His legs were splayed out, his shaft was enveloped in the grip of a succubus's mouth, his groin was dirty with his own fluids, but he simply sat there. Even as Magdalen rose off of him, licking her lips again, he sat there. Even as she crawled up and swung her legs over his own before shifting until her sex was stationed directly above his sore manhood, he sat there. His soul had obviously been damaged beyond repair by the succubus's feeding.

"A man should have a chance to take a woman before he dies," Magdalen mocked him, as she prepared to devour the very last of his essence. Her voice was the only thing that stirred the man's senses enough to talk. Enough to beg. "Please. No more..." He pleaded.

Whether Lenalee was feeling any pity for the near-vegetable now, though... Only she could say.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee never lost a smile as she gazed down at the helpless inquisitor, and she never broke eye contact even as the succubus she'd summoned made her appraisal of his virginal status and moved to start her feeding. She took his lack of comment on the subject as confirmation of the demon's words and smiled all the wider as he moved aside to make room for Magdalen. Turning, she watched her stun him with a glance, an ability not unheard of among demons, and then her smile turned from a terrible one to a delighted one as the succubus revealed the inquisitors member. Looking at it intently in the same manner that Magdalen herself was, Lenalee found herself becoming aroused even before her summoned demon had started her work upon it.

She watched Magdalen's brief hand job with a smirk on her face and an ever growing blush upon her face, but all too soon it was over. All the same, Lenalee let out an excited coo when she watched him erupt, and couldn't help but agree with the demon's assessment of his pent up state. She licked her lips at the sight of Magdalen's cum coated hand, growing slightly envious of the show she was putting on and imaging her self in the demon's place. As Magdalen slid down the inquisitor's front, Lenalee undid the clasp of her dress and pulled the front of it down, exposing her ample bosom, and then also slid her panties halfway down her legs. As Magdalen started using her breasts to pleasure the helpless man and suck pieces of his soul away, Lenalee began to pleasure herself with her fingers. The show was quite impressive, and Lenalee was quite tense after the fight that had granted her captivity of the man she was watching being toyed with.

Her fingers slid slowly against her soft petals and tugged on the tip of one of her breasts, and she let out another light coo as she watched him cum into Magdalen's mouth from her skilled ministrations. 'I could have done that....' she thought to herself as she bit her lip, her pupils dilated from arousal. The ministrations that Lenalee enacted upon herself as Magdalen took her mouth to the bound inquisitor were more intense than her earlier ones, the hand at the tip of her breast twisting it softly while the fingers of her other hand danced over her clit. This time, when she watched Magdalen swallow his entire length into her throat as he twitched in orgasm beneath her, much of his rapidly dwindling spirit being sucked out along with his third load, Lenalee couldn't help but emit a slight grown as her arousal spiked, though she didn't quite manage to bring herself to orgasm.

Seeing her about to mount him and finish him off, Lenalee did decide to intervene... Though likely not in the manner that the broken man would have wished. Striding forward, she seized Magdalen by the chin and kissed her deeply on the mouth, her tongue exploring the succubus's mouth and tasting the last vestiges of the three releases that had disappeared down her throat. Pulling away from the kiss, she smirked down mischievously at the demoness as she dropped her panties to the ground, followed shortly thereafter by her dress. "You're quite right Magdalen... A man should have the chance to take a woman before he goes," she said quietly, though there was likely no mistaking her intentions by this point. Climbing over him, she gently pushed the succubus back and lowered herself down in a crouch so that her rounded ass was over the inquisitor's abused manhood.

"I've never taken a man's virginity before," she said conversationally while gloating slightly at the succubus, who had little choice but to do as Lenalee demanded if she ever wanted the sorceress to summon her again. Without further ado, she grabbed the man's member and lined it up with her aching sex before slipping easily down upon it. Letting out a moan as her pussy stretched to accommodate his girth and length, she glanced back at her victim as she started to ride him softly, but managed to keep most of her arousal from her voice as said, "I can stop this for you and let you go, but you'll have to answer some questions first~"

She smirked at him as she began to ride him in earnest, her large breasts bouncing in front of Magdalen and open to her attentions if she wanted to provide them, though Lenalee would shoot the succubus a glare if she felt the demon begin feeding on her after the hearty meal that she had provided. "How did you find out where Lila, the girl you came to kidnap, was being held? Who tipped you off? How did you know to pay off the men working for the mercenary, and how did you know who to have killed first? Tell me everything about this and I'll stop! I'll even tell Magdalen to leave you alone too!" Lenalee asked each question in rapid order as she bounced up and down on the inquisitor's still stiff rod, her folds hugging his abused member tightly and trying to pull yet another load out of him. It wasn't like she could get pregnant again, right?

After he had given her the answers, whether they were satisfactory or not, Lenalee continued to ride him, doing all that she could to make him cum as many times as she could while her bottom bounced up and down on his manhood right before his eyes. There was no mercy, but neither did she deny her own pleasure, and once she had cum twice herself Lenalee simply pulled off of his rod and stepped away as she said, "You can finish him now." She pulled her clothes back on as she watched the succubus drain the last of the inquisitor's spirit, still aroused but not willing to risk letting Magdalen help with it, though she didn't dismiss the succubus immediately after she had finished her meal either. The demoness was a useful tool in interrogation, and even if the other men they'd captured weren't as fanatical as the man she'd just destroyed they would still fear Magdalen's hunger.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 45/50, PP = 70, EP = 30/80, Status = +26 Mind, Low Energy, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

"Aw, you're taking back one of the best parts of this little gift," the succubus muttered playfully. She shifted off without hesitation, though. Magdalen practically glowed with the energy she had taken in, she was in very high spirits. And she obviously had no doubt that the last dregs of his soul would be hers soon. As the sorceress positioned herself over the abused man's groin, her demoness sank to her knees on the sideline and watched the two hungrily.

"No," the broken inquisitor pleaded as her aching sex sunk closer and closer to his ravaged cock. "Nooo-" his second plea was cut short as Lenalee's arousal-engorged lips swallowed his tip, causing him to jerk as his painfully sensitive length was enveloped in her folds. With an extra push she claimed his virginity. His formerly-virginal prick filled the woman well. The above-average size and upward bend stimulated her in a manner different to the way Mari had. And while the olive-skinned rogue had been particularly skilled, the lightning mage's control of the situation and being on top meant that she could take her pleasure in the way that suited her most.

