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Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Huldah: HP = 58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine
Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine
Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine
Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine

"Ready up ladies and gents!" Ur-Wind shouted from Solidyn's back, holding a baton high in the air, pointed directly toward the sun. It was early-morning in the desert, and the scorching heat had just begun to set it. No one would be expecting any attack at this time of the day, when the full heat of the day would cause exhaustion in any normal troops.

They were coming in from the East, with the rising sun behind them. As such, the guards of the fortress that they had been hired to sack hadn't seen their group approaching until now, when they were already within range of the walls. "Our objectives are to get in there, take out their guards, destroy their vessel, and find out just what in heaven's name they're doing in that tower!" He continued, albeit unnecessarily. They had all heard the plan already: First, to soften up the defenses on the wall. Second, to put a hole in that wall, and then hold it as a distraction while their artillery repositioned itself. And finally, to eliminate the miniature version of the floating monstrosities that was floating over the tower at the center of this fortress. A golden glow surrounded the tower, and the alien creature's tentacles were all over it, though they didn't pass through it. None of them had any idea what was going on in there, but it most certainly not good.

"Gunners, fire only once Solidyn has let off her first shot! Pick your targets, we ain't in the damn Badarian militia! You're payin for your own ammo, so make them shots count!" Ur-Wind continued, also something most of them didn't need to be told again. They were still about 200 feet from the fortress walls, but a small maze of half-ruined walls sprawled out before them, providing perfect cover for those that needed to get a little closer... And for those among them that wished to remain hidden until it was a more opportune time to strike. The satyr's were already creeping along that way as the kobold gunners loaded a shell into the cannon attached to Solidyn's spider half, and the handful of su-ku-ta in their band were close on their heels. The melee fighters were behind them as well, moving more slowly so as not to draw as much attention to themselves from the corrupted ones along the walls, who were already preparing to repel the invaders. Their defenses had a noticeable lack of cannons.

"Fire!" Ur-Wind shouted, and the heavy weapon thundered, smashing open the gate into the fortress.

The door was open, and those on the ground were free to pick their targets. The melee troops were open to move into the gap in the wall if they so chose, though they had to get across the 90 foot expanse of open ground first. There were at least two dozen gemini holding rifles along the wall, most of them former Su-Ku-Ta now converted to the enemy's cause. A dozen more were already in the destroyed gateway, though they weren't able to block the entire passageway into the fortress.

Current number of allies:

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers

(People can basically pick where they are. You all know your roles in combat better than I do. Well, except for Spidertank. She's kinda stuck in the back at this point.)
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

As the Cannon went off and the attack was sounded Kor prepared himself for what was coming... The difference between single combat and full on warfare was speed, Patience and compromise had no place in an attack like this and Kor began to whistle a familiar tune while he cast the first of many spells in his arsenal

Casting Haste (5-1 X2)=8EP Casting Check of 40, Base Casting= 42
Position on the Field: Right next to Aurelia wherever she may be
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Ugh, more pointless talking...

The death knight sulked throughout most of Ur-Wind's speech. The amount of sand in her sabatons was nothing short of abrasive. To make matters worse, the added weight of her heavy armor made her sink into the desert floor with every step, and even while simply standing still, which meant she had to put in extra effort just to march. It wasn't enough to exhaust the half-vampire but it eventually became tiring, even for her. Aurelia Korort had never fought in a desert before and was unaware of just how many benefits there were to wearing lighter armor while attempting to navigate sand. Though she carried her great helm under her arm, the knight did not feel the heat. Residing somewhere between life and undeath had its benefits. Another thing about the desert, that the raven-haired knight had not realized, was that the sun was obnoxiously bright. The beams of sunlight made her nauseous, the fact that she had to face the ball of fire in the sky, even if it was at her back, irritated her further. The choice to remove her helmet had been entirely so that she could better see, which meant that she could not put the steel helm back on to shade herself from the light. The ashen woman's golden eyes scanned the fortress that they would shortly breach.

Of course, at no point during Aurelia's silent whining did she consider that she had volunteered for the assault. Nor that she would be fighting to take the ominous tower in the hopes of securing great glory and riches as a result of the victory. A little thing like logic had never hindered the bratty vampire's ability to whine before, it wouldn't start on that day, either. One thing that did cheer her up, however, was Ur-Wind's command to fire and the explosion that followed it.

The sound of a gate being blasted off of its hinges was incredibly therapeutic. The attack signaled that it was time for the mercenaries to distract the defenders and the half-vampire intended that distraction to be incredibly violent. Aurelia bore a wicked grin as she slammed her lupine-decorated great helm back into its proper place, protecting her head. The death knight drew her side sword and raised it into the air, channeling her necromantic powers through it. A shadowy aura grew around her, taking no specific shape, but it would hopefully provide a beacon for the muskets on the walls to shoot at. A tactician might question what the supernatural warrior was about to do and they would be right, but Aurelia was no tactician. Let the others come up with the plans and look at the bigger picture, she had soulless wretches to slay. All she saw ahead was the opportunity to win glory by racing to be the first into the breach and the chance to take out her childish frustrations on the defenders inside the walls. As the death knight began to charge towards the gate, she would put faith in her skill, shield, armor, and aura to keep her from falling in a hail of bullets that day.

