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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The Succubi take her time to enjoy the dreaming moment, making anyone who see them be able to notice how serious she was to make the elven her conquest , the elven words made her giggle and she placed her hand at the elven's pointed ear what soon was used to raise the elven's pleasure even more as she kiss her neck as she cuddle at her. I cant be angry at you Cely, you can say what you think is true, just remember than i must be the first succubi for you here Kyriel answer in a happy tone, but seductive enough than Celine could suppose how much this girl wanted baddly to show to the elf how much better she could pleasure her if compared to any other of her kind. The rubs at the elven body were enticing enough for Celine, so the elf would wish than their time together could be as near as possible. Completely hard and wet she was free of the succubi embrance who dont nedeed a direct to the elven most erogenous zones to let her begging for more than a full weekend with her.

With a flirty last kiss Kyriel let her go away, making Celine fight to walk at her weakling legs out the resting zone, thanks to a huge lucky she had the time to calm herself before any monster find them.


I dunno, but we could beat them in a few minutes. Kenneth answer before Qamra pointed to a side where was a closer hole on the wall. Maybe that one, i can smell the scent of the forest coming from that place too. The wolf girl said as she prepare her weapon, ready to defend herself if all this fail. With Celine and Kennet mostly ready to fight, it was a luck than the creatures turn to each other and looks to be in maybe a peaceful confrontation, each of them trying to show their dominance over the other, so Qamra take the elven's hand and pull her toward the side entrance, as Kenneth sight and follow.

The trio were close the hole when the two monsters notice them, mostly too late as they only manage to shoot a pair of futile attacks than dont reach the girls. With them running stright passing throught the tunnel, they soon find the exit of this than let them close the entrance and they soon were out. Kenneth needed to take a break after the long run, but they had the time and soon they were at their pass through the forest, the place still is new for Celine so she still need the girls to get quickly to the palace. All was peaceful outisde and it was already night outside maybe some pairs of hours after the Sun fall, it was a warm night and the sky was fully clean leaving the stars iluminate the night, yet the trees were leaving all a little more dark than the usual. Even then there werent too much creatures at their way, Kennet decide to iluminate the place around them with a living orb flying around them, any weak monster would run away of it and the caster tried her best to dont damage the enviroment with her small casted spell.

Celine could decide between find a safe place or go straight to the castle at the deep night, she was not hungry after all the cum inside her and Qamra was already well feeded, yet she needed some water to sattle her slowly increased thirst
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was sorely tempted to just grab Kyriel and push her down and take her right then and there, the hunger for the gorgeous succubus body before her so great it nearly overrode her senses. But thankfully Celine endured, though Kyriel would be able to notice the hunger and desire in Celine's eyes as she kissed her, with Celine giggling ticklishly as Kyriel toyed with her pointed elven ears. "I... don't mind if you're the first for me here Kyriel, but if I don't stop now I won't want to stop and the great mistress won't know what is going on and would be worried for us all," Celine would tell Kyriel as she was finally released from the soft gentle succubus' embrace.

Kyriel could easily tell that Celine was hot, hard, and ready for her, and that she would have no complaints about just laying there and allowing Kyriel to have her way with her repeatedly until she fainted and Kyriel had conquered her completely... gods she couldn't wait for her time with Kyriel now and was greatly anticipating its arrival. When Kyriel gave her that last kiss before she set out, Celine lingered in it for a few moments more, wanting to feel the delicious succubus lips upon her own and grope her squeezable ass as much as possible before she would be well out of its reach for a while yet. When they finally did leave Celine's legs were a bit wobbly and weak, and her dick was so hard it hurt and was pitching a tent in the skirt of the dress she was wearing for all to see, but she was proud of her erection and wasn't embarrassed by it, which everyone that looked at her would be able to tell as she and her companions went on out.


"Yeah we probably could but they might call more or just anything could happen, best to avoid a fight if we can, save our strength for when we get into a fight we can't avoid," Celine said, waiting with Qamra and taking her hand and following along behind her when she went for it and sped past them into a side tunnel, with the monsters throwing a couple of ranged attacks their way which the trio ducked and avoided.

This tunnel soon led them outside once again, where Celine stopped for a moment and looked up to the night sky and breathed in the fresh clean air while Kenneth took herself a rest after the long run away from the monsters. When they began moving on after their quick rest, Celine saw Kenneth was using her magic to illuminate the area, which seemed to be driving off most of the weaker monsters thankfully. "Let's stop for a minute and get a drink of water, then we can head straight on to the great mistress's palace and get this over with and get some rest," Celine said when she noticed Qamra looking a bit thirsty, taking her companion's condition into consideration as well as her own, as she was a bit thirsty too. Once they got their waterskins out and took a good drink or two, then rested for a minute or so, they could move onwards to the palace, assuming the two could navigate the dark forest.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Qamra made a soft smile, mostly glad for have now a moment to refresh herself, she soon move a little away of the flying spell and Kenneth, placing then her bag on the floor to open it. She dont just use her waterskin to drink a little to sattle her needs, but then take a moment to meditate and whisper something for herself as she undress herself until only wear her leather underwear and gloves. It gives Celine the chance to see than for some unknown reason Qamra looks to have the quality of reduce the fur of her body until she only have her green hair at her head and fluffy tail. Kenneth was not amazed and just yawn as she look the sky and wait for the others sitting over a stone close an opening at the trees.

After drink a little more she sigh in confort, storing her armor on her bag as also her upper clothes, even in what it looks the most closer look than Qamra body could have, the Elven could see a well athletic beautiful body ready for a close combat as also her hands were ready to use her bow if needed attack at long range. Maybe the wolf girl dont have the grace of a succubi or angel but she looks to be a well looking girl Sorry to make both waiting, lets continue our mission now before something spot us. She whisper and take her equipment before wait for the others.

Celine body was softly sweaty, the heat now is a considerable change from the humid cave, however neither of her scort looks to even sweatdrop anything really and Kenneth just remain full dressed like nothing and even dont drink anything as the other two get hidrated.

They walked for a while, mostly in complete silence, for Qamra instructions, there were some usuals forest sounds in any moment, Celine could even notice the grass move at the distance by maybe a wild creature, as also the usual nocturn sounds of the forest. Qamra sometimes needed to shoot to make some of them get back, as also Kenneth's spells do the same, but these were just small ones enough to make them retreat.

They reach a plain where they could see the castle far away of the distance close the mountain from where Celine and the two humans had come. But then from a tall grass a sudden creature jump between Celine's legs and bite her at her neithers before start to retreat, Qamra was a little at the distance, but notice the conmotion and turn back. Kenneth had stopped to help them and just illuminate the place close Celine to make the elf notice what has attacked her. There was a huge hole hidden at the grass and looks to had been created in some moments before they had tried to pass.

