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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena heads into the cave past the hellhounds, she finds Shariel gone from the guest rooms.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks into the empty room and assumes she must be in the larger chamber. If that wasn't the case, at least the Dragon should be...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The large chamber is filled with treasures untold; coins of gold and silver scatter all over the floor while the center of the room is dominated by enormous pile of jewelry, weapons, even works of art - or would be, if not for the dragon lying on top of it in all its majesty. The first sight tells Helena that this is not like the dragons she has seen before - wild creatures that are little more than animals, children of their kind - but a true dragon as cunning as it is old, the size of a small building and with red scales that glow like embers. Its eyes instantly focus on the succubi, as it waits for them to speak.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is utterly shocked by the amount of wealth present in the room, mountains of gold and jewels glittering in the red glow of the cave, which to her surprise is coming from a magnificent creature. The massive red dragon, lounging upon his horde, as if from a fairy tale. Unlike the monsters back in her world, this was the beast that legends had been written about, the true kings of the sky. As she stood there, mouth agape, staring at the creature in all its glory, she found her gaze locked by the massive stare of the Dragon.

Dropping her gaze immediately, Helena had to steady herself before speaking. "The Chief will only negotiate with you in person, And I believe he means you paying him a visit. His major fear is that his people will be enslaved, but judging from your magnificence, you don't need slaves."

After saying her piece, Helena fell quiet again and waited for a response, despite the beauty of the dragon, she was still terrified...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The dragon doesn't speak, but Helena can feel its emotions as it listens to her speak. It seems mildly surprised, but mostly curious as the enormous force of its will gently prods Helena's, requesting more information.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena isn't really sure what to do, and she didn't know the name of the statue that had been there before. Rather then try and put anything into words, which would have been wasted considering how little she knew of this place to begin with, She instead opened her mind to the Dragon completely, Not hiding anything from the meeting to her own motivations for assisting, as well as her thoughts regarding the matter. Helena thought the Chief was a good leader, forgiving the slaves as Meh, its Hell, I'm not surprised. and impressing as much to the Dragon. He only meant well...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine draws breath sharply as Helena opens her mind, but the dragon's full attention is on Helena, and amusement replaces surprise as it casually leafs through her most recent memories, reading them as easily as she would read a book.

Tell Shariel that I am satisfied.

The dragon doesn't so much speak the words, as they simply appear in Helena's mind. Satisfied, it rises up before launching towards the opening in the roof, and Helena can see the magical discharges as it passes the no doubt powerful wards guarding it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighs softly as the Dragon tells her to go see Shariel and pass on his message. Watching the massive creature take off was a treat in and of itself, but now they had to find Shariel, who was missing as far as Helena knew.

*That went better then I thought...* Helena sent, still shivering slightly...

Moving out of the Dragon's lair, Helena paused for a moment, thinking. "Where would Shariel be?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine watches the dragon fly out with Helena. "I don't know much about her. But since she was negotiating with the dragon, her domain is probably not too far. Let's head back to the city and see what we can find out."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded, "I guess so. Lets fly a little higher this time though, those things with the lava were... Less then friendly..."

Walking out to the entrance, she gave each of the hellhounds one last pat and scritch before bursting into the air and heading back for town as fast as her wings would carry her, she had no interest in getting caught by something here again, and hopefully height and speed would be her allies...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena flies through the mists, there seems to be tension in the air, reminding her of thunderstorm. As they get higher, the mists surrounding them suddenly start growing colder as an enormous vortex of eldritch energies appears right in front of Helena, reaching towards her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena grows more and more worried as the tension in the air builds, something was wrong. As a massive maelstrom of crackling energy formed, she gave a terrified cry and dove for the ground, trying to get away from it as it curved and spun with thunderous power. What was going on! *JASMINE!*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Alea iacta est.
With a start, Helena wakes up in her EGG pod. It seems that the construction has lost power, as the emergency catch clicks and the pod swings open. For a moment things seem normal, then thin, glowing mist floods in through the doorway and the room surrounding her and the pod disappears. After only seconds the pod hits the ground with a loud crashing sound. Helena finds herself surrounded by strange, dying trees towering over the mists covering the land. Wolves are howling in the distance, and the air is suddenly chilly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snaps awake in the pod with a sharp gasp, panicked and afraid, the recent event in the EGG still fresh in her mind. As she steps out, looking around her, her panic only grows. Something was very, very wrong. "Hello! HELLO!" Helena cries into the abandoned room, before she sees the mist...

Backing slowly away as the mist floods the room, Helena presses her back against the cold surface of the pod. Which promptly vanishes, along with the room. A moment later, Helena damn near jumps out of her skin as a thunderous crash announces the pods return, but that's not the real problem...

Looking around at the dark and dead landscape, Helena can do nothing but cower for a moment, the sound of howling wolves sending a chill down her spine. Looking back at the decimated remains of the EGG Pod, She bolts. Taking off between the trees as fast as her legs would carry her...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

On the edge of her hearing, Helena hears a familiar voice coming. "Helena?" As she tries to run, it is as if the forest is trying to stop her on purpose, with bare branches hitting her face and roots trying to trip her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is sobbing as she runs through the forest, the branches seeming to reach towards her, the roots clawing at her feet and slowing her down. What was this evil place, where was she, what had happened, where were the technicians!! In the depths of her panic, she suddenly stopped, hearing a voice that could NOT possibly be there, or could it... Nothing in this place was to be accepted or trusted, but that voice... Turning, her face stained with tears, Helena hoped against all odds that it was true... "Jasmine!?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena turns, Jasmine steps into the view, looking subtly different...almost like she belonged to this forest. "Helena? You look...different somehow. Do you know what this place is?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looked up, her eyes growing wide as she just dove into Jasmine's arms, not asking how it was possible, happy to simply have the person she had relied on for so long back. "I dont know, I was in my pod and then I woke up, and then the mist came and now I'm here and I'm so glad you are..." The words tumbled from Helena in a rush, the panic slowly bleeding out of her...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Your pod? What are you talking about?" Jasmine holds Helena and looks around, curious but not afraid.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena answers, probably against her better judgement, and tells Jasmine of the EGG program, the pods, all of it as succinctly as she can. Looking around her in nothing but wary fear she turns back to Jasmine. "What the HELL is Going On!"