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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Hmm... looks like she's been thorough here. All these traps would obliterate most unaware on-comers in short order..." Tomoe thought as she paddled through the shallow water at points. The riverbank inspection soon revealed her clothes, which were hardly away from the resting point. Shaking her head at the alraune's laziness, the shrine maiden moved to retrieve them fast before they would somehow go farther down the stream. Given the amount of bad luck there had already been, it wouldn't surprise her any more.

Back on dry land, the miko ruffled her clothing straight, considering trying to get them dry somehow or simply going with them in this condition. It might be a bit silly and somewhat embarassing with the cloth clinging to her form. Still, it might be the better option here.

But the clothing consideration was cut short as a sudden alertness springed Tomoe into action. Within a second, her hand had found it's way onto Kuchinawa's hilt and drawn it, a swish through the air cutting at the incoming thing. It might have been a better course of action to dodge it though, as the thing turned out to be a ball of web. "Hmm, looks like they are here..." the priestess thought as she scanned the surroundings, seeing the spiders that were most likely the ones that Wistaria's letter had warned her about. The situation was not that bad to be honest, what the arachnids managed to hit her with didn't manage to hamper the miko's movements in any significant way, a few strands of silk sticking to her shapely form in non-obstructing manners. Moving forward in a surprisingly confident manner given the situation, the easterner sought to cleave into a spider and carry the blade onwards to another if able. Maybe this situation would defuse quickly.

(Move onwards, normal attack and possible cleave.)
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Webbed x4 (-40 to all rolls, speed, and dodge. Can remove one per round as a full action)!
Attack: Success.
Damage: 6 + 61 = 67 - 8 = 59 damage. She kills one and cleaves onto the next.
Damage: 1 + 61 - 10 = 52 - 8 = 44 damage. It barely survives.
Resistance: Tomoe doesn't manage to terrify any of the surviving spiders. Apparently they're very confident in their numbers.

The four remaining spiders retaliate with webs!
Attacks: All hit.
Tomoe takes a lot of webbing.

The miko moved at her target with such grace, fluidity, and speed that it couldn't hope to stop her. Before the spider had launched its second salvo, Kuchinawa had cleaved through it entirely and Tomoe, using the momentum of her blade and a quick step, managed to follow through with enough force to leave a gash so large in its comrade that it was a surprise it could still stand.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the only surprise to strike the shrine maiden. As she brought her blade out in order to follow up on her attack, she was bombarded with webbing. Several gobs of the sticky stuff blasted into her, leaving her barely able to walk or move. Her sword arm was largely stuck to her side. One of her legs was all but glued to the grassy floor. Another had struck her in her off shoulder, and yet another had hit her thigh, requiring her to be careful lest she get her legs stuck together and fall.

The spiders seemed to know all too well how impeded she was, as they advanced slowly on their spindly legs toward the maiden, closing the semicircle around her.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

With well-honed movement and placement of strike, Tomoe's first assailant had no time to react and ended up getting the blade as a result. As the impossibly sharp edge of Kuchinawa went through the creature, a quick sidestep enabled the miko to carry on her strike well into a second spider, carving a huge canyon of blood into it's shining carapace. Still, the arachnid somehow managed to stay on it's eight legs, a feat of endurance which surprised the shrine maiden. Even if one overlooked their giant size, the spiders were extraordinary.

Returning the relic blade to a proper position for a further attack was interrupted as the remaining spiders moved into action. Another barrage of sticky silk projectiles flew at the easterner, this time managing to hit and nearly pin her into submission. The stuff was everywhere, turning the fight on it's head in one fell swoop. Still, Tomoe was not going to admit defeat this easy, it would take more than a webbing storm to tame her again. After what had expired just a few hours ago, she was not willing to experience something even nastier, which might not even end up with her leaving alive. The creatures just might end up eating her instead of something else. Focusing, the miko sought to bring up her battle aura to give her some relief from the desperate situation.

(Get dat Aura going, like she should have from the start. 14 points for +42 bonus on things.)
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 56/70, Status = Battle Aura [x = 14], Webbed x6 (-60!)
Tomoe activates Battle Aura, X = 14.