We must just avoid the tall grass, i cant shoot my spells here. The red head said, as Qamra tried to find any other creature as she point to the place with her armed bow to shoot if something come at them from the hole..

Celine! Right Behind you! Qamra shout to the elf and this turn to see a long yellow like snake creature trying to catch her, but she instintively dodge it and by mistake get inside the tall grass. There she notice something moving around her, they were maybe ten or twelve small creatures, maybe all alert to find the right moment to attack and run away if needed.

It looks like a group of lesser creatures, trying to ambush adventurers. The wolf girl said, as she tried to aid Celine and Kenneth if needed, she maybe could be in danger but it looks like Celine is close the unknown center.

Well, i will be fine so all should just get out of here. Kenneth said mostly ready to continue walking once Celine and Qamra were safe.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched Qamra sit down to meditate a bit when they stopped to rest a little along the way and wondered just why she was doing such a thing out here where it was so dangerous. She watched as Qamra stripped down to nothing at all and the reasoning for undressing became somewhat apparent as the wolf girl began getting rid of her fur until she had nothing save her green hair, her wolf ears, and fluffy wolf tail left. Celine felt a stirring in her loins at the sight of the lovely wolf girl, who while she didn't have the same beautiful and graceful features of some other races like succubi and the like that were built to look beautiful, she did have quite a good looking body to say the least. She didn't act on the stirring in her loins however and shook the thoughts away that she should approach Qamra for mating later, figuring the wolf girl would likely tell her no. Taking a drink of water herself, Celine shook her head at Qamra when she apologized for the delay in their journey. "No need to apologize cutie, I needed to stop and rest a little too myself," Celine told Qamra, letting her know that she wasn't angry about them stopping or anything, as it'd been her idea in the first place.

With sweat starting to glisten on her body, Celine and the others set off once more into the forest, with her eyes glancing about at them and noticing that she was the only one sweating any, which kind of annoyed her actually. As they went, she watched Qamra and Kenneth both using their ranged attacks to drive away any monsters that came near to them, the former using her bow and the latter using magic. The monsters all retreated for the most part it seemed, being too scared of them to come too close thankfully, as she didn't want to fight if she could help it out here at night, because she wasn't sure what might happen if they ended up losing, and she refused to leave either of her companions to whatever might grab them in that case.

After a short while they came across a clearing in the forest where she could see Vanessa's palace in the distance over the treetops near the mountains. Seeing the mountains reminded Celine that she needed to go and see Myrtle again to let her know she was okay and all, and to see the fruit of their coupling the other day as well and see about moving her closer to Vanessa's palace like she'd wanted to try. With everything going the way it was she wasn't sure when she'd get the chance to go and see Myrtle again, but she knew that she would eventually get to see her once more.

While she was lost in thought, Celine didn't notice it when a creature came out from the taller grass and nipped at her member before darting back into the grass. Looking around while Qamra came back towards her at the sudden commotion, Celine noticed the large hole in the taller grass thanks to Kenneth's magical light that illuminated the area for her to see by. When Qamra called out to her to watch out behind her, Celine dove out of the way just in time as the yellowish snake like thing tried to either nip at her or grab her one of the two, though unfortunately she ended up in the middle of the taller grass as a result.

"Cover me, I'm coming out of here, we should pick up the pace if things like this are going to be out to get us I think," Celine said to her companions and darted out of the tall grass as quickly as possible, jumping and diving back out just as she'd dove into the grass in the first place if something attempted to grab her. Once she was out of the tall grass, assuming there were no difficulties in doing so, Celine would hurry on over to the others where they could all retreat as quickly as they could towards Vanessa's palace.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The place was not empty of creatures and soon her attempts to escape turned into avoid getting taken by the unknown creatures. Some cratures focused on Kenneth but Qamra see them and shoot at them, however this make her been unable to help the elven who see more of these creatures being ready to ambush her if she tried to jump over them or even pass there, these little monsters were working so good as team than this continue for some more instants, Celine dont stop and tried as best as she could to get out of there, yet soon she get graped from one of the strange snakes, pulling her back toward the horde waiting for her. She coudl feel the creatures get close her, maybe preparing some creepy things to her body until theirs yrges get fulfilled, then the tendril release her as the arrow hurt its body and then the tall grass start to slowly get on fire, slow enough to give Celine the time enough to run away as the monsters also escape for theirs lives, the next moments the fire increased and Kenneth passed a lot of problems to control this mess than could had damaged the forest close the castle, even so far of Vanessa's building it could be considered as the outside garden.

Are all fine? we should now be fine, as the fire must had make them give up on their attempt to take us. Qamra said mostly trying to calm all after the sudden event.

Im fine, i or other mage could take care of these pests one of these next days. Kenneth add, taking away one of the corpses of the creatures than decide to grap her leg as she walked away, the thing was mostly toasted and very burned to be eaten now, but Qamra cant stop to drool a little by the smell. Maybe we should do as Celine said and try to reach the castle as fast as possible. The elf cant blame her, she was also wishing to reach the castle, as the fire from before has increased the heat and thirst, even wearing her small leather top was getting to be a pain, she really wanted a bath now.

Their trip continue, but Qamra decide to have a mayor distance from them, the warm strange temperature looks to had affected her enough to had ended her water resources and she just think than being close the others increase the uncomfortable enviroment. Kenneth looks really fine and she just tried to focus on clean the area of any foe, but they still had to make some of them run away after some quick battles. Finally after some hours od travel they reached the castle, there were some guards than were defending the place and take a time to open the gates, it should be an easy task to identify them as allies with Qamra there, Celine supposed. A pair of soldiers stop them as they get inside, it was a grey skin girl and a reptile one, both armored with the usual uniform and focused their sight on Celine soon as they get close them.

The Great Mistress has been waiting for you. The lizard kind said. She order us to wait here for her personal slave and her group, then take you with her once you has sattle any need than you could have. The grey one ended.

Can you ask them for some food and a pleasant bath, i ready dont need anything more if our Great Mistress is pleased with our work. Qamra said, gasping a little more, her ears were down and she looks to be trying to dont show any weakness or need than she could have now.

Kenneth look down for a moment and slowly go away of them. I should leave now, i must appologize by all the unpleasant trip than both passed, i really tried it but i must train more to control my powers.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine went to jump over the creatures, one of them managed to grab hold of her ankle and trip her, where it began pulling her back over towards the rest of the horde, which were waiting for her to be dragged into their midst so they could rape the living hell out of her she assumed. Suddenly Qamra shot an arrow and struck one the thing holding her and Celine was able to scramble away as Kenneth set the tall grass on fire. As soon as Celine was out of the tall grass, she helped Kenneth to put a stop to the fire before it spread out of control before glancing over at Qamra when asked if she was alright.

"Yeah I'm fine, was a close call though. Thanks, both of you," Celine said to Qamra and Kenneth, thanking them both for aiding her escape.

