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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"Oh, that's even easier then! I think I even remember the area you're talking about," the foxgirl would reply with a cheerful grin. It was mostly true. Admittedly, her memory when it came to places hadn't benefitted from her unique vision, as one color-changing mass could easily be any other, but she was pretty sure she remembered the main roads and could navigate her way back to that intersection and she definitely had means of finding her way back to the arena reliably. "I can have it and be back with no problem at all!"

She was so giddy that it was hard to sit still. Her doing a quest for a knight? It was so cool! She'd come so far from the sparring field and her mother's training. And if she succeeded people would definitely see just how hard she had worked and how capable she was as a warrior and an adventurer! She might even earn a title like Lady or the Something or of the Something Else! And then when she went back her mother would have to admit that she didn't need coddled anymore. It was going to be great!

Oormi didn't even think to ask why the man was unable to obtain it himself given that he was presumably a warrior, or even pay for that matter, instead launching directly into the task at hand. "I'll have it back as soon as I'm able!" The blind kitsune would move to stand up and begin casting a few cantrips on herself in order to strengthen her body and find the arena again, though she would interrupt herself in the middle of the second one. "Er, unless there was anything else, that is," she added lamely, realizing that he hadn't quite dismissed her yet and hadn't actually given her anything to identify her to Asp.

Casting a level 2 buff on herself, Inner Strength from nature, for +12 body at 2 EP and no upkeep. Casting Locate from the Arcane tree aimed at the Arena in order to get an idea of where it is as well, though only if Reggie really is ready for her to get moving, which also costs 2 EP and no upkeep.

The +12 body would put her up to 18 perception 'n stuff. If she does end up getting moving toward Asp's Den this post then she's mainly just going to try to stick to the main roads, staying away from rapealleyways, and make her way to the intersection that leads to it and look for Asp's shop from there.

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Find (Arena)


(Herp Spider.... Herp!)


Perception: 32
Stealth: ?? and ???

"Take this writ of reclamation," said her new employer as he offered Oormi an envelope drawn from his pocket, "and guard it well! It contains a bank note for the payment of what you will acquire, as well as the notation of what I require. Take care! Someone might try to take this from you!" Once Oormi had taken the offered envelope, Reginald would rise from his chair and continue; "Come back as soon as you have it... But don't let your haste lead you into trouble!"

With that, he would approach Oormi, wrapping an arm around her waist as he led the young blind girl out, going all the way to the door. He would bid her a solemn goodbye, wishing her good luck, and when she was ready to go Oormi would be able to take the route of her preference. Unfortunately, her range of perception didn't allow her to realize that she had started being followed as soon as she left the door, though after a little while walking down the main street she would come to realize that one of the presences around her was becoming increasingly familiar.

Before she could make any effort to lose the person tailing her, however, a man would suddenly bump right into Oormi, interrupting both of their momentum instantly. His hands came up to catch her immediately, keeping both of them from stumbling as his greater weight had pushed her enough that she had to stumble slightly from surprise if nothing else. One of his hands just so happened to grab a handful of her ass in the process, and the other just so happened to land on her breast. The subtle but nonetheless distracting kneading was surely an accident too.

"Ooof! Oh, uhhhh, sorry!" a cheerful male voice said, "sorry about that.... Accident! Must have.... Not been looking where I was going." Before she could respond to the wiry man's apology, however, a third body slammed into both of them, and a much angrier masculine voice belonging to the second figure that in Oormi's sight looked bright red grunted; "Watch where yer fuckin going!" The man disentangled himself quickly, but not before Oormi had to endure a second pair of hands "accidentally" groping her.

The second man wandered off without further comment, and the first stepped back and drew his hands away from her. "Eheh.... Well, I'm really very sorry! I'm just so clumsy sometimes! My name is Sebastion, what's yours?" he said jovially, but as he spoke Oormi would realize that the second man had turned down an alley and promptly started sprinting.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

"I'll be back with it in no time at all!" The foxgirl's proclamation came as her benefactor bid his own farewell to her at the door. She thoroughly regretted leaving her satchel in her room as she considered what to do with the envelope in her hand. The kitsune had long ago discovered that one of the worst downsides of wearing clothing for its looks was that the prettiest dresses and outfits rarely ever had pockets, the reasoning behind it being completely beyond Oormi, and the cheongsam she had donned that day fell into the same category. She hadn't expected to even seek Reginald out that day though, let alone undertaking a mission as a courier, so it couldn't be helped.

