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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The two women - a blonde and a redhead, as would happen, both with slim bodies - turn to look at Helena in surprise. "Why are you wandering around in your underwear?" the blonde blurts out while the redhead sighs and takes Helena's extended hand. "Don't mind my friend, she's a little... strange. Of course we' be happy to help you."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Why not? Am I not pleasing to you? Helena says innocently to the blonde as she takes the redheads hand, her power and her mind rushing through the point of contact quickly. So glad you'll help us... With anything... You should remind your sister not to be rude... shake my Sister's hand.. Helena pushed, smiling softly and stroking the redhead's lust with a steady, gentle heat.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"She's not...my...sister..." the redhead says slowly, seeming confused.

"You don't LOOK like sisters," the blonde adds, seeming puzzled as Jasmine catches her gaze, causing her to momentarily freeze in place before she shakes it off. "Hey, what are you doing to my friend!?"

"Don't worry about it," Jasmine says, her voice harmonic and calm as she places her hand on the woman's shoulder. "We're just going to have a little fun. You like fun, don't you?" The blonde woman hesitates, calming down. "Yeah, that sounds good, I guess..."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Yes... a lot of fun, and really? Well, strange family I suppose... Helena said soothingly, watching Jasmine claim their other snack.

Come on then, we'll go have some fun at our Inn~ Helena continued, already throwing her mind out to Cindy *Oi~ What Inn did we get for the night? Me and Jasmine need to know because in all fairness, it's lunchtime...* Helena sent over to her, so they knew where they were going, otherwise it was going to be a warehouse...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Evil Eye Inn. It's just to the side of the mainstreet.* Cindy swiftly supplies, letting her presence linger to give Helena an idea of the right direction.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

With their destination now known, and their meal properly ensnared, Helena took her new friend's hand and started walking towards the Evil Eye Inn, headed apparently to main street, and to a good fun time... and a proper meal. It was good to have some variety in your diet...

While that was certainly true of Helena, her Diet was getting to the point of Everything under the sun possibly fuckable, Jasmine needed this more then she did... She had a menagerie, friends, and a lover all happy to fuck her, Jasmine had... Helena, and whatever Helena happened to unleash on her at the time.

O well! Lunch!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine follows Helena with the blonde girl, making small talk along the way, learning that her name is Elaine and the redhead's name is Melissa, among other things. The group arrives at the inn and they slip upstairs, where Cindy has wisely reserved a separate room for Helena and Jasmine. The room isn't too large, but there are two soft beds and one table with several chairs in the middle.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, leading the way and strangely silent, more intent on her meal like a hunter then a lover, made her way quickly to the room, though she did catch the poor girls name. Melissa... Cute.

Seeing the sparse, but useful furnishings, Helena sighed for a moment, remember their old room... It was so nice... She ALMOST missed it. Turning, Helena drew the redhead into her arms properly, leaning in quickly to kiss her, softly at first, before quickly deepening. Moaning softly into her lips, Helena slowly moved her towards the table, pushing her up against it as her hands slid down Melissa's sides.

Mmm, So glad you could help us... I'm so eager to please Helena whispered softly, showing Melissa herself, writhing in bliss under Helena's skilled ministrations for the merest of moments, pushing her further, urging her to sit on the edge of the table as she pulled up a chair, a sly little smile on her lips. She was surprised the Turban was still behaving.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa blushes brightly as Helena kisses her, making her pale skin resemble sunrise in colour. Hesitantly sitting on the table, she draws a deep breath, keeping her eyes on the floor.

Meanwhile Jasmine urges Elaine on the bed, starting to massage the innocent girl's back gently, though her hands seem to spend more time on Elaine's butt than due.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Don't you worry, we'll have that shy streak worked out of you in no time. Helena says softly, running her hands up and down the girl's thighs, gently, and slowly spreading her before Helena even as the succubus worked at getting her undressed from the waist down, wanting to caress that soft, pale flesh with expert care.

As soon as Helena had her as she wanted her, Melissa would find Helena leaning in from her place on the chair to plant a soft kiss on her inner thigh, her tongue running small circles between her soft lips across the sensitive flesh, continuing to gently raise her lust with each gentle touch and stroke as she teased her, continued to warm her body and her mind. She was in for a long ride, Helena wanted to make sure she was going to enjoy it.

Working slowly deeper, sliding closer to her petals, Helena took a long, soft breath before her tongue lashed out to slowly split her, dragging through her folds slowly before ending the agile muscle's motion with a sharp flick across the jewel of her clit, looking up into Melissa's eyes as she did and resting her hands on her thighs. Just lie back, I'll take care of everything...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa's breathing becomes heavier as Helena continues her attentions, and the girl hesitantly allows Helena to spread her legs and lifts herself up, allowing Helena to slide her pants off. She shudders as Helena's tongue makes contact with her clitoris and closes her eyes, muttering something that sounds like a prayer.