When they set off again, Celine noticed Qamra getting a considerable distance ahead of them, the wolf girl obviously having some issues about something, though Celine didn't move up to press her for information about it just yet, thinking that if Qamra looked to need some help then she would do so then. After quite some time, and some small battles with various monsters, the three of them managed to make their way back to Vanessa's palace where a pair of guards were awaiting them. Celine bowed when she was addressed by the two and told that Vanessa was waiting for her.

"Of course, some food and water, and a bath too please for all three of us. I suppose we can take our food and drink in the bath even if someone doesn't mind helping us wash up. Because while I need to hurry and speak with the great mistress, I feel it wouldn't be courteous to show myself in front of her without being clean at least," Celine said to the lady guards, reaching over and grabbing Kenneth's hand, not hard or anything, but enough to keep her from running off before she too was able to rest a bit. "Come Kenneth, training can wait. You should take care of yourself too, because you're too beautiful to not do so. And besides, without you I would have been taken by those yellowish snake things in the woods earlier, because while Qamra did hit that one with an arrow I doubt she would have been able to shoot them all had they decided to come after me," Celine said to Kenneth, showing her a smile and gently pulling on her hand to encourage her to come on inside and rest. She would insist this to Kenneth and then the three of them would move on in to the bath area to clean up and get a bite to eat, where she would bring the two of them with her to see Vanessa, telling them that she was going to tell Vanessa how much they had helped her while she explained the situation to their great mistress, because they deserved mention in this too and a reward for ensuring that she made it back to the palace safely.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The two guards look to each other before the lizardgirl spoke. There should be still some leftovers of the dinner than some slaves could bring you at the bath, we will escort you to where all can take a bath. The two said and prepare to guide them, it was then when Celine tried to take the redhaired girl, the girl was not expecting this sudden move than make her gasp suddenly. However Celine was not the one than take her hand, instead was Qamra who move and take the elf and the red head girl, avoiding than Celine could do it. It was like if the wolf girl was ready to endure something terrible than could happen to her hand. We shouldnt let these ladies wait for us, they should have anothers tasks to do. . Even then Celine manage to said all what she want to the girl, who looks to had turned to Qamra with a look of her eyes saying what insanity have in mind for try that dangerous move. Oh sure... as you insist i will also take a bath with both of you, after all i can manage to have some control like you has seen. Kenneth said turning to Qamra, who maybe move so fast to avoid than Celine could get harmed by mistake.

The guards let them talk and after the girls were ready they guide them inside the castle, walking at the corridors until they get to a room who looks to be some kind of public bath. The place have a stone floor, with some statues who looks to have some magic imbued to let flow the water in a warm temperature, forming a pool at a side and what looks to be a relaxing place to wash one before get inside the pool, the water could be taken for a close small flow from the underground and a well.

Please have all in order once all had ended, we will inform to the Great Mistress than you has returned and you will need some time to have a meeting with her, your weapons arent needed inside the castle so we could ask to the slaves to take them of you and store them until you end to talk with the Great Mistress. The guards add, what could remember her than the hall to the Great Mistress conference room was charment to avoid any weapon wearer.

Soon the wolf girl placed her bag at a side where should be the zone to store the clothes and then undress herself of the remain clothes, she have a few scars at her body, maybe from some of her battles, meanwhile Kenneth take her time and site to a side, trying to have an empty space away of the pool. She removed her dress after sigh softly, Celine soon notice what looks to be amark or tatto of an unknown lenguage, it looks to be a number and n ancient word with a symbol shape of a winged creature, Kenneth prepare a pair of buckets with water and looks to need a time to calm her mind and prepare to wash herself, Celine at least havent fail on saw her beauty, her long hair tried to hide her rear side but there was not way than Celine could aboid to see that humanoid good looking body. At least Qamra looks to enjoy place her feet at the fresh water at the pool to take the time to get relaxed after all this walk... it was a shame than she dont cleaned her body first, but all should be fine.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After the hassle of getting the two to come with her, they made it to the bath area and nodding to the guards, Celine heads on with Qamra and Kenneth to the baths, while someone is asked to bring them some food to eat while they relax in the bath and clean up. "Very well, please have my weapons taken to the great mistress's chambers, since I shall be joining her shortly in there in any case most likely. And have that food brought here too please if that's not too much trouble, thank you," Celine said to the guards when they spoke up after they'd arrived in the baths.

Once in the bath Celine began washing off as soon as she could, not going quickly or anything, just washing at a normal pace. While washing up she glanced over at her two companions and saw their nude bodies and thought they looked quite nice all things considered. Kenneth was trying to hide herself behind her beautiful long hair, while Qamra just kicked back to relax, her body having a few scars on it, which didn't bother Celine much at all, in fact she saw them as a bit of a symbol of pride those marks. She wondered what the symbols upon Kenneth's body meant and decided to ask while she cleaned up.

"Say Kenneth, what do those symbols on your body mean? Just curious is all," Celine asked Kenneth curiously as she poured a bucket of water over her to wash off some soap.

She would chat with the others while she finished cleaning up, sitting down to relax when the food was brought in, where she would pick at some of it while relaxing in the bath at the side of it. She would eat enough to amount to a small dinner to hold her over for the night, where she would then get up and make her way to find Vanessa to speak with her about what all had happened, after Qamra and Kenneth were done in there as well, figuring it best they come with her to talk to Vanessa.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once she has given her weapons to the guards, these nodded to her and take them with the needed care. Dont worry we will inform her and send someone to bring you some of the remain food of today. The guards ended to say and soon leave.

The bath was a calm relaxing moment, quiet until Celine decide to try to start a brief possible talk. Kennethh quickly moved her hand to hide the mark at her lower cheek, gasping softly before understand than she havent hidden it as she should has tried. They... i hate to talk about this, is a magic symbol.

Uhm... This magic symbol, is related to your spells and unique skills? Qamra interrupt the redhaired girl, making her frown an looks to be annoyed. Please dont be mad, i want to just join the talk. Beside, we are just having a safe talk girl between the three, we could just change of topic if you dont want to talk more about it.

Its just than there is a huge chance than we will not have another mission together, there is not the need to know all of the other and i dont want to find out than any of you talk about this or me with someone else. Kenneth add trying to wash herself in calm, yet Celine notice than the water than the red head was using was leaving away a small trace of vapor as this reach the floor where she was.

There is nothing to fear, you have my word than all what you want to share will only be known between the three of us. Qamra add proud of her loyalty, Kennet looks to dont be really interested and turn to Celine to maybe know her opinion about this.