She would slide the envelope between the fabric of her underwear and the outside of her leg, hoping that it would remain secure there for the duration of her trip, and then set off for the main roads. She made a habit of patting the envelope to ensure that it was there and hadn't slipped away, completely unaware of what a target she was making the item. The blind kitsune was nothing if not dutiful, she would fight to the bitter end if only for Reginald's trust in her, but she was woefully inexperienced, especially in matters of subterfuge. She was an easy target for what came next as, during one such distracting check to ensure the envelope was still present, she slammed into someone and rapidly found herself the center in the pileup that ensued.

Confusion over just how long the red humanoid who collided into her second had been nearby in order for her sight to pick him up so clearly was wiped away quickly by the feel of wandering hands against her rear and both of her breasts. The kneading left her face flushed as her sensitive skin was worked over by two strangers. They would break away before she could protest at their actions though, and quickly enough that she was still willing to naively sum them up as nothing more than an accident rather than decrying them as perverts or worse.

"It was no problem at all, really! I was a little distracted too. Er, I'm Oormi," she replied to Sebastion's introduction with a slight bow of her head toward the man. Her cheeks were still bright red with embarrassment aimed equally at the bump and the groping. She wasn't paying much attention to the fleeing second, not initially. It was entirely reasonable that he was in a hurry, after all. It wasn't until she moved to straighten up her dress and check to make sure that her envelope was still in place and found the latter missing and nowhere nearby that the foxgirl became more interested in his whereabouts. "Oh no," she whispered under her breath, mentally cursing herself for her own inexperience.

Sebastion would briefly lose all of her attention as she began to rework the spell she had used to locate the arena, strengthening it and setting the envelope she had been entrusted with as a new target for its magic. What came next would depend largely on where the spell pointed her.

Dropping the level 2 Locate spell and instead casting level 3 Find on the envelope. 4 EP cost, DG3.5 listing says nothing about an upkeep apparently so yeah.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 50/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter)


(Herp Spider.... Herp!)


Casting: Success.

"Ehhhehh.. Well, despite the circumstances, it's lovely to meet you miss Oormi!" Sebastion said brightly, but as Oormi felt for the letter and found it missing his face would tick slightly. The blind girl wouldn't see the subtle shift in expression as she cast her spell, however, and she would be glad that she did rather than follow after the man who had gone running. Her magic didn't point her at him, but at Sebastion, who was still smiling at her charmingly. The street wasn't well populated by that point, but a trio of mean looking bald goblins who had been walking by stopped and turned to watch the scene play out with some curiosity on their scarred faces. There were a handful of people, most of whom resembled demons like Isolde in her strange perception, but no one else was paying them any mind.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

With the evidence provided by her spell, Sebastion's charming comments and matching smile would only earn him a frown from Oormi. What a scoundrel, to be able to steal from her and then so brazenly try to win her over with false kindness. The kitsune was not her mother though. She did not reach for her sword or harbor any thoughts of lifting the man up by his legs and shaking him until the letter fell out. Instead she sighed, which with her eyes hidden behind her blindfold was the only evidence that she wasn't really angry at this stranger whom she'd met not more than seconds prior but only terribly disappointed in him.

"Please give it back, Sebastion, if that's truly your name," she requested of the man, adopting a more ready stance in case he attempted to sprint off or attack her but still not reaching for her weapon. "I know you took it, not the other man, but if you give it back then we can both go our separate ways and forget this ever happened." It was a chance to resolve things peacefully and between themselves. If he didn't accept then.... Well, more drastic actions would need to be considered.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 39/80, PP = 72, EP = 50/60, Status = Badly Wounded, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP


(Herp Spider.... Herp!)


Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 5 + 2 = 14, 14 * 3 = 42, 42 - 1 = 41 damage. Clothes take 21 damage.
Resistance: Oormi wins. Two of the three goblins succeed.

Oormi's quiet request caught the man who had stolen the letter by surprise, and he took a single step back and didn't reply immediately. "Ahhh.... How impressive," he said softly, no longer trying to be charming and now instead sounding somewhat sad. Oormi felt the goblins taking more interest in them, even fanning out to come closer, but before the trio of lesser demons did anything Sebastion continued; "I am afraid that I cannot do that... And.... I am deeply sorry about this.... FUS!"

The moment the man spoke there was a thunderous crack, a flash of power appeared around the man's throat, and something immensely powerful and invisible slammed into Oormi before she could react in any meaningful way. Only her training to resist magic saved the young kitsune from being hurled back into the nearest building, and as the wave of power washed across the goblins behind her one of them seemed unable to resist that call and ended up being hurled through the window of a closed bakery. The other two surprisingly weathered the assault, but like Oormi they only managed to resist that portion of the power.

