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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The service girl gives Helena a quick curtsy before hurrying to kitchen and soon bringing two large servings of meat along with a tankard of dark lager for Helena.

"I think three collars should be enough for now. The skulls are worth the same as the bridles, which I've had to exchange for local currency, too. On the plus side, they also have coins called crowns, which are ten times the value and easier to carry around."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Excellent" Helena says happily, tearing into her food like a wild animal, Fenrir probably eating slower then she was as she drank her ale. "Okay. Good beer" Helena says smacking her lips and slamming the tankard down. "I can assume the Spiders are on the roof again? Or are they plotting... Beware when the prod each other, lest you be slingshotted" Helena said giggling, tossing a wink at Willow.

"Well, We're back in civilization, O! Any information on the religious wackos Jasmine?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow directs a smile at Helena, winking back.

"They're on the roof. Apparently there are two churches working here, with some members of other churches occasionally coming and going: The official church: the church of Eternal Order, and the... other one. The Eternal Order is worship of the dead... sort of. They believe that the life is a mistake, and the dead want to claim them back and must be appeased."
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"So we have the Regular church, which is an Undead worshipping life hating church, and the mystery church. Better that then the Lawgiver... I hope." Helena said annoyed, finishing her meal.

"Well, I just took the trip on foot, and I'm tired. So, if someone would be so kind as to show me to the room so I can pass out" Helena said yawning, feeling full and happy and not wanting to think about the churches.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"At least they don't hate magic users. Come, I'll show you our room." Willow stands up and leads Helena upstairs to a comfortably sized room for two before heading back downstairs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Just for us? Cozy, Thanks Willow* Helena sends to her after flopping on the bed, unleashing Fenrir after closing the door. "So pooch, here we are. You will behave" Helena said softly, pouncing on the wolf and rough housing a bit chuckling before flopping onto the bed. Where Fenrir slept was up to him, but Helena was out cold before she hit the mattress.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fenrir playfully licks Helena for a while before settling down on the carpet. Helena sleeps through the night peacefully, though some of her dreams are a little uneasy.

In the morning Helena wakes up first as usual. Fenrir is laying on the carpet and Willow is sleeping soundly in the other bed. From the window Helena can see that the dawn hasn't arrived yet.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena gets up quietly and moves to the window, checking on the moon again, scratching her arm and neck uncomfortably before getting dressed and moving around the room agitatedly before sitting down and forcing herself to relax, running through her exercises again to pass the time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Wisdom check: 6+1=fail
The moon is setting, but Helena can see that it's almost full: a day, two at most before it's full again. The days seem to be getting shorter as well, so the autumn must be coming.

The meditation doesn't go too badly, at least it helps to clear Helena's mind of the dreams, but she doesn't seem to make progress, either. By the time Helena is finished, she finds Willow awake, apparently communing with her familiar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena comes out of her trance, calmer but not more stable, frowning slightly as she scritched Fenrir behind the ears and prodded at Strike with her mind, saying hello in her usual "Hey wake up" Fashion.

"Morning Willow, furball, Fenrir" Helena said stifling a giggle, she'd never been much of a cat person, dogs were always happier to see you anyway. And Strike, well... Strike was Strike. On a whim, Helena created a small dancing blue light and floated it past Willow's Cat, teasing the feline familiar as she smiled. "So you got you and I a room, but two beds~ I'm getting mixed signals"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fenrir sits up and wags his tail as Helena scratches him. As Helena speaks, Willow continues focusing on her familiar, which stays calm despite the light. "They didn't have any rooms big enough for all of us, so we had to get two."

Strike wakes up, mentally poking Helena back and scuttling around on the roof excitedly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles and gives Willow a peck on the cheek before heading downstairs, promising to visit Strike in a bit after breakfast, Fenrir brought with her, the improvised leash in hand just in case, they needed to get that shit sorted today, le sigh. But that meant collar shopping for the other fun one! And that thought put a shine on Helena's mood.

Looking around, Helena checked for Jasmine or Cindy before sitting down, joining them if they were there, simply ordering breakfast if they weren't and waiting.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

When Helena gets down, there are a few other customers eating breakfast, but no Cindy or Jasmine.

The breakfast offered is simple porridge with blueberries. If Helena didn't decide to order something else, the serving girl would soon bring her the porridge and some milk. As Helena is eating, Jasmine and Cindy come to join her. Jasmine is humming softly and orders whatever Helena is eating for both of them, while Cindy seems irritated by something. "Good morning Helena. Sleep well?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and waves, eating the porridge happily, and finding the blueberries a rare treat, a personal favourite of hers. Noting Cindy's annoyance before anything else, Helena gave her a gentle nudge. *What's wrong Cindy?* Helena asked her discreetly, wondering if Jasmine had kept her up all night with her usual antics, or if something else was the matter.

Sorting that, Helena turned to Jasmine, "I slept like a stone Jas, there is something Magical about a mattress~" Helena quipped. *The moon is driving me nuts, I'm jumpier then a squirrel. Do me a favour, watch me on the full moon, just to be sure.* Helena asked Jasmine, a little worried, wondering why the moon was still bothering her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Nothing. It's just that the meditation didn't go well.* Cindy answers while grumbling about the porridge quietly.

"That's good to hear. Did you have fun with Willow?" Jasmine quips back. *I can do a lot more than just watch, you know. But I'll do that too, if you'd like*

As Jasmine and Cindy are finishing up, Willow arrives, smiling as she takes a seat and starts eating breakfast as well.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Fun with Willow? No, I passed out before I even hit the pillow, So no fun stories there* Helena sent back, *And thanks, don't know why this is bothering me, I appreciate it*

"Well, everyone's here, and as much as I like using part of a VERY nice shirt as a leash, we need to get this sorted or drive everyone nuts, so at the very least that's one chore, Anything else you guys can think of?" Helena asked, waiting for everyone to finish their breakfast.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We should also look around and see if we can finds an expert in conjuration. I want to know more about these mists, and I think that would be a good place to start." Jasmine replies, drumming her fingers on the table.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"We need magic for other things as well" Helena said quietly, stroking her own collar for a moment. "We have a lot to do, best get to it, and we can probably find all the info we need from the merchants, this town isn't all that big" Helena added thoughtfully.

Standing up, Helena stretched and ushered Fenrir with her. "Shall we?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine and Cindy get up as well, but Willow stays seated. "I think I'll stay here with Aqua and the familiars just in case."

The streets look quite different in daylight. There seems to be a number of stores in this street and others near the docks. Though humans are the majority, there are also many elves walking around at their business.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"If you think that's for the best Willow, though mind the Spiders, you should know by now that you can trust them behave about as far as you can throw them" Helena said giggling as she waved to Willow and left.

Outside was a rather interesting site and Helena couldn't resist prodding Cindy's mind to purposefully draw the girls attention to the elves walking about, but that was the extent of her mischief for now. Looking at what the stalls had to offer, Helena quickly decide that yanking somebody for directions was always faster and grabbed the first elf that didn't look busy. "Excuse me, I need a collar and leash for my friend here, something about a town law. And any directions you could give us towards a skilled mage would be appreciated as well" Helena said politely, smiling.