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Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 42/68, PP = 78, EP = 2/89, Status = Injured, Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Lesser Strength (+22 Body), Low on Energy

Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 52/60, PP = 50, EP = 9/80, Status = Fine, Has 3 Sorceresses, Low on Energy

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 25/105, Status = Fine, Paralyzed, Has 1 Zombie Minion, super chair, and a golem named Mason

"Him?" Ur-Wind said, looking under Solidyn in order to glance at the insane Su-Ku-Ta, who crouched down and waved at him through her legs. "Errr... Right. Excellent work Solidyn!" he said, straightening and gazing up at the armored spider-woman. "Well done.... Now all I have to do is get him to tell us where that secret passageway is," the kobold general said, before striding around Solidyn and Sacrimony, who had followed her about since she'd scratched him behind the ears.

Once they'd both agreed, the mechanical dog's owner gestured for Huldah and Zahra to go up the stairs, which Aurelia was already headed towards, but when Ur-Wind stepped up to stand in front of the man he gestured for them to hold. "Excuse me... Who are you?" he asked incredulously, and Ur-Wind glared up at him for a moment before replying; "I am Sir Ur-Wind Rammel, of Spring. Leader of the Sand Serpents, eleventh son of Dor-Jixis the Mighty, and commander in the war against the alien menace. Who, sir, are you?" The cat-man looked both taken aback and affronted, and he immediately shot back; "I am Verja Cortis the Fourth, owner of this tower and Fourth Tier High Mage of the Sojet Collective!" The two glared at each other for a moment, and then Ur-Wind said; "You will cooperate with us so long as we respect your belongings and personal space?" Verja glared right back, but then rolled his eyes and sardonically replied; "Yeeeesssss~"

Ur-Wind's scowl broke into a grin, "Excellent! Now where's the secret passageway?" Verja replied; "Downstairs, through the basement. Long hallway, you really can't miss it. Don't touch anything while you're down there, might blow the place up." The kobold general nodded sagely, "Right! Excellent! I'll go and check it out! Huldah, Zahra, you provide him with whatever assistance he needs! Pull out the maid outfits if you have to, I don't care! Solidyn, you're off duty for now, go and take a rest!" With that, the two parted, and the Su-Ku-Ta man turned about and moved over to Zahra and Huldah, grabbing each by the shoulder, but then pulling his hand away from the corrupted woman and frowning at the slime now coating his hand. "Right! You two, come with me!" he said, and then started pushing them towards the stairs.


Emi followed Kor to his secluded tent, set up in one of the corners as the half-vampire had instructed his fey comrades earlier in the day, walking with a noticeable sway to her step. She crawled in past him and proceeded immediately to slip the straps of her tight green dress off of her shoulders. "What's that?" she asked curiously when he drank a swig of his special potion, but the fey dropped the matter without a second thought after Kor discarded his shirt. Releasing a low purr, Emi crawled over to Kor, straddling him and continuing the pleasing noise as he began to kiss her neck.

Her hands began to play over his chest while her shiny blonde hair tickled his skin, pausing in her exploration of his body only to pull the straps of her dress down further, off of her arms. "Do you like the taste? I've got something else that you could... Nibble on...." she whispered, and then pulled her dress down until her breasts were exposed, their pink tips already stiffening as the cool air inside of his tent washed over them. Her hands started reaching lower, towards his belt line.


Aurelia headed up stairs and stepped into what had to be one of the largest libraries she'd ever entered. Shelves covered in books covered most of the room, and as all of the sections were fairly well labeled it wasn't hard to find what she wanted. There weren't too many books on demonology within Boot's collection, but the section had an entire wall of texts. The same could be said for necromancy. The death knight would merely have to pick out what she wanted in particular, as there was information aplenty. Basic summoning and binding was well covered in the wizard's collection, as were a few more abstract bits of lore, and while his information on necromancy was hardly impressive, there were still a few titles that she didn't recognize. The chair that she'd animated to bind her in case one of the books in the restricted sections acted up on her followed her diligently, holding whatever load she placed upon it, and as yet Aurelia hadn't detected any mental intrusions or taken to any sudden urges.

Tilda the Sorceress: Fine
Emi the Sorceress (Tiddles) : spent 6 EP, full health
Mason: 110 Body, 8 AV, taken 99 damage
Sacrimony the Mechadog: Fine
Verja (Boots) the Mad Science Cat: Fine

Current number of allies: (all outside right now)

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers

Summoned Sorceress
Last edited:
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

With the exception of a short few moments to take off her gloves and her shield and unceremoniously hang them over the chair, the self-proclaimed knight thumbed through her literary plunder without delay. As per usual, many of the books were directed toward a beginner in necromancy, demonology, or the art of spiritual manipulation in general. It was understandable, as the most interested parties for such books were those few who could read who had either recently discovered their powers and were panicked and seeking knowledge or those who simply hoped to spark some innate power in themselves through practice.

Still, it bothered her to be talked down to like a child by a book--even when the author wasn't addressing her directly. Yes, she knew very well how to manipulate her energy by thinking of it 'as a lasso', as one book had put it, and a ball, as per another author, along with any other number of shapes; shaping energy was the basic principle behind her ability to drain others' life energy, animate the undead, and any other number of tricks she could muster, after all. But she was well beyond that part of her learning and after so many centuries the half-vampire surely counted as a woman grown. Surely they could have included a less insulting terminology for someone beyond the beginner.

Likewise, she did not need the warning of one of the demonology texts in order to know how succubi fed and how to keep them under control. It had been anything but a whim that had caused her to look into summoning and binding demons. Aurelia had consorted with the demonesses before, and she had killed their master of the moment -- well, almost killed -- before that. If any one thing had proved that she was no girl playing at being a knight and a necromancer, that had been it. She still remembered that day vividly after so many centuries, so vividly that she could still smell it as she drew in a deep breath and became lost in it even as she absentmindedly continued to turn the pages of the book in her hand.

Aurelia stood at the forefront of a small force numbering around fifty living and ten undead, overlooking a small town surrounded by packed earthen walls. She was a far cry from the Aurelia of the future, clad only in light chainmail and wielding a buckler and a sword that looked more like a machete than the weapon of a noblewoman. Those were the days when she thought herself invincible and peerless, by her reckoning heavy armor only kept her from getting to the front sooner.

The stench of death was heavy in the air but the battle she had come for hadn't yet begun in earnest. That stench was, in truth, a large part of the reason why she had already sent a majority of her zombified warriors into the fray as shock troopers. Even given her time spent working with the dead in order to bring them into undeath, it was a smell that sickened the budding necromancer and threatened to make her ill at the worst of times. The only time it didn't bother her was when congealed with the scent of freshly spilled blood, of fire, of, as politely as it could be labelled, the fear of men, then it was exhilarating.