All three of them were practically driven to their knees, the breath knocked from their lungs momentarily, and in that moment Sebastion turned and vaulted.... Far higher than any man should have. He cleared twenty feet and landed on a roof, moving eerily slowly while in the air as if under some other magical effect, and started running immediately, though he wouldn't clear the roof to leap across an alley to the next rooftop before Oormi could start responding to his sudden retreat. "Fecking sorcerer!" one of the goblins who had kept from being blown away by the blast shouted through coughs, already lunging for the building and managing to scramble up the side of the building with startling speed, "Gorb, check on Nirk, I'll chase is' one down!"

The other goblin moved to check on their companion, and none of them seemed to be paying much attention to Oormi at this point despite that it had been she who had been robbed.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hafnium, and Hentaispider)

The foxgirl didn't see the world as others did. She no longer had the pleasure of seeing the sunshine on warm summer's day. The kitsune would never be able to look at someone that she loved and take in all their features, their beauty, the color of their hair, or the connection that two lovers could share when their eyes met. Even in terms of protecting herself, she'd never be able to spot a glint of light off of the steel of a hidden attacker or someone stalking her through a window. But, in exchange for all of that, she saw magic and spiritual powers quite well. The foxgirl's sight was based in energy, the energy in all living things including herself, even if she had never fully realized how her own vision worked.

The amount of energy in the air was usually small enough that it was imperceptible to her and the same was true with that found in most buildings and books and the ground and trees. In the latter case she relied on her own energy to stretch out and rebound off of them, painting them with her own energy so that she could see them. It was true with most other humanoids too. Even among spirit wielders and mages, at least when they were inactive, their souls required her to spend some amount of time around them before their energy became its own beacon that she could easily spot. There were a few exceptions, her 'father' was one of those. When she looked in her own way at the woman she had inherited her kitsune blood from, even when she wasn't wielding it she exuded such energy that Oormi couldn't tell where her physical body ended and where the aura of her soul began.

So while she had no formal training when it came to foiling magic, even though her sister had taught her the basics of the application of magic and spiritual powers, she had an innate advantage at it. She could often see spells and their underpinnings as clearly as a normal person could see clothing and the stitches holding it together, which was to say easily and with enough inspection respectively. When Sebastion worked his power, even though it was in the flash of an instant, she saw the energy around him stir. It spewed forth from him like mist in the otherwise blank space and with that moment's warning not only that his attack was coming but the shape of it, the foxgirl was able to set herself against it. Oormi turned her side toward it and simultaneously swung a leg back and raised her arms defensively in order to better brace herself and allow the force to break around her narrow profile rather than hitting her squarely. For her quick reaction she managed to stay standing even if it did little to reduce the pain, which was almost enough to leave her unconscious.

Her blindfold was blown completely away, leaving her dully glowing, pupilless red eyes visible, and her cheongsam was torn so badly that her underwear was all that was protecting her modesty, but she didn't have much time to fret over the destruction of her brand new clothing. Sebastion had fled before she recovered enough to counterattack, bounding to the roof likely assisted by some other form of magic though she was too far away to get an idea of the amount of power put into the spell. Oormi's initial plan was actually to allow him to flee so that she could mend herself and pursue him on her own terms. Preparation was important against a mage like him and with her location magic she would be able to find the letter no matter where he took it, maybe even ambush him on his way to redeem it. When the goblin sprung into action and began to pursue the man, however, she knew she couldn't let him go after the potentially dangerous thief alone.

But she decided not to follow him in climbing up the building. The foxgirl knew she would've been able to, she'd climbed more than her fair share of trees under her mother's physical conditioning, but Sebastion would just as likely leap away again and lead them in a chase that was to his advantage. Instead, she decided to offer support from the ground. With a goblin pursuing him and whatever spell he was using at his disposal, it seemed likely to her that the wielder would pick another distant target to aim at so that he could gain ground quickly and leave his pursuer with as many gaps to leap as possible. In response to the expected strategy, Oormi would move as close to the edge that Sebastion seemed like he was going to leap from as possible, and when he was fully committed to his jump she would try to steal his magic away from him with a spell of her own and leave him to the mercy of gravity.

Oormi moves on the ground to try to get a good view of the edge Sebastion is going to jump from. Then she attempts to Dispel (Dispel (Utility) [Removes a random Spell or Effect from the target if the caster wins a Resistance check against the target.]) his ass mid-air. This costs 2 EP. Even with the -8 casting penalty from taking HP damage she still has 11 so auto succeeds the cast. HOPE HE BREAKS BOTH OF HIS LEGS FROM THE FALL. IT'S WHAT HE GETS FOR DESTROYING HER NEW CLOTHES.