Spider #1 goes for the grapple!
Attack: Miss.

Spiders 2, 3, and 4 attempt to finish their webbing!
Attacks: 2 hit!

The warrior-priestess's aura flared into existence, the power coursing through her offering her some aid against the webs that restricted her so. The spider she had left with a nasty wound closed in on her, its spindly legs moving unpredictably. In a flash, it attempted to tackle her to the ground, but thanks, almost entirely, to her spiritual power and the speed granted by it, she managed to sidestep it, allowing the spider to move harmlessly past her.

The other arachnids, seeing their comrade's failure, seemed to revert to plan A. Their web projectiles were readied and launched with a speed that even the empowered priestess couldn't hope to match, and she found herself even more restricted by the gobs of sticky silk. She managed, just barely, to duck the final salvo, at least, but that might not be of much aid to her at the rate things were going.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Somehow, the spiritual energy proved itself as a helper to the miko's current situation. Even in her near-captured state, the energies gave Tomoe some freedom of movement as she let them roar. The spider with the near-fatal wound still had some power left in it, attempting a leap at the eastern woman. It was all thanks to her power that she managed to evade the incoming arachnid tackle and letting it soar past her harmlessly.

Still, it was not too much of a relief on the current situation as yet more web globs hurtled through the air and splattered against the priestess' already greatly silked form. One she managed to avoid with the greatest of luck and timing, even with all the stuff already on her. There was still a final trick that Tomoe would try to attempt, maybe she could escape or at least buy herself some time if she managed to create some distance between herself and the spiders. Thinking over it briefly, she decided not to try it, considering the distraction that might make it all for nothing. Instead, the shrine maiden struggled against her bindings, hoping to stab the wounded spider to death and give it's companions some pause to consider. It would most likely be of no avail, but she tried anyway.

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 42/70, Status = Battle Aura [x = 14], Grappled, Webbed x6 (-60!)
Tomoe desperation pokes!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 103 - 8 = 96. Dead.
Resistance: Wins two out of three.
Cleaves onto the next!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 103 - 8 - 10 = 87. Dead.
Resistance: Wins one out of two. One of the spiders flees.

Remaining Spider's attack.
Attack: Hit. Tomoe is grappled.

The increasingly desperate shrine maiden worked against her bindings in order to swing, in what she believed to be a hopeless move. But, against all the doubt, Kuchinawa connected with the wounded spider, finishing what Tomoe had begun. Moreover, a second spider decided to capitalize on her limited mobility and skittered toward her, only for the warrior-priestess to remove her blade from the first and send it cleaving through the second in the same deadly motion. She removed the blade as easily as she had embedded it in her assailant. And, when she took stock of her opponents, she found that one had actually turned and was fleeing. She might yet be victorious!

Except, the remaining one had no such bout of cowardice, as it flung itself into her back and sent her crashing to the ground. The spider pinned her under itself with a combination of its mass and the sticky webbing covering her body. She could feel the giant thing pressed against her nude form, where webbing was absent. And, while Tomoe couldn't see it, face down on the ground as she was, she could hear the movement of its mandibles, preparing to inject something into her...

She was so close, but unless she could get rid of some of the offending webbing and wrestle the arachnid off of her in short order, she would be at the spider's mercy in mere moments.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

As improbable as it seemed, the nearly restrained sword-arm of the miko still managed to get in a good enough killing blow. The poke punched through the already wounded arachnid, killing it quite dead. One of it's remaining three companions came forward to take it's place, only to end up skewered on the follow-up lancing that Tomoe brought upon it, carrying up the attack from one spider to another. Even as she simultaneously pulled away the blade and kicked off the dead body, the priestess saw one of her remaining two opponents run towards the hills. Somehow, the situation was suddenly looking much brighter for her.

