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Hafnium Test Thread

Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee couldn't help but smirk with glee at James' words regarding his former comrade, who was right then being sucked off by Magdalen. "I'm.... Not quite finished with him yet~" she said mirthfully, "But don't worry, he'll be dead soon enough. I didn't need this one any longer!" The lightning mage paused and tilted her head, "If you want to see this one properly punished, I could conjure up a rat for you! You're on your own for the box though. I have to ask you to take it well away from Lila and Renee either way, they've both seen more than enough death for one day."

Once the actual methodology of Robert's death was taken care of, Lenalee strode back to the glade where she had left the succubus with her last captive, and the goblin digging graves. His comments had yet to fail to amuse her, and she was almost as excited about providing his reward for such good service as she was about the end of the little game she'd been playing with the traitorous mercenary.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

"Hear that? Looks like you'll get to properly repay your treason after all." James's ensuing smile was wicked and directed entirely toward the bound man.
Unsurprisingly, Robert's own reaction was less than polite. "Fuck you, I should have slit your throat when I had the chance. And fuck her too. If I get loose I'll show her what her real place-" His words were cut short, instead turning into a muffled cry of agony, as James quickly grabbed the back of Robert's head with one hand and covered his mouth with the other before snapping out with his foot, kicking the man directly in the knee with enough force to cause it to bend at an obscene angle. After giving a quick glance to ensure that, as per the sorceress's request, Renee and Lila hadn't noticed, the mercenary man gently guided his traitorous subordinate to the ground, keeping his mouth covered in the process.

"Making more work for me by talking, dead men don't talk. Give me some cloth, Ed" he asked of the former knight, who obliged him with a filthy rag that had been used to clean his sword. The gory rag was unceremoniously stuffed into Robert's mouth. "Just hand over the rat to Ed, if you would. We'll take care of the rest. No need to fear for those two, they'll not hear anything else from small Robert here." The uncharacteristically silent Edmund seemed to agree to as much, waiting with a grim look on his face. He didn't have to wait long, as summoning the vermin was a simple spell that wasn't even a drain on the sorceress's energy. Within a few minutes, James was dragging a now-crippled Robert away from the camp and Edmund was following after him with summoned rat firmly in hand. "This memory is going to keep me warm for the trip," was the last remark that Lenalee heard out of James's mouth before they were out of hearing distance.

She was able to return to the remaining captive without issue. The scene was far from an unexpected one. Jon was naked, and leaning against a tree, one hand behind his head, the other resting on Magdalen's which was at that moment located in his lap. He had a dreamy look that was easily attributable to the succubus's chin being planted firmly against his balls and that, at that very moment, not an inch of his cock was visible; the demoness apparently had a very wide definition of teasing. The succubus pulled back with a lewd slurp, leaving a visible sheen of saliva on his shaft, but quickly moved her hand to pump his manhood and replace the missing sensation of her mouth.

"Are you sure you don't remember this prodigal woman's name?" The sorceress overheard Magdalen ask of the man, teasingly.
The succubus smiled and giggled before moving her lips to envelop the head of the "captive's" rod again, and then slowly pushed herself down to the base of his shaft with a practiced ease, a pleasured groan signaled the man's approval. Although the two apparently hadn't noticed her yet, Lenalee was free to join whenever and however she liked. She might have to soon if she wanted to have her fun before Jon expelled his spirit from Magdalen's unique version of teasing.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee did little more than raise an eyebrow at Robert as he issued his quickly interrupted regrets, and was then promptly gagged. "One moment... Get him on his feet," she said softly, and waited until James had lifted the now gagged man to his feet as instructed, and then she strode up to stand squarely in front of the damned man. "You ought to have learned some manners," she stated frankly, and then casually took her staff in both hands and slammed the lower end into his groin, much as she had to the inquisitor after he'd attempted to take the easy way out. If that wasn't enough to drop the man, she then continued with a blow to his broken leg, but whether or not such was necessary, she then casually turned to Edmund and conjured a rat.

Once more opting to keep her voice low, Lenalee said; "Don't do anything unusually cruel to that thing please. My credit in the supernatural world has taken enough of a hit lately, and I don't need some damned fairy coming after me with a vendetta for torturing nature spirits or something." After that, the sorceress spun on her heal and headed back to the clearing in which she'd left her summoned demons and their last captive, not even glancing back to watch James and Edmund go off to torture Robert to death. While she didn't truly disapprove, Lenalee herself rarely opted to inflict pain unless it was necessary, even against her numerous enemies. It had always struck her as a waste of effort and time, where she preferred to simply kill and have done with it unless someone had quite gravely offended her.

What she found in the clearing wiped all thoughts of torture right from her mind, of course, and replaced them with the ache still present in her loins. She paused amongst the trees to admire the demon's skill with her mouth for a moment, watching the contented look on the man's face even as his soul was literally being sucked out through his cock. Her pause was brief, lasting only a moment after Magdalen paused to initiate her verbal exchange with the man and a moment after, at which point Lenalee strode into the clearing, setting aside her staff as she drew near and saying aloud; "Magdalen, you naughty little thing! What ever shall I do with you?"

The sorceress strode up, pulling the straps of her dress down over her shoulders so that the only thing keeping the garment from falling off of her completely was her breasts. They slumped down slightly, her dress normally providing their support, but she remained clothed long enough to get up next to the succubus and her meal. "I told you to tease him, not gobble him up before I got a taste~" Lenalee said, filling her tone with mock reproach even as she knelt beside the succubus. "I told you I would have to punish you for disobedience~"

Placing one hand onto the back of the demon's head, Lenalee held her down onto Jon's cock even as she slipped her other hand down the other woman's back, over her bottom and between her legs. Finding the demon's sex, Lenalee slipped two fingers into Magdalen and began to pump them into her slowly, teasingly, even as she kept the demon's head down in their "captive's" lap. "So, how's she doing down there? Mag has a very talented tongue as I recall.... Is she putting it to good use?" the sorceress asked conversationally after a few moments, the pumping of her fingers having steadily increased in pace until they were pounding into Magdalen's flower quickly enough to cause her juices to spray out over the ground. Gently gripping the back of the demon's head, Lenalee casually began to pull her up and down, forcing her to bob gently onto Jon's cock while her fingers squirmed inside of the succubus, searching for the little rough patch along her inner walls that would make her start to squirm.

When she had found the demon's g-spot, Lenalee grinned and removed her hand from the back of Magdalen's head just long enough to pull down her top, exposing her ample bosom. She grabbed Jon's hand from the back of Magdalen's head and pulled it over to her chest, encouraging him to touch her however her preferred before she put her hand back onto the back of Magdalen's head. This time she lightly grabbed the succubus by her hair, causing only a tiny bit of pain as she forced the demoness to bob up and down onto Jon's cock. Lenalee's fingers pounded into the demon's pussy, their tips rubbing against her most sensitive place, but the sorceress wasn't finished yet. "Now, dear Magdalen... It's time for your punishment!" Lenalee cooed, and then she cast a spell that was meant to send a burst of intense sensation into Magdalen's core, releasing it right against her most sensitive place at that. She continued to send bursts of pleasure into the demoness until she came, albeit smaller ones that consumed none of her energy, and for a few long moments after that too, trying to prolong the demon's climax for as long as possible before Lenalee gently pulled her fingers free of Magdalen's flower and let go of her head.

The spell would, of course, be vibrating touch. The first is maximized and intensified for 5 EP, but the rest would just be normal, and it's probably not actually necessary to dock me the EP unless Lenalee's about to get ambushed or something.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

(Still sick, so this is probably pretty bad. Still, sometimes the posts must flow.)

Lenalee's staff-slap of justice (or at least of reminding him who had captured who) did as much as she'd hoped it would, sending her target plummeting back to the ground. The silence that ensued after his muffled howl of pain probably wasn't from any learned manners as much as it was that one of his testicles had probably ended up somewhere in his abdominal cavity. James apparently enjoyed cruelty or maybe a painfully inflicted revenge for his men enough that a cruel little smile graced his lips at Robert's suffering.

The former knight accepted Lenalee's rat hesitantly and with no joy for his task on his face. "Chances are if anybody comes after us for cruelty, it's going to be for what the rat does to him." The silence from the mercenary as they went their separate ways seemed to confirm as much, at least.

Her comment once she had returned to her remaining prisoner and her succubus only managed to draw the latter's attention at first, though the small step she made toward undressing afterward certainly drew her captive's attention. Magdalen's head began to slowly rise off of Jon's cock, probably to offer some quip or another. Before she could, the mage's hand was on the back of her head and forcing her to remain at the base. "Mmrph!" She protested initially. Succubi were known to be anything but picky when dealing with partners who couldn't threaten their own souls, though, and the demoness didn't seem in a rush to be the exception. The inclusion of the sorceress's fingers into the mix certainly didn't seem to hurt Magdalen's acceptance of her new situation.