Oormi has 33 resistance with her buff.

To, uh, be honest I'm also a bit foggy. I remember Dispel not having an attack vs dodge check. If it does she's going to spend 10 EP on spirited warrior to raise her attack by +20, which would put her at 1d20+42 on the attack roll.

If it does not have an attack roll then I'd have her spend it on increasing resistance by 20, which would put her dispel attempt resistance at 53. This said, DG4 makes this not doable technically because this'd be a Focus check and Spirited Warrior in DG4 only allows for offensive bonuses on Reflex checks, so while there's no explicit ruling against it in DG3 I don't mind this being nixed if preferred, in which case she does not spirited warrior at all (man spirited warrior totally needs a temporary speed boost option or high jump or something).
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 39/80, PP = 72, EP = 38/60, Status = Badly Wounded, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP


(Herp Spider.... Herp!)


Dispel requires no attack roll, and as this thread is still using DG3 rules she can use Spirited Warrior to increase her Resistance.

Casting: Success.
Resistance: Oormi wins. On a random roll, she dispels Force armor.

And so Oormi remained on the ground, rushing around the building rather than onto it as Sebastion moved to lunge across the street. Breaking from the alleyway just as he took off, the kitsune reached out with her power and found two effects active on him, and in the heat of the moment she could only break one of them. Her magic pierced that of the thief, shattering it, but still the man hovered as if suspended on strings through the air. She had dispelled the wrong thing, it seemed, and the goblin hurled himself off the building after him. He never cleared the smaller side street, smashing through a window in the building next door, and Sebastion quickly hurried on over the next roof, likely to leap for the next. He was getting farther away, and Oormi would have to hurry if she wanted to catch up.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

The blind foxgirl winced in empathy as the pursuing goblin missed his jump and went crashing through a window. She had put a little too much faith in his ability to cross the gap between buildings or she would've granted him a cantrip similar to the one Sebastion was using. As the only pursuer left and still beneath the rooftops, it seemed that he might successfully escape her for the time being.

Retrieving the letter was lower on the blind kitsune's list of priorities than ensuring that the three bystanders who'd been swept up in the chase were okay. Oormi wasn't even really disheartened by the possibility of Sebastion escaping -- after all, she had ways of tracking the man down no matter how far he fled -- but the thought did chisel at her pride. Her first serious responsibility on her own and she had run into a setback almost directly outside of her benefactor's door. That wound to her ego demanded that she try to stop the man one last time before turning to treat the two goblins and whatever injuries they'd received.

So the kitsune went rushing off, trying to predict which building the thief would jump to next. Oormi instinctively moved to retry what she had before, only with enough power to steal all of the man's spells from him, but stopped herself. He already knew that trick and now that the goblin was no longer pursuing him and she was still on the ground and easily tracked, Sebastion would have plenty of time to come up with and employ any strategy he had up his sleeve to protect against it. If he jumped to a building that was a shorter distance away he wouldn't even need the spell to last through the jump to make it.

Her next thought was to attempt to blow him out of the sky with an emulation of his own spell or similar, but her sight left her woefully unable to track and predict his movements to do as much and while she wanted the letter back she certainly didn't want to leave a man paralyzed or dead from an uncontrolled fall. It was an important item to her task, but no more important to her than her vow. She could try to temporarily blind him without pain using her magic but that would only prolong the chase which would mean more time before she could return to ensure the goblins were okay.

So instead of those options, she took an all or nothing gambit and employed the strategy she'd used against Medea. She moved and dropped the strength boon she had conjured earlier. Once she was in unimpeded view of the building she expected him to jump to next she would wait for him to make that leap and then, midway through his slowed glide, she would summon a ready set of waiting tentacles at his targeted ledge to grab the man as soon as he was within reach of them.

Move closer toward the next building in Sebastion's path. She's got a speed of 26, so if it's a straight line she can move 52 feet and otherwise she can move 26 feet.

Drop the +12 body buff after movement in order to summon Entangling Vines on the ledge of the building that Sebastion jumps toward next. Level 2 spell, costs 2 EP. Use dat locate spell to predict which side which side he's going for.

Vines would have 20 body but 32 grapple. She instructs them to attempt to grapple Sebastion as their immediate action.

At 45 dodge (still hasn't drawn her sword), 27 resistance, an 15 perception after the buff is dropped, should any of them come up.