And she'd have plenty of all those and more that day. The town she had come to conquer sat in a neutral zone between her own house's holdings, which she had only assumed leadership of a few weeks prior, and a rival. She had sent a message offering the people of the village a simple choice: stay and serve her or flee their homes. Unsurprisingly, they had declined to do either. A second effort at negotiations once her force had arrived had already failed with the villagers claiming that they had some sort of savior who would allow them to retain independence. What the townspeople couldn't know was that she had hoped for the diplomatic failure. Their refusal had only made it easier, the real reason the noblewoman had wanted to conquer the town was simply because she could.

And it was time. She turned to give her final orders to the force she had led, displaying another difference between the Aurelia of then and the Aurelia of the future in her lessened love for her own voice. "If you need a long speech about honor and bravery and death to go and conquer a town filled with pitchfork-wielding farm boys and their women: I'm sorry, I mistook you for a soldier! One-hundred denarii for anyone who brings me their supposed savior alive!" The death knight unceremoniously pointed her sword in the direction of the town. "Charge!"

A small scattering of cheers erupted as she began her own charge followed by her men and her undead guards, the latter struggling to keep up. With her supernatural stamina, the noblewoman sprinted across the wide clearing between herself without tiring or slowing any. A few arrows whizzed by her as she moved, burying themselves into the earth. The undead she had already sent had obviously fallen, but it was expected. By then, the townspeople's morale was probably already failing between any casualties they might have sustained and the very sight of the undead. Some might already even be fleeing in fear of joining the ranks of the animated.

This only contributed to the amount of surprise she experienced when she finally closed the gap and went leaping over a shorter section of the wall to find that not only were the peasants not broken, they were in good order and fighting side by side with diminutive green creatures the likes of which she had never seen before. Confronted by surprise, the knight chose to do what she always did, swing her sword at the problem until an answer presented itself.

Two of the creatures presented themselves front and center so that she could test her preferred solution. The first she caught off guard, hiding the movement of her sword with an aggressive swing from her buckler and then hacking at his neck. He went down quickly, proving to her that the new things could be killed or mortally wounded. The second put up more of a fight, parrying two of her strikes and dodging a few swings of her shield before she managed to kick him to the ground and place her sword squarely in his head.

By then more of her men had begun to pour over the walls and were fighting both the creatures and the peasants. For all their bravery, the townspeople could do little against properly equipped soldiers. One got lucky once in a while and would stick one of hers in the belly with a rusted pitchfork or catch them with a sickle, but they could do little more than that. The little green men and women proved much more effective, probably killing one for each of their own lost, but there weren't enough of them to make a difference in the battle.

Aurelia pushed forward, past the frontline skirmish and into the town center with only a few undead servants, seeking the town's savior. There she found him, he wore red robes and was mounted on a steed as black as night with fiery eyes. The man was also flanked by two collared, horned women with no clothing to speak of, but they seemed more like slaves than combatants. "Ah! And I was so worried you'd be a fake! This should be fun!" The noblewoman called out her challenge, still without any healthy respect for the man. He only snarled in return, something she found funny until he showed her how little of his claim was fraudulent.

He pointed his finger at her and an orb of black fire issued forth, moving so quickly that she couldn't dodge it. It exploded to her left in a hellish blaze that charred most of her left side so badly that her shield fell free. Her undead escorts simply evaporated. The knight shrieked in pain as she attempted to put the fire out, rolling on the ground. It was the first time she had ever felt such physical pain, the first time she had suffered a wound that she wasn't sure would disappear with feeding. And worse, the steed charged forward.

Her cockiness was immediately replaced with fear. Actual fear. She might truly die there for her lack of respect for her opponent. The nightmarish horse tried to trample her while she was on the ground, but she managed to retain the wits and control over her pain well enough to roll out of the way thanks only to her father's heritage. The robed man drew a sword and swung at her, but she managed a desperate parry. He was a terrible fighter, but he obviously thought her so close to death that he might be able to whittle her down. She couldn't capitalize on his arrogance, though, for the attempts of the steed to finish her were much more dangerous and likely to be effective.

The horse attempted to bite her again and again, combined with its riders ineffective swings, and the half-vampire was actually beginning to feel the fatigue of her wound. With no help in sight, she knew it would be over soon if she didn't do something to break his momentum. Aurelia settled for a desperate gambit, when the horse made another attempt to bite her she stood her ground and struck out. Miraculously, it worked, if not without a price. The monstrous steed had bitten down to the bone of her right shoulder but she, thanks to her vampiric heritage, had managed to strike it in the windpipe hard enough to send it to the ground with its rider, crushing his leg in the process. Unfortunately, she went down with it.

Immobilized, the knight was truly helpless for the first time in her life. And, to her terror, she had forgotten all about the collared women, at least until they approached. They stalked toward their apparent master and the vampire woman deliberately slowly, a seductive sway in their hips. The man could not turn and see them for his legs, but Aurelia could. He yelled and cursed and screamed for them to hurry to his side, but they said nothing. The noblewoman didn't say anything either. All she could think about was how the end was coming very slowly for her and she couldn't even grip her sword.

She could not remember the words when the two women finally did speak, she was barely able to hear them as they were spoken for the excruciating pain she had never before thought possible. But luck shined on her again as it turned out that the master of the two women had not been a kind one to them. The price for their betrayal of him would be simple, as it turned out, as they only wished to eat his soul. Given her position, the noblewoman could hardly say no. In hindsight, she would realize that their only taking one of the two combatants might only have been because her soldiers had just began filtering into the town square after crushing the remaining resistance. Not that she'd ever complain, it had been the beginning of a beautiful (and pleasurable) partnership with the succubi and had been responsible for sealing her first conquest.

The knight was removed from her memories by the sound of the chair scraping toward her. She brought up a single hand and motioned for it to stop. "This is a different type of stupid, dreamy look," she explained. "Come, I have much reading to do." She stated without looking toward it as she selected a few books on more permanent demon summoning rituals and form manipulation, followed by a book about embalming and longer-lasting undead servants, then finally a book involving the use of spiritual manipulation for construction purposes and piled them all onto her servant.

Then she would find a table and simply read for a while.


Also, if nothing interesting is ever going to come of that, head on out to her tent and see how her new manservants are doing afterward.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah nodded at the native, making two steps towards the stairs before they were interrupted by their fearless kobold leader. She stopped and listened, nodding until he had finished. "Yes sir!" She said with all the enthusiasm she could muster, turning and following their host as he lead them to whatever it is he wanted them to do.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

The humongous half-spider saluted once more. "Yessir!" She shouted... though, inwardly, she was still itching for a fight. She'd only gotten to kick that one critter, and she hadn't even splattered it oh-so-satisfyingly like she'd wanted. Nothing to do about it now, though... With Ur-wind taking kitty and the big girl to go look at the fancy secret passage, she supposed a break was as good an idea as any.

She gave the odd Cat-man a nod, and then went to climb back down through the hole in the floor... stopping at it's precipice. "Uh, hope you don't mind the hole," she said to... Verja, she thought it was. "I kinda don't fit on the stairs, yeah? If ya need it patched, the one with the wolf-helmet can do it for ya."

