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Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"You tricked us! You made me -" May cut off, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. She pulled in close to her sister, who gave her a hug and patted her on the back.

"Well. She did trick us a little bit, but you still seemed to enjoy it?" April seemed curious, but her sister didn't respond.

By now the women were about ready to move on, all but Ayame and Molly dressed. The latter was back on her feet, gently rubbing at her belly, frowning slightly at her Mistresses's pronouncement regarding the substance that was still occasionally dripping from her lower holes. She covered her mouth as she let out a small burp, and Ayame could see her slave suddenly become slightly aroused as the scent of her denatured cum filled the redhead's nostrils.

The cat-girl seemed to be staring at her own flat belly in a confused way.

"Most of the gates are closed, and they're more likely to turn people away, but it's still usually possible to get in through the main gates." The maid off towards the city, presumably in the direction she thought there might be an open gate.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Hmph! I did nothing of the sort,” Ayame replied firmly as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, frowning from the sisters’ accusations of her tricking them. “I was content to merely sit and have a polite conversation while we waited for April to give birth to the last of my seedlings, but when she, Molly, Sally, and Kitty all wanted to have a little more fun, I happily obliged and extended the offer to participate. There was nothing that I did that was not wanted,” the plant-woman said, pausing a moment to retrieve her bag and dress with her vines as she rose to her feet.

When Sally further explained the situation with the gates into Acheron, the Alraune smiled lightly at the good turn of fortune. “Oh? I see. My, well that certainly is fortunate, then,” she replied with her usual pleasant demeanor. “Get dressed, Molly, dear. We’re heading back now,” Ayame said, slipping back into her own dress before following alongside Sally and the others, her bag in hand and Molly in tow.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Molly reluctantly pulled on her dress, and the group started walking towards the city wall. There was little talking, as the exhaustion of the combined birthing and orgy began to catch up with them. Kitty alternated between rubbing at her stomach in a distracted way and lashing her tail back and forth, hands at her sides, as if fighting with herself about something. The two sisters walked together but didn't quite seem to be meeting each others eyes. The maid just rolled her eyes at the others and lead the way to the gate she claimed would be open.

The group passed several small gates that were securely closed, with men still stationed on the wall above but clearly not opening without considerable effort, before finally coming to the main road running perpendicular to the river, with its enormous gate. Here a bubble of torchlight extended well out past the gate, and guards were clearly visible standing outside, looking exactly as they always did. The gate was also clearly closed, but this didn't seem to bother the maid. One challenged Sally as she approached, a short distance ahead of the rest by now, and she answered in a voice quiet enough that Ayame couldn't quite hear what she said.

Whatever it was, it seemed to work. The guard stepped aside to reveal a door, of the size that would usually be found in a house. It swung open, and Ayame could see that it was much thicker then a normal door, and reinforced with metal. There were more guards inside, but they didn't seem to take any notice as the party went through a small room that must have been in the wall itself and then through another identical door into the city.

A short distance away from the night door, road forked and the group came to a halt. Sally pointed down the smaller avenue to the right. "We go that way, I don't know about these others."

Kitty indicated that she would be going left, and April pointed down a side street. After a moment's hesitation, the su-ku-ta woman spoke up. "Um... I've heard that the street aren't, ah, entirely safe at night. Especially for a woman on her own? I had sort of intended to spend the night at an inn, before our little... adventure. Do you think maybe I could find a room at yours?"

May glanced slightly nervously at her sister. "Is that true?"

"Well, yes. But you've been learning magic, I though you could, you know..." she made a vague gesture with her hand.

"Well I could heal us afterward, but... um... it isn't very far. I'm sure we'll be fine?"

Molly seemed to perk up suddenly, while Sally rolled her eyes.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Is something the matter, Kitty, dear?” Ayame asked softly as she noticed the cat-woman’s somewhat fidgety behavior, trying not to draw too much attention from the others in case whatever was troubling her was private. If Kitty replied that it was nothing or chose to simply remain silent, the plant-woman would nod softly and refocus her gaze forward as the group walked, otherwise she would listed to whatever the tailor’s assistant had to say and reply if appropriate.