Start out as close to the walls of the fort as possible, activate Nightmarish Image for 11 EP and move towards the breach as quickly as possible in the shortest distance path available!

Aurelia's EP ceiling after EV is 9, so this will cost 13 EP and 2 HP.
Aurelia's applicable stats after buff: 11 Speed, 93 Dodge, 19 Armor, 59 Resistance, 23 Perception, -1 Stealth, 52 Grapple.

In addition: Any creature attempting to attack the character must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 44 or have their action automatically fail. (Although I'm hoping that they're mindless because I'd rather them be attacking Aurelia than any of the more squishy characters, to extent that I'd like to waive this part of the ability if possible. >.>)

Cheat Sheet
When dealing HP damage: On a killing blow she makes a 21 + (Damage done/10)*Tier vs enemy resistance check against all opponents within 30 feet and in line of sight of her. If they fail they're unable to attack that round. If they fail twice they retreat or surrender.
When taking HP damage: 16 of her AV is due to Splint Mail, which has a DU of 6 and a TP of 50. She reduces damage dealt by /4 after armor due to her vampire mutation.

When dealing PP damage: She deals an additional +6 PP damage during penetrative sex due to Tight x3.
When taking PP Damage: She takes an additional +12 PP damage from Sensitive x3. She also has 5 fetishes but I'm not really sure how to list them here. >.>
Has Fertile (Pregnant on roll of 2 or more)

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional +4 EP damage from Open Soul.

She has foul aura, NPCs are more likely to distrust her.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Another day, another alien fortress to raid. Zahra wasn't quite sure how long it had been since the aliens had arrived in Anudoria; she would have guessed about 3 or 4 years, but she would have been wrong. She didn't have much of a sense of time anymore. It didn't seem to make sense to keep track of time when most every day was the same. Fight, run away, fight again, and try to keep each meal from being your last.

As she peered at the tower they were to investigate once clearing out the fortress she would have thought of the many other such raids she had been on, if she had cared to. Some had been successful, others had been "successful" depending on how exactly one defined what "success" was, but a solid majority had ended in failure. She didn't bother to listen to her new commander's words; she knew what to do. Slowly she crept up towards an area of broken rubble as she carefully watched the riflemen at the top of the walls, preparing already to repel the attack.

Zahra had fought alongside many groups in the past few years. Most of her comrades had died, turned into one of those things. She had learned fairly early on that becoming attached to someone in this desert was a quick and easy way to get hurt, and that you had to pick and choose carefully who you wanted to get hurt for. It was only by luck that she herself was still alive. Though maybe, she had though, that wasn't luck at all. One of her friends many years ago had told her that there was a Hell waiting for those who were wicked after they died. Maybe it was true, and maybe it wasn't, but it seemed to her that Hell had come to find everyone already in this life.

She would have to stop thinking of the Gemini as "things," of course. The closest thing she had to a friend in the world at this point was one of them, after all. Briefly she looked ahead to spot Huldah. The former human was as easy to pick out as ever; it wasn't often you saw a person with a cloak made of tentacles. With any luck she would come out of this assault not badly injured, and Zahra had some reason to be hopeful in that; the Gemini had survived for quite some time with her, so there was at least some reason to believe that she could handle herself.

After a brief time spent watching the others creep forward, she looked back up at the walls. She had seen many mercenary companies come to the desert before, all of which had either been swallowed up by the sands for eternity, or turned into one of the enemy. This one seemed different somehow, though. Not only were most of them fae, a group she had heard about more or less only in stories, they seemed more professional than most, and to have more of a clue what they were doing. That, ultimately, was why she was here. She could see this bunch being able to do some good before they were inevitably killed off.

Eying the riflemen on the wall carefully, she picked out five targets and reached back into her quiver for an arrow. As she notched it and took aim, she heard the cannon on the back of the group's giant spider go off, the shot hitting the gate and knocking it clean off its hinges, and knew that it was time to fight.

She could still remember the first time she had killed one of them. Something other than alien. Though it didn't come to mind as she carefully aimed her arrow at the gunner nearest the gate, she had been quite distraught. After all, they had once been just like her, relatively normal and not at all deserving of an arrow through the eye. Back at camp that night she had had a good, long cry, and had been nearly inconsolable, much to the chagrin of her more hardened comrades.

She let the arrow fly, and not a single emotion stirred in her heart as she swiftly reached back for another, aiming a little less carefully and firing it off at the Gemini beside the other, and then went down the line as quickly as she could until she had shot at the five she had picked out, and then she ducked down behind the rubble as best as she could.

