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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Going out was harder than it really should, the violent weather making it a more challenging ordeal than most fights Tomoe could remember off the top of her head. Everything that nature could use was getting thrown at her, from the simple gale-force wind to the more nasty hailstones that were also coming down with the rain. It took a large chunk of effort to make it through the hazardous weather conditions, but the miko eventually cleared her way across the yard. At first she found the door locked, almost heading back as she could not really get it opened, but before that could happen, she was allowed in by Kei.

The sight in the barn was rather bizarre to say the least. But it was a necessary action as the barn appeared to be fighting against the weather just as hard as she had been a minute ago, and the two alraune were providing it with the needed assistance. Not saying anything about the scene, Tomoe found herself a spot to wait on, where she would look on and provide any possible help she could with her strength if anyone asked for it.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

After letting her in and closing the door, Kei would take a seat on a nearby crate, leaving Tomoe alone as she examined the two suspended alraune. "Weird, isn't it?" she asked a moment after Tomoe took a seat, "seems effective at keeping the place from being torn down though... Makes me wonder what they did to keep that house standing through storms like these, since they seem to have anticipated this one."

The other easterner then fell silent for a few minutes unless Tomoe's response merited some further conversation, watching the two alraune who seemed to be concentrating on keeping their barn from being blasted down by the storm. The wood creaked, shook, and rattled in protest, but did not surrender to the raging winds or the water falling from the sky. "So... Wanna play chess or something? I promise not to be dramatic about it and demand you share my bed naked for the rest of our trip together~" she asked suddenly, a teasing not entering her voice.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Certainly looks like a fairly... archaic way to keep the barn from exploding into splinters in this tempest. Does look like it works for them though." Tomoe agreed to being a little weirded out at the sight before her eyes. For a couple of minutes, the two humans were there in silence. The miko did not want to risk breaking the concentration of the alraune duo, so she did not try to converse with them to avoid that. Eventually, Kei did speak up though, suggesting a little game of chess or something similar between the two of them to pass the time. The remark that followed the suggestion was a little suspect, but the priestess let it go as it was hardly anything to get worked up over. "I suppose... did you have something here?" Tomoe replied, being fully prepared to play a few rounds of chess with her more reserved strategies.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Yeah, I was playing with April for a little while. Then Rose needed help," she explained conversationally, pulling out the same chess board that Tomoe had played on that had ended up putting her in Betty's bed for the rest of her stay there. Kei handed her the black pieces without saying anything and set up the board, and as the game began her strategies proved very aggressive, seemingly concentrating more on taking as many of Tomoe's key pieces as possible rather than jockeying for position. Whether or not the priestess was skilled enough to capitalize on that, however, depended on her skill at the game and ability to think ahead.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Oh, she had arrived prepared, I see. Well, convenient enough for us I suppose, not having to wade into the tempest out there." Tomoe expressed her slight surprise at the introduction of the board that had been taken out to the barn and even used. She sat down with Kei, thankful for the more peaceful encounter with her fellow Easterner instead of some crazy one that had happened a few times in the recent days. The game began, the redhead showing off a characteristically aggressive approach towards the game. The priestess was fairly defensive in her usual approach, so it would be up for their respective skill levels to decide the winner in all likeness. Tomoe had some two dozen games total under her belt by that time, so she was not the worst, but by no means a professional either. She could see herself losing if Kei was more sound in strategy than her initial straightforward approach suggested, but would not give up just like that and putting up her best game to match or possibly best her traveling companion.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

The first game would take the better part of ten minutes, with Kei's aggressive strategy allowing Tomoe to on occasion lure her into unfavorable trades. The redhead's aggression quickly gave her board control, however, and ultimately Tomoe was defeated in checkmate after Kei forced her into a corner. Her opponent adopted a triumphant grin, but offered another game, and if Tomoe accepted she would find Kei playing somewhat more deviously this time, penetrating the miko's defenses with select pieces and keeping her on the back foot. She managed to counter, but then Kei countered her counter, and ultimately Tomoe lost the second game as well. The storm wasn't dying down at all, and just after the end of their second game Primrose came by with lunch.

She stopped short as she spotted Tomoe, turning bright red, and gingerly approached and placed a picnic basket on a nearby crate. Kei merely glanced at her for a moment and turned back to setting up the next game, but if Tomoe wished to confront the one who had essentially drugged and raped her now was her best opportunity.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Going on along her usual strategies had little to give in the way of success, Tomoe's defensive approach faring rather badly against Kei's determined offensive style. The two went on to play another round as the priestess had no other idea as to what she might do in the barn or the house, the second go producing a similar result to the first. If nothing else was to be gained from the experience, it was the idea of Tomoe probably needing to try taking the lead sometimes and see how that would work out. It was the usual way she had approached fighting after all.

