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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena watches Cindy squirm helplessly the ovipositor slowly slides into her pucker to the hilt while Cindy stares at Helena, panting heavily as she receives identical treatment. The thief starts moaning as the spiders united in their purpose pull the ovipositors almost out before slamming them back in with force and starting a rough pounding. Cindy seems to enjoy every second of it as minutes pass by, and she still moans and rocks her hips while staring at Helena before cumming silently as eggs start sliding in. Not done yet, Flame pulls out and presses her ovipositor on Helena's honeypot, waiting for Strike to follow her example before thrusting in and slowly forcing her way into Helena's womb. Then the pounding starts again, causing Cindy to cum almost continuously as she is ravaged once more before the eggs fill her womb as they did to her bowel earlier.

The show seems to be over, and the two spiders scuttle away, leaving the four women hanging about and filled with eggs.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena lets out a loud, lewd moan as her rear is filled, staring at Cindy just as intently and panting with lust as she pushes her hips back against the ovipositor. Sliding back almost completely, the pair of spiders starts to powerfully and mercilessly fuck both women, Helena's moans turning into a shuddering scream as her juices wet her thighs in her peak when the eggs started to fill her, matching Cindy moment for moment.

As Flame slid free and lined up with her slit, Helena looked back a little, before her head tilted back and she shivered while Strike did the same. Helena came the second Flame stuffed her, Helena squirming and whining as the length pushed itself into her core, before the pounding resumed, Helena and Cindy bouncing in the web with each thrust, climax after climax washing over Helena before the eggs came again, the spiders managing to place a full brood in all 4 of them, and leaving Helena a panting, twitching mess in the web while she came down.

Left alone again, Helena had to take a moment, wondering if there was more and waiting for Jasmine to burn herself loose, before doing the same. if she didn't, Helena would just stay where she was, actually pretty comfortable. Well... now we wait to lay the eggs... And we have nothing better to do... Helena panted out, squirming a little, but making no moves to get free.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine stays where she is for a little longer before freeing herself and helping the others down as well before taking a seat next to a wall. "Looks like our schedule for this morning just got filled." the succubus comments, smiling.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Certainly seems that way Helena said, floating down and helping Jasmine. Sitting down next to Jasmine, Helena just leaned her head on her shoulder and chuckled. I had this nice surprise and this good plan and everything was going perfectly, and then suddenly Spiders... I'll just have to do it again later. Helena said, grinning at Willow and Cindy.

Well well Cindy, did you enjoy the show as much as I did? You're beautiful when you cum quietly... Helena sent over to Cindy, just for her.

And just think! Jasmine's toy should be done today as well hahaha, out afternoon is probably filled as well!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine leans against Helena as she leans against Jasmine while Cindy and Willow stagger to take seats near the pair as well. Willow's cat appears from somewhere and the witch starts speaking with it with a quiet voice.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the cat accusingly... I haven't seen that thing in Weeks! Where the hell has it been hiding? Helena asked, surprised that the white evil thing was still around. It wasn't that Helena didn't like cats, but she knew, she KNEW that the cat was a spy! Spies deserved nothing less then a flamethrower!

Chuckling, Helena suddenly remembered the book. O, Jasmine, we found something that's only really easy for you to read, I'm gonna go get it. Helena said, sliding away after kissing Jasmine's shoulder and wandering off to go get the tome. Fishing out the big ass tome, Helena brought it to Jasmine.

Behold part of the spoils of sir deadhead. You fell asleep before you got to see what we found. Helena said, taking her spot back and snuggling in, conjuring a small flame, trying to bait Willow's cat into chasing the flickering light again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The cat, seeing the flame, jumps on Helena and paws at her nose, causing Cindy to let out a giggle. Jasmine opens the heavy tone and mutters an incantation before starting to carefully read through it. "These seem to be some sort of magical instructions to create something," she comments as she reads on.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, beset upon by Willow's furry monster, eeped and fell over as the cat pawed her nose, Leaving Helena holding up the cat and looking at it. I'm a Demon, and You're the Evil One. Helena said, setting the cat back down. Well Jasmine, I'd ask what, but I know that's a stupid question because you don't know yet. Still, that's interesting as hell, and now I'm curious. I suppose I can pester you to share spells later tonight.

Looking at Willow and her cat, Helena started singing, just to keep practicing her voice, filling the strangely fitting, echoing temple with song. Heading back outside, Helena retrieved the launcher, the nets, and some jerky, chewing on the meat happily as she set about reloading her new favourite portable plaything.

