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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Ah, yes, Al's at the bar, I'll go get him if you-" Celeste began, smiling as she expected to be released from the rough man's grip, only to have her offer overridden by the man holding her. Her hung slightly in embarrassment as the 'Gordon' grinned lewdly at her before walking away, leaving her still in the grip of the other man. His hands continued their relentless assault on her breast, leaving her squirming awkwardly, her lips held tightly together to suppress a slight moan from the unwanted stimulation. "Y-yes, I j-just started today," Celeste answered the man. "Ah-I guess I was lucky Al needed a new girl, I really needed a j-job" she continued, watching as the man placed his drink back on the table. "D-do you want anoth-" she once again started to say, only for her words to trail off as she saw the mustached man returned with a wicked grin. With her polite smile faltering, Celeste turned to look over at Serina with a confused but pleading look, hopeful that the demoness could help her somehow, though still unwilling to signal her directly for fear of endangering the tip she was working so hard to earn.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

It seemed that fortune, or perhaps simply Al, was to be kind to Celeste that day. "Looks like that one's already been in the baths recently," the returning man said, "so the barman gave us a deal on another one! C'mon, this one's even better than her!" The man holding her chuckled and finally released Celeste, putting his hand on her ass and gently pushing her up and out of his lap, "heh, looks like yer off the hook tonight sweetheart~ Maybe next time?"

The two men would wander off, and Serina would hurriedly approach Celeste once she was freed. "Are you alright? We get those types sometimes," she said with some concern in her voice.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As the man approached, Celeste's smiling lips tightened in expectation of the news that she would be bathing the two rough forceful men. To her surprise, though, another girl had been chosen to accompany them. She smiled in relief, though at his comment at the other girl being 'better' than her, a curious expression flashed on her face, just before she gasped in shock as she was pushed from the sitting man's lap by a strong hand on her bottom. As they walked towards the back, Celeste offered a nervous, "N-next time? M-maybe!" to the men, though her interest in the idea was far weaker than theirs.

Adjusting and smoothing out her recently ruffled clothing, Celeste turned to look at Serina, her blush fading slowly as she nodded to the demoness. "I'm okay, Serina!" she answered, her voice shaky, "They were just a little more friendly than I was expecting." The busty blonde took a deep breath, then sighed as she finished straightening out her dress, then gave a quick gasp as she looked towards the back of the tavern where the men had disappeared. "I didn't get my tip," she whined, a rare frown creeping across her face before she added sullenly, "And who's 'better' than me?"

Celeste wasn't the kind of girl to stay upset for long, and this time was no different. She turned back to Serina, an apologetic blush on her face as her smile returned. "I'm fine, Serina," she said, returning to her normal naively happy tone. "I can handle a little touching," she continued, biting her lip as she waved off the incident, "and they were a little rough, but I'm ready to get back to work!" The bubbly young mage bounced on her heels happily before taking on a confident stance as if to prove her statement. Suddenly though, she gasped and leaned towards the succubus conspiratorially while tugging on her top. "Do you think Al will make me pay to get this ale cleaned off the dress?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Serina grinned at Celeste, and glanced back at the backs of the retreating men as they headed for the passages leading into the baths. There was a tanned woman standing in the entryway leaning against the door frame, her bust apparently the equal to Celeste's and her hips also pleasantly wide, though her the large horns curling up from her head ad the gold chains stretched between them gave her an exotic look despite that she was wearing the same outfit as Celeste. "Uck... Briela... I hope those two don't mind their balls touching," Serina said in evident distaste, though her grin returned as she glanced back at Celeste.

"Didn't get paid eh? You can try and chase after them if you want," she said dryly, "you'll probably have to get naked and do a repeat performance if you want it not though, as horny as those two were. I bet you could get another big pot though! You gonna do it?" She gave Celeste a pat on the bottom as if encouraging her to go, but if the Crolian mage refused she would only giggle and roll her eyes.

(Feel free to go ahead and do it if you want.)

"Good! You handled it pretty well. Don't worry about the dress, we do laundry all the time here. It's kind of necessary," she said lightly, "go into the office and get changed into a new one and then come back out. It's gonna be a busy night!" Celeste would be able to find another outfit in her size quickly enough, and for next few hours she would suffer nothing as bad as the two men who had almost dragged her into another bath that would likely have resulted in her getting as much if not more than what she'd willingly given to the orc.