"This is the sort of thing I used to fantasize about as a lad," he replied, groaning a few times at the feeling of the succubus's mouth and its noted talents. "And when I was grown. And last week." Overall, he was taking things quite well. Especially when the luscious lips on his shaft were servicing him again at the sorceress's set pace.

Her multitasking proved quite rewarding. All it took was the pistoning of her digits to make her summoned demon squirm and moan with delight and both clearly added to their captive's enjoyment as he began to push his hips toward the source of his pleasure. Even so, it was very clear when she had found her true target. Magdalen gave a sharp, muffled coo as Lenalee's fingers brushed over her subdued partner's g-spot. She pushed herself against the mage's fingers hard, almost mimicking the actions of the man she was servicing with her guided blowjob.

"Fuck," the man uttered as his hand was guided to the mage's bountiful breast. He squeezed at the soft flesh of her chest experimentally at first but it quickly gave way to a firm massage. He adjusted his fingers so that her nipple was between his pointer finger and middle finger and began to gently squeeze. Soon, his second hand had moved to join the action on Lenalee's other breast. He proved to be a very skilled lover, so much so that his careful touches and squeezes might have brought her to a small orgasm, given more time and if the mage had been a bit more sensitive to such stimulation. That and his ability to withstand the succubus's oral assault on his manhood for so long might have suggested that, whatever his earlier complaints, his sex life had been quite healthy. "Wish I'd have met you a month or so ago. I would've been giving you the candy and flowers," he suggested, though whether it was the effect of Magdalen's magic or not was hard to discern.

Things progressed smoothly from there overall, with Jon enjoying the privilege that the mage had offered him with her own soft orbs and her fingering Magdalen while repeatedly dragging her head up and down her captive's cock, to the joy of both parties. It was only when she announced that the succubus's punishment was coming that the other two seemed ready to do more than simply focus on the pleasures offered to them. Jon seemed almost intrigued, perhaps hoping to add more to his pre-death experience. Magdalen attempted to ask some question, though it came out as a muffled 'mmrph'. What she did managed to catch both off guard.

If there was such a thing as hitting the weak point on a demoness with the spell Lenalee chose to employ, she managed to do it. Immediately after the vibrations were loosed Magdalen gave a pleasure squeal intense enough that it might have even reached the waiting members of the sorceress's group. She convulsed and shook as if the lightning mage had cast the most powerful lightning spell she knew on the succubus. Through it all a copious amount of girlcum gushed forth from her pussy, threatening to flood a small patch of grass between her legs and feet and a little ways beyond.

She wasn't the only one affected, Jon was apparently getting some of the effect through Magdalen's spasms. "Fuck!" He cried out. Lenalee felt his fingers tighten on her breasts, quickly cluing her into what was about to happen. His body jerked involuntarily as cum boiled out of his cock into the still-convulsing demoness's mouth. A combination of his apparently prodigious load and his partner's mouth going slack from the mind-blowing sensations unleashed upon her saw that most of his cum ended up dribbling from the woman's lips and down her chin and his own shaft. The cycle continued in at least a dozen waves before it began to die down and his powerful orgasm finally ended in his hands falling free of the mage's chest and him going limp.

Meanwhile, Magdalen continued to convulse and spasm for what must have been a minute. At the end of it all she simply collapsed, the occasional aftershock causing her body to twitch. As she laid completely motionless she might have been mistaken for dead if the manner of her summoning hadn't rendered such impossible, that and the evidence present in her rapid breathing. For a few moments, Lenalee seemed like she might be the only conscious person left in the trio.

Only moments, though. "If I still had a reason to keep track, that one would have received five stars," Jon suddenly said, surprisingly having managed to avoid an instant death from orgasming under the succubus's attentions. Still, he was obviously weak and very much near his end. Lenalee would easily be able to rouse Magdalen if she so desired and, once she had decided whether to do so or not to, be able to continue however she desired.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Cooing with pleasure as she gazed at the two limp figures of her unusual partners, Lenalee couldn't help but grin at the stunned demoness. It wasn't often that one stunned a succubus with pleasure, after all, and it was with a smug sense of satisfaction that Lenalee knelt down and grasped the demon's head. Parting her lips, she kissed Magdalen deeply on the lips once, but then parted from that kiss and licked up much of Jon's spilled seed with her tongue. Though the fluids were bitter and salty, Lenalee lapped them up as if they were sweet ambrosia, and once the succubus was relatively clean she promptly turned away from Magdalen and grinned at the half-stunned traitor mercenary. "I hope you saved some for me.... Because I'm about to show you a six~" the sorceress cooed softly, her body shifting as she climbed out of her dress completely, leaving herself clad in nothing but her panties, which were also quickly discarded.

Letting out a lewd purr, Lenalee tossed her dark silky hair aside and leaned over her captive, putting her mouth in his lap right where Magdalen's had been not long before. Her purr briefly became a low, needy moan before her parted lips sealed over the head of Jon's cock and immediately descended, taking in fully half of his shaft and licking up the remainder of his first orgasm along the way. She stayed there, her eyes shut as she rested her hands on his thighs and apparently reveled in the taste of him, her low purr tickling the head as it poked against the back of her throat. Then, she opened her eyes and gazed up at him as they flickered softly with electricity, the only warning that Jon was going to get before his cock was subjected to the same spell that she'd used on Magdalen to tremendous effect.

Lenalee's head began to bob, slowly, as she slid her tongue up and down, dancing it across the underside of his manhood while maintaining eye contact as best she could. Every time it reached the tip, she would pause to run her tongue several times over the spot just where the tip met the shaft, and it was there that sorceress sent a pulse of pleasurable magic into Jon's cock. Each time was different; sometimes she would do it immediately and use her licks to bring him down, sometimes she would pull away as if she wasn't going to use her magic but then quickly enact her working at the last possible second, and sometimes she would suddenly send a burst of pleasure rocketing through his system at a random point. Regardless, Lenalee kept the pleasurable high going, but she never allowed Jon to cum, not even from her bursts of magic as she steadily took in more and more of his cock, until her chin was pressed against his balls and the tip of his member was firmly embedded down her throat.

It was then that Lenalee suddenly pulled off of Jon's cock completely, wrapping the fingers of her right hand around his shaft and setting up a steady rhythm of soft stroking to keep him on the edge of spilling his seed while she trailed kisses down his manhood until she hit the base. The lightning witch gave him one long lick from base to tip before darting back down and taking one of his balls into her mouth, sucking on it gently for a moment before letting it out with a pop. "You'd better have a lot left for me~" she gasped hungrily, gazing at Jon's manhood with lidded eyes as she shifted to give some attention to his other testicle. After a moment she released his ball to whimper, "I want you to fill my mouth up~"

Her words were followed by another long lick up his shaft followed by a light kiss against the tip, and her pumping hand quickened to the point that it was in danger of sending him over the edge upon which she'd kept him for the better part of a minute. That wasn't all, however, as Lenalee suddenly leaned forward and swallowed him to the base only a few seconds later, her throat vibrating and contracting as it stretched to accommodate his throbbing shaft. Bursts of magic even more intense than those she'd use earlier joined in as Lenalee started to bob, adding powerful suction to the mix as well and likely sending Jon beyond the limits of his endurance within moments. When he came, she swallowed the first burst of cum in full, taking it all directly down her throat, but then she slipped up to the tip and rested it onto her tongue, continuing her swift stroking mixed with quick bursts of magic in order to keep his sperm pumping as she swallowed everything that his cock spat up. Jon's orgasm drew a long, drawn out moan from Lenalee, sure that she'd outdone her summoned succubus for once as she reveled in the feel of her partner cumming.

Several moments after Jon had unleashed his last spurt into her mouth, the sorceress stopped stroking and opened her eyes once more, releasing his member and then slowly sliding off of him with an audible pop. If Jon thought that she was finished with him, however, he would likely be surprised when Lenalee began a rain of kisses over the head and the upper portion of his shaft, concluded when she took the tip fully into her mouth and began to suckle on it, rolling her tongue over the head repeatedly. Pulling off of him with another audible pop which she accompanied with a soft giggle, Lenalee looked up at Jon and said; "So, how would you rate me? If it still mattered of course~" As he responded, if he was even able to respond, Lenalee shifted to the side slightly, putting one leg over Magdalen's head and then settling her sex over the succubus, easily within reach of her talented tongue. At the same time, Lenalee arched her back and pressed her ample chest against the traitorous mercenary's manhood, enveloping it in the soft flesh of her chest while awaiting some response from the man.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

Magdalen didn't even seem to require any form of consciousness in order to return her summoner's attentions. The succubus's tongue pushed back against the sorceress almost as if it was a natural reaction for her, even though once they had parted and she had crawled out of the mage's way Magdalen returned to her stunned daze.