Some time later the food come. Some knocks were heard at the door before a girly weak sweet voice come. Excuse me, can we come inside? Some guards orders us to bring some food here. Once the door was opened, Celine saw get inside the bathroom three girls all holding trays with some dishes and a glass of water close a bottle with what could be an alcoholic drink. The three girls were wearing rags ans collars, so they should be slaves and the three werent completely human, Celine could see one having a cow tail and small horns bellow her blonde hair, other was a brunette dog girl and the last was a bunny silver hairedgirl.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yeah what Qamra says is right Kenneth, anything said in here is between just us. Besides, I don't think those symbols look bad or anything, I was just curious is all. And who says we probably won't work together again? This place may be big, but there's always plenty to do, and I would like to have some friends here, since I left all of my friends back home to journey over this way and explore these new lands," Celine told Kenneth while they washed up, showing her a kind and friendly smile that said she wouldn't speak of anything they talked about whilst in here, as it was just between them and nobody else's business really.


Sometime after that, there was a knock on the door and Celine called for them to enter, where after they did she saw three nonhuman girls bringing in some trays of food and drink for them all. "Ah thank you ladies, much obliged, go ahead and sit down and rest for a couple of minutes too if you want, and it looks like you brought a lot, so go ahead and pick at it a little too if you want to," Celine said to the three slaves/handmaids, inviting them to sit and rest a bit since the one sounded so weak when she spoke.

Celine would ease over to the bath's edge and sit down against the wall of it, where she'd taste a couple of different things on one of the plates and see if they were good or not, then she'd dig in and eat a bit while she relaxed, taking some water to drink for the most part, but after she was done eating she'd get a small glass of the alcoholic drink they'd brought, to also help her relax and forget the day's woes.

Once she was done eating and bathing, and as soon as the others were done with both, Celine would dry off, get dressed again, and exit the bathroom to go see Vanessa, hoping she wasn't angry with her or anything for taking so long, and for taking so many risks like she had.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The start of the post looks to be a little late for the christmast :D

I was not expecting to find someone here than want to be my friend so baddly, even after make you fall uncouncious and all the others issues than were caused by me. Kenneth answer closing softly an eye and maybe amazed by how these girls want to meet her more, she just hope than after talk more these dont change of opinion about her.

You shouldnt be amazed by us trying to be your friends Kenneth, i dunno what you are hiding and i dont care what so bad it is, you has tried your best to dont harm us so you should be at last a nice girl. Just dont say us than you also have the joy of be another personal slave from our Great Mistress, i still will need some time to forgive Celine about that. Qamra maybe joke about it, frowning and making a gaze to the elf before wink softly.

Fine, i guess than i dont have too much to lost. You are right Qamra these symbols in some way give me the magic than i use, but im sure than i dont born with them, some mages used me at theirs experiments when i was a little child, there were others than werent so lucky and after some years where these mages thread me lower than an animal i manage to escape, oh well. Kenneth stop herself and continue her bath for a moment, maybe trying to find out what to hide and also let them know.

After my escape from that place, i has been burning things and hurting others by mistake, even at a young age i should earned a price for my head because many persons had tried to kill me or maybe just kidnap me. Fortunately these symbols auto protect me and burn what get too much closer, the firsts years i needed to sleep naked at the outside away of any flamable object.

Wow, but for what i notice you can sleep now with clothes and even a tent, so you must had earned to control completely yours powers... At least most of it, because this room is starting to feel as a sauna or hot spring.

Yeah... my bad, sorry. Im starting to fall sleep and im so hungry too.

It should had been a hard life, but im proud of meet someone than has endure all that and is now our friend.

The two girls were so far of each other and mostly Qamra jump at the pool, trying to enjoy as much than she could of the softly warm water, fortunately Kennet was pretty far to affect it.


When Celine opened the door, some of the vapor inside go away, making all feels more comon, yet it dont affect the slaver who were focused on their task. Thanks Mylady, we are honored to eat at your side, but dont worry too much about us, we had eaten some hours ago and we still have a pair of hours to find out what else do before go to ours barracks to rest or aid any master to sleep. The cowgirl said smiling as she remain bowing once they placed the food on a safe place. The dog girl was moving her tail happily and eagerly sit and take a seat, looking the trio and waiting to serve them feeding them, if they wished so she could eat at least. The others two helped to place all in order and serve them, filling their glasses when they need it and mostly trying to dont get so close of the wolf girl on they server the dinner, but this was hard for the dog girl who remain with a plead look without notice it until finaly she get the right moment to serve herself. All this time it show than the bunny girl was the only tired of the group, she looks to be having problems to move by some pain at her.

As this happen the girls were taking some time to see amazed how Celine was eating, whispering between each other. They eat a little and get up. We should now leave, to clean the kitchen. The cow girl said with some manners, yet the bunny girl looks to be a little exhausted and the dog girl still wishing to taste a little more of the remaining delicious meat at the dishes, these werent so good as the ones than Vanessa eat, but they were fine and taste really good for Celine at least.

Kenneth and Qamra taken their time to eat and clean themselves, the bath ended really faster and they eaten just the enough, yet Qamra eat( more likely devour) nearly all the food, the wolf girl also enjoy the alcohol, but the red head tried her best to be away of the bottle or anyone else. They tried to stay more time at the bath, to relax mostly, as they werent expecting to go to another place soon, even less go to meet the Great Mistress.

It was up to Celine to say them to go with her, but once they walk all the way and get through the charmed corridor, they find out a Vanessa resting softly at the couch reading a book, her luxury desk was filled with papers and maps, there was a chest at her side, but there was not too much time to see the room, as quicky the seductive Mistress turn her eyes to Celine and get up to jump at her arms in a lovely hug.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine sat there and listened to Kenneth and Qamra talking to one another, not really saying anything to interrupt the two for now, as she didn't want to stop Kenneth now that she was opening up some. "That's horrible what those bastards did to you. Do you remember by chance who or what they were? And where they were at? Deeds like that deserve punishment and we may yet be able to punish such vile and evil deeds one day. Besides it's like Qamra said, you didn't mean to knock me out earlier or anything like that, so as long as my family's sword is okay then I'm not angry at you or anything, though if it'd been damaged I would have been quite upset to say the least, because it means a lot to me," Celine said to Kenneth, then she looked over at Qamra with a raised eyebrow. "And what did you mean Qamra that you still haven't forgiven me for being the great mistress's personal slave? Are you angry because you aren't one of her personal ones as well?" Celine asked the wolf girl curiously, not angrily or anything though.


"Oh... alright then, just don't overdo it okay you three, you wouldn't be able to take good care of anyone else if you aren't healthy and well rested or anything. But you should at least stay and get something to drink," Celine told the trio of slave/handmaids, looking specifically at the bunny girl who looked exhausted. "And you poor thing you look practically dead on your feet, you need to sit and rest for at least a minute or two, here get something to drink okay," Celine said to the bunny girl, pouring her a glass of the water to drink and handing it to her, not letting up until she'd rested and drank the water at least.

"This food is really good though. Did any of you girls cook it?" Celine would say after making sure the bunny girl was alright, asking if any of the three of them cooked this food for them.