Eventually, Serina would pull her aside again during a lull in business, smiling. "You did good today!" she said, "go ahead and talk to Al before you clock out, I'll make sure he knows you did good work. Get your own clothes back on and return the outfit, and then go and collect your share of the tips."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste followed Serina's gaze towards the well endowed exotic demoness the men were approaching, grimacing as she imagined herself being considered homely compared to her. Though the young mage had never taken her appearance quite as seriously as some of class mates at the Academy, she had always felt rather proud of the fact that she had been considered rather attractive among both the students and the teachers. Serina's off color joke brought a gasp from Celeste as she turned to look at the succubus conspiratorially, giggling at her implication. She shook her head vigorously at the demoness' suggestion though, before saying, "I don't think I want a tip from them that bad,. The pat on her bottom brought a surprised jump from the blonde mage, though she simply smiled at Serina before hurrying off to get a new dress.

The rest of the work day went by quickly, and without as much 'excitement.' Still, it was hard work ferrying orders back and forth, and Celeste was mid sigh as Serina approached her to talk about the end of the shift. Despite the earlier embarrassments, Celeste had enjoyed working at the Wet Witch, and she smiled profusely at her mentor's praise. "Thanks so much, Serina!" she replied, bouncing happily, "I don't know if I would have gotten through this without you!" Even though the two were standing in the center of the tavern, Celeste leaned in to give the succubus a quick hug, and said, "I'm really looking forward to working with you again soon!"

With her shift finished, Celeste hurried to the office to get changed. She carefully pulled off the waitress dress, setting it down softly with a wistful grin, and slipped back into her thin sun dress. After the cute barmaid outfit, the sundress seemed plain. 'I'll have to look for a new dress too when I go looking for underwear,' she though, before heading back out to talk to Al. Skipping cheerily up to the bar, she called out to him, "Hey Al! I'm finished my shift!" Coming to stand at the bar she leaned over it and smiled at the owner, then continued, "I think today went well, I can't wait for tomorrow! As she spoke to the dour bartender, she looked around for where she could collect her share of the tips.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"My pleasure sweetie!" Serina said when Celeste thanked her, leaning in and giving the mage a hug in return. "I won't be around tomorrow, it's my day off, but maybe I'll come and visit and see how someone else is handling you~ I'm on again the day after, so either way I'll be seeing you again soon!"

Parting ways with her mentor, Celeste would be able to don her old clothes and then go find Al, who would be busy at the bar for a few moments before a lull in business allowed her through. "Mmmm? Oh, good! I'm glad you liked it, Serina's been telling me you've done well, and all of your customers have seemed happy! Go in back and pick up your tips, be here by noon tomorrow. After your three days of training are done with, we'll draw up a proper schedule for you."

Entering the kitchens where the tips were kept, the board showed that Celeste had made, not including her tip from the bath, 38 denarii in tips. With just under a third of it going to the support staff who didn't get direct tips but who still did a lot of work, she had made herself 27 denarii plus what she'd gotten from the bath she'd worked for only about five hours of work. When she emerged from the kitchen with tip in hand, the mage would find Danikles waiting for her at the bar, sitting down and talking cheerfully to Al while he polished a glass.

The demonic commander grinned at Celeste upon catching sight of her, and broke off momentarily from his conversation and beckoned her over. "Ahhh, excellent! I'd almost thought you had slipped out the back! Sorry it took so long to show, lots of paperwork! How was your first day?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste nodded cheerily to Al before skipping happily to the back to collect her pay. Even with the portion taken out for the rest of the staff, she had still made a fair amount for the day's work. As she pooled her day's wage in with her tip from the bath, though, she wondered if perhaps she should be more willing to work in the bath, even with the less than likable clients. The extra coin might be worth enduring their lascivious hands. Shaking her head, she pocketed the her pay and returned to the bar, content to let the idea simmer in her mind. As Al had sad, it was her decision how friendly to be with the clients, and she could always make that decision another day.

Humming lightly, Celeste returned to the bar, looking over to Al to give him a wave only to stop with a start at the sight of Commander Danikles speaking to her boss. Though she had seen him just this morning, it seemed like months ago with everything that had happened recently, and she smiled brightly and skipped over to the bar to join the men. "Hi, Dani!" she called sweetly as she approached, "I thought you might have gotten busy back at the station and didn't have time to come!" Coming to stand next to the commander, she smiled brightly and bounced happily while answering, "My first day was great! I learned a lot about servicing customers, and I got to wear a really cute waitress dress all day!" She paused a moment, then giggled and added, "Well, I wore it for most of the day."

