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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"If you happen to come across any, I'm sure I can make you a good offer, as well as a discount for future purchases."

Jasmine hands Laverty two dozen gold coins for the clothes Laverty swiftly bags and hands back to her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We'll be in touch then Mr. Laverty" Helena says reaching to shake his hand before pondering exactly how much money they could make. Granted she would have to figure out how to get two spiders to willing spin thread...

Looking over at Jasmine, Helena smiled. "We have clothing, now you know our next stop Tom, if you would" Helena said, giving him a very specific look and gesturing for him to lead. If he really needed to ask, then he wasn't nearly as sharp as he looked...
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Tom hesitates before nodding and starting to lead them through the streets to the poorer parts of the city. With a nod from Jasmine, Cindy takes the new clothes and heads back to the inn.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena follows, but not before telling Strike to protect Cindy as she headed on her own way, not wanting any trouble to befall their friend and knowing anyone would hesitate to assault a girl flanked by gigantic spiders very against the idea.

Following Tom, Helena wondered what she was actually asking of him but she was determined regardless, and as they moved, she did her best to memorize the route and any memorable landmarks. There would probably come a time when they had to navigate this city without a guide...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The route is long and twisty, and people keep bumping to Helena and Jasmine, who seems to be getting annoyed. Eventually Tom leads them into an abandoned looking building. In the lightless room Helena can see the form of an ancient humanoid, short but bulky and wearing worn robe that might once have been white, covered almost entirely by a long beard. "Visitors? Old Harrow never gets visitors anymore." The dwarf cackles joylessly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods at the figure, smiling softly before trying to feel him out. "A pleasure. Thank you Tom, you can go back to the inn for now. I'll probably call on you again later in the evening." Helena said turning her head for a moment to their guide. She would be able to find their way back using Strike easily or the same way Jasmine had found it in the first place.

After Tom had left, and this conversation wasn't continuing until he had, Helena introduced herself more appropriately. "My name Is Helena, and In all honesty I need more training."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Tom quickly slips away, obviously uncomfortable around the dwarf.

Old Harrow sneers at Helena request. "Old Harrow wants no apprentices. If you have gold for it, he'll give you any spells you need and you can teach yourself, if you have the power."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sneers right back, annoyed. "Helena has no need of a teacher, only material, and will pay for it so make no mistake Harrow." Helena said as her whole form rippled in front of him, changing several times before resting once again in her old form. She was all for insanity, but the old dwarf had obviously lost his marble...

Getting to the point, Helena got to what she wanted. "I need to know how to move small objects without touching them, and something to put someone to sleep, cantrip or otherwise..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I already have a sleeping spell, so we won't need that. I'd like an invisibility spell, myself."

The dwarf cackles. "Both of those Old Harrow has. Three score and dozen shiny pieces is his price."

Jasmine fishes out the purse and counts the required coins onto the dwarf's eagerly waiting hand, after which he hands over the two scrolls.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena takes the scrolls and turns to leave. She would find the crazy old dwarf if she needed him again. But odds were she could get anything else they needed by comparing spells between the two of them.

*Back to the Inn to train a bit and plan our various ways to make coin?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Sure. Let's hope we can make coin quickly.*

Jasmine follows Helena back out to the street filled with beggars and whores and cutpurses.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena keys back in on Strike and in short order makes it back to the Inn, keeping a wide berth from anyone that got too close and guarding her pockets closely. After she got back she would open the scrolls and drop into training, working first on the telekinetic spell.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

When Helena and Jasmine arrive at the inn, a familiar looking redhead comes out before them, though Helena doesn't get a good look at her. Strike and the other spider appear to be in the roof, and she and Jasmine find Cindy from their room. As Helena takes the scroll of Mage Hand, Jasmine starts the more difficult work of deciphering the secrets of invisibility.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wonders about the Redhead, but lets it go, certain the answer would come to her if it was important. Still... She would try and get a better look if the opportunity presented itself. Sitting down with the scroll, Helena bent her mind to the work at hand, running through the spell over and over until she had it, practicing on various objects in the room.

After she had finished that, she would set about trying to get Strike to spin web. She found it was harder to communicate with the spider here then it had been before, and that was causing her a small amount of aggravation...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It takes two hours until Helena has mastered the scroll, and at the end she can feel magic fading from it, leaving Helena feeling tired and hungry.

When Helena contacts Strike, she finds the spider in good mood. She seems amused by the request, but obeys nevertheless.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tucks the scroll away, faded or otherwise, and has Strike come down to the room, collecting as much silk as the spider is willing to give and kissing her lovingly. Now for the other Spider... That could be trickier. Reaching out with her mind, Helena tried to get it's attention, wondering but highly doubting, if it would be as accomadating...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena call for Strike, the giant spider comes knocking on the window. Were Helena to open it, she'd find the spider has spun a web from roof to the window, making it easy for Helena to climb to the roof, should she want to.

Helena can sense the other spider's presence on the roof, but doesn't manage to connect to it.

As Helena is dealing with the spiders, the bell near the door rings twice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena heads over to the talking tube, wondering who was bothering her right now...

"Hello. What is it?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Soon Helena can hear the same woman from earlier answer her: "Hello. I'd like to inform you that the dinner is served, if you'd like to eat in the common room. Also, there's a pair of men seeking for new sensations, if you are open to such visitors."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena thinks for a moment before nodding to herself and sending Strike back to the roof, promising to join her later.

"Feel free to send the up." She says cheerfully before looking at Jasmine. "We have customers seeking New Sensations apparently. I know you're still working on the spell Jasmine, but I need a meal and the money would be welcome. If you want me to handle it on my own, then I can"