The commander-turned-demon-meal obviously had never experienced a woman before, as soon into her motions she feel him pulsating between her velvety folds, her soft riding already turning his pain to pleasure. Magdalen began to toy with her own pussy as the mage asked her questions of the captive man. "We tracked her. All the way to this village. The mercenary helped her to slip out of our sight. Aaaah." Before he could finish answering all the questions, he convulsed inside her. The pregnant woman's womb was filled with his cum as he orgasmed again. Perhaps it was imagination, but Lenalee felt almost like the baby inside her stirred as she milked the inquisitor of several waves of his seed.

Magdalen snickered at the display. The man, whose eyes had glazed over even more noticeably, pleaded again as he recovered and the sorceress continued her ride. "No more. No more. I paid some of the men in the mercenary's employ to inform for me and remained in the village in case she came back. When the message arrived, I was told and called on nearby resources. The knight had been with her when they fled. I assumed he was the leader of your group." Every sentence was punctuated by a gasp of pain, or pleasure, or simply for air. "Thought you'd be easier to divide and conquer if he was dead. Please. I've told you everything. No more. No mooore." He came again inside of her, not nearly as much as the time before. It might have been a surprise that he had anything left to give her.

Maybe it was her domination of him, maybe it was how she had helped to break him, or maybe it was just pleasure, but Lenalee's first orgasm came shortly after. The tightening of her vaginal muscles in response to the waves of pleasure only tortured the inquisitor's pained cock further. His eyes went empty with the pain and pleasure. By the time she had come down from her high, he pleaded no longer. And when she made it obvious that she intended on reaching her peak a second time, the spectating succubus was impressed.

As if smelling her arousal, Magdalen went so far as to crawl behind the bouncing Badarian. Her hands wrapped around the woman to play with her impressive breasts. They kneaded at her soft flesh with expert motions, squeezing just hard enough to add to the experience. The sorceress's nipples were soon targets of the demoness's roving hands as they pinched and tweaked at the stiffened nubs. No energy escaped the mage, the succubus obviously didn't want to lose out on her chance to finish the meal she had been promised. The act continued in an orgiastic display with Lenalee's flesh under her summoned companion's attentions while she squeezed another orgasm out of her victim.

And it came to its climax as Magdalen dipped a hand to the sorceress's clitty and began to toy with the sensitive gem, even as all the other stimulation continued. The lightning witch found her second orgasm atop the inquisitor's cock, pulling more of his seed out in exchange. Magdalen continued to lavish her affection on the sorceress, which prolonged Lenalee's pleasure. But all fun things had to come to an end, her pleasure among them.

As she stood up from the battered and broken man and re-donned her clothes, she gave the order that would bring a less pleasant thing to an end, too. The succubus acted upon her command with gusto. No words were offered in response to her cold offer. The broken commander simply sat there, twitching in his ropes. Magdalen sunk over his cock silently. And the sound of her sinking down and slipping his length into her wet, tight depths wasn't audible, even in the otherwise silent air. But, as she slowly pulled herself up to his tip only to slam herself down to his base, the noise of slapping flesh and groan as his abused member received further such attentions could reassure all who were present that they weren't deaf.

The rest happened something like a dance.

The succubus continued her torturous motion a few times; a slow slide up followed by a rapid descent. There was a certain rhythm to it, a tempo. The motions of her waist were similar to that of a dancer. She made a half-circle forward with her hips as she ascended, only to complete the circle as she fell. The first slam came by itself. The second and third came as a group, evenly spaced in time. The third, fourth, and fifth came, closer together than the second and third. It continued like this, almost a performance, until eventually she was riding so quickly and expertly that it was difficult to see that rhythm.

And it came to a climax all too quickly for the man, as she thrust her eager cunny down one last time upon him. He gave a last prolonged groan and then he was out of sight. Magdalen's wings extended, pulling around him until nothing could be seen but his lower torso. The succubus screamed her satisfaction to the heavens. The show was kept out of sight for another half-a-minute...

And when she retracted her wings and pulled off of him, he was nothing. The inquisitor had died in her embrace. Only the whites of his eyes were visible, but otherwise his expression was very much one of complete ecstasy. As Magdalen finished standing, he laid dead with his cock still out. It was over for the misguided man, and his dignity did not survive his fall.

"That was tasty," the succubus said, obviously happy with her meal and the drip of cum running down the inside of her leg. "I don't suppose you've got a few more snacks for me?" The greedy demoness inquired.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee let out an aroused sigh as she sunk down onto the inquisitor's cock, the thrill of pleasure almost nothing compared to the sense of domination she held over the helpless man. Of course, the physical pleasure offered by his fairly impressive manhood was nothing to sneeze at either, and all too soon Lenalee was riding him vigorously, aiming his cock so that it brushing against her g-spot with every buck of her hips. She made little effort to provide him with pleasure of his own, but that turned out to not be much of a problem, as she felt him throb and harden inside of her well before she had achieved her own first orgasm, indeed even before he had finished answering her first wave of questions, but she simply continued riding him vigorously as she felt waves of his semen pour into her body. Something odd had happened within her when his semen coated her insides, but she didn't fret over it just then, not while she had the delicious sensations of physical pleasure combined with how she had completely broken the man who had only moments ago been staring at her defiantly to concentrate on.

"You came so much even after everything that Magdalen sucked out of you~ You really were all pent up!" Lenalee cooed, but then her voice became slightly more serious as she continued in a tone containing at least a hint of genuine remorse, "It's too bad you didn't take me up on my offer. This would have been almost as much fun if you'd been willing~" She went on riding him even after he started talking, managing to milk a second, albeit smaller load out of his abused member before she finally came herself, but even as she spasmed on top of his manhood Lenalee didn't let up even slightly, her spasming inner walls filling in for her lack of outward motion in pleasuring the tortured inquisitor. The very second she came down from her high she went back to bouncing, her rounded bottom smacking wetly from their combined juices whenever their hips met.