Since Danikles and Al had been talking when Celeste exited the back room, the busty blonde felt the need to expand the conversation. Looking over at Al, she smiled sweetly and began to introduce the two. "Commander, this is Al, my new boss! He's really sweet and helpful, despite the fact that he acts like a Crolian Grizzly Bear that didn't get to hibernate all year," she said, motioning over to the bartender with a smile and a wink. Turning back to the demon, she continued, "And this is Commander Danikles! I met him at the Guard Station, right after I had a... wardrobe malfunction." Her statement faltered as her face flushed red at the memory of being walked through the station naked as they searched for her missing dress. She laughed nervously, then spoke again, "He very kindly offered to show me around the city so I can learn more about demon society!" With the two introductions made, Celeste beamed happily at the two men, bouncing on her heels in her thin sundress.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Hah, like I'd pass up an opportunity to ogle your beautiful face!" the commander said, earning a narrowing of eyes from Al. "Eheh, well I'm sorry I missed that!" he said, but then quirked a curious eyebrow, "only *most* of the day? What happened that you *weren't* wearing it eh?" He seemed playfully curious, but should Celeste turn to introduce Al first he would let the matter drop until she wanted to bring it up again.

Al turned his narrowed gaze onto her for her comparison of him to a grumpy bear, but Danikles let out a burst of laughter and clapped the barkeep on the shoulder. "Hah! He has been rather.... Unbearable!" the commander said, still chuckling ad rubbing Al's shoulder while he turned back to Danikles to continue glaring dourly. "Uh huh... I hope you don't have, ahhh, wardrobe malfunctions too often," Al said grumpily without looking at Celeste again. "Oh, it was great!" Danikles said, causing Al's look to sour further.

That wouldn't stop him from continuing, however, and regardless of Celeste's attempts to interrupt him Danikles would continue; "She was wandering around bare naked, all jiggly and soft and embarrassed! Lost her clothes she did! It was so adorably hot! Especially when I walked in on her watching a pair of my soldiers having some fun on duty!" Al quirked an eyebrow and glanced at Celeste searchingly, seemingly wondering if it was true.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Well, I'm sure you'll get another chance!"Celeste replied to Danikles pained statement. She blushed at Danikles' question about her attire, shifting nervously before turning to introduce Al. "Just kidding, Al" she added with a giggle. She beamed as the commander laughed at her joke, though Al didn't seem to appreciate it, so she continued her introduction. When the bartender inquired about her embarrassing incident and the likeliness of similar occurrences, she was quick to wave her hand, intending to immediately dispel the thought. "N-no that was just..." she started, only to be cut off by the commander. Danikles was only too happy to expound on the story, much to the rapidly flushing girl's humiliation. She looked back and forth between the lewdly grinning commander and the scowling bartender, stuttering incoherently for a bit before finally saying, "W-well, I-I was dirty so I took a bath and then my clothes were gone so I had to... look for them..."

Realizing there was no easy way to explain the situation, Celeste quickly reached for Commander Danikles and pulled on his arm. "Uh, D-Dani, I need to go shopping, and Serina told me about a place called Thymera's! Could you show me where it is?" she asked insistently, her face glowing red as she rather pointedly looked away from Al and any of the other bar patrons that might have heard the story. Though she had on the thin sundress, Celeste felt even more exposed after that story than she did when she was walking through the station naked. "We can go do whatever you want after, please?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh, sure! I know a few other places too if you can't find what you need there," Danikles replied before hastily downing the drink he'd ordered. "Nice seeiin' yah again Al! Hope everything keeps going well for yah!" he continued as he set the mug down and wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, to which Al finally relinquished his scowl for a neutral expression and nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow Celeste, good work on your first day," the bartender replied.

Danikles hopped to his feet and offered Celeste an arm, and should she take it the demon commander would lead her out of the Wet Witch and onto the slightly busier streets of Acheron. "Soo.... Dani eh? I haven't been called that for... Actually, I don't think anyone's ever shortened my name to anything but Dan. I like it! It sounds cute, keep using it!" he said playfully as he oriented himself towards Acheron's main streets.

They started moving, passing many of Acheron's ever colorful inhabitants along the way. A pack of goblin women in shredded rags for clothes that barely covered the necessary bits, all packing clubs and hauling a trio of dazed looking goblin men between them trooped across their path at one point, prompting Danikles to roll his eyes knowingly and say; "Even here, they keep up their antics! I guess some people never change!" Demons and other magical folk of all shapes, colors, and sizes passed them, men, women, and those of indeterminate gender. Some looked entirely human or elven save a few features like horns, tails, wings, or sections of fur or scales where it shouldn't be. Others were more dramatically different, sporting claws, arrays of tentacles, butterfly or dragonfly wings, heads more like those of an animal than a man, or sporting bodies covered in fur or scales. Others were even more strange, sporting legs like those of animals, immense reptilian tails that looked like they could crush stone often ending in spikes or blades, or heads unlike any creature that Celeste had ever seen before.

