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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi turns to look at the would-be thief and the system that apparently caught him. Not that she had any plans of stealing from here, but knowing how they caught shoplifters could nevertheless come in handy. Of course, just because the door was trapped didn't mean the windows and walls weren't... Lumi's white ears perk up towards Oormi, and she feels a pang of sadness as she realizes the other kitsune was talking about her parents. Not in any hurry to interrupt the discussion, especially when the other kitsune would doubtlessly reveal more of her past, Lumi turns to browse the wares. She probably shouldn't buy anything right now unless she found something that would make the job easier, but after the job was done, she just might buy herself something nice.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

The event with the attempted thievery would alarm Oormi enough that she would halt their conversation long enough both to ask what had just happened and continued once Asp had answered the first question by asking if the man was going to be okay. Once the shopkeeper had assuaged her concerns, however, the foxgirl would easily be lulled back into the flow of their conversation by the woman's information, or more accurately lack thereof, regarding her parents' stay in Acheron.

"Ah, well, thank you anyway." It was a simple response and inwardly she had expected it to be the end of the conversation about her parents. What else could she say, after all? It would hardly be appropriate for her to apologize for her parents taking as much advantage as they had, after all, even if the politest part of her felt like she owed this mother of her half-sisters something for their irresponsible behavior. Logically though, she knew that there wasn't anything else for her to say to this perfect stranger, nothing that should be placed upon a woman she'd met moments prior.

And yet, the pressure built up inside her until the frustration dribbled out at the seams anyway. "I'd just like to know more about my parents. I don't think that's so unusual. It's just.... Just.... My mother," she started in exasperation, reaching for one of the most absurd examples of her maternal parent's secrecy that she could, "has a trophy necklace that she wears almost all the time. It's a darksteel chain with fangs interlaced into it that are twice as long as my fingers but when I ask her about it she avoids answering. I think she'd tell me that she got it pulling rotten teeth from consenting forest wildlife with toothaches if she thought I'd believe it."

"And when I finally got her to start training me she was so different. When we were outside of training she acted like I was made of spun sugar and would dissolve if a drop of water touched me, but from the moment that warm up started to the moment that sparring was over she was harder on me than all my other teachers combined. I just have so many questions that they've never answered." She trailed off as it finally became obvious to her that she was rambling at a complete stranger who knew no more about her parents than she did. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be wasting your time with my issues."

With a shake of her head and a sigh, she would turn her attention back to other subjects. "Anyway," she would suddenly remark before moving onto the subject of the package she'd come to collect, offering the name of her employer and making the presumption that the shopkeeper was in fact Asp before handing over the paperwork as she had intended to. Assuming nothing changed in the way the snake-woman handed over the package, Oormi would accept it gingerly. She would make one additional inquiry prompted by the snake-like woman's comment about her employer's usual pick up person though. "Skulker? This is my first time working for Sir Reginald so I'm not familiar with his retainers," she attempted to pry the information from the naga if only because the idea of a knight employing a skulker raised an instinctive distaste in the naive foxgirl's mouth.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 52/56, Status = Fine, Locate on Oormi

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 17/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP

Asp would shrug off Oormi's question about the man being apprehended, saying simply; "Just a shoplifter getting caught. Nothing to be concerned about." Their conversation would thus continue, and when it seemingly concluded Asp seemed ready to get to business only for the young kitsune's internal conflict to audibly spill from her lips. The naga quirked an eyebrow, not that Oormi could see it, but when she replied her voice was a bit softer than it had been when discussing her parents up until that point; "I don't know about the necklace, but... Maybe she was so rough because she wanted you to be ready? Plenty of people show up here thinking it'll be paradise and end up victimized in all sorts of ways. She probably just wanted you to be... Capable."

Then it was on to business, however, and once Oormi had her package the snake woman would answer her curiosity by saying; "Yeah... Some retainer or another of his, but I can never quite catch his name. You haven't seen him?"