After scurrying as best as she could away - which is to say, not very well at all, slinging so much metal around, and all - she made it to the emptied first floor, where she called for some help undoing her armor. As much as she wanted to just flop on the ground and go for awhile, she had those three sorceresses to look after, and as invincible as she felt in her armor, 'looking after' them would be pretty hard with it on. The fighting was over, after all - that meant she had to fulfill her payment part of their contract. She took her contracts very seriously, after all. She wasn't sure what they'd do if she didn't pay up - besides not come next time, probably - but she knew what she'd do to someone that tried to cheat their way out of a payment.

The fact that 'payment' was sex was a big plus for it, though. No matter how tired she was, she always perked up once the whole thing was actually going. Once she'd been uncanned, she let her armor lie out of the sun and elements in the tower's first level, meandering off to find her helpful summoned healers.

Upkeep: 0 EP/turn

Final stats (with +0 to dodge and res due to buff)
Dodge: 55
Armor: 28
Perception: 13
Speed: 8
Resistance: 33
A bonus of +9 VS Prone and +5 VS Stun or involuntary movement, also
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra started up the stairs when the old Su-Ku-Ta gestured to her to do so, but paused when he and Marshal Rammel began their silly little round of posturing. She pondered for a moment what the crazy old cat had said, thinking back to her time as a concubine. The Sojet Collective… they were a group of mages from all over the desert, as far as she remembered. Higher numbers meant more powerful, generally, she thought. Yes, that had to be right. It struck her as being a bit odd that this guy, Verja apparently being his name, was so high ranking. He seemed completely batty, and what few high ranking members of the Collective she had met before had been… less so. Maybe a couple years of being alone in this tower had made him that way.

In any case, their little spat was over fairly quickly, and the Marshal was giving Zahra and Huldah their orders, which were to assist the old Su-Ku-Ta however he requested. Of course, her ears flicked in annoyance at his assertion that they should “pull out the maid outfits if [they] had to.” It brought back bad memories for her, especially considering the kind of person she was being told to “assist.” Still, she would do as she was told for the sake of the resistance, even if she didn’t much care for it. Verja grabbed her shoulder and began to push her towards the stairs, and she quickly began to walk towards them under her own power, though she didn’t reply to either Rammel or him.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor, more then happy in his own little world at the moment had his attention entirely on the woman keeping him company and as she quipped about the taste he grinned, watching her slide her dress lower to reveal the the curve of her breasts and the sweet peaks of her nipples as his mouth moved to engulf one in the warmth of his lips, his hot breath felt for just a moment in the cool air of the room before taking the invitation and wrapping his tongue around the sensitive peak, sucking gently and running his hands over her shoulders, sliding the dress lower even as she reached for his belt.

Kor turned out to be a surprisingly gentle lover, neither wanting to rush or even consider anything going on except for the needs of Emi as he hummed around the peak of her breast, before moving to the other, a hand sliding around to grope her chest gently as his mouth continued to do the brunt of his work, occasionally the razor tip of his fangs teasingly slipping across the silky flesh of her globes as they undressed each other and just enjoyed the moment. However, magic was entirely too much fun, and as soon as he had the joy of completely removing the clothing from the sorceress' form she would feel his hands drifting down her sides to grip the swell of her ass, before beginning to send a series of rippling vibrations through her hips, the simple spell making him grin even as he sent a bolt of pleasure through her body and just watched the lustful woman react.

His own lust was already high and as the woman slid away his belt and pants, she'd find his length erect and waiting, Kor more then eager to enjoy the simple carnal delights of their joining even as he continued to use his own brand of foreplay, one hand staying firmly planted on her ass, even as they continued to send vibrations through her body, the other sliding slowly up her spine to draw her upper body tightly against his own, his lips meeting hers as he kissed her, his hot tongue slipping between her lips to dance with her own as he urged her bodies reactions higher and higher before they'd even gotten to the main even. He wondered how good the climax would be when he bit her right before she came.... It was always something to remember...
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 42/68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Injured

Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine, Has 1 Zombie Minion, super chair, and a golem named Mason

As Solidyn prepared to depart, her comment about the hole in the floor was waved off by their unusual host, and he said; "Don't worry about it, I'll just put a fence around it or something!" Ur-Wind grabbed onto her suddenly as she went for the hole, "Gimme a ride back down! That maze was annoying!" He quickly scrambled onto her back, behind her gun, and the sorceress that was still with her quickly did the same, the female fey clambering up awkwardly and hugging Solidyn around the middle. "Go slow!" she said, clinging tightly to Solidyn as the arachne started walking along the ceiling over to the stairs down to the first floor.

The journey was uneventful, and Ur-Wind and the sorceress both climbed down once they were back on level ground. "Excellent work commander! I'll be seeing you later for your full report!" her general said, and then rushed down the stairs at a rate far faster than she could have managed even out of her armor. The sorceress followed Solidyn down the wider steps and onto the first floor, where a group of kobolds eagerly responded to her request for help removing her armor, carefully pulling apart the plates to reveal the arachne's flesh underneath, and placing the disassembled armor and the cannon that was mounted to it along the side of the tower. It always took a while to put it on or take it off, but the added protection and firepower offered by her gear had never done her wrong. "So.... Guess you're out for the day, yeah?" said the fey woman standing next to her, the one that Huldah had almost raped after being woken up from her undue nap. Emi had gone off with Kor earlier, but the other was plainly visible loafing about outside, talking to a gruff as she leaned against one of the walls of the fortress. The one next to her followed Solidyn outside, and the gruff and the other sorceress parted ways as the formerly armored arachne approached. "Things went well I hear! That's good," she offered, clearly curious as to what Solidyn wanted.


Over in Kor's tent, Emi paused to let out a soft moan when the half-vampire's mouth settled over the tip of one of her breasts, and she gently pushed her chest against his mouth. She had his belt undone quickly enough, the pause in her actions following the movement of his lips and tongue over her sensitive peaks lasting only a few seconds, and she let out a low purr as his shaft sprang free from the confines of his pants. As he switched his mouth to her other breast and replaced the attention provided to her other mound with one of his hands, she took his member in her hand and began to stroke him softly, teasingly, ensuring that he was fully hard and then some. They awkwardly pulled away the rest of each others clothing as they teased and licked and fondled one another, Emi issuing a constant stream of soft moans and gasps even though Kor hardly seemed to need the encouragement.

The faerie woman's posterior was quite round, and soft, and his magical vibrations caused her flesh to ripple pleasantly in addition to the surge of pleasure that they sent pouring into her core. His first casting caused Emi to moan, and after that she was practically putty in his hands, her lips easily claimed by his and her tongue coming forth to dance alongside his own. She had had to shift off of him to get her dress and panties off earlier, but now she returned to her earlier position and tightly gripped his cock in her hand, squeezing it every time he sent a burst of vibration into her body. The feel of warm liquid dribbling onto his manhood preceded Emi's flower coming to rest just over the tip, but a quick burst of Kor's magic caused her to moan loudly and shiver with pleasure, and rather than impale herself onto him Emi began to shift back and forth, rubbing her petals against the head of his cock and drenching it with her juices.