Lesser demons, the gray skinned stalkers who wore little in order to avoid inhibiting their natural camouflage, the stubby goblins who so often grinned at Celeste in approval, and even a massive ogre that Danikles gave a wide berth even as the great beastlike humanoid lumbered past them hauling a pile of wood. Creatures of faerie were seen from time to time as well, gruffs, kobolds, satyrs, and even a pair of trolls squabbling over a closed wooden chest they passed. Humans were nearly as common as the demons, most looking Badarian judging by their complexion and hair color but the browns of Anudor, fairer skins of other Crolians, and the more unusual features of folk from the Amazon visible from time to time as well.

Even more notable were a few of the strangest individuals they passed. At one point, as they neared Acheron's main causeway, Celeste and Danikles had to make way for a large procession headed by a dark angel of such beauty that Celeste couldn't tear her eyes away, but the more she looked the more sad the woman seemed as a small army of servants trailed after her seemingly enraptured. Her hair and wings were raven black, while her skin was like pure ivory and unblemished, and her eyes were a deep, dark blue. Her body was perfect, like the statues of gods and goddesses she'd seen in the art halls back in Crolia given life, and even her method of walking was almost hypnotic. Among her servants was one of her unspoiled kin, blond and white winged, but with her brighter blue eyes empty, and a collar around her throat with a chain leading up to the mistress of the procession attached to it. Danikles frowned softly for as long as she and her procession walked past, and when she had passed he shook his head and tugged Celeste along while muttering; "Angels..."

After the procession went by, they passed a woman whose lower half was the body of a snake, and her humanoid half sported a pair of breasts that were individually larger than Celeste's head. Shortly after they passed her, they had to make way again as a literal dragon strolled down the street past them, followed by a long line people scowling at it as the great beast strutted along uncaring at how much space it took up, dark red scales gleaming along its lithe, serpentine form.

Along the way, Danikles kept up a constant stream of casual conversation, often explaining the origins of the places they passed. Asp's Den, a shop where all manner of rare and valuable artifacts were sold or traded. His favorite bakery that sold frosted treats in every shape and size, Beton's Bakery. His favorite bar, The Boiler Room, which he liked for its wide selection of drinks and for its warmth while still allegedly being quite spacious. Eventually, they turned down a side street containing a number of clothing shops, and Thymer's was the fifth shop on the left among the various places. "Here we are! Lets get you something to wear!" he said as he ushered inside, holding the door open while gently urging her forward with an arm on her lower back.

Inside, Celeste found a lavish clothing shop with all manner of pretty dresses, many of them very revealing or very tight, as well as all sorts of lingerie. There was a woman in a frilly red dress standing behind the counter, a reptilian tail raised high with a little bell jingling on the tip. She leaned over to reveal some impressive cleavage, and she smiled as Celeste and Danikles strode in, three other women perusing the shop glancing at them briefly before going back to examining the shop's wares. "Hello! Looking for anything in particular?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As soon as Danikles stood and offered his arm, Celeste hooked her own through it, tugging on him desperately, even though she was no where near strong enough to pull a man his size, let alone a demon. Despite the all encompassing embarrassment she was suffering through, Celeste managed to call back to Al, "See you tomorrow Al, and thanks for the job!" She kept her face down though, too flustered to look at the patrons as she fled the bar with the commander in tow. Once they were safely out of the bar, however, Celeste rather quickly returned to her normal perky self. Danikles' response to her nickname brought a quick smile to her face. "I'm glad you like it, Dani! I love pet names!" she said, giggling as she took on a bouncier gait, her arm still hooked in his.

As before, Celeste turned to look in curious glee at all the strange sights Acheron continued to give her as she and Danikles walked along the busy streets. She raised her eyebrow at the commander's exasperated attitude towards the goblins, though after her own run in with the creatures, decided not to ask any questions. She was amazed at the sheer diversity of the creatures on display, and wondered if mutation from the city's demonic inhabitants could really account for it all. Turning to look up at Danikles, she asked him, "So, the changes that happen to people from this world from contact with demons doesn't happen among demons?" She pursed her lips thoughtfully, mentally noting that she would have to be more careful in her dealings with the demonic people she had come to learn about, though made no move to distance herself from the commander. She returned the smiles of the goblins they passed, and kept her eyes respectfully askance of the almost naked stalkers while still taking the opportunity to get a better look at the normally hidden demons. "I can't believe so many of the faerie are here!" she exclaimed, pointing out a group of kobolds to the commander, "Everything I've read said they fought against your people when you showed up. You don't have any issues with them living in Acheron?"