Rapid Shot those hos.
42 to-hit, 2d8 + 34 damage on 5 shots aimed at the riflemen on the walls.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Standing right beside the half-vampire at the last piece of cover available before the walls, Huldah stood in her perpetual hunch. She hardly seemed to notice the beating sun on her nearly-bare form, her cloak of tentacles swaying lightly in the desert wind and her tail slowly sweeping back and forth. She looked more like the invaders than some of the possessed manning the walls.

She stood and listened to Ur-wind's speech impatiently, shifting from foot to foot. The kobold had already said all of this earlier, and it confused her why he would bother repeating himself now that the enemy was so close. He finally gave the order to prepare, and Huldah looked over to where Zahra was standing, giving the Su-Ku-Ta woman a reassuring smile and a small wave as she unstrapped her massive greatclub from her side and hefted it easily. The archer had told her they had been friends before, but Huldah couldn't remember, because of what the aliens had done to her. Still, Zahra was nicer to her then anyone else was, so she didn't want to see her hurt. Looks like there wasn't too much to worry about this time though, Zahra appeared to be staying well back this time.

Solidyn's cannon went off, blasting the main gate open, and Ur-wind signaled the attack. Huldah immediately went for the now-open gate at a run, hoping to get under cover of the wall before the gunners along it could spend time to target her. Her odd, reverse-jointed legs carried her quickly across the sands, quickly outpacing the comrade in armour she had started beside.

Beginning as close as possible as well, running for the gate, 4x speed if possible on the sand, 2x if it's too shifty for her.

Relevant stats:
Speed: 21

Dodge: 33
Armor: 6
Resistance: 33
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Solidyn's ears rang as the cannon thundered out, grinning at the sight of the gate exploding into splinters. The world returned to a relative, muddled silence as it the ringing faded - her heavy steel helmet prevented her from covering her ears for protection when her gun fired, but she'd long grown used to the blast anyway.

"RELOAD!" She called out. Her hands came together, clasped in what would look like prayer, her long, knife-like tips fingertips fanning out to give her orison a dangerous pair of bladed wings. "Give us the skill to destroy our foes and to triumph over them, the speed of mind and body to be where they think we are not, and to resist their will, and enforce ours upon them..."

Feeling herself surge with strength, and feeling that strength sweep outwards, she started towards the battle, raising her voice to be heard over the din of gunfire.

"Going to hop off, Marshal Rommel? It's going to get hairy in there - it'd be a shame if one of those bastards got lucky, wouldn't it?"

Casting Blessing for 5 EP.
+15 Attack, Resistance, Dodge.
3 EP Upkeep/turn.

Move towards ye wall.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Huldah: HP = 18/58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Beat up pretty bad
Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 81/89, Status = Fine, Haste
Zahra: HP = 36/54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Injured
Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 75/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5
Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 92/105, Status = Fine

Round 1
Huldah charges, moving 84 feet and basically reaching the gate.

Aurelia activates Nightmarish Image X = 11, gaining a +33 bonus to Dodge, Resistance and melee damage. The fear part is waived, as per your request.

Solidyn activates Blessing, giving herself, the 12 kobold gunners around her Ur-Wind a +15 bonus to Attack, Resistance and Dodge. She also moves 16 feet, getting to within 74 feet of the wall.

Casting (Kor) : Success!
Kor casts Haste on himself.

Attacks (Zahra) : All 5 hits.
Damage: 4 + 5 + 34 - 4 = 39 damage per shot. 2 dead, one wounded.

Attack (Snipers) : All three hit.
Damage: 7 + 3 + 7 + 6 + 1 - 4 = 20 damage. One more killed, and another wounded.

The satyr's move into position and hide.
Stealth: They win! They are no hidden and in cover!

3 of the 24 enemies along the wall were killed.
The 12 in the gateway are uninjured.

So, 6 attacks are directed at Huldah from the soldiers in the gateway, 6 are directed at the snipers, 2 are directed at Zahra, and 13 are gunning for Aurelia.
Attacks (Enemies) : All miss Aurelia, 1 hits Zehra, 2 hit snipers, 4 hits on Huldah.
Damage (Zehra) : 6 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6 = 18 damage. Armor at 24/30 TP.
Damage (Snipers) : 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 15 damage.
Damage (Huldah) : 2 + 4 + 10 - 6 = 10 * 4 = 40 damage. Lucky.

Including everything relevant to your actions in your post is helpful to, and will make this go a lot faster for me. Most of you did that, but I had too look up Spidertank's speed. :p

"Bah! A true leader does not lead from the rear!" Ur-Wind replied, and pointed his saber towards the wall as Solidyn started forward. "Charge!" He shouted as she enacted her magic. The lesser fae around her scrambled all the more quickly, beginning the length process of reloading her cannon.

Huldah and Aurelia rushed forward, Huldah doing it quite a bit faster as she reached the gateway before any of those above could even turn to fire on her. They largely turned their guns on Aurelia, firing repeatedly at the death knight, but the bullets bounced off her magically enhanced armor and shield, doing her no harm. Ironically, it was Huldah who took the brunt of the harm, half of the twelve at the gatehouse turning and lashing at her with their tentacles. Her natural defenses absorbed the brunt of the strikes, but she was still covered in welts and the slime of others by the end of their strikes. The other six had stayed to hold the line, and Huldah could see another two dozen gemini, as well as a quartet of hunters scrambling about in the courtyard surrounding the tower. Kor, who had been keeping pace with Aurelia, luckily avoided being clipped by the shots pinging off of the armored woman, and he watched as time seemed to slow following the completion of his spell. He couldn't move any faster, but he could do a great deal more in what time he had.