Her stripping certainly seemed to earn her captive's attention. He eyed her from top to bottom with a smirk. "Oh, I think I can provide for a lady like yourself." The words seemed to be true. His cock had not only avoided becoming flaccid, it felt almost like it grew as she sunk her mouth on it. He groaned happily as she employed her more figurative magic on his shaft. "Naya above. Where'd you learn this sort of thing? I should have spent some time there."

As she continued her ministrations, he began to gently stroke at her back. While it didn't provide pleasure in the more direct sense, his hands once again proved talented. He had a knack for rubbing in just the right way to help relieve some of the stress of her day, though not as directly as him rubbing in a few other choice areas might have. There was another, less intentional benefit that it offered her. As she cast her spell, vibrating her captive's manhood to the point that it throbbed dangerously and she thought he might burst then and there, his hand stopped. And once he had settled down enough for her to continue without risking the end to her fun, he began to rub again.

Every time she brought him to the edge his hand stopped. His actions were honest in that much. It allowed her to tease him even more safely, never running the risk of tipping him over the edge. Though, the more attention she afflicted on him without allowing him release, the more he reacted in other ways. Halfway through, he was pushing his hips toward her, trying desperately to get her to finish him off. To his credit, or the credit of Magdalen's charm, he never did anything to force her to finish. The succubus's magic didn't, however, prevent him from whining a little bit. "Now this is just cruel and unusual punishment."

The repeated denials meant that by the time she had declared her desires of him, his reply was to simply look at her with need and hope fully evident in his eyes. The talented mage certainly gave him no reason to regret either. Judging by his expression, pumping him with her hand would have been enough to satisfy him. When she added her mouth and her vibrations to that mix, she certainly coaxed what she had asked for out of him. "Oh fuuuck," was the only thing resembling a warning that the sorceress received.

Jon proved prodigious as she pushed him past his peak. The first load, copious and thick despite it being his second orgasm, hit the back of her throat with enough force that she almost had no choice other than to swallow it. The second and third strings of sticky cum held a little less velocity, but held little less relief in quantity. It continued like that, for a time that felt almost as long as the time she had spent teasing him. When he had finally finished, the mage's belly felt full. It could almost be considered a surprise that it hadn't distended any beyond the noticeable, yet still small, bump of her pregnancy.

Once he had recovered, Jon replied to Lenalee's question about her performance between panting. "Yes... whew... that was definitely a six. If any of the women I've known could have done that, I'd have settled down by now." Magdalen barely seemed to register his words or the mage's victory over her; she barely seemed to register anything. The succubus appeared to be trapped in some state between consciousness and sex coma. The state apparently did nothing to her tongue control. As the sorceress took her new seat on her summoned demoness's face, she felt Magdalen's praised tongue dart out to prod at her nether lips.

She could feel the impressively dextrous appendage teasing between her labia, though it didn't tease for long before moving to lick her clit. The mage could feel tingles of pleasure quickly building up as Magdalen went right to work. The demoness continued the motions of her tongue dutifully, apparently determining that the mage was already aroused and wouldn't need much foreplay, even as her summoner set about smothering Jon's cock between her soft orbs. "I never thought I'd be sucked to death," he lamented, with a surprising ability to summon up mock-drama given that it was literally what was happening, "but I always really hoped."

The sorceress was, once again, free to choose what to do with her captive. Magdalen's presence at her clitty was only increasing, it seemed unlikely to decrease unless Lenalee physically removed herself, and the traitor mercenary certainly didn't seem ready to complain.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

After removing her lips from Jon's cock with an audible pop, Lenalee gave an additional low, sultry moan before shifting to her second position. "Fuck killing you, I'm keeping you!" she said enthusiastically, "If you're half as good with your dick as you are with your hands, I'd be wasting you by letting Magdalen finish you off! And that load, mmmm~ I thought I was going to drown!" As amusing as she found her appraisal of the mercenary's sexual prowess, Lenalee gleefully fell back into the moment as the still-comatose succubus upon whose face she sat started employing her awe-inspiring tongue work.

Throwing her head and arching her back, Lenalee let out a low moan and leaned against Jon as she shifted, pushing Magdalen towards the spots that felt the best.... As if the succubus actually needed the help. Being a regular summon, Magdalen had likely learned exactly how to please her by now, and it showed in the reactions that she drew from the sorceress. Her brief moment of paralysis ended as she felt Jon's cock twitch between her breasts, however, and she opened her eyes and let out a sultry coo as she leaned in and kissed the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue around it before rearing her head back and taking it in both hands. Stroking it, she began to speak in a low, sultry coo that very nearly sounded like begging; "So much.... I feel full.... You got enough left for one more? Please~ I want more!"

In truth, she wasn't quite that into the man... Not yet at any rate, but the idea of getting another orgasm out of him was appealing enough that she opted to go for it anyway. As such, at the end of one of her two handed strokes, Jon would suddenly feel his member become slick, as if her hands were secreting some oily substance... Which they were. Using the same basic magic that she used to clean things, Lenalee simply used it to create a thick lubricating agent, giving his rod a soft glisten as she upped the pace of her strokes. One hand came off to coat her breasts in the same substance, causing her pale flesh to shine slightly, and once she was thoroughly coated Lenalee began to throw the occasional burst of pleasurable magic against his rod as well.

Again, however, Lenalee didn't let him waste his orgasm after all the work she'd put in to get herself all primed and ready. Leaning forward again, she gave the underside of Jon's cock a series of kisses until she was once more at his balls, and in so doing she also pressed her clit against Magdalen's mouth. Moaning, she repeated her sucking on the man's orbs, some of her conjured oil running down his shaft and onto her face as she did so, but Magdalen's tongue-work demanded that she act with haste lest she miss her opportunity. Giving him another lick from base to tip, Lenalee offered his tip one last kiss before leaning forward and squishing his rod between her oiled up breasts.

After that it was all fairly basic, as Lenalee began to gyrate like a dancer between her two partners. Her hands placed on her breasts, she squeezed Jon's member between the softness of her slick cleavage and pulled up and down with her back and hands, while simultaneously riding Magdalen's face. Allowing herself to fall fully into the moment, Lenalee moaned along with the man that she was pleasuring as she bucked up and down, but she forced herself to hold off from cumming until she felt Jon begin to throb between her breasts. Releasing her hold, Lenalee began to whimper as he sex quivered and her motions slowed slightly before intensifying, and the dam of pleasure building inside of her broke only when she felt the first splashes of heat pouring out onto her. Whether or not it was anywhere close to the size of his last release, Lenalee left her tongue hanging out and closed her eyes in case any of it should reach that far, but the sudden image of herself bent over and taking one of the warrior's prodigious releases inside that popped into her mind stole what little concentration Lenalee had. Blinded by pleasure, she could do nothing but continue to squirm between the two and ride out her climax.

After the pulses of her sex had finally ended, Lenalee pulled off of Magdalen's face with weak, shaky legs and then plopped down, leaving her eyes shut and heaving a deep, contented sigh. "Definitely keeping you~" she muttered quietly.
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Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

(Forgot his italics last post. Whoops!)

"Well, I'd like to think as much," Jon replied to the sorceress's question wryly. He seemed surprised by the woman's burst of excitement as much as he was at her proclamation that he was off the hook, though he certainly held no desire to alter her mood on either matter. He did at least look primed to make the most out of his second chance at life, judging by his rigid cock and a redoubled interest in the show that Lenalee was putting on by straddling her pet demon's face.

Magdalen, though still not completely with it, knew her way around the mage's ready pussy well. Freed from whatever rush she had been in when she fed on Lenalee earlier, the succubus's tongue hit the sorceress's sensitive spots with a practiced ease. While there was certainly something to be said for new and exciting experiences, they rarely matched up to the amount of pleasure that a familiar demoness could provide.

The tongue at her nethers felt like a slender tendril in shape as it continued its task. Its timing was impeccable. Whenever her depths felt wanting, it pierced her to writhe against the bundles of nerves in her cunny. Whenever her clit ached from lack of attention, the wonderfully dextrous appendage would lap against the sensitive nub. And, almost as though Magdalen knew that her promiscuous summoner wanted to see Jon cum before she let herself go, every time that Lenalee feared she might peak before the man, that same tongue began to tease her and keep her hanging on the edge of her peak.

