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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena's howling echoes in the forest, the deer easily outpaces her and quickly disappears from view. In the distance, she hears something else replying to her howling.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Angry that the deer was able to get away from her, Helena tilted her head as she heard an answer to her howl. Sitting on her haunches, Helena tilted her head back and let loose with another howl, trying to pick up on the answer.

If she got another, Helena would start in the direction of the call, wondering what was answering her. Fenrir maybe? That would be convenient. He was better at this then she was.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The lingering scent of the deer tempts Helena as she howls again, this time getting an immediate response from distance sounding like multiple voices.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Luckily for the deer, Helena was free of the physical need for food, and therefore her curiosity trumped her hunger. Hearing the call of several voices now, Helena was off immediately, scenting the air as she charged through the forest.

Several minutes later, Helena was still running, and she cut loose another howl to check her position. What had she found? An entire pack out here? That would be crazy. She knew she had found Fenrir, and figured him a loner because of his size, but this was strange and she wanted to know.

Ever onwards towards the call, Helena was relentless, adding her nose to her ears and her mind in tracking down the sound.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There are no more replies to Helena's howling. More minutes pass, then a pack of wolves appear from the other side of a small clearing. They seem none too pleased to find Helena, and the leading alpha female lets out a low growl, stopping on its tracks.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, not getting an answer, slowed down, and she could smell them before she saw them. On the other side of a clearing, there was indeed an entire pack. A small one, but it was there.

Seeing the alpha, Helena lowered her head, but didn't look away, answering the growl with one of her own as she stopped. Well.... Seemed she wasn't all that welcome...

Just staying where she was, Helena tilted her head curiously and continued to look at the alpha. Heh, Maybe Fenrir had gotten laid. That would be amusing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

When Helena growls and doesn't back away, the alpha replies with an extended growl and moves a few steps closer but not quite close enough to pounce while the rest of the pack stays where it is. It sounds like a warning or maybe a threat, but the wolf is clearly reluctant to attack right away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena would be reluctant to attack something bigger and freakier looking then herself to. Still, she had no aspirations of Leading a pack of wolves, she had her own shit to deal with. Sighing mentally to herself, Helena rolled over onto her back, looking at the female like "What? I'm just bored, sniff me and go away."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The alpha stops growling and slowly pads over to Helena, looking slightly puzzled. Giving her a few sniffs and a lick on the nose, she plops down on her haunches and looks at Helena for a while before leading her pack away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, just waiting for the Alpha to get her sniffs in, returned the lick before rolling back over and running back towards camp. She probably wouldn't get a deer, but rabbits, well.... At this point meat was meat and she didn't give a shit.

Charging around after any that she saw, Helena would snap them up, kill them, and then bring them back to camp with her. The deer could outrun her, but not a rabbit. Besides... she wanted breakfast. And if she brought back enough... well, they were good for breakfast, rabbit stew was delicious. Even if she was going to just eat hers raw, the others would appreciate the meat.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After a few false starts, Helena does indeed manage to catch a rabbit and carry it back to the camp with her teeth. As she arrives to the camp, her face and chest covered in blood, the others are only just getting up and she gets a shocked stare from Cindy.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, wandering into camp covered in blood and bearing a rabbit, was torn. She had satisfied to urge for blood, but she was still hungry. Glaring back at Cindy, Helena wandered over, dropped the rabbit by the fire, and slowly changed back to herself.

Standing there, Helena looked down at herself before cleaning away the blood, and smiling. What? I had a weird night, so I figured meat for breakfast would be good. Almost had a deer, but o well. rabbit will have to do. She said cheerfully, stretching her jaw. It was weird having her face elongated into a muzzle for that long.

Stretching and cracking her back, Helena didn't bother with clothing, and wouldn't until they were close enough to civilization that it matter. Besides, she was a sexy redhead nude in a solid silver collar, she doubted anyone would mind.

So, something better for the morning oatmeal. Jasmine, we out of coffee yet? Helena asked, starting to tame the mess that was her hair.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Coming right up," Jasmine says cheerfully, lighting the fire with a gesture before getting up and putting a pot of the fire and starting to skin the rabbit while Willow and Cindy take their time getting dressed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Excellent, thanks. Helena said, watching the others get dressed. And don't worry Cindy, I don't transform during the full moon, just shitty dreams and strange urges. So rather then let them gnaw at me, I just wander off and handle them. Much easier. I was bitten on my first night here and you know the rest. Helena said, sitting down next to the fire and waiting for the heavenly black brew.

Seeing the others finish getting dressed, Helena grabbed Willow and dragged her into her lap, kissing her neck. Good morning sexy~ She whispered teasingly, giggling as she looked up at Jasmine. I think I'll fly ahead again, see how far south we're gonna have to go so we know we're headed the right way. Helena said, cuddling Willow as she thought about it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow giggles as Helena shamelessly steals her for cuddles mid-dressing and leans on Helena while pulling her skirt on. "Try not to get lost." While Willow and Helena cuddle, Jasmine and Cindy manage to make passable breakfast, though the fried rabbit meat tastes quite stringy.

After breakfast, Willow breaks away from the cuddles and the group quickly packs up the camp and Helena once again flies ahead with Jasmine. The morning air is cool, though the wind from south isn't quite as fresh as usual.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena giggles, nibbling on Willow's ear, though she looks affronted when Willow warns her not to get lost. Willow Dear! I am Never lost, it's you guys, who misplace me. She answered, sticking out her tongue.

As everyone got ready to move out, Helena took to the air again and continued her super strategic scouting ahead plan to not have to talk or socialize with anyone or anything. And the plan was working brilliantly!

Noting the change in the smell in the air, Helena snorted in annoyance and started heading forward faster, dipping lower towards the treetops as she moved. *The air smells funny Jasmine, taking a look* She sent over to her sister, wondering why everything suddenly smelled like Detroit
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'm not smelling anything,* Jasmine replies, continuing to fly ahead, taking even more height as Helena dips below treetops. The faint change in air Helena noticed earlier becomes clearer as she descends, and closer to earth, the plantlife seems a little different as well.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, either we're a lot farther away from the city then we thought, or... the first thing. Because shit is different down here. Helena replies, finally sighing and dropping down below the trees, wondering what they were about to blunder into.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Huh. There's a village to the south-east. Think we should ask for directions?* The plantlife is definitely different, and it seems more verbant and green as well, compared to the browns and greys that seem so common in these lands.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Holy shit, I find green plants... Like... actually green, not the ugly dead green we've seen everywhere else... Also, you found a village? ONWARDS! Helena mentally cried at the news, shooting back up through the branches to rocket towards the apparent village like a nude demonic streak, that was streaking... well... she'd had weirder days.