Celeste looked around curiously as the crowded streets suddenly halted in the movement at an intersection, only to stare as the angelic procession made it's way among them. Though she had experience with people staring at her, she was surprised to find herself unable to look away at the ebon haired and raven winged angel leading the group. Every inch of the supernatural woman seemed perfect, bringing a blush to the young mage's face as she continued to pore over the angel's features. She shifted nervously as she self-consciously compared her own body, normally a point of pride to the young woman, to that of the dark beauty. Her jealousy gave way to empathy as she began to glean a sense of sadness from the woman, finally tearing her eyes away, only to have them fall on yet another of the incredibly beautiful creatures. This one was perfect in body much like the first, though her brighter countenance contrasted with her empty eyes. As Danikles tugged on her arm, Celeste brought a hand up to her neck, clearing her throat softly as she asked, "Do you get many... visitors to Acheron like that?" She didn't expound on the question, though her gaze lingered on the chained woman as the procession disappeared beyond the once again active crowd.

Somehow, the pair passed yet more of the strangely intriguing creatures on their way to the clothing store. The half snake woman with the enormous breasts brought a gasp from Celeste, so used to being regarded enviously because of her own large bust. She made no comment, though quickly brought her free hand to her own chest, gathering up some of the flimsy fabric of her dress before she continued along the street. She stared in amazement at the dragon as she and Danikles stopped to avoid it's callous stomps. While the young mage had read about the legendary creatures in many a history a book, seeing one first hand took her breath away as she took in it's gigantic, dangerous, and yet somehow still graceful form. Even as she marveled at the myriad wonders on display, however, Celeste still listened intently to Danikles' small talk, making a note of each of the places he pointed out as something she might visit later. She gazed curiously at the antiquities shop he pointed out, wondering what kind of relics might be waiting in a city like Acheron. She squealed excitedly at the mention of the bakery, having had a bit of a sweet tooth that she had been unable to indulge since leaving the Academy. While she wasn't much of a drinker herself, she regarded the bar with interest, wondering what kind of competition it might pose to the Wet Witch. As they approached Thymera's, Celeste took a quick look into the windows of the other clothing shops they passed, always interested in what might be available.

Celeste smiled at Danikles as he held the door open for her, offering a thank you as she stepped into the shop nervously, not sure what to expect given what she had seen of the clothing stores earlier in the day. As she stepped in, she gaped at the selection, instantly imagining herself in all of them. The sight of the lingerie and the feeling of Danikles' hand on her back quickly brought a mote of timidity to her expression as she realized she had come here looking for underwear without telling him. Before she could think of how to handle the situation, however, the shopkeeper greeted them. Celeste smiled at the bell swinging from her tail before replying, "Oh, hi, I'm Celeste!" She waited a second before nervously asking, "I was told Thymera's has a nice selection of... ummm... silks?" She shifted shyly, not wanting to look back at the demonic commander as she tried her best to motion with her hands towards her crotch. Hopefully, the shopkeeper would understand without letting Danikles know.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Hrm? No, we can't corrupt each other," Danikles replied as Celeste bounced merrily at his side, "but we're all shapeshifters. Some of us keep looking... Normal, to you, but just as many don't. It is kind of refreshing to be able to see the more exotic looking members of our kind able to walk around as they should be for a chance." He seemed genuinely amused as he observed her reactions to some of the odder looking members of his kind, and simply ignored the way she kept from looking at the stalkers as they continued on.

"Ahhh, no. The ones who took umbridge with us seem to have either left or eased off, so it's mostly just the poor little scrubs that mortals more commonly see that are now allowed to mingle. I guess they like having so many succubi around," he replied merrily in response to her questions about the faeries. Becoming slightly more serious, Danikles shrugged and continued; "We aren't even supposed to be on this world, and if you don't mind me saying.... As I see it a lot of the problems your people suffer seems to be caused by excluding each other, putting up barriers, that sort of thing. Our Queen would rather avoid such problems if at all possible, and I for one think she's got the right idea." Despite his oft irreverent and flippant mannerisms, Danikles spoke of the demon queen with undisguised and earnest reverence.