When they arrived at the main gate, Ayame looked on as Sally spoke with the guard up ahead of them, trusting the maid’s words that they would be able to enter the city, and giving an admirable nod at the blue-skinned woman as they were indeed allowed entry. As they made their way inside the city wall and passed through a room with several more guards, the Alraune looked around for a moment and wondered if Sally had perhaps made some sort of ‘deal’ to gain them entry, but that thought faded when she realized that few if any of the guards were actually paying any attention to them, and simply followed along with Sally and the others as they finished making their way back into the city itself.

After walking another short distance, the group stopped as the road came to a fork where Sally proceeded to point out the direction that she, Ayame and Molly would be going back to the Blue Man. The concerns that Kitty voiced a moment later, however, which the Alraune could recall being told when she’d arrived in Acheron about how dangerous the streets could be a night, caused Ayame to pause briefly. She then frowned lightly at April and May’s words. “No, no, that won’t do at all. I cannot simply allow you two to risk these dangerous streets on your own,” she replied to the sisters. “We would all be much safer traveling together, and I’m sure that there will be room available at the Blue Man for you both and Kitty to spend the night. You needn’t worry about the cost for a room, either. I would gladly take care of that myself,” she said firmly, but kindly as she looked back at the women and awaited their reply.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

May glanced at the side street towards her house, then at Kitty. Both seemed to make her slightly nervous. "Um..."

Her sister took a look at Kitty as well, but curious - almost excited - rather than nervous. "Thank you, we'll do it." May looked slightly petulant, but didn't object.

The walk back, with Sally still guiding the group, was largely uneventful. Figures stirred at the shadowed entrance to alleyways once in a while, but they never attacked. Perhaps the size of the group helped, or perhaps Sally knew the night city well enough to avoid the worst spots. Finally they arrived at the Blue Man, and a few minutes later Ayame and Molly were alone in their room.

She could faintly hear the voices of April and May in the next room, though she couldn't make out what they were saying. Kitty would be there as well, but she wasn't talking. She'd dismissed Ayame's concerns from before they entered the city, but had certainly still been conflicted about something. Sally wasn't there, of course, having her own arrangements for sleeping after late nights at the inn. She had managed to secure the second room for Ayame, with the assurance that she could pay for it however she liked as long as she did it before she checked out.

The redheaded slave had stripped off her dress and was curled up on the edge of the bed, already half asleep. She spoke quietly, as if to herself, but loud enough for Ayame to hear. "This one would gladly carry her Mistress's children. She thinks the others would as well, if her Mistress told them how much she wanted them to..."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Wonderful~!” Ayame replied, clasping her hands together and smiling happily to April’s agreeing to her proposition. “Come along, then, my dears. Lead the way, Sally,” she finished, following after the blue-skinned maid as the group all set off together, their trek back to the Blue Man thankfully proving to be uneventful.

The plant-woman was grateful for Lady Azure’s allowance of the second room, promising to repay the innkeeper before she checked out, though she left the preferred method of payment either up to the Lady herself – in case she wanted to arrange something for her in the dungeon room at some point, or that otherwise the Alraune would decide when the time came. With that settled, Ayame made her way into her room with Molly as April, May, and Kitty all took the second room, with Sally making used of her own arrangements at the inn. As they settled in, Ayame couldn’t help but hear the faint voices of April and May in the adjacent room, but she couldn’t make out any of what they were saying. Kitty was with them as well, but she was apparently remaining silent, causing the plant-woman to pause briefly as she thought back on the cat-woman’s seemingly troubled behavior earlier.

