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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine puts the scroll away and gets up. "I suppose we should change clothes. And hide Cindy into a closet."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods and slips into one of the new outfits, enjoying the feel of the clothing and admiring herself before looking at Cindy. "Where should we hide you.... A closet? The roof?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The girl blushes and all but runs to the window, climbing up the web with Strike.

No sooner is Cindy gone and the two succubi dressed than there's a knock from the door. Jasmine opens it to reveal two men in their late twenties perhaps, both dressed dressed in plain but clearly expensive clothes. Jasmine smiles to them so heatedly that it's a wonder steam isn't rising from their ears and steps back, inviting them in with a flick of her hand and closing the door behind them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and takes a seat, crossing her legs and laughing inwardly at the sheer amount of lust Jasmine could inspire with a simple look. Spreading her arms and looking at both of them in turn, she spoke in a calm and silky voice that could polish silver. "Welcome Gentlemen, My name is Helena and this is my Sister Jasmine, What can we help you with this evening?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The men both take seats, giving Helena properly appreciative looks while Jasmine stays behind them, managing a meek look despite the amusement she's bubbling with. Both of the have thick mustaches and short hair. "We're looking for new experiences. Think you can surprise us?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles widely at the question, thinking about her past experiences. "I'm pretty sure we can do just that, although, before this goes any farther, the night will cost you 15 gold coins each. Is this acceptable to you gentlemen?" Helena says with another smile, slowly standing and showing off her curves as she gave a slight stretch, cocking her hips to the side.

*What do you think Jasmine, How should we... Surprise our guests~*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man pulls out a small bag of coins from within his coat and spills it on the table, showing a large number of gold coins, of which he carefully counts thirty, pushing the rest back in, but leaving the bag on the table. "Surprise us and there's more."

Jasmine ways her way to Helena, giving her a light kiss. *We could tie them to their chairs and make them watch until they explode.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Now that IS delicious! do get the rope~* Helena sends over, trying very hard not to smile so wide as to seem insane.

Turning to look at the men, Helena gestures for them to sit down and simply watch for the moment as Jasmine goes to retrieve the rope Helena KNOWS she has. When Jasmine was ready, then she would do exactly as Jasmine suggested, binding the mens arms to the chairs tightly so that they couldn't move until their lovely hosts decided otherwise.

Winking at the men, Helena moved over to Jasmine and kissed her deeply, moaning into her mouth as their tongues met and her hands slid over her body, keeping a careful eye on the mens' moods as they watched. It would be easy to get them so hot under the collar they couldn't stand it by taking her cues directly from their minds...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine quickly leaves to get the rope, leaving Helena in the center of the men's attention while she quickly makes a couple knots into the rope and throws the loops over the men's chest, pulling them tight before they have time to react, before moving to tie them more thoroughly, also adding gags.

Then she moves in front of them, giving Helena a thorough kiss while the men get a nice view of her gently swinging ass, followed by a kiss on Helena's neck while moving to the side to let Helena show them her better side.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena returns the kiss slowly, teasingly, her body moving up against Jasmine's as they turned to give the men a better angle. Running her hands down Jasmine's sides, they came to grope her ass softly, squeezing that magnificent masterpiece of a buttocks as Jasmine kissed her neck, causing her to moan longingly and shudder, returning the favor.

This reminded her of their first time together in the strip club, which had been truly awe inspiring, and without even thinking about it, she fell back in, putting on a show with every motion, every touch and sound softer and more luscious then usual, truly revelling in every second. Kissing Jasmine again, with a passion that was matched by her own rising lust, her hands slid into her outfit, slowly and teasingly beginning to pull it away....
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine let's Helena kiss her, bending backwards and falling on her knees as the top of her outfit slowly slips open, baring first her leather-covered breasts followed by the now-bare midriff. The men start shifting uncomfortably, their erections clearly visible already.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena follows Jasmine down, slipping her own top open slowly before pulling it away completely. Facing Jasmine, topless and on her knees, Helena slid her hands to Jasmine's chest, gently caressing her globes and opening her top further before leaning in to give one a gentle tongue lashing, sucking on the nipple softly as her tongue wrapped around it unseen by their patrons, eager to make Jasmine enjoy this as much as the men were.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine let's her own top fall completely down, moaning lewdly when she feels Helena's hands on her full globes. Not satisfied such a passive role, Jasmine's hands slides across Helena's back only to slip around her to cup Helena's bust, causing her nipples to perk up through the bra as she starts a gentle massage.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shudders and moans as she feels Jasmine's hands move from her back to her chest, her back arching slightly and deliciously, pushing her chest out a little farther before she reaches back and removes the bra, giving Jasmine full access to her chest without even thinking about the men anymore.

Reaching around Jasmine, Helena pulled her in for a kiss, her hands running through her hair and pressed their chests together, moaning again as her own lust rose quickly. Kissing her neck, Helena slowly started to kiss her way down Jasmine's body, savoring every inch of flesh as she moved, her fingers lightly trailing up and down her spine before reaching the hem of her pants.

*Think we should get to the main event? or make them squirm a little more, I think they're going to die at this rate* Her mind was full of both amusement and lust and none of it was hidden. As much as she enjoyed making the men squirm, she also wanted to enjoy Jasmine badly...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*What's the hurry?*

Jasmine continues moaning lewdly, letting the men get full view of Helena's breasts as she slips her own bra off her shoulders and stands up, letting it fall off hypnotically slowly so that Helena can almost feel the men's breathing stop for a long while before Jasmine's nipples are revealed as the cloth falls entire off and Jasmine crosses her arms, making her bust seem even fuller than it is.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gives what equates to a mental chuckle, clamping down on her own lust and standing with Jasmine, moving behind her and turning her a little so she was facing the men, her hands running up and down her bare stomach slowly as she kissed the back of Jasmine's neck. Gently moving her arms out of the way, Helena let them watch as she caressed Jasmine's chest teasingly and slowly, her fingers tracing around the peaks of her nipples before giving them a soft pinch.

Letting one hand trail down her stomach again, Helena smiled inwardly as the men watched it slowly slide ever close to her waistline, her other hand still dutifully working at Jasmine's bust.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The men seem completely entranced by the performance as Jasmine slowly slides her hands upwards on her half-naked form until reaching towards the roof while half turning her ass to better showcase it to the men, letting out another lustful moan as beautiful and artfully crafted as an opera singer's aria.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena was more student then master in this little display, Jasmine having a great deal more experience then she did. Still, she did her best to help it along, peering over Jasmine's shoulder at the men with a sultry look that would melt Ice.

Sliding both of her hands down Jasmine's front, they began to teasingly pull at the garment. threatening to but never actually removing it, letting the mens imaginations torment them just a little more, before finally and with agonizing slowness, she began to work it down, entranced herself now by Jasmine. Still, the man had asked for something surprising, and this was certainly living up to it judging from the looks on their faces...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine slowly completes her turn, leaving the men look at her backside as she bends over, bringing her hands on Helena's ass and groping it even as Helena starts sliding down her pants.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena slips the garment away, leaving Jasmine in her birthday suit as the panties came with it, moaning as her ass was groped and twisting her body a little, her curves offset by the angle as her back moved. Removing her own just as slowly and moving to the side, Helena slid to her knees and looked up at Jasmine before licking her lips, shuddering with lust at the sight, her hands sliding up her legs with a feather's touch before drawing her forwards. Leaning in, Helena placed a light kiss on Jasmine's mound before her tongue went to work, gently sliding between Jasmine's folds as she moaned softly, the act itself a personal joy as she watched Jasmine from where she was, her mouth buried in her flower.