Once the slave maids were gone and they ate and all, with Celine drinking enough of the alcohol to get a nice little buzz, but not enough to get drunk of course, as she still needed to see Vanessa shortly. When they were done and dried up and ready to go see Vanessa, Celine slipped her dress back on and felt pretty good now and ready to face Vanessa once again, and Triny too, but that would be later of course. "Come along you two, I'd like it if you both were there with me when I speak with the great mistress," Celine said to Kenneth and Qamra, inviting them to come along with her to speak with Vanessa.

When they got to Vanessa's room, Celine saw her sitting across a couch reading a book, with maps, papers, and other assorted things on her desk. Celine stood there looking only at Vanessa though with a smile on her face. As soon as Vanessa noticed her, Celine watched her stand up and rush over to her, throwing her arms around her and hugging her, with Celine hugging her back and kissing her on the cheek. "Oh gods I missed you and Triny so much," Celine mumbled in Vanessa's ear. "How are the girls? And how long was I gone exactly? I kind of lost track of time in those caves and all," Celine went on to ask Vanessa, not saying her name in front of Qamra and Kenneth.

Once Vanessa had replied to her questions, Celine would take a step back and introduce Qamra and Kenneth to her and tell her why they were with her and all. Then Celine would launch into the story of what happened when they entered the caves, from the moment they arrived to the moment they got back, all of what happened to Celine's knowledge. She didn't leave out anything and would speak of the time she spent inside of the caverns with the people that live within, and that she spoke with the goddess of the people that lived within who led them and may have brokered the start of an alliance with them and everything.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Things like that cant be forgotten, if the chance to get a revenge come i could take it, but im not interested on bring both of you on this and mostly im just interested in live on without hurt anyone by mistake. Kenneth answer maybe a little more glad than her words havent making the two girls fear her. Who even know if they are still alive, i think than they could be humans or something similar to them, im afraid than i dont know even if im a human or something else, so lets just forget this for today at least and pass this time to calm down, im not interested in talk more of this. Like i said before, i really sorry when you surprised me i do my best to stop the spell around me but it had already starting to affect your equipment. The red head said what Qamra accepted. Ok lets just enjoy our bath and wait our food... sigh im so hungry than im already drooling a little. The wolf girl said as she lick her lips and pass her salive trhough her throat.

Once with her mouth more empty, she turn to Celine and continue their chat. Of course than it pissed me at the start, its easy to imagine how lovely your life is at her side, even the generals dont pass to much time with her. Instead a personal slave can help her at her bath, cuddle at her at night, even do more private things with her... I bet than many like me had dreamed many times with that life. Qamra blush and looks to be slowly going to daydream, Kenneth just sigh and shake softly her head. I heard than the Succubi and slaves loved to be punished by her, so maybe that is why she decided to let that work for others persons at charge, to avoid more "accidents". Even then she dont tolerate punishments than go more far of placing them on works not so agreeable or jail if the affront suit it.


The slaves let Celine end before sit and eat what they could, looking to be glad at her. Ehm... i, ok i will try to rest a little more. The bunny girl said looking down blushed and maybe ashamed of something. She take the glass of water and move her head won giving thanks to the elf, taking her time to drink slowly.

The cow girl nod and smile cheerfully, yes we help to prepare it and then we made these dishes with the dinner's leftovers, as usual some of ours masters were stressed and ask to some of us to serve them. As any of her kind, she sometimes overdo it, but dont worry she will be as new at the morning. The bunnygirl nod and said panting softly after a long drink. My... reason to live is to praise my race serving and loving ours masters... I cant... let the new slave's gifted hybrids beat us. The little girl words were filled with an out of place challenguing tone as she softly turn to the elven's man like member, the pride at her words nearly vanished how weak her voice was.

The two others slaves werent amazed by this and the cow girl just giggle softly before put her hand between the long erect bunnygirl's ears, making her whine in joy as she get petted, almost melting at the touch.

When the three new girls leave after eat, the place returned to be something more calm, the wolf girl was trying to relax after the food given, resting over her back dont caring to show her softly distended belly, mostly just a little disturbed with the warm at the place than was getting filled with vapor again, her brighty lovely body thanks to the dew from the place. She was taking her time to dress herself again, all different from Kenneth than soon put on her dress again, mostly glad than she dont receive more questions from the slaves who certainly were mostly focused on Celine. It was then when Celine talked about take both to go to where is the great mistress, soon Qamra get up, really amazed with the idea and blushed as she look around for her equipment. We will go to!? B...but i need time to dress properly and prepare myself for the meeting, i dont know what to use. She was mostly like crazy trying hard to remember where she has placed her things and then taking her time as she dress as fast as possible, very much Kenneth remain looking the scene.

Once ready the girls moves to meet Vanessa at her office, Qamra was having problems to control herself, the excitement and worries were drowing her, she dressed her armor, maybe dissapointed to dont have the time to go away to get something better. They soon reach the place and at the instant than Vanessa jump at the elven arms, Celine could feel a gaze at her back, who increased when suddenly Vanessa kiss her at the mouth. After an instant she bite softly Celine's earlobe Nearly two days, i has been unable to sleep, Triny and all are fine, but maybe we should talk more about us later. she said looking to the others two girls and then she return to her seat and let Celine talk what she has come to say.

I must say than im most than pleased for the performance of all of you, thanks for make us get more closer to our goal and over all for maintain my personal servant away of any danger at their return. Vanessa said respectfully to the two before focus on the elven. Good job my dear, i must admit than i was not expecting than this mission could have all these dangers, but i was sure than you could endure any trial at your path, just remember than you can always comeback to us and get reinforces. Vanessa softly yawn before get closer and invite the girls to sit at her side, what only Kennet refuse in part as she just sit inside the room at a distant chair, the wolf girl also take her distance but stay closer.

Dont worry more, i will find out a place for our meeting with that named goddess, but i must ask your opinion later about if she is trustworthy and then about the plant than i will make later. Now please rest and pass this peaceful time with your daughters and Triny, tomorrow at the morning i will request your help for an important event. Vanessa softly smile and then let the elven talk first before give the chance to the others. With Kenneth mostly looking to dont harm anything inside with her powers and Qamra problems to control herself, as she see the Great Mistress in one of her gorgeous dresses, it was certain than Celine have time enough to say all than she have at her mind.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmhm, Qamra, it isn't quite as easy as you might think it is. I have a lot to live up to by being so close to the great mistress, and I have to fight even harder to earn respect, because everyone thinks I'm just her bed slave and that's all I'm good for. Well it's not, I can fight, I was trained to fight from the age of ten until now how to fight," Celine told Qamra, chuckling a bit in the process, then she turned to Kenneth. "And I already told you Kenneth, it's no problem, because it's not something you can easily turn off or anything like that, so I'm not angry with you, alright," Celine added to Kenneth.