Or it would have, if the remaining hostile had less success in it's endeavors. This particular spider was not scared like it's partner, fearlessly moving forward and succeeding at the flying tackle that it's dead comrade had failed in, managing to down the near-helpless Tomoe down onto the ground with it's huge body. Managing to gather her situational sense fast, the miko could already hear the assailant going for a follow-up, most likely a bite at her exposed neck or shoulders. That might end up being the finishing touch if she let it happen. The situation was once more pretty grim, with her down and backwards to the opposition who were pretty well mounted onto her almost helpless form. Seeking to easen the situation, the shrine maiden did her best to fight away the arachnid that was all too close at the moment. While attacking it with her sword was pretty much impossible, the easterner aimed for a chance to do it.

(Poke if possible, but most likely just wrestle away since getting a strike in with this situation seems like an extreme yoga stunt.)
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 51/74, PP = 48, EP = 28/70, Status = Battle Aura [x = 14], Grappled, Webbed x6 (-60!)
Grapple: Spider wins.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Tomoe wins!
Damage: 23 damage, after armor.

Tomoe thrashed and flailed in her attempt to cut the spider off of her, but couldn't get a clean hit in on it. And, before long, she felt one of the spider's legs come down on her sword arm, pinning it to the ground. Without missing a beat, the arachnid's mandibles briefly sunk into her shoulder. The pain was mind numbing, at first, and then she found that it was numbing. Immediately after the spider withdrew, however, it turned into burning as whatever venom had been injected to her was cleansed by her aura, leaving her no weaker for its brief stay.

It was only a brief respite, however, as the spider's legs moved to shift Tomoe's own. She found her limbs being spread by the dangerous arachnid, making her naked bottom half vulnerable. But what made her feel even more vulnerable than that was the sudden brush of a slick, slimy appendage against her labia. The spider very clearly had no intentions of eating her, though what it did have in mind might have made being consumed seem the more pleasant choice.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

While it was a formidable resistance that Tomoe put up, the whole effort was not enough to fend off the equally determined spider. Seeing itself some opportunity, the eight-legged menace slammed one of it's legs down on the flailing miko's arm, pinning it and more importantly Kuchinawa against the grassy ground of the riverbank. With that side devoid of movement, there was little that the easterner could do to avoid the follow-up, that anticipated bite which stinged harshly into her exposed shoulder. The act brought forth a slight sound of pain from the struggling woman, the brief numbing pain that it brought dissolving in the fires of her powerful aura. A regular poison like that had no chance against the roiling power that still protected her to a degree.

This was not the only thing that was apparently going on, as Tomoe came to notice upon feeling her legs being shunted apart by the back legs of the mounting spider. At first she didn't pay it too much heed, but the sudden touch against her virginity brought newfound alarm to her escape attempt. "No... that I will not allow..." she spoke out in her panic, the idea of such a creature taking her filling the shrine maiden's mind with images of horror and disgust, both the act itself and what might follow as a result. Applying even more fervor to her struggles, Tomoe sought to escape the increasingly terrible situation, almost teary-eyed at the whole situation.

(Struggle moar)
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 47/74, PP = 48, EP = 14/70, Status = Battle Aura [x = 14], Penetrated, Grappled, Webbed x6 (-60!)
Grapple: Spider wins.
Tomoe's pleasure: 16 + 4 - 28 = 0.
EP Drained: 0.
Damage: 4.

Spider's Pleasure: 31.

Luck remained absent from the shrine maiden that night, as it had for most of the day up until that point. She simply couldn't get free. The arachnid's motions were a far cry from Wistaria's, making the alraune's earlier ministrations seem as gentle as a lamb's in comparison. The mystery appendage slid between her labia all too easily, and she quickly determined that it was a knotted thing as it forced her apart. The spider didn't even need to thrust, the mere growth of of the organ was enough to tear through Tomoe's hymen, stealing her virginity.

She wasn't offered a respite from the pain or the shame of her situation as the spider shifted its abdomen, either, sending the knotted appendage deeper into her, only increasing the agony of her position. And the spider's cone-like ovipositor's knots only grew wider as she got closer to its base, until it had the warrior-priestess so stretched on the phallic thing that removing herself seemed impossible. Finally, it brushed against her cervix, offering some hope that there would be a precious break from the ordeal.

