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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena and Jasmine change the tune, the echo and the presence vanish.

Several hours later the caravan stops for lunch. Though Jasmine and Helena kept singing all morning, the moods in the camp already seem somewhat subdued as fires are made and the lamias prepare large amounts of thick soup.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

You know? Fighting this fog is like fighting the tide. Unless I can keep singing all day and night, I can't seem to do any real good. Helena mutters, sitting near a fire with Jasmine. However, we have a spell to keep working on, more then one really. Care to keep going after Dinner? Helena asks, taking her soup when it was ready and eating quickly, not really tasting her meal as she stared into the flames rather then the mists
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fireball spell: 8/12 hours done

Jasmine frowns as she looks around. "We can probably get a good amount of it done today. Not like there's anything else to do."

The lunch doesn't take very long to eat, and soon the caravan is on its way again. The movement of the wagon is somewhat distracting, but soon Helena and Jasmine sink into a co-operative trance, with Jasmine feeding Helena with the integral patterns of the spell. Some hours later the caravan stops, snapping Helena out of the trance. It seems even darker outside, but the lamia soon have fires going and they seem to be singing together as yet another meal cooks on the fires.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is rather glad to spend the hour going over the particulars of the spell, grasping more and more of how the energies came together to achieve the result before they stopped. For a meal it seemed.

Rubbing her temples, Helena darted forward and kiss Jasmine quickly. Thanks Sis, I know it's a pain in the ass. Helena said, before bouncing out of the wagon and joining into the song and helping with the meal. It was good to stretch after sitting for several hours straight.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The night passes by without incident and in the morning the caravan starts off again. Days pass by with Helena and Jasmine spending most of their time in meditation, Jasmine teaching and Helena learning. The echo appears again from time to time, but it fades again quickly, and the mists quickly drain out emotions from the others, though as before, Jasmine and Helena are unaffected.

After several days, the caravan rattles out of mists to a grassy plains just as the sun is setting to the right of the wagons.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena singing when she could, and resting her voice when she had to in between teachings with Jasmine, was beaming with pride, though she knew she didn't have the power to quite use all that she had learned. It was a singular joy when they got out of the mists and into the rolling grassy plains, because Helena had taken to snapping now and again and ripping a lightning bolt into the mist with no result, tired of the taunting presence.

A return to slight normalcy! Helena cried, dancing out into the grass and flopping down, no mist in sight and Helena glad it was gone. Friends! We need to celebrate! Dancing and drinking and singing and games! I don't care! But Something! Helena laughed out. As Cindy said, she was always cheery, she was going to make sure everyone recovered from their little trip in the mists in record fucking time!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The camp is quickly set up and a large bonfire is made in the middle. "Too bad we don't have booze. I really could use a drink." Cindy comments as she watches the lamias lazily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ahh, damn good idea~! Helena said, dashing around the camp to find their hostess Serane, leader of Vistani, madwoman in bed, and apparent lover of Willow, which Helena still found hilarious.

Serane~! Where are yo! Ahh! There you are! We need alcohol! Do you know of anywhere nearby that would have some to purchase, or perhaps that you have hidden in one of these wagons nearby? I'm sure wine would be welcome to just about everyone tonight after we breached the mists.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Serane brings out a small barrel. "Expensive, this drink is. But a fitting celebration for parting, yes?" The lamia woman places the barrel on the ground and smashes it open with her fist, and the smell of strong whiskey fills the air.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Halleluja~! Helena cried, throwing up her hands before dashing around to grab a tray, cups, and a rediculous turban. Settling everything, Helena ran around serving up everyone after kissing Serane on the cheek.

Once everyone was sorted with a serving of the strong brew, Helena took a cup of her own and flopped down next to Cindy and the others. Ask and you shall receive~! she cried, before taking a sip and shivering as it burned down her throat.