Full Spell Info: Entangling Vines (Summon) [This creature gets the Tentacles Special Mutation, the Sluggish Flaw, and the Grapple Expert Talent. When this creature is summoned, it automatically attempts to grapple the nearest three creatures unless the character designates other targets. It cannot grapple creatures that it is not aware of with these automatic attacks.]
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Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

As she arrives at the tavern, Lumi quickly strides inside and steps to the side of the door, pausing for a moment to let her gaze wander around the tavern before heading further in and going to talk with the bartender, her ears twitching nervously. Foolish to come here alone, even more foolish to look like myself. "Excuse me, is there a man named Rufus here? I believe he would like to see me."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 39/80, PP = 72, EP = 38/60, Status = Badly Wounded, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP


"Back table. Inna' corner," the barkeep grunted solemnly, and there Lumi would see an older seemingly human man clad in rich but somewhat worn and mismatched clothes seated at a single table by himself, reading a newspaper with a half empty cup of cold coffee and an empty but dirty plate sitting on the table in front of him. There was a single empty chair across from the bald, pudgy faced figure, waiting to be taken, but Lumi was free to approach the man however she wished.


Summons don't take buff slots, cleared that up.

Casting: Success.
Attack: Given three tries.... 34, fail, 40, fail, 49... Not so fail. But not quite the success you'd like because extra chances.

Vines sprung from stone at Oormi's beck and call, lashing out at Sebastion as he made to float across the next gap. The first few missed his ankles by inches, but just as he seemed to be out of their reach, one of them caught his ankle and ruined his momentum, causing him to spin in mid air and them crash against the next building back first rather than land safely on its roof. Whatever magic was letting him float ended with that impact, but rather than slide down head first the man caught himself enough to twist, landing on his side in a pile of refuse with an audible thump and a grunt instead. Oormi had stopped following after getting in range to summon her vines, and so would be unable to reach him before he got to his feet, sweating but seemingly alright, but then the goblin who had gone through the window slammed through another one and came out in a roll, getting to its feet with a jump and then charging at Sebastion while roaring with a club raised over his head, clearly intent on braining the thief.

Were she of a mind to, Oormi could order her vines to stop the goblin's charge, but she would have to act quickly, and if she did only she would be able to stop the man from making some other ploy for escape before she could catch him.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

The blind foxgirl would wince in empathy once again as Sebastion, like the goblin before him, ended up not making the jump and succumbed to gravity's embrace. With her last ditch effort working and putting him back in her reach the chase was back on though, and her mind was quickly racing for some way to reliably prevent his escape. Or at least it was until the goblin, in an impressive display of persistence, came crashing through another window and right after Sebastion as if his pursuit had never even paused.

His apparent intent to brain the thief would end up forcing Oormi's hand. "Don't kill him! I want him alive!" She would call out toward the goblin. The kitsune wasn't relying on words alone to see ensure that the thief would live through his own capture though. The self-proclaimed wave wielder multitasked, simultaneously using her energy to pull water from the ground and air to form a tight dome around Sebastion to limit his movement, hamper his ability to gain much ground even once he got through the water, and prevent the goblin from killing him in a single spell. At the same time she silently willed her vine to continue its efforts to grab the thief, allowing the water to part just enough to allow its tentacles to lash through and attempt to entangle the entrapped thief. Finally, as everything else was happening she finally drew her sword and dashed to catch up with the cluster of action, trying to gain enough ground so that she could physically make an attempt to disable him and end the chase once and for all.

Round 1: Cast Wall of Water in a dome (or a circle if dome isn't possible) around Sebastion to keep him from running and keep the goblin from braining him. This costs 2 EP and she auto succeeds 'cos 19 base casting vs 10 DC. She additionally spends 5 EP to boost her resistance by 10 with spirited warrior for the round, more to ensure she wins the check against the goblin than against Sebastion >.>. You also missed EP expenditure last round I think so she should go down another 2 EP for that, putting her at 29 EP left.

Order vines to grab at Sebastion. Then Oormi draws her sword and starts moving toward them peoples.

Spellstuffs: Wall of Water (Utility) [Creates a small barrier of water that blocks a creature from passage. Moving through the wall takes a turn unless the creature(s) making the attempt wins a Resistance check against the caster.]

43 resistance, 26 speed, 61 dodge 'cos duelist finally active + body buff, 18 perception, should any of it come up.

Cheat Sheet
When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +5 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and potent, she legit. becomes pregnant if sperm looks at her funny and can probably impregnate others through pore contact.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 39/80, PP = 72, EP = 29/60, Status = Badly Wounded, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP




Casting: Success
Resistance: Oormi wins.

Attack: Success.