When they passed the odd angelic procession, Danikles frowned and shook his head. "No... The pure ones don't like to come here," he replied softly, "and the fallen ones... Don't tend to live for very long as I understand things." He seemed intent on leaving it at that, but Celeste could inquire further if she was still curious.

Once they had finally arrived at Thymera's, Danikles rolled his eyes and looked away as Celeste asked the shopkeeper for what she needed and motioned downwards. The woman caught on quick, following Celeste's gesture with a quirked eye brow before her tail straightened, making the bell on the end jingle, and her expression twisted into a knowing smirk. "Ahhhh, yes! Yes, I can help you!" she said with a hint of mirth in her voice, "your, ahhhhh, boyfriend will have to wait here though! I only deal with one customer at a time!"

Danikles merely rolled his eyes at the shopkeeper's teasing descriptor, "I'll be over here then, have fun Celeste!" He gently urged her forward with a soft push on her lower back, and the shopkeeper ushered Celeste towards the changing rooms, which were actually fairly spacious considering the size of the shop and comfortably able to hold both Celeste and the demonic saleswoman. "So.... What does he like?" she whispered conspiratorially when they were alone together, "you asked for silk, yes? Any particular color or make you'd be interested in? And are you looking for tops and bottoms matching?" She actually seemed hungry to know, staring at Celeste with impatient hunger as she awaited an answer from the pretty Crolian mage while her tail flicked back and forth to produce pleasant little jingles every few seconds.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As they approached the clothing shop, Celeste was hugging tighter than ever to Danikles' side. At first her excitement about Acheron and it's inhabitants had been purely from seeing rare sights and learning new things. As Danikles explained more about the city, it's people, and it's Queen, however, Celeste began to form an appreciative respect for what was happening in the oft maligned City of Demons. His assessment of humanity brought a sheepish smile to the mage's face, but it quickly brightened and she nodded when he mentioned the Queen's idea. "It certainly makes for a much more interesting place to live," she agreed, "The Queen sounds like a very intelligent person. I can't wait to meet her!"

At Thymera's, Celeste smiled cheerily when the shopkeeper quickly deciphered her cryptic clues, though she blushed at her description of Danikles. "W-well he's not r-" she began, before the commander cut her off and let the jingly tailed shopkeeper lead her back towards the changing rooms. Once inside, Celeste's blush deepened when asked about Danikles' preference in lingerie. The young mage had no idea what the demonic commander would like, especially considering she had never worn underwear in his presence. She stuttered for a moment, her mind racing at how she could explain the situation to the shopkeeper, but at the same time sincerely wondering what Danikles might like to see her in.

"W-well, h-he likes things that are... thin, and showy," Celeste finally said, a slight smile lightening her face as she recalled how Danikles had enjoyed the altered dress she had received in the guard station. "S-so something lacy, maybe" she continued, her blush relaxing, though she still had trouble looking at the shopkeeper directly, "Maybe something that... shows off a little, maybe sheer, but still keeps me covered in the... important places." Celeste bit her moment, and then continued, "I like purple, if you have anything in that shade, and I would prefer for the tops and bottoms to match, please." As she gave more description, Celeste began to look down at herself, imagining what she would look like wearing them.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Danikles would roll his eyes and laugh at the idea of Celeste meeting their queen, though not in a derisive manner. "It does make for a fun place to live, doesn't it?" he said jovially, "never running out of new things to stare at... Though it's not exactly easy to meet our Queen, I'm surprised you're aiming so high so soon!"

Once in Thymera's, however, Celeste would endure the demonic commander's teasing gaze for only a moment before being swept into the changing room with the bell-toting shopkeeper. Her jingling tail swished back and forth happily as she offered the mage a conspiratorial grin. "Oooh... Likes to see a bit eh?" she said, "hrm.... Lacy, purple, and sheer? I definitely can manage that! Just wait right here and... Get ready to try things on!"

She hurried out of the dressing room, leaving Celeste alone for a few minutes before returning with arms laden with garments, tail jingling excitedly all the while such that Celeste could track her progress around the store. Most of it was purple, but she had a few things in red, pink, blue, and even white. Neglige offering varying levels of coverage were on offer, much of it either exclusively bottoms or matching sets, though a few pieces were more like nightwear than proper undergarments, and a few pieces couldn't be called decent by any stretch of the imagination. The shopkeeper offered the first of them expectantly, obviously waiting to see Celeste model them while her bell continued to jingle merrily as her tail swished back and forth.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Silly!" Celeste said with a smile as they approached the clothing shop, "Of course I'm going to see the Queen. I came here specifically to talk to her!" She giggled, then added, "I mean, that's what I was chosen to come here for!"