"Well I hope she'll be better by tomorrow, because there's a bunny girl that the great mistress has helping me, and she tends to overdo it herself a lot too," Celine said to the cow girl, then turned to the bunny girl and smiled at her when she spoke. "I take it you don't like me very much then? I'm sorry if you don't, because I'd really like to be friends," Celine told the bunny girl, reaching out with her hand to shake the bunny girl's hand if she would.

When Qamra began panicking a bit about what to wear to see Vanessa, Celine giggled a bit and told her to calm down, that the great mistress wouldn't mind what she wore as long as she was presentable really. If Qamra took too long to get something, Celine would have her put her armor back on and wear it to see Vanessa and just walk on, gently pulling Qamra along by her hand like she had earlier to the baths.


"Alright love, I'll refrain from talking about us and Triny and the children until after Qamra and Kenneth here are gone, but I think they can be trusted," Celine murmured to Vanessa before they broke their hug and she launched into the story of what all had happened since she'd left that she could recall.

"For you mistress I would endure anything I had to in order to remain by your side. But I didn't want to get reinforcements just yet, because I believe that we can end this now without anymore fighting between us and the people that live inside the mountains with the dark creatures, and... I wanted to prove my strength to you and everyone else, so that they would respect me more," Celine replied to Vanessa aloud for the other two to hear. "And... I believe she is trustworthy enough, for that is where Lina was, and she agreed to release her while I came to give you word of a possible alliance, though she of course had her doubts about it and all, but I tried my best to alleviate those doubts for her. I was actually thinking that a suitable meeting place could be between here and their homeland in the mountain, or perhaps the tree where Myrtle is at where we could kill two birds with one stone and see about moving her tree nearer to here," Celine went on to say, giving a couple of suggestions as to where they could meet with the goddess.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Well, if you are half good at bed as that monster between your legs make you look then you shouldnt be pissed of what the others think. Qamra answer pointing to the elven hammer before look at Celine. Its their fault for dont understand than a personal slave is more than just a common bed slave, as you must also be ready to solve any problem for her, counsel her, make her feel better, defend her of anything, even if that mean giving your life to defend her. Being the Great Mistress's personal slave make you be above any other slave and in some moments you could even match a General's order, if you want more respect than that, just do your best to show them all why the Great Mistress has chosen you above all. The wolf girl said holding the elven's shoulder at the end before softly punch her bellow her breasts. Mostly that is why i get pissed at you when i meet you. So, i dont want to heard again than you despise in any way your tittle, because if you do it i will punch you. The warrior looks to joke at the end but it was not wise to believe than these were just vain words.

Kenneth just nod and sight not wishing to make the elven repeat her again than she musnt apologize to her again for the same.


Indeed my lady, mostly all of them looks to enjoy their job too much. The cowmaid answer, before Celine turn to the small slave. Uhm... i really dont hate you. So...of course, we could be friends... even if you are a rival, we must work together to serve and love ours masters. The bunny girl said acceptinf the elven show of friendship, her attempts to looks strong werent holding at all her sumisive and naive race heritage.

The slaves leave soon after a while, not before say than they will clean all later, mostly it looks like the cowgirl supposed than the trio will be doing something more than just bath there, it was common than after see the slave collar on the elven and her futa part will dont make them think how much fun the others two ladies will have using the elven meat rod.

Out of the slave girls suppositions, Qamra was in huge needs for help, her heart looks to race at full speed as also her confused mind. Cothes, clothes, clothes... i dont have any suited for all this important meeting. Luckily there was Celine to aid her to find than she only could use her armor and so once the three dressed, they went to where the great mistress was waiting them.


Vanessa dont really answer to Celine once she tried to show the truth to the others two, the seductive woman just giggle mischevolous as she has noticed something than could had escaped to the elf. Soon the slave give her opinion and Vanessa let her end, looking to have her full atention in not just the elven's words but also her fresh clean body.

Celine, dear. Im sure than you know than dont need to prove me anything, the next time than you need reinforces please take them, not only for your safety but also for your troops. The mistress said with a worried voice filled with love. Then she soon continue mostly thinking on the many possibilities than they could choice now. Im at favor to join forces with this unknown town at the mountains, but we must take care of them and also where will be our meeting. If we do it close that tree we will be inside the neko's territory, if all goes bad this could turn into a three side battle. However i dont know how much trust the two nekos had earned from you, if we make an alliance with them first then we will have the upper hand at the meeting... i just hope than your beloved Myrtle remain at a safe place as this meeting happen.

The mistress let Celine to think about her words, as she plays with her long black hair and then smile before say more. That goddess looks to still be holding something, but as you trust at her i will also do it and dont worry its not my first time trying an alliance with someone who name itself a god. I will work all the night of needed to prepare all, i will make the meeting in two days and i will send someone to give the message to ours troops to return here.

As the talk go on, Qamra was spechless and completely stunned, with her gaze lost at the space. If i can give my opinion, the forest could make our troops get ambushed unless we have someone who could see all though the dense forest. Also, i could aid to give the message to the troops or more likely Qamra could do it. Kenneth said trying at the end to call the wolf girl attention but looks than this one could only nod after a sudden shock than she has received there.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Oh it doesn't piss me off what people say or think about what I'm good for, disappoints me maybe but it doesn't piss me off. Because I know what I'm capable of whether they do or not. And I would die for the great mistress, and Triny too, because they're both mothers of my children and also because I love them. It's tough to show them something they refuse to see or refuse to believe though, and the only thing about my title that I despise is the fact that it's called slave, my people detest slavery, and we fought long and hard for many years to break free of the slavery the demons had us under. It would feel much more comfortable if my title was handmaid or anything besides slave, but I've decided that I'll try and bear with it for now, even though it'll hurt me," Celine said to Qamra as they relaxed in the bath, letting Qamra know that she does love Vanessa very much and would do anything for her, but that her people still had their principles and their past was littered with anything to do with slavery ending in nothing but tears.


"I know... I just... I feel that I have to prove not to you or to myself, but to your generals that I am capable of standing nose to nose with even them. About Myrtle though, I didn't think she was in the nekos territory to be honest," Celine said before Vanessa spoke about the so called goddess they were to speak with about an alliance. "And it isn't so much that I trust her or anything like that, I just... well she did agree to release Lina and to help find Cassie, so I think she's at least honorable in some way. I even made friends with one of her people, who seems to trust me, despite her misgivings about non humans. And speaking of that, as far as I could tell all of the people within that place are humans. No men, but from what I could tell there were quite a few futanari like myself... well human ones I mean. And there looked to have been easily over a thousand people, probably more. They had farms and everything within the mountains, so they would be a powerful ally to have I think, though they could do with a bit more food because they don't have a whole lot in terms of a stockpile of it. And I figure that's one thing we could trade to them for help in clearing out the caves and the forests between here and there to make a clear path for more open trade. I would suggest the possibility of willing breeders that would be treated with the utmost respect and care, and wouldn't be forced to continue it without a rest so they don't become addicted to it, but I don't think anyone of them would be willing to do that for us at first if at all. Possibly some of their futanari girls though could help manage the sexual tensions of our succubi, since the succubi aren't really addictive when it comes to sex... well not so addictive that you can't ween someone off of it fairly easily compared to some other beings I mean," Celine went on to say, giving a few suggestions about the alliance and what it could mean for everyone here and in their town, looking at the different possibilities that this alliance could bring them.

