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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena takes to the air, the little slime wiggles to her back, still apparently working purely by touch before apparently deciding that her wings are more interesting and wriggling up one, sending her off-balance and careening towards the ground.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena chuckles as the little guy crawls over her shoulder, before it squirms up onto her wing, offbalancing her and sending her in exactly the direction she didn't want to go. Down.

Rather then trying to gain any more height, Helena instead flattened her wings out, trying to glide instead as the slimebaby figured out whatever exactly it wanted apart from running away, Praetigo miraculously still latched onto her head.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slime seems to enjoy sitting on Helena's wing as she manages to stabilize somewhat, gliding away from the river and losing height.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Unable to really fly like this with the weight of the little guy still anchored to her wing, Helena sprouted a few tendrils and tried to herd it back towards the center of her back. It could rub on the base of her wings all it wanted.

If she could clear the wing, Helena would resume climbing into the air, thinking about exactly what to do before turning back where she was originally headed, towards the city to handle her collar. Maybe that mage knew something about baby slimes. And she'd have to land at somepoint and get redressed or they'd try to burn her again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena tries to grasp the slime, it jumps off of her wing, falling down into the darkness.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena immediately dives after it, trusting in her nightvision to help her track it as she followed the daring little shit. This was worse then real children! She would endeavor to catch it, but more then anything she sought to keep sight of it. She wasn't even sure a fall could hurt it. It was made of purple jello!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slime lands - apparently unharmed - near an anthill, and immediately starts destroying it or possibly trying to get inside it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena swooped in closer, slowing herself down before simply hovering over it. Was it eating? She'd never seen Aqua eat anything, drink a whole lot sure, but eat? That had never been a thing. Red however had, and it was a baby, she had no idea. Maybe it had wanted to float in the river hunting fish. There was no real telling WHAT the thing needed since it was probably a magically altered hybrid...

Still, she kept a careful eye on it, trying to figure out what it was doing.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slimebaby burrows into the anthill, surprisingly enough leaving no trail of panicked soldier ants to announce its precense.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena plopped down, sighing, resting her chin on her hand and watching the anthill. Why? Why was the slimebaby such a pain in the ass? And was it cute? ugly? neutral? It was hard to tell considering it was a purplish featureless hunk of living jello, that despite all evidence to ability, she wanted to hug and cuddle.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After poking a hole on the top with a pseudopod, it seems that the slimebaby stops moving for a long time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sees the air hole come up, but then it all stops. After about 10 minutes, Helena peeks into the hole. What are you? An evil Radish? You don't need to sleep down there you putz.

Still, Helena Insisting on the slime coming with her had failed miserably. Primarily due to lack of any Jars... Still, that only led to her conviction to carry at least 3 jars around with her at all times. Who knew, maybe she could catch a fairy. What she'd do with it, she had no idea. Maybe potions? Green? Red? Blue? Maybe milk.

Still, that left Helena waiting, annoyed, for the little bastard to pull itself back out of the ground.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After apparently sleeping for several hours and with the dawn quickly approaching, the slimebaby digs itself out. It seems somehow more defined, more baby-like and less like a formless mass.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Finally up huh? Cmere, we got places to be. Helena said, having diligently sat up all damned night waiting for it. Scooping the little guy up, still topless, one monster took to the air with another monster in arm, and back on her original course to get her own errands done.

Once the damned collar was taken care of, Helena could get onto her business with Azalin. To be honest, she was only so attached to this little slime, because she never escaped the memory of the little space slimes on the station she'd sacrificed the first time. Still made her sad. BUT! She had this one! So! Life continued!
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Soon after taking off, Helena comes across a fork in the river. Though it may be just her imagination, the water flowing from the left river seems cleaner. The small slime wriggles happily in her lap.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Coming to the fork, Helena had to land, tickling and doting on the little slime happily as she looked a little more closely at the river. She wanted to go where the boat was going, which meant, at least to her, going where the River was ultimately going. I mean, it'd be a monster bitch rowing upstream...

Looking at the fork, Helena opted to stay with wherever HER river was currently going, following the water rather then concerning herself with whether it was clean or not.

That meant ignoring the new river on her left and following the waterflow on her right.

Taking off again, Helena followed the imaginary Less clean water and paid attention to the little slime, wondering when it got hungry, IF it did, and what it would need to eat. At least it wasn't a little purple volleyball anymore.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After about half an hour of flight, a lake comes into view. Wind seems to be picking up, making the trees below shift and bend and a raptor dives towards its prey nearby. The slimebaby continues wriggling, pressing itself closer to Helena and starting to grow warmer again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

She'd found a lake. Huzzah? Who knew, she was still convinced she'd picked the path the riverboat would take, it only made sense. Still, the baby was acting up, and being... affectionate? or scared, it was really hard to tell. But it was also heating up again.

Landing on the shore of the lake, Helena took a second to get a read on the sun, it was hard to tell time if she didn't pay attention, and once she'd done that, she'd soak the little guy in water again, and to hell with her clothes for now.

She could strip, and shift into some fur... but this was a lake, and someone could fucking shoot at her...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

On the far side of the lake, Helena can see the outline of a town, but on this side, there doesn't seem to be anyone nearby. As soon as Helena gets into the water, the slimebaby tries to dive deeper, out of her grasp.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

first you wanna cuddle, now you want to what? bury yourself again? Gah! Fine! One Second! Helena says, holding onto the slime long enough to get a seriously firm mental read on it, on what it's emotions felt like, trying to familiarize herself with it before letting it go.

She'd already figured out that trying to hold the little fucker was a nightmare and it didn't seem to want to get away from her seriously, more like, there were things she simply didn't understand about it. She didn't know how slimes worked! the only one's she'd ever seen small were made in SPACE! from MICE!

That she'd murdered... for demonic science.... she missed them...