The goblin would slow down, but not stop as Oormi called out to him to keep him from crushing Sebastion's head. The thief tried to take that opportunity to turn and flee, but her dome of water appeared around him slowed him down, leaving him stumbling and allowing her vines to grab him. The goblin and Oormi had him cornered then, and the thief settled and frowned at them. "You try any more tricks, an' I'll have yer brains on the nearest wall regardless of what the lady says!" the goblin grunted sourly, holding up a studded cudgel menacingly, and after a moment he nodded sadly and hung limply in the grasp of the vines. "Feh.... You'd better!" the goblin grunted, and then glanced at Oormi sideways while keeping an eye on Sebastion. "Howdy! I'm Rogroth, of the Red Watch. What'd he take?"
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Rogroth, and I'm very grateful for your help. I'm Oormi, normally I'd offer a curtsy but given current circumstances I think it's best to postpone that," she offered apologetically, similarly unwilling to wholly remove her focus from Sebastion lest he pull another trick from his sleeve. As she spoke, she would simultaneously psychically order her vines to firmly bind the thief's hands to further hinder his casting, and as a secondary precaution behind that she prepared her own counterspell to disrupt any efforts he might make to cast. "He stole an envelope that I was hired to deliver to a store owner named Asp. I wasn't led to believe that there would be any particular risk of it being targeted." It wasn't the entire story, but for the most part it was true.

Once Sebastion was more securely held by the spirit Oormi had summoned, she would dismiss her wall of water in order to walk up to him and take her envelope from him, using the locate spell in order to quickly find it on his person. "All this over parchment and ink," the foxgirl murmured as she stepped back from the bound mage, letter clutched firmly in her off hand. "Three innocent bystanders hurt, you could've broken your neck, and my new brand new dress ruined," she continued more vocally toward Sebastion, but any steam she was picking up was lost right at the end, mostly in the form of hot breath exhaled through pursed lips as a signal of her disappointment in everything that had transpired.

"It'd be silly to lecture you," the kitsune admitted. "I don't hate you, I don't even really dislike you and I don't want to. I'd prefer to heal the injured, ask you a few questions, and then let you go. But since I wasn't the only one caught up in all this it's just that all those affected have a say in it. Is that acceptable to you, Mister Rogroth? We take him back, ensure that your companions are alright, ask him a few questions, and then decide what to do with him?" If Rogroth accepted then she would offer a nod to the goblin and then order the vine creeper to begin its ponderous journey in the direction of the rest of Rogroth's group with Sebastion in tow, remaining slightly behind it so that she could walk and keep an eye on the thief at the same time. Otherwise she would listen to whatever alternative the goblin proposed.

Oormi prepares counterspell, this is basically what she will do until they reunite with Rogroth's goblin buddies. 4 EP, level 3 arcane spell. 20 casting DC and her base casting before penalties is 19, so success on a roll of... 1 or higher.

Beyond that, she orders the vines to put Sebastion into a submission hold. Once he's successfully in the submission hold, she drops that wall of water, walks forward, and snags her letter from him using the locate spell to figure out where he's got it.

Afterward her goal is to return to the other two goblins. Escort that slow-ass sluggish 20 body vine creeper in slowly making its way to them (LIKE 8 WHOLE FEET A ROUND). Seems pretty likely that the goblins will find them before they find the goblins but at least this way Oormi doesn't have to bear hug a bitch or something.

Note to self: make sure to have Oormi inquire about the Red Watch once Sebastion is figured out.

33 resistance, 26 speed, 61 dodge 'cos duelist finally active + body buff, 18 perception, should any of it come up.

Cheat Sheet
When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +5 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and potent, she legit. becomes pregnant if sperm looks at her funny and can probably impregnate others through pore contact.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

casting Detect Magic

Lumi quietly wiggles her fingers, trying to determine whether there are any magical effects nearby before taking the seat in front of the apparent would-be employer. "So. Apparently I wasn't quite as careful as I thought I was being, yesterday. If you don't mind me asking, what gave me away?" Lumi asks the man, forcing a smile while trying to keep nervousness from her voice. Just act confident, pretend that you know more than he'd like you to, and don't let your guard down.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hentaispider and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 54/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 39/80, PP = 72, EP = 29/60, Status = Badly Wounded, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP


Lumi's subtle magic would roll over the man as she approached him, but some force would subtly alter what her wave of senses detected. There was magic on him, that much was clear, but something obfuscated the specifics such that all she perceived was the presence of magic. The man lifted his gaze briefly from his paper as she approached, and then shifted his gaze back to it. "Your choice of magic tricks sort of gives away portions of your skill set," the man grunted, the words drawling out slowly as he seemingly paid Lumi only the bare minimum of attention. "I cannot help but wonder what the... Interests... Of one such as yourself might be in coming to Acheron."


