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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Soon Helena feels familiar warmth filling her womb and the first cat gets off of Helena, only for the second one to mount her, wrapping its front paws around her as it penetrates her fast and hard. Still not fully recovered from her orgasm Helena is completely helpless as the cat lets out a growl that sounds all too much like a human scream and starts pounding her erratically and quickly, its claws drawing blood while it sends another flood of pleasure through Helena. Then it, too, pumps its sperm into Helena and retreats. The last cat actually pounces Helena, pressing her head on the floor as it viciously mounts Helena, the barbs on its member continuing to scratch her honeypot as it mindlessly ravages the succubus turned catgirl. After good ten minutes of hard pounding it finally cums, leaving Helena dripping with its seed as it retreats.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It seemed the other ones didn't like being kept waiting, and they were Far from gentle, She didn't care. Not recovered from her first orgasm, she never really came down, cumming hard until all three had finished with her, her pussy on fire and dripping with cum, her womb warm and full while she shuddered and panted on the floor.

Ok. Snack get, cats tired, get. Still, these restraints were gonna be a serious problem. She couldn't burn them off and likewise couldn't shift claws because her hands were curled into fists. CRAP! She couldn't even cast spells like this! What a fantastical crock of shit!

Tugging useless at the restraints, rolling onto her back and squirming around, Helena soon gave up and was simply glad they hadn't run the collar through the other restraints or sitting up or moving her neck would be fucking impossible. So... she had to wait, probably for a chance to get out. But... what would she risk? If they found out she was a demon, could they make like a witch and bind her? No, she had to wait patiently for a good moment, preferably when one of her jailors took the bait, then she could suck his ass completely dry and try and use that energy to make some halfbaked fucking escape.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Soon the wall starts descending again. The cats move out of the soon-to-be walled-off section of the room, leaving Helena just enough time to get out of there herself now that her leash isn't attached to anything, for what good that would do.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, her back end a Mess, wriggled over to the right side of the room and to the door while she spun the wheels to try and figure out how to get out of here. The only thing she could think of was to fly up to where that trap door was and try and open it. Or, to get lucky enough to dominate someone and have them tell her how. AND THAT WASN'T FUCKING WORKING!

Letting her head thump to the floor in frustration, Helena sighed and waited, debating whether or not to bite the fuck out of the first person to open the door while she faded away her cat features and fixed her vision. She needed to be able to see.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The door opens, revealing the same elf who left her there. He picks up the leash, toying with it for a moment. "Feeling more talkative yet, kitten?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Sure. But, before I answer anything, since you can't really sell something you don't know the value of, what are shapeshifters of different kinds worth? Helena asked, still laying on the floor, She wasn't going anywhere until he pulled on that leash.

I mean, I could be worth a fortune, I could be worth nothing. Who's to say. she continued, tilting her head back and forth.

So far seems the only thing I get is Sold. she said, wondering if she could solve this by being annoying enough to gag, and if they did that she wouldn't have to answer his inane fucking questions, who, despite being good looking, was already getting on her nerves. For obvious, if not incredibly arousing and kinky reasons.

When she got out of here she was raiding this place for restraints. She'd save a fortune on leatherworking.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Sold? Unless you're a therianthrope, you're far too valuable to be sold... at least, for mere gold. And if you cooperate... Well, I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement." the elf replies, leading Helena back into the dungeon while they talk.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fine. Here. Stop moving for a Sec, that's a request, not a demand. Helena said while they moved, before she closed her eyes. If he kept moving, he'd find she was bouncing behind him like a ball before full sized, enormous fucking wings he likely wasn't expecting shot out of her back to lift her up, while horns, a tail, and the usual full treatment came into being, one wing beat bringing her up to the length of the leash while she hung there looking down at him.

Well? If you need a clue further? Demon. Upset Demon. Who has no interest in coming down from her floaty perch until we reach this so called... Arrangement. she said, keeping the glower out of her voice.

She was not a patient person, she was not ashamed or afraid of what she was, and she was in all fairness tired of the game. She loved the restraints and the sex and the fun. But this guy had just ruined it all with his fucking questions and talk about value and Ugh.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The elf swallows audibly. "A demon, eh? I think that puts you above my paygrade. How about you come down from there so I can take off those chains and take you to the priestess?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wasn't gonna let herself be too amused by his reaction. What? not another 'Should have escaped while I had the chance' line? she said, again, not particularly angrily, just... pointing it out.

I am... understandably... well.. I'm not overly angry if I'm completely honest. she continued, turning around in the air like the chesire cat from alice and her wonderland. Ruffled. That's a good word. Despite the ruffled feathers? Actually like this place, a lot, like the fun, like the treatment... hmm hahaha, I even liked your pets, and the ear scratching was lovely... Mmm I haven't had such a dark thrill in ages.

She kept thinking about it in her mind, and if he gave an impatient tug on the leash, she'd flash very real, very sharp fangs. Demons didn't eat celery, they didn't need dull teeth, and while she was talking, she was working on that because if he pulled on that fucking leash, she was gonna do her damnedest to bite through it.