Jasmine continues massaging Elaine's back, helping the girl rid herself of her shirt before moving to her legs, rubbing them as she slowly pulls her skirt off.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Grinning as Melissa doesn't fight her, reacting quickly to her touch, Helena drags her tongue across her folds again, that same electric flick over her jewel just as enjoyable as the first, before Helena began pushing. Gripping her thighs, Helena pressed her lips tightly against Melissa's lower ones, before her tongue began to slide into her folds, lapping gently and steadily at her slickening tunnel with a shiver of pleasure.

Working slowly, in no mood to spook her so early, Helena continued to work her tongue deeper, growing the hot, slick muscle extremely slowly, letting Melissa's lust build to the point where she wouldn't care before Helena truly went to work, her long and agile muscle sliding deep into her to twist and writhe slowly, Helena moaning straight into her petals and feeding ever so gently on her pleasure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa moans as Helena gets to work, her breath coming ragged now. Gripping Helena's hair, her legs wrap around Helena as she lies on her back, letting Helena work.

Jasmine flips the blonde girl over, kissing her softly and repeatedly while the rope demon binds her arms, pulling them over her head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, enjoying the taste of the redheads slit, groaned with lust herself as Melissa wrapped her legs around her and laid back across the table, Helena rewarding her as her skilled tongue doubled it's pace for a moment, writhing across her g spot insistently before moving back to her gentler rhythm.

Prodding the wrap demon, Helena bound up her snack as well, sending it slowly under the table to ensnare her wrists and ankles, before binding her limbs to the table legs, spreading her, bare and vulnerable across it with insistent pressure as Helena continued to tease her, taking her time building up Melissa's oncoming climax.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa eeps as the wrap demon suddenly binds her before sharply pulling her limbs taut, leaving the redhead completely at Helena's mercy. Looking alarmed, Melissa tries to free herself, but to no avail.

Jasmine continues to kiss and grope Elaine, before quickly disrobing herself. The blonde looks quite a bit calmer than the redhead, though she tenses up as the succubus' hand slides between her legs. Then she relaxes as Jasmine kisses her again, starting to work her way downwards with her mouth on Elaine's body.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, noticing the demon wasn't quite as gentle as Helena would have liked, mentally sighed before standing and stripping quickly, looking down at Melissa and winking, encouraging her to enjoy the view.

Sliding her hands up her legs slowly, Helena slid onto the table, Gliding her own soft flesh along Melissa's until she reached her lips, enjoying the girls top still being clothed as she slid her own thigh along Melissa's slick petals and looked into her eyes Just for something new, I would never hurt you dear She whispered, kissing her again, slowly, deeply as she calmed her panic, one hand sliding into her shirt as the kissed to toy with her nipple, moaning into her mouth.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Whimpering softly as Helena moves on top of her, Melissa starts calming down as Helena kisses her, but Helena notices the wrap demon shifting and moving under the table.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Just trust me and relax Melissa, only pleasure here. Helena softly whispered to her between soft kisses as her fingers continued to tease her nipple gently, her mouth sliding down to drift along her neck and throat leaving soft caresses and a gentle heat in their wake.

Prodding the wrap demon with her mind, Helena established contact *I'm feeding! It's important we cause as few problems as possible now OBEY and stop panicking my meal!* Helena chided the demon. She didn't really mind the wrap demon's hijinks, but she didn't want a full blown panic on the table when she was trying to recharge. She'd feed either way on Melissa, but she didn't want horror stories flowing around when she and Jasmine were done.

Figuring the demon would behave, or hoping rather, Helena lifted Melissa's shirt to expose her chest, sliding down the bound girls body to wrap her nipples in the heat of her mouth with a soft groan of happiness, her hand drifting down to drift along her petals in time with her twisting tongue.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The wrap demon seems to consider Helena's words as it stealthily wraps a bandage around Helena's chest, binding her bust gently. Melissa seems to relax as her bindings loosen a little, and a moan escapes her lips as Helena's tongue teases her nipples.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Seeing the demon start to behave itself, Helena hid a little harumph as the wraps settled over her bust, making her wriggle as she slid her fingers into Melissa's petals, stroking her as her tongue worked higher, Helena's skill starting to quickly drive Melissa to her first peak.

She was behind, because Helena could already here Jasmine's partner cumming softly on the bed. Annoyed that the demon had put her fucking behind schedule, Helena worked harder, grinding her own silken flesh across Melissa's as she slid up to kiss her again, sliding to the side as her fingers continued to wring pleasure from her folds.