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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)


The next, almost gentle blow of the whip lands on Helena's side. That one is followed by one on her chest, a little harder. More follow, focused on her sides, stomach and thighs, but not ignoring her breasts either.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, unable to see where the blows were coming from, or would come from, couldn't stop herself from jumping and squirming around as Willow made her rounds, a lash landing in a new place every time. If she tried to lean forward, a lash would strike her sides, making her jump back a little, before her breasts felt the leather slap across her tits.

Her folds slick, but unable to focus long enough to get off, Helena was stuck as long as Willow decided she needed to be, unable to get away, and unable to get off as her lover kept her intentionally distracted and unfocused on the buzzing tormenting her between her thighs, probably much to Willow's amusement.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Eventually the rain of blows subsides, leaving Helena panting much to Willow's apparent amusement. "That's enough of that, I suppose. But I'm still not sure if I should let you get off. Maybe if you make a good argument..." As she speaks, the redhead lets her whip drop to the floor and steps around Helena's legs to pull Helena's face towards her flower that is already slick with juices.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, panting heavily as the whipping stopped, started focusing on the pleasure again, before Willow's words stopped her cold and she groaned with frustration against the small buzzing toy. She would have to argue for it?

The feeling of Willow stepping around her, before the heat of her slick petals was put in front of Helena's face and her head was pulled between her thighs, moaned longingly, before pressing forward, the chain on her wrists and spreader bar pulled tight as she ran her tongue along Willow's wet petals.

Moaning into her slit, Helena started slowly, her tongue running small, timid circles around her folds, and across her clit, before pushing forward, her long, undulating muscle spreading Willow around it as Helena tasted her depths, twisting and writhing slowly within her as her lips pressed tightly against her folds.

rolling her hips and moaning again, Helena would start thrusting her now rapidly thickening tongue if Willow let her, filling Willow's depths and spreading her own lips as Helena groaned and continued to tongue-fuck Willow from her spot on the floor, her hips gently bucking against the small buzzing toy buried within her own slit.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow lets out a moan as Helena starts pleasuring her, and suddenly the bullet vibrator starts moving faster while Willow runs her fingers through Helena's hair.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, her tongue reaching all the girth it needed to properly please her mistress, began thrusting her tongue deep into her flower, twisting and writhing about within her depths as the bullet vibe was turned up, Helena bucking and rolling her hips in a set pattern and rhythm as pleasure began to arc through her hips.

Moaning into Willow's slit, Helena was stuck, right where Willow wanted her, giving her a tonguing very few other people were capable of, and trapped doing it for as long as she wanted. Casting her mind to the pile of toys Willow had apparently selected, Helena was fairly certain that as soon as Willow came, that she was going to up the ante again, and it sent a shudder down Helena's spine.

Every pull and tug yanked on the chain, cuffs, or rope she was bound with, and Helena could not change her position, a slave to Willow's desires for as long as Willow saw fit... Probably something Willow had wanted for awhile.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, knowing her lover, quickly has Willow moaning and panting as the witch squirms and continues gripping Helena's hair and suddenly the vibrator starts moving even faster as if it was Willow's intent to make Helena cum as fast as possible.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, gasping into Willow's slit, bucked her hips as the bullet apparently did have a higher setting, Helena's folds clamping down around the small toy as her overteased flower began to ripple and lock around it, the power of her reaction shifting the toy within her as she moaned lewdly.

Going back to Willow, Helena began to drive her tongue faster, twisting, curling, and stroking every reachable point of her depths even as the little toy threatened to throw her over the brink. it didn't last long, whether Helena got Willow off first was unknown as her eyes rolled up under her blindfold and she arched her back against her restraints, screaming in pleasure as she came around the small toy, forcing it out of her along with her own nectar as she came, left panting and slowly licking Willow's inner walls as she tried to recover.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena: Mana 11/18

Helena can hear Willow's own screams of pleasure coincide with her own as Willow cums on Helena's face, her juices flowing down Helena's chin while Helena squirms and twitches in her own bindings - which are suddenly gone as Helena finds herself back in the bathhouse, standing upright and sending Willow backwards into the water.

Meanwhile on the other side of the pool Cindy and Jasmine are still at it. Though both of them are clean now, Cindy is sitting on the edge of the pool as Jasmine fingers her sucks on the rogue's nipple, causing moans of pleasure.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, blinking her eyes as she found herself back in reality, giggled and helped Willow back up, kissing her happily before pulling back and smiling, drawing her into her arms as she reached for the soap.

Turning Willow so they could both watch the show, Helena retuned the favor Willow had done her earlier, cleaning her off carefully and completely while Jasmine and Cindy fucked eachother the old fashioned way, with gusto.