It'll be a few hours before these eggs come out, at least. I'm going to meditate to kill the time, I'm sure the moaning will catch my attention. Helena said, laughing before setting the launcher aside and closing her eyes. She wasn't actually meditating, she was napping, but no one could tell the difference and she'd deny it to the grave.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It is still morning when Helena is wakened by the eggs starting to shift inside her. One by one the eggs plop out of her and the others, causing much moaning and wetness as the small spiders hatch and scuttle away. The cat has disappeared again, no doubt reporting to its spymaster, and Jasmine has set aside the tome, but she quickly picks it up again after the eggs have passed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, roused from her "Meditation" Moans softly and rolls over, the eggs hatching and the veritable FLOOD of tiny spiders scurrying to freedom. And near a big cave network to. The Constructs were going to have competition. Watching them skitter to safety, Helena looked around for spycat, not trusting the fluffy white hellspawn at all.

Back to her old self, Helena stood up, and stretched. Any luck with the tome? Helena asked Jasmine, as she started wandering back towards the mine, planning on pestering SOMEONE. Who she had not decided, but probably Magnus. Magnus needed friends.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I think it's a golem." Jasmine replies. "A powerful one, too." As Helena gets up, so does Willow, going to fetch the chest with the other magic items in it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Just be careful with that wand... Thing gives me the creeps. Helena said, before heading into the mine, and divebombing down like her first trip, shouting a happy WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on the way down, before landing in front of the dome.

So... did we actually Identify anything else in that chest? or did we all just take naps... or plot against eachother. The spiders are the clear winners of last night by the way... I'd say we need to get back at them... but I don't know how, and as Strike's master, I don't care, and judging by Cindy... Neither did she~! Helena sent over to everyone, teasing Cindy a little more just to be annoying.

Skipping into the dome, Helena wandered over to the Overseer Hello Magnus. How was your morning?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'll give you a list when you come back* Willow answers to Helena's sending. Helena finds Magnus in the middle of constructing a strange device that looks like a suit with tentacles inside it. The golden construct ignores Helena, preferring to concentrate to its work.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena catfaces, watching Magnus work on what was most likely Jasmine's toy, floating around the dome and trying to take mental notes on what parts went where and way, though some things were painfully obvious, others weren't, and Helena eventually wound up floating just above Magnus, naked as the day she was born, cross legged and having the best possible seat to see everything being done.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Magnus uses its three arms efficiently in the exceeding complex construction, and Helena has difficulties keeping track of everything. After half an hour, the suit is apparently complete but inanimate, and Magnus fetches a small animal, quickly killing it and placing the key to the machine's back where it welds itself to the place.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena watches Magnus work the entire time, enjoying getting the chance to see it all up close, and still not sure how the animal sacrifice thing worked, but that didn't matter, because now he was welding a turn key in. So this is what my sister asked you to build? What does it do? Helena asked Magnus, tossing her mind up to Jasmine.

I think your special order is ready Jasmine, he just slapped the turnkey in and slaughtered a fluffy little bunny, I find that fitting personally, but yea, It's finished. Helena sent up, floating away from Magnus to stand in front of the work table and the creation, looking it over.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I do not know what it is supposed to do. I merely adapted the instructions as best as I could. You will need to wind it before using. I would advice care." Magnus answers, stepping aside. *Well, put it on and bring it here!* Jasmine quickly answers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raises her eyebrows at Jasmine's command, but shrugs and hops down. Reaching for the turn key, Helena wound it as tightly as she could, the key turning very smoothly, rather then ratcheting as she had expected, before it hit it's limit and locked. Looking at the suit from the front, Helena just shrugged, before stepping forward to wriggle inside it. Not entirely sure what was going to happen.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena turns the key, the machine opens, allowing Helena in before closing in and adjusting to her body. The suit turns out to be revealing in the lewdest way possible: Though it covers - or perhaps traps - the limbs completely, it leaves face and most of the torso open, save for the tentacles. Helena can feel a primitive mind buzzing inside the machinery now that she's inside it, and the limbs lock into place as the tentacles start rubbing and teasing her now helpless body.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, sliding into the machine, felt the various limbs snap down over her arms and legs, supporting her without causing pain, but leaving her core completely exposed... which didn't help, as the tendrils starts to slide along her front, pushing between her globes and twirling around her chest. Another was sliding along her thigh, and another was sliding along her shoulder and neck.

Yanking on her arms and legs, Helena felt... Something, stop her completely, she couldn't see the actual mechanics of what was holding her in, but it was strong enough, and tight enough, that the only way Helena was going anywhere, was in the suit.

Reaching out with her mind, Helena tried to influence the primitive mind in the machine, like she would a rope or a wrap demon, trying to will it to start walking at least...