"I don't mind waitin fer the curtsy," he said, though after a moment of eying her half naked form a half grin would form on the goblin's face, "for a little bit." The letter was easy enough to find, undamaged from its previous condition, and the goblin merely quirked an eyebrow at it. "Asp eh? Must be somethin valuable then," Rogroth commented curiously.

Sebastion's brow would twitch once when Oormi lamented that all of this had happened over some parchment and ink, and his expression shifted into an incredulous frown for a moment when she added a lamentation about her dress being ruined in addition to all of the other things. "Oh, he's goin to jail!" Rogroth said with a grin when Oormi eventually turned to him after speaking at the now terse Sebastion, "e's a thief and a bastard. Maybe a few months in the city jails will straighten 'im out!"

The object of their conversation didn't seem to think much of that statement, but Rogroth didn't seem to care for his opinion on the matter, and walked beside Oormi with his club poised to knock the man on the head should he try to slip out of the vines dragging him along or try any more tricks. The other two goblins met them shortly, one of them walking on a limped leg but the other seemingly alright, and they had a pair of people in black armor with Acheron's crest on their chest. With that Oormi would be left to figure out what she wanted to do with the thief and with the goblins, as she would be given an opportunity to act first.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Rogroth's comment implying that he was definitely going to see the man jailed earned a frown from Oormi. She didn't like it. Admittedly, she hadn't liked being pickpocketed and attacked either, but surely for whatever evil might have laid within the means Sebastion had a reason for what he did. He had seemed remorseful and didn't seem to take any joy in the work he was doing so there had to exist some chance of correcting his path. At the same time though he was a thief, and Rogroth was a bystander who'd been hit by his attack, so the goblin had every right to push for his jailing. It was never black and white.

She would remain silent on the walk back, maintaining her readiness to counterspell the man in case it was needed. Upon their rendezvous with the other two goblins and the men in tow with them, the kitsune would not immediately handle the issue of Sebastion, instead sheathing her sword and focusing on Rogroth's limping companion first. "Allow me to heal you," she insisted, and unless he protested she took to one knee in front of him and placed her hands on his calf, first using a small burst of energy to act as a radar and determine which parts of the goblin's injury were immediately fixable using her magic and then following up with a larger burst of her energy to kick the natural healing processes of his body into high speed so that they could swiftly repair everything that could be repaired by a quick spell. After confirming that he could walk easier, she straightened and turned her attention on the other two goblins, placing a hand on the second's shoulder and then placing it on Rogroth's in order to heal each in turn in the same manner.

The blind kitsune had two reasons for focusing on the goblins first, the most important was that the goblins had aided her and were owed what healing she could offer them and the second was that she might be able to argue for leniency for Sebastion as the discussion went on if none of the four people caught in his attack suffered lasting harm. For justice's sake she could not deny Rogroth his desire to see the man punished by Acheron's law for what he had done to them, but even if she couldn't let Sebastion go she could at least argue on his behalf even if he himself wouldn't. Once she had healed each goblin she would turn to the guards, which while she could not truly make out their crest with her vision she could tell they were wearing armor and could guess the reasoning for their presence.

"This is the man they've brought you to apprehend," she motioned to Sebastion with her right hand. "He stole a letter that I was employed to deliver and in his attempt to flee struck us with what I believe was wind magic. I don't want to see him punished for any of his crimes against me personally since I retrieved my letter and was caused no lasting harm, only minor inconvenience and the destruction of my clothing." The foxgirl would stop there, allowing the three goblins to make their own comments on Sebastion before attempting to argue for mercy toward him. As the others spoke she would place her free hand on her left shoulder and begin to slowly heal herself with smaller bursts of energy than the ones she'd used on the goblins.

Diagnose the limping goblin just to make sure he doesn't have a broken leg or something that'll get worse if she healing touches it. If she can heal him without causing a bone to jut through his ankle or some shit then go ahead and healing touch him, then the other two, but if healing touch-ing him would do something weird then just do the other two.

Healing Touch is a level 3 Body Touch spell. (2d6 + 8)*3 heals at 4 EP apiece and she's doing a total of 3 so 12 EP spent overall putting her at 17 EP left. I think that works out to be an average of 48 healing apiece at them goblins if you don't feel like rolling it. Afterward she's just going to use a wimpy level 1 healing spell that doesn't cost EP to heal herself up as she listens to the others talk about sending Sebastion to Acheron pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hentaispider and Hafnium)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 54/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 17/60, Status = Badly Wounded, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP




The wounded goblin nodded and smiled at her, the expression lost on Oormi as she knelt down to tend to his ankle. He lifted his leg slightly to let her better see to the injury, which just seemed to be a mild sprain by the estimation of her diagnostic spell. A few moments of simple healing spells allowed her to repair the damage, not only to him but to the other two goblins as well, and by that point Rogroth had already begun speaking to the guards; "Yeah, 'e's the one. Pickpoketed that one with the help o' some pighead what ran off, but they were just the distraction."