The sorceress was quivering with pent up sexual energy by then, and Kor could feel her quickly approaching her first orgasm from his skilled and gentle attentions. At that point he had a choice, or rather, a number of choices. One, maybe two more spells would set the fey woman off, and with a gentle pull downwards he could sheath himself into her soft, quivering womanhood in order to enjoy the sensations provided by her orgasm in his own way. He was also free to sink his fangs into her throat whenever he liked, as her incoming climax had rendered her tongue somewhat sluggish. The choice was up to him.


Aurelia's perhaps somewhat overzealous stool halted at her upraised hand, and returned to following her about after she had come back from her memory. Finding books for more permanent summoning and necromancy, she returned to the table she'd been using and sat down to reading. Opening the necromancy handbook, the death knight found that it was quite heavily annotated by what looked to be the most illegible hand writing she'd ever seen, the tiny scrawls written along the margins completely unintelligible and occasionally blocking some of the diagrams. Certain sections, like those dedicated to the parts of necromancy having to do with the surgical altering of dead bodies, were left untouched, but those portions with information about long-term animation were so heavily annotated that some parts were lost to her through all of the scribbles. The book on demons was left largely untouched, and provided sufficient information for her to summon one of the infernal if she so chose, but they lacked any specific names for any demons. Old books often lacked any useful names anyway, but if she tried to summon anything, Aurelia would be effectively reaching for whichever demon of whichever type she wanted bit the hook first.

Regardless, nothing more exciting than the mad owner of the tower leading Huldah and Zahra up through the library and up another set of stairs happened to disturb her studies, and after many hours Aurelia had learned all that she could from the books. Heading downstairs, and out of the tower, she found the camp fully constructed within the walls of the tower. Finding her tent, she found Mason, the golem formed of some of the tower's machinery, and her undead gemini standing guard over the two alien-converted catfolk that she'd captured, whom a gruff was then standing over. Upon her entrance, the goat-man muttered; "They're all yours," and left her alone with her odd assortment of minions.


The master of the tower led Zahra and Huldah up the stairs at the opposite edge of his laboratory from the stairs down, and and they passed Aurelia as she seemed to be deeply entrenched in a book within the wizard's large library. "You two are going to help me test something I've been working on," he began to explain as they ascended yet another set of stairs, "Something that should help you" he gestured to Huldah, "Keep a bit more control over yourself whenever you're around the big aliens! You know, the floating ones, with the tentacles. And the... Not... Faces. Yeah."

They reached another floor that seemed dedicated to the man's mad experiments, but this one had a small cot and a tiny kitchen-like area off to one side. Ignoring that, he led them over to a series of machines sitting by one of the walls, including a console on a metal box and a large glass tube. Turning to Huldah, he said; "I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?" He put his hand on her shoulder, but then immediately pulled it away and scowled at it, as his fingers were once more coated in the slime that the gemini secreted.

With Solidyn:
Tilda the Sorceress: Fine
Unnamed Sorceress

With Kor:
Emi the Sorceress (Tiddles)

Sacrimony the Mechadog: Fine
Verja (Boots) the Mad Science Cat: Fine

Current number of allies: (all outside right now)

Ur-Wind Ramel
12 kobold gunners
9 satyr scouts
10 gruff thugs
Bob the Quartermaster. He also does stand up. And cooks.
3 Su-Ku-Ta snipers

Aurelia's minions:
Mason: 110 Body, 8 AV, taken 99 damage, outside
Super Stool
1 zombie minion
2 enslaved gemini cat men
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra followed along behind Verja, with Huldah at her side, moving away from the stairs they had come up and towards another set of stairs, going yet further up. Her eyes darted to the side when they passed Aurelia, checking up on what the knight was doing, and found that she was already lost in a book from the old cat’s huge collection. As they made their way up he called out that they were going to test something for him, something that would help the former Crolian control herself around… big aliens that floated and didn’t have faces? Zahra had seen those before, and they had always been her cue to run as fast and as far as she could, but the two of them hadn’t seen one since linking up again. Could one really compromise her companion’s ability to control herself? It was a troubling thought.

Soon enough they got to another floor, one which assuredly was for the mage’s bizarre “science,” but that also had a little cot and a kitchen area off to one side. Was this where he lived? Regardless, he soon led them to a grouping of strange machines that sat by another of the walls, prominent among them a console of some sorts attached to a metal box, and a large glass tube. It all looked quite strange and bewildering to Zahra. She watched as he put a hand on Huldah’s shoulder, asking her what her name was, and then pulled it away with a visible look of disgust at the slime that coated her. She couldn’t exactly blame him, it wasn’t the most pleasant substance, but she still felt bad about it. One of her own hands went to her friend’s other arm, patting it softly. She had long since given up on trying to keep the stuff off of her, as a quick glance would easily attest. The fur of her arms and hands was matted to her skin with the crusty remnants of dried up slime, as well as sweat and blood and cum, caked with dirt and dust. Really, she looked mangy and unkempt all told, but there was little she could have done about that. Water was terribly hard to come by in the desert when you had no mages, so whatever you got was for drinking first and foremost. It had been probably two years since she had properly bathed, and she looked it.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Umm, okay." Huldah replied slowly, following the cat-people upstairs, having placed herself at the rear of the trio by a step or two. They passed by Aurelia in a room full of books, before reaching the floor with the living area and the new machine. Her brows creased a bit at the glass tube, an idle thought crossing her mind as to whether she could fit inside such a thing. Then the mage asked her name, touching her shoulder and pulling it back quickly, disgusted by her coating. "Sorry." She apologized quickly, then answered the question. "I'm Huldah. I was gonna say before, but I didn't think we'd be talking."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

With her slog through the library's texts finished, Aurelia chose to go downstairs. While the cat man's scribblings interested her, she could make neither heads nor tails of his writing and she had obtained all she could from the books themselves. Beyond that, the day's events had begun to tire her, mostly mentally. She would summon her horse and deal with the dead the next day. At that very moment, she needed to blow off some steam.

The knight made the long trip downstairs, forgetting the chair that followed her until she was so far down the tower that she didn't care to put forth the effort to return it. When she finally made it out of the tower and into the courtyard, the half-vampire was, for once, happy with what she found.

Aurelia relieved the gruff of his post with a wide smile, studying both of her new servants in turn as he said his piece and left. Noting that her entire group of odd retainers was present, she couldn't help but make a quip once she was relatively alone with the group. "We ought to avoid any bars." Her smile still full on her face and some of her sarcasm out of the way, the knight brought the gemini to their feet and ushered them into her tent, along with herself and the chair. As she passed into the relative privacy of the tent, she waved her hand at Mason and the zombie as a signal for them to wait outside and keep an eye out for any who might try to peep into her tent.

"My, my, I had wondered what had become of my little kittens," the knight said once she and her group of three, two Su-Ku-Ta and a chair, were alone inside. "Did you enjoy your rest and relaxation? Did you miss me?" As she asked the blatantly dangerous questions, she turned her back and undid her shield and helmet, laying them in the corner. Whether they were brave enough to answer or not, once she had finished she turned back to regard them with her malevolent, golden eyes. "Luckily, it seems I have plenty of spare time to spend with you now. We'll have such good fun together, but first..."