Zahra moved up with the other ranged troops, and opened fire along with the other Su-Ku-Ta in their group. The soldiers had always scoffed at her choice to use the bow over more modern weapons.... Until they saw her use it. Two of the gemini fell to arrows, each taking a pair of arrows to the chest and dropping down off of the wall. Not a one of her shots missed their mark, but as she was ducking, some of the aliens returned fire, one round clipping the cat woman on her right arm, just below the shoulder. The snipers alongside her opened fire as well, and another of the damned fell from the wall, dead. The snipers took a little fire as well, two of them also getting winged, and the satyrs moved up unnoticed along the walls. They readied their own weapons, preparing to open fire once the enemies who were now crouched behind the walls popped up again.

Current number of allies:

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers

Kobolds Gunners have Blessing, X = 5
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

The world around Kor slowed as his first spell took hold and he threw his head back and laughed, This was what he longed for! the feel of the Aether around him and through him and by him... As Aurelia and Huldah made for the gate the Mage saw Aurelia shrug off minor hits and keep walking, like a stormcloud bringing only death. But Huldah was set upon as soon as she reached the gate and Kor drew upon his strength to support his comrade. As always with Kor the world boiled down to the Aether, his target, and his foes and although little blood would be on his own hands today He would make sure that all of his fellow warriors would walk away from this encounter alive...

Haste Active
First Spell, Arcane Apotheosis Lvl 5(Buff Mind) Target: Self 68/6=11 *6= 66 Bringing Total Mind to 134 Upkeep 3 Bringing total upkeep to 5
Second Spell, Force Armor Lvl 2 (Buff Armor) Target: Huldah 134/6= 22 (RD) *3= +66 Armor Upkeep 0 Leaving Total Upkeep at 5
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Although her aura flared into existence without a hitch, getting into the fray was proving a bit more difficult for the heavily armored half-vampire. Every step saw one of her feet sink deeply into the sand, which required extra effort to yank the appendage out of the offending floor and take the next step. As one of the slowest fighters on the field, Aurelia rapidly became the biggest target, especially in combination with her shadowy 'shoot me' beacon. Bullets whizzed at her, being slowed by the necromantic energies and hitting her armor and shield as lightly as a pebble might. The shots caused her no pain or discomfort, but the constant pinging noises combined with her increasingly infuriating struggle with the very ground she was walking on caused the death knight to begin muttering obscenities under her breath, even as she charged.

By the time she had made it even a tenth of the way to the destroyed gate, the obscenities were no longer muttered beneath Aurelia's breath. Instead, the frustrated half-vampire was shouting abuse at the defenders. "... You lot couldn't hit the broadside of a troll's ass if he painted each cheek with a bulls-eye and mooned you! I'm gonna come up there and feed you your ammunition stocks, bullet by bullet, you assholes!" The profanities continued until the armored woman saw the tentacle-cloaked Huldah go charging past her, into the fighting. In her splint mail, the death knight couldn't even begin to keep up with the freed gemini. This caused her more frustration, but it also caused her wicked grin to creep further across her face, hidden as it was by her great-helm.

The half-vampire picked up her pace across the burning sands, sprinting as fast as she could move while weighed down by her gear. The gemini had met six of the defenders in melee, taken a beating, and yet hadn't fallen. Aurelia could grow to like that valiant woman. I've got to get in there before she goes down. Or worse, before she takes all of the glory!

Maintain Nightmarish Image, costing 9 EP (X - 2 cost). Charge at full speed towards the breach (44 speed, at speed x 4).

Continuing to waive Nightmarish Aura's terrify effect.
Aurelia's applicable stats after buff: 11 Speed, 93 Dodge, 19 Armor, 59 Resistance, 23 Perception, -1 Stealth, 52 Grapple.

Notes: Aurelia should have lost 2 HP for breaking the ceiling by 2. Also, she was supposed to make her whimpy 11 speed move last round and wasn't noted as doing so in the roll area. I assume that it was noted given the RP but just wanted to throw it in my notes.

Cheat Sheet
When dealing HP damage: On a killing blow she makes a 21 + (Damage done/10)*Tier vs enemy resistance check against all opponents within 30 feet and in line of sight of her. If they fail they're unable to attack that round. If they fail twice they retreat or surrender.
When taking HP damage: 16 of her AV is due to Splint Mail, which has a DU of 6 and a TP of 50. She reduces damage dealt by /4 after armor due to her vampire mutation.

