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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa moans as she speeds up even more, now pounding Helena with wild abandon as her hands grip Helena's hips before finally cumming hard as she thrusts the ropedildo deep inside Helena.

Jasmine and Elaine are watching intently, though Helena can see Elaine's hands wandering on Jasmine's body, and when Melissa finally cums, Jasmine turns her head to give the blonde a deep kiss.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There it was, that tight grip and sloppy pounding that signaled Melissa reaching her limit, Helena's folds gripping and pulling at the ropedemon as the redhead continued to enjoy Helena with reckless abandon.

Moaning desperately and lewdly, Helena did her best to push back against Melissa with every thrust, her body twisting in it's binds to drive her to her peak faster before Helena finally let her own control go, and came with her, her juices soaking into the rope as she screamed.

Arching her back with pleasure, Helena went limp and panted through her gag softly, smiling like a cat that had just found a saucer of cream. Prodding her mind at the Wrap Demon, Helena asked it what Jasmine had wanted it to do curiously.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa slowly pulls the rope demon out, and it drops to the floor into a neat coil. As the wrap demon gently releases Helena, the succubus gets a quick mental image of two people wrapped together in throes of pleasure.

Meanwhile on the bed, Elaine is aggressively kissing and groping Jasmine, who doesn't seem to mind at all.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, panting softly and giggling at the image from the wrap demon, just shrugged, before changing the people in the picture to Jasmine and Elaine. Go on trouble maker, Get em. Helena sent to it with a little smile, dragging Melissa into her lap to cuddle her, kissing her neck.

Mmm, Someone's a naughty girl indeed~ she teased, drifting a hand up and down her midriff slowly, her nails drifting along her skin like feathers.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa leans against Helena as the succubus embraces her, and she almost seems on the verge of purring like a cat. The wrap demon sneakily rolls closer to Jasmine, but does not strike yet. Elaine seems enthusiastic about having the succubus at her mercy, and she presses Jasmine against the bed while Jasmine wraps her legs around the blonde, kissing her deeply.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, watching the wrap demon with a smile, nibbled on Melissa's ear as her hand continued on it's downward path, her fingers sliding delicately over her mound and drifting up and down along her petals slowly. Mmmm, you two are a lot of fun, I'm glad we found you~ Helena whispered to her, continuing to tease her with a light touch, wanting to hear her purr a little as they watched the show on the bed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa lets out a purring sound before leaning to nibble on Helena's neck softly, her petals still wet from the earlier, though certainly not only from the earlier by the feel of things.

The wrap demon moves rapidly, binding Jasmine and Elaine together and to the bed, but leaving their legs free.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, enjoying her temporary plaything, chuckled as the wrap demon sprang into action, Jasmine and Elaine bound from the head to the waist, their hands pulled to the headboard, and even bandages looping around their inner thighs to keep them from just squirming out.

Looking at them, Helena tilted her head slightly and slid her fingers into Melissa's slick folds, pumping them slowly. You know? I think there's still something missing. She said matter of factly, reaching out to the forgotten ropedemon. Helena had just enjoyed a rope-dick, well, she would be the only one, giving the demon coil it's orders, to keep both bound girls filled and entertained, and to tie those pesky legs of there's to the corners of the baseboard. There was no reason to do this by halves after all. Trapping Jasmine was always a rare treat.

Well, Now that that's sorted. Helena said, giving her fingers a deft little twist to bring a small burst of pleasure from Melissa's clit, We can go back to me, enjoying you~ she continued, going back to her slow strokes and teasing motions, her other hand sliding up to pinch and gently twist her nipples. Any fantasies~?
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The rope demon swiftly binds Elaine and Jasmine, though neither of them seems to mind as they continue making out despite the bandages and ropes binding them snugly. Then the slick ropes slide inside both of them at the same time, causing their moaning and giggling to intensify.

"Don't stop." Melissa moans softly, before pulling Helena towards the second bed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Giggling as Melissa urged her on, lost to her own lust and trying to get her to the other bed, Helena stood up and moved along, staying behind Melissa as she tormented her the entire way to the bed, making sure each step she took was an agonizing moment of bliss.

Finally reaching the bed, Melissa found herself bent at the waist over the bed, a hand gently but firmly placed on the back of her neck, Helena's other hand already trailing up the inside of Melissa's thighs, before Melissa saw Helena kneel down beside her, just in view, her hand out on her neck as she felt, but who or what was stroking her legs was left just out of view, Helena's tendrils curling up her legs.

Winking at Melissa, Helena let one of her thick tendrils slide along her dripping folds, pushing at her slit just hard enough to encourage Melissa to try and push back, held as she was. Mmm, there are so many fantasies you know, I could bring any of them to life for you, just for fun~ Helena whispered, her tendril continuing to tease and push, vibrating powerfully as another, much smaller tendril found the jewel of Melissa's clit. Maybe a Beast~ Or an Insect, Maybe to be fucked into a mindless doll, or enslaved, Maybe to struggle to breathe Helena continued, watching Melissa's reactions closely.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa seems surprised, then alarmed as she realizes that what is teasing her is not a hand after all. She suddenly tries to stand up. "What are you?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It's just magic, I've been able to use it since I was born, kinky isn't it. And is it really that hard to believe? Seeing Moving fabric and rope? Come on, this is an easy trick. Helena said soothingly, Oozing Charisma into her statement, justifying it as truth in her own mind, and thus making the lie so much easier. Her being born reflected by her becoming a demon, something more then what she had been.