Hrm, Jas, Serane said the drink was expensive, we should give them one hell of a show considering we'll be splitting here soon...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Well, come here to change clothes* Jasmine replies, heading into the wagon with their stuff after downing a full cup of the drink off-handedly. Willow seems curious about Helena's plans, but she's sneak attacked by Aqua who starts tickling her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

You got it! Helena said, downing her own drink and tossing the cup aside for now as she dashed after Jasmine, laughing as Aqua attacked Willow. Digging around in the clothing, Helena raised an eyebrow before reaching for the silks. Any ideas? Or another dance, they seem to love that. Helena asked, still sifting through things and looking for something in a firey orange or red
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Another dance, I think.* Jasmine replies, riffling through her clothes before picking a simple silk shirt and trousers to go with it and changing into them. *Do you think they'd like scales?* Jasmine teasing changes her skin from smooth to scaly and then back, giggling.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena tosses her own clothing aside before matching jasmine and thinking about it. I bet they would actually... Helena said, her form rippling with emerald green scales and her eyes sliding to glowing amber slits as she wandered back out. Lets give em a show then. Helena said, reaching into the fire to seemingly come away with a handful of writhing green flame that she tossed into the air to come down in a soft shimmering curtain around the pair of them as she took Jasmine's hand and pushed up tightly against her with a hiss, rolling her body slowly as she grinned.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine giggles as Helena transforms and soon red scales sprout from her skin, covering her like rubies to compliment Helena's emeralds. "Shall we?" Jasmine walks - sways - her way out of the wagon without waiting for an answer, slowly making her way to the fire.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena hid her chuckle as Jasmine slid into red scales to match her green, coming out to join her at the fire before the dance started. Whether or not the Lamia added music to the gyrating and softly twisting dance that was taking place around the fire was up to them. Taking her time, each step and turn deliberate, Helena stayed all but attached to Jasmine's hip, each motion a follow or a pass, the two demons glittering in the fire as they moved like flames themselves

Leaning passed Jasmine to slip around in front of her, Helena twisted to the right before spinning back again, following Jasmine as she stepped again, the two making a full circuit around the flames of the bonfire.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the pair sways their way to the fire, one of the lamias starts playing a flute with a hypnotic tune, and a lyre joins in, making strange yet appropriate music as the green and red scales glitter in the firelight. Then Jasmine starts dancing around the fire in slow, swaying steps that mimic the slithering movement of the lamias in a way that's almost hypnotic.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, her motions matching the strings of the lute, was more active then her sister, her long swaying motions matched with quick twists and sharp turns, her eyes gold and slitted, glowing with the firelight as she looked out at the Lamia.

Making a circle around the flames opposite Jasmine, Helena kept one eye on her as they got closer and closer. As they met at the other side of the fire, Helena stepped passed her and kept moving, now moving slowly and hypnotically as Jasmine had as her glittering form slid passed her.

Pulling off her clothing to reveal her entire, scale covered body, Helena tossed them aside with one slow turn that brought her hips around in a long arch, her upper body twisting the other direction to further contort herself, before she slid into another long step, finally coming full circle to meet with Jasmine, and pull her into a tight embrace, her legs drifting up to her thigh and her knee to her hip as she hissed softly and looked into Jasmine's eyes, leaving the next step in their dance up to her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As she passes Helena, Jasmine changes her movement as well, spinning around as she continues circling the fire and managing to lose her shoes and reveal her scale-covered feet just before colliding softly with Helena and bending the green-scaled succubus into a brief kiss before teasingly spinning out of her embrace, leaving behind her green silk scarf and teasingly baring her shoulders. Winking at Helena, Jasmine continues around the fire, keeping an eye contact as she makes her way towards another meeting.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena returned the teasing kiss with a soft lash of a long, agile, serpents tongue across Jasmine's cheek before they parted again. Unlike her sister, Helena was completely bared to the crowd, and it was a good contrast to the unabashed show she was putting on, to the teasing hints that toyed with the imagination that Jasmine was taking to their full advantage.

One locked with Jasmine as they made another circuit around the fire, Helena added the soft thudding of stamping feet to her dance, her ankles twisting and stepping at a double time to the flute as she moved, adding a tribal drumming to the twisting that only added to the twisting of their flashing scales and the flames that arched up over both of them, the heat a soft comfort as Helena felt it wash over her body.

Jasmine was coming closer with each step, each thud thud tap of her feet, each twist and gyration as she slithered through the soft dirt. As they passed again, Helena slid behind Jasmine, and ran her hand along her scaled front, thin, but razor sharp claws catching in the silk to draw ragged tears through it that only teased the eye more as crimson flashed out with the flames striking the freshly bared scales, and Helena's long tongue slid out to hiss into Jasmine's ear as it brushed the lobe.