As the shopkeeper made her way through the store, Celeste took a moment to look at the clothing on display around the dressing rooms. Though she had often been to the tailors in the city outside the Crolian Academy, the young woman was amazed at the finery on display, especially considering it was all designed to be worn underneath clothing and rarely, if ever, seen by others. Silk was a luxury imported from the Amazon, a land almost as far from the Academy as Acheron was, and was highly prized even among nobles. Though Celeste had enjoyed shopping for fancy new clothes from time to time, she had never seen a store with such a selection as Thymera's. When the jingling bell signaled the return of the shopkeeper, Celeste hurriedly turned back to her, a blushing smile as she anxiously awaited what she might be allowed to try on.

Celeste's face lit up as she saw the varied selection the shopkeeper had returned with. She studied each piece of clothing intently as they were revealed, giggling giddily at each new set. Though there were all beautiful, the young woman blushed furiously at the most risque pieces, unsure if she was willing to try such indecent articles on, even if they were going to be underneath her clothing. When the shopkeeper handed her the first set, a bright red bottom with elaborate flower style trimming, Celeste took it gently and smiled, then paused as she realized the woman expected her to try it on while in the dressing room with her.

Celeste laughed nervously then nodded without a word before turning around and pulling the thin sun dress over her head, smoothly laying it down next to her. She delicately slipped the underwear up her legs, gently pulling the silk into place before looking down to admire it with a smile, angling herself back and forth as she inspected it. After a few moments, she turned back to the bell-tailed shopkeeper, a sheepish smile on her face as she posed and asked, "I think it looks nice." As she posed for the shopkeeper, she gradually became more comfortable with being half dressed in front of her. After a few moments more of modelling the underwear, Celeste eagerly reached for a new piece to try on, a matching purple top and bottom with flowery lace trim that looked so cute.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Perception: ???
"Eheheheh, of course!" Dainkles said playfully, "you must be quite qualified as a diplomat to be trusted with such an important mission!"

The shopkeeper would make no remark as Celeste turned away to disrobe, having nothing in the way of underwear and thus once more ending up fully naked in front of a total stranger. When she turned back with her prospective undergarments on, the woman's tail jingled and she cooed approvingly. "Ooooh, they look wonderful! They'd go especially nice with some leggings," she said, but as she posed Celeste would notice something odd about the woman handing her outfits.

The woman moved somewhat stiffly save for her tail, which wagged regularly and produced its pleasant little jingle from the bell on the top. Celeste would also notice an odd line or two on her dress where it went taut against her skin, as if there was something else underneath. Regardless, she would happily let Celeste try on as many of her selections as she liked, commenting approvingly for most of them and complimenting the busty mage's figure and poise, fairly obviously buttering her up in an effort to increase her sales. The mage would be able to buy as many pieces as she liked, in nearly whatever style she liked, and if she requested such the storekeeper would go and bring out more suggestions for her just to try and get what she liked.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste winked at Danikles' after his teasing comment, before admitting, "Well, it took some persuading to get the Academy to send me, but that's what being a diplomat is all about right?" She giggled, then added, "And people do say I have a silver tongue!" Truthfully, no one had ever said that about Celeste, but she liked to think that they would. As if to illustrate the point, she stuck her tongue out at the commander, before laughing again and leading him towards the shop, eager to find what clothing she could.

Despite having given her own positive remarks on the underwear, Celeste still blushed at the bell-tailed shopkeeper's approval. "Leggings?" she asked curiously, once again looking down at herself while imagining a pink skintight set complimenting the red piece. "M-maybe" she said softly, one hand sliding along her smooth thigh before she blushingly looked back at the shopkeeper to try on another article.

Each piece of underwear Celeste tried on felt wonderful, and they looked even better. The young woman could hardly believe she had found a store with such an incredible selection, and she was already considering buying everything the shopkeeper had brought even if it cost all of the money she had been saving so far. Rather than buy the whole store out, though, Celeste began putting aside the pieces she liked the most. The pile grew rather quickly, though it mostly consisted of matching sets of red, purple, or blues, often with fancy trimming, and many thin or sheer. "Maybe I should try out some leggings to go with some of these," Celeste said questioningly, though if the shopkeeper brought some, the young woman would try them on without hesitation.