Aurelia paced toward the two and drew her sword with an audible rasp. She pushed the tip of it into the first until he could feel it on his skin, but it drew no blood. The sadistic noblewoman edged it carefully, dancing it up until the edge of the blade was pressed against his bindings, then cut them free. She then cut the bindings of the second, though she didn't bother to taunt him with the dangerous steel. With that done, she returned to the corner and placed her sword with her helmet and shield.

"Don't get any funny ideas," she said aloud, her back turned to them once more. "Disobey me and I'll have the golem, your zombified friend, or this chair break your arms and legs." The knight turned again and beckoned them to her. "Come, remove my armor. Do not get any of your slime on my skin or I will be terribly cross." She lifted her arms and waited for them to do as instructed. And if they didn't, they might go down with the dishonor of being the first geminis beaten by an incredibly powerful animated chair.

If they did, she would let them strip her down to her smallclothes, a simple brown buttoned shirt and breeches that she wore under her armor to prevent the nasty pinching and chafing that she might otherwise have to deal with. The knight would instruct them to stack her armor in the corner with the rest of her equipment and then to take their original place at the opposite end of the tent. In the meantime, she would let down her hair and unbutton her shirt. When it was all said and done, she sat down on the animated chair and crossed her leg. Her shirt remained on, though it now exposed the cleft between her breasts and her ashen skin from her ribs to her waist.

"So, tell me, what are your names? Do you have them or must I give you ones like some group of stray cats? Can you even talk?" She asked with her most conversational tone, assuming she hadn't yet needed to call in Mason to begin breaking limbs. She proved not to be terribly interested in the subject, however, as whether they answered or not she would announce; "I'm bored." This latest mood swing in itself would last only a few minutes before her lips cracked into a devious grin, announcing her latest manic switch. "Oh! I have a marvelous idea! You two... wrestle!" She clapped her hands together in excitement as she announced her idea. "The winner will receive a fabulous prize. The loser will wish very much that he wasn't the loser. Whoever cries uncle first or amuses me the least will be that loser. Try not to kill each other."

She looked at them expectantly. If they didn't quickly get to carrying out her insane demand she would speak up again. "Get to it! Or do I need to bring in my golem as one of the contestants?"

I don't actually care how the victor is decided. Coin flip or whatever works.

Also, if they make the mistake of attacking Aurelia at any point, Mason, the zombie, and the chair are to begin breaking their arms and legs (but leave them alive).
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"What?" Solidyn said, already half-way down through the hole before realizing Ur-Wind and the sorceress had said anything. "Oh, uh... sure. I mean, yessir!"

Clambering through to once again stand upside down on the lower floor's ceiling, she slowly made her way back to the stairs down - going gently, so as not to dislodge her tiny commander from her back. She admired how he managed to hang upside-down like that - it wasn't like no groundwalker at all. She probably should have told them to get on her underside instead, though... that probably would've been safer.

Oh, and the sorceress did pretty alright, too, she guessed.

"Excellent work commander! I'll be seeing you later for your full report!"

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" Solidyn called with a salute.

The gunnery kobolds were quite eager to get her out of her armor - she supposed that being the only one with a pair of tits would do that, even if they'd gotten a bunch of other women around recently. Though... a thought came over her, as they undid the straps keeping her gun on it's little platform. "Hey, that thing's still loaded, innit? Make sure ya don't drop it or nothin'. Prob'ly a good idea to make sure it's not pointin' at anythin', either."

Once the spider was unshelled, she rolled her shoulders, twirling her arms in circles a few times, and then twisted first to the left, then to the right. "Out for a lay? Well, I suppose I have to be, eh?" She replied. "You ladies don't work for free, after all." Finding her second goofing off with one of the gruffs - briefly regretting not having her follow along, though she supposed having magical support and a healer to tend to the few wounds they'd sustained outside while she was in the tower probably would've been worth it - she nodded as she spoke up. "Yeah. Wouldja believe someone lives here? Still lives, even. Inside's pretty fancy."

"Say uh...where is he... Bob! We still got any of that wine I really liked?"

Taking a little cask or bottle of the stuff and mug for each of her and the two sorceresses - glasses, sadly, were too fragile to keep around - she let them mount her- taking seats on her human-half's belly, really, and securing them with silken safety lines - and scaled Verja's tower, coming to rest on it's top. Though the sun bore down on them no less hard than it had on the surface below, Solidyn expected - or hoped, at least - that the breeze would be stronger up here. "Nice, innit?" She poured them all a drink, and enjoyed the view of the desert, stretching out all around them in every which way for as far as they could see.

Once they'd finished their drinks, she looked to both of them, and then smiled. "Well, it's been a pleasure ladies, but the fight's over, so I'm sure you'll be wantin' ta get back to your... eh... well, where-ever ya came from. So... well, would ya prefer it just us, up here? Or perhaps we should go back down and get the rest o' the company involved? The more the merrier, as they say." She smiled at the two as she spoke. It was a bit of a shame that those teeth of hers probably made it look more like she wanted to eat them than otherwise, but oh well. What was she to do?
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Despite any akwardness that their disrobing caused eachother, as well as the occasional chuckle, Kor was more then pleased with the reactions his attention was getting from Emi and as she reached down to stroke his length he shuddered against her slightly, the only real break in his own motions as a soft moan was uttered into the soft confines of her breasts. His casting had even more delicious results, the unexpected pleasure coursing through her body reciprocated with a squeeze to his length every time his groping hand sent a burst of vibrations through to her core, soon leaving her a moaning mess in his arms, his own lust rising quickly as she continued to tease and delight him with her motions and they kissed again, tongues intertwined as they gasped and moaned together, the silken feeling of her dripping folds gliding over the head of his length setting his own passions aflame as he took a second to consider his next move.

She was close, she was very close, and it was always so delicious to feel the pleasure of another at their peek, so it was with a gasp and a groan of bliss that Kor cast his spell one more time, before sliding her down and slipping into her quivering folds, his head pulling back to kiss her neck, waiting for the exact moment of her climax to sink his teeth into her neck, adding even more fuel to the fire even as he rolled his hips under her, his cock shifting within her even as he deliberately sought to inflict as much pleasure in a single moment on Emi as he could, wanting her to know a peak unlike any other in this moment between them.

It took most of his own self control to not start bucking up into her, but he did nothing whatsoever to stop her from doing whatever she wanted save slipping from the embrace of his bite as his own peak was brought to the fore by her rippling inner walls and the heat that rose between the two. If she didn't pass out, then this was going to be a long and delicious moment they would share as he sought to hold her at her peak until he reached his own, heat pouring into her core as he came underneath her, shuddering in her arms and being extremely careful about how much he drank, savouring the taste of her crimson essence like a fine wine that only came into his hands on the rarest of occasions.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine

"It's okay," the cat man muttered dismissively, but then he turned to Huldah and eyed her for a moment. "What were you before the greys got to you? Su-Ku-Ta? Human? Elf?" The tank was easily large enough for Huldah to climb into, though their strange host didn't ask her to do as such just yet. "And you!" he shouted, turning suddenly towards Zahra. "When was the last time you had a bath!?" He wiggled his fingers at her, and suddenly Zahra was doused in cool water. It streamed over her body, through her clothes, and cleaned most of the grime off of her before disappearing, leaving her damp but otherwise unharmed.