When dealing PP damage: She deals an additional +6 PP damage during penetrative sex due to Tight x3.
When taking PP Damage: She takes an additional +12 PP damage from Sensitive x3. She also has 5 fetishes but I'm not really sure how to list them here. >.>
Has Fertile (Pregnant on roll of 2 or more)

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional +4 EP damage from Open Soul.

She has foul aura, NPCs are more likely to distrust her.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Huldah screamed in outrage as the defenders at the gate started whipping her. her unusually thick skin helped to soften the myriad strikes, but bruises and welts still appeared all over her body in short order. It always confused her how they could be so different. Zahra explained it to her before, how these were being controlled by something else, and how she was like that too, before she was rescued, but Huldah didn't remember anything like that happening. A sharp whip across her face brought her back to the present, a spot of blood starting to drip from a tear on the bridge of her nose, mixing with the ever-present slime on her body.

Sucking in a deep breath, she gave out a renewed roar of anger just as she felt a wave of magic flow over her from behind, felt it take hold, thickening her skin further. She dived into the middle of the other gemini, her own cloak of tentacles coming alive and flailing about wildly, swinging her massive club in a great arc as she tried to take out as many as she could in the fracas.

Ploughing through to the center of them, if possible. Then Whirlwind, with Slay thrown in for good measure. Tentacles flailing are just in there for fluff, and to seem more intimidating.

Whirlwind hits everything in range for +37 to-hit, 2d8+38 damage, doubled after any armour of theirs is taken off.

any kills should make cleave kick in, which hits at +27, 2d8+28, doubled after reductions. if that still manages to kill something, i get another attack at +17, 2d8+18, and so on.

any kills also provoke the Terrify skill, resistance check vs 33-10+5+((damage/10)*2).
Simplified, 28+(dmg/5) First loss, they wont attack, second loss they'll flee or surrender.

Update of relevant stats:
Speed: 21

Dodge: 13
Armor: 72
Resistance: 33
Grapple: 62
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

"Sir, yes, sir!"

Solidyn leapt to her commander's order, and rushed forth, her eight legs kicking up a wake of flying sand as her steel-shelled bulk lurched forward. By no means was her pace quick in any sense... but, with her sheer size, enough to comfortably accommodate Ur-wind and six other kobolds in addition to their cannon, had never failed to shock their opponents in any campaign they had signed onto before. And she knew that when finally got closer, her ten daggerlike fingers and razor-sharp maw would surely horrify them even more.

Whoops, sorry Tass :x
Charge yon wall!
Speed = 8; for a run, that's x4, so 32 feet, right?
Since Arachne can climb walls, Imma scuttle up the side and fuck up some shooters hopefully in the future. Climbin' tank. Or APC, more like.

Final stats (with +15 to dodge and res due to buff)
Dodge: 70
Armor: 28
Resistance: 48
Perception: 13
A bonus of +9 VS Prone and +5 VS Stun or involuntary movement, also.
Beep beep Imma jeep.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Zahra's arrows flew just as they were intended to, two apiece lodging in the chests of two of the Gemini on the wall, the fifth arrow hitting but not quite killing another of them. As the Su-Ku-Ta ducked behind the rubble again, however, the enemies began to return fire, one of them making a decent shot at her arm. The bullet pierced her leather armor and sunk into the flesh, though the armor slowed it enough that it only penetrated her skin shallowly. "Damn" she muttered, hiding more fully behind the rubble long enough for the volley to subside before jumping up and taking aim again. She and the others had a lot of killing to do if they were going to clear the wall for Solidyn, and she had no intention of slouching, despite the pain that shot through her arm each time she drew the bowstring back, blood slowly beginning to stain her shirt and the armor covering it.

Rapid Shot those hos again.
42 to-hit, 2d8 + 34 damage on 5 shots aimed at the riflemen on the walls.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Huldah: HP = 18/58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Beat up pretty bad, Force Armor +66 AV (from Kor)
Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 69/89, Status = Fine, Haste, +66 Mind from Arcane Apotheosis, Force Armor (on Huldah)
Zahra: HP = 18/54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Injured
Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 75/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5
Aurelia Korort: HP = 102/104, PP = 43, EP = 83/105, Status = Nightmarish Image X = 11

Round 1
Huldah Strikes Back!
Attack: All Hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 38 - 4 = 38 * 2 = 76 damage.
Six kills! Terrifying! Resistance DC = 28 + 15 = 43
The other six are all too happy to flee for their lives, since they can't make the DC and are up against 6 checks.

Aurelia sprints! Spending 9 EP to upkeep the image as well, she gets to within 35 feet of the walls and gatehouse.

Solidyn sprints! She gets 32 feet, trundling along and getting to about 42 feet from the walls and gatehouse.

Casting (Kor) : Double Success!
Kor casts Arcane Apotheosis on himself and Force Armor on Huldah. You calculated it all for me, and I'll take you at your word.

Attacks (Zahra) : All 5 hits.
Damage: 8 + 5 + 34 - 4 = 43 damage per shot. 3 more kills.

The snipers reload.

