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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine leads Helena outside through what appears to be a back door, and then through abandoned streets. Though Helena occasionally stumbles, Jasmine appears to be leading her quite carefully and she catches Helena a couple times when she's about to fall. The ground below changes first from packed dirt to grass, and then into undergrowth-covered forest floor. "We'll fly from here." Jasmine says, casting a spell and first spreading the enchantment on Helena, then on herself.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Not sure whether they had an audience or not, it didn't matter, Helena shivering at the thought as she was lead out of the inn through what didn't feel like the front door. The only clues she had being the feel of the ground beneath her feet, and her ears.

As the scenery changed, as much as Helena's limited sight allowed her to perceive it, Helena was more then a little confused when they seemed to be getting further and further away from town. Ok, parade through the streets into a back alley, not on the menu.

Glancing at the sound of Jasmine's voice, Helena nodded, spreading her wings Yes Mistress. she continued simply, being as Jasmine had put it, on her best behavior. Feeling the tingle of magic, Helena had to assume that Jasmine was hiding them from sight, before taking off carefully, Helena only a moment behind. It wasn't too much of a problem, Helena was an accomplished flyer, and as long as she kept following Jasmine, she found she could glide by making herself just a hair lighter, and letting the rope pull her along.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Making sure Helena is ready, Jasmine takes off, first gathering height and then just flying forward long into the night. After a few minutes of flying through the cold night air, Jasmine lands rather clumsily, pulling Helena with her. "Put away your wings." she commands before taking Helena by the shoulders and spinning her around half a dozen or so times before removing the blindfold. "Alright. We - you, rather - will be playing a little game. If you get into the town before dawn, you win. If you don't, you lose. There's a catch, though. There are some hunters scattered through the forest, who'll be trying to catch you. Any who do catch you gets to keep you for a couple hours or until they run out of stamina, whichever happens first. The sunrise will be in about 10 hours and I'll be watching to see that no-one cheats. Any questions?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, landing, kind of, yelped as Jasmine spun her around several times before pulling off the blindfold, though she left her hands bound to her collar, really, it was quite effective, even using her magic to try and slip them would probably get her hurt, leave it to Jasmine to find the only good way to keep her bound.

Gazing around slightly dizzy, Helena heard what Jasmine said and nodded, chuckling at the insanity, but liking it, a lot.

yea, you said keep people from cheating. What are the rules? She asked when Jasmine asked about questions.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"They don't get to keep you for longer than two hours, you don't get to fly or use any supernatural abilities." Jasmine replies with a grin.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

No abilities huh? Ok, on my word, I wont cheat in any way. Which means... Ok, well, at least I'll have fun. Helena said with a dark chuckle. Alright, I accept, go on referee, this should be interesting. Helena said softly, looking around her, suddenly realizing she couldn't remember Exactly where the village was. She'd have to just head in the compass direction and find it the hard way.

Ignoring Jasmine now, Helena kept her ears open as she slid into the shadows of a tree, before taking a deep breath, and starting to move west, using the moon when she could see it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*sounds of dice being rolled

Luckily the darkness poses no problems to Helena - a definite advantage over the hunters, most likely - and even with her hands bound, she manages not to stumble too much as she heads straight into the dense forest along an animal path. Though she doesn't really need any light, with her hands bound and with the uneven ground she isn't making too good time when she stumbles through a wire that causes unholy clatter as it snaps and a heavy net falls on Helena even as she hears loud footsteps nearby.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, making her way westward at a cautious pace, as she was being hunted, found she was too busy looking up and around into the surrounding trees to try and spot her hunters, instead of down at the ground where the bastards had left a trap.

letting out a half choked cry as Helena went down after tripping on a wire that caused a godawful amount of noise, Helena oomphed as a heavy net landed on her, making moving around a serious pain in the ass. Hearing approaching footsteps, Helena started to wriggle towards the edge of the net, trying not to get her legs tangled up in it, she was going to have to run like hell is she slipped this thing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena manages to squeezes out from under the net just in time to see the trapper emerge from the forest to the left of her, armed with a hooded lantern that's lighting Helena. As she scrambles to her feet and starts running, the man gives chase. For several tense moments it seems as if she might get away, then both of them stumble and fall. However, despite the sudden darkness, the trapper is faster at getting up, and he manages to grab Helena's arm. "Now, don't go anywhere just yet, pretty thing."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, managing to squirm out from under the net, came up just in time to get spotlighted by the trapper that had laid the annoying net. Still, he hadn't caught her just yet. Running, Helena found her bound hands more then a little annoying, having to lean forward and carefully place her steps to keep her balance as the man continued to give chase.

Finally stumbling, she didn't manage to get up in time, the trapper grabbing her arm. Making on last attempt to shake him off, Helena twisted her body into him before throwing her shoulder to the ground across from her, trying to roll the trapper off her and get away one last time. She didn't have to make it too easy, hell! She was already bound and kept from cheating... She shuddered to think about what Jasmine would do if she caught her actually using her powers...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The trapper's grip is firm, but Helena still manages to slip away by throwing herself prone and she can hear him swearing loudly as he tries to light the lantern again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, managing to slip the mans grip by throwing herself down, held her breath to stay silent as she got up to start running again, this time make a serious effort to stay as quiet as possible, putting trees she passed between herself and the trapper to try and reduce the chance of him spotlighting her again... she was really glad she could see in the dark.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena keeps running, she stumbles several times. By some luck, she spots a light ahead, but unfortunately both sides of the path are covered by dry bushes, which would no doubt make some noise, perhaps enough to alert any hunters nearby.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, managing to give the trapper the slip for now by some miracle, had to come to a stop as she spotted what had to be either bad luck, or an ambush sight. She had to figure Jasmine had given the hunters time to prepare, which meant their job was to keep her from reaching the town. Looking at the situation, Helena opted for the less obvious approach.

Laying down on her stomach, Helena grit her teeth, determined to beat Jasmine as she started to slowly crawl towards the bushes on the left side of the path. If she went slowly enough, she might make no noise at all, or be mistaken for something else... She just had to stay low, and not panic.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As she tries to crawl through the dry bushes, she manages to avoid most, but not all noise and though she can't see much through the leaves, the light source moves closer.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, moving through the bushes fairly quietly all things considered, noticed the light coming closer, hearing footsteps. Freezing in place and not moving, Helena had 10 hours... she could take her time... But now she was playing the waiting game. The noise had attracted attention, now she had to wait until her pursuer lost interest in the area... she just had to stay hidden in the bushes...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The light comes closer, stopping only a few yards from her position before whoever carries it turns away, moving to Helena's left.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, breathing a very soft sigh as she let go of the breath she had been holding, didn't jump the gun, she stayed just where she was. He wasn't looking at her, and she hadn't made any noise. She just had to wait for him to leave and she could start making progress again. She could only hope... SHIT! This was a fucking hunter! He could track her, the trail she'd dug in the dirt as she'd crawled into the bushes would give her away if she waited too long.

Biting her lip, Helena started moving again, very slowly and carefully, she wanted to win.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The hunter passes Helena, still appearing not to notice her and the light starts growing more distant again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, feeling the hunter start to leave, heading off in another direction and trusting to his light and eyes, pointed out to Helena that it was time to get out of the bushes she was crawling through.

Carefully working her way out of the brush, Helena started moving down the path again, keeping to a steady jog. At least Jasmine wasn't interfering... That would be cheating... No, if she did that, then Helena would cheat, so Jasmine was as tied up as she was in that regard, making Helena grin.