Before the two could move on to play a third game, there was a somewhat unexpected development as Primrose entered the barn. She was looking alright enough initially, but the sight of the miko was a source of some distress to her apparently as she went completely red and bothered, for understandable reasons. While Tomoe herself was still a little bothered by what had occurred between them, she felt like she needed to set them straight and see that the young alraune would not need to act like she did in front of the priestess. Getting up, she went straight to Primrose, stopping her from leaving physically if need be. "You don't need to be afraid of me, dear. I don't hate you for what you did. While it was not the right way to get what you wanted, I can understand why you would do that kind of thing. I know many see me as a beauty, not something I'm sure about being a truth personally, and there has been this strange allure about me recently that makes other people see me in a lustful manner. So, I can forgive you, as long as you don't do it to again. Your mother is trying raise all of you into good people, and should be given the respect for her efforts. Besides that, doing this to some other people might not end as well as this, since not everyone is as forgiving as me." she proceeded to go on a little preaching session, even at the risk of coming out as patronizing to her target. "And to prove this, we can hang out and maybe do something together later. If you want." Tomoe added, hearing Prim out if she wanted say something. Afterwards, she would let her go, proceeding to play some more chess while eating. This time around, she opted to try that taking charge strategy and see where it took her.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Primrose tried to back away from Tomoe initially, but ultimately didn't put up much of a fight before being cornered, and squirmed before the miko until Tomoe actually began to talk. She calmed, but her blush grew steadily deeper as she seemed unable to fully keep her eyes from wandering, though she would nod when Tomoe demanded she not pull the same stunt a second time. "Oh.... I.... Um.... We..... What.... What would you like to do?" she stuttered, her face flushing intensely as she failed to meet Tomoe's eye. "I mean... It's.... Not very nice out.... But we could..... Go up in the attic... And... Um.... Watch the storm a little?" she continued quietly, her voice so low that Tomoe only barely heard her.

Once the young alraune was done away with, she could get back to their game and to lunch, with Primrose excusing herself regardless of Tomoe's response. Kei munched on food while playing with little apparent shame, and this time was caught by surprise as the priestess adopted a much more aggressive strategy. The redhead's strategy fell apart when confronted with its duplicate, and Tomoe ultimately managed to put her in check mate. She knocked over her king with a soft laugh, "nice! That was a good game. Want to go again? We can do some sparring instead, if you're getting bored. I'd almost rather keep my record 2 out of 3, if you can reverse how you play that easily~"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Sure, we could do that once the situation out here clears. Nature is beautiful, even when it shows the harsh side of itself. I will see you after a while." Tomoe ended the conversation as she saw Prim getting increasingly bothered by her close proximity. She gave the young alraune a pat on the head before letting her go into doing what she was doing back at the house. The proposal was somewhat questionable, them being in a place by themselves yet again, but the miko was not about to give up on Primrose just like that, seeing that she had potential to be more than she was now. Looking after the alraune, she kept watch on the door to make sure that Prim got back to the house without incident.

Getting back to the game, Tomoe remained a little better behaved than Kei, not going out of her way to eat and play at the same time. Only once they were finished did she touch her part of the meal, eating it in her usual reserved mannerisms. Kei spone up along the meal, opting to remain at the winning side while she was still on top and asking for some sparring instead. "I sure wouldn't mind. Being here on the farm has not been the best thing for one's fighting skill. Completely skipped by any training during the past few days since this place is relatively peaceful. Some excercise would be good. Let's not take too seriously though." the priestess agreed to have a sparring session with her travelling companion, keeping to swords unless there was a situation where she would need to go into grappling. During the process, she would keep an eye on any bad signs coming from Kei. She had been considerably normal the past few days, but Tomoe was still wary of her becoming unnecessarily aggressive towards her.
Last edited:


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Don't worry, I already proved I can beat you, and I wouldn't want to have to share you if we fought with faerie rules again~ This is just for fun and exercise," Kei would reply, moving to the center of the barn and beginning a series of stretching motions to prepare for their incoming spar. Tomoe would be allowed to finish her own preparations for the coming bout, and when she was ready Kei would draw her straight sword and settle into a prepared position, allowing Tomoe to set the pace of their sparring.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Right... enough about that..." Tomoe stated as she got a little bothered by the mention of their earlier fight back there at the fairy glade, certainly not wanting to live through the experience again. Thankfully, Kei seemed to be in for just a normal training bout between the two. Since it was nothing serious, the miko would not be invoking her powers, the use of them being a little excessive for exercise use in her mind. Simply making sure her sheath was tied on properly, the priestess too took out her blade and assumed a stance of readiness after stepping up to a certain distance. She had no real will to be competing, but she certainly wanted to work out as much as possible. As it appeared to be up for decision how they went about this, Tomoe approached the situation carefully at first, keeping the initial moments to light, probing attacks at Kei before moving onto a more heavy and direct approach, looking to work up the sweat of effort with her training buddy and hopefully trying to maintain her physical condition with the training session.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Slowly whirling her blade as she waited for Tomoe to ensure that her sheath was strapped on properly, the grinning redhead would casually deflect the miko's initial probing attacks, batting them aside almost like a cat playing with a toy. With neither of them fighting for blood or even really trying to hit each other, Tomoe would be able to test her offensive skills against Kei's guard as the redhead practiced her own technique. Parries deflected her most aggressive swings, her feints were caught on her sparring partner's blade, and her cautious strikes were batted aside only for Kei to offer ripostes that the miko could easily avoid only because she didn't go for the full follow through.

