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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wakes up to shouts from the ship's deck. Through the cabin's small window, she can see that the sun is rising, and soon the ship lurches, starting to float downriver. Unusually enough, everyone else seems to be already up and about.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena rubs her eyes, her hair performing an accurate rendition of the bride of frankenstein as she realised she hadn't even stripped before passing out. Changing into something a little fancier, Helena headed up to see what was going on, they had probably just started towards the city or some such nonsense, but that shouting was annoying and grouchy Helena was a thing to be feared indeed.

Looking like something out of a nightmare with her finery matched to her insane hair, Helena looked around for the others, planning on spending time with Willow specifically.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Up on the deck, Helena finds Jasmine in the same spot she was when Helena went to bed. The spiders are playing with Aqua, while Willow and Cindy are chatting near the three creatures.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing Jasmine in the same place was mildly troubling to Helena. Wondering if she was alright, Helena moved up next to her. *Everything alright Sis?* Helena asked cautiously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine seems mildly surprised as Helena comes and she turns to look at her younger sister. *Huh? Of course. Beautiful morning, isn't it?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and gives Jasmine a playful push on the arm. *Yes it is Jasmine, the song you sang last night was beautiful but so sad, I dunno, I was just worried about you is all* Helena answered, not looking at Jasmine directly.

Sighing and taking some time righting her appearance, Helena winced as her fingers tangled in particularly stubborn knot before finally pulling it free and managing to straighten her hair out before remembering Fenrir.... *We didn't... did we? Shit* Helena said before looking around for the wolf, If he hadn't tagged along, then Helena would just figure he would be safer and happier in his home then on a boat with them or in a city.

*This world needs planes. Ye old travel sucks*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine probes lightly on Helena's emotions as the younger succubus avoids her gaze, but says no more of it.

When Helena suddenly changes topic, Jasmine frowns. *What are you talking about?* The large wolf does indeed seem to be missing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's emotions were a little twisted as always, but mostly fear for her companions as Jasmine probed gently, helena not bothering to hide anything. *Fenrir, it seems he got left behind* Helena said a little sadly, smiling anyway and thinking about the wolf. *He's a big boy, he can take care of himself* Helena added, resigning herself to letting the Wolf go without a fuss, knowing the kind of fuss a mostly feral wolf would cause in any town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Fenrir? Oh, the wolf. I think I saw it come close to the ship a little after you went down, but it didn't come any closer.* Jasmine pats Helena's shoulder.

*I think doing a while without modern conveniences is just fine. I prefer magic, anyway. At least that I can understand.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles softly, eaching out to give Jasmine a light hug before moving away. *Be that as it may, even you have to miss electricity* Helena sent over snickering as she glomped into slime and spider, joining the fray with tickles.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The quartet starts a wrestling match of epic proportions, which eventually ends with Strike alone on top of everyone else, apparently very pleased with herself. Meanwhile Jasmine has joined Cindy and Willow, and the three are idly tlaking about what to expect, but none of them appears to know much, not even Jasmine who saw the town.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wriggles under Aqua and the two spiders, laughing and prodding at Strike. "We have a winner! All hail Queen Strike! Lord of the pile!" Helena chokes out between giggles before wriggling loose. "So Jasmine! How long will it take to reach the town or city of this little boatride?" Helena asked, forgetting if she had ever asked, wondering how long they'd be trapped on a boat and thinking of ways to make the best of it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine smiles at Helena's antics. "We'll be there tomorrow morning at the earliest."

The pile is easily unmade, leaving Strike sitting on the deck with no-one to sit on while Aqua and Flame takes places near her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Halleluja" Helena says smiling. "There isn't much to be done on a boat" she added looking around. "I wonder whatever happened to that merchant vessel I scared shitless, bet they turned around" Helena said suddenly remembering she hadn't seen them on the river since she had given her show hunting people that weren't there. Lord that dwarf had been a rude bastard.

Laying on Strike, Helena did some pondering before finding a spot nearby and doing her exercises, reminded of her own lack of self control by the rage she had felt last night with the vampire. She figured she'd better sort it out before she actually killed someone who didn't deserve it...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"They probably passed us during the night" Cindy puts in, scratching Flame and joining Helena in meditation.

Wisdom check: 21
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena felt better as she ran through the exercises, untangling a few things and focusing mostly on Aren when he was alive and happy. He'd been a good man. Smiling at the memories, Helena figured another experiment was in order. Summoning her power to attack was as simple as breathing, but using more complex magic actively drained her.

Diving into her soul, and remembering the feedback her and Jasmine had caused, helena tried to cycle her own power in such a manner, summoning it, but refusing to let it go, forcing it to build slowly and carefully inside her as she concentrated. If this worked... Then there were better ways for her to utilize her strength.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

All Helena's experiment seems to give her is a blinding headache.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stops trying as pain explodes through her mind, making her yelp softly and clutch at her head. "Okay, Bad idea' She muttered as she avoided opening her eyes, rubbing her temples. That apparently required two people.

she resigned herself to thinking of that power as wild, only directable and controllable to a point, at least by herself as she stood and opened her eyes. The headache having killed her mood to experiment, Helena instead turned her thoughts outwards towards the crew very carefully, tempting them with thoughts of port and of long nights and women, feeding in a very subtle and controlled way as Jasmine had shown her was entirely possible. It probably wouldn't be much, but any amount of power was a step in the right direction and who knew, maybe the incentive of her whispered promises would push them to work a little harder.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The general mood in the ship seems to improve, and Helena manages to siphon off some smatterings of energy, though not very much. Her headache disappears as quickly as it came, as well.

Cindy is still meditating while Jasmine and Willow are below the deck and Aqua is playing with the spiders again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the mood lifted on the ship, Helena smiled, remembering the jazz club, remembering the joy it brought to her to make people happy more then anything else. it was a strange feeling, selfless and kind. There was no reason that gloom should pervade anywhere when such a small push could lift spirits. Standing up, Helena pushed just a little harder. "Sing us a song Lads!" She shouted happily, beginning to dance in the center of the ship, her motions smooth and graceful, the fun contagious as she grabbed a man and moved with him. "If you don't then I'm gonna have to~!" She added if no one took up the call, thinking of any particular upbeat tunes she knew off the top of her head.