Lumi, in the meantime, would be able to browse the shelves at her leisure. This didn't seem like the sort of place where one treated oneself, not unless they had very odd tastes anyway. The shelves were stacked with all manner of odd knick knacks, some ornamental and some practical. Weapons, armor, jewelry, ornate boxes and pottery, figurines, strange devices, ammunition, and all manner of tools and odd objects took up much of the space. There was also some clothing on offer, but it was an odd assortment and obviously all second hand, though apparently clean. Some of the assorted objects were definitely magical, while others looked to be of excellent or unusual craftsmanship. If she wanted to pick up any tools of her trade here, she quite possibly could.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Asp's comment about her mother's intentions wouldn't spark another reply. Instead, it would be the cause of some reflective silence. Maybe she was viewing her mother's motives in the wrong light and her heavy-handedness was a way to prepare her kitsune daughter for the world. Of course, that still didn't mean that Oormi had to like the means and she still especially disdained all the apparent lying. But... she would think about it. Introspection and her had become fast friends since she'd lost her normal sight.

"A male? Then no, I don't think I have. I met a female, I assume she's his seneschal," she would reply to Asp's later question. She momentarily cursed her lack of normal vision because she couldn't exactly inquire as to what he looked like and get an answer that she could make sense of. Even if someone answered with 'oh, he's the one with the red aura underneath the yellow, orange, and red splotched face and the blue and green left shoulder and purple right shoulder' it wouldn't even do a great deal in her being able to remember a person, since she had to rely on feeling out some specifics about a person's colors and shape in order to easily re-identify them using her own sight, and asking about someone by that description in reverse wouldn't be much good to a person who could see normally. "I'm afraid I've only really met a few men since I arrived here, and the second was the one who destroyed my clothes while trying to steal that letter," she joked with a shrug to take her mind off of her suspicions and frustrations alike.

"Well, I suppose I should get this back now. I'm sorry; I'm sure my dragging in the past wasn't the sort of business you were expecting today. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Asp." As she spoke, Oormi unknowingly mimicked the actions of her mother so many years ago by offering her free hand to shake the serpentine woman's from across the counter. "And thank you for your insightful words."
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi continues poking around idly as she listens to the conversation, wondering what kind of security measures the manor would have. A glass cutter, a length of rope, a grappling hook... she turns her attention to the more obviously magical items, trying to figure out if any of those might be both affordable and helpful.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 52/56, Status = Fine, Locate on Oormi

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 17/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Letter) Clothing at 4/25 TP

There was a magical grappling hook that automatically affixed itself and then released on command, an item that would let her reshape glass without damaging it, a handful of beads that emitted distracting sounds, and a vial of sleeping poison. The items were relatively expensive, but she could bring some or all to the counter if she so wished, and there were more mundane grappling hooks, ropes, and knives with which she might cut glass as well. Her blind companion seemed to have finished with her business while Lumi was shopping, however, and so she might wish to make haste with her purchases if she wished to keep up with Oormi.

Asp, in the meantime, merely shrugged and replied; "I've seen the spooky one, never been to his home myself." She smirked knowingly when Oormi lamented the damage to her new clothes while admitting how such had come to pass. "Yeah that's sadly a pretty common occurrence here. I can't tell you how many times I've lost my top just going down the street... It's obnoxious really, but I actually find that it's women who do it as often as men."

She simply shrugged and sighed following Oormi's apology, though a bit of tension was still readily detectable in the naga's massive serpentine frame. "It's no problem. You have a good day now, and come back if you need anything special!" she said, taking and shaking Oormi's hand with an iron grip.

Prices for Lumi!
Regular grappling hook plus 30 feet of rope = 5 denarii, with an option for another 20 feet of rope for 3 more denarii.
The magical one has fifty feet of rope but costs 50 denarii.
Regular glass cutters are 10 denarii, while the reshape glass item is 100 denarii.
The packs of distraction beads are 20 denarii for 5 of them. Each bead is one use only and lasts for up to five minutes, and has its own sound but can be programmed with new ones.
The vial of sleeping poison has 5 doses and costs 25 denarii.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Asp's revelation would've been a lot more surprising to Oormi if she hadn't grown up around faeries. Even though it had been some miracle spun by Avo himself that she'd managed to be so sexless among them, she'd still become very aware that you didn't leave your clothes unattended within a mile of nymphs or the goatkin even for a minute if you ever wanted to see them again. Instead, her mind went to fashion.

"Have you ever considered Amazonian dresses? They're not necessarily resistant to sudden pulling, but you can wear a sturdy top underneath them and still look nice. I think you'd look gorgeous in one." Think was a keyword. Oormi could only really definitively tell that the shopkeeper had a snake-like tail and cleavage impressive enough that a goblin could get lost in it for days.

