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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow squirms a little in Helena's touch, seeming amused as she adds more herbs to the soup. "You don't even know what you're hurrying towards, do you?" The soup starts to boil and Willow mixes it for a bit before leaning her back against Helena and glancing at the sun that is quickly approaching the horizon.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Not in the slightest. Helena answered, deadpanning both in voice and expression, before nibbling on Willow's neck and then leaving her in peace.

Rolling around and refusing to stop fidgeting, Helena imposed her impatience and utterly directionless boredom on everyone else, blowing colored bubbles in the air that chased the spiders and especially Willow's cat, around without mercy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a few minutes, Willow's cat is hiding up a tree and the spiders are trying to pop the bubbles lazily, apparently too tired to let themselves be chased. Helena notices another squirrel watching when Willow's cat suddenly drops from the tree, easily catching and murdering the squirrel.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, seeing the brutal murder of the squirrel, revenged upon the cat with a massive flurry of bubbles. You will anger the squirrels! be warned foul hissy demon! Helena cried, flailing around as she chased the cat.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The cat protests loudly before snatching the dead squirrel and fleeing up the tree again. Helena can hear Willow sniggering behind her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Don't laugh! you know not what evil forces you tempt! Helena says, turning around with crazy eyes, before glomping the giggling witch and proceeding to tickle her.

You will not anger the all squirrel! Or he shall bring the wrath of his nuts down upon us! It will be highly annoying! Helena cried, wriggling her fingers under Willow's shirt to continue to ticklish assault.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow eeps as she almost falls over as Helena glomps her, giggling and flailing wildly as she is tickled before hugging Helena and kissing her cheek. Meanwhile Jasmine stands up and goes to peek up the tree where the cat is, receiving a hiss as a warning from the unseen cat.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, smiling as Willow kissed her cheek, giggled as the cat warned Jasmine away from her kill. Flopping down near the fire, Helena just watched Jasmine. She knew her Sister understood that there were gigantic doom squirrels about, and that as insane as Helena was in regards to the fluffy little rodents, she had a strange habit of being right.

In all honesty, Helena was waiting for the cat to beat a sudden retreat from a small army of angry squirrels, or one big one, But as strange as they had been, Helena doubted any of the giant squirrels was around.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The soup threatens to boil over before Willow hurries to it, mixing the soup with a ladle. Jasmine flops down next to Helena and Cindy finishes chopping up firewood, carrying an armful of the stuff and piling it up near the fire. After a few minutes the cat comes down from the tree and curls up in Jasmine's lap.

When the soup is ready it is already getting dark and the first stars appear in the sky. Helena starts feeling strangely itchy and nervous for some reason.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As dusk starts to fall, Helena starts to get that same annoying anticlimactic feeling she had during the last full moon. Calling Fenrir over, Helena wriggled underneath the enormous wolf and peered around at the surrounding woodland and up into the sky.

More then likely she'd be unable to sleep again, full of energy, and supremely annoyed... again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fenrir gives Helena's cheek a lick and rolls over, all limbs sticking up in the air. Willow scoops up some soup and brings Helena a bowl as the others take their share. The soup tastes of numerous herbs, though there are a few suspicious looking pieces of meat in the mix as well. Meanwhile the spiders disappear into the forest, no doubt hoping to catch some prey during the night.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's plan to hide underneath the stupid large Wolf thwarted by Fenrir's apparent need for belly rubs, Helena gave in and scratched his stomach and chin before taking her soup.

Smiling at Willow as Helena tasted it, she returned to her musings as she ate, the soup quickly disappearing while the spiders left to hunt. Setting her bowl aside, Helena squirmed over and set her head in Willow's lap, yawning loudly and snuggling into her.

Looking up into her eyes, Helena spoke. Willow... On the full moon... I have a terrible secret. I transform... into... into! a Slut! she finished with a completely straight face, looking like she'd just dropped the most shocking news ever uttered to another human being with a flat expression.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The wolf wags his tail as he gets the much-desired bellyrubbing before padding into the forest as well. While Helena eats, the air grows cooler and thin mists raise up from the ground, blanketing everything in dream-like haze.

Willow returns Helena's announcement with a blank stare. "Really? Maybe we'd better tie you up, then. Just in case."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

O no! not that! Helena said in mock concern, wriggling around, all thoughts of squirrels immediately driven from her perverted mind. Though now she was on the lookout for two particularly bindy demons she knew were lurking around somewhere...

Either way, Helena was comfy, so she made no move to leave Willow's lap, closing her eyes and yawning again, relaxing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena quickly drifts to sleep in Willow's comfy lap. Her dreams are filled with the rush of the hunt and the bloody taste of prey.

She can still feel her fangs sinking into a deer and taste the blood when she wakes up in the morning next to Willow, who is still sleeping soundly. It is moments before the dawn and the moon has already set. The fire has long since burned down and everyone else seems to be sleeping still.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Troubled dreams plaguing her, Helena found she was restless upon waking, eager for a kill, to taste the copper and iron and heat of fresh blood on her lips, And gods be damned she was gonna!!!

Wriggling free of Willow, Helena stood up, stripped down, and proceeded to burst into long grey fur, her mouth and nose elongating into a muzzle and her teeth turning into wicked fangs and canines. Stretching, twisting, and soon almost a foot taller, Helena leaned down, and tore into the earth with long and dangerous claws... And like a shot, she was off.

Faster, always faster, Helena was soon blazing through the trees, her nose lifted and scenting, her mind casting around for larger prey, she was hungry...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena runs through the forest and though she doesn't manage to catch any interesting scents, she does scare several rabbits and quite a lot of birds. After some time, she comes across a game trail with a fresh scent of deer going along it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Either she was being too loud, or there was no food here. Thankfully Helena was far more stubborn then most other beings to ever live, and this led her to a game trail, and the scent of deer.

Licking her jaws at the prospect of something so big and tasty... Helena was soon off down the trail as fast as her ridiculous form would carry her. Thankfully to anyone looking, she'd appear just as the other wolfmen had appeared to her so long ago, and would mistake her for something ridiculous and dangerous.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The trail soon leads Helena to a small pond where a deer is drinking... The deer however notices Helena almost as soon as she notices it and takes off, gracefully leaping over the small pond and galloping away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, finding the pond, and the deer, saw it seeing her seeing it, and charged off after it, bounding over the pond right after it. She was hungry, it was made of meat, and she was already out here. IN her mind, she was NOT about to be shown up by some cloven hoofed herbivore.

It was food, she was going to eat it, and to hell with anything in her way as she howled long and deep, the sound bouncing around the forest.