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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force and Konpeito)

Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 99/108, Status = Lightly Injured

There didn't seem to be anything else of value in the basement on a cursory glance, though there was a rusted grate leading into a dark passageway on one side of the room and a set of wooden stairs leading upwards on the opposite wall. There were no clues as to what the copper crest might be beyond the obvious use as an ornament.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice looked over at the dark passageway as she searched for any other sources of light, "Well, I have no idea what this does... but I do know that I have to find a power source or else... and well, what better way to start than an ominous tunnel leading to somewhere I can't see?" With that, Alice started heading towards the passageway, trying to see how far her elfish senses would allow her to see.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 99/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Proceeding down into the dark passage, it turned out that Alice's vision didn't get her far. Fortunately, there were cracks in the ceiling of the next chamber, allowing the elf to see a ways ahead, albeit not well. Stepping into the next chamber with her animated doll following along behind her, Alice stopped at what seemed to be a four way intersection, a way going in every direction from where she stood. After pausing for a moment in the dark, rubble-strewn passage, Alice heard a soft scuffling noise from down in the right-hand passageway, followed by silence.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Stopping her movements slightly as she heard the shuffling, the dollmaker waited for a few minutes, before sending her doll ahead as she walked in the direction of the sound, not saying anything herself as she readied herself to take a bit of her own soul and blast the hell out of whatever it was if it even appeared a little hostile... she wasn't going to allow what happened last night to happen again!
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 99/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Perception: Success.

Sending her doll ahead of her into the tunnel to the right, Alice proceeded a short ways into the dark before the scuffling sound repeated itself.... And a pair of red eyes appeared in front of her at about knee level. Her eyes adjusted to the dark enough for her to make out a vague shape... A vague ratlike shape, and a soft shriek sounded a moment later. And then, the one pair of eyes became two, and then four, and then eight as a small chorus of similar noises returned the call of the first overly large rat.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice initially took a worried step back in worry, then frowned, it was only rats, and she already had one doll out, she quickly moved her hand in a sweeping motion, briefly wondering why there were rats here, then realized this was probably connected to some kind of underground sewer way. Or something. Regardless, she decided to blast the hell out of the rats.

(5 EP into Energy Wave in a way that would cover all the rats)
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 99/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 4 = 9 * 5 = 45 damage.

Alice gains 2 exp.

The darkened tunnel was lit up as if by direct sunlight as Alice called upon her powers, unleashing a wave of energy over the rats that disintegrated most of them, and the rest quickly fled rather than face the spirit wielder's wrath. In the midst of their ashes, Alice spotted something shining in the dim lighting.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice reached over to pick up the shiny as she looked around a bit more, trying to figure out whether there was anything else out there as she tried to make sure that she didn't get ambushed like the previous night. She kept her doll afloat near herself for backup just incase, however, "What's this? Must've been eaten by one of those rats..."
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 99/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Lifting the shiny object, Alice realized that it was a coin, and in the midst of the ashes she found a handful more. Nothing came forth to harass her, and a short ways ahead was a passageway leading to the right. The rats had retreated that way.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Keeping her doll floating in front of her, she pocketed the coins into her bag and continued on her way, she decided that even if there wasn't going to be what she was looking for over there, there could still be more coins, and more coins meant that if she couldn't find what her teacher told her to look for, at the very least she could get onto her way of buying it...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 99/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Counting the coins as she pocketed them, Alice gained a total of eight denarii. Her doll leading, Alice was faced by a black void, her vision blocked completely by the utter lack of light down here. Unless she found a light source of some sort, she wouldn't be able to go further down this passage.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice puts a small amount of energy into a blast of her soul as she tried to squint into the darkness, hoping that the suddenly burst would be enough for to spot if there were any old lanterns laying around, and perhaps even something to light it with! She wasn't sure why she was heading down this deep and very dark path, there didn't seem to be any obvious advantages, but at the same time, she reasoned that if there was something rare down here, likely, given the state of this place, it was hopefully not taken. Still, she realized it wasn't the time ot think about that as she released, her energy, trying to find a light source in the sudden last.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Lightly Injured

The blast that she issued allowed Alice a brief moment of sight, and in that time she didn't see any lanterns. She did, however, spot a few pieces of rotted wood that she might be able to use as a torch. Picking it up, she lit it with magic and was provided with a dim, sputtering light that allowed her to see a bit farther. The tunnel ahead of her ran down into a dark area that smelled exceptionally foul, and after a moment Alice would spot the pool of stagnant water sitting in the middle of the chamber. A narrow walkway surrounded the pool, and bridges spanned over channels that ran in three different directions, two of which sloped up while the third sloped down. Walkways ran along each way, easily reachable from where she stood in the entrance, and the only detectable difference between going forward and going right was their directions from her current location, while left led down.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

"Well, you know what they say about dark pits... it's either going to lead me to treasure, or mole people! And mole people don't exist!" Trying to keep herself in high spirits, she began to walk further down, she had a few more raw materials in her bag for making dolls, and she would rather not burn that, for now anyway. Careful with her steps, she picked up the pace slightly, wanting to travel as far as the wood would help her for, hoping that there would be a more durable solution along the way...
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Lightly Injured

The torch burning to light her way, Alice proceeded down into the darkness of the sewers, heading left from the intersection at which she'd found herself. The path went a long way, the trickle of water rushing along beside her, until she arrived at another chamber. This one had a pool in the center with grating running over it, with water running off in three directions, all pointed downward. The tunnels were wide and had grating over the water to keep her (or anyone else) from falling into it, and none had anything to recommend them over the others. Oddly, there was also a metal door sitting in the wall, closed.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Walking up to the door and trying to get the torch down somewhere near where she thought it would swing open, Alice tried to feel around the door, "Well... at least with this door, hopefully I'll have a lesser chance of falling down somewhere that I can't get back up! I hope!" With that, she dug in deep and grunted as she pulled, trying to get the door open.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 35/40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Lightly Injured

Perception: ???

Pulling open the old rusty door with some effort, Alice's torch revealed a room that looked like an office, containing a desk with nothing on it save for a binder and a grimy metal bobblehead of a skeleton, a bookshelf containing a number of similar binders on most of the shelves and a series of books on the top one, a door on the opposite side, and another door marked; "Exit" on the right-hand wall.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Walking up to the right hand wall, Alice decides to try to see if the door that said exit was truly an exit, and whether it opened or not, "Well, even if I don't want to leave yet... having some way to get back out without having to trek all the way back would be nice..." She muttered to herself as she got ready to open the door, decided that she would check out the binders and such afterwards. As well as that very weird bobblehead.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

Alice: HP = 40, PP = 42, EP = 98/108, Status = Fine

Yanking on the door, Alice found that it was locked, or at least stuck so bad that she couldn't pull it open. The binders on the bookshelf proved to contain nothing but records about the upkeep of the sewers, holding little of apparent interest upon initial inspection. The bobblehead was of a skeletal figure in a cloak, and beneath the caked on layers of grime from the foul sewer air the metal still gleamed.
Re: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Loli Defense Force)

"What a gaudy little thing, oh well, it might be of some value, or maybe it'll even contain a little bit of magic!" She told herself as she reached over to grab at it, planning on taking it then checking out the other door in the room, "I can't believe anyone ever actually worked here... this place is disgusting!"