The satyr's suddenly rise and fire as the enemy tries to return fire!
Stealth: They win!
Attacks: Automatic hits! All 9 of them.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 15 = 18 * 2 = 36 - 4 = 32 damage per shot.
4 more kills!

7 of the 21 enemies along the wall were killed, leaving 14.
6 of the 12 in the gateway are killed. The other 6 flee, creating confusion in the ranks of the other enemies within the fortress courtyard.

So, 8 attacks directed at the satyrs, 1 is directed at Zahra, and 5 are gunning for Aurelia.
Attacks (Enemies) : All miss Aurelia, 1 hits Zehra, 4 hits on the satyrs.
Damage (Zehra) : 5 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 6 = 18 damage. Armor at 18/30 TP.
Damage (Satyrs) : 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 15 damage.

No worries garg! Just wanted to point that out. This thread is rather mechanics heavy. And I did forget to completely update Aurelia's status last round, sorry Haf!

Huldah pushed quickly into the ranks of the enemies, who tried to scatter as her tentacles began to lash out and her heavy club spun about. The six that had attacked her were far too close to get away, however, and all of them went down from crushed skulls or broken necks. the other six in the gatehouse, seeing this, turned and fled into the fortress, abandoning their post and causing chaos among the ranks of the other defenders as they scrambled to become organized. Well behind them, a group of Su-Ku-Ta gemini in robes emerged from a building on the left side of the courtyard, five in all, and began shouting to come together. A slime boiled out of the doorway behind them, shining violet in the early morning desert sun. This group was at least seventy feet away from where Huldah stood in the gateway, and the entirety of the defensive force was between her and them.

Aurelia saw the gemini woman tear through a wave of the defenders, and watched the rest flee into the gate as she crawled across the sands, only crossing half the distance between herself and the gateway. A few more bullets pinged off of her shield and armor, but not nearly so many as last time as the satyrs drew much of the enemies attention. The goat men had risen in time with the gemini along the walls, and Zehra had risen with them. The two groups exchanged fire, and despite a few wounds on their part, including another bullet that clipped one of Zehra's ears, the attackers came off better for it. A third of the remaining gemini tumbled from the walls before the group both dropped back to cover, the archers doing far more harm than the riflemen despite their more advanced firepower.

Kor's magic went exactly as planned, strengthening his own control of magic and then quickly wrapping around Huldah's wounded body, a protective screen of energy appearing over the gemini's skin. Form where he was, he could only see a handful of the enemies within the fortress, but he could easily get to the allies who were shooting it out with the ones along the wall.

Solidyn, armored behemoth that she was, moved across the desert ground with surprising speed despite her heavy armor and the half dozen passengers on her back. Ur-Wind remained standing, the kobold's sabre pointed directly toward the wall as a maniacal grin covered his face. It would be a while before they reached the wall itself, but the kobold's on her back would be within range of the attackers on the wall soon enough. The long process of reloading the gun on her backside was going smoothly, and it would be ready to fire well before they could reach the top of the wall.

Current number of allies:

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts, 4 of whom are injured
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers, one of whom is injured

Kobolds Gunners have Blessing, X = 5

Current enemies in the courtyard:
4 hunters
24 gemini soldiers
6 fleeing gemini soldiers
5 Gemini Cultists
1 dark slime
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Kor was in a trance, the Power moving around him causing him to sway back and forth, gods it was beautiful, to be so intimately connected to everything around him in a way those without power could never understand. But... THERE! The Taint, There was enemy magic here, interfering with his beautiful melody, the song of his workings. This would not be tolerated...... Running forward like a blur Kor tried to get within shouting distance of Huldah to warn her "HULDAH! GET BEHIND THE WALL!!" Kor could only hope all his screaming and arm waving would get the womans attention before it was too late
RUN LIKE HELL!!!! Sprint Twice at 4X Speed, Get within shouting distance of Huldah And Scream for her to Pull Back! So Moving 80 and doing alot of shouting Current Dodge: 77
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

A frustrated growl echoed from within the half-vampire's greathelm. Her slow speed was keeping her from all the action. There was no glory to be found in being a shooting target for rabble. To be frank, the consistent sound of shots ricocheting off of her armor was enough to make Aurelia want to pick up the ammunition, close distance with the riflemen, and then return the offending pellets as suppositories. The allied gemini had already won the gate, too. The deathknight was beginning to wonder if there would be any left in the fortress by the time she arrived.

The sound of her fellow half-vampire shouting about something that she couldn't quite make out was enough to shake the armored woman from her frustrations. Turning to offer a short glance and seeing him rapidly approaching the breach was enough to make her raise her shield and continue her sprint. Aurelia was damned if she was going to let a mage beat her to the action, too. The Korort woman wasn't sure what she could expect to find in the fort but at least there was still some chance that she could violently murder it.

Maintain Nightmarish Image. EP cost = 9. Sprint through the gatehouse and into the courtyard, as close as she can get to the casters (44 speed). Spend some time cursing under breath at armor encumbrance

Continuing to waive Nightmarish Aura's terrify effect.
Aurelia's applicable stats after buff: 11 Speed, 93 Dodge, 19 Armor, 59 Resistance, 23 Perception, -1 Stealth, 52 Grapple.