Even with the demoness's cooperation, with the experienced, and somehow still dazed, Magdalen lapping at her pussy, Lenalee had her work cut out for her. Jon's shudders as she began to stroke and toy with his cock were proof that it was anything but an impossible task before her, though. The man certainly wasn't holding anything back by that point, apparently content to let the demoness be responsible for all of the lightning mage's pleasure for the time being.

Her act was certainly pushing the man along nicely, combining nicely with the physical pleasure she was providing. Between her sparing him, begging for his cum, and the subjugated sight of her as she kissed his weighty testicles and allowed his manhood to rest against her head, a strange look had formed in Jon's eyes. It was as obvious as day that, even as she wrapped her soft breasts around his shaft, he was beginning to fantasize about bottoming out in the mage's cunny and fucking her silly.

To his credit, or perhaps discredit, he was apparently not the type of man to go for broke when he had already landed himself in a very pleasant situation. It wasn't long after she had begun titfucking Jon that he closed his eyes, probably to better imagine himself hammering away at her pussy, and allowed himself to bask in the sensations. This time, a groan and the throbbing of his rod were the only warnings that Lenalee received as cum began to fountain from his tip. As if on queue, Magdalen suddenly closed her mouth around the mage's clit and began to suck.

Lenalee's orgasm washed over her even as Jon's did much the same. Even as the massive waves of pleasure overwhelmed her, she a rope of cum hit her, thankfully closed, eye. A second hit her cheek, and the third her jaw. Fourth, fifth, and fifth strands ended up on her oiled breasts. All the while, the mage was treated to unceasing ecstasy courtesy of her succubus's continuous sucking of her clitty.

By the time the mage and the sellsword had ridden out their climaxes, everyone involved was breathless. Jon was uncharacteristically silent for the time being, still enjoying the afterglow and that Lenalee had rescinded his dead-man-walking status. Any gravity to the situation was quickly dispelled, however, as Magdalen spoke up first. "Am I back in Hell? I usually don't come to with girlcum on my face in the mortal world. Not that I'm complaining~" A quick look at the supine demoness's face proved that she did have a fair amount of Lenalee's juices on her cheeks. Despite her mock complaint, she had already began to clean herself up with her agile tongue and producing a few lewd slurps for good measure.

It was only a few moments afterward that the gravedigger goblin completed his work and came back to the scene and, after looking at Magdalen and Lenalee's fluid-stained faces and pointedly ignoring the exhausted Jon, complained; "Hobb misses all the fun!"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee recognized the look in Jon's eyes when she turned her gaze up at him, and it brought an even broader smile to her face than she'd worn before. Even with Magdalen's incredibly talented tongue working its magic on her quivering petals, the idea of indulging the man right then and there was incredibly tempting, particularly if his creamy gift was as wonderfully thick and voluminous the second time around, but the sorceress reminded herself of the goblin that she still had to pay. Opting to let Hobb work out her frustrations later, Lenalee left the pleasures that might come from feeling Jon's cock pounding into her pussy for a later time and instead went along with her original plan. Even so, she simply couldn't get the look in his eyes and the imagery that it entailed out of her mind.

Bent over as he pounded into her, writhing underneath him as he pistoned in and out, her feet on the ground while she bounced onto him with her hips... She wanted to try everything in those lust addled moments, spurred on by the feel of Jon's throbbing meat between her breasts and Magdalen's tongue flicking around within her dripping flower, but at that point it only caused the busty sorceresses to rub the man's cock within the pillowy confines of her cleavage that much more energetically. The demoness earned her position as Lenalee's favored summon and then some as she tittyfucked a second load out of their last captive. It became readily apparent well before Lenalee had brought the man anywhere near another climax that Magdalen would bring her to orgasm first, but just as the lightning witch was about to dive over the edge she turned to teasing, leaving her hanging almost painfully on the precipice of orgasm. The first time that that happened caused her to grind her hips against the demon's face needily, but once she was safely down from the edge Magdalen put her right back onto it, prompting the mage to at one point mutter between moans; "Oh you fucking tease!"

Spending the entirety of her attentions on Jon dancing on the edge of cumming ensured that, when the succubus suddenly clamped her lips over her jewel and sucked, Lenalee was almost excessively loud. The mage's entire body quaked as she came explosively onto Magdalen's face, and at the same time her face was coated in a fountain of Jon's warm goo, prompting her to continue pumping her bosom over his shaft in order to milk everything out of him. Her body rolled along with the waves of her orgasm, prolonging it for as long as she could as the deep moan she'd emitted at the start became a long series of gradually quieter ones. Once her inner spasms and their accompanying sensations had come to an end, "Ooooh... Yessss...." she moaned dreamily, and the eye that wasn't glued shut by Jon's semen slowly opened to gaze up at him. The activities that came to pass as she basked in her afterglow started with the sorceress releasing his cock from the embrace of her bosom only to lean forward and swallow the whole thing to the base once more, and once her lips were pressed against his base she wrapped her fingers in a circle around his shaft just beneath them.

Drawing back slowly she held only the tip, Lenalee gave him several firm jerks in order to empty him completely before pulling off with a light pop. After adding what she'd just milked out of him to the mess of his seed already churning in her stomach, the lightning witch made a show of cleaning herself, starting with her eye and then going for the other ropes that had landed on her face. Her fingers pulled up much of the sticky substance, but she left enough on her face that going out to her friends might have been somewhat embarrassing... Assuming that she cared. Once she had her second helping of Jon's sperm splattered all over her hands, she lewdly licked it all up, swallowing everything despite the texture and the fullness of her stomach. Her oil-slick breasts came next, but rather than scoop the cum coating those into her mouth she opted to rub it into her pale skin, adding a very different sort of sheen to them.

"Maybe in a minute~" the sorceress finally stated, clearly directing her comment at the succubus that was still lying between her legs, "But for now, just stay right there!" She turned back to Jon and took his member between her cum and oil coated fingers again, bending down to give the tip another quick kiss before saying; "Alright, what you're gonna do now... Or whenever you can stand up again, is get your clothes on, and sneak off into the woods. Give it maybe an hour, and then go over to the town and wait for me there. I'll give you some spare money so you don't have to get into any trouble... Just this once. Now, Magdalen's little tricks will probably wear off of you at some point, but when they do, I want you to remember this..." She gave his member another long, luxurious kiss before finishing; "Next time we meet? We're going to go find a bed, and you're going to do exactly what you were just thinking about doing to me. Over. And over. And over." She tilted her head and smirked at him, "Got that?"

After letting that sink in for a moment, Lenalee shakily climbed off of Magdalen and back to her feet. The next part of her plan would require the man's absence, or at the very least would require that he vacate the stump that she had used for her interrogations. She would prefer that he get moving, however, as she'd prefer not to have an audience while being humped by a goblin, much as her aching loins might demand it immediately and without further thought on the matter. She still had a tiny bit of pride left! She still had her other summoned ally to deal with, however, and that thought caused Lenalee to turned towards Magdalen and say; "Thanks for the assistance Mags! I hope you enjoyed your meal~ You know I'll be calling you again next time I've got a snack for yah! Or if I'm feeling lonely.... But for now, I guess it's back to the pit for you!" She blew the succubus a kiss and, unless she had any urgent messages, allowed the demoness to return to her infernal home.

That left Lenalee and the goblin, and she turned to the jealous little demon with a wry smile and commanded; "You. On the stump. Now." Once the dirty little creature was in place, Lenalee did much the same that she had done to Jon only a few minutes before - starting with a magical oil rub that cleaned off the grim and sweat he'd accumulated while digging graves, making sure to clean the whole set before it turned into a slow, sensual hand job, and then she let out a lewd moan as her lips sealed over the tip. Goblin was most definitely an acquired taste, but while she might not admit it to anyone else, Lenalee had definitely acquired it, and it wasn't long before her lips parted enough for her to start going down, her tongue rolling over the shaft as she descended.

Horny as she was, the sorceresses made it maybe three or four bobs before coming up with a sound that was half gasp and half whine. Dropping back down and keeping the tip in her mouth, her tongue swishing around it, Lenalee quickly stripped fully out of her dress before spinning around and leaning forward, nearly putting her face in the dirt as she presented herself. Reaching back and holding her ass open in order to expose her dripping slit, she quickly said in the same demanding, breathless voice; "Your cock. Inside me. NOW!"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

"Your wish is my command. I'm looking forward to it," Jon eagerly replied following her thorough aftercare and ensuing orders for him. It took him a few moments, indeed the entirety of her interaction with Magdalen, to stand up and get dressed, but he managed it. In the meantime, the sorceress's succubus had giggled and echoed his words toward Lenalee, though the demoness's version sounded much more like a promise. "Looking forward to it~" She blew her own kiss toward her summoner as her temporary body faded into the abyss. Following her succubus's departure, Lenalee was able to count out coins and give any parting words to Jon before he was off and away.