So caught up was Lenalee in her vigorous bucking that she was surprised, but quite pleasantly so when Magdalen joined in on the fun. Up until that point she had been fairly quiet, but the demon's sudden attention to her swollen mounds caused the sorceress to moan aloud fully. Her sex constricted with the added sensation of her bosom being played with, particularly when Magdalen's expert fingers started toying with her nipples, and that proved enough to milk yet another orgasm from her helpless partner, another low moan escaping Lenalee's mouth as she felt his sperm filling her up once more. When Magdalen finally started on her sensitive nub, the added stimulation proved enough to send Lenalee over the edge for the second time at long last, and as her hips dropped down once more and her sex spasmed wildly around his length, she felt the inquisitor's final eruption of their coupling erupting into her womb as well. She was, as with her first time, fairly quiet, and when she came down from her second orgasm she climbed off of him almost immediately.

She did pause to savor the sight of her conquest, but only long enough to take in the continued throbbing of his abused manhood and to repeat her earlier sentiments; "It really is too bad things had to be this way. This probably would have been even more fun for both of us if you had been willing~!" With that she turned towards Magdalen and gave her final orders regarding the inquisitor, and then stepped away to redress while watching the conclusion of the show. She watched the demon's deft hip movements somewhat enviously, but the sorceress was nothing but disappointed when the conclusion of the show was taken out of her sight, hidden by Magdalen's wings.

When the demon and the man reappeared in full once more, the inquisitor was dead, the last of his soul having been sucked from his body. She eyed the expression on his face for a moment with a smirk before turning back to the succubus with the very same expression, receiving her question and the sight of her full of the man's essence in more ways than one quite mirthfully. "Oh I plan on keeping you around for the rest of them, but I don't think they'll be quite as powerful as he was... Or nearly as uncooperative, particularly given my plans for them. But first, a few other matters!" The first thing that Lenalee did was to cast a spell removing the traces of her recent sex, cleaning between her legs and her inner thighs of the inquisitor's semen. "You are quite a mess dear, would you like me to take care of that for you? Of course, if you would rather wear the proof of your meal, I could certainly understand why~" she said, directing her words at Magdalen.

Then, Lenalee eyed the corpse of the man she had just finished interrogating and decided that she wouldn't bother forcing Lovisa or any of her companions to bury or burn the man. She would need a gravedigger. And, as such, she summoned a goblin once again, despite the poor results that such had yielded to her so far. "Move the corpse out of the way and dig a hole over there somewhere," Lenalee commanded smoothly while pointing to the edge of the clearing away from the majority of her companions. "And pull his pants up. I will grant you your reward in full myself this time. There will be no further slip ups in regard to your kind, I assure you."

Once the goblin had dragged the body aside and begun digging, she turned to Magdalen and said, "You will remain here for a moment, just on the edge of sight but not hidden." With that, finally, Lenalee turned about and called out to her companions, "Lovisa! Bring me the next one!"

Firstly, cast Clean, first level Water spell. Cast it on Magdalen too if she wants. Then summon yon goblin gravedigger.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = +26 Mind, Low Energy, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

The lewd look that the demoness gave Lenalee likely left little doubt as to what she had taken from the sorceress's offer to clean her, especially as she ran her tongue across her upper lip. She smirked and gave a teasing response. "I don't doubt that you could clean me well. Still, I think I shall keep this as a badge of gratitude. It's not often that such a bountiful yet inexperienced soul is simply handed to one of my kind."

The teasing succubus resumed her expression of arrogance as the latest in a long line of goblins was summoned. Apparently, Lenalee's past slights against the crude demons had been remembered, as the one who answered her call wasn't the most inspiring of sights. His skin was pale-green in hue and he was short and wiry with ugly features including a hooked nose and crooked, pointy teeth, not all that unusual for a goblin. What was truly uninspiring was that he had a shower cap on, a long-handled scrubbing brush in one hand, and a rubber ducky in the other, and was in the process of scrubbing his own back.

"Splish-splash, Hobb was takin' a bath," he sung in what was the most heinous crime committed on tone that Lenalee had ever heard. It took him a few moments to even realize that he had been summoned. When he had, though, he did not stand up from his seated position and instead returned his brush-hand to his side as his eyes narrowed and he watched the lightning mage with some hint of primitive annoyance that his bath-time had been interrupted. Few of her words seemed to pierce his thick skull. It was only when his summoner mentioned payment that any hint of recognition sparked in his beady little eyes. "Okay, but you pay what you owe," he announced before discarding his rubber ducky and brush and standing up.

The goblin, apparently Hobb, marched over to the inquisitor and pulled the dead man's pants up. Given that a shower cap alone did little to contain the diminutive demon's nudity, his own obscenely large manhood dangled and flopped with every movement. As he drug the corpse away, Lenalee's newest summon grumbled entirely too loudly. "Hobb was all sorts of involved in his bath-time, getting all clean and good-smelling. Now Hobb has to dig a hole and bury some dumb... dumb-dumb, get all dirty and stinky again. Hobb better get to go balls deep in someone for this."

With Hobb at work, Lenalee could issue her latest order to Magdalen, who managed to control her snickering long enough to take a position that would only barely be in sight of their next prisoner. All that was left before her next interrogation began was Lovisa's work, which didn't take much time to complete after the mage's call. The brunette carried the bound swordsman who had attempted to grab the woman in the same manner she had the last prisoner—like a sack of potatoes. He was deposited, much as his slain commander had been, in the same position that the previous man had occupied, leaving him to Lenalee's whims.

When given the word, the knight would depart once more, though not until she had exchanged a strange look with Magdalen. Afterward, the sorceress could instigate her next round of questions.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee stared blankly back at Magdalen for a moment, utterly bewildered by her lewd display. It took her almost ten seconds after the succubus had spoken to figure out what she'd meant by the licking of her lips, and when realization hit her the sorceress let out a bark of laughter and blushed. "I never even thought of that! I must be getting tired if it took me this long to catch on, but perhaps when I'm done I'll be able to indulge you~" she said with a smirk, but her expression shifted to a scowl when she got a view of the goblin she'd been provided with. Had she not been expecting anything of the goblin, the comical display of the diminutive demon with a rubber ducky and a brush, clad only in a shower cap, and complete with what was likely the worse singing she'd ever had the misfortune to be found in the presence of might have had her in tears from laughter. As it was, she was annoyed and slightly despondent.