Cheat Sheet
When dealing HP damage: On a killing blow she makes a 21 + (Damage done/10)*Tier vs enemy resistance check against all opponents within 30 feet and in line of sight of her. If they fail they're unable to attack that round. If they fail twice they retreat or surrender.
When taking HP damage: 16 of her AV is due to Splint Mail, which has a DU of 6 and a TP of 50. She reduces damage dealt by /4 after armor due to her vampire mutation.

When dealing PP damage: She deals an additional +6 PP damage during penetrative sex due to Tight x3.
When taking PP Damage: She takes an additional +12 PP damage from Sensitive x3. She also has 5 fetishes (Helplessness, Submission, Dominance, Multiple Partners, Bondage) but I'm not really sure how to list them here. >.>
Has Fertile (Pregnant on roll of 2 or more)

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional +4 EP damage from Open Soul.

She has foul aura, NPCs are more likely to distrust her.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Huldah yelled in rage as the rest of the gemini in the gate turned and fled, slamming her club into the ground after them in defiance. She spotted the rest of the force inside of the courtyard, including a small group of what looked like Gemini mages. She was just about to run right into the fray again, letting out a yell that ended in a cough, splattering a small amount of blood onto the sand before her. She looked down at it for a second, not comprehending. One of those hits she took earlier must have been harder than she thought...

That's when she heard the shouting behind her. Behind the wall? Which side was the behind? Usually it's the inside, but that's where all the bad guys were. Why would Kor be so frantic to have her do what she was going to do anyways? She must mean the other side, that would make more sense, yeah...

Having stood in the open doorway for the better part of four or five seconds, Huldah stepped back and sideways a bit, placing herself back outside of the gate, against the wall. She rested her club against the sand for the time being, taking hold of one of the pistols strapped to her chest. It remained strapped there, but she could aim it well enough to pop out and fire at anything trying to come through the gate, and she could drop it without losing it after this way.

Su-Ku-Ta Wargun, +50, 3d6+4, 8AP. Fire at the first enemy to come within 60ft, or one along the wall if they try to lean over to get at her.

Current important stats:
Speed: 21

Dodge: 33
Armor: 72
Resistance: 33
Grapple: 62
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Solidyn whistled appreciatively at their giant's prowess in battle. With just one swing she'd felled six enemies and routed the rest! Quite impressive - she definitely didn't ever want to take a contract against her. But she didn't have time to dwell on that - right now, it was war! Admiring that woman wouldn't help her - she needed to focus on what she was doing, lest one of those cats get a lucky shot in!

She was all set to continue her dash... but through her visor, she saw five robed figures coming out of a doorway in the back, and she hesitated. Mages... mages were always dangerous. With the giant looking as bad as she did, and that other warrior struggling in the sand... perhaps it would be better if she stopped to get them on their feet. Bloody unprofessionals...

Slowing to a trot to allow her to focus, she sent a mental call out... she needed a healer. A Siren, perhaps, or would a Sorcerer be better? She felt someone hurtling to her aid, and in short order a circle of mushrooms popped out of the sand, forming a fairy ring in which her aid would appear.

Summon a Sorcerer/Siren (whichever's better at healing and buffing) via Fey Servant, It should cost 8 EP, so according to my calculations and with my upkeep of 3 that means this turn I spend a total of 14 EP and 3 HP.

Can I control where they appear? If I can, I want them near Huldah, where hopefully less shit will shoot at it.

Move toward wall.

Speed = 8

Final stats (with +15 to dodge and res due to buff)
Dodge: 70
Armor: 28 - Oh God, that's not enough, is it. I'm gonna get shot to death immediately, aren't I.
Resistance: 48
Perception: 13
A bonus of +9 VS Prone and +5 VS Stun or involuntary movement, also.
Honk honk Imma tonk.
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

As Zahra rose, so too did the Satyrs this time, and they all fired together at the Gemini on the wall. Seven more of their enemies fell from the wall dead, though it was about 14 too few for the Su-Ku-Ta's tastes. As she ducked back behind the rubble for cover, she felt a sharp sting on her left ear, and a small amount of blood running down to her neck. Damn it Zahra... she thought, grabbing for her ear to see the damage. Sure enough, a chunk had been shot out of it, though she could still hear, and it seemed that any damage was merely cosmetic. That was a relief; it didn't really matter to her how her ear looked, so long as she could hear out of it. What bothered her was that the bullet had been only a few inches away from blowing out her brains. Be more smart about this... This isn't the place to get killed she thought, waiting until the proper moment to get back up and fire off a few arrows before ducking down, though this time she was a bit more cautious.

Rapid Shot with Defensive Fighting (10)
32 to-hit, 2d8 + 34 damage on 5 shots aimed at the riflemen on the walls. +10 to dodge.