That wasn't to say that it was entirely one side, however. When it was Kei's turn on the offensive, Tomoe's longer blade and more practiced footwork allowed her to keep the redhead's shorter straightsword at bay. She needed to be much closer to Tomoe to get her blade in range of the miko's flesh, and the priestess could take advantage of that in order to maneuver the redhead into disadvantageous positions. Increasingly, Tomoe was able to prod Kei into a corner, quickly giving her no room to maneuver. Probing strikes were still batted aside, but it seemed that she was unable to try and strike back as Tomoe was able to once more concentrate on offense.

Before she finally defeat the redhead, however, Kei did something drastic. Locking blades with Tomoe on one swing, she slid up closer and grabbed the miko by the wrist. A quick pull took Tomoe off balance, and she dragged the miko forward with a rotation of her body before ending up pressed against Tomoe's back, one hand on the miko's wrist and the other holding her own sword flat against Tomoe's belly. "Heh, nice... I thought you had me!" she said quietly, almost intimate as she spoke softly into Tomoe's ear while pressed up against her from behind. "You're good at a distance, and pretty quick with that despite how big it is. You aren't so dangerous when someone gets in close like this though," she added, the hand on Tomoe's wrist starting to trail delicately up the miko's arm.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

With the two combatants both at the ready, they went on to have their training session, which Tomoe controlled to some degree at least. The next few minutes and the exchange of blows between them was a good highlight of their fighting styles, showing off the respective strengths and weaknesses of each, while also displaying how they worked against each other when they clashed. That was not the primary objective, though Tomoe made a few observations about her sparring partner and her style, Kei no doubt doing the very same on her side as well. But more importantly, it was providing the miko with some much-needed exercise, the effort she was putting into the training feeling good after the few days spent without any real physical effort. Aside from the lewd stuff she had gotten herself into, of course. That was just not something that the priestess could consider a proper workout.

At the latest point, Tomoe had Kei cornered as the two were going at it intensely, but the redhead was not completely trapped and threw herself into a high-risk move. Getting caught in surprise at the face of this somewhat reckless maneuver, the miko found herself spun about as it came to be one that paid off for her sparring partner. The two of them ended up in close quarters, with Kei firmly lodged onto her back and holding one of her arms by the wrist. Her blade was right againt the priestess' body too, but she didn't really have any fear towards the situation. "Well... it's certainly not the best blade a real close encounter like this. Maybe if I was in your position it might be of some use." Tomoe replied as she thought about her situation, not really wanting to give the practice bout to Kei just like that. Deciding to try something out, she stretched out the arm that was pinned by Kei's sword-holding hand, hoping to knock it away from herself while shifting her hips down and to the side a little. Simultaneously, she made an effort to grab on the redhead's wrist, or any part of her arm really, and pull down on it as she moved her body slightly under Kei's in an attempt to lever them over her shoulder. Kei might stop it somehow, but Tomoe still wanted to try throwing her.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Tomoe's gambit caught Kei by surprise, the redhead's twisted smirk turning into a look of shock as Tomoe pushed her sword arm aside, grasped her by the wrist, and twisted aside to start pulling her opponent over her shoulder. Only a deft twist on Kei's part and a hasty shift of her weight kept Kei from ending up on her back on the floor, and she barely kept her feet as Tomoe threw her forward. Despite her display of agility, however, Kei would grin nervously, and her voice was tense and significantly off balance as she said; "Wow... Didn't know you knew how to wrestle~" She wiggled her arm slowly, trying to signal for Tomoe to release her while letting go of her own hold on the miko.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The shift from defense to offense caught Kei by surprise, and she had to take some drastic measures to avoid getting floored by Tomoe's attempted throw. Instead of going down like most people would, she shifted her weight in such a manner that it went from flooring her to simply tossing her forward while still keeping herself on her feet. The end result did not bother the miko too much, she had not been looking to harm her sparring partner, just wanting to give them a little something that would help with not underestimating her even when she was without the main strength that was her blade. "Well yes. I know the basics of grappling work. It's all part of the many training regimens back at the shrine. Never was my strongest point though, and I've not had any practice in the art for years, so I'm fairly rusty at this." she admitted to not being at her best ability when it came to the art of the close encounter. While she could tell Kei was somewhat shaken by the surprise still, Tomoe kept her guard up as she let the wrist go, just to prepare for any follow-up shenanigans that might be waiting.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Sounds like the training there was pretty good then," Kei remarked as she slid a step away and gradually lowered her sword. She managed to crack a genuine smirk once she'd established some distance, and after glancing up at the alraune near the ceiling she jokingly said; "Maybe we oughta break out the bikinis again. What do you think? Grab some mud from outside, give our hosts a real show?" The redhead was being fairly sarcastic, but Tomoe could respond to her suggestion however she liked. Her sparring partner wouldn't go for any mischief, but if Tomoe seemed interested in more practice she would settle back into a readied position in the center of the barn.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"It was very diverse. As much as I'd like to say that we were just a collective of spiritual individuals, I can't deny that there was a very militant undertone to all of our training. And yet, most of us just spent the vast majority of the fighting tasks we had facing the various predatory monsters and evil spirits of the nearby lands." Tomoe expressed what she thought about her home and the training regimens they had always gone through. "No... I don't think we should do that." she disagreed to the obviously joking suggestion of mud wrestling, even as she recognized it as such. She did not want to disturb the two very focused alraune with such acts, and there were some personal reasons against it too.