Of course, that was at least slightly mitigated when she caught sight of the goblin's manhood, which was obscenely large even for one of his supernatural kind and looked even more comical on him than the shower cap did. Though she had so recently been satisfied, Lenalee knew that she would have to work up her credit with the lesser demons once again, and doing so on something that would fill her up was hardly the least pleasant option she'd ever had. Hobb's lack of a shovel forced her to amend her call to Lovisa, adding that she bring in a spade so that the goblin could dig properly, and after that she turned to grumble miserably at Magdalen while she waited for the knight, "Years of dedicated customership and two slip ups leaves me with this! The nerve! And after I gave you such a good meal without asking anything in return!"

Lovisa was quick to bring the next prisoner, however, and when she came in carrying the swordsman like a sack of potatoes Lenalee fell silent and turned to watch her progress. After she had dumped the still unconscious swordsman onto the stump as she had the inquisitor and handed Hobb the shovel, Lenalee said in a voice containing genuine respect and gratitude, "Thank you very much Lovisa. You may go now if you like, this probably won't take very long." The sorceress didn't miss the glance between knight and succubus, however, and when Lovisa had gone she quietly asked Magdalen, "Do you two know each other? Or was that just surprise to see another demon?"

Once she had received a satisfactory answer to that, Lenalee turned to appraise her new victim. Stepping forward, she knelt next to the bound man and undid his pants, pulling them down until they lay around his ankles. She eyed his manhood for a moment before getting up and stepping away, out of arms reach. Unfortunately for the man sitting on the stump, he wasn't out of reach of her staff, which she lightly brought up and tapped him right in the nuts with the stiff piece of wood. If anything had ever been enough to awaken a man, it had been a blow to his family jewels, and it likely didn't prove any different. Of course, if it wasn't enough somehow, Lenalee would sigh and conjure a splash of water to fall upon the man's face. Either way, she waited a moment for him to recover before she said, "Good morning~ Or whatever time of day it is! I forgot to ask your boss for his name, so I don't think I'll repeat that mistake! What is your name?"

She glanced at the dead inquisitor's body when she spoke and smiled brightly, hopefully drawing the man's attentions towards the body of his former leader. "He was quite delicious~ My friend here can attest to that if you don't believe me," she said and gestured towards Magdalen, "I wonder if you'll taste as good as he did?" She paused to smile in a suggestive manner that held light hints of madness around the edges. "So, here's the deal! You'll answer all of my questions, and whether I like your answers or not will determine who touches you and how! Play your cards right, and you might even leave this glade alive! Understand? Any questions?"

She paused to smirk at the man again, also providing a chance for him to speak in response to her initial questions. Whether or not he answered, however, Lenalee went on to start with her questioning, even though she already had many of the answers. "Who was your commander? How did you come to enter his employ? How did you find us? Do you know what your purpose was here? Are you a sellsword, or a soldier? Who did your commander speak to to learn of our coming, and where are they now?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

(Not really sure whether you want to continue upkeeping the buff spell or not, but since the inquisitor died I think it's safe enough to consider Lenalee at full EP. >.> If you still want to hold onto it, I'll replace it in the next post)

"Don't look at me," the succubus replied to Lenalee's frustration regarding the newest goblin. "I'm quite fond of our continued interactions. Who can bother to understand what drives a goblin beyond fucking and fighting?" And, when Lovisa had come and departed and the sorceress had asked her next question, Magdalen had answered; "Oh no, Hell is not so small a place." But she continued to look after the brunette as she left, a customary arrogant smirk playing about Magdalen's mouth.

She went silent and finally turned her attention to the swordsman once Lenalee herself had began to awaken him. He was already stirring by the time she was removing his pants, and his eyes shot open and his legs clenched together as soon as the wood connected with his scrotum, though there was no vocal reaction to match it. He was average by every definition of the word. His face was average, his build was average, even his manhood was average. He had an utterly forgettable face and a head shaved bald. The soldier didn't even have any sort of terrified expression to easier remember him by, simply a stoic stare.

"I am EXP Five-One," he replied in a complete monotone, as if his body was devoid of emotions. "I serve those with the mark of an inquisitor. I protect those with the mark of an inquisitor. I obey those with the mark of an inquisitor." She received one of those answers, apparently cycled through, for every one of her questions, whenever she gave him a chance to talk. With the way he prattled on in his monotone voice, Lenalee wouldn't be considered foolish for thinking him some alchemist-born contraption. But, none of the physical evidence pointed toward that. Any thwack of her staff would prove that he felt and reacted negatively to pain. His body was made of flesh and bone. He had none of the anomalies of an undead servant. Magdalen, if asked, could even sense his spirit and confirm that it was standard of a natural human.

After a fair amount of snickering, eventually the demoness was unable to contain herself. "My, my. Do you think they left him with a mind at all? If we cut his head open you might find mashed potatoes."
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee couldn't say that she had honestly been surprised by Magdalen's answer to her request for help, but frowned in disappointment nonetheless before responding; "Mmmm, doesn't hurt to ask though." Her comment on the size of Hell went unanswered as Lenalee instead turned towards the soldier whom the departing knight had left sitting on the stump. Questioning him, as it turned out, was largely a waste of time. No matter what combination of words the sorceress used, no matter what threats she made, and no matter the (admittedly minor compared to what she could have done to him) pains that she inflicted upon the man, he simply gave one of three seemingly preprogrammed answers.


Sighing in exasperation, Lenalee scowled darkly at the succubus as she made her comment regarding the state of the man's mind, having questioned her earlier on the state of his spirit after looking herself and finding it intact and whole. She could think of nothing to refute the demon's statement, however, but she couldn't even begin to imagine what the use of a man so broken might be. They had used guards of at least reasonable sentience in all of the places that Lenalee had seen the inquisition use. None of them had been like this man, at least, and she was left momentarily at a loss for what to do with him.

"Drag him over to the grave and drain him dry, he's of no use to me and it's a better option than just killing him," Lenalee finally said, and then added "Be careful with him, he's still a warrior." She paused then, however, and pulled up the trinket she'd taken from the inquisition. She'd seen signs of the inquisition before of course, but hadn't thought to look at it closely enough to tell whether it would do. If it turned out to be one, then she would hold up a hand to halt the succubus and tentatively ask the man one of her questions, in particular how he'd come into the service of the inquisitor that she'd just had killed. If he still didn't answer, then she wouldn't bother holding Magdalen back any longer.