Oh lawd, I hope I don't die.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Huldah: HP = 18/58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Beat up pretty bad, Force Armor +66 AV (from Kor)
Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 64/89, Status = Fine, Haste, +66 Mind from Arcane Apotheosis, Force Armor (on Huldah)
Zahra: HP = 18/54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Injured
Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 57/60, PP = 50, EP = 58/80, Status = Fine, Blessing X = 5
Aurelia Korort: HP = 102/104, PP = 43, EP = 74/105, Status = Nightmarish Image X = 11

Round 1
Huldah takes a potshot!
Attack: Hit!
Damage: 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 14 damage on one of the gemini

Aurelia sprints! Spending 9 EP to upkeep the image as well, she gets past the gatehouse and into the courtyard!

Solidyn moved forward and summons a sorceress! She gets 16 feet, and has another 26 feet from the walls and gatehouse. For future reference: a sorceress is a caster, a siren is a succubus by another name.

Kor runs, goes 80 feet, makes it to within 10 feet of the wall.

Attacks (Zahra) : All 5 hits.
Damage: 6 + 7 + 34 - 4 = 42 damage per shot. 4 more kills.

The snipers reload some more. Stupid sniper rifles.

The satyr's shoot back!
Attacks: Hits! Well, 7 of them hit at least.
Damage: 6 + 3 + 15 = 24 - 4 = 20 damage per shot.
2 more kills!

Kobold gunners fire!
Attacks: 4 out of 6 hit!
Damage: 1 + 6 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 8 = 28 damage.
2 more kills!

8 of the 14 enemies along the wall were killed, leaving 6.
6 of the 6 in the gateway flee, 4 of the gemini rush Huldah, and the other 20 all go for Aurelia.

So, 4 attacks directed at Solidyn, 1 is directed at Zahra, and 1 shoots at Kor.
Attacks (Enemies) : All miss. Well, the ones against Huldah actually hit, but they don't do any damage, so same difference.

Casting (Cultists) : Success!
Automatic hits!
Damage: 4 + 1 + 7 - 2 = 10 - Aurelia and Huldah's armor..... Yeah.

Casting (Slime) : Success!
Attack: Miss.

You can control where summons appear.

The sorceress appeared where Solidyn directed it to, a circle of mushrooms suddenly sprouting next to Huldah, a sorceress appearing within it a few moments later. The woman in the green dress took cover against the wall as the gemini who was on their side retreated a few steps and ducked around the wall, and then took a shot at one of her own kind. Kor charged up to meet her, and Aurelia surged past both of them and into the courtyard. Tentacles lash at the vampire, but she doesn't feel a thing through her magically enhanced armor. A few did get around the wall of vampire and came around the corner, swinging at Huldah, but they reflected off of her magical enhancement harmlessly. The satyrs and Zehra, along with the gunners sitting on Solidyn all opened fire on those along the wall, and eight of the corrupted ones dropped from the walls, dead from arrows and rounds.

Their return fire was utterly harmless, a few rounds pinging off of the armored spider and one zipping past Zahra's head, but none finding their mark. Magic bolts struck out at both Aurelia and Huldah from the gemini cultists, but neither of the fighters were harmed by the minor magic. A ray of darkness shot out from the slime, which the vampire simply shrugged off with her shield. They had made good headway so far, and with few real injuries to speak of and the wall almost cleared it looked like they might win this battle without casualties...

(Half assed post is half assed)

Current number of allies:

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts, 4 of whom are injured
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers, one of whom is injured

Kobolds Gunners have Blessing, X = 5

Current enemies in the courtyard:
4 hunters
24 gemini soldiers, 1 taken 14 damage so far.
6 fleeing gemini soldiers
5 Gemini Cultists
1 dark slime
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the desert group!)

Huldah took her shot at one of the gemini in the courtyard, receiving half a dozen magical and mundane blows for her trouble. They all shrugged harmlessly off her though, Kor's magic working wonders and showing no sign of stopping. A fey showed up beside her for no apparent reason, and Huldah glared at it for a second, till she was sure it wasn't going to try and get her.

And then Aurelia ran right by her and into the courtyard, which caused Huldah no end to the confusion. Kor said to stay put! Speaking of, the mage was coming up right now. Huldah stared at Kor and motioned one hand towards Aurelia, the other towards the ground at her feet, then threw both hands up and screwed her face up in a 'What the hell?' manner, before grabbing her club and rushing right in after the vampire, giving a single sweeping swing at the gemini who had reached her before bowling past them towards the larger group. Huldah could have been fighting already, Kor wasted her time!

(For those of us watching at home, yes, Huldah just did the )

One attack on the leftmost gemini, hoping to cleave through them, or scare off any still standing. Using slay, naught else. Then moving as far as I can into the courtyard.

+47, 2d8+48, doubled
Cleave for -10 hit and damage per target she plows through, all damage doubled.
Any kill provoked terrify, Res check vs 28+(dmg/5) First loss, they wont attack, second loss they'll flee or surrender.

Current relevant stats:
Speed: 21

Dodge: 23
Armor: 72
Resistance: 33
Grapple: 62