When Kenneth made her suggestion, Celine glanced over at her and nodded in agreement with her. "Yeah I think Qamra here and some others of her kind would be perfect in going with you mistress, to escort you to wherever the meeting point will be, though now that I know the nekos territory extends to where Myrtle lives, I think a place in the forest between here and their town would be the best, possibly even at the entrance to the caves leading into their town, that might be even better now that I think of it," Celine said, suggesting that Qamra and her kind be the main scouts for Vanessa's escort and also suggesting an alternative meeting point at the entrance to the caves, perhaps just outside of Vanessa's troops camp so that it was near their territory so this goddess felt safer and whatnot.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Triny?... you have someone else...? Unfortunately it was not a relaxing bath for Qamra who looks to be a little stunned by the notice and even then the elf continued talking of many others things than looks to be strange for her. Fine...

I cant believe how a usual title could affect someone,
Qamra said movind to the pool, somehow jealous for the sweet elven's life and most than confused by how something as a word could make Celine feels like that.

At least is not something as Mistress's whore or anything like that...sigh... i will not call you an slave anymore, after all we are friends. Qamra add drowing her head and feelings at the bath.

Interesting, so you come from a place without slavery? It must be really far from here, i also accept to dont call you a slave. But just try to dont say anything against the slavery in front of the others servants, over all the bunny girls... they are so sweet and innocent, yet you dont want to have them against you. Kennet add without turn and getting ready to end her bath and dress her clothes.


Vanessa soon hold the elven's hands and look her with a kind smile, she just remain without say anything more about the Generals and jump to another topic, her beloved delightful hands tried to calm the elf maybe holding some words than could be unneded at the moment. The neko village reside in the deepest side of the forest, but they will try their best to defend the forest of any human or demon The Mistress soon answer to Celine and then let her continue. I would need some hours to decide all, but im really glad with yours sugestions, dear. There are some obvious reasons for dont trust completely on this Goddess and even if she is really honorable we will still have some problems to make her whole people believe at us, their huge number certainly mean than they have some kind of institution or government who have all at control. But like i said is not the first time than i do something like this.

Kenneth frown softly as Celine answer her, mostly at Qamra who after be pale all this time just blush and nod trying to talk but her voice just turned into few weak broken whispers and whimpers, making some nods and looking at the floor wishing than the earth eat her now. Ehm...ahm... Mi..tress...maid,,,im...ove...ou...ahm

Vanessa was loving all this conversation among her and these three girls but them after a seductive smile to them answer back. I will give a report to the three of you early at the morning, so please go to rest and enjoy this time with yours families, i will send a message soon to the army to settle at the outside of the mountain or come back here, i will leave my General to choice as they should have a more actual information when the message reach them
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"W-Well yeah I kind of do have another lover other than the great mistress. But it's not uncommon for elves to have many lovers, especially futanari like myself. In my homeland there are even a few elven futanari like myself that have upwards to a dozen lovers that they keep close and live with, as well as share the same bed with, albeit it's a very large bed to house them all of course. And it's... well the term slave means that you are taking away someone else's free will and controlling it basically, and we elves are free souls who need to be around nature and free to live the ways of our people. One of the worst things that can happen to one of my kind is to be cut off completely from nature, it weakens us and we'll eventually fall ill if it continues that we can't get back into the wild nature. I've even heard of some elves dying from it, from depression or basically a broken heart because they couldn't get back into their beloved wildlands," Celine said to Qamra, noting the wolf girl's slight jealousy and confusion as too why the simple title of slave was so bad to her. Then Celine glanced over at Kenneth nodded her head. "Aye no slavery where I come from... well there are sex slaves, but we just play at that and it isn't for real, just all in fun and games. But I don't think I'd have the bunny girls truly against me surely for saying something in their presence," Celine then said to Kenneth, wondering just what the bunny girls might do if she rocked their world by saying she abhorred slavery and didn't want to be even the great mistress's personal slave.


Just feeling Vanessa's hands caressing her did calm the young futanari elf down quite a bit as she listened about the neko people and whatnot that Vanessa talked of. "Yeah I suppose that's true, but they did seem to all refer to her as their overall leader, at least I believe she was anyway. I may be mistaken on that account. But it's true that it will take time, and a lot of concessions from both sides. That's why it's important that we make the first move I think and offer to help with their food supply problem, because they really could use it I believe," Celine said to Vanessa after her mistress answered her first suggestions.

When Qamra began sputtering and whimpering after Celine's suggestion of taking her and some of her people as escorts and scouts for Vanessa to traverse the forest more safely, Celine couldn't help but giggle at the poor wolf girl's reaction. "Qamra dear, it's okay. I think the mistress likes that idea myself. So you should feel proud, not embarrassed." Celine said to Qamra before Vanessa spoke up to the three of them, telling them all to get some rest for the day and she'd give them their new orders the following morning.

"Of course mistress, I would very much like to see Triny and Hope and Faith, to let them know I'm back, because Triny must be worrying a great deal about me since I've been gone for so long," Celine said, telling Vanessa she wanted to see Triny, where she would await Qamra and Kenneth to leave before embracing Vanessa and pulling her into a strong firm hug where she'd give her a deep kiss and squeeze her butt once they were gone, something that would likely take Vanessa by surprise.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Qamra was a little upset and with her head at the pool to answer at the instant, she just said some muffed underwater noises as Kenneth take the word. Im not really an expert an history, basicaly i havent touched a book in my whole life even less go to a library, it should be obvious why. The red head said showing her hands and making a soft smile before add more. I just know thanks to a little incident with these fluffly vermins than your definition about slavery is not exactly the same than the one here. It looks like for some races that word is something sacred and well for what i get for the bunnies is their reason to exist.

J...just try to dont say anything about slavery and if a bunnygirl notice it make an apologize or say than you dont tried to said it, they will believe it easily... ah, i still cant understand than having the Great Mistress is not enought for you. Qamra said still on the pool and still with some conflicts than she will be able to calm later.