If he was, on the other hand.... "Lift one leg," she would command experimentally, wondering if she could command this man using the symbol of the inquisition. It would be an ironic twist, using one of the inquisitions own men to do something actually in line with their stated goals for once, rather than for their actual ones. Of course, she couldn't rely on him and he hadn't been much of a fighter, but one more body fighting on their side couldn't hurt. Regardless of the outcome of her actions, Lenalee turned and shouted; "Lovisa! Bring the last two together! I want to get this over with!"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

(Wasn't sure whether I'd be able to get this done tonight or not after the 4k word post. Feels very short in comparison. >.> Sorry!)

The trinket she had taken from the dead man looked like no symbol of the inquisition that Lenalee had ever seen. Still, it never hurt to give it the old academy try--even if, strictly speaking, she hadn't been taught her craft at the academy. After halting a clearly disappointed Magdalen, she asked her question while holding the trinket in plain view. Luck was with her, apparently, as her answer, while no less monotone, carried more information. "I was assigned to the inquisitor as cannon fodder for his mission along with twelve others," the all-but-zombified swordsman replied plainly. "He has been killed in action, I await new orders."

Her command that he lift one leg was apparently interpreted as that new order, as he did so immediately and stoically. It stayed up even as she shouted to Lovisa to bring the other two over. And even once the brunette had come and deposited the two on the ground, carrying one over each shoulder, it remained up; Lovisa gave the odd sight a quizzical glance, but otherwise said nothing as she awaited further instructions. The only indication that it was only his adherence to orders that was mechanical was the slight shaking in the limb the longer it stayed up, but it seemed that he would continue following that order until she gave a new one or his leg fell off.

Further questioning, if she chose to pursue it again, would reveal that he knew little more than that. The inquisitor's true name had never been revealed to him, nor had the inquisitor's informants. He was out of the loop even for mind-wiped cannon fodder.

But, unlike the cannon fodder the sorceress had just acquired, the two traitors had a bit more sense in them. They had already awoken by the time they were placed on the ground and they were very plainly afraid. Whether it was the terrifying lightning mage herself, the hungry looking succubus, or the demonic knight that scared them the most, it was hard to say. No matter what the case, they still had the minds left to be scared. They might provide a bit more enjoyment than her last catch. More importantly, they might have some more information for her. Though it seemed unlikely that an inquisitor would share more of his plans than he had to with lowly sellswords.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Oooh, a new toy!" Lenalee said with a smirk as the amulet proved to be exactly what she'd hoped it might to the mindless man. "Sorry Magdalen, looks like this one's going to be my toy for now!" she said to the disappointed succubus as the man sat there with his leg up. When Lovisa came carrying the other two men they'd captured, however, Lenalee said; "Put your leg down and stand up." Of course, she had forgotten that he was tied up, and she hastily added, "Magdalen, would you please untie him?" That he had been unable to provide any useful information wasn't surprising to the sorceress given the state of his mind, but at least now she might find a use for him beyond feeding the succubus.

"Thank you Lovisa," Lenalee said to the knight as she deposited the last two, "If you don't mind staying a moment, I'm actually curious as to what the others have been doing while I've been out here! They haven't done anything horribly foolish have they?" Once the demon knight had answered her one way or another, Lenalee said; "Thank you for all of your help! I know you're not obligated to, but you've made yourself quite useful. I might even have to ease the restriction on letting you try to seduce me as a reward!" She smirked in amusement and continued arousal, the quick session with the inquisitor earlier having left her in a state of sexual desire that she suspected would continue for a while unless another catastrophe came to end it prematurely. Luckily, she would have plenty of opportunities to alleviate herself, she reminded herself with a quick glance at the summoned goblin.

Still smiling as she turned toward the two men that Lovisa had carried in, Lenalee spoke quickly in a mockingly excited tone of voice; "Alright you two, we're going to play a little game! You're both going to answer questions for me, and whoever answers them better is going to get a nice reward~ And whoever loses...." She glanced at the dead inquisitor as she trailed off, and then gestured for Magdalen to come over and join her. "The winner of this little game gets to leave this clearing very much alive, and gets to help me work off some of my frustrations! The loser gets fed to Magdalen like that guy over there. Of course, if you're both cooperative, I might just let the both of you live! And if you're both going to be difficult, well.... Then I guess my credit with Magdalen here is going to go up considerably today. So, do my contestants understand the rules?" The sorceress smiled brightly in a manner that might very well have been considered insane to some, and she wrapped an arm around Magdalen's waist in order to tug her a little bit closer, so that their hips were pressed together.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

(For some reason I thought this had only been waiting for a post for 2 days. I am awful at time. D: )

The succubus, with a frown, did as Lenalee asked and untied the vegetable of a man. He, without any other orders, took a spot behind his new 'inquisitor' and to the side, waiting for her to call on him. Magdalen's disappointment with the outcome was almost tangible, not that she could complain given her recent meal. Besides, it was always good to have some utterly loyal cannon fodder around and he would most likely be a bit more useful to her in that role than as succubus food.

"I wouldn't say horribly!" The brunette replied cheerfully when her time to talk came. "When I brought these two, Ren was teaching Lila how to play rock, paper, scissors. Everyone else is still talking amongst themselves." She waited with a smile as Lenalee continued. "Don't worry about it! Casilda would want me to make sure you were safe anyway. And at least this way I can bonk you and drag you back if I feel you dally for too long. I think you'll have a lot of work to do once you've spoken with her. She really wants to meet you, I can tell!" Her smile abruptly dropped as she continued. "Plus, I get a chance to seduce you along the way? I might be a bit rusty but I think I can try out some of the classics." And indeed she did, her tongue slowly drawing a line across her lips as she cast a sultry gaze on the sorceress. With a seductive giggle she playfully suggested; "Maybe later I can show you how to tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue."