"Much better! Now you," he said cheerfully as he turned back to Huldah, to whom he said; "Well, go on! In the tank with ye! I wanna see if this thing actually works!"


Aurelia's new slaves, as it turned out, were not brave enough to say whether or not they'd missed her, or possibly not trusting enough in their ability to lie to her to risk an answer. They remained silent, but when she turned back around after discarding her shield and eyed them malevolently, both of them gulped audibly at the exact same time. That she approached the two bound cat-men with steel drawn didn't seem to comfort them much either, and they both continued to shiver well after the death knight had cut the both of them free of their bindings. That only meant that she didn't need to worry about them disobeying her commands, however, and they gingerly hopped to removing her armor, acting almost as if they'd done such a thing before.

After her armor was neatly stacked in the corner, the two gemini Su-Ku-Ta stood back and fidgeted, shooting glances at one another, but then they gazed at Aurelia oddly and tilted their heads. Neither of them spoke, and it was almost as if she'd said something that they didn't understand. They both shook their heads when asked if they could speak, but then looked slightly frightened when she declared that she was bored.

Her command for entertainment caused them both to glance at each other gain, and they hesitated long enough for Aurelia to issue her threat. That got the two of them moving, and they lunged at each other and began to wrestle about clumsily on the floor of her tent. Neither was particularly talented or particularly skilled, but they were evenly matched and possessed of a good many more appendages than a normal wrestler, and the matched lasted for several minutes before the taller of the two cat-men put the other into a hold from which he could not escape. By then they'd coated half of the floor in their aphrodisiac slime, which they seemed to excrete more profusely when straining themselves, and had ended up entangling one another so thoroughly in tentacles that it was a wonder that either of them could move.


Solidyn's statement of intent to the fairy that had followed her about within the tower earned her a smirk and a chuckle, after which she followed her over to the first mage that the arachne had summoned. She seemed quite surprised to learn that someone was living within the tower, "Really? That's a welcome surprise... Usually places like this are just filled with monsters. And treasure. I suppose you didn't get to take any of the treasure then, did you?" The other fairy shook her head sadly, and they shared a brief moment of silence at the lack of loot before Solidyn swept them off to the Quartermaster.

Bob, as per usual, was busy seeing to their somewhat limited supplies. Dark of hair and of skin, he frowned worriedly, the expression that seemed perpetually stamped upon his face, and said; "Yeah, we've still got some wine. Why? .... You want some, don't you?" He scowled darkly at her for a moment before going off to retrieve one of their last bottles of booze. It was relatively cheap stuff, but it was still wine, and Bob was always hesitant to part with anything other than the bare necessities. He handed over a trio of mugs with the bottle, and after that Solidyn was free to take her two fairies up to the top of the tower. Both of them clung to the arachne for dear life on the ride up, and sat well away from the edge of the tower's flat top.

They sipped at their wine casually and comfortably nonetheless, but when Solidyn asked her questions, the two of them glanced at one another. "Actually..." one of them began, and the other finished; "We're kinda... Stuck here, until someone else calls for us. We figured we would just stick with your group for a while. Or I did at least!" She glanced at the other fairy, who nodded and grinned. "As for our payment.... You're not wrong when you say the more the merrier, but I imagine that Ur-Wind might be a little bit upset if you go and start an orgy when people are supposed to be on guard. Why not go down and grab a satyr or two for us to share? I'm sure they wouldn't mind~"


When Kor gently pulled Emi down and slipped his member into her quivering depths, the fairy sorceress went wild. For a moment she was as paralyzed as she'd been up until then, but then her hips began to bounce down onto him so rapidly that her juices began to spray out over his lower half every time his balls slapped into her ass. The sorceress moaned and whined lewdly as she bucked wildly onto him, and only a few moments later she silently screamed as she came, her eyes bulging from her head. Choosing that moment to indulge himself, Kor sunk his fangs into Emi's neck, tasting the fairy's sweet blood and sending a surge of pleasure into the woman's already lust-wracked body.

The barrier in the way of the woman's voice shattered, and the entire camp (including Aurelia up in the library and those with Verja up two floors) heard her lewd scream. Her inner walls spasmed around his length wildly, and a few moments later Kor felt his own orgasm begin. The first burst of his seed into her depths only caused Emi to shake harder, her body naturally reacting to clench tighter and spasm harder in order to draw more of his life-giving sperm up into her depths, more than likely seeding the nymph with his child. She continued to cum until well after he'd finished, though her voice dropped down to a whimper after a few seconds, and she continued to emit weak noises and squirm on top of him even after they had both come down from their respective peaks.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Uhh... Zahra told me I used to me human. From Crolia." Huldah offered to the catman, letting out a chuckle as he doused her friend in water.

When he told her to hop into the pod, she looked a little nervous, the tentacles covering her back twitching lightly. "What is it going to do?" She asked, climbing in anyways. Ur-Wind told her to do whatever he wanted, anyways...
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

When the old cat asked Huldah what she had been before she had been turned into a Gemini, Zahra waited quietly for the response. Earlier in their relationship she had always answered these sorts of questions quickly in defense of the former human, on account of her sometimes slow and unsure speech, though she had learned to hold back and let the answers come. It was better that way, it let Huldah be her own person to an extent that the catgirl hadn’t let her initially. She nearly jumped out of her fur when Verja shouted at her suddenly and turned to face her, her eyes going wide and one hand instinctively twitching in the direction of the dagger at her belt for just about a second or so before her mind kicked in and the automatic processes subsided. She almost answered him quite defensively when he asked when she had last taken a bath, but before she could his fingers wiggled about and in an instant she was soaked.

Godsdamn senile old fool Zahra thought as she stood, dripping water from her armor, clothes, and fur, her tail bushy and straight up in the air behind her. Huldah chuckled, but it was absolutely not funny. She shook herself out once her shock had worn off, little droplets of water flying off of her fur, but her clothing would take some time to dry, which was absolutely infuriating. "Could’ve warned me" she said slowly, glaring at the old mage. Really, if he had given her the chance to strip naked and prepare a bit she would have been elated at having a bath and being cleaned up, but the way he had gone about it so suddenly had only made her mad. She didn’t have anything much to say on the subject of Huldah getting in the giant pod, the Gemini’s question about the extent of her concerns as well, and though she heard one of the fae let out an orgasmic squeal from somewhere beneath them she could have hardly cared.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 58, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 105, Status = Fine

"Oh, nothing much~" the old cat replied mirthfully to Huldah as he watched Zahra shake the water from her fur. "Now now... There's no need for that kind of face! I got you wet, so I'll dry you off too!" he declared, and once more wiggled his fingers. Before Zahra could even do anything to stop or avoid the incoming magic, she was hit by a wave of warm air that quickly dried off both her fur and her clothes, leaving her dry... And fairly poofy. "Much better! Now go over there and watch that console! Don't push anything until I tell you to, or your friend might.... Uhhh.... Explode!" he commanded, gesturing over to one of the two consoles on the side of the strange pod-like contraption.