He pointed to Oormi just as she approached him to apply her healing to him, "we chased him down, she caught him afore I could brain him. He's got tricks, force magic, but it sounded and looked more like command words than proper spellwork, so it's probably from some trinket he's got on him. Might want to, ahhh, relieve him of it before you take him anywhere. He used it to do some fancy jumping tricks and let out a blast that broke my friend's leg and damn near broke me and me other friend's ribs!" The one guard simply nodded along, their expression hidden by their black helm, but the other was already clapping irons on Sebastion's wrists. She then pulled out a runic collar, and after a brief glance over she grabbed a ring off of one of the man's fingers.

"Technically, this belongs to whoever brought him in," she explained, "as well as any other possessions he might have. I suppose technically you could take him as a slave too, but not until after he's been processed, and you... Don't really look the type." She was addressing Oormi, and the other guard nodded and said; "Aye, he and all his things are yours if we want 'em. You'd have to handle your own collar though, the one on him now is technically property of the city." Sebastion himself had adopted a stony expression and remained completely silent, offering no reaction whatsoever.

To her expression of her wishes that he not be punished, assuming that they remained unchanged, the female guardswoman replied; "Whether you press charges or not only determines whether or not he has to offer you restitution. He's been caught thieving, and assault with sorcery while attempting to escape justice. He'll be punished regardless. Are you sure that you don't want to press charges?" The guardswoman was obviously hinting at something, but didn't come out and say what, and Rogroth and the other goblins were looking at her speculatively while awaiting her reaction. Her own healing would take longer but prove no less effective, though it unfortunately didn't allow Oormi to repair her clothing.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

The foxgirl couldn't hide her surprise as the guardswoman suggested that she could take the thief as a slave. She had never really given much consideration to the existence of slavery in Acheron and certainly hadn't guessed it could be widespread enough that taking a person who wronged her as a slave was not only accepted but apparently encouraged by the system of justice.

Her experiences in the area of slavery were incredibly limited. The most common type of 'slavery' seen among the Summer fae was typically a much more temporary situation that usually resulted from losing a bet and with a very narrow-minded focus toward certain... services. Oormi didn't really want to think too much about that though. She'd been repressing certain memories regarding that sort of thing for years and had no desire to give them any consideration as she was contemplating Sebastion's fate. Surely nobody wanted to think about the time they'd been exploring and accidentally seen their father with their mother like that anymore times in their life than they absolutely needed to.

But while she might have kept an open enough mind when it came to that sort of game, all scarring experiences aside, the idea of someone losing their freedom so quickly and easily over a minor crime, though it had the potential to be major, bothered her. And what if it'd been a case of mistaken identity? Or if she and the goblins had colluded simply because he was desirable as a slave? The system seemed ripe for abuse and it bothered her more greatly the longer she considered it. But there was possibility there, she was sure.

The foxgirl put a hand to her chin and asked contemplatively. "After he's processed? How long would that be? Would I be able to come and fetch him in an hour or so? I was in the middle of business for an employer and need to conclude it as quickly as possible, plus it would enable me to afford the needed accessories. And how much does an average slave sell for here?" They were serious questions and she awaited serious answers. When she had her answers, Oormi would turn toward Sebastion to explain. "If I were to take you as a slave then it would be with the intention of setting you free. Don't mistake me. The three you harmed in your escape are owed justice for their injuries, even if I am willing to forgive. The only difference is that for your penance I would have you do a good deed for three others in a similar situation rather than that which the city requires," she offered plainly. "I would require you to do good, honest work and earn enough denarii to buy the freedom of three other slaves, one for each bystander harmed, in order to earn your own and regain your property."

"I'll give you the choice. You can choose between Acheron's justice or mine. Whichever is preferable to you." Her answer on the matter of pressing charges would wait until the thief's response to her and how the goblins and guards reacted to her plan.
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Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi keeps her eyes on the man as she leans back in her chair, trying hard to make her ears not twitch as she shrugs in answer to the man's question. "Profit, of course. Why else would I want to be in a city like this? But surely you didn't summon me here because of my charming personality, yes? I think there was something about a job..."