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Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The path leads to a large open area surrounded by stony walls. There is plenty of movement in the underbrush, but a large tentacle bear draws Ashela's attention. Issah seems wary of it, though her eyes are focused on ground, seeking easier prey.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela would stare at the 'tentacle bear' in confusion at first, but decided to stick close to Issah, after all she were simply there to help with the hunt, and she chose to trust that the snakewoman knew what she were doing. "What're we hunting for, exactly?", she inquired lowly, still keeping an eye on the tentacle bear.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Rabbits." Issah says, still trying to spot the prey within the underbrush. The tentacle bear appears to have spotted them and starts slowly walking closer.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela rose a brow, shrugging slightly... But the approaching bear made her fret a little, and she whispered to Issah. "Uhm... Is bear flavor alright with you?", she nudged the snakewoman, motioning towards the approaching tentacle bear, while trying to get a closer look upon the creature herself... And readied her axe, just in case.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah quickly pulls the arrow back before releasing it into a bush. "Don't worry. They never attack lamias." Meanwhile, the bear gets closer. It indeed doesn't seem to pay attention to Issah - Ashela is another matter.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela stared in disbelief at Issah. "... I ain't a Lamia.", she said bluntly, raising staring over at the bear again, and sighed. "I'm gonn have to fight it alone, aren't I?", she held her axe firmly, wanting to make sure wether Issah was with her, or left her to her fate, before deciding how to handle the bear.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

B 18 vs 10 A | 7 vs 14
Ashela: 5/5 Entangled: -1 to attacks Issah: 6/6
Tentacle bear: 15/15
Issah frowns and nocks another arrow just as the bear charges. She manages to dodge the tentacles, but Ashela isn't so lucky, getting grabbed by her leg.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela yelped as the tentacles grabbed for her, and swung her axe for the grabby tendrils, trying to cut herself loose, and hopefully follow up with another swing against the creatures head!

(Tries to get out of grapple, then attack when able)
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 9 vs 11 I 18 vs 17
B 5 vs 0 | 6 vs 2
A 19 vs 21 I 16 vs 16
B 21 vs 18 | 11 vs 3
A 11 vs 20 I 8 vs 5
B 9 vs 19 | 20 vs 16
A 3 vs 21counter I 18 vs 5
B 19 vs 15 | 19 vs 22
A 7 vs 19 I 15 vs 5
B 13 vs 11success
A 16 vs 3 I 6 vs 15
B 7 vs 17 | 23 vs 10
Ashela: 4/5 AP 3/10 Issah: 5/6 Entangled: -1 to attacks
Tentacle bear: 11/15
As Ashela struggles helplessly, the bear manages to grab Issah, who drops her bow and starts coiling around the bear. The two monster struggle for superiority for several minutes before the bear has to let Issah and Ashela go lest it be strangled. Regardless, it furiously attacks them again, seemingly determined to have its price. The slime from the tentacles seems to have seeped through Ashela's clothing, and is causing her to grow more sensitive by moment.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela breathed a little heavier then before, not entirely sure what was happening to her body. However, seeing Issah entangled made her furious, she wasn't one to let her party members fall prey to lousy mooks! If the situation allowed it, she'd strike at the tentacles holding Issah, if not, she'd merely go after the bears head, snarling out!

(Tries to free issah as priority, attacking bear or freeing herself otherwise)
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 7 vs 7 I 21 vs 13
B 15 vs 0critical | 14 vs 22
A 16 vs 3 I 20 vs 10
B 7 vs 1 | 12 vs 22
A 4 vs 5 I 3 vs 5
B 13 vs 13 | 18 vs 10

Ashela: 3/5 AP 3/10 Entangled: -2 to attacks Issah: 5/6 Entangled: -1 to attacks
Tentacle bear: 9/15 Grappled: -2 to attacks
Ashela manages to free Issah, who starts wrapping around the bear again as the bear's tentacles grab Ashela, causing her to fall on her side. Issah manages to wrap around the bear and starts squeezing as more tentacles grab both her and Ashela. The bear is starting to look quite angry at the resistance.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela groaned quietly as she was tangled and tripped, swinging her axe after the bears tentacles again to free herself, she wasn't feeling overly optimistic about the situation, but as they say, winners never quit and quitters never win!

(Still attempts to free self, followed by attacking bear)
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 11 vs 9 I 4 vs 10
B 6 vs 14 | 11 vs 22
A 13 vs 22 I 21 vs 14
B 20 vs 11
A 14 vs 10 I 9 vs 10
B 9 vs 13 | 17 vs 3

Ashela: 3/5 AP 3/10 Issah: 4/6 Entangled: -2 to attacks
Tentacle bear: 7/15
Ashela manages to free herself and Issah manages to constrict the bear even further, the bear tears itself free and its tentacles crach upon Issah, who lets out a grunt of pain just as Ashela manages to wound the bear with her axe.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela snarled out, she was free, but Issah was in trouble, with a tired groan, Ashela chopped after the tentacles that bound Issah. "I really need some better loot!", she grumbled audibly as she chopped and hacked at the bears tentacles primarily, and its skull secondarily.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 12 vs 3 I 4 vs 14
B 12 vs 13 | 18 vs 22
A 3 vs 7 I 22 vs 7
B 5 vs 14 | 23 vs 15
A 8 vs 12 I 5 vs 3
B 15 vs 1 | 4 vs 22counter