Turning back to Huldah, Verja smiled reasuringly and said; "You don't have anything to worry about, m'dear. Crolia? I hear that place is really cold! Must be quite a change coming out here... Heh, guess it didn't turn out too well for yah, did it?" His smile then became nervous, and he cleared his throat and continued in a more serious tone; "Anyway, uhh... There's a sort of psychic link that the Elder Lords hold over their subjects. I studied it a little while they were trying to blast their way into my tower, and I think this machine will allow me to undo some of the programming they do on their subjects and break the foundations of that link. If it works, you won't have to worry about being controlled, and it might even give back some of your memories... But I can't promise anything. We will be tampering with your head a little, but so long as we get it right, you won't have anything to worry about. Still.... If you're not comfortable with the idea, you don't have to step into that machine."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra almost tried to object when the old cat told her that he would dry her, because she knew about what the result would be. Suddenly, with a wave of his fingers, a blast of warm air hit the archer, which dried her off almost instantly. Of course, it also left her fur incredibly poofy and frizzy. She was pretty sure she had looked better caked in filth, and had never looked this ridiculous. When he told her to watch the console, but then not to touch anything lest Huldah explode, she recoiled a little bit in horror. "Explode!?" she asked incredulously, looking at the console.

Immediately Zahra began to sweat. There were all sorts of buttons, nobs, and levers spread out all over the thing, and many of them were labeled with writing. The former concubine was sure they probably indicated what the various bits did, but fuck if she knew for sure. She had never been taught how to read, and in fact the knowledge had been kept from her intentionally by her master. She was sure that Verja’s instructions to her would use those jumbles of symbols, and if he wasn’t kidding then she really might kill her friend… As the old cat began to explain why he wanted to do this Zahra’s mind raced, trying to come up with a solution to this problem. She couldn’t just come out and tell him that she couldn’t read, that was out of the question. She would have to attack it from a different angle… the danger of it, perhaps. Then again, she couldn’t take this from Huldah… She didn’t want to make the decision for her, or even significantly influence what the decision was. Maybe if the Gemini showed doubt… If not, though, if she wanted to do this, then maybe the Su-Ku-Ta would just have to swallow her pride and admit to it.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor reveled in Emi's peak, his cock throbbing within her deliciously spasming inner walls as she gave a silent scream of bliss and he savoured the feeling and sweet taste of her crimson essence gliding from her flesh and into his waiting mouth, only starting to slake his unnatural thisrt even as she gave an impressive scream as his heat flooded her core. It was always such a delicious feeling, the sensation of a woman at her peak.

As they both came down from their climax and she shook in his grip, she didn't seem to notice that the only sign of his own relief was a moan and a sigh into her neck as he pulled back and licked the small wound his fangs had caused, the wound sealing withing moments. Pulling back to look into her eyes, he grinned "you have a divine voice Emi my dear, truly lovely" he said quietly, kissing her softly after licking the blood from his lips as he gently rolled his hips, shifting his cock within her. "Such an enthusiastic lover, but that seemed to take a lot out of you for thhe moment... allow me" H the vampire whispered into her ear, laying her down on his bed properly as he kissed her again, more passionately now, his hunger far from satisfied as he slowly began to thrust, slowly building her up again.

He knew she was far from satisfied herself and he took distinct pleasure when he teasingly slid from her folds to run his length across her lower holes, pressing softly at both but refusing to enter either for almost a full minute as his tongue danced with her own within the heat of their mouths, his hands trailing up Emi's sides to gently grope and kneed her chest.

Moaning softly, Kor finally slid into Emi's tight rosebud, his slickened length encountering little resistance as he slowly hilted himself within her rear before starting to thrust again, his strokes long and slow as he moved his mouth to her shoulder, his hot breath teasing the sensitive flesh even as the razor points of his fangs drifted across the supple skin. He knew she wanted the pleasure his bit provided, knew it wouldn't be long before she was even asking for him to drink, eager to sink into bliss again...
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Solidyn joined the pair as they took a moment to mourn the lack of treasure the tower had yielded - although, it was mostly because she didn't hear them, and didn't feel like talking to herself at the time either.

Even if she wasn't aware that they were on the topic, though, she nonetheless shared their stance. A fancy magic tower in the middle of the desert with a bunch of neat doodads was pretty awesome, but she couldn't buy ale or whores with it.

"Yeees Iii do," Solidyn replied flatly, smiling. She'd gotten used to Bob and his penchant for being a stingy bastard by now, and goddammit, she was thirsty. It was probably for the best, anyway - she knew that if she was Quartermaster they'd run out of crap halfway to where-ever they were supposed to be going. Solidyn was still amazed how little Ur-Wind and his teensy fellow fae ate. Of course, with eight legs, she did do four times the walking they did... and she was, like, ten times their size, so there was that, too.

Solidyn's smile fell a little, before she reminded herself not to do that. Dammit, they weren't scared of her either! Between them and those turned cat-men earlier, Solidyn was feeling pretty... prettyyy... she wasn't sure what the word for it was, but she was really feeling it! Even if they knew she wasn't going to eat them, couldn't they she at least pretend to be a little nervous, just to sate her ego?!

Though, the hugs on the way up were nice.

She was surprised when they told her they didn't poof away once they were finished, though. "...Really? I was practically sure you faeries did that," she admitted, tapping her chin (gingerly) with one of her sword-like fingers. "All those other times I summoned you lot, they usually sorta just... disappeared, once we were done with... well, whatever I called 'em ta do. Though... I s'pose they coulda just wandered off once that bit came around. Those times, they wasn't usually surrounded by endless desert, like we are now." The big spider shrugged.

While she was pretty totally mostly sure an orgy would've been alright, having just cleared the tower out - the invaders never seemed like sneaky types, those lizard shits notwithstanding - she conceded the point anyway. Besides, getting more people up here was a pretty good idea! It was sorta like an orgy, but also sorta like that other thing she said. Awesome.

Climbing back down, Solidyn went and found that one gruff that one sorceress had been loafing around with. She snagged him and tossed him onto her back, and then, opportunely, a certain other sorceress screamed - slightly worrying at first, though a bit of listening - even to her muddled ears - made it quickly apparent it was most definitely a good scream. "We're gonna go do that. Objections?" she asked over her shoulder.

Finding herself another goat and one of her kobold gunners as well - they were so small and adorable! - she tied them around their waists with her silk as a safety measure again, and trundled back up to the top of the tower with her precious cargo of dicks and dick-attachments. Despite her growing weariness, it wasn't a difficult climb - she could do this fully-armored and lugging around a cannon and gunners, after all.