It wasn't to be, however, as it continued to force its organ into Tomoe's hole. It slipped past her cervix and found its way into her very womb. There was no pleasure for the shrine maiden, her body had not succumb to the revolting situation. For the unfortunate miko, there was only the realization that her belly was about to be filled with spider eggs, and hope of escaping her fate died away at an ever increasing rate. Worse, she could feel something tugging at her energy as she was abused, the spider was attempting to eat at her soul, in a manner not uncommon to how a demon had fed on a catgirl she had traveled with long ago.

The spider began to pump itself into Tomoe, using her virgin sex to achieve the release that would put its offspring into her. Hope was low, but she could still potentially remove the webs without it being able to stop her. If the warrior-priestess could enough of the webs off quickly enough, maybe she could pull herself free of the pin and slay the abomination.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

It seemed there would be no escape from this grim moment. With the web there, even her aura was not good enough for Tomoe to gain her freedom from the perverted spider, which proceeded to have it's way with her. Not being able to put enough resistance to prevent it, the shrine maiden's purity was stolen by this nasty creature. With it's vile member barging itself into her, proceeding deeper every second, it seemed like the miko was going to end up as a mother for it's children after all. The thought of it, along with the realization of just having lost one of her most valued things to something like this broke out the tears that she had managed to hold back until now. Even the pleasures that had coursed through her during the previous encounter were totally absent from this defiling of her form, adding to the tally of despair that was building itself higher and keeping the priestess' hopes down.

Eventually the initial push stopped, a pumping action replacing it as the spider sought to get itself ready and primed for impregnation. Resistance had little success till now, but while there still was something left in her, Tomoe tried to end the act and the assailant's life. If this final push failed, she would be left without energy, a state where she would have troubles walking normally. With all the web there, she wouldn't have anything left, giving the arachnid free reign to do as it wished with her exposed body. While she tried to avoid the thought, the fear of getting dragged into some hole of a spider nest or being left there exposed in the webbing sheets still briefly flashed in the miko's mind, causing a shiver. As if this situation was not bad enough, the aftermath might end up being even worse.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 44/74, PP = 47/48, EP = 7/70, Status = Battle Aura [x = 14], Penetrated, Grappled, Webbed x6 (-60!), Pregnant
Good news, I derped up on the upkeep and Tomoe still has enough energy to maintain battle aura throughout this round. Bad news, it's still going to end next round or leave Tomoe helpless.

Grapple: Spider wins.
Tomoe's Pleasure: 25 + 4 - 28 = 1.
EP Drained: 1.
Damage: 3.

Spider's Pleasure: Tomoe's modifier alone sends him over the edge. Orgasm. Egg layer means that the miko is now preggers.

The powerful miko, at that moment in time, lacked the strength to stop the spider from its vile deed. It continued its short pumps, unable to thrust hard for how tightly the warrior-priestess was clamped around its knotted organ. Behind the revulsion, the despair, and the numerous other feelings that weighed on Tomoe as heavily as the spider, itself, did, she could feel the beginnings of pleasure. Her body was reacting to the steady pace that the arachnid was using to coax its offspring out and directly into the easterner's womb, regardless of how she felt about it mentally.

And it didn't take long until the appendage that Tomoe had found herself impaled on began to bulge obscenely. She could feel the knots and entire organ growing in size, stretching her along with them, as something tumbled down the spider's ovipositor. Worse than the pain that accompanied it was the pleasure. The mutated spider's bumpy rod seemed to expand in all the right places, brushing against sensitive spots and only heightening that slow trickle of pleasurable sensations. Had she retained the coherency through it all, she might see it as a sign of how corrupted the land had truly been, that even spiders mutated in such ways.

But, Tomoe had more pressing issues as she felt the first egg and a gout of fluid enter her womb. It was followed by a second, then a third. It never slowed, causing her belly to swell until she looked nine months pregnant and then continuing. It wasn't until she had enough eggs in her to birth a swarm of arachnids that the thing finally withdrew its ovipositor from her wracked body. Its leg had eased up a little off of her sword hand and it stayed deathly still, if for only a moment. But a moment might be all that Tomoe needed to do something to free herself from it.

