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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A few hours into the trip Helena spots the river and a town that has settled comfortably on its shore. It seems to be fairly busy at the moment. Unlike the last village, this one has only a few surrounding farms.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Finding what they were after, Helena rose in the air a little, before launching herself down towards the others like a bomb, laughing wildly at the rushing air before leveling out and coming to a slow stop. Mounting her horse quickly, Helena pointed in the direction of the village, and kneed her horse into a faster pace.

Another leg in the trip nearly finished... Thank all the gods.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena lands on her horse, almost pushing Aqua off as she ushers the horse forward, the rough surface of the saddle sending jolts through her body as her naked skin makes contact with it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well... this was a terrible idea in hindsight. Helena said, wriggling uncomfortably in the harsh saddle, before floating up. it was back into the saddlebags for her silks again. Getting dressed mid air, Helena took several moments spinning like she was in zero-g again until she figured it out.

Clothed, Grudgingly, Helena wriggled back into the saddle with Aqua and continued with the trip. Hey Jasmine? What do you think about a special saddle from the dwarves next? Could be hilarious... Helena sent to her sister, laughing at the idea.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'm not sure that would work too well. The way horses move is a little too unpredictable an jarring.* Jasmine replies, soon landing as well to lead her horse with the suit on it as they arrive to the town. It soon becomes apparent that there's some sort of gathering around one of the houses as the group makes their way towards the harbor.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

True, but it would be hilarious. O well. Helena answered as they rode on. Making it to town, Helena noted the crowd around one building in particular, and edged her horse closer, Curious as to what was going on.

*We missing a party?* She sent to Jasmine quizzically
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

People quickly give way to the horse, enough for Helena to catch a glimpse of what's going on. A pair of watchmen are standing on either side of a doorway missing a door, and the remains of the hinges suggest that it was torn off violently. Inside there are a pair of men kneeling beside someone lying on their back and talking quietly. Murmurs are passing through the crowd, and every kind of monster from werewolves to ghosts seems to be being suggested by the passers-by
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Huh, Interesting. Helena sent to the others, curious, but not to be sidetracked. She had meetings to keep. She was not Helena the monster exterminator. She was Helena the crazy bitch who loved money and sex.

Well, let's keep our eyes out for monsters I suppose. She added, heading straight towards the river now that her curiosity was sated. At least as much as it was ever going to be without her getting involved in something.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The harbor doesn't seem to be very busy. There are several riverboats docked, but only two see any kind of activity: one of them, a small vessel barely 30 feet long, has several men on the deck, washing it and replacing a sail. The other is far larger, perhaps 90 feet all told and it's being unloaded with the help of a small-ish crane. Apart from several warehouses, there is a small tavern there that seems to be filled with sailors as well as a tidy, official looking small house.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, wandering around the harbor, dismounted and simply grabbed the first sailor she saw, whoever that poor person happened to be, well. I was told to come here for a ship to Delagia. Is that true? Helena asked quickly, looking at the pair of ships.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The unfortunate sailor who was just heading towards the tavern seems startled as he turns to look at Helena. "Yeah, sure. Probably tomorrow someone will sail upstream. I'd ask Stream Serpent, if I was in hurry, their captain usually makes them load the ship in the evening so they can leave at first light. My lady." he hastily adds, seeing how Helena is clothed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

And which ship would that be? Helena asked, grinning at the odd reaction from the man, she was clothed... Kind of...

Getting her answer, Helena would let the man go, and head to whatever boat he pointed out. Wandering up to it and looking around for anyone who was in charge, or who was the captain... Or demanding someone point them out to her...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The man points out one of the ships, another small vessel that doesn't seem like it could carry a very large load. It seems to be, for all intents and purposes, deserted, though there might be people below the deck.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighed, looking up at the small ship, which was apparently deserted, and wandered onto it. If there was no gangplank in place, Helena would just hop onto the deck. Hello~! Looking for the captain please! she called out, looking around for anyone, and feeling for the emotions of anyone on board.

*Well, this is apparently the ship we need, just need to find the captain...*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena walks onto the ship along the gangplank and starts calling out, she hears cursing from below and moments later a sleepy-looking youth appears through a doorway. "The captain is ashore. Whadda ya want?"

While Helena is busy finding a ride, Jasmine seems to have sneaked out somewhere. *I guess I'll go find us an inn for the day, then.* Cindy replies and starts leading the others away from the docks.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena looks at the youth and can't help but giggle at his expense. What I want is a ship headed for Delagia, that can carry me, four friends, one very large wolf, two giant spiders, three horses, and our cargo. And quickly. Helena said, raising her eyebrow and acting a little annoyed that she hadn't been addressed more respectfully.

It was more that this kid didn't know any better and could be bullied a bit then any real offense, but Helena was in a hurry to procure their ride, nor was she above dropping Azalin's name again to get her way, if for no other reason then to annoy the king slightly... And a certain vampire by association. She owed him one.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"The captain's somewhere in the town, probably in the tavern at this time of day. But I can already tell ya that he isn't taking that cargo. Horses take too much space and they make a mighty big mess, too." he replies smugly even as his eyes wander freely on Helena's body.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raised her eyebrow even higher at the smug child's attitude, but apparently this ship was no good unless Jasmine was already on it. Leaning in to look the youth in the eye, Helena smirked.

Careful where your eyes wander child. I'm not above ensuring your next 24 hours are absolutely miserable... She breathed softly, already forming a plan in her mind to garauntee just that...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The youth blinks uncertainly as he turns his gaze up towards Helena's face. "Wassa there anything else?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods, though her eyes are certainly colder. If this ship isn't suitable, and only the captain decides that, What do you know of the other ships. I need to get to Delagia and have a lot to travel with. Helena said.

If the youth truly was useless for further information, Helena would turn and leave, headed for the tavern. If the youth acted a fool again however, Helena would make sure the only thing he wanted to do was wander around the docks, naked as the day he was born until his sense returned to him... And she'd accomplish this by simply reaching out, and seizing his wrist... In broad daylight, without any fear whatsoever of retribution.