However Asp took her suggestion, the foxgirl would soon follow up with her intended farewell. After wiggling her fingers a little to get the blood to flow back into them following the handshake, she would smile and take her leave. She didn't notice her companion as she made her exit, not unless Lumi approached her. Once she was outside, she recast her locate spell to point toward her benefactor's home and would keep a steady pace along the main streets in order to get there.

Drop the Find spell for the letter, instead Locate the Alvarien black leather casting couch. Or Reginald's house, either or.

Also: of course Asp's shop sells roofies. Fuckin' shady snekbutts.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi is about to buy everything right away when she realizes that she can't actually afford the nice toys. Pouting a little, she picks a grappling hook, a glass cutter and a pack of distraction beads before making her way to pay for them just as Oormi leaves the store. Once out of the store, she heads towards the address on the paper. Oormi seemed to have business of her own, so probably no point in bothering her until later.

Distraction beads + grappling hook + glass cutter = 35 denarii
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 52/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 15/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Casting Couch) Clothing at 4/25 TP

With the two parting once more, Lumi would be able to cash out with her new utilities and head out towards the house she'd been told to rob. Heading through the streets of Acheron for the better part of half an hour, the thief found herself surveying a walled compound containing a small front gatehouse, a seven foot wooden fence, and a fairly substantial mansion. There didn't seem to be any guards patrolling around it though, and her first look didn't let her spot any movement coming from the darkened windows. She would have to figure out how she wanted to go about gathering information on the place now, assuming that she wanted to stick around and case the joint.

Oormi, in the meantime, would earn a smirk from Asp that she wouldn't see, though it would be detectable in her goodbye. Departing the shop with her goal in hand and casting a spell to locate the black leather couch she'd seen in Alvarien's mansion. This time she would be able to arrive uninterrupted only to find someone standing outside the door, a tall man in thick black clothes who seemed to be mumbling unintelligibly to himself while pacing in front of the door. He didn't seem to take notice of Oormi as she approached, leaving her to decide her preferred method of approach.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

The foxgirl tensed up as she spotted the man outside of her benefactor's door. Normally she wasn't one for paranoia, but after the mugging attempt earlier she was in the mindset that it was better to be safe than sorry. She would take a few careful steps toward him, until she was about ten feet away from the man. The distance would be far enough, she hoped, that she'd have time to react if he had ill intentions. Once she was in position she wound herself up, mentally and physically preparing herself to get out of the way of any attacks coming not just from the man in front of her but potential unseen ambushers. The kitsune had already expended more energy than she cared to get into another such skirmish.

All the while, Oormi hoped that all of her preparation would prove unnecessary and that a brief conversation would be the only necessary step. "Excuse me, sir," she called out to the man. "I come bearing a message for Sir Reginald and must pass through the door."

Full defense, just in case.

Hopefully not applicable stats (w/ buffs and full defense): 81 dodge, 63 resistance, 33 perception

DG 3.5 Full defense apparently makes the blind able to competently see, combined with a little bit of buffing.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi quietly casts Detect Magic and takes a walk around the mansion to see if she can spot any obvious defences. She also keeps an eye on any roofs that would be good for observing the manor later.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 52/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 15/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Casting Couch) Clothing at 4/25 TP

Prodding at the mansion's defenses with magic, Lumi would find a subtle enchantment forming a field within the compound. The ward was simple but solid, one that would make one entering the area produce a noticeable disturbance in the magic unless they had minimal physical and spiritual presence. It would be like stepping into a pool of water, noticeable to anyone within unless she tried to take some sort of preventative measures against it.


The tall man did not stop pacing as Oormi approached, and his muttering only grew louder as she came close enough to make out a few words here and there, though nothing that formed much of an intelligible picture. Speaking aloud brought a sudden end to all of that, however, as he promptly rounded on her and faced the blind kitsune the moment that the first syllable left her mouth. He didn't respond immediately either, letting an awkward silence settle outside of Alvarien's mansion for the better part of a minute as the tall stranger seemed to simply stare at her. Without the use of her eyes, however, Oormi had taken to other forms of perception, and through them she realized that the apparent sizing up was not done in a purely mundane fashion.