Ayame glanced over at Molly as she rested naked on the edge of the bed, smiling softly as her slave spoke in her state of near-sleep, making her maternal thoughts known to her mistress. The plant-woman then reached out and gently stroked the sleeping woman’s head and long, red hair with one of her vines. “Hmm... Stay here and rest, dear. I’m going to go check on the others and make sure they’re getting settled in okay. I’ll be back shortly,” Ayame said, setting her pack down on a nearby table before quietly slipping back out of her room and closing the door. She stood outside the other girls’ room for a moment before lightly tapping on the door with her knuckles. “May I come in, please?” she said kindly, either waiting for one of them to open the door or gently easing it open herself upon being granted entry.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

After a brief pause, April's voice answered in the affirmative from within the room, and Ayame opened the door.

Inside, the room was much like her own. This one had two smaller beds instead of the one she and Molly shared. Kitty sat on the side of the far bed, the covers pulled back as if she had been about to climb in. She still wore her dress, and was blushing and looking at her feet.

The sisters seemed to be sharing the other bed. April sat crosslegged at the foot, looking at Ayame. "Yes? What is it, m- Ayame?" The human woman looked tired, but also faintly aroused. Her sister was even now climbing into bed behind her, muttering slightly and not looking at the alraune.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“I just wanted to make sure that you were all settling in okay before wishing you goodnight,” Ayame replied as she stepped into the room, smiling softly at the three other women.

“I noticed that Kitty seemed troubled by something on the way back, as well, although she seemed reluctant to tell me about it at the time. Are you sure you don’t want to tell me about it, dear?” she said, turning towards the cat-woman and making her way over towards her, moving to sit down beside the tailor’s assistant on her bed and giving her a warm, reassuring smile. “If there is something on your mind, anything at all, you can talk to me about it, okay?”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"I..." the su-ku-ta woman looked a little unsure, but pushed forward anyway. "I told you that I didn't want to get pregnant, and that you were wrong for... getting me pregnant the first time, without telling me. But then I finished inside you, and I could have been the one who got you pregnant too!"

She blushed and turned away, trying to hide her sudden erection. "I, uh, I know how it feels to really need to... you know. And I'd never been pregnant before. It... wasn't actually that bad."

Kitty's ears twitched, and she was clearly working hard to keep anything else from twitching. "Maybe... I mean, I don't want to be pregnant again, but if it happened I wouldn't hate you or anything." She glanced up to see how Ayame was taking this.

May looked like she was already asleep, and while April was still sitting crosslegged at the foot of the bed, she looked about to drift off as well.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Is that what you were worried about?” Ayame began as Kitty glanced up to meet her gaze, an impish grin tugging at her lips. “Hmm... Well, what if I told you that you were the one who impregnated me before? And that you may very well have done so again tonight outside the walls?” the plant-woman said, pausing just a moment to see the cute tailor’s reaction before continuing. “You don’t have to worry, though, dear, I’m not upset with you. In fact, I wouldn’t mind too much if you wanted to do so again sometime... Would you like that?” she said teasingly, noticing the erection that the cat-woman was trying to hide beneath her dress. “Do you enjoy the thought of...fertilizing your mistress’s garden?”

Ayame paused again for a moment and gently ran her hand along the outside of Kitty’s thigh. She then pulled her hand away and steadily rose to her feet, briefly cupping the cat-woman’s cheek before leaning down and lightly kissing the other woman on the forehead before pulling away and softly smiling down at her. “But, it’s much too late to have any more fun this evening,” the plant-woman said as she turned and began walking back to the door. “I’ll leave you all to your rest. Goodnight, my dears,” Ayame said, looking back at the three other women in the room and blowing a kiss to the sisters before making her exit, closing the door quietly behind her before making her way back into her own room.

Once there, the Alraune slipped out of her dress once more and set it neatly down next to her pack, and then crawled into bed. If Molly stirred and moved to join her mistress more closely on the bed, Ayame would welcome her with open arms, otherwise she would not disturb the sleeping redhead and merely make herself comfortable before closing her eyes drifting off to sleep.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

In the girls' room, Kitty shuddered and licked her lips, staring at Ayame hungrily. Then she blushed, and finally responded. "I... it wouldn't be fair unless I let you, um... do that to me." The su-ku-ta woman still looked slightly conflicted, but not nearly so much as before. In fact, she looked a little disappointed when Ayame announced that it was time for bed rather than a practical demonstration of her willingness to be 'fertilized'.