The bottle that Wistaria had left her was on the ground, in arm's reach, she could summon the alraune. Alternatively, she could tear at the webbing and try to reduce its ability to restrict her. Or, she could gamble it all and try to wrestle the creature away from her or try to slay it.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

It was most likely the terrible feelings of despair and lost hope that prevented Tomoe from breaking away. The weight on her arm was just too much at the moment, when she felt the whole world was against her. Even her body was beginning to betray her, showing signs of pleasure and making her moan in a near-silent voice as the thick thing inside her began to reach ridiculous sizes and stretch her up. Surely a sign of what was about to happen, the act that would seal the case in the miko's mind, the addition of eggs and the resulting impregnation.

And as surely as the desperate thoughts had pushed her down, the spider shortly began to fill the priestess up with fluids and eggs. While she was not able to see it, the rapid swelling of her body likely looked unnatural as everything in the situation. Though she had no practical experience, Tomoe knew that normal pregnancies were far from being this fast, the result of months of development from the child. The process continued for a bit, soon leaving her way bigger than she usually was.

Being done with it's task, the rapist arachnid unplugged itself from the miko's insides as the liquid stopped coming, easing it's weight off from her sword-arm as well. Even as she had lost practically all hope at this point, the shrine maiden still recognized her most likely final opening. Given her options and the success rate of previous escape attempts, she gave up on her rebelling body. Her strenght alone was not enough at this point, pushing it would likely end up with her being reduced to some breeding platform of this spider and it's buddies. She'd likely be weakened beyond walking soon anyway, so the attempt seemed even less probable with that. The only remaining option was the bottle. That thrice-cursed alraune. Chugging up the bottle was only going to end up with her being used even more, this time as some sort of flowerbed. But in the end, she could still likely get to leave this place with her freedom and life intact.

Reaching for the bottle, Tomoe sought to drink the stuff inside and get her assistance. As the blue stuff went down her throat, she began to have serious doubts about her goals. Something like this place seemed to be beyond rescuing. Maybe she should just let the lands get tainted and return to the place she belonged in, the shrine of her sisters.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine (...?)

The spider did not move as Tomoe's outstretched arm grabbed the bottle of liquid. It twitched slightly as she uncapped it and chugged it down, not more than an hour after receiving the potion. Despite the sweetness, the blue syrup was hard to take just for how thick it was. The shrine maiden only barely finished it before the arachnid had removed itself from its daze and violently swatted the empty thing from her hand. Its eyes seemed to look at her, almost as if they were regarding her, for a moment, and she could see it as the rapist creature classified her as defeated in its predatory mind.

It adjusted itself, until its spinnerets hovered over her body, and then began to wrap her in sticky webbing, its hind legs positioning her in such a way that first her legs were wrapped together, then the lower part of her thighs. Her arms were stuck to her sides, her pregnant-looking belly covered in the stuff as well, all the way up to her neck. Finally, it cocooned her head in the webbing, leaving her blinded and unable to speak, though a small slit was left so that she could breathe through her nose. Disturbingly, her crotch was left exposed as well, making losing her life anytime soon seemed unlikely, which may not have been the relief it should have been, given the circumstances.

The spider began to drag the trapped woman along the riverbank, the silk padding helping to dull pain from being pulled across the rough ground. And for the amount of time that it went on, it might have seemed that help might not arrive at all. She was going to be dragged off and bred again and again by spiders, and Wistaria had given her a dud of a potion as some sort of prank. The day had only gotten worse and worse.

The night birds chirped, blissfully unaware of the foul act taking place near them. The river rushed, the serene sound of water becoming sinister in nature as her arachnid captor prepared to bring her back to its web. Indeed, that might have been the worst part of it, that the world simply had gone on, as if it was perfectly normal that the warrior-priestess had been defeated and would be egged and have her soul feasted upon until she expired. She could hear something else, too, though she couldn't make out what it was. There was a faint whistling from above, in the sky, as best she could tell without being able to see which way was up. It came closer and closer...