A subtle wave of energy emanated from the man and washed over Oormi, the magic almost invasive in the detail that it gained from her but not specifically harmful. A few moments after it receded the man spoke, his voice low and raspy like his throat was dry; "You and I both, but the servants will not let me in. They say he is not here, to come back later, but I think they are lying."
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

The tension in Oormi's muscles grew as the man's energy rolled over her. Magic, that meant he would be a real threat if he turned out to be an opponent. She didn't have much energy to spare to cancel his magic with her waves. In her head she planned out her method of dealing with him if he turned hostile. Charge him right away with her sword swinging, don't give him time to weave spells and maneuver. She'd rather take her chance going against his unknown capacity as a melee fighter than his unknown power as a mage or spirit wielder.

She continued to hope that it wouldn't be necessary though, then more than ever. "I'm not familiar enough with Sir Alvarien to be privy to his daily plans," she admitted. She inwardly bemoaned her conversational partner's apparent skill with magic once more, since it meant that she couldn't safely attempt to locate her employer to see if he was just avoiding the man in front of her. What sort of conflict had she just unwittingly stepped into? Was it related to her own work under her benefactor? And if it wasn't related, how could she diplomatically remove herself from it? "I only just received an offer of employment from him yesterday. If he's not here then I must at least see a servant."

"Do you mind me asking why you need to meet with him?" The blind kitsune was genuinely interested. The information might be valuable to her in a number of different ways, determining the man's motive not least among them.

Maintain full defense.

Hopefully not applicable stats (w/ buffs and full defense): 81 dodge, 63 resistance, 33 perception
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Frowning as she detects the ward, Lumi finds a quiet spot and leans her back against a wall before starting to probe the ward more aggressively, trying to figure out how extensive it is in its dimensions and if it could be fooled or bypassed by going over or under. She'd have to ask Oormi if the blind kitsune knew a way to bypass wards such as this.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 52/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 15/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Casting Couch) Clothing at 4/25 TP

Probing the ward further, Lumi felt herself coming dangerously close to tripping it, though it was hard to say precisely what would happen if she did. She did manage to glean that it stopped just a foot below the ground, or seemed to, and that it spanned at least a sizable portion of the courtyard deep. She couldn't tell how far up it went exactly, but at least a bit over the edge of the wall, and though she could be certain that it wouldn't reach the wall of the house she wasn't sure exactly how close it got. Either measure could be a few meters or only a few feet as far as she could ascertain from where she was, but from her corner of the wall she could only get one point of reference.

Fooling it would be difficult. The ward seemed to detect magical presences, and only a particularly weak soul - or one that had been sealed - could hope to pass through it without being detected.


"Mmmmm," the strange man made a low sound in his throat that sounded vaguely like agreement as Oormi delivered her admission, and seemed to edge a few centimeters closer. Whoever they were, they towered over her, and every increase in proximity only enhanced the sense of menace that seemed to emanate from them. "So... I'm not the only one," the figure mused under its breath, though they didn't seem to be trying to conceal the words from Oormi's sharp ears so much as speaking more to himself than to the blind kitsune.

"I don't mind, no. Our goals are similar it seems. I was contacted with an offer of employment, but now I find myself unwelcome and prevented from even seeing my prospective employer by mere servants. A pity... The pay was supposed to be good," he responded to her query, "now, as I have indulged your curiosity, perhaps you will return the courtesy. What might your job for Mister Alvarien have been?"
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

The foxgirl's back foot slid backward a centimeter at a time as the man edged closer, making it a total distance of about an inch before stopping. The blind kitsune had no intention of trying to run, at least not yet, but if the man turned violent then she wanted to be able to get into a fighting stance as quickly as possible. "I suppose I'll have to be careful that he doesn't do the same to me when it comes time for payment," Oormi suggested in response to the man's tale. She didn't fully believe the man of course, surely there was honor in knighthood no matter where a person had earned it and so the onus of proof was on this stranger, but better to seem like she was on his side for the moment.

"My own role seems to be as messenger so far. I can't say I've asked about the pay yet." The kitsune spoke in half-truths. She was a terrible liar, so she stuck to omitting parts of the truth rather than trying to spin a lie from nothing. "The letter was sent to me after a bout in the arena, so I think I'm eventually wanted for something related to my sword." She wasn't really sure it had been wise to offer that extra bit of information but it too was part of her half-truth.