In her own room, the redheaded slave was thoroughly asleep on one edge of the bed, leaving her mistress plenty of room to get comfortable before she drifted off into her own sleep. She awoke to find Molly face up beside her, still apparently asleep. The slave moaned softly, and muttered quietly. Ayame could just make out some of the words. "This one ... naughty ... punished ... rope ... yes!"

From the way the redhead's body was reacting, it was far from an unpleasant dream.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

As Ayame stirred awake the following morning, she opened her eyes to see that Molly had indeed made her way up next to her on the bed, and was still lying there fast asleep. It seemed to be anything but a peaceful sleep, however, as she could hear quiet moans and mutterings escaping from the slave-girl’s lips, with the way her body was reacting indicating that she was having a fairly pleasant and naughty dream – although that particular fact came as no surprise to the plant-woman at this point.

Opting not to wake her servant from her pleasant dream, Ayame would attempt to move off of the bed without disturbing the red-haired woman too much, taking a moment to stretch before quietly making her way out of the room and down the stairs, forgetting her dress for the moment and leaving it resting next to her pack. Once in downstairs, the Alraune would see if there was anything available for breakfast and whether or not any of the other girls were awake yet before seeking out Lady Azure, her thoughts drifting back to the supposed demon prince that the gate guard and mentioned to her the day before when she’d asked about the armored figure trying to gain entry into the city, and wondering if the innkeeper perhaps had any information about him.

Additionally, if at any time her nudity was pointed out and she was asked to cover herself, Ayame would give a brief apology and return to her room to retrieve her dress, explaining how she wasn’t used to having to get dressed every morning yet. Of course if no mention of it or complaint was made, the plant-woman would simply carry on about her business as she was.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame met Sally at the top of the stairs, garbed in a maid's uniform. She looked the alraune up and down appreciatively, then sighed, saying "I'm afraid I'm on duty. You'll have to put on some clothes if you wish to walk around outside your room, Ayame."

Properly dressed, the plant-woman made her way down to the common room. It didn't take long to find the inn's owner. The woman was arguing with a balding, overweight man, whose gesticulations were far too enthusiastic to be pleasant to the eye, given his girth. Before Ayame could get close enough to hear what they were saying, the man turned around and stomped out of the inn.

Mistress Azure noticed Ayame, and greeted her. "Ah, Ayame. You seem to be have caught an unusual amount of interest since your arrival. What can I do for you this morning?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Hmm... Well, I was wondering if you might have any knowledge about something that I learned of from one of the gate guardsmen yesterday,” Ayame replied, moving to take a seat at a nearby table if one was available and waiting for Lady Azure to join her before continuing.

“When I had first arrived at Acheron, and again yesterday evening, I had noticed a heavily armored demon seeking to gain entrance to the city, but was not allowed so because he refused to show his face. Apparently he was some kind of...what was the word...a Duke...or something, and wouldn’t remove his helmet. Anyway, when I asked the guard why it was he wanted into the city, he explained that the demon was searching for some prince that had found his way into the city so that he could retrieve him,” she explained, pausing a moment to allow the innkeeper to absorb the information. “I was wondering if you had perhaps heard anything regarding this prince from any of your patrons.”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"A demon... prince? What have you gotten yourself into?" She glanced around for a moment. There was nobody standing very close by, or anything that seemed to need her immediate attention. She continued speaking, lowering her voice slightly. "I haven't heard anything about any princes. But if you've managed to get in trouble with him, if that's why these people are all asking after you... you don't want to get caught between the Lady and her political enemies."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Trouble? Oh my, no. Not that I am aware of, dear,” Ayame replied, wondering briefly what she might have possibly done in her short time here to get herself into trouble with anyone. “You don’t mean the girls, do you? Or was that man who just left asking for me, perhaps? I certainly don’t believe I’ve managed to get on the bad side of a demon prince I never knew existed until yesterday, in any case...”