The spider that had been carrying her exploded into gore as whatever had been descending landed with a thunderous crash, she could feel arachnid bits covering her silk-wrapped body. "Wistaria stooomp~!" She heard the plant exclaim, muffled for the cocoon Tomoe was in. A few footsteps followed the unusual attack name, they themselves were followed by silence. "Oh, Tomoe, I really can't seem to do anything right for you... I'm sorry. I'll get this all figured out, free of price this time, but for now I think it's best you sleep." The webbing was cut from the miko's mouth, only to be replaced by a bottle forced to her lips, pouring cold, though sweet, liquid into her mouth and down her throat. Sleep hit Tomoe like a ton of bricks once the last drops trickled in.

(4 XP for killing ye spiders, 6 corruption for dat spider rape. You may spend experience.)


Tomoe woke up after yet another alraune-induced nap, only to find her clothes on and that her pregnancy had mysteriously vanished. The memories of the spiders, however, remained all too present. There was no pain from any of it, and though some of the numbness might have been emotional, it was obvious that she had been healed by Wistaria. The shrine maiden had been cleaned as well, yet again. And all of her equipment was present, including her bow. Another bottle of the blue potion was present, too, though no note accompanied it.

Perhaps more surprisingly, was that she had a muscled green arm wrapped over her, protectively, and that Shenron was sleeping right next to her. The two were within ten feet of a campfire, and a log upon which an awake Kei sat, her back towards the fire and them. The haori-wearing woman hadn't noticed Tomoe's wakefulness yet.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

With the last of her waning strenght, Tomoe chugged the bottle's contents, which were thicker than she remembered. Or maybe she was wrong, there was little memory in her mind about the stuff she had to take in at Wistaria's mercies. Only after the whole thing had been consumed did the spider react to the act in any way, punting the empty container away a bit too late. The priestess paid it no heed, settling into waiting for the alraune instead of trying to do anything with her feeble strenght.

Having dealt with the bottle, the victorious arachnid proceeded on with it's plan. It seemed that the fears of the priestess were confirmed when the thing moved onto her and began sealing her inside a sturdy cocoon of web. It went pretty much as one would expect, only a small slit on the face web and the crotch area remained open, the optimal set-up for breeding constantly while allowing for no escape. Venom would likely be injected into her as well to prevent any chances of recovery, in case getting drained was not enough. The whole idea presented a terrible scenario, which was more than a little in the captured easterner's mind as she began to get moved along and nothing else happened. It was beginning to look like the alraune had scammed her with the potion, and she would really end up as a pretty breeding platform with no-one to save her.

The bumps and turns of the trip towards her remaining life proceeded for a while before something roused Tomoe from her desperate thoughts. Wistaria had actually kept her promise, or so the heavily muffled miko could swear she heard, among with the tapping of things hitting her restraints. The trek did indeed stop, so she had heard correctly. The silence that followed was soon broken by nearly undetectable footsteps, followed by further speech that did sound like the alraune lady. Despite wanting to give out some of her thoughts about taking care of other people's equipment, the shrine maiden opted to keep her mouth shut and drink away. The ordeals had taken a lot out from her, and there was a limit to even her endurance. Once the whole cold serving of drink had been chugged, Tomoe faded away into blissful sleep once again, hoping that she'd end up somewhere at least partially decent.

When the miko finally came to, she found herself more or less alright, no pregnancy, even clothing and equipment were there. Everything she had with her at the start of the encounter was there, along with a new bottle. Seeing that gave some consideration about the alraune, maybe the plant woman was not as bad as she had initially proven to be. With a further look, two of the people she had arrived with were there, Kei sitting on watch and more importantly Shenron. It seemed like the hunter had the same sort of concern towards Tomoe that she had for him, for he was shielding her now, even while sleeping. "I hope you've not been worried too much. We've both gone through bad things this day, it was not a kind time for neither of us..." she though at the sleeping lizard fellow, not wanting to wake him up by actually speaking.