When she was left alone with the goblin, though, he was quick to heed her bidding. The naked gravedigger scrambled onto the stump with predatory excitement gleaming in his beady little eyes. His lips grew wider as she began to clean the sweat and dirt from his groin with her magics and her hands. The goblin's smile wasn't the only thing that grew though, as Lenalee was very quickly reassured that, in the case of goblin cocks, at least, it was possible to be both a grower and a shower. By the end of her oral attentions, she could barely get more than half of his prodigious rod in her mouth before she was suppressing her gag reflex.

The smell emanating from his groin did little to dissipate her arousal. Like all other denizens of hell, goblins were well evolved to ensure that their partner's body gave into their advances, whether their partner did or not. Even though the diminutive demons weren't known for their bathing prowess, the scent of his crotch was akin to a pheromone, making the already aroused sorceress feel dizzy and deepening her excitement. Given all that she'd already been through, Lenalee was dripping wet when she presented herself to her summoned demon and made her demand.

Even if she hadn't been, Hobb proved that he would have taken her anyway. "Hobb is going balls deep!" He shouted as he almost literally leaped at the opportunity to mount the mage. The pent up goblin grabbed her waist, angled himself to penetrate the woman, and then slammed himself inside of her. The sudden intrusion of Hobb's cock stretched her wider than any partner she had ever had, and he apparently had no intention of giving her any time to adjust to the penetration.

Without any delay, he started rutting Lenalee as if the mage was a common tavern wench. His monstrous cock felt so huge inside of her that it was a wonder that the outline wasn't visible in the skin of her groin, if not her belly for obvious reasons. Somehow, even as tight as she was clenched around the invader, he managed to saw in and out of the lightning witch's sopping pussy with reckless abandon and a speed that felt like a precursor to friction burn. Yet despite his roughness, his complete disregard for her comfort, and his artlessness, the size of his manhood and his steady rhythm alone were responsible for a building knot of pleasure in the mage's very core.

It continued like that for a few minutes. The goblin rammed himself in at a force and pace that threatened to force Lenalee to kiss the dirt with every stroke. His weighty balls slapped into part of her flesh as forcefully as the rest of his body did. The noises he made sounded more akin to a feral dog than anything else. But even with any indignity she might have suffered at the hands of the eager goblin, the act was bringing Lenalee closer and closer to a climax. It didn't take much more of the goblin's aggressive fucking before she came under him, her walls convulsing around his shaft as he continued like he had before and sending her into an ecstasy that would have been hard to exceed without consorting with greater demons or faeries.

To his credit, he managed to withstand the efforts of the mage's sex to milk him for a little while longer, if only just. As she came down from her own orgasm, his climax was signaled by him grabbing her shoulders, shoving them into the earth, and a climactic roar as he slammed his throbbing cock into her one last time. The diminutive goblin proved potent, to say the least, as his cum poured into the mage's battered womanhood like a tidal wave. She felt the heat fill her womb to the very brim, and it didn't stop there. If Lenalee had been able to see her own already-pregnant stomach from her pinned position, she would have seen it expanding like a balloon. Her extended stomach continued to grow from the sheer volume of seed that was boiling out of Hobb's heavy testicles and into her belly until it looked like she was in the final minutes before birthing.

By the time his orgasm had subsided, Lenalee looked dangerously gravid. He pulled out of her, allowing a torrent of seed to escape from her abused body and offering some relief to her stretched tummy, and took a step back. With his new distance from the recovering sorceress, he raised his hands to his right eye, creating a rectangle using his thumbs and forefingers, and squared his finger rectangle over the lightning witch's orifices and the steadily growing pool of cum underneath her. "Click," the goblin announced with a readily apparent sense of satisfaction. "This is going in Hobb's spank bank!"


Once Lenalee had sent Hobb back to hell, either with a healthy dose of devil's lightning or the old fashioned way, allowed her belly to deflate back to its much less noticeable baby bump, and cleaned herself she was free to return to the camp. There she would find everything thoroughly looted and all of her companions, plus the surviving mercenaries, sitting in a loose circle near the wagon with Ren and Lila still on it. Lovisa was the only one outside of the circle, she was leaning against a tree around thirty feet away instead. The sun had made a fair amount of progress across the sky, and it seemed that it wouldn't be long before dusk.

(I was going to just go ahead and post exposition from each NPC but my head is killing me and I need a break after all that smut. If you'd like a bit more to respond to then I can edit this. Otherwise, I'll try to get a sort-of-fast post out after your next reply.)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee had nothing more to say to Jon, and as such she counted out ten coins, handed them to him, and watched him leave. Hopefully that would be enough to keep him out of trouble until she could pick him up, but if not.... Well, it wasn't the worst investment she'd ever made.

In the meantime, the mage started her attentions on Hobb... And most definitely wasn't disappointed in what she found. Once he was hard she could barely get past halfway before her gag reflex kicked in, and when she bent over for him she got exactly what she wanted. He wasn't artful, or skilled, or kind. The man she'd just sent away would almost certainly have made for a better fuck. But he was big, and hard, and rough... Which was exactly what she wanted. That said, Lenalee had known exactly what she'd signed up for, or at least had a good idea, and so when the goblin started rutting away at her upraised bottom, sending ripples of impact across her soft backside and pounding her into the dirt with the force of his thrusts, she simply took the pain as part of the pleasure and fell into the moment.

What followed was as wild a ride as she had hoped for, Hobb's savage pounding steadily building a knot within her that the witch knew would burst only when he did, her body used as nothing more than a receptacle for his seed even though she was already with child. Lenalee would never attest to it... Never admit it, not even to herself, but in that moment... It was exactly what she wanted. And so, with her face in the dirt and Hobb's balls slapping almost painfully against her thighs and clit with every tremendous thrust, Lenalee lived in the moment... And moaned like a wanton whore. Her juices came in in gushes, spraying out of her due to the powerful thrusts of her partner, and her silky inner walls squirmed and tensed, desperate for the beast assaulting them to spill its seed and be done with it.

The pent up mage was the first to orgasm, however, her body tensing and shaking wildly as he just continued to pound away at her. His endurance held throughout her own release, however, and as such Lenalee was fully lucid and completely helpless when the goblin pushed her head and breasts against the ground and roared out his climax. Though she wasn't having another orgasm, the waves of pleasure that rolled up Lenalee's spine as her body was pumped full of the goblin's baby batter caused her eyes to roll up into the back of her head. He just kept cumming and cumming.... It never seemed to end, filling her womb to the brim and beyond with liquid fire, and though she couldn't see it the lightning witch was certainly able to feel it as her belly was forced to expand in order to contain the vast quantities of spunk being poured into it, her inner walls clamped too tightly around Hobb's cock to allow even a drop of it to escape.

When he pulled out, it was like a cork being pulled from a wine bottle as what felt like gallons of the goblin's spunk sprayed out of her, until the pressure dropped enough that it was only a stream of goo that steadily oozed out of her. The loud moan that she'd been letting out ever since he'd started filling her dropped to a soft groan, a constant low whining sound as Lenalee's body naturally attempted to empty itself of the tremendous excess of fluids that she'd been filled with. The goblin's comical action and the accompanying words caused her to groan, and her wit demanded a snarky comeback. After a the second or so that would pass before a retort was necessary for proper delivery, what came out was a groaned; "I'll be looking to make another deposit sometime..." Not exactly great material, but under the circumstances....

Once the goblin was (harmlessly) returned to his home plane, her belly had deflated, and her body had been cleaned of the dirt, sweat, and cum that coated it using magic, Lenalee redressed and returned to her companions. Her recent efforts had her looking slightly haggard, as no amount of magic was going to make her look like she hadn't just had her brains fucked out, but she was hardly modest about such things anyway. Nobody was dead, nothing was on fire, and nobody was immediately begging for her attention, and as such Lenalee opted to let whoever needed her the most decide to take some initiative as she walked bow-legged towards the circle formed around the wagon. It was growing late, the sun starting to sink towards the horizon, but she didn't feel like the day was over with quite yet.