Indeed, mostly that food priority will let us start this union between our people and dont worry about our lack of information, i will try to find out more about their culture witout put on risk this peace. Vanessa add looking to be pleased and leaving to Celine to get closer to her as much as she want without care than the two others girls are there. She even looks to love the moment when Qamra started to try to talk with them, the poor girl tried to talk more but she cant succeed on help her words flow, she just blushed a little more when Celine talked more and even a small tear of blood manage to get out her nose what made her cover her face and just nod, mostly showing her needs to run away of there, looking at this Kennet just sigh and get up of her place close the door away of the others trying to hurry Celine to leave.

We are glad to heard than all looks to be working for earn the trust of this unknown town, we will be at your service always Great Mistress. The redhead add with a bow what Qamra do a bunch of time before leave the place quickly. I will send some orders for both tomorrow, so please rest well cuties. Vanessa manage to say to both before turn to Celine who was saying some last words before leave. Oh sweetheart, the five of us passed by these two terrible days worried for you. Triny was all the first day trying to stay at the entrance waiting for you but i plead her to stay with her babies mostly for Hope sake. The great mistress maybe wanted to say more, but instead she made a sudden sweet muffed gasp when Celine squeezed her perfect round rear, soon at the instant her arms joined the hug and press herself at the elven for countless seconds, leting her pressing her rear as she does the same with one of her hands than passed bellow the leather skirt of the elf to press direct the juice flesh of her lover, with her other hand she easily pull down her servant top to let free the luscious brossom than Celine have. Her leg get up and caress the elvens thigh and make her be close to ready to take Vanessa just there.

Just then she break the kiss and spank her softly before add at her pointy ear. I may stay awake all the night so dont foget to sleep at our bed for me and little princess loves to cuddle as her mother. Vanessa then let her servant leave her as she try to calm herself to start her plan to join both realms.

Once inside Celine noticed her tent bellow her skirt, her two friends were still at the door mostly relaxing and thinking what to do. Qamra was trying to stop the bleeding at her nose what she has manage to calm, however she looks to be still afflicted with what had happened inside. Do you take a long time after we leave... did she was upset with me? Oh gods i cant believe than i act like that, she must hate me... But at least i was a lot of time close her, i never has been like that.

Kennet giggle and start to prepare to leave them. All if fine, they just needed a private time to be together and mostly the Great Mistress must be happy with your return. Anyway i should leave now.

Suddenly Qamra find it out all as she smell the air and then jump and hugs Celine without this notice it. Oh...ahm... Mistress's perfume. She even dont care than Celine's pennis is pressed bellow her armor. I feel so bad now for be like that with you Celine, my honor and needs to show you my apologize dictates than i shall invite you to meet my room so we could drink and meet us better, please. can you come today with me? i can wait you in any place until you has passed some time with your lover and daughters.. As Qamra ask this little favor Kennet soon decide to leave unless anyone stop her now.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmhm, well I would be satisfied with just the great mistress, but it was kind of her fault that Triny and me got together in the first place, and don't worry I won't say anything around the bunny girls like that," Celine said with a giggle to Qamra when she said what she did about Vanessa not being enough for Celine.


"Indeed it will I think, and it'll bring both peoples together as well so that hopefully everyone will be able to get along alright without any more bloodshed," Celine said to Vanessa before saying what she did to Qamra, where she then got to see her blush so profusely from embarrassment that her nose began bleeding.

After Kenneth spoke up in place of Qamra to help the embarrassed wolf girl out and the two of them left, Celine continued her playful actions towards Vanessa. When Vanessa told her what had happened with Triny, Celine smiled and leaned in to kiss Vanessa on the lips, whispering a thanks to her mistress for taking care of Triny for her. "Thank you love, I honestly didn't know I was gone for two whole days. I guess I was knocked out for longer than I thought," Celine whispered to Vanessa.

Celine let Vanessa slide her hand up the rear of her skirt and grope her butt too, and made no move to stop Vanessa when she pulled her top down to allow her ample breasts to bounce free of their clothing. As Vanessa's leg raised up and rubbed against her thigh, Celine felt her member stiffen up to full mast almost instantly within a few short seconds, ready for and ready to please her mistress despite all of the sex she'd had over the last couple of days, as if it'd been fully rested. She so wanted for Vanessa to lay her down and ride her until she fainted right there in her throne room, and then to keep going until her cock wouldn't stand any longer, but Vanessa broke their kiss and stepped away, giving Celine a little spank on the butt which she cooed softly at. The whole thing left Celine a panting mess with her poor cock hard as a rock and pitching a tent under her skirt, the poor thing so hard it wouldn't likely go down anytime soon, which would likely draw the eyes of any succubus she passed along the way.

"Y-Yes mistress, I shall go and find Triny for now and see about her and the children. Where is our little Grace by the way? I want to see her too," Celine said, whining a slight bit as Vanessa stepped away from her and basically told her to go on for now. "Also please remember love, my body is yours and is always ready for you... well unless I'm sick or something or I'm too exhausted to do anything that is. Oh and I have a question love. Do you wish for me to not wear my clothes around the palace? If you would rather I didn't, then I won't. And also are you going to replace my collar with the old golden one? Or shall I remain in this collar here? And do I have your permission to relieve my stress with any of your other servants?" Celine added with a naughty wink to Vanessa before asking her questions of her, taking off her clothing if ordered to and letting Vanessa replace her collar with the old one if she wished, then she'd turn to leave the throne room, her mind a bit at ease now that she was back at the palace and all.

After leaving the throne room, Celine saw Qamra acting a bit hysterical about her meeting with Vanessa and couldn't help but giggle. "No Qamra she wasn't angry with you, she was very pleased with your return just as Kenneth said, though she thought you were quite adorable for being so embarrassed. You needn't be so embarrassed in front of her after this I think," Celine told the wolf girl as she reached over to pet her on the head, glancing over at Kenneth when she made to leave. "Alright, I'll see you later Kenneth, it was nice working with you and I hope we can again sometime," Celine told Kenneth as the red headed girl left.

Soon after that Qamra jumped into Celine's arms where she hugged her back, though she was very conscious of her rock hard penis pressing against Qamra through her armor. "Oh it's alright Qamra, I'm not angry with you for it. So you don't have to apologize to me. But if you insist on it, then sure I will come to your bedroom soon, but first I must go and find Triny and our children so I can see them and let them know I'm back and okay. Why don't you come with me to see them, I'm sure Triny would like to meet one of the people that helped me get back here safely. And you'll be able to see the kids too," Celine told Qamra with a smile, hugging her tightly and assuring her she wasn't angry about earlier in the baths.

With that, Celine would lead the way towards wherever Vanessa told her that Triny was at right now, but she suspected she'd be in the infirmary with Hope to watch over her. If Vanessa had decided to have Celine remove her clothes, Celine would walk unashamed down the corridors of the palace, her cock still rock hard for anyone passing by to see. If she had her clothing on still though then she wouldn't try to hide her tenting skirt any, almost wanting any succubi or other monster girls she passed by to notice it and perhaps comment on it.