With all of today's events in mind, the shrine maiden knew she would not be of too much use for the world without at least someone to help. But she too needed to provide for the others. This meant she needed to have skills, the abilities to keep her companions going just like they kept her on her feet. The proper priestess skills had gone so long without use, she could not even heal the slightest scratches anymore without physical aid when there had been a time she could manage all but the direst of injuries with proper spiritual application. The level had fallen so much that there was almost nothing else in her repertuare besides self-boosting, indulgent abilities. This had to stop, with the proper meditation she could likely salvage the situation and once again be able to help others with her talents. This whole hassle could have been avoided if she hadn't neglected those parts of her training. Maybe she might still be pure...

Shaking off the thoughts of what she had lost, the priestess carefully lifted Shenron's bulgy arm off herself and got up, stretching. When she did that, there was a realization that something had indeed happened in the aftermath of all that chaos besides her purity going. It seemed the magics at work had affected her physically. There was an increased amount of weight on her chest, a thing that the battle-hardened miko could easily detect in her stance while a more common person might not. Even that was not necessary though, for a visual analysis could tell the same thing quite easily. Her already impressive bust had grown, no doubt a result of all that sensitivity being applied to them. Her robes were measured things, so the clothing couldn't properly contain her grown chest anymore, forcing some very generous cleavage as the front had to be kept partially open to not be uncomfortable. Even the bandages couldn't hold her back too much, helping Tomoe maintain some of her decency by covering up portions of her chest where the mounds were out. Even if they weren't necessary, the more cover she had the better. Also, a barely detectable smell lingered about her, something that she alikened to flowers or a similar thing. Maybe leftovers from Wistaria, nothing too bad it appeared. Until she found herself properly-sized robes, there was going to be some cleavage going on in the future, no matter how much the easterner disliked the idea.

With her newly increased bust size, Tomoe moved to a spot near the fire, not really wanting to say anything to Kei. If the other woman was feeling conversational, she'd still give her the time and talk, not wanting to make the other feel bad. The miko would also look for Mr. Goat, if he was still with them or not.

Spending all mah exp to gain cross-classing Holy Magic, making Tomoe more into a proper priestess when spiritual abilities are considered. Blessing, Binding and Lay on Hands as the powers that be. Also, for yon mutations, picking up Pheromones for maximum awkwardness. The second choice will be Massive Breasts, going from the normal large but conservative miko size to something like Considerable increase, though not too much and still maintaining attractiveness. Tomoe's visual look is something like that too at the moment, with the addition of the bandage-bra that is not all that working with the current workload it has.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine.

"'Evening, miss miko," the haori-wearing woman offered as Tomoe sat near the fire. Kei turned around on the log to face the warrior-priestess, gazing upon the other easterner with her carmine eyes. The shrine maiden noticed her counterpart's nostrils flare a few times as the traveler inhaled the strange scent that she had gained and, even in the darkness, could see her eyes dilate slightly, but nothing more came of it than that. "Shenron brought you back a little while ago," she said, matter-of-factly. "He didn't give me the details. Doesn't trust me that much, it seems."

"He's resting out there," the crimson-haired easterner noted as the miko searched for the satyr. "Seems he made a full recovery, and his hand did as well. I might have bruised it, but I think he'll be fine for tomorrow." Kei fell silent for a few moments afterward, her eyes falling to the campfire. The flame flickered, crackled, and popped, and its every movement was reflected in her eyes. After those moments of silence from her, she looked back up at Tomoe, staring at her for a few seconds before asking; "Do you still believe in saving the world, miss miko, after everything that's happened today? Kei was blunt. Whether she knew what had happened to Tomoe after the maiden had left with the spiders or not was a mystery from her expression alone, but she certainly recalled what had happened on the road.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

"Hmm, so she didn't dare to face them with me in the condition I was in..." Tomoe thought upon hearing about how she had gotten there. "He is like that, protective and careful to the point of paranoia when it's me... I might have said that before, but here we have in case I didn't." she replied about the comments towards her adopted charge. The two of them had bonded in a way she never had imagined possible back then, a thing that the miko had not initially expected to last this long. She had even imagined most likely ending up killing him at a certain point, but the hunter had proven her suspicions wrong with his steadfast companionship. The goatman had made a recovery as well, which pretty much put all of them back on the start. Well, except the priestess herself, of course. The only one who really had gotten worse for wear after the day was her.