Refusing to let up though, Helena reminded Melissa of her lust with a subtle, mental nudge, before easing her tendril into Melissa's depths, spreading her around the length straight to her cervix, letting her enjoy the vibrations now pulsing through her.

I love pleasure, specifically giving it to other people, it's my favourite thing in the world and it's all I want, Help me take you further then you've ever gone, let me help you realize your deepest needs~ Helena continued, dripping honey into her ears as her tendril vibrated and undulated within her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"N-not even the caliban are born like THAT." Melissa counters, sounding a little less certain but still struggling to get away as Helena drives her tentacle deep inside her, causing Melissa to scream.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, sighing softly, released Melissa when she refused to calm down, though she did not let her run. If she couldn't calm her enough with her own power, she'd physically stop her as gently as possible.

And you would be an expert would you? Human? You who have traveled the world from end to end and seen everything there is to see? she said softly, looking saddened, and honestly getting tired of this, that rare part of her missing being human, though it was quickly quelled.

Sorry if I freaked you out, but you didn't have any problems right up until now. Still me, I'm just different. That really bothers you that much? Have me or my sister done you any harm? You seemed quite happy to fuck me with a living rope just minutes ago. she continued, bashing Melissa's seeming endless knowledge of all things with straight logic that how she was reacting was more then a little hypocritical.

I'm not a witch, or a monster, or evil. I'm just passing through, I don't mean anyone any harm and have no intention of causing anyone trouble. Besides, if you told your o so high and mighty monster slayers, they'd be in over their heads. Helena continued, sighing again and just sitting there, Letting Melissa think it all through for herself.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Melissa turns to face Helena, leaning against the table. "You didn't answer my question." she replies, sounding considerably calmer now, and a touch embarrassed as she eyes Helena from head to toe.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena palms her face as Melissa calms down. Fine, but you promise not to freak. Helena says, raising her eyebrow before sitting on the bed and crossing her legs as her wings sprout and her tails slides around and over her thigh.

I'm a succubus, if you want the answer, and not from around here. Got dragged through the Mists and wound up in a forest here. A type of Demon that lives on sexual energy, I feed on the energy produced when I inflict pleasure on another. It's harmless, and as soon as I can, I'm leaving this place for good, and going home with my Sister and Friends. Helena answered, fully prepared to dive on Melissa if she did something stupid, like scream her brains out and flail around the room.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"A demon," Melissa mouths the word silently, looking shocked. She shakes her head, trying not to look at Helena. "What we did... what I felt... was it your doing? I like you but... You can't just appear out of nowhere and make people like you, damnit." The redhead sounds confused and angry.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shook her head again No, I can't make you do whatever I want, I just made you more receptive to the idea. Then I would have walked out of your life without so much as a whisper and a fond memory, never to cause you any trouble. Helena said, holding her hunger in check.

If we're honest, I can exert some control, but if I was doing that, would you have been able to freak out and panic like you just did? I've been as nice as possible this entire time, or would you have decided to wander off for sex with two women you'd just met at the drop of a hat? It's not just fun for me, It's Food. Helena continued, looking slightly apologetic. Honestly though, and I've been completely honest with you so far, can you really say you don't want to finish what we started? I'm not even entirely sure why I am, or should be telling you all this anyway, maybe I'm just tired of being looked at like some kind of monster. I'm intelligent, feeling, I have a name, family, friends... Just, I don't eat chicken. Helena finished, continuing to keep her eyes on Melissa.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"You eat people instead. What am I supposed to think? That I'm just a meal for you? Somehow I don't think you're going to be willing to settle down somewhere where we can be together even if that was what I wanted. I just... I don't know. I don't DO casual sex. Not before this, anyway. My father is going to get really mad if he ever finds out." Melissa replies, still not looking at Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I don't eat people, I can, but I don't, because it's bad for us, harming people we feed on will literally hurt us, though not in a physical sense, you were never in any danger. As for your reputation, who knows? Me, you, my Sister, your friend? Who is going to tell anyone? Helena replied, still staying calm and relaxed, though she did put her extra demony bits away, looking completely human now.

As for Casual Sex, why is pleasure something to be reviled? I don't understand that view, at all. Why should anyone else decide when it's right, or proper? I don't get it. I can stop if you want, Really, I'll stay right where I am, and do nothing, you can wait for your friend, see she's just fine, and go on your way. If you tell no one, no one will know. As for the other thing... No, I'm not willing to settle down anywhere here, I want to go Home, to my friends and my family, I've been Torn away from the things I knew and Forced here to this place without any concern for what I wanted, or needed. Getting back will take all of my effort, and possibly Years, I don't have a choice, I can't starve. All I can do is be gentle, take what I need, leave the people I think are kind enough, or beautiful enough with a smile, and wish them well until I can go back. Please, stop judging me without seeing the full problem, it's hurtful, and insulting. Please. Helena said softly. She didn't want to force this girl to sleep, or to fall silent, she didn't want to scare or hurt her... But she was getting tired of her irrational leaps and conclusions.