The plant-woman paused for a moment then and rested her chin on her hands, a bit disappointed that the innkeeper didn’t seem to have any information for her. Oh well, perhaps she might be able to stumble across something elsewhere at some point. “Hmm... Well, that’s alright, I suppose. I was simply curious if you knew anything. With that out of the way, I think I would like some breakfast to take up to the girls,” Ayame said, sitting up in her seat again. “I can pay you with coin as well, if you prefer, or...” she said, pausing for a moment as a playful grin tugged at her lips, “...I could participate in your ‘special’ service. I’ve been thinking on it a little bit, and based on what I witnessed with Molly I don’t think I would mind it too much...” the Alraune said, allowing Lady Azure to respond either way before settling back into her seat and waiting for the arrival of her breakfast order.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"There have been at least half a dozen people asking after you last night, by description, including that man. Offering to pay if I lead them to your room. One even wanted to buy you, as if you were a slave. For... well, lets just say that you should be more then normally cautious around dark alleyways even during the day, given what he was offering."

The innkeeper shook her head. "But I don't betray my guests, not for any price." She paused for a minute, considering something. "You can of course pay with coin or with the previous arrangement, as you choose, but at the moment I think allowing me to set up a meeting with... whoever it is that's looking for you... would be my favorite choice. You would pick the time and the place, of course."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Oh my... That certainly is puzzling,” Ayame replied, surprised by the number of people who had come calling for her, and even a little amused that one had sought to purchase her as if she were a slave. “Did they seem particularly hostile or perturbed in some way? Or were they more just...shall we say ‘interested’ in me?” she asked curiously, pausing to allow the innkeeper to answer if she so chose.

“Hmm... Well, in any case, I very much appreciate your sentiment and the loyalty that you have for your guests. I thank you for that,” the plant-woman then said, placing her hand on her chest and giving a slight nod of her head in thanks. She then paused a moment and raised her hand to her chin, a thoughtful look appearing on her face as she considered the other woman’s idea. “...And, if I understand you correctly, perhaps setting up a ‘meeting’ with whomever is looking for me would indeed be beneficial to the both of us. You collect whatever bounty it is they were offering you for me, and I get to identify and deal with this person first hand...when they think I’m vulnerable...” Ayame continued, thinking aloud briefly before pausing for a few moments to consider her options.

“Tell me...would it be possible to perhaps arrange this ‘meeting’ tonight? Here?” the Alraune asked, a sly grin tugging at her lips. “I could partake in your ‘special service’, and you could do whatever you needed to do in order to lure this person in under the guise that I would be bound and at their mercy upon their arrival, only I would instead be waiting prepared to deal with them as necessary... Does this sound like an agreeable plan to you, dear?” Ayame asked, pausing to get Lady Azure’s input on the matter.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"I could certainly arrange the meeting here, tonight. But..." She looked Ayame up and down, calculating. "Even if you're considerably more formidable then you look I wouldn't get too cocky. The sort of rewards I heard suggested would be enough to buy power to overwhelm any individual."

The innkeeper crossed her arms. "And I don't sell out my customers. If I arrange this meeting, he will be my customer as well. I will have as much regard for his wellbeing as yours. He grew angry when I refused to sell you to him, but I did not sense any particular malice against you. Aside from wanting to own you."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame shrugged her shoulders lightly at the position the innkeeper took regarding setting up the meeting. “A fair enough stance to take, I suppose,” she replied. “Setting up a meeting was your idea, I was just trying to see if I could help make it beneficial for both of us,” the plant-woman said, leaning forward in her seat and folding her hands beneath her chin. “Oh well, it’s nice to know that whoever this person is doesn’t seem to mean me any harm, at least. I guess I’ll just take some food up to the girls for breakfast, then, before setting off.

“Perhaps I’ll visit the city center today...or maybe see if that ‘Duke’ is still attempting to gain access to the city...” Ayame trailed off, pondering her options as she waited for her food that she could take up and share with her girls.
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