It looked like the training was over, so Tomoe put her sword back to it's sheath, not having the need to keep it out anymore. While it appeared that Kei would have been up for more, the miko had gone through a good enough workout to satisfy her needs for exercise. Thinking about what to do for a bit, she remembered having made that suggestion to Primrose earlier. Maybe it would be time to see to that now. Deciding to head back, the priestess bid farewell to the trio inside the barn for now, seeing herself out and fighting her way back through the storm to reach the main house where she would look for the youngest of the alraune.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Kei offered a thoughtful sound, but said nothing. She lowered her guard once it became clear that Tomoe was done with that particular distraction, and ultimately sheathed her sword and settled back onto a hay bale. Taking off back towards the main house, Tomoe would run into Betty and April just as she opened the door out into the storm, the other two alraune coming to prepare to take a turn keeping the barn together. Whatever she might have felt after Tomoe departed to seduce Rose, the miko was apparently forgiven as the beautiful alraune, even drenched in rain, still winked at the priestess as she spotted her, and gave Tomoe's finely sculpted rear a playful pinch as they passed one another.

Primrose was sitting in the corner, dozing, when Tomoe arrived. The two hunters looked up and waved in greeting as Tomoe entered, but didn't distract her further from approaching her sleeping target unless the priestess opted to change her plans. Passing a few other alraune, Tomoe would find Primrose jumping awake as she was nudged into wakefulness, and then jumping again as she realized who had woken her. "Oh! Uhh... Uhm... Hi!" she said nervously while sinking into the cushioned chair she had fallen asleep in.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Leaving the barn behind, Tomoe came across Betty on the way towards the main house. There had been a slight thought that Betty might have taken her nightly trip to Rose in a bad way, but this proved go not be the case at all, the alraune's actions giving it away clear as day. Letting that slight teasing go , she entered the main building after having spent a few hours in the important barn.

Greeting the hunters and everyone else where it was appropriate, Tomoe sought Primrose out, finding her after a little bit. The youngest of the alraune was taking a nap of her own, snoozing away on a big chair. Poking at her was a good enough wake-up call as the priestess saw her jump in surprise and shrink into the chair like a wilting flower. "Hey. I think I suggested that we spend some time together earlier. Did you want to nap or do you want to come with me? I'm completely fine with you sleeping if you need to." she went into the explanation straight away, ready to go with Prim if she had the desire and courage to go.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

The other alraune in the room, watching the exchange between Tomoe and Primrose, looked at each other and gave a collective, girlish "oooooh!" when Tomoe explained back to Primrose what had been suggested earlier. Prim took a look across her sisters, blushing, and then slowly got up to her feet. "Um.... Yes... You... Want to do it now? I mean! That's fine, but... Um... Yeah, lets go... Upstairs," she said, hesitating, swallowing, and ultimately taking Tomoe by the hand and leading her upstairs.

To the second floor, and then up another set of stairs, into an empty storage area with rough wooden floors. There were only a few windows, leaving the place fairly dark, but among the support beams and such there was one big window looking out over the tarp protected fields and the rest of the farm at large. Off in the distance, Tomoe could see that the road leading into town was washed out, practically a river by this point, and there were streams of water running between many of the trees. Only the raised mound on which the alraune's farm had built it was offering it any really protection against the flooding, though from up here she could see that they had raised an earthen lip against such occurrences.

There was a blanket set on the floor in front of the window, and Primrose sat down on it and awkwardly patted the place beside her, looking up at Tomoe with hopeful expectation.