Maintain full defense.

Hopefully not applicable stats (w/ buffs and full defense): 81 dodge, 63 resistance, 33 perception
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

With a sight, Lumi completes circling the manor and then wanders back to the inn for a lunch.
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 52/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 15/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Casting Couch) Clothing at 4/25 TP

Assuming Lumi returned to the inn that she had stayed at, the Wet Witch, she would find the place doing mild business for lunch, though it was clear that it was night time. A sandwich with some sliced potatoes would cost her three denarii.


"A blind messenger?" the towering figure mused softly, "interesting. And what sort of message might you be carrying, hrm little one?" The raspy voiced figure gave a low chuckle as she revealed how she had come to work for Alvarien in the first place, "so that's what he wants you for huh? Well, to each their own I guess... Hopefully he won't treat you how his reputation suggests." The man was speaking under his breath, though Oormi's sharp hearing easily picked up what he was saying even though his mumbling tumbled out quickly.

"Will you wait here then?" he asked, "you can try bothering the workers, but I doubt you'll have any luck better than I. Unless Alvarien shows up soon, I intend to take myself elsewhere... And if I do, I would quite appreciate some... Company. If it's work you're interested in, I am sure that I have something that would suit one such as yourself quite nicely."
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

"I haven't a clue," she freely admitted. Well, at least she hadn't needed to lie about that part. The tension was beginning to grate on her, helped along by the man's use of 'little one,' and so she grew perhaps a little too eager to make a point as she continued. "Regardless of whether or not Sir Alvarien is a man of the virtues that his title and station imply, I have my own honor. I will do my best to complete the work that I've been employed for, as long as the work is good and honest and free of evildoing and he upholds his own end of the bargain in payment."

"So, for my own sense of honor, I must at least speak to the workers and do my best to conclude today's business, even if nothing comes of it." The blind kitsune would briefly pause following her declaration. She supposed that she should at least attempt to wheedle some more information out of the man about his own offer of employment. She could use all the gold she could get, so long as it was obtained by legitimate means. "I am grateful for your offer, however, and I'm certainly interested in any work I can get. I would happily meet you after I finish my other obligations today, if that's acceptable," she offered.

Don't drop guard around a spooky creeperman. Nothing good comes of that.

Hopefully not applicable stats (w/ buffs and full defense): 81 dodge, 63 resistance, 33 perception
Re: Fluffy Tails (Hafnium and Hentaispider)

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 15/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) +12 Body (Lesser Strength) Locate (Casting Couch) Clothing at 4/25 TP

"Free of evildoing," the towering dark figure grunted sarcastically under his breath, quiet enough that a person with normal hearing probably would have missed it. He simply shrugged at her declaration of intent, and turned to leave before Oormi issued her offer to meet him later despite her reservations at this stranger. He turned back, staring at the blind kitsune, and ultimately said; "I will be near Asp's for the next few hours. It's a shop along the main road. If you go there, I will spot you and approach. If I don't... I will continue on either way. Aid me, and you will be rewarded... Perhaps a bit more in the manner you like. And more promptly too!"

With that said, the cloaked man turned and strode away, long legs taking him away quickly. When Oormi made for the door, one of the servants opened it a crack and motioned her forward. The young girl in a maid outfit with a very short skirt and very low top looked shaken, her eyes wide and skin slightly pallid, and after glancing after the man shut the door. "He's gone... I'm sorry about that, we didn't think it a good idea to let that one in. Sir Alvarien is waiting, and had some lunch prepared for you," she said, before leading Oormi back up to Alvarien's study.

He looked up as the foxgirl was led in and smiled, though she still couldn't see it, and motioned for her to sit down on the couch. There was a plate of delicious smelling pastries sitting on a tray on the table in front of the couch, still steaming as if they were fresh from the oven. "Ahhh, hello miss Oormi! Please, sit down, have something to eat! I must know how things went! It looks like you ran into trouble on the way to Asp's, nothing you couldn't handle I trust? Did Asp have the package, and did you manage to get it here intact?" he said, eyeing her ripped clothes and moving over to sit on the couch as well.
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