At that, Lovisa dropped the subject and stepped back in order to allow the lightning witch to work her magic--the more psychological kind, as opposed to her literal magic. Magdalen stepped forward at her cue with a hungry look in her eyes, one that made the captured sellswords attempt to shrink away from her, and suggested to the frightened men; "It might be the most enjoyable loss you'll ever have." Whatever her disappointment at not getting the mind-wiped one too, the succubus was certainly in a good mood with the opportunity to take two more souls. The two in question looked at the predatory, almost gleeful succubus and then to the sorceress. It didn't take a second glance, they both quickly and rapidly nodded in the affirmative to Lenalee's question, obviously not fans of the idea of having their souls consumed by a demon and much preferring the results that might await them if they won the dangerous mage's game.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee tittered when Lovisa said that she could bonk the sorceress over the head and haul her back to her master if she took too long, allowing the comment to pass by light-heartedly despite the slight tremor that went through her at the words. Despite the knight's tone and her reaction to the words, Lenalee had seen the woman in combat and knew that she definitely didn't want to be on the receiving end of one of Lovisa's swings. If the demon knight wanted to kill her, Lenalee doubted that she would need a second swing, and there was some doubt in the witch's mind on whether or not she'd actually be able to do anything to stop her even with the full power of her magic, particularly if Lovisa was coming in for the kill. She still hadn't worked out how to get the powerful woman out of the way when she fought the priestess, and that problem was coming closer and closer to needing a solution.

"The classics are the best~" she said, and then giggled once again at Lovisa's "lesson." Smirking softly, Lenalee replied; "I learned something like that... How to get a sweetmeat out of its wrapper without breaking it. Maybe we can compare techniques? I'll be looking forward to it~" Giving the demon knight a wink, Lenalee then turned back to business and delivered her instructions to the two men now seated before her as Magdalen stepped over to her. The rules stated, Lenalee smiled as she prepared to start the game.... By pulling down her dress slightly in order to show off her cleavage while clutching at the naked succubus next to her.

Then, in order, she asked a series of questions;

"So, first question! This is just to make sure that you understand the concepts! What are your names?"

"What was that guy's name? Did you know who he was?" she said, and gestured towards the dead inquisitor.

"How did he first contact you?"

"Did you or any of the men we killed give him Lila's location?"

"How long have you worked for James and what made you betray him?"

"Are there any more men that you knew of working for that man that I'll have to worry about? Or women?"

"How long were you working for the dead guy?"

"Who came up with the plan to attack us as you did?"

"Where's the money that he gave you?"

(I might edit more in later if I think of something else)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

"I'm small Robert... Well, I imagine I'm just Robert now..." The first one replied to her initial question with an expression of uncertainty. He was of average height with short black hair framing an unremarkable face. "Guessin' that Red Robert is dead, anyway. Not my happiest step up in the world."
"I'm Jon," the second spoke up after the first. He had short red hair with a build on the thin side, with a nose that looked like it had taken ten too many punches.

From there, they began to answer her questions one by one. "Never told us his name. I swear on my granny's grave, miss.
"For what he was offering to pay us, we never asked!"

"He met me in a tavern. Offered me loads of coin in order to do work on the side for him. Talk to some of the others and get them in on it, too. So I did. I swear, I didn't realize how far he was going to go with all this!"
"Aye, I was one of them who he," a throw of his head implied that he was speaking of the man beside him rather than the dead inquisitor, "talked to. Then I talked to some of the others myself."

At the question about who leaked Lila's location, the two shared a short glance. Jon would be the first to return his eyes to Lenalee and speak up. "It was Red Robert who told him. When James got the message, Red Robert slipped off to let the dead guy know. He must have puzzled the rest together."
"What he said. Honest."

"James is a bit of a tight ass. He has all these rules. First sell-sword company I've ever been with that has so many rules."
"Man could squeeze a denarius 'tweenst his cheeks hard enough to change which side of the coin was which."
"Rules against drinking, rules against whores. I didn't join a mercenary company to feel like I was a footsoldier in Badaria's forces."
"The dead guy came along and offered us a load of denarii just to keep an eye on old James. It seemed like a good gig. At least until today."
"Aye. After he gets the report today, he tells us that we've been drafted into the inquisition, tells us that anybody who gets him the girl will get a thousand denarii bonus, and that if we refuse to help he'll kill everyone we've ever had any ties with, then us."
"I know we're sell-swords, but that don't mean I want to see my folks gutted. Between that and James, I had to choose him."

Jon simply shook his head when asked if there were any others.
"None that I know of," Robert vocally added.

"About a month, give or take. Not long after the dick and the little girl came through the first time. Didn't know she was a ladyling at the time."
"James kept it a secret from us. We didn't have anything to do with escorting them initially. Just saw the man and the girl when he came to meet with James. Had no idea it was an inquisitor we were dealing with until earlier today. Thought the inquisition was a myth to scare little boys from practicing magics, myself."

"It was all the dead one. He told us to turn on James when he gave the signal. No survivors or, like I said, we and our loved ones wouldn't be surviving either. Only exception was to capture the girl."
Robert simply nodded to confirm that his story was the same as Jon's.

"He... didn't give us all that much to start with, you know? Just a little bit at a time, keeping us on the payroll. Said we'd get the big money when his business was done. I, uh, keep what's left of mine sewn on the inside of my pants, near the crotch. Can't be too careful about pickpockets." Of course, the inquisitor had no such haul on him for payment if the group had succeeded, but what Lenalee took away from it all was for her to decide.
"I, er, spent all mine on a woman... Shoulda run away with her when I had the chance, rather than staying for one more week's pay. Mouth like a... ahem, sorry." Robert gave Jon a glare in warning, but said nothing else.

With the first round of questions answered, they nervously awaited Lenalee's judgement.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Alright then Robert... And Jon, lets see how you do in my little game~" Lenalee said before beginning with her line of questions. The first question drew a frown from the sorceress, but she nodded and asked her next. That one was answered to her satisfaction, and she let out a thoughtful hum and paused a moment, "I'll count that as point for both of you..." The two exchanging a glance caused her to scowl darkly, and she said; "Are you quite sure that that was everything? It seems somewhat convenient that a dead man was the one to indicate to my enemy where he could find me... Even if you're telling the truth, I think that's a loss of a point each~" Even so, Lenalee slipped a hand over her chest and idly slid it over the curve of her bosom, slipping it over her exposed cleavage and slowly drawing two fingers up and down over the crack formed between her breasts.