(10 denarii to Jon. How many mutations?)
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

(Just to make sure this is somewhere in posts: 2 mutations, 50 corruption, and 2 exp for that whole thing. Also, I give up on actively trying to offer quick replies forever, because it never pans out unless I don't mention it. >.>)

Edmund would be the first to vie for Lenalee's attention. The sellsword's nostrils flared a few times as he sampled the cavalcade of smells, mostly of sex and sweat and more sex and then liberal use of her cleaning magics, that the sorceress had acquired. Not that the man was in any position to comment on what had happened to the lightning mage as he himself smelled of smoke and vomit. "We've figured out what to do with Lila," he came to her side and greeted her, skipping any formal greeting. The mercenary would continue to speak as he walked with her, the sore sorceress free to decide wherever she might like to sit or otherwise rest. "James, his men, and the old man will get her back to her father. They should be more than enough to get her home intact, and once she's there then she'll be in safe hands until he figures out another way to keep her safe. As for me, I want a piece of the demon bitch. They'll set off on their path when we do ours."

Following Lenalee's reply to Edmund, whether she had dismissed him after the fact or not, Mari would be the next to approach her. A look of bemusement crossed her sharp features as she eyed the disheveled sorceress up and down, though it was only for a brief few moments before she became serious. "Lenalee, Renee and I spoke about it... and I am here to reaffirm our commitment to this. We took many travelers to a fate worse than even what we had suffered, all for a lie. We might have sent you to it and been taken ourselves had you not beaten us. Whatever happens in that tower, you have the support of the three of us," she offered with a firm nod. "According to Lovisa, we can be at the tower before midnight, and the wildlife will leave us alone for the journey. I don't fully trust her and would recommend waiting until dawn, but I would leave the final decision in your hands."

Whichever choice the lightning witch went with, all that would be left to do would be to pursue any other interaction that she might like before either going to sleep or pulling herself into the cart for the journey. The next stop would be the tower in either case, unless she had anything else that she wanted to deal with before going to meet the demonic woman with the power of an angel.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

"Alright," Lenalee replied shortly as Edmund came forth and stated that they had figured out what to do with Lila. She listened to his plan impassively, and as she found no faults in it the sorceress simply nodded and said; "Alright, say your goodbyes then. We'll not be dallying about for much longer." He would be the proud recipient of the most withering gaze that she could manage if the ex-knight so much as hinted at a suggestion that she'd been the cause of most of the dallying.

Mari was next to come to speak to her after Edmund went off to speak to his former charge and comrade, and Lenalee greeted her with a somewhat thin smile. There was no shame for her disheveled look, as Mari had no doubt heard her or her assorted partners more than once over the course of her extended adventures in the glade. A soft smile played over her lips as Mari reasserted their commitment to the cause, and she gave a gentle nod and replied; "Thank you... I just hope that I'm not bringing any of you to harm because of this." The choice on whether or not to go to the demon's tower, however, was one that Lenalee felt was one best made after some discussion first, and she gave Mari another nod; "I'll go talk to the woman in question, gotta make sure of some things first. I'll let everybody know when I figure out what we're doing."

With that the lightning witch would, as she'd said, approach the winged demoness, greeting her with a casual salute before launching right into her questions; "You said we could get to your mistress' stronghold by midnight, but as you can probably tell I'm fairly exhausted and not really in any shape for first impressions. If we traveled until a little after sunset and then made camp, would you be alright with that?" After Lovisa had answered that, which Lenalee fully expected to be a yes from the laid-back demon knight, she made a request; "Now, I know you've done this before, but... Could you reiterate your orders and your lady's offer of hospitality to me please?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Small Bulge)

Perhaps surprisingly, Edmund made no quips, and instead set to the task of sending off Lila and her escort. It was sure to be quite a struggle for him, given how much the blind noblewoman wanted to be there. Perhaps more surprisingly, following her response to the rogue Mari gently laid a hand on her arm before she could depart. "You need not bear such a weight on your shoulders, Lenalee. If harm comes to us, it will be entirely on our heads, not yours. This was a revenge that we would have wanted and even pursued even without you here, and a revenge that would have been less possible for us to see through if you had not arrived. I believe this to be true even for the blowhard," she swung her head in the ex-knight's general direction. "We would do this whether you were here or not, so do not worry about leading us to harm, because we would lead ourselves to harm with or without you. Plus, if it were just Ren and Jan then I would have nobody to peek at without feeling guilty, so that is a nice bonus." With a wink and a smile, she would remove her hand and allow the sorceress to either go or issue her own words on Mari's belief.

It didn't take much effort to find and approach the demonic woman clad in darksteel plate from her neck to her toes, and Lovisa offered a little salute and a stifled giggle back as she did so. The perky knight was, as the lightning witch expected, completely agreeable. There wasn't a wrinkle of her nose or a motion in her bright, purple eyes that suggested that she thought any differently of Lenalee for her disheveled appearance or the very likely chance that the demonic warrior knew exactly what the mage had been doing. "Of course!" She answered the first question with an easy smile. Lovisa held onto that smile as she began to address the second as well. "To be honest, I was ordered to bring you back in any way necessary. But primarily I was asked to offer you the chance to agree to a more diplomatic meeting with Casilda! It'll be something similar to a parley, and you have my word that no harm will come to your group or you from Casilda's servants, myself included, while you're under my care or inside the tower walls proper. This will hold until after you have met with Casilda and left the tower, at which point I can't guarantee anything for any future meetings. Of course, it's also void if anybody in your group attempts to harm Casilda or any of her servants. You'll also be given bedrooms, bathrooms, and have full access to anything the kitchen can cook while you're in her care."

The corners of her lips began to pull downward into a slight frown as she continued, apparently believing that the mage's request had stemmed from trust issues. "It's probably hard to trust her, I know. It's not like my kind hasn't earned its reputation for cruelty, you probably know that well as a demon summoner. Even Casilda and I were on the receiving end of the abuse of our higher-ranking kin at one time..." It was as if a dam had been opened, and the words began to spill out of the normally upbeat knight's mouth like a waterfall. "But Casilda is different, I swear it! There have been some mistakes, I know, and several people have suffered for it, but she's trying to do the right thing. She's trying to make something greater! That's the reason she needs you. We need you! You could be the missing piece in creating the world that we've both dreamed of for so long. If you can just trust us for long enough to attend the parley. Please," the powerful knight practically begged the mage, even going so far as to softly clasp onto her hands.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Mari's brief hold on her and the words that followed did a bit to comfort Lenalee, though in truth she wasn't actually that distressed by it. She offered the accented rogue a soft smirk and a wink in return following her suggestive comment, and said; "Been peeking at me have you? I think there might be some punishment coming for one so naughty~" She gave the woman a pat in return, and though that pat was directed against someplace no less suggestive than her last comment the mage's voice became fully serious as she added; "Thank you, Mari. I wouldn't want to do this on my own."

Turning then to Lovisa, the demon knight's reactions were hardly surprising.... At first. She rolled her eyes at the woman's recitation that her orders had been to simply retrieve her at any cost, though mentally she was very glad that she'd gone with a more peaceful solution with the knight. Having to fight the powerful knight was something that Lenalee was rapidly coming to dread. The knight's frown made Lenalee slightly nervous, but the sudden outpouring of words that followed left the witch at a loss. It wasn't mere affection or loyalty that the knight held for her lord; it was adoration. Maybe even love. She'd been hoping that she might convince Lovisa to betray her mistress if it came to violence, but seeing her adoration now made it increasingly clear that none of the empty platitudes about the demon's actions being wrong that she might have used would work on Lovisa.

The demon knight was not only bound by her honor, but her emotions, and that was a bit more than the mage was prepared to deal with. For a moment Lenalee simply frowned back at Lovisa, her hands lightly clutching back at the demon's touch, but then she said; "I fully intended to go to the parley with your mistress, Lovisa. I'm just trying to make sure that I don't walk into a trap. As you've said, your race has well earned their reputation, and while it'd be nice to trust you at your word, it's not just my life and my soul that's on the line here. I'm willing to trust you, but in turn I need you and your mistress to trust me. Unless I find that harm is going to come to me or my friends, I'll keep as civil as I can while in the company of your mistress." She gave the knight's hand a gentle squeeze as she lied; "I won't start a fight if I can help it, and if I see what Casilda's doing and agree with it, I'll help you as best I can."

Her promise to the Heretic, the daemon who'd almost consumed her, rung through her mind, but Lenalee kept her expression sincere as she released Lovisa's grip. "For now, let's just get going. The sooner we get this over with, the easier I'll sleep."
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Noticeable Baby Bump)

"Thank you," the knight replied earnestly. Lovisa apparently lacked the ability to see through the deception inherent in the sorceress's words. Afterward, she would nod and let go of Lenalee's hands in order to aid the others in getting ready to get moving. Before a fraction of an hour had passed, they were able to be on the road. The doll of the inquisition that Lenalee held the key to would also come along, provided she didn't expressly bid it to stay behind. After a few muttered farewells, the blind girl was terribly unhappy to be leaving, Lila's escort would head off in the opposite direction of the one that the mage's group would be going. The brainwashed man, Lovisa, Mari, Edmund, and Jan did the job of moving the cart. Ren, being weaker and less able to help them out for any extended period of time, and Lenalee, given her quickly rounding belly, were set to ride inside the cart.

