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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Meditation: 19+1=success

Jasmine and Cindy seem to have headed into the town, and willow is brewing her potions again. When Helena gets back inside, she finds the trance easy to sink into, with her emotions quickly blurring together in colourful fashion.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena mentally flails at all the colors, blaming them for this whole mess, HOW DARE SHE HAVE EMOTIONS! Mentally sighing, Helena reinforced her own self control, she still had to keep up with it all, and reflecting on everything for several hours, twisting the flame this way and that, trying to control which colors were the most pronounced, though with little success. Still, she had managed to garner several things about the magic she used from her little experiments that she would put to great use. And she just felt... Well, she felt like shit still, but she felt stronger as well. She was growing.

Lvl 3 Get!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena comes back from the trance, she's feeling refreshed, and the smell of cooking from outside reminds her that it's been a while since her last meal.

Outside some sort of desert animal is being roasted over a big fire. Cindy and Jasmine still seem to be gone, and Willow seems talking with the lamia healer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, despite wanting to hide within the Wagon all day, crawls out to look around, blinking at the light but her nose raised to the smell of roasting meat. Nooot as tempting as Coffee, but she was still hungry.

Hoping out of the wagon, Helena reached out to poke Willow *I'm up and about, no worries.* She sent over, smiling as she moved towards the fire and plopped down. She needed a shower.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow flashes a smile at Helena and comes to sit with her while the lamias divide the meat and the healer makes sure Helena gets a large portion along with fresh water. "How are you feeling?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Weak and Crappy, but not too bad all things considered, like a nasty bout of flu really. I'll be fine Helena said, thanking the healer for dishing her up a large plate which she proceeded to decimate like a wild animal, though she set aside a portion for Fenrir who she called out from his place in the wagon, the large wolf hopping out to get his meal and curling up near the fire as Helena scratched his ears.

Anything happen while I was out? I noticed Jasmine and Cindy are gone...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow watches Helena's rigorously fast eating with some amusement, eating fairly slowly herself. "They headed into town. To get ingredients, though I think Cindy just wanted to take a look around."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Probably for the best, Cindy has been kinda cooped up for awhile, she's used to more... Urban trouble honestly. Good for her. I wonder what the ingredients are for though.* Helena sent over, not bothering to speak as she ate, though her meal disappeared quickly before she set her plate aside and drank her water, feeling much better for the meal.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"There are a few things I need for my potions, and I think they're trying to get items from your list as well." Willow replies, scratching Fenrir as well, causing the large wolf to wag his tail. "Do you know if we could do anything for Aqua? I think she's getting restless, but she doesn't want to spend time outside her barrel in this head."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well... I have one idea, but it's going to hinge on how flexible Aqua is, and how much teasing I can take... Helena answered, before standing and wandering over to Aqua's barrel, sticking her finger in the slime. Hello~ I have a plan for you getting out and seeing things, you interested?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua peeks at Helena before pushing her head out of the water. "What do you have in mind?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena giggles as Aqua pokes her head out of the barrel, sticking her tongue out. Well walking around on sand is bad for you for certain, but what if you were to just form around me like a second skin. I could carry you that way, and since I don't REALLY need to sleep, we could go check everything out, you and me. I'll grab some clothes to cover you, and you can peek around at night when it's cooler. Riding me means you dont need to move across the sand either. What do ya think? Helena said, grinning.

It was at least A solution, even if it wasn't the perfect one.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua ponders the suggestion for a moment. "That sounds fun. Though I suspect we won't get very far like that." The slimegirl reaches out and gives Helena a lick teasingly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena danced back from the tongue, grinning. Not if you can't behave yourself. We could also go check out the ruins on our own or with the other girls. I can't carry around a barrel of water, but I've got plenty of stamina if you need something to eat. Besides, if you don't get out of that barrel you're going to lose your mind and drag someone else into it just to assuage the boredom. Helena teased, cocking her hips, hands resting across her chest as she crossed her arms.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Checking out the ruins sounds fun. Could we walk that far in a night?" Aqua asks, tilting her head and retreating back to the barrel save for her head. "I think I need some new clothes."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, my dastardly plan to have you all over me all night has been thwarted. O well. And probably not, but we could almost certainly see the town if you'd like. Besides, I haven't had a rough fuck in a back alley in forever, you need something to eat, and I'm a slut. Helena said laughing, before hopping out and heading to her own clothing stash to get Aqua something to wear.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Splash. That's all Helena has time to register as Aqua snatches her and drags headfirst into the barrel. "Don't be in such a hurry. I'm not going anywhere until nightfall in this heat, anyway." Helena seems to be in water, but she can't tell which parts are water and which are part of Aqua as her clothes start moving on their own, seemingly intent on getting off.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't even have time to shout as Aqua ambushed her, and her sudden shout was a short stream of bubbles before she closed her mouth and held her breath, wriggling around.

Feeling her clothes starting to shift, and unable to tell what was Aqua and what wasn"t, Helena stopped squirming as her clothing was peeled away, blushing. She needed to play nice to breathe, she hoped. She had taunted a slime, this was her fauult anyway...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena's clothes flow away, she also slips further into the barrel and Aqua turns her and bends her down the middle, until her head breaches the surface between her legs. The barrel seems quite claustrophobic, especially as Aqua pulls the lid back on. Not that Helena has time to worry about such things, since Aqua is holding her firmly and the slimegirl's body is gently rubbing against her. Aqua's head appears behind her, and she kisses Helena's neck. "So how do you like my barrel?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, nude now within the barrel, felt herself forcubly repositioned, her hips pulled down as she bent within the confines until she broke the surface, panting as she took large lungfulls of air. finding she actually couldn't free herself, because both her position, and the grip Aqua had as her hands were forced behind her, Helena watched the lid of the barrel slide back into place sealing her inside, hiding this all from view... they wouldn't be disturbed.

Helena let out a soft gasp as Aqua kissed her neck, wriggling for what little she could it's... homey, a bit cramped she jeered, knowing already that she was going to get herself into more trouble, if that was even possible...