The explanation on why they had taken the job was greeted with a scowl, and Lenalee decided to correct the two of them; "An understandable sentiment, though he did lie to you on several points. The inquisition wouldn't waste the resources to hunt down your families, and they probably would have killed you whether you helped them or not. That, or made you like that idiot over there," she gestured with her head to the brainsapped man that she had collected from the inquisitor. "So, in a way, being here is a bit lucky~ You could have been killed in a far more terrible manner than getting fucked to death by a succubus! And you're both a point up for answering honestly anyway, so it's looking good that that won't happen."

Their explanation on what had happened to set off their betrayal was met with little more than a nod, but the explanation on what each of them had done with their money brought a smirk to her face. She started at Rob first; "Well, I can't blame you for taking care, and as I was going to be removing your pants anyway, I'll retrieve it in a moment." Then, she turned to Jon and said; " Maybe you should have... Mouth like a what? Don't worry about offending me, I'm just curious as to the experience that I'm about to exceed~ Assuming you have a winning answer to my next question of course! One or both of you might still end up getting fed to Magdalen! Anyway, he didn't have any money on him, so I doubt either of you have lost much of anything financially by losing."

As she let that grim bit of news settle in, Lenalee slowly reached up and pulled the straps of her dress down, fully exposing her collarbone on both sides and showing off even more pale skin than she already was. "So... The winning question is.... Did either of you harm any of my allies in the battle?" she said, her eyes twinkling as she wracked her memory for the truth of the matter, having had a good enough view to hopefully remember whether either of the two had been ones to strike at any of her allies.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)
Perception: 16

Although the curvy sorceress's teasing didn't go unappreciated, concern seemed to be the ruling motivation of the day for the two captives rather than lust. Her mostly civil, if peppered with small threats and reminders of the fate she would visit on them if they didn't win her game, replies managed to coax a bit of ease out of them, though they certainly weren't talking to her in the manner that a sell-sword would usually talk to a woman with her skin on display in the sorceress's manner. They didn't take much solace in her informing them better of the situation they had been in, either.

"Well, er, ma'am," the last word had stumbled forth from his mouth like he had said it only once in the last decade and it had rusted. "I was gonna suggest that she could take the paint off a wagon, if you catch my drift," he concluded uncomfortably in response to the mage's question.

More awkward shifting occurred regarding the matter of whether either had attacked her allies. "I suppose that depends on your definition of allies, miss."
"And fighting."
"I fought the person closest to me, then when he went down clutching a belly wound I got clubbed unconscious."
"I turned on one of the other sell-swords. We had a grudge, me and him, he cheated at cards. Soon as he went down I found myself hooked by your knight. I think she loosened a tooth o' mine while she was punching me unconscious."

Lenalee could recall the battle well enough to remember that a redhead had been punched out by her demonic escort and could remember that he was in the initial clash between James's men. There had been no other enemies with red hair on the field that she recalled, so it seemed fairly safe that his story checked out. Robert was a bit more difficult to account for, black hair had been common in the chaotic skirmish and his unremarkable face didn't help things. It was safe to say that he was the one knocked out by Jan, though, given that the swordsman was accounted for and Lovisa had been responsible for the other capture. None of this helped Jon or Robert, as they could only wait in suspense unaware of what exactly the sorceress was able to remember and they certainly weren't going to find the courage to ask her how they were doing, that was for sure.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee gave a snort of laughter at Jon's clarification, a descriptor she'd heard often enough before, occasionally about herself even, though she'd never actually tried to prove it. Their relative lack of interest wasn't particularly enticing, as understandable as it was given their situation... But that certainly wasn't helping either of their chances at survival. It didn't relieve her sexual appetite either, however, and she found herself glancing at Magdalen and the summoned goblin almost longingly. Returning her attention to the two captive soldiers, she tsked a few times and put a stop to her display, allowing her hands fall to her sides and listening to their explanations of what they'd done in their battle silently while scouring her memory for what had actually happened.

It had been fairly hectic, but she remembered that there was only one redhead on the opposing side, so Jon's story checked out. Robert's was more difficult to ascertain, though more because of his fairly generic countenance than due to any holes in his story. Eventually, Lenalee was forced to conclude that they had told her the truth, which left her in something of a quandary. If one or both had managed to appease her, the sorceress had intended on taking her mouth to the lucky winner before sending them off to James and paying off her goblin, but now... They had answered her questions well enough, more or less confirming what the inquisitor himself had said, but she was reconsidering her offer. The two of them were likely dead the moment that she handed them over to James, and she wasn't feeling nearly kind enough to put in a word for their survival at the moment, not that she even thought that her word would sway the mercenary much. She could still show them a good time before they died, but she wasn't currently inclined to do so. She might also feed them both to Magdalen, but that might be more cruel than anything else, and she was already aroused enough that watching the succubus feed again had the potential to drive her slightly insane.

Sighing inwardly, Lenalee leaned back and said; "Well, you two have done quite well in my little game... Both of you.... What ever shall I do?" She smirked meaningfully at the two of them, but then went on to say; "Your little situation offers me a bit of leeway here... I could just cut you loose, but I would catch more flack than it's worth for that. As such, my real options are to give you to my lovely assistant here~" she gave Magdalen a loud smack on the ass, "Or simply turn you over to James and let him decide what to do with you. I.... Might be convinced to give you a little reward for being so cooperative first, but I wouldn't expect to survive a talk with your former employer." She tilted her head, "What do either of you think, hrm?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

"Ooh~!" Magdalen cooed as the sorceress gave her sculpted behind a slap. She cast Lenalee a short, coy look and ran her tongue over her lips as she returned her eyes to the prisoners. Even if the prisoners weren't, the succubus certainly appreciated the effort that the lightning mage was putting into the performance. Although, as her last words sunk in, it seemed that one more had resigned to simply enjoy her displays--and his end. "Ah, hell," Jon said, entirely accepting of his fate. "Always hoped I'd die at some ripe old age in bed with a few comely lasses' lips on my cock. This is close enough. Might as well go out with a bang, if I've gotta go." This earned a predatory smile from Lenalee's summoned demoness and a short approval; "You have excellent taste."