So, how about this. Just reach up here, and undo one of these mitts, and I'll do the rest and while I'm fiddling with these, you can get whoever it is you want me to talk to, and we can talk. But, you come on back as well, because believe it or not, I'm actually pretty fond of you. A Dom without being a Sadist. It's a nice combination of traits.

Helena finally decided, lowering herself slightly, her wings not really beating to keep her level, more waving lazily to keep her up. Don't worry any, I'm not going anywhere. she added, if he seemed to hesitate any. Don't know a quick way to open the trap door.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Sorry, but I suspect she'll want to talk with you in a more private location. And to see you in good light." The elf undoes Helena's chains and takes her hand, letting go of the leash.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena pulls her hand away and floats upwards again, removing the rest of the restraints, collar included, and setting them on the floor in a pile from her place in the air.

That's great, really. But you know what I don't see right here in this fantastic location? Traps. Or a low ceiling. she said, and if he was unwilling to let her go, she'd run a small current through her hand rather then a full blown attack, and if THAT didn't work, just flat out slip loose and float up.

Besides, can't you see in the dark? Is your priestess not the same race? Or can you not see color in the dark? Believe it or not? You have my possessions, and inside them is a small key, I need that key badly enough to not just run away. But If you want me to meet someone AND do so amiably? Give a girl a minute
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Your clothes are still in your room, if you want to get them." the elf answers confidently.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fair enough, one sec. Helena said, shooting off back to her room and back into her clothing, patting the key to her actual collar in her pocket and sighing gustily in relief.

But then she was back in the dungeon, walking towards her original leash holder. Alright, lets go.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The elf graciously offers Helena his arm as she returns, and then leads her to a secret door that opens to reveal a staircase that leads down to what appears to be a natural cave. The cave has a fair amount of barrels and crates stored inside, and on the other side of it is a reinforced door decorated or perhaps warded with runes that glitter to Helena's dark vision. As the elf knocks on the door, a melodic female voice responds with a simple "Enter."

Opening the door reveals a large chamber dimly lit by two low-burning braziers that don't seem to be producing any smoke. Surrounding the doorway on the other side, are two obsidian statues, depicting female elves clad in armor and bearing weapons. The chamber also has thick, luxurious carpet covering the floor. There are spiders crawling on the walls which are thick with their webs. In the middle of the chamber, a tall elf is kneeling in front of an altar, clad in deep purple robes. Her skin is as black as the obsidian of the statues, and, seen in light, so is Helena's companion's.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena followed, stretching a little bit now that she wasn't on her hands and knees, a tendril slipping out unseen to scoop up the restraints she had been wearing because those were fun and then pulling them up into her shirt from behind and draping them over her shoulders thinking that was somehow being subtle. She needed to find a way to store things in another small dimension. Save her so much hassle.

Then it was through a secret door.... there was a joke here, but she couldn't remember it, something about DnD, and then through a reinforced door that screamed Fuck Off in whatever language the runes scribbled across it were actually in.

Entering, Helena immediately put her foot in her mouth.

Holy crap! You guys are black! Fuck... that sounds racist... Helena said, once she saw the people she was actually dealing with. She'd never seen black elves... she'd seen normal elves... and other things. Her fantasy knowledge seemed to be lacking, and Worse, this wasn't really fantasy for her.

Looking around, she just bounced over to a spider web and D'awww'd and then turned back around.

A few seconds of silence...

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The priestess eyes Helena calmly, but a faint smile plays on her lips as Helena examines the spider webs. "You like them? But you do not seem like a servant of the Spider Queen. What kind of demon are you?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I'm a succubus, and yeah, I love spiders. My familiar is a spider the size of a small horse. Helena answered cheerfully, trying to coax one of the little guys onto her hand very gently.

I needed to relax and recharge so I sought this place out, and then well... Had a bit of cheeky fun changing my shape and there was talk of value and other things that ruined the mood a little. But once I let what I was be a little more known, my new friend brought me straight to you. Insisted I come to you actually, I would have been more comfortable back in the dungeon proper. she continued, placing the little spider back on the web.

I'm Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I'm Laviss. It's nice to meet you, Helena." the priestess smiles as she stands up, walking over to Helena and reaching out to touch her wing. "It's absolutely lovely to have you here as a guest. I was wondering why one of the... customers was looking a little weak in the evening. Did you have anything to do with that?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena shivered slightly when Laviss touched her wing, curling the limb slightly into her hand and nodding slowly. I got carried away when I was feeding, I stopped just short of killing him, it was a mistake and one I wont be repeating... This place just got to me, I got overexcited. Helena explained, apologizing.

Usually it hasn't been a problem, take care with what you do and you wont even hurt what you feed on, keep a lower profile, stay safer that way, but with everything going on I didn't keep as tight a reign as I should have, my apologies. she continued, opening her wing further for Laviss to inspect.