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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine stares as Helena starts digging in with her hands, then sighs and joins in, her hands growing into shape-like claws of a mole. After only about 10 minutes, they've cleared enough sand to fit in comfortably.

Looking at her sandy self, Jasmine grimaces. "Yeah, right" However she's feeling, the succubus is quick to follow Helena, looking around in the dark hallway decorated with carvings of pitched battles and a cruel looking pharaoh sitting on a throne.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just chuckles and dusts the sand off of herself before heading down the hallway, admiring the depictions but not really paying them much heed at the moment. The stories of these people didn't bother her overmuch, she was here to loot, not learn. if some learning happened... eh, cool. if not, well, that wasn't why she was here.

Wandering down, Helena still kept a careful eye open, since tombs were generally trapped.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't see any signs of traps, but only a few dozen steps into the tunnel Jasmine stops her, pointing at the floor which seems to be slightly raised before leaping over it easily. Beyond the raised floor, Helena notices a small gap crossing the ceiling almost from wall to wall, wide enough for a blade but not for fingers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stops cold as Jasmine points out the trap, deciding it was just safer to glide through the tunnel and refuse to touch the ground, albeit doing it behind Jasmine who seemed to be better at noticing this stuff. Despite everything, Helena's ability to notice hidden things still was sub par all things considered. Still, Helena doubted she'd set off any pressure plates on the floor if she refused to touch it. And that would mitigate a few things at least...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine glides forward as well without touching the floor, and shortly Helena spots another raised plate, soon followed by trip wire Jasmine points out as well and carefully avoids. Finally they arrive at a sealed chamber with a thick-looking stonedoor and no apparent way to open it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, glad that Jasmine is the one pointing out traps, and not her, stops in front of the door and frowns. With no obvious way to open it, and unable to blast it apart like they had in the temple, helena sighed and started feeling around the edges, looking for a catch or a switch, assuming Jasmine would do much the same, why were locked doors always so tempting!?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine examines the door as well, and presses a part of the wall, only for a blade to swing out from the wall, cutting her arm. The older succubus swears loudly, but quickly waves her hand over the wound, making it disappear. "I don't think they meant for these things to be opened."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena squeeked as Jasmine found yet another trap, but Jasmine had it sorted rather quickly and her wound was gone as quickly as it had opened. hearing her sister bitch about the door, Helena just chuckled. Doors that aren't meant to be opened always have the best goodies~ She said, holding up the shiny shiny shiny dagger as proof, and continuing to look for a catch, albeat more carefully now.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There doesn't seem to be a trigger of any kind to open the door. Finally Jasmine just presses her shoulder against it and pushes. The slab of stone moves back maybe half an inch before stopping. "I think there's nothing holding this thing in place. Let's hope there isn't another trap tied to it."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Really? Just... Push it? That's so stupid it's genius. Seriously annoying. What, were we expected to kill ourselves on traps overthinking this? Helena said annoyed, putting her shoulder to the door and pushing, ready to dodge the hell out of the way if something happened.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Inch by an inch the heavy rock moves backwards, until finally falling over to reveal a large chamber with jars and miniature figurines lining the walls. In the middle of the chamber is a large sarcophagus almost covered in talismans and jewelry.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just stares around the room, her eyes alighting on the shining wealth atop the sarcophagus, before noting the jars and other such things that lined the walls, It was indeed a tomb. Thankfully mummies were dead things that generally stayed dead. Or rather she hoped they did, those undead before sucked, Literally.

Doublechecking the list of reagents in her mind, Helena floated into the room, once again careful not to touch the floor unless she had to as she searched around the walls, looking for anything on the list.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Almost as soon as she starts examining the room, Helena realizes that nothing there seems to be solid, yet when she touches one of the jars, she it feels quite real. The illusion is very convincing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Well Jasmine, it's all an illusion, or a big chunk of it is. What do we do about it? Look for another door? I would assume messing with the coffin is a bad idea at this point. Helena said, refraining from touching anything now as she looked around.

She could tell now what was fake, but what was real was a little trickier, and she found herself looking for another door now instead, or hidden switches and triggers, once again carefully picking over the floor and walls.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine slowly frowns. *A good illusion. It must be a trap of some sort. Let's get out of here before it triggers.* A quick examination reveals that the entire chamber is empty save for the door that fell in and the illusion itself. Suddenly Helena can hear low rumbling from the ceiling and sand pours in from above before the entire ceiling collapses, giving Helena and Jasmine just enough warning to throw themselves out of the room. The entire hallway seems to shake and a cloud of dust fills the air, causing both succubus to cough and sneeze for a good time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods before squeeking rather cutely as the ceiling starts to give and they both hurtle out of the room just in time to avoid being crushed. Coughing and rubbing her arm where she'd fallen, Helena swore loudly and kicked her feet at the rubble that had fallen in, sand flying up.

Sighing, Helena motioned for Jasmine to follow, and carefully floated back down the hallway, towards the gap she'd spotted before. Didn't want to check this, stunk of a trap rather badly, but if this way is cut off, then its probably the only other option. she said agitatedly, looking at the fine gap in the stone, and running the head of an arrow through it, not wanting to use the gilded dagger for the task.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

With a bit of wiggling Helena is able to loosen the trap door, widening the gap until Jasmine can fit her fingers into it. Throwing her weight on the trap door makes it fall down with a thud and another cloud of dust, forming quite convenient stairs into upwards reaching tunnel.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

We're not Dead. That's good... Helena said, waving her hand in the air to clear the dust and looking up the newly formed staircase. well, it made sense, the pyramid was a very large structure, one hallway never made any sense.

Heading up, painfully slowly, Helena kept her eyes opened wide, almost beyond paranoid now for traps, looking to pick out those tiny details out of place, those little betrayals of design...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

They haven't gotten many steps up before Jasmine stops Helena, pointing at a step in front of her. It looks as if there are haf-blocked holes in the rock, for who knows what nefarious purpose. Jasmine takes the lead again, leaping over the suspicious looking step and continuing onwards. Finally they got to the end of the stairs and into another hallway, but as Jasmine steps on the flat floor, it drops off into a pit full of spikes, and Jasmine only barely manages to balance on the edge.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods at the trap, Watching Jasmine take the lead as they made their way up and into another hallway. Seeing the floor fall away into a pit that could only be called completely lethal, Helena was quick to grab the now balancing Jasmine and pull her back from the ledge, opting to float once again rather then risk another occurence like that. Dying would be bad... She was really starting to miss her Chosen home, where the worst you could usually expect was being something's fuckpuppet....

Heading further in now, Helena had to wonder what warranted this kind of protection, why there were so many traps in the first place, thinking back on the symbols she had seen, and the man they had freed