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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Are you any good at cooking? My wife has been...sick lately, and I'm afraid I don't have half of her skill."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm no expert, but I'm not a bad cook by a longshot" Helena says cheerfully, glad to get by without trickery or debt. "Just tell me what you need then and I'd be more then happy to cook" Smiling widely she pondered how simple the fare was here, and was more then certain that with some spices and a little thought, she could have everyone here more then happy with the food.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Well, we have a small feast tonight, so you'll have to cook a pig along with whatever you think goes with it. There'll be most of the village present. If you can do that and help with other cooking later, you can stay here as long as you want."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Ok! Potatoes, Vegetables, spices if there are any... Hrm... Kitchen?" Helena was more then happy to help, and she could think of a few good ways to get the pork good and ready, hopefully in a way that hadn't seen before. This was going to be fun. And given her love for food, a kitchen was like a small paradise...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The innkeeper gestures towards the back. The kitchen turns out to be well-stocked, though there is only limited spices available, and no rice or potatoes or anything similarly exotic. There is also an entire pig carcass including the head and the intestines. The blood also hasn't been thrown away, and it's stored in a large bowl next to the body.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Walking back into the kitchen, Helena looks around, and the very first thing she does is waters down the blood and begins chopping up what vegetables were available, relying heavily on spinach, carrots, and onions. *I have an idea for the meat, but the head and intestines are beyond me. You're 600, any ideas?*

After getting the blood ready, she sets it to heat slowly above the fire, keeping an eye on it and stirring it as she keeps thinking. This was a feast, it had to be able to go around easily and be tasty...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'll take care of them.* Jasmine says, looking through the cupboards and picking some apples and onions and starting to skin the head. It doesn't take long before the head is roasting, and Jasmine then looks at the kidneys and the liver, chopping them with some more onions and a large helping of different herbs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles watching Jasmine as she works. Noticing that the blood was slowly coming to a boil, Helena took the carcass and put it in a large pan before pouring the blood and vegetable over it and getting a few apples. Coring the apples, she stuffs them with a few spices and tosses the apples in the mix. Placing the entire thing in the oven to roast she would now get started on any side dishes to go with the meat. When the meat was finished, she would take it out and slowly carve it into different sections and get it sliced up nice and thick. It was gonna take a few hours...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Several hours later the entire pig has been prepared along with several side dishes.The innkeeper comes to fetch the dishes along with several other men, and Jasmine and Helena are led outside and seated to one of the large tables near a bonfire. Several musicians are playing, and a few people are already dancing even as more people start gathering to the feast.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena preforms some last minute touches even as the men are taking the food from her, the smell alone making her drool... Admittedly she had been munching on carrots the entire time she had been cooking, but she was HUNGRY!!!

Walking outside and seeing the party and hearing the music, she couldn't help but smile as she was seated. She was pretty sure everyone was going to like the simple dish, tasting of, you guessed it, pork. But the nice thing about the apples and the onions is that they're flavor as well would bleed into the meat and give it a nice sweet flavor that was offset by the onions and the spices packed into the apples.

Crossing her fingers under the table, she waited for everyone, wondering what the occasion was, and hoping they like the food.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After almost fifteen minutes, it seems that everyone is present and a man with a golden chain around his neck rises to make a speech. It's long winded talk of a man who considers himself important, and it becomes apparent that he is or was the mayor. Then he ceremoniously hands the chain to the innkeeper, who makes a shorter about what an honor it is etc. Then the feast starts, and a pair of fun looking young men bring Helena and Jasmine food; as guests, they get the first choice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pays attention politely wondering exactly what was going on, but smiling as she was infected by the mood. As the men brought them food, Helena flashed them a smile out of more old habit then anything, and sampled a little bit of everything, proud of her cooking and definitely hungry. She steered far clear of the head though, it was a bit much for her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The feast continues for a long while, with as many villagers apparently talking about Helena and Jasmine as are talking about the new mayor. Then a huge drum is rolled to the square, and as a burly man starts beating it, the music changes and young people line up for a dance.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena does what everyone does at a feast: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry. Listening to the conversations and talking to Jasmine about practice, she watches as the drum is rolled into the square and people start lining up. Watching everything, She gets that itchy feeling again and has to work very hard to not scratch. For some reason, the drum made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The dancers stand in two lines, with women on one side and the men in another. Then a flute signals the start and they start moving in relatively simple steps back and forth with occasional pairings. The two men who brought Jasmine and Helena food are standing aside, though, and Jasmine directs them a smile to which they answer readily by heading to Helena's table.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Watching it all she Helena notices Jasmine give the all too familiar eye to the two men who had brought them food. *Moving onto dessert already I see*, The only outward sign of the silent communication being a small snicker. Standing up, she smiled at the one on the right and held out her hand.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man smiles hopefully, taking Helena's hand and kissing it. "Good evening miss. David, at your service." The other man introduces himself to Jasmine as Arak in similar manner. "Good evening. I'm Jasmine."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena blushes a little at having her hand kissed before recovering. "Good Evening, I'm Helena. You David, look like you want to join the dance" She was pretty sure she could pull it off, the steps hadn't been all that complicated, and it would be fun.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Who wouldn't want to have someone as beautiful as you are in his arms? Shall we?" The first dance is just finished, but the dancers are already lining up for a second one.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Shameless flatterer!" Helena giggles as she joins the dance about to begin. "You'll have to lead me through this a bit, I'm afraid I don't know it" She says flashing David a smile, already enjoying herself. It felt good just being around other friendly people for a change.