*Ahh, hahaha, that was fun. Seems like cumming breaks my concentration though* Helena sent over to Willow as she scrubbed her hair and back, smiling about the little treat she was able to give Willow. She was a little tired after, but it was worth it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow flashes a smile before turning around and letting Helena wash her while Jasmine continues molesting Cindy artfully and making her orgasm before pulling the girl back into the water and continuing to kiss and fondle her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

You see, Jasmine is hungry because I may have messed up earlier and ruined her lunch... So.. Cindy's in for a wild ride Helena whispered to Willow as she continued washing her. As cindy came and then proceeded to be yanked back into the water, Helena pronounced both herself and Willow clean enough to be seen in public again.

Cmon, lets go get dinner, just the two of us. Helena whispered, biting Willow's ear and getting out of the tub to dry off. Besides, it'll give them time to well... Ok, it'll give Jasmine time to eat, and Cindy time to get fucked into a puddle of warm fuzzies. Helena added as she got dressed and waited for Willow. She didn't carry the groups money like Jasmine did, but she had enough of her own that a simple meal wouldn't be any kind of problem.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow follows Helena out of the tub and dries herself before getting dressed. "They probably won't be too long, right? She's not even using tentacles." Willow observes, following Helena out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

That is no garauntee that she wont. Helena said, chuckling to herself as they left the still horny pair to enjoy themselves as they left.

Taking Willow's hand, Helena hummed cheerfully to herself as they made their way back into town proper. If they saw a proper restaurant, which Helena highly, HIGHLY doubted, she'd duck into it, but otherwise the destination was the Inn, because the inn always had food. And really, it was more about sharing a private meal with Willow, something they hadn't done since they'd found her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

If there is a restaurant in the town, it isn't found on their way to the inn. The common room is half-full, and there's an excuse for a performer on a table, playing a lute. The innkeeper seems to be busy at the moment, but there is a serving girl polishing a table, and the door to the kitchen is open.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Making It back to the Inn, Helena fought down the urge to bludgeon whoever was performing with their own lute, violently, before looking around and wondering how they would acquire food...

Seeing the serving girl, Helena called her over as she picked a fairly secluded table for them. Hello~! We would like a meal, whatever you have is fine, as for drinks.. I'd like fruit juice! of any kind, because ale is getting stale. Willow? Helena asked, wondering what she wanted for herself... Serving girls had to earn their money to when Jasmine and Herself weren't stealing them away...

Once everyone had ordered, and by everyone, Helena and Willow, Helena turned to regard Willow before jerking her eye at the performer and giggling. I'd go sing, but I don't think he'd ever show his face on stage again. Helena whispered, trying to hide her laughter and laughing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The serving girl nods slowly. "We have some roast chickens coming or if you'd like, the cook has made his special today."

"I think I'll try the special. Oh, some juice for me, too."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ooo, roast chicken sounds wonderful, that for me please. Helena said, chuckling. She was going to eat an entire bird... just because it tasted good.

Waiting for their meals, Helena turned to Willow. So! How has everything been with us so far? Never ending sex, insane adventures, even more insane toys and passtimes... You can't say it's ever been really boring. Helena said, chuckling. And just wait, when it's all over and you can come back with me to my world, there's so much more. Like that room we shared a moment ago, that's just a little taste, and I could tell you loved every moment. Helena continued, raising an eyebrow as she chuckled.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Despite the common room being half-full, Willow and Helena easily get a table for themselves and Willow giggles at Helena's comments. "It's been surprisingly easy to get used to. At least I haven't had to run away from anyone since I met you. Although I'm not entirely sure how much different that would be from what we're doing." Willow replies in a quiet voice. As the two are talking, Helena hears someone mention a blind knight in black armor passing by.

The serving girl soon returns with a pitcher of juice and two plates; one with a fried chicken and the other with a patty, some lettuce and some sort of sauce spread over half of a bread.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

well... yea, o my god, you lucky girl! Welcome to what I think, is a cheeseburger... or at least a hamburger, don't see any cheese. They're delicious. Helena said, still sticking with her chicken... you could never go wrong with chicken.

Starting to eat, Helena actuallt choked and had to flail around for her drink when she hard about the blind knight. Coughing and apologising to Willow, Helena grinned. that could very well be the same man me and Jasmine rescued at the pyramids, in the temple. Nice enough, though clearly insane. We should keep an eye open for him she said, thinking back to the insanity.

Listening to the terrible lutist, Helena kept to Willow and their meal, not spoiling it with her sudden desire to go hunting a mad man.