A silence followed, almost ominous as it went on for a bit. The feelings of unease got even more prominent when Kei decided to hit the big question. "I'm... not quite sure what to believe in at the moment. This day, it's not been good to anyone..." she answered, pausing as soon as she had said it. "But whatever it is, I'm not going to make it through without you other folks. That's given me reason to meditate upon and re-learn the techniques of healing and guidance we went through back at the shrine. I've been only using my power for myself... I think it's time I used it for someone else too... after a long time..." the shrine maiden carried on in a somewhat evasive manner. "I'm beginning to have this desire to turn back and head home... but... I can't do that now... there are things for me to do here..."

Even though she said that, there was some desire in Tomoe's mind to just focus on her powers and shift back at the shrine. She could likely do that.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine.

The haori-wearing woman listened to Tomoe thoughtfully, as the conversation moved on. She sat there, in silence, even after the warrior-priestess concluded. Her response didn't come for several minutes until after the miko had finished speaking. "It's the way of the world, Tomoe, what we saw in that road today," she finally offered, cynically. "I've told you of my master, his style, and his blade. I was to be the heir to his style, to become teacher after he fell. He died fighting shortly after the invasion began. My fellow students, including his own son, held great jealousy toward the idea of me taking the school, so they sought to beat me and capture me."

"I don't know what would have happened if they had, because I killed them all. I was the only one among them that had been strong enough to learn the master's secret technique, they didn't stand a chance." She sighed and turned her eyes toward the fire. "It was the same everywhere I went. I cut down as many men down as monsters, traveling from school to school and seeking shelter, until they all blended together." Kei looked Tomoe directly in the eyes, staring at her. It was nothing short of a test as she continued. "It's the kind of story you're going to find along the way, miss miko. If this day alone has given you such pause, are you strong enough to continue? And to use your power for someone else?" The traveler asked evenly.

Just as abruptly, however, she smirked and threw her head to where she had suggested that the satyr had been sleeping. "If so, you might start with him. He made quite the fuss over that playful swat I gave him in return for his own."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The story that Kei decided to offer was a good reminder that it was just Tomoe who might have things going bad in their lives. She still did have her sisters back home, unless something had happened. Still, it was not as final as Kei's case, there was no confirmation to her own case. "Hmm, I've been a bit too selfish with my thoughts... forgetting what I said just a few days ago after something like this." the shrine maiden replied upon being tested by that long stare from her travelling companion. "Let's see what I can achieve, give me a bit of time so I can recover my lost teachings." she continued shortly, going into a meditative state for a while. It was a refreshing feeling she had not felt in a while, the oneness with her surroundings and feeling like she actually belonged in this world. The events of the day had been unnerving, but the priestess had to move on. Reaching out to the familiar feelings inside, Tomoe recalled her healing powers after the years they had been pushed to the back of her being. Maybe now, she might be able to carry on and succeed. With her powers, the others would be protected as well.

Returning from her spiritual dive, the miko went to look at the satyr and his problem. "Let's see what I can do..." she muttered, intent on easing the goatman's pains, even if they were slight in nature.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine.

Tomoe found the satyr sleeping rather peacefully, given all that he had been through, among the trees. The goatman looked like he completely belonged there. The feelings her meditation brought her on the inside, belonging, serenity, and oneness were all plainly present on the satyr as he snoozed. His bruised hand rested on his muscled torso, with the second beneath his head. Although Tomoe hadn't practiced her healing powers on anything in a long time, the pattern of the bruise looked suspiciously like something heavy and wooden had been rapped against his knuckles.

He did not stir as she approached, nor did she need to wake him to treat him. But she could, if she wanted to. The most difficult part would be regaining the confidence to wield her energy in a healing capacity after so long without doing so. Kei watched, curiously, as the miko took up a spot near the faerie.