Ashela: 2/5 AP 3/10 Entangled: -1 to attacks Issah: 3/6 Entangled: -1 to attacks
Tentacle bear: 3/15 Grappled: -2 to attacks
As Ashela cuts her free, Issah coils around the bear, causing it to stagger even as its tentacles crash upon her body. She nevertheless keeps at it, and though the bear manages to grab Ashela again by a leg, it seems to be growing weaker.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela, as if sensing the weakness from the tentacle bear, swings the axe behind her, and goes for a heavy overhead chop, crying out. "ARCANITE REAPER, HOOOOO!", trying to finish it off as quickly as possible!
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 6 vs 10 I 10 vs 14
B 14 vs 7 | 18 vs 13
A 17 vs 22 I 18 vs 8
B 11 vs 4
A 1 vs 16counter I 16 vs 19
B 15 vs 5
I 0 vs 10
B 23 vs 17

Ashela's swing goes amiss and the bear starts to constrict Issah. Another swing misses as Issah manages to almost force the bear down before it shakes her off. As she's about to strike again, a tentacle shoots out and hits her stomach, causing her to stagger to the ground. For moments the two monsters wrestle before Issah collapses. Ignoring the unconscious lamia, the bear grabs Ashela with its tentacles and drags her to its back, binding her tightly before starting to walk away.

As soon as Issah is out of sight, the tentacles start to move again, tearing off Ashela's clothes as she is lifted onto her hands and knees. Two thin tentacles wrap around her breasts and two more, with suction cup like heads, attach to her nipples, sucking greedily as another tentacle forces itself into her mouth, forcing her to swallow some of the slime covering it. Yet another tentacle, a thick one, starts massaging her flower and one forces its way deep into her pucker before holding still. Gently the teasing of her flower turns into a penetration as the thick tentacle makes its way deep into her. Then the trio of tentacles occupying her holes almost pull out before starting to pound into her with force. Several minutes later they cum inside her, and she can't help but taste the salty liquid filling her mouth before they pull out. The respite proves to be brief, however, as another set of tentacles fills her nether parts, the thicker of them filling her anus, this time. She has just time to scream before its muffled by another tentacle. Several minutes later they fill her with even more cum, only to be replaced again. And again, until she loses count. The last thing Ashela can remember before passing out is how the tentacles lower her gently to the ground as cum flows out from her too-full bowels and womb, not to mention stomach.

When Ashela wakes up, she finds herself laying in a puddle of cum. It is a moonlit night, and surprisingly warm despite the clear skies filled with unfamiliar stars. She is in a middle of crossroads of some sort, stony walls defining the edges of the pits, clear of vegetation. One road seems to lead to a cave of some sort while another seems to continue straight, with a small grove far away. The last two soon curve, hiding their destinations.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela groaned weakly as she was defeated, watching as Issah was brought down aswell. "C-Curse you, damned RNG...", she manages to sputter out before the tentacles wrap around her, and she's dragged away.

What followed next wasn't in any way making her feel better. She yelped as her clothes was torn, her body further entangled by the slick tentacles, and gasped out as her nipples were suctioned, only to be silenced by a tentacle shoving into her mouth. As she is penetrated, she struggles weakly in protest, but it isn't all -that- bad she figured... If not for the taste of defeat that flavored her tongue far more then the wad of tentacle seed ever could. The first set of tentacles climax made Ashela's mind woozy, but at least she figured it was over... She was wrong. The new set made pained pleasure jolt through her body, and she struggled again, to no effect. And again, and again. Sweet, dark oblivion was the best gift ever as she passed out.

Once Ashela awakens, she coughs and spits up some sperm, her body aching and her mind trembling. Naked and alone, she looked around herself... For the first time, she felt afraid in this game. She had hoped for a black screen saying "Game Over", not... -this-. The loneliness was the worst part. If she could find her axe, she'd pick it up, ignoring her torn away clothes. "I-Issah?", she called out meekly, not entirely sure if it would help... If there was no response, she'd look around herself uncertainly. "G-Game... Where's Issah?", she thought, as she began to head down the straight path, towards the grove. Humiliation and defeat the only thing she felt for now, the need for revenge simmering deep within her, repressed by the need to find her party member again.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

There is no sign of her clothes, but her axe lies in the ground next to Ashela. As Ashela asks for Issah's location, a pop-up appears accompanied by an arrow overhead, pointing roughly to the direction of the grove: Last known location

The walls turn to hardened ground as Ashela gets further from the crossroads and the bottom is covered in grass. The grove is surrounded by a large open area, inhabited by large lizards that look like comodo dragons, and there's a spring to the left. To get past, Ashela would either have to go to the grove or risk waking at least one of the lizards.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela smiled weakly, if hopefully, at least she had a direction to follow. She shivered with every step, the only thing protecting her from the night air being the tentacle sperm splattered here and there on her body after all. Upon finding the large lizards, she froze up, biting her lower lip as she looked around warily, trying to make out the location... Wondering if the spring had been the slimebath... She had to surpress a quiet moan, a slimebath would feel great just about now. "G-Game, can I have a minimap... please?", he thought uncertainly, not entirely sure how much assistance she could ask for... Then again, if she could be given directional aid, surely a minimap would be alright? "And... and I'd like to know my own status, thanks.", she quickly added... A silly thought crossing her mind, "I wonder if 'Pregnancy' is a status ailment in this game...", she smiled weakly at that thought. For now, she remained in place, waiting for the game to process all her commands... or requests, rather, before deciding what to do, while warily eyeing the apparently sleeping lizards.