Sometime during the trip, Lovisa would take up pushing the cart from behind. "Do you mind if we talk while we move?" The demonic knight asked the lightning witch, and assuming there were no objections or halts, she would do just that. "I think that if you knew more about how Casilda and I have lived, you might better understand what we're trying to do and not distrust us so much. You're a demon summoner, aren't you? You probably know as much about Hell as any mortal would, without opening a gate and traveling there themselves in the hopes of earning the favor of one of the lords and ladies. If so then you know what it means for me to say that Casilda and I were like sisters despite not sharing blood."

"We were born of different parents, my mother was royalty, my father too, but she died in the birthing bed. It was assumed that it was an assassination, for reasons that you can probably guess, and as there was no effort to investigate it, it was assumed that it was my father who ordered it. Since he himself was powerful, more powerful than any who had anything to gain by avenging my mother, nothing became of it," she stated matter-of-factly. "By the time I had matured, my views were not met with approval by my father and so I was banished to the lowest rung of the hierarchy in his house, which is how I met Casilda, whose own mother had met with her end at the hands of a hellfang."

"Casilda was different, so different that it was a surprise she had even survived. She truly believed that demons didn't have to live in such an unforgiving manner, and that humans were but demons who ought to be helped to the next step in their evolution rather than murdered. It was so strange for me, who had harbored similar feelings but never been as brave as Casilda in professing them aloud, who had played the games of my father and raped my own siblings in order to establish my dominance over them." A strange smile crept across her face at that. "In Hell you might have a thousand lovers, and you might take a thousand more by force, all in a year, but from the time you are born to the time you are killed your odds of finding a genuine friend are very slim. Casilda was my friend--is my friend."

She sighed and frowned. "But Casilda was weak in all the ways that matter to my kind. Her mother was considered barely a step above a goblin. And when my lord found that she and I would actually spend hours talking about her ideals, he found a way to torment both myself and her. He would give her to his hounds and force me to watch while he cackled and jeered her about how her mother had died. I have one half-sister born of her, as well. I should have tried to stop him, but I was too weak at the time, not even a knight yet."

"I think that is why we were sent in the first waves of the last invasion of your world. I was given a small group of veterans to lead and she was given fresh goblins. I think he expected that she would die and that he would be able to torment me over it. I managed to capture a faerie knight, which is how I ascended," she guiltily admitted. "Casilda somehow managed to survive though, and by chance we met at a forward outpost for our kind in Artmirst. I was so relieved to see that she was making it, but it turned out to be our poor luck when an angel attacked the outpost."

"I was mortally wounded and ended up breaking and routing, despite my new status as a knight, after I watched Casilda get buried in a hill of the demons that the angel had slain without even breaking a sweat. Soon after that our queen was presumed killed at the hands of mortals, and our god was slain by a being so powerful that I fear to speak his name or title lest he notice my existence. My kind was broken and squabbling to see who would succeed the queen, and I was broken and believed my only friend to be dead in the mortal world."

"Except she wasn't. A year later she had somehow returned to Hell, and she was more powerful than ever. She came preaching of a new path and a new world. She called it Eden. She spoke with such conviction and clarity about her ideas of converting the humans into their own immortality and living peacefully among them that even my kin listened in the wake of our god being eaten. And when my father tried to stop her, she simply killed him. Before any of the other lords and ladies could even retaliate as a means of grabbing the vacant seat of power left by my father's death, she had taken all of us who had been willing to follow to your world. And then she showed us the gem, the source of her new powers, and set about giving us each a taste of what it could offer us."

"But," she added darkly. "we quickly learned that it couldn't be used to allow for humans to ascend to demonhood without fully warping them first. Unfortunately, not all mortals have the strength of mind not to break when their bodies and souls are subjected to such magics. Even fewer still have survived our efforts to transform them into true demons. The human village was a true tragedy... But she spoke to me and said that the gem had sent her a vision that with your magic and powers we could overcome our current limitations, and you're coming now so surely we'll be able to succeed in the future..." By the time she came to that point in her story, darkness had set for quite some time. Before she could continue, Mari appeared. "Lenalee, there is a perfect clearing to camp in up ahead. Ready to turn in for the night?"

Whatever Lenalee chose to do next, she would be able to ask any questions or make any comments she might like to on Lovisa's story.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

After bidding her goodbyes to Lila, Lenalee sat in the back of the cart somewhat grumpily. She knew why, and even agreed with the reasons for it, but being sidelined still irritated her, and it would make things more difficult if they were ambushed. Particularly if the wagon was set on fire. Still, there was no use complaining, and so Lenalee did the only thing that she could do; sit in the rocking wagon with Ren and wait. The day gradually started coming to a close, but as the sun started to set, the sorceress found herself looking at Lovisa as the demon knight walked behind the cart.

"Not at all. You look like you've got something on your mind," Lenalee replied evenly, sitting up and resting on her legs as she oriented herself to face Lovisa, devoting her full attention to the knight. She listened almost impassively to what followed, save for the points during which Lovisa gave description to the sort of life her kind lived in Hell when Lenalee adopted a sympathetic look. Inwardly, however, the witch's appraisal of the knight's loyalty to her mistress only rose. The pickle in which the sorceress found herself certainly wasn't made any simpler by the knight's tale, particularly given that Lenalee almost wanted to believe in Casilda's good intentions herself. It would be incredibly easy to simply fold out of making decisions when she arrived in the demon's demesne, but while she wasn't exactly the type of person to be most interested in morality, Lenalee had long ago had enough with people making decisions for her. The parallels between her younger years and those of Lovisa and Casilda were striking regardless, however, and the sorceress couldn't help but be at least slightly moved by what the knight had said.

She'd been down that path with the Inquisition, and had fought it tooth and nail then. Knowing the end results of Casilda's actions, particularly given what she knew about the daemon in the gem that was the progenitor of her empowerment, Lenalee didn't really see surrender as an option. Like it or not, it was almost certain that she and Casilda would come to blows, and only one would emerge from that alive and possessed of their own mind. For a moment Lenalee thought of asking the Heretic for help, but she dismissed it off hand. Contacting the daemon was on her to-do list for tonight, but relying on any concrete help from the bound being wasn't likely to result in anything useful beyond what he'd already promised, if he could even deliver that much.

"Thank you Mari, this is as good a place as any to stop for the night," Lenalee replied when the corrupted rogue made her brief appearance, and then turned back to Lovisa and heaved a deep, tired sigh. The knight's story had been more tiring than the journey, but Lenalee opted to reply to it anyway; "I've never been to Hell, but I've been somewhere that was close to it as you're likely to find on this world. I know what it's like to have no choices, and I know what it's like to have a friend when you're in a place like that. If you were listening in while I interrogated that Inquisitor, you've probably got a good idea about what being in the hands of the Inquisition was like and what I went through there." Lenalee paused momentarily, eying the knight's reaction to that statement. She'd said some fairly incriminating things to the man where the demon knight and her mistress were concerned, and if she suspected that Lovisa had somehow listened in on that conversation it might change a great deal, even if she didn't admit to it outright.

"I've got a good idea of what it's like to have shit for parents and to watch a friend die when you can't do anything about it," she began again, leaving out the part where their stories diverged somewhat - Lenalee hadn't ever broken down in the face of her oppressors or left the girl that she'd been next to to die.... And Lenalee hadn't miraculously gotten her friend back from the dead. "What you're trying to do to my kind is obviously done with what you believe to be noble intent. That much is obvious given the conviction with which you spoke, and I'm sure that if Casilda's charismatic enough to convince a bunch of demons to give it a shot, that she believes it just as much as you do.

"The problem is, the ends don't justify the means. You don't make someone better by breaking them first, and if you do what you did to that village to the rest of the world you'll be committing genocide. Maybe with my help you can find a different way of going about it - I wouldn't bet on it, but I guess it's possible - but that doesn't erase the people you destroyed to get there. And if you're willing to do that to make us "better," how are you any different from the rest of your kind back in Hell? Is being raped into a broken mess by someone that thinks they're helping you somehow better than having it happen out of sheer cruelty?

