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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though Helena can see Cindy's flower starting to grow moist, the girl still struggles weakly and yelps out in surprise as her wrists are bound, trying to struggle free even as her eyes stay on Helena's body as if glued.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gave her quite the show, her teasing turning into a full on display. Soon panting softly as she stroked herself and drove her own lust higher, she soon lowered herself to her knees in front of Cindy and leaned back, letting Cindy get a spectacular view even as Helena slid two fingers into herself and made her watch as she squirmed and gasped softly, her flower wet and her body tensing slightly with every motion.

After several minutes of this, Helena was biting her lip and bucking her hips slowly. Figuring the girl had probably had enough of watching, Several tendrils began to slide from under her, not obstructing her view as the creeped along the floor and up her legs slowly, twining around them to gently rub and prod at Cindy's lower holes while more still slid up her core, soon reaching her chest and teasing her globes as well.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Just as Helena kneels in front of Cindy, the thread binding her wrists suddenly disappears, and the girl pounces on Helena, her lips closing on the succubus' even as she presses and rubs her body against Helena's, her wet sex grinding against Helena's.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena let out a mild squeak of surprise before wrapping her arms around her and returning the kiss hungrily, letting herself stay just as she was with her legs bent back, moaning as Cindy's flower ground against her own. She had had this plan that had all seemingly fallen apart, but it hardly mattered now, this was delicious~!

Raking her fingernails down Cindy's sides to her hips, they soon drifted over her backside and Helena let them drift and slide over Cindy's lower holes, gently teasing her even now.

It wasn't too long before those teasing fingers were replaced with a pair of tentacles, their tips prodding and rubbing even as Helena's hands slid over the rest of Cindy's body, moaning hungrily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy winces as Helena's fingernails threaten to draw blood, but her own fingernails scratch Helena's back as the succubus starts teasing her, and she starts grinding her hips against the tentacles as soon as they manifest, pulling away from the kiss to moan lewdly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thinks for a moment, captivated by the moaning and grinding woman on top of her, and decides that as long as she was playing mirror image, she may as well stay true to form. Prodding at her own lower holes with two more of her own tendrils, she was shocked at the combination of feeling, soon moaning just as lewdly right back at Cindy. Bucking her hips, she soon slid all 4 home, thrusting them in time with each other as she drew Cindy back down for another passionate kiss, gasping and twitching into her mouth even as their tongues met.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy lets out a loud moan as her inner sanctum is pierced, and her holes feel shockingly tight around Helena's tentacles, squeezing pleasure out of them with a vice-like grip. Cindy answers the kiss even more eagerly, completely lost in pleasure, and Helena can feel her energies ebbing and flowing, almost begging to be reached for.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena leaves Cindy's energies right where they are for now, not wanting to accidentally cause her any harm.

Helena breaks the kiss and pushes her back a little so her lips can find Cindy's chest, her long tongue snaking over her nipple as her lips wrapped around the mound of her breast, moaning and gasping as they both soon became lost in the pleasure, Helena tendrils speeding up even as she quaked and bucked under her, her own holes clenching just as tightly as Cindy's. She came first, she knew she would, Helena crying out and writhing under Cindy as the combined pleasure drove her through her first peak, treating Cindy to the sight she had glimpsed earlier, herself arching and writhing in pleasure...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena breaks the kiss, Cindy almost falls backwards, making a quiet whimpering sound as Helena's lips wrap around her nipple, brushing against the silky skin of her breast before pressing against her areola. The girl can't help but stare as Helena orgasms, her own violent orgasm following as Helena is coming down, leaving the girl molten wax in Helena's arms.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pulls out of both of them and as the tendrils slide away and back into nothingness, Helena resumes her own shape, massaging Cindy gently and kissing her softly. Slowly drawing out her glow and relaxing her, helping her come down for what had been an impressive climax. Cuddling her close, she whispered in her ear. "Now That, was fun~"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

For a while, Cindy seems unable to speak as she pants heavily, recovering from her orgasm. "Don't...don't do that again."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and looks at her with a mischievous twinkle, but nods anyway. "I promise never to do that again without your permission. Still though, you can't tell me you didn't like it~"

Taking her time, Helena just kept rubbing away at Cindy's arms and legs, getting the blood flowing and relaxing her as much as was possible.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena starts to massage Cindy, the wagons suddenly grind to halt and the drivers start yelling and screaming.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Shit Jasmine, Someone's messing with our ride!" Kissing Cindy and apologising, Helena hurried to get dressed before hopping out of the wagon and looking for what was causing all the commotion, Annoyed yet again, at being interrupted in a tender moment.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

initiative: Helena, Jasmine, Ghouls, Cindy

Jasmine quickly stands up and pulls off the cover, revealing the driver of the wagon behind theirs being maimed by two horrific looking rotting humanoids while he whimpers, not making a move to defend himself. The ghouls slowly turn to look at the three women, and from the sounds of tearing flesh, it may already be too late to help other drivers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You have got to be shitting me..." Helena says before raising a hand and launching a bolt of of sickly green light at one of the zombies, hoping acid would be more effective then Cold or Lightning and not wanting to start a fire. First rats, then werewolves, then goblins, then bandits, and now the grateful dead were in town! AND THEY WERE EATING THE CARAVAN!
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 15=hit, 6 damage
Jasmine: Miss
Ghoul1: Hits helena, 6 damage Fort save: 15, success
Ghoul2: Hits Jasmine, critical! 8 damage Fort save: 21, success
Cindy: Pulls a dagger, feints Ghoul1 successfully
Helena: 9/15 Jasmine: 39/47 Cindy: 11/11
Ghouls: One wounded, the other not.

The creature grunts as the bolt hits it, starting to immediately dissolve through the remains of its flesh. Jasmine fires a beam of frigid air at the other ghoul, but misses and both ghouls charge towards the trio, easily jumping on the wagon. One manages to bite Helena's arm, sending waves of nausea through her while the other does the same to Jasmine. Cindy swiftly pulls out her dagger, and makes as if to strike one of the ghouls, causing it to release Helena and follow the dagger with its eyes.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tries to pull out of the way, but isn't fast enough and gets bitten, waves of a sickening feeling washing over her but not overcoming her. Stepping back after Cindy got its attention, Helena's eyes lit with a dark anger and her next attack brought it to life as fire.

Her mind was whirring and if she was bitten again, she would take to the air and refuse to play by these monsters rules...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: 7+6=hit; 4 damage
Jasmine: 12, hit, 23, hit, damage=enough
Ghoul: Bite misses, both claw attacks hit, 8 damage Fort save: 14, passes
Cindy: Miss
Helena: 1/15 Jasmine: 39/47 Cindy: 11/11
Ghouls: One wounded, the other dead. More coming?
Helena's fire bolt causes the ghoul to stagger, but its claws still rake across Helena's chest, tearing cloth and leaving bloody wake after them even as Jasmine's two fiery bolts cause the other living corpse to fall down and Cindy lashes out with her dagger, missing badly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena cries out and clutches at her chest, the wound causing considerable pain and almost taking her out of the fight completely. With a shout, Helena let her wings explode from her back, taking the remains of her shirt with them before rocketing into the air, it being clear it was no longer safe on the ground...