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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena comes out of her short trance, the others are indeed playing poker, and Jasmine seems to be losing. A glance out of the window tells Helena that the sun is just starting to set.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

using this unique opportunity, Helena watched Cindy closely to see if she was cheating, watching her hands and the cards very carefully, wondering how she always won...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy doesn't seem to be cheating as far as Helena can tell, and she even loses a hand she just dealt. Eventually the game concludes, with Willow emerging as the winner. Jasmine shakes her head and starts putting clothes back on. "Anything we need before leaving?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Yes, we need assault rifles and holy water!" Helena said seemingly out of nowhere. "But I suppose those are a tad out of our reach, Jasmine, I suggest you take a new form as well, they're probably going to be looking for us."

Stretching and standing with a loud yawn, Helena put her bow across her shoulder along with her arrows and got her pack ready. "I know which direction to head for finding the Vistani, they were surprisingly far out and I'm ready whenever. Keep your eyes open for this asshole." Helena said, sending them all a clear picture of the vampires face.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine nods. "You go first with Willow, and then we'll follow you a short ways behind." The lucky winner sights and puts her clothes back on before going to pack. Cindy clothes herself as well, and quickly get ready. Aqua reluctantly puts on her complete disguise, managing to look human unless one watches too closely.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Sounds good, you'll hear if something goes wrong" Helena said, stretching and just letting the new and unusually long hair splay around her shoulders. Waiting for everyone to get dressed and packed up, Helena took Willow's hand and wandered down to the stables, mounting quickly and waiting for Willow to do the same, placing her in front of herself before heading for the gate, her eye's peeled and her mind tightly guarded and withdrawn, not wanting to give herself away to anyone or anything at the moment.

The horse was kept at a docile canter as they headed towards the exit to the city and in the direction Helena had spotted the Caravan last, Willow kept as close as the grip on the bow in her hand would allow, as soon as they cleared the gate, if they got that far.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow gets up in front of Helena, and the pair gets moving. The moon lights the streets, and all seems quiet as they head to the gate. Helena manages to guide them to the gate without interruption, but as it is night time, the gate is closed, though there's a pair of guards on the battlement.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena trots the horse up to the gate. "I'm sorry lads, something of a family emergency has come up and we must leave with all haste." Helena said, although she was prepared to lash out with her mind as soon as they thought about denying her exit. She'd rather not however remembering the spell she had just learned and figuring there were other people who would notice. She had to stay as low key as possible.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The guards nod to Helena and get down, slowly pulling the heavy gates open and letting Helena through without comment. The road opens in front of Helena towards the caravan stop she remembers and towards the fires she saw last night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nodded. "Thanks lads, I wish you a peaceful night under the moon, farewell"

Trotting out, Helena galloped off into the night as if it was indeed an emergency like she had claimed, her horse, a magnificent animal eating the ground in front of him as she headed for the stop, glancing around occasionally as she watched for movement among the shadows and the light of fires in the distance. She figured they would be somewhere between the caravan stop and where they'd been last time and set off with all haste in that direction, rolling her hips with the motion of the horse and helping Willow with the same if she was having any trouble.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena gets closer to the campsite, she can see fires burning merrily. There's also music and laughter abound, making the fires inviting indeed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't waste any time, She knew that Jasmine could find her easily and that the spiders were following as well, Fenrir having torn passed the gate after her horse to keep up even now trotting at her side. Thankfully no one had put 2 and 2 together concerning the large wolf, or simply didn't want to stop the massive lupine in the dark.

Approaching the fires of the campsight, Helena called out. "HELLO~! I'm looking for the Vistani! Have I found them?" She called out loudly, letting the camp know they were coming and reigning the horse in just short of the caravan, being as polite as she could despite her nervousness, telling Fenrir to sit quietly while she waited for an answer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A half-human, half-snake form emerges from the wagons. "Them you have found. Come joins us at the fire, strangers, and tell your story."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sent out the affirmative to Jasmine from her position and let her know where she was just to be sure as she looked at the Lamia. "I'm glad, this week has been crazy" She said laughing and dismounting, helping Willow down before tying the horse off to a nearby tree and reshouldering her bow. Nervously fiddling with her own collar for a moment, Helena urged Fenrir to resume following her as she moved to a nearby campfire. "I have more friends coming... We're trying to get to the Amber Wastes for some materials, and this town has become a little too hostile for us to stay there any longer. We were told the Vistani were the best way to get there. Apologies, I'm a little flustered, I'm Helena, this is my friend Willow, the wolf is Fenrir." She said. Not the most eloquent of introductions, but it would probably have to do as she let the warmth and light from the fire wash over her for a moment and waited for Jasmine.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I am Serane." the lamiawoman answers calmly, leading Helena inside the circle of wagons where perhaps two dozen lamias of both genders are cooking, singing or just sitting around. Several minutes later the others arrive, introducing themselves as well.

"We can offer you such a passage, yes. What are you willing to pay for it?" Serane asks once they have all settled in.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiled as everyone seemed to make it out of the city safely and then raised her gaze from the fire to better look at the camp, seeing several lamias all just enjoying the night it seemed. At the question of payment, Helena thought for a moment. "we have coin, but I suppose it's more about what you're asking for rather then what we actually have, supply and demand and all that. I hear Travel through the mists is dangerous and me and Jasmine have several talents that would probably be of use in the journey itself."

Helena supposed negotiations had begun, which was Cindy's strong suit. *So everyone, these are the Vistani, we're out of the city all alive and safe, and now we need to negotiate payment.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The lamia waves her hand dismissively. "The travel isn't very dangerous for Vistani. What kind of talents do you have, then, that you could bargain with? Coin, we have little need for." Cindy seems a little puzzled by the lamia's proud declarations, and seems to be willing to let Helena handle it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena cursed at the mention that coin wasn't really needed. "Well... Fuck it, We can sense the emotions of everyone nearby with a little effort, both of us are accomplished singers and dancers, we can cook, fight, all 4 of us have magic at our disposal and we have two giant spiders who should be lurking around here somewhere that we harvest raw silk from. As I said, it's really about what you need..." Helena said, having basically offered everything except an orgy to the Lamia, which was probably next on the table as a bargaining chip.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Serane raises an eyebrow. "Such empathy, a strange talent is. Still, good singers and dancers are always welcome company. The silk of spiders is also useful." The lamia openly eyes Helena's body, and resumes talking after a brief pause: "A fair bargain, then. We take you to the deserts, and you'll help us retrieve something, yes? Too difficult it should not be, for such mighty magicians. And perhaps, you'll need a passage back later, yes? That, we also offer."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raised her eyebrow at the lamia eyeing her body rather suggestively before matching her gaze for a moment and winking before glancing up and down her form right back. "Then we have an agreement then, excellent" Helena said smiling, reaching out with her mind to brush against Serane's. *If you think of anything else you'd like, just ask~* She teased, grinning to herself. Lamias were always fun.

*Well Jasmine, we're entertainers for safe passage it seems* She sent over with a mental chuckle, *I've heard of worse deals...*