As she reached for the next fabulously tailored article, Celeste noticed the shopkeeper moving a little oddly. Her dress seemed a little tight in some spots as well, which the busty young blonde could understand, though it was strange that someone who worked in a clothing store would let something like that show. She didn't want to say about it directly to the woman, however, as she didn't want to be rude. Instead, as Celeste moved to take a very skimpy light blue set, she politely asked, "That's a nice dress you have, do you sell it here?" If the woman noticed the trouble areas on her dress, then Celeste might be able to save her future embarrassment, without even calling attention to it now. 'I'm so thoughtful!'
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Aahahahha, of course of course!" Danikles replied playfully, before giggling softly as she stuck out her tongue at him. "Be careful there," he warned her, "ahah, I might have to test how silver that tongue of yours really is!" He winked and gave her bottom a playful pinch just as they entered the shop, and if that produced a noticeable reaction from Celeste then some of the already present customers might take notice, though it wouldn't be likely to change how things progressed from there.

"Definitely! I'll get you some to match, we can come up with a few outfits for you~ You can even show your boyfriend some early if you like, though you'd better keep your favorite for later!" Thymera said when Celeste seemed slightly hesitant about the leggings, and when the bubbly mage caved moments later to her suggestion she merrily went off to collect some in several colors and designs.

Her efforts to get the woman to straighten herself out didn't seem to register at first, but when Thymera realized what Celeste had seen she suddenly blushed furiously. "Oh.... Uhm... Uhh... I... Yes! Of course!" she stuttered awkwardly while brushing her fingers over the material, replacing the slight ruffles that had hidden the odd line earlier, "I can get you one if you like! Oooorrr something else if you'd like to see some more of our selection!" Her flustered state didn't last long, however, and she returned to complimenting Celeste in her various outfits, managing to sell each one in a relatively fresh manner even with as many as she'd picked out.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste giggled childishly at Danikles' playful remark, but jumped with a loud yelp as she felt the sudden sting on her bottom. Her eyes widened in shock for a moment as she looked up at the commander, before her expression softened to the kind of smirk one gives a precocious child as she gently rubbed her behind. When she noticed the curious eyes of the shoppers already in Thymera's, Celeste's face turned bright red and she quickly brought her hands back around to her front. She smiled nervously for a second, before the jingling bell on the tail of the shopkeeper caught her attention.

Inside the dressing room, Celeste eagerly tried on everything she could. The shopkeeper's mention of Danikle's again brought a blushing giggle from the mage. "N-no, he's not... I mean... m-maybe later..." she stuttered at the thought of the demon as her boyfriend, shyly looking away from the shopkeeper as though to hide from having to explain the situation. Thankfully, the woman was already out of the dressing room, off to look for matching sets of leggings, leaving Celeste to quickly leap toward the curtain and close it before anyone could see her nearly nude inside. By the time the bell tailed woman returned, Celeste had composed herself, and eagerly began trying them on, running her fingers along her legs and enjoying how the fabric felt. "I... I think I like these," she said hesitantly, setting aside a few pairs that went well with the the underwear she intended to purchase.

Once Thymera had straightened her dress, Celeste smiled sweetly and said, "Oh, I would love to see what you have! There's so much here that I'd like to try!" Before the woman could run back out of the room, however, Celeste motioned back to the ever growing pile of underwear and lingerie she had set aside. "Although, I think maybe I should wait until another day for that," she said with a slight giggle, "I think I may already have fallen in love with more of this clothing that I can afford!" Still wearing a thin dark blue matching set of underwear, she began to separate all the different sets she had tried on and liked. By the time she was finished, Celeste had set aside more than a dozen sets of underwear, much of it with sheer detailing, in a variety of colors, three pairs of the thin leggings, as well as a thin black chemise that barely covered her body with it's translucent fabric, and a skin-tight one-piece purple lace teddy with a plunging neckline and high rise panty line, showing almost as much skin as it covered. "H-how much will this cost?" she asked, twiddling her fingers and biting her lip nervously as she looked at Thymera.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh, for all those? Hum hum hum... Is that... Fifteen sets of underwear? And three pairs of leggings... Oooh, good choice on that chemise... Mmmm, and that teddy, also an excellent choice! All together... Well, for you, I have to give a special deal! Lets say... Thirty eight denarii for the lot!" she said, smiling. It was a few coins more than she'd made, but it was a lot of clothing, and the woman had obviously put in a lot of work to make all of it. She looked to Celeste hopefully, waiting for an answer to her price.