Robert, on the other hand, did not take it so well. "Fuck both of you! I'm not going sit by and let some pregnant slut mage kill me!" He made a valiant effort to stand up, barely managing to bring himself to his feet for the ropes around him. Unfortunately for him, he was tied so well that his efforts to hop away were taking him away from the sorceress at a rate of twenty feet per hour. Doubly unfortunately, Hobb had recently finished digging the most shallow grave that Lenalee had yet seen and burying the inquisitor and was on his way back when her fleeing prisoner collided into him, not five feet from his starting point. They fell to the ground a combined mass of flailing nude goblin and thoroughly tied human, with the goblin ending up nearly crushed under the man's weight. Hobb quickly extricated himself from under the sellsword and shouted angrily at the prone captive; "Get off Hobb's junk! Hobb doesn't roll that way!"

The diminutive demon calmed down enough to heft his shovel over his shoulder and ask of Lenalee; "You want I should brain him?" In the meantime, Magdalen simply wore an amused smile at the spectacle and Jon leaned back against the tree with a sigh.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee grinned right along with Magdalen at Jon's decision, her hand still planted firmly on the demon's ass, but then Robert's reaction stole the smirk from her face... Momentarily. Watching him try to hobble off while bound only caused her to smirk to return in full, and the collision with her summoned goblin and his response to it only made her laugh aloud. "No, that won't be necessary at all Hobb~ Though, do be a dear and dig up another grave for me? Two of them, actually~ Once you've done that and we've properly filled them both, I'll see about your reward! You've certainly earned it~" she said softly, and then turned to Magdalen and smiled as she gave the demon's rear another pat.

"Magdalen, dear, would you be so kind as to assist me? I'm sure that Jon here will be quite appreciative of our combined efforts once I get back!" she added, grinning, and then she leaned forward to kiss the succubus deeply on the mouth, her tongue lashing out to dance with the demon's as she briefly pulled her closer. Half turning, Lenalee ground her front gently against Magdalen's, the hardened peaks of her ample bosom visible and tactile against Magdalen's for a moment before she pulled away slowly, giving the human who had surrendered a view of their tongues intertwined between their mouths. Her face flushed and still mere inches from Magdalen's, Lenalee spoke in a low, sultry purr; "Dear Magdalen.... Why don't you go ahead and get him started, hrm? Charm him and untie him, make sure that he's comfortable, and then give him a bit of a tease... Don't let him pass out or finish before I get back though!"

She gave Magdalen's bottom one last appreciative squeeze and smiled mischievously at her, "I'd have to punish you if you did something so naughty as deny me my fun~" With that, the sorceress parted from her summoned demoness and went over to Robert, carefully hoisting the man to his feet while scowling at him. Being referred to as "pregnant slut mage" had not done much for her humor towards the man, and she bapped him on the head twice with her staff once he was on his feet again. "If you'd prefer to be difficult, then I'll just take you to James right now. It makes no difference to me how you die, or even if you do. Note that I haven't threatened to kill you at any point, and I don't intend to either! I've merely stated that I expect your former employer to do so, and offered a pleasant send off or a less painful alternative to your execution. You know James better than I do, but I expect that he won't show you much in the way of lenience for your betrayal. Come along now, or I'll have to hit you again!"

Lenalee waved her staff threateningly, though she was unable to suppress her amused grin as she ushered the bound, hopping traitor out of the clearing in which she'd been busy interrogating their captives for the last hour or so. Any refusal on his part was met with a sharp rap on the head or shoulders, but if he tried to actually tried to strike her or somesuch then she would simply set him alight with her magic and have done with it. If they made it back to the others, Lenalee would take the man to James, wherever he was, and present him for the mercenary. "I'm done with your former employee here. What do you want to do with him?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

"Hobb doesn't even get to brain anybody," the diminutive goblin muttered. "Dig this hole, dig that hole, they say. Hobb hates holes. Hobb hates shovels. Hobb hates sexually confused bondage men." His complaints could be heard for the entirety of his trip back to the first grave he had dug, and even as he struck the earth again to add two more holes to the growing graveyard. "Hobb gonna dig a hole alright. Balls deep in that hole." Following that proclamation, his words finally died off into crude mumbling.

The succubus, in the meantime, had integrated herself into Lenalee's show well. Her tongue wrapped about the sorceress's own a level of practice that only a demoness or a siren might match without achieving immortality and an unseen level of hedonism. The mage found a squeezing sensation at her own backside as Magdalen intertwined with her, truly giving Jon a show. "Damn, why could I never get this lucky before I was about to die?" The growth between his legs showed that he was not being disingenuous.

"I thought you'd never ask," the succubus replied to Lenalee's order, her own voice a purr. "I never gave it any thought. Until now, that is," she added with a coy smile at the mage's warning. With that, the summoned demon began to saunter over to Jon, leaving the sorceress to her dealing with Robert.

The attempted escapee was about as uncooperative as he could be. It took much effort to hoist him to his feet and when she finally had, he well deserved the two raps he received. He gave her a defiant glare. "Doesn't matter which, I already know I'm a dead man. But I'd rather be killed by a man than you," he all but spat at her before going silent and simply refusing to talk to her. The walk that followed was no easier, with her needing to hit him with the staff every ten feet. If he had been able to get closer she had no doubt that he would have tried to attack her and flee, but given the way he was bound and needed to hop for every step, he simply couldn't without being within one foot of her.

A short walk that hadn't felt short at all later and she found herself at James, who was with Lochan and Edmund. She had noticed that Ren and Lila were still sitting together, with Ren trying to teach the blind girl some other hand game. In addition, she spotted that Mari had looted enough boots to never need a cobbler's services again, along with other equipment, Jan was apparently resting, and Lovisa had taken flight, apparently looking for something if her body language and the hand she was using to shield her eyes from the sun was any indication.

"I take it the other one is dead then? Hope he suffered. You can just leave him here if you're done with him. I don't have the rat and the box necessary to give him the death he rightly deserves, so I'll stick my sword through his neck and be done with him." The choice she made, of course, was up to the sorceress. Whatever the case, it wouldn't be too difficult to return to a Magdalen in progress on their remaining captive.