"The intentions are immaterial if the results are the same. It's the same logic that the Inquisition tried to drill into my head; that it's okay to torture and brainwash people if it makes someone else safer. That it's okay to crush a person's will like they did to that poor fuck outside if it's for the "greater good" as they'd put it. But... There isn't a greater good. I've done my share of terrible things, and some of them were done for reasons that were perfectly valid at the time. That doesn't make them any less monstrous, and when I realized that I kind of fell out with that whole way of thinking. I really don't want a fight out of this, and I do intend to keep an open mind... I'm going to listen, just like I promised, but as cheesy as this sounds, I can't just stand by and let her hurt people if a better solution can't be found. Hell, right now the best idea I've got is trying to convince her to lay aside the gem. Sometimes, the best use of power is not to use it."
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Noticeable Baby Bump)

"Sorry, I didn't hear any of your conversations with the prisoners. I had assumed you didn't want me to," the demoness replied candidly. Beyond that, she was silent as Lenalee spoke. Lovisa repaid the mage's politeness in listening to her own story by not interrupting the lightning witch's words and listening intently to Lenalee. By then, the rest of the group had begun to set up camp, though some grumbles of opportunity came from Edmund regarding the knight with superhuman strength who wasn't helping them out with the menial labor. The demoness's expression became an impassive stare when the pregnant mage began to talk Casilda's ends not justifying the means, though it was impossible to tell what was going on in the dangerous knight's head.

As soon as the sorceress concluded, however, Lovisa spoke up without hesitation. "I know," she replied simply. "Every death cheapens our cause, and what's the point in a hundred dying so that one can attain immortality and greater power? Even my father would blanch at that ratio, at least if he were weighing it for his underlings. In the old days, Casilda would have never even accepted it even if the numbers were reversed. What's more, she never would have used such a painful process, and she certainly wouldn't have used it on the unwilling..."

The knight shook her head, as if to clear the thoughts from her head. By the time her eyes met Lenalee's again she had taking on an almost pleading look, though it was anyone's guess as to what exactly she might have been pleading for. "It is not my place to question her or to have misgivings about this... It was her who stood boldly and proudly for her beliefs in Hell even when she lacked the power to defend herself against the inevitable backlash, and I the one who played along in the hopes of gaining the strength in order to make a stand for my own. And when I gained that strength it was I who abandoned her beneath a pile of corpses in her time of need, while I trembled in in fear with every step and had nothing but self preservation on my mind. No matter my concerns, now that I've been given a second chance... I owe her my loyalty. But maybe you'll be the one remove the darkness that's staining her efforts, or at least to convince her..." With another shake of her head, followed by a sudden nod toward Lenalee, the knight swiftly turned and began to walk with no apparent direction in mind beyond away from the camp.

A few minutes later, assuming the mage hadn't attempted to pursue Lovisa, Mari would stop at the cart and grab a bundle of blankets, both actual blankets and tattered cloths fashioned into such. By then the camp was more or less ready for the night. A campfire roared, although only after there had been a bit of debate on whether it was a wise idea or not since they had no food that required cooking and they were in a demon infested forest. "It is a good thing that I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to this sort of thing, our traveling group has grown quite a bit," she said with no small hint of awkwardness in her tone. "Lenalee, it might be best if you sleep in the wagon. You can use some blankets for a bit of cushion. And if you need anything you can simply call on me and I will see what I can do." The source of her increased concern for the sorceress was fairly obvious, as by the end of the trip Lenalee's belly had grown such that her clothing was a fair amount tighter and it was impossible to hide from anyone that she was pregnant.

But Mari wouldn't push the matter or the conversation and if she was dismissed she would rejoin the others, which would allow Lenalee free of distractions for long enough to finish whatever else she had planned for the night.
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee nodded and smiled slightly at Lovisa's candid answer. It was what she'd suspected, and she felt as if she could genuinely believe the demon knight, so she let the matter drop without further comment on her part. Her reply to the witch's line of reasoning genuinely took Lenalee by surprise, however, both for the passion with which it was spoken and for the revelations that they offered. So Casilda wasn't her usual self anymore? Interesting.... Maybe recruiting the knight wasn't such a lost cause after all. When Lovisa stopped and simply turned away, Lenalee rose to follow her, but in her current state she didn't move very quickly, and likely couldn't have kept up with the knight if Lovisa didn't allow it. The moment of privacy offered by the woods if she did manage to catch up to the demon was something that the mage welcomed, however, and Lenalee gently placed a hand onto Lovisa's armored shoulder in order to bring her to a halt as she said; "Lovisa... Wait."

Assuming the knight actually listened, Lenalee began to speak, delivering her next few words softly but quickly in a tone resonating with genuine sympathy; "I know this isn't easy to hear, and that you probably don't want to hear it from a stranger either, particularly one who's given you no good reason to be considered trustworthy, but.... I think there's something wrong with your friend. And I'm willing to bet that I know what it is too. The gem that she found is an item of incredible power, and things like that usually have a will of their own. I can't be certain without seeing for myself, but it's possible that it's.... Changing her. And from what you've said, it doesn't seem to have been for the better so far. I'm not going to ask you to side against your friend, but just keep that in mind when she and I talk. See for yourself whether she's the person that you know still."

With that, Lenalee released Lovisa and stepped away, and unless the knight said or did something that required a response from her, the sorceress silently returned to the camp. Smiling slightly at Mari as she spotted the rogue grabbing blankets from the wagon, Lenalee headed for her with intentions of helping her unpack what was needed, and she let out a slight laugh despite the woman's awkwardness. "Yeah, I suppose it has! I'll try to keep the recruiting to a minimum next time we end up on a crazy adventure and set out to fight a powerful demon lord~" she said, rolling her eyes as she delivered the last bit, and to the woman's concerns about her growing belly she simply said; "Yeah.... Heh, I guess I don't mind not having to rough it quite so hard with the rest of you slobs! I've gotta get some food in me before I go to bed though."

With that the sorceress would proceed to the camp fire, where she would promptly plop herself down next to Ren. "You made any progress on helping Jan? Things would go easier for us if she were more... Lucid," she asked softly, keeping her voice down so that the others wouldn't overhear her. That was her primary major concern for the night after seeing to Lovisa, at least among those that were actually physically there with her, and after eating and taking whatever chance she could get to tease Edmund, Lenalee departed from the group, ostensibly for bed. What she really did after climbing free of the wagon, however, was pull out one of the gems she'd acquired from the knights and Dreadbeak. Holding the gem, the edenheart that had been within the goblins body in her hands, Lenalee closed her eyes and gave a silent call.... 'Heretic.... Heretic.... Can you hear this? Or.... Whatever?"
Re: Hafnium Test Thread

Lenalee: HP = 50, PP = 70, EP = 80, Status = Fine, Pregnant (Noticeable Baby Bump)

The mage did manage to catch up to the demon knight as the latter slowed when she realized that the pregnant woman was following her, and Lovisa did turn and listen to her. Whether her sentiments took hold in the woman or not was hard to say, as she wore a stony mask as Lenalee offered her words. When it was all said and done, however, she received a brief, professional nod before the demoness turned and calmly walked off into the darkness of the woods. She received much the same from Mari after she had returned to the cart, though the nods were more awkward and were accompanied by short, forced laughs before she walked toward the fire alongside the sorceress in order to spread out the ragged blankets.

"It's going to be a busy night," Ren replied at Lenalee's question after the lightning witch had taken a seat by the fire. "I can't promise a miracle or anything, this will take time, but she'll be better every day." Afterward Mari brought them food in the form of trail rations, though Edmund was left to get his own. The arrogant former knight was solemn that night and didn't even complain about the rogue overlooking him, and there weren't many openings to get in a joke at his expense. There was at least one chance, when he stumbled on the way back to the campfire with his own food and ended up in an improvised combat roll to keep it from ending up in the dirt, but beyond that it was like the wolfish man wasn't even with them that night. Most everyone was silent and thinking hard about the coming battle except Ren, who cheerfully recounted a few anecdotes from her days in the academy.

"... and once we'd gotten the floors mopped and made a few batches of morning after potions just in case, we started etching the jars so it was harder to switch the labels." The rest of the group had lost their appetite to her last story, and so most began to prepare for bed and left Lenalee to do the same. She was allowed to return to the wagon without question and retrieve the edenheart, the only thing that had remained when Dreadbeak had exploded. She did not wait long after beckoning to the sealed daemon to receive her answer.

Yes, mortal, a voice in her head replied impatiently. It was the same voice he had taken in humanoid form, which while still an unsettling rattle was less unsettling than his more monstrous form's 'voice'. I had expected that after so many centuries of daemonhood that I would at least be called upon within a ring of bone dust, or wolf blood, even wafer crumbs, but I am here regardless. Why have you called me?