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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The light-skinned elf turns towards Helena with a haughty look and starts speaking on a language Helena has never heard before: "There's a leatherworker two streets that way and Hestarius near the northwall can sell you some trinkets." As the elf speaks, he gestures vaguely down the street.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena would have loved to answer the haughty expression with a death threat, something along the lines of making the man watch while she ripped out his heart and fed it to Fenrir, but she didn't, biting her tongue and holding her smile. "Thanks" She replied simply, moving towards the leather worker first. *Seems manners are in short supply* Helena said to her friends, patting Fenrir on the head gently as she moved. He was being remarkably well behaved and Helena appreciated the fuzzy company, it felt right.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*What did he say?* Cindy asks, only to have Jasmine repeat the man's words to her silently as well.

The leatherworker's shop is easily found, and there's slight smell of tanning chemicals in the air as Helena enters. There are numerous clothes and saddles and other such things hanging from the walls, and the counter is manned by a bored looking young man, who seems to be doodling something on a paper. "How can I help you ladies?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sidles up to the young man grinning and stroking Fenrir. "2 Things! I need a collar and leash for my friend here" Helena said patting the large wolf on the side, "And I'm curious as to what you're drawing" Helena added with a gentle smile. Boredom was always interesting, was it the sign of a bored mind? or a simple one. Or simply a lack of motivation. Stopping herself before she went on a wildly unexpected intellectual tangent, Helena refocused on the task at hand.

"Ooo! And while you're at it~ A leash for this as well" Helena said grinning, looking into the boy's eyes as she ran a finger around the silver on her own neck.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can feel the man's lust quickly peaking as she shows off her collar, but he nevertheless shows Helena a paper with some simple doodles of saddles in it before turning away and selecting two long leashes and a sturdy looking collar made of studded leather and handing them to Helena. "That'll be twelve bones, my lady."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Hmmm Is there any difference between a Bone and a Skull? I'm not from around here~" Helena said pouting a little before leaning in close and whispering in the man's ear. "And perhaps there's something you want a little more then coin~" She teased, "Maybe something I can do for you~" Helena added, darting her tongue out to tease his ear.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The young man blushes and leans back, the counter between him and Helena acting as a barrier. "I...uh...that is, bones are silver coins. Uh... 10 bones to a skull, milady."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles and nods, there was something to be said for a man who behaved himself no matter how tempting the offer, and Helena didn't push him any harder, simply paying him and leashing Fenrir properly. Holding the other leash however, she gave the boy one last pout before clipping the second leash to her own collar and handing it not to Jasmine, but to Cindy. *If we've done such a good job corrupting the girl, why stop now?* Helena sent over to Jasmine with a mental laugh. "So our next stop was by the north wall was it?" Helena said as if nothing was out of the ordinary here at all.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man's face grows even redder as Helena clips the leash onto her collar and hands it to Cindy, who gives Helena a suspicious look, tugging the leash before leading Helena out. The leash attracts quite a bit of attention as the quartet makes their way out of the southern part of the town and to the north. As they get further from the docks, there are fewer and fewer humans among the elves the further they get. Near the north wall there doesn't seem to be many people around at all. Jasmine stops to ask for directions a couple times, and finally they find a small two-floor building with an intricate eye carved over the door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just holds a straight face through it all, and as Cindy tugs on the leash, she finds it's quite secure, yanking Helena along a little who follows obediently through the town without a second thought. The suspicious look alone was well worth it, making Helena have to bite down on a snicker. *What Cindy? Can't I just want a walk now and again?* Helena teased as they moved, although she got quiet as they neared the north wall. Enjoying the attention the leash garnered Helena was still struck from her musings rather abruptly when they reached their destination, a two story building with a strange eye carved onto the door.

Memorising the eye for later, Helena gave a soft "Huh" as she thought. "Well, this is better then the insane old dwarf... I think" Helena said after a moment. "Shall we?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The door is opened by an arrogant silver-haired young man in black robes. "What do you want?" he asks in a demanding tone.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena unclips the leash, an angry glare covering her features. "I want to smack the next person who's rude to me without good reason. But that aside we need several things, that are probably varying in price from trivial to hellaciously expensive and best not talked about outside" Helena answered quickly. "We were told to come here so here we are. Hestarius I'm guessing?" Helena added, her scowl replaced with a convincing smile as quickly as it had appeared.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man frowns, but gestures Helena and the others to come in and leads them to a simple living room, with a few chairs and a mostly empty table sitting on a rug, and little other furniture or decorations. He takes a seat and gestures his guests to sit as well just as a pot of tea floats in on a tray with cups. The cups are quickly filled and one offered to each of them, smelling of various herbs. "Yes, I am Hestarius. And you are?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sat down without another word, taking the tea and sipping it gently. "I'm Helena, this is my sister Jasmine and our friend Cindy". Helena had to fight down the slight urge of paranoia to drink the tea, forcing herself to remember her tolerance for drugs back in Jasmine's world when that man had tried to dose her.

"Jasmine has more pressing business here then I do, but I'm fairly certain we all need something. New spells are always useful as well, but I have to admit that's not the exact reason we came."

Helena was wondering how Jasmine was going to pose her questions about the Mist, or whether she was simply going to hold that card under the table and get generic information, putting the pieces together herself, but Helena knew next to nothing about that particular subject and couldn't speak on it in any competent manner.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The tea has distinct bitterness from herbs cut down with sweetness from honey. The wizard himself takes one of the cups, sipping from it while looking at Jasmine. "I've recently taken scholarly interest on the mists. Would you happen to know of any serious experts or treatises on the matter?"

Hestarius relaxes a little. "I believe Azalin Rex has commissioned several such tomes made. The college at Mayvin is your best bet, if you seek for an expert, I think. I prefer to concern myself with more practical matters - after all, most people hardly ever go into the mists themselves."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena listens for a moment, drinking her tea a little more relaxed seeing her host doing the same. "Practical in what way..." Helena asked "I'm not all that familiar with standard teachings, but certain things need to be dealt with" Helena had to stop and collect her thoughts, trying to think of a way to ask for what she needed without revealing too much about what she actually was, her brow furrowing in thought before she spoke again.

"My power is directly tied to my own emotions, and I've been having trouble keeping them in check due to inexperience. I need to have this handled before something bad happens..." She finally said, leaning forward a little. Lying was a pain in the ass, but it was either that next, or telling the truth...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Your... power?" Hestarius asks, eying Helena curiously. "That would certainly be possible, though rather expensive to create. The price will be 1 200 crowns, half that up front. I'll need some time to collect the materials and then some more time to create the enchantments, but I can have it ready in two weeks."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stays very quiet, looking back at the man just as curiously. "Understand that the nature of my power isn't something I wish to speak on. But it needs to be handled on way or another before someone gets hurt." Helena said quietly. *Is that price something we can handle Jasmine...?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Not even close.* Jasmine sighs. "I'm afraid we don't have enough money at the moment. Would you know of a suitably high-paying job to fix that?"

The wizard frowns. "I don't think so. However, I might lower the price if you can acquire certain ingredients I require for the work. Are you interested?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Depends on the job, but you have my attention" Helena said after thinking for a moment. "I have no issues working for what I need"