Once back up top and her passengers had disembarked, the spider suddenly realized that going 'the cocks are here, everyone get naked!' like she had been planning would have been an especially bad way to kick things off, so she decided the most pertinent solution was more alcohol. Hastily whispering a plan to one of her fae sorceresses, Solidyn turned back to the newest additions to their little gathering. "S'pretty hot out today, innit?" she said, pulling off her undershirt. She lowered her spider half to the ground, 'sitting' down, tried to fan herself with her big bladed hand, and then took an exaggeratedly big drink from her mug - tilting her head way back and deliberately letting some of her booze run down her chin and front. "Ohh nooo, and my towel is back in my spaulders downstairs," she said, with especially feigned distress. "Whatever shall I dooo."

That was her conspirator's cue. A little poorly excused faerie-tongue-on-spider-elf-tummy action was totally a... well... acceptable segue into a sixsome, right? She made sure to pull... erm... Tiddles? Til... something, into a kiss afterwards - even if her mouth was a healer visit waiting to happen, she'd be alright so long as she kept what's-her-face from going too deep or too hard, so she broke away after only a little bit. After that, she'd whispered to her to disrobe and pour a little of her wine down her front as well - hopefully, their third would follow suit, and the gruffs would continue on in fashion.

Once that was done, she went up to her crewman. "Good job today," she said. "Blew one of those fucks right outta the sky! I think that calls for a bonus, don't you think? Soooo, what'll it be. Maybe a handjob?" The giant spider looked at her dagger-like fingers, as if inspecting a fresh coat of nail polish. "Maybe I could blow you..."

"Mmm... oooorrr maaybe somethin' else?" She looked off to the side, faux-nonchalantly, whilst tapping either side of her vag with her index and middle fingers. While she'd heard about anal amongst the men (and certainly tried it out a few times) she was fairly sure they were into it for nice plump buttcheeks, and all she had was chitin and some sort of slotty-covery-thing. Her ovipositor was somewhere way back there, too, near her spinneret, and also handily hidden away. She was pretty sure he wasn't too interested in that, either, though...
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Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

The noblewoman proved a very active spectator in the wrestling. She cried out her pleasure when the combatants managed something particularly clever or otherwise entertaining and shouted her displeasure when they made an amateur mistake or otherwise did something to make the spectacle boring. By the time they had come to an end, she openly clapped. "Bravo! Well done!" To her new servants' fortune, her happiness with them was genuine. It still didn't stop what would come next.

Aurelia snapped her fingers and the ground beneath the two reached up in the form of four hands. The losing Su-Ku-Ta was grabbed and forcibly pulled down onto his back. From his new place on the floor, the catman was shifted into a spread eagle position before the the hands reshaped themselves into bands which locked him in place. "You have both pleased me, but there is still to be a loser here. Consider it a lesson. In a world where there is almost always a loser in any taken action, it benefits you to have the strength with which to ensure that it isn't you." She turned her malevolent eyes squarely on the gemini who she had bound. "For your first penalty, you are now Mittens. It is your name until you earn one more to your liking."

With Mittens named, the noblewoman turned to the taller of the two, a much more pleased expression on her face when dealing with him. "Your name will be Thane, at least until such point that you can speak to choose your own name or you earn my wrath." All naming concluded, the half-vampire pushed herself up from her chair. "Sit down, Thane. The rest of your reward will come shortly." She stalked toward the bound gemini, continuing to speak as she did so. "First, the loser's penalty."

The noblewoman planted one foot on each side of the catman, positioning herself directly above his stomach. Aurelia sunk down to her knees over the turned Su-Ku-Ta before seating herself such that his cock would press against her back. The necromancer-knight looked at him with a wicked grin. Her head moved in toward his neck. Her lips came so close to his skin that she ended up with slime on her. The half-vampire opened her mouth and hissed audibly, if only to ensure that there was no doubt as to what was to come next. She let herself hover for a few moments in order to build up suspense, then she bit.

No pain accompanied her bite, the ashen woman had chosen to make the her feeding pleasurable for the recently named Mittens. Aurelia's bite would leave him feeling dreamy even as she took physical pleasure in drinking his blood. Her feeding would never be a punishment on her new servants, she had decided. No, when she was done training them feeding would be their favored part of the day. Her punishment for losing the little contest she had demanded would be more subtle and drawn out.

Once she had taken her fill, she brought herself upright and swung her leg in order to dismount the Su-Ku-Ta. She moved her hand to his cock, expecting that it would be quite erect by then. Even if it wasn't, she would begin to stroke it until it was. Her hand would eventually run up and down the length of his hardened shaft, regardless of what she had to do to bring it to that state. She steadily masturbated the losing wrestler, gradually increasing her efforts such that it seemed like her idea of punishing him was a handjob. If he thought as much, though, he would be sorely disappointed.

It was as the gemini neared his climax that she enacted her real punishment. Aurelia placed her free hand on the ground and reshaped another section of earth even as she continued to play with her captive. The latest of her efforts was much smaller in nature. A small band, probably no more than half an inch in width, crept up and wrapped itself around the base of the Su-Ku-Ta's shaft. It tightened itself until it was tight to the slimy skin and then tightened even further, forming an improvised cock ring. Unlike a normal such ring, it was so restrictive that it would prevent the bound catman from cumming.

Aurelia's smile grew all the wider as she gave the losing combatant the time to realize the situation he was about to be in. She withdrew her hand and sank toward his neck again. This time, there was no teasing. She bit down immediately, leaving another few punctures in his flesh. The pleasure from her latest bite should have been enough to send him over the edge. But while his body may have been wracked with the sensations of orgasm and might have even felt some of the pleasure of climax, he was unable to spill his seed. His body could only churn desperately in an effort to overcome the shaped earth on him and gain no ground.

Once she had finished her second helping of his vital life fluid, Aurelia returned to a kneeling position and regarded Mittens with cruelty. "Please, mistress." She started. "Say 'please, mistress' and I will allow you your release in full. Otherwise, you've a long night ahead of you." Should the catman surprise her by actually being able to say it immediately, she would call him a liar for claiming to be unable to speak earlier and inform him that his punishment would last until morning. Should he struggle with it but manage it, she would callously rectify that he needed to ask her 'please mistress, let me cum' as well, but would release the ring if he did. If he was otherwise unable to or refused to, then it would continue until that changed or she went to sleep for the night. Regardless, she turned her attention to Thane next.

"And now for you, O' glorious victor," she addressed her seated servant. The half-vampire nimbly stood up, dropping her shirt in the process and revealing her upper body in its entirety, then promptly sat herself sideways in his lap with one arm around his neck. "Tell me, if given a chance how would you take me? You were the victor, so I require no words. If you can convey it well, I might even give you the opportunity." The half-vampire suggested with much more kindness in her voice than anything she had offered the other gemini. She was quickly becoming aroused from the slime that had seeped into her skin and gotten in her mouth. When the effect of the slime had been combined with pleasure from her feeding on Mittens, Thane had received a very honest offer.

If, for some reason, the animate values need an EP input beyond fluff, make it 15 for the first with ye grapple function and, like, 4 for the ring because I